DE2834 European Anglican 34 Repr1 29/5/07 11:27:45 am - 1 - ( ) THE E UROPEAN A NGLICAN B ISHOP G EOFFREY: T HE MAN BEHIND THE MITRE B EHIND ENEMY LINES: A CHAPLAIN IN OCCUPIED F RANCE B INGO IN B ENIDORM: A VISITING V ICAR’ S MEMORIES O N S T P ETER’ S DOORSTEP: T HE A NGLICAN CENTRE IN R OME P ICTURE SPECIAL REPORT: A RRIVALS, DEPARTURES AND CELEBRATIONS FREE No.34 SPRING 2007 DE2834 European Anglican 34 Repr2 29/5/07 11:10:17 am - 2 - ( ) 2 HELPING THE HOLIDAYMAKER BUSMAN’S HOLIDAY IN BENIDORM 3 THE E UROPEAN A NGLICAN H ERE COMES S UMMER While many English churches run down their activities during the The Bishop of Gibraltar Summer the Diocese in Europe is gearing up for an increase in the pace in Europe The Rt Revd Geoffrey Rowell of life. Reflected in our pages in this issue is the work of holiday chaplains. Bishop’s Lodge, Church Road, Worth, Crawley RH19 7RT We also report a fast changing and rapidly growing diocese with new Tel:+44 (0) 1293 883051 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 884479 congregations and novel approaches to the unchanging mission of Christ. Email: bishop@dioceseineurope. Please pray for the people and ministries in these reports and encourage The Suffragan Bishop the work of the largest diocese in the Anglican Communion. And may you The Rt Revd David Hamid Postal address: Diocesan Office find some Summer sunshine to enhance the Lord’s Light in your life. Tel:+44 (0) 207 898 1160 Email:
[email protected].