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Faculty Papers and Publications in Animal Science Animal Science Department

January 1965


L. Dale Van Vleck University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

C. R. Henderson Cornell University

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Van Vleck, L. Dale and Henderson, C. R., " IN THE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS" (1965). Faculty Papers and Publications in Animal Science. 322.

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Abstract: Statistics should be considered as a tool by the animal experimenter in much the same way that a chemical analysis or a radiation counter is used as a tool. Too often statistics is considered as something magical which can restore order out of chaos and perhaps absolve the experimenter from mistakes in logic and procedure. It is true of course that the statistician through his knowledge of statistical procedures can sometimes help salvage some results from an otherwise hopelessly muddled . One point must be made clear at the outset—the statistician is not a tool of the experimenter although statistics is such a tool. What then is the proper role of the statistician in biological experimentation? In this time of specialization, most professional men and women are highly trained in one aspect of one field of interest. The old cliche that continued education is simply “Learning more and more about less and less” is nevertheless cogently descriptive of our age.

Copyright © 1965 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission. STATISTICS IN THE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS 1

L. D. VAN VLECK AND C. R. HENDERSON Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

TATISTICS should be considered as a deeper than the survey courses biologists take S tool by the animal experimenter in much in the humanities or social sciences. An expert the same way that a chemical analysis or a knowledge is not required. In order to talk in- radiation counter is used as a tool. Too often telligently to the statistician, however, at least statistics is considered as something magical a knowledge of the rudiments of statistics is which can restore order out of chaos and per- necessary. haps absolve the experimenter from mistakes A reasonable statistical requirement for re- in logic and procedure. It is true of course search biologists would be the completion of that the statistician through his knowledge of a 1-year conrse at the level of Snedecor (1956) statistical procedures can sometimes help sal- or Steel and Torrie (1960). Many of the un- vage some results from an otherwise hope- derlying principles and most of the mathe- lessly muddled experiment. matical derivations obviously would not be One point must be made clear at the outset learned. Yet the experimenter would become --the statistician is not a tool of the experi- more aware of the limitations as well as the menter although statistics is such a tool. potentials of statistics as a tool. Most biolo- What then is the proper role of the statisti- gists who have not had such formal training cian in biological experimentation? In this can acquire an equivalent understanding time of specialization, most professional men through independent study. and women are highly trained in one aspect of It is desirable for the statistician on the one field of interest. The old clich6 that con- other hand, as a member of the team, to have tinued education is simply "Learning more some acquaintance with the field of the biolo- and more about less and less" is nevertheless gist. Many biometricians who have come up cogently descriptive of our age. through biologically oriented curricula, with Many biological problems, however, overlap later specialization in statistics, will have this various areas of specialization. A team con. acquaintanceship. Statisticians with formal sisting of many specialists may be needed to mathematical training, on the contrary, do not solve such problems. A not unusual team in often have a biological background. A general the area of hormone secretion and function observation, however, is that it is much easier may include an endocrinologist, a biochemist, for a mathematician to gain a general knowl- a physiologist, a physicist, and should we not edge of biology than for a biologist to gain a include, also, either a biomathematician or a general knowledge of mathematics. statistician? An example of such a team is the What then can the statistician offer as a group which postulated the structure of ge- member of the team? netic material. All statisticians will not agree, since Fisher In this sense the statistician should be con- has remarked that is a term describ- sidered as a partner of the team, if not a full ing the attitude of one statistician to another. partner, at least a junior partner. He should Practicing biometricians, however, find the not be in the position of a lawyer who. wants in following statements by Cochran and Cox at the beginning of a case, not just after the (1957) to be descriptive of the problems they client has been convicted. face everyday: This does not imply that the biochemist or "Statisticians are often asked for advice in physiologist needs no training in mathematics making inferences from the results of experi- or statistics. An appreciation of the problems ments. Since the inferences that can be made and techniques of statistics is important for depend on the way in which the experiment all experimenters. This knowledge may be no was carried out, the statistician should request 1 Invitational paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting a detailed description of the experiment and of the American Society o.f Animal Science, Knoxville, Tennessee. its objectives. It may then become evident 559 560 VAN VLECK AND HENDERSON that no inferences can be made or that those ferences among treatments if such differences which can be made do not answer the ques- actually exist. It should be common knowl- tions to which the experimenter had hoped to edge that statistically significant differences find answers. In these unhappy circumstances, can nearly always