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The Ledger & Times, 29, 1956

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28, 195i, • in about 60

elected As A Rest All Round timed up the Kentucky Community Newspaper g out that as 1 'mend exceeds kely that any Largest ing for buyers. Circulation In The Largest lowed one-half 99.5 per ceip City; Largest Circulation In The qrculation In City; Largest week Circulation cent in New . The County In in Cincinnati. The County ouis sand 2 to

United Press IN OUR 77th 0.5 point to Murray,ICy., Wednesday Afternoon, February 29, MURRAY l'OPUIATION 10,100 leveland, 1025. 1956 Vol. LXXVII No. 51 Pittsburgh and icy declined it fl Wheelin. lit reinghans err *EISENHOWER WILLING --T MAKE RACE "Human Failure" Cause Of -T Mik“und$ Ad Cold Wave chills T., Little Criticism The Southland Over $1100 IH Of Reorganization Will Address Nation Tonight Plan E By UNITED Of Chandler a Two Train Smashup Tuesday PRESS Donations Are __ __ Giving Factors In Decision A cold wave chilled the South- By JAMES R. RENNEISEN land today, routing • United Press SWAMPSCOTT. Mass. Feb 29 In jammed with about 1.000 passen- weather that Staff Corespondent . -Investigators geld was so summery it even FRANKFORT. Feb. 29 By MERRIMAN SMITH ing Italian today a rail- gees. - - -- broke GiVen .110Spita ,In — ISresident. Gioeanni toad engineer records al Miamfd Gov. - A. B Chandler's 4 -united Press White Gronche who died with 12 Bodies were strewn on both ---7-- -- maseive House Writer - "red- lee others in .• The cold dropped .86 page state government WASHLNGTON. the wreckage of two side( erf The tracks A few were Monocrat reorgani- Feb. 49 IP -- Supports Two Bills Hoskin & 10 to 15 degrees in Over $1,100.00 in •zation plan had President Eisenhower reeds.. Maine eon-meter teeing trapped -in the, wreckage. Tour.- Florida an cash and other the approval of said today he At 10:35 the President took up e as responsible -kept , frit ,,,ui Ittiftilla UN received Titre Vast majority -would be witring for the smashup. tellote's mangled body was found the y hover leg by Murray of the members ere run --fOrare- twolotitsepencting In - Congress, urg-. Six eeezing ospital , of the General eleetion. persons were injured when alongside the fireman, Raymond as far south an Tennessee during the month of Assembly today. ing speedy positive action on the the and ebruary At least, Silver Budd Highliner smashed F. Jones, 28, of Lynn. North Carolina early today. according to a report ; few legislators could The Chief Exeditive told a rec- administration farm hill and the into the rear Cl a rime In Southern Florida. the temper- leased today by the hospital's • find points of criticism in the Upper Colorado car diesel Called Worst Wreck ord - breaking news conference, basin develop- passenger train in ature dropped from a downright administrator. Karl Warming. , comprehensive measure, and meet a blinding Officials. who called evever, that there were a number ment. • it the worst of these seovestorm. hot 89 degrees recorded at the 1 subjects id attack were ?Mors bearing on his dec.sien It was 10:38 when the President, kreck in 38 in New England, • Nearly MOO of this amount was A BleM investigating board Miami airport Tuesday It Was on minor provisions. trim in a neat, said said the engineer had violated A 85 seceived ist would explain tonight to light brown single the Budd in downtown yesterday from Mrs. H. The bill was introduced Highliner engineer, Er- railroad operating Miami. making it the in the aim As-Akan people in a radio breasted business su:t, said quite rule in runn Waldrop. president of the Wir- House nest Toutellotte. 55. of Winchester. hottest February day on record by Majority Leader Fred met lesieviaian appearance. calmly 'that his next announcement past the signal lights. Both" L y Hospital Auxiliary. Most of raced his train past two signal therm in the past 45 - years. H. Morgan ID-McCracken) Tuesday involved something more personal. operating, a spokesman said, but 1 is amount came from donations The Prneielegie eed1ng a long pe- lights and a frantically-waving It was also cold in the Midwest, morning, and by mid-day the. He recelled his promise that were obscured by the blinding m departments of • clod •,f politiel t. don following flagman moments before th temperatures below zero the Womans'42-man House Rules Committee crashing snow. in his 11,..irt Spite! oil when he reached a decisilla 4;lub and from the Murray Wo. had reported last Sept. 24 into the halted diesel. e upper Great Lakes and north- it favorably for o his own personal future. 11leetio3 Both trains were on the B&M's an's club at large. the auxiliary's told ese -tees. They termed it a "human fail- ern Midwest, pnd the Northeast , first reeding. it will come up 'for let the reporters know. main line which passes through nsor. "My a, ! will be pew ve, that ure' had another 'passage in the House Thursday. He then said is affirn. • • that he had The this small North Shore town, 12 The administration - aluminum - sheathed High- , The h Itita*agalleeP'. esel lowed • Included in the donations just sponsored such a dectsion, bd. feirilreltbIti )enere miles from Boston. The wreck measure would set up • first car split apart, the '4146,\ ' b i isk snollte. -Ilidelbli ved received was a check fir $wot) new state Mr. Eisenhower elk{ he ditliklippot there were so many fa ids in- occured about a quarter of a mile departments of twisted metal shrieking under the away from from the Young Business Mene economic develop- certain that the R publican volved that his answer eeid adt. north of the Swampscott Station. • ment, impact as it upended ewo rear coast to of public relations and of vention at San Franc:eh enpresseo in a ample .ss or no. A dual investigation SENATOR ite ear ; L. Neuberger Nova Scoff. ' coaches. The two was ordered public safety. wusild trains were IL). Oregon. shown at type- . Temperatures- early wst 50 Li' Ii Mans Full Rewire ' immediately by mernbers of the the total of all do- It would abolah writer in hie Washington office, eluded 34 at Atlanta, Ga.. Mee emu Pilo- taller explanation :4111:sair Interstate Commerce Commission apical during the erty and Melelli* proposes a federal contributions Miami. 