be found in biological ex- about all that can be done is to indicate, if perimentation, if the numbers of replicates are possible, how to avoid this outcome in future large enough 9r if the significance level for re- experiments. Consequently, it has come to be jection of the hypothesis of no differences is set realized that the time to think about statisti- at a sufficiently high level. This aspect of sig- cal inference, or to seek advice, is when the nificance levels will be discussed more fully a experiment is being planned. little later. "Participation in the initial stages of experi- Kempthorne (1952) and Federer (1955) ments in different areas of research leads to a both suggest in their books a similar set of strong conviction that too little time and effort general principles of experimentation. Kemp- is put into the planning of experiments. The thorne (1952) states that "a statistically de- statistician who expects that his contribution signed investigation may be said to consist of to the planning will involve some technical the following steps: matter in finds repeatedly 1. Statement of the problem. that he makes a much more valuable contribu- 2. Formulation of hypotheses. tion simply by getting the investigator to ex- 3. Devising of experimental techniques and plain clearly why he is doing the experiment, design. to justify the experimental treatments whose 4. Examination of possible outcomes and effects he proposes to compare, and to defend reference back to the reasons for the in- his claim that the completed experiment will quiry to be sure the experiment provides enable its objectives to be realized. For this the required information to an adequate reason the remainder of this chapter is devoted extent. to some elementary comments on the subject 5. Consideration of the possible results from of planning. These comments are offered with the point of view of the statistical pro- diffidence, because they concern questions on cedures which will be applied to them, to which the statistician has, or should have, no ensure that the conditions necessary for special authority, and because some of the these procedures to be valid are satisfied. advice is so trite that it would be unnecessary 6. Performance of experiment. if it were not so often overlooked. 7. Application of statistical techniques to "It is good practice to make a written draft experimental results. of the proposals for any experiment. This draft 8. Drawing conclusions with measures of will in general have three parts: (1) a state- the reliability of estimates of any quanti- ment of the objectives; (2) a description of ties that are evaluated, careful considera- the experiment, covering such matters as the tion being given to the validity of the experimental treatments, the size of the ex- conclusions for the population of objects periment, and the experimental material; and or events to which they are to apply. (3) an outline of the method of analysis of 9. Evaluation of the whole investigation, the results." particularly with other investigations on Along with the statements of objectives, hy- the same or similar problems." potheses to be tested, and effects to be esti- mated there should be a literature review of Experienced and outstanding investigators similar or related experiments. Such a review usually will require little statistical assistance will often point out some of the potential ex- with points 1 and 2. Most of us, however, do perimental difficulties, e.g., death losses re- not fall into that category. As attested by sulting in unequal , various effects Cochran and Cox (1957), the statement of the which should be removed by , inter- problem may often be unclear and actually actions among blocks and treatments and confusing. In such a situation, formation of among other variables and treatments. Esti- exact hypotheses is next to impossible. So with mates of the size of possible differences among most experimenters, the statistician will begin treatments, or the size of differences which are to show his worth as a member of the team at to be detected, and the amount of the beginning. A written statement of objec- variation inherent in the experimental ma- tives and hypotheses will allow the statistician terial will aid in deciding whether the experi- to make a judgment as to the logic of the ment has a chance of detecting important dif- experiment. Also, if the experimenter is re- STATISTICS IN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS 561 quired to explain to the statistician what it is experimental hypothesis. This is shown in the he wants to learn and how he proposes to do it, diagram. the usual result is that the purpose of the ex- When hypothesis periment becomes clearer to the experimenter is actually: himself. Do not assume that the statistician True False understands your problem at the outset. He may be intelligent and a good statistician, but We say the Accepted Correct Type II he cannot be expected to be an expert in your Error null hypothesis field. Therefore be patient, clear and thorough is: Rejected Type I Correct in your briefing of the biometrician. Similarly Error the statistician won't expect you to know much about the experimental designs which he will devise based upon your statement of the If we say the null hypothesis (the hypothe- problem, review of literature, and available sis of no or very small differences) is false material. Here again, do not be awed by his when there are no differences, the error is said to be an error of the first kind, the so-called vast array of designs. Make sure that he un- derstands the potential hazards of .the experi- type I error. We can also say that there are ment. The statistical design cannot be any no differences when there really are differ- better than the biological model which under- ences. This error is said to be an error of the lies it. second kind, the so-called type II error. What is usually considered by experimenters This makes the statistician an important is the type I error. Texts, journals, legislation, partner through points 1 to 5. He, however, will contribute nothing to the physical per- statistical tables have all led to common use of 5% and 17o probability levels of errors of formance of the experiment. The statistician is again likely to be active at point 7 in the this kind in tests of the null hypothesis, i.e., 1 application of statistical techniques to experi- or 5 times out of 100 we will say there is a mental results. If the experiment was per- difference when there really is no difference. formed as designed, this help may be mostly Usually not remembered, however, is the passive. With the widespread availability of fact that we should in some cases be more in- electronic computers the statistical analyses terested in the type II error than in the type I of such problems should be programmed be- error. If an economic value could be assigned forehand, so that the analyses can be com- to type I and type II errors (the decision pleted as soon as possible after termination of function approach which consists of minimiz- the experiment. The statistician may or may ing the expectation of risk and loss), then we not make the necessary arrangements. The ad- would want a decision rule which would mini- vantages of immediate statistical analysis are mize our loss. obvious to any who have ever been delayed in For example, two drugs may be tested the completion of this aspect of experimenta- against a type of cancer. Drug A, the standard, tion. has only a slight effect against the disease. If Experienced investigators will need little drug B has a much greater effect, the loss be- support at point 8. Most of us, however, will cause of type I error may be very small as at least want the reassurance of the statistician compared to the loss due to a type II error. in making inferences and in drawing conclu- Perhaps in such a case we would want to re- sions from the analyses. duce the probability of a type II error, even if the probability of a type I error is raised Point 9 will be largely the responsibility of above the mystical values of I and 5%--per- the biologist--the integration of the current haps to 25 or 40%. Naturally the risks of side results with previous similar investigations. effects must also be considered in formulation But here again the statistician may be able to of the loss functions. devise procedures for statistical pooling Of Too often we forget that the usual tests of various investigations. significance are very conservative and tend to Thus, we see that only in exceptional cases maintain the status quo. When we test the is the statistician excluded from most phases hypothesis of no or little difference among of the statistically designed investigation. treatments, the only concern is that we want Now, however, point 8 should be considered to make the error of rejecting a chance effect in more detail. As is well known, two types of as a chance effect (the type I error) no more errors can be made in accepting or rejecting an often than 5 times in 100. 562 VAN VLECK AND HENDERSON Although significance levels appear to have 570 significance level. His tabulation shows little to do with publication policies, we shall that 43 of 44 tests were made at the 57o see now that tests of significance may play a probability level. surprising role in what we read in scientific Sterling (1960) also shows what has hap- journals. pened in one scientific field where apparently Sterling (1959) points out that in some only reports which reject the null hypothesis fields many experiments appear not to be re- at the 5% level are published (table 2 adapted ported. The first selection of reports to be from table 4 of Sterling, 1960). This is an published is done by the experimenter. In extreme case, but he believes biologists are such cases the experimenter decides which re- following a similar path. He states, "Whenever sults warrant the effort required for publica- a test of significance is used, a difference is tion. In addition, the experimenter may make found. The criterion point for deciding on a observations on many variables during the difference is the 5% level of significance." course of an experiment, but may report only A survey of the May 1964 issue of the those which support his conclusions. The final Journal of Animal Science reveals a pattern selection occurs at the journal level where edi- similar to that shown in tables 1 and 2. This torial policy further reduces the number of tabulation is shown in table 3. papers which are finally published. Most reports (41 of 42) tabulated made use Since editorial policy usually requires some of tests of significance, an even higher rate evidence of statistical analysis, Sterling (1959) than for the journals tallied by Sterling. All asks if the probability levels for rejection of except three reports rejected at least one null the null hypothesis stated in the papers pub- hypothesis. Evidently either researchers are lished which survive the two-stage selection hesitant to submit articles to the Journal of barrier are, in fact, what they are stated to be. Animal Science in which "non-significant" or "Tests of hypotheses" or "tests of signifi- "negative" results are reported, or the editorial cance" are commonly presented. These tests board of the Journal rejects articles which are based on the probability of rejecting the present negative results (the 1963 rate of re- null hypothesis when it is really true--the type jection by the editorial board does not sup- I error. port the idea that this is a policy of the edi- The frequency of such tests is shown for torial board). Nearly all applied statistics or several biological journals in table 1 adapted experimental design texts stress the fact that from Sterling's (1960) paper. He also points there are no "negative" results. Showing that out that the significance level used is almost the null hypothesis may be true is just as posi- always 5%. tive as showing that the alternate hypothesis Unfortunately, but usually, the probability is probably true. The question of whether or of a type II error is ignored. The right side of not "negative" results are reported ultimately table 1 adapted from table 3 of Sterling rests with you as experimenters and with the (1960) illustrates the frequency of use of the editorial boards of your journals. These tabu-


Number of Number of Number of articles re- articles re- articles jecting null jecting null failing to Number of Number using hypothesis for hypothesis for findsig- research tests of major hypothe- major hypothe- nificant Journal reports significance ses with p~.05 ses with p~.05 differences J. Clin. Invest. Vol. 39, No. 1 26 9 0 9 0 Amer. J. Physiol. Vol. 198, No. 1 45 24 1 22 1 J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 235, No. 1 b 48 4 0 4 0 J. Pharm. Exp. Therap. Vol. 128, No. 1 15 7 0 7 0 Total 134 44 1 42 1 a Adapted from tables 1 and 3 of Sterling (1960). All articles contained in the January 1960 issue were used. The Journal of Biological Chemistry was included in the tally, because it is often used as a source of reference. Actually, the articles contained in its pages seldom investigate hypotheses. Usually they are concerned with new chemical methods or describe chemical activity. It would be unlikely that statistical tests would be found in large numbers. However, many of the descriptions and response curves could be quantified by appropriate probability functions. It is interesting that not one example of this valuable use of statistics occurred. STATISTICS IN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS 563


Number of research reports Number of Number of that are Number of research research replication research reports reports of previ- Journals: All issues Total number reports that reject that fail ously pub- from January to of research using tests Ho with P to reject lished ex- December reports of significance (EIHo) ~.05 H,, periments Experimental Psychology (1955) 124 106 I03 1 0 Comparative and Physiological Psychology (1956) 118 94 91 3 0 Clinical Psychology (1955) 81 62 59 3 0 Social Psychology (1955) 39 32 31 1 0 Total 362 294 286 8 0 a Adapted from table 4 of Sterling (1960). lations do not, of course, give a basis for deci- by statistical or by logical test of significance, sion as to publication philosophies or policies the hypothesis that these same effects are due of authors or editorial boards. to chance alone. This may have one or more of If it is true that only experiments are con- the following consequences: ducted which provide statistically significant 1. An experimental design for which treat- results at the 5 % level of probability, then the ment effects are non-existent or small logical conclusion is that all these experiments may have a high frequency of replication are designed in such a way that treatment dif- by investigators who do not know that ferences are expected and are detected. Repli- this particular comparison has been made cation is thus sufficient in each experiment, previously and that previous experimental and the differences to be detected are satisfac- tests have failed to reject the hypothesis tory to the experimenter. From actual experi- of chance differences between test and ence one would doubt the conclusion that only control groups. experiments which have a good chance of re- a. The number of replications is probably jecting the null hypothesis are conducted. Far inversely related to the magnitude of too many seminar reports end with the plain- the actual difference engendered by the tive note that no differences were statistically treatment effect. significant, because of the small number of b. The chain of replications may be termi- replicates involved or else that not too much nated at the point at which one of the reliance should be placed on the results be- investigators finds he can reject the cause of the small numbers of animals involved hypothesis of chance differences be- in the experiment. tween experimental and control groups. Another possibility is that, if enough vari- c. When use is made of statistical tests of ables are observed, then some of them will significance, the actual incidence of call for a rejection of the null hypothesis. false positives may be increased out of Again the possibility that about half of all proportion. The introduction of tests variables tested (see middle of table 3) would of significance, coupled with the fixed call for the null hypothesis to be rejected does level of 5 in 100 necessary for rejec- not seem very probable. This ratio of about tion, decreases the average number of one-half is true for both null hypotheses tested replications needed for publication of a by analyses of variance or correlation tech- false positive to 1 in 20. niques. 2. From the point of view of publishing Sterling (1960) makes these comments false positives, it actually makes little which warrant inclusion in this discussion. "It difference if an experiment is replicated appears then very definitely that the prob- 20 times or if 20 incorrect hypotheses are ability with which an experiment may be made examined (Tullock, 1959). part of the scientific record is conditional on a. Since the number of investigators is so the probability with which it can reject, either much larger than the number of papers 564 VAN VLECK AND HENDERSON

TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES USED FOR REPORTS IN THE MAY 1964 ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE Item Number Comment Number of research reports 42 This excludes genetic and symposium-papers and one for which tests were unintelligible. Number of research reports using tests of sig- nificance 41 Number using analysis o[ variance 38 This includes two reports that must have used an , but did not say so. Number reporting error square 9 Three others reported standard errors of treatment . Number rejecting null hypotheses at p~.05 33 Two of these were obviously using 5% level, but did not say so. Number rejecting null hypotheses at p~.10 2 Number rejecting null hypotheses at more than one level of probability 25 Number not rejecting at least one null hypo- thesis 3 All were at P~.05 level although two of these were obviously using 5% level, but did not say so. Number of variables for which null hypo- theses were tested 565 Number of variables for which null hypo- theses were rejected 265 Number of reports using Duncan's multiple test 17 Number using other multiple range tests 1 Number reporting correlation coefficients 9 Some reports included both correlation esti- Number reporting standard errors of vari- mates and analyses of variance. ables 5 Number rejecting hypotheses or rz0 at p~.05 9 Number of correlation coefficients reported 703 Number for which null hypotheses were rejected 355 Number of reports citing Snedecor's text 6 Number of reports citing Steel and Torrie's text 4 Number of reports citing other texts 0

that can be published, it means that it determining ]actor in the publication is impossible to estimate the number of o] ]alse positives is not the number of times an incorrect hypothesis is tested. articles published but the number o] An incorrect hypothesis may be defined investigations. as one that tests for the positive effect 3. The selective nature of experiments them- of a treatment where the treatment ef- selves increases the probability that they fect is actually zero or close to it. With will ascribe treatment effects erroneously. selection of positive results for publica- a. The investigator may use a sequential tion, an appreciable number of these method of correlating treatment effects false hypotheses may be published as with a number of possible antecedents indicating treatment effects. and stop when he has found a signifi- b. The use of statistical tests and the cant association. This method is almost fixed level of significance insures that sure to unearth a spurious association. about 5% of all investigations of in- b. The investigator may have started with correct hypotheses will be considered a large number of variables or increase suitable for publication. However, this this number as he sees fit. The prob- does not mean that only 5% of the ability is high that some of the observed articles that make use of tests of sig- differences wiI1 be due to chance. When nificance are false positives. The num- tests of significance are used with the ber of false positives is unknown. It fixed level of significance, the investi- may be assumed to be large, since the gator examining large numbers of vari-. STATISTICS IN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS 565 ables is almost bound to unearth occa- what is the biological importance of such a sional spurious treatment effects." correlation ? Certainly not very great if one is attempting to predict one variable when the Thus, following the argmnent of Sterling other is known. Perhaps a correlation of 0.95 (1960) we see that the probability of a type: I which is not statistically different from zero is error for a reader of a journal may well be more important than a correlation of 0.05 closer to 100% than to the "safe and sane" which is. 5%. On file other hand the chance of the However, point estimates seem to be in dis- reader's making a type II error may be near repute among investigators in most fields re- zero. Thus, we will have, in the limit, gone the porting in the Journal of Animal Science. The full circle from a conservative type I error all powerful cult of the significance test ap- rate and a relatively unknown or high type II pears to be in complete command. Animal error rate to a radically high type I error rate geneticists on the other hand have long been and a low type II error rate. forced to use point estimates of heritabilities The article by Tullock (1959) cited by and genetic correlations even though the sta- Sterling (1960) points out that, in most areas tistical confidence limits are not very saris- of research if on the average one of 20 investi- factory. gators by chance alone rejects the null hy- Certainly some knowledge of the magnitude pothesis at the 5% level of probability and, of differences among treatment effects is more therefore, presumably qualifies his research valuable than a test of the null hypothesis at for publication, then most of the other 19 re- some probability level. In such cases, confi- searchers may hurriedly write letters to the dence intervals for differences among point es- editor or attempt to publish their "negative" timates of treatment effects appear preferable results. How frequent this may be is unknown. to tests of significance which yield little knowl- More likely, most experiments are not exactly edge of the quantitative and, hence, economic alike in view of the genetic and environmental value of the differences among treatments. variability of experimenters. Therefore, Tul- This conclusion applies equally as well to, esti- lock (1959), as well as Sterling (1960), rea- mates of correlation coefficients. Most statisti- sons that on the average out of 20 such unlike cians would probably concur. Evidently many experiments at least one will qualify for pub- non-statisticians do not, since most of the re- lication on the grounds of rejecting a null hy- ports tabulated in table 3 relied on an analysis pothesis, even when rejection is due to, sam- of variance, many with multiple range tests, piing variation. for tests of significance. Also,, only 9 of 38 Similarly if 20 variables are measured for reports gave an estimate of residual mean which the null hypothesis is true, one of these square which is essential for a reader to calcu- on the average will lead to, rejection of the null late even the simplest confidence intervals. hypothesis. How many experimenters fail to Statisticians will, in theory, quarrel with report the results for the other 19 variables is another point shown in table 3. The probabil- also open to question. Hopefully, most would ity level for rejection of the null hypothesis not. Yet nearly half of all variables in the should also be stated before the experiment May 1964 issue of the Journal of Animal Sci- is performed. Yet in 25 of 38 reports more ence were reported to be associated with a re- than one level of probability was stated as the jection of the null hypothesis. Particularly significance level. Perhaps experimenters at- open to question is the testing of correlation tempt to quantitate their results on the basis coefficients. If the experimenter has the pa- of the significance level. Additional replica- tience, sooner or later a variable, can be found tion would also increase the significance level which has a significant correlation with an- if a true difference actually exists. The evi- other variable no matter how spurious this dent doubt as to what significance level to correlation may be. report suggests that experimenters do not set This fact raises the question as to. how valu- the probability level for the type I error until able are tests of significance for the null hy- after the statistical analyses are complete. pothesis that a correlation coefficient is. differ- Only three of the 38 reports gave the impres- ent from zero, the usual null hypothesis for sion that the 5% level for tests of significance tests of significance of correlation coefficients. was established before the data were analyzed. With enough observations true correlations as Even though the 5% probability level is low as 0.01 can be found statistically signifi- stated for tests of significance based on the cant at any reasonable probability level. Yet, analysis of variance, for Duncan's (1955) 566 VAN VLECK AND HENDERSON multiple range test, or for other range tests, significance. The ap- the true error rates are not usually the same. proach includes a test of significance, but In other words, on a comparable basis Dun- the test of significance does not yield the can's test may have a higher error rate than confidence interval. Possible economic the orthogonal comparisons tested by analysis losses due to type I and type II errors of variance. Hurter (1957), Federer (1955), should be considered in establishing the and Steel and Torrie (1960) discuss the rela- type I error rate. The single and double tive error rates for several methods of testing star levels are certainly convenient, but for differences among treatment means. Many they should be understood to be only that. designs imply such specific questions that any Other probability levels may prove more multiple range test is inappropriate. These useful. Modern computing equipment can points do not seem to be well understood by easily compute statistical tables for use many biological experimenters. with other probability levels which in the What can we conclude from the apparent past were accomplished with much desk dependency of publication of experimental re- calculator work for the arbitrarily se- sults on the finding of significant differences? lected probability levels of 5 and 1%. 4. This problem of publication policy should 1. Unless investigators report results accord- be faced by editorial boards of biological ing to the merits of the problem and of journals. New policies may be required in the experiment, the reader is forced to view of the findings of Sterling (1960). judge reports on the basis of what he These boards would find essential the as- knows about the research group making sistance of competent statisticians for the the report. This reputation will, of course, formulation of effective policies which partially depend on their past publication would eliminate the selective nature of policy. Most readers will be unable to results which are published. j'odge reports adequately on this basis. Sterling (1960) goes even farther and Thus, we have seen that the statistician will suggests that papers should be submitted be an important member of the experimental for relevance even before the experiment team at all stages of the experimental investi- is performed. Knowledge of the editorial gation with the exception of the actual per- policy of the journal and of its potential formance of the experiment. Blind faith in contributors would also be required. statistical tests of significance by biological Somehow this counter strategy would experimenters in conjunction with the natural seem to be ineffective for most readers. tendency for all experimenters to prefer differ- 2. Channels for introducing so-called "nega- ences to no differences may have led to selec- tive" results into technical literature tion of results which are published--the final should perhaps be found. Such results stage of the investigation. This selective na- would not require much journal space. ture of publication, in turn, can prejudice the Perhaps they could be in the form of value of reported literature to an incalculable technical notes stating in full detail the degree. Statisticians may have helped create conditions of the experiment, the vari- this problem and working together with biolo- ables measured, the point estimates of gists are jointly responsible for solving this treatment effects, and the appropriate problem of selective publication through more sampling . Abstracts are of judicious use of statistical techniques, espe- doubtful value in establishing this neces- sary detail. cially the downgrading of tests of significance, 3. Much more reliance should be placed on and through a greater understanding of the the biological considerations studied in relationship of "positive" and "negative" re- the investigations and less on significance sults in statistically designed investigations. levels found for treatment differences. This statement does not imply that statis- Literature Cited tical analyses should be discarded, but rather that they should be placed in their Cochran, W. G. and G. M. Cox. 1957. Experimental proper perspective--as means and not Design (2nd ed.). John Wiley and Sons, New York. Duncan, D. B. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F ends in themselves. Point estimates of tests. Biometrics 11 : 1. treatment differences and their confidence Federer, W. T. 1955. Experimental Design. The intervals are to be preferred to tests of Macmillan Company, New York. STATISTICS IN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS 567

Harter, H. L. 1957. Error rates and sample sizes Sterling, T. D. 1959. Publication decisions and their for range tests in multiple comparisons. Biometrics possible effects on inferences drawn from tests of 13:511. significance--or vise versa. J. Am. Stat. Assn. Kempthorne, O. 1952. The Design and Analysis of 54:30. Experiments. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Sterling, T. D. 1960. The possible frequency of errors Snedecor, G. W. 1956. Statistical Methods (Sth ed.). in the analyses of biological studies. Proceedings of Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. First IBM Conference on Statistics, Poughkeepsie, Steel, R. G. D. and J. H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and New York. pp. 101-130. Procedures of Statistics. McGraw-Hill Book Com- Tullock, G. 1959. Publication decisions and tests of pany, Inc., New York. significance--a comment. J. Am. Star. Assn. 54:593.