18 at Bostorie and 7 below elellinentaikelL peleop was and the Massachusetts Department and woulgiel$11.01Mpe act in which the government zero at Bemidji. Minn. to over $14.000 the *amiss- q. aemba , he would • .1 go Opp. of Public Utilities. The date wet slur: s NCAA Team would make available funds in red -Lb- le the pepartsnami -}ie said he or J I Of wanted all of th• tentatively set for 6. 71,re/oersted of Finances equal amounts to each political factors eo be thoroughly undi.. liar !lei. -a Dazed and bleeding pessengers The measure party for legitimate campaign would create new stood by tne Amed.an people Ye Tl concer. were helped into nearby homes Rescue Squad To • and expenditures. fenterwarsonall eallatron Ica lithe delliege7g7.11141 wt: egivisions cif farm management and by participents OVC Very , and sped to North Shore hospitals el the norn.nating exado Meet On Thursday ems beautiful room wild be of strip mining and reclamation • by police and volunteer workers. and the • FIVE BABIES an asset to any hospital The It would set up a state highway "HnP ndeclined Foremen pulled bodies from the FOUND to sey. whether he. life. The Murray Rescue Squad will ' Board of Trustees. Board of Coin advisory commission and would wanted Vice President Richard M. It was at Much In Doubt Bull Highliner. Sevdral were so meet shuffle on Thursday. March I stituency. Medical Staff, eallowiy the power of several other at Neon as e:s running make again, he said he did not knOw , mutilated that identification was WINCHESTER. Feb 7:30 at the County agencies. 29 ilP — City Hall All members Medical Society. the In- although he reiterated delayed for hours. The his high ad- that the Repub. Mk= By UNITED bodies of five premature are urged to be present a.. this terlocking Committee and other PRESS Snow Hindered miration for Nixon. would want him after Rescue babies were dierovered in a sealed meeting !seriphsl groups use this room as tie gtitech The NCAA standerd-bearer of diencyMr. Eisen•hower said he would tonight A heavy snovs made orecue work jar It the incinerator plant The spring deed regular meeting the Ohio Valley Conference was here. fishing season LS place Train- have to wait to see difficult. Trucks, ambulances and officials who the RP- Then he said he was asking the at: much in doubt today revealed Tuesday. State opening and all members are re- ME films and other education as the officials vehicles struggled through publfcan convention nominated for networks for televieion and radio ones from several police are investigating the 'case minded thiet the possibility oe be- netivies are shown in this room other conferences president. Then, he said. would be time tonight to eitplsin his ooSition crowded, ice glazed streets leading i to determine whether the bodies ing called out. hospitel _employee& Semis of nee in the country. and the picture will be increased tee the kerne to discuss the vice to the wreck scone. Persons seeking :night reseresene prese. in detail. became more fuzzy Sattarday. illegal oases af , Meth the greater number cre per- . latest medical films- have also been . news et members di their familial aliertipa - Kirksey Are It was thn•e the', he permtted ft The cause of all the contusion treaeek going to .tie lake. 'alike n to the doctors at their - stood in ankle deep snow and direct Ip.t•qt14,1. he sing'r sen- nas Western's 96-75 win . . ee.... Iregular monthly meetings. 1 w• The President cOnfirmed, as re- over freezing temperatures while rescue tence saying his answer wcedd be Tennessee Tech at Bowling The Calloway Zounty Heart 1 ported by the United Press, that Green workers crawled beinesth tke "positive, that is, affirmative" brary and other medical books inners his decision was a last-minute Tuesday night The Hintoppers Quickly the outwardly placid twisted heaps of metal. Tom La'rel magazines are incorporated matter. threw Tech and Morehead intd a Walsh9 Advance an or Alongside the tracks were per- Chief Executive said he did not tie for the conference lead in this library. He said he was still arguing and sonpi effects of the dead and . , Brewers and Kirksey won out Intend to have tus decision a the chance to represent • weds himself about the answer the loop injured school bocks. wallets, a Murray Manuelacturing bit nigre in the second night o subjert for further conversations — Ilie Fore- Tuesday morning. During at the NeAA regionals next month, Globe Trotters: -the Fourth Distr.ct Tuesday shoe, a ripped overcoat smeared e e Likes Murray - ires Club has just completed Batketball in the press conference this morn- night he confided. in Ed Diddled buys can qualify d Tournament, now in progress at abdut six with blood. Men and women poured either project at the hospital people. he said for a playoff, probably at Louis- • 1 the Murray State from the other cars Some were When Tom Weever. the Chicago, The College Sports Will DIa.s. Wealth ville -9, if they can get Saperseein as bringing his real Arena. Two Important Fairtere, crying Others had to be led to Irishman, walked e•as removed from • second-floor Asked to discuss how be felt past conference into the sports first and No Among the fectors bearing on his doordnat ?diddle team and show to',-un-porch. Brewers swamped Hazel by a about hie present state of health. ambulance, • . department of the Ledger & Times then a new plywood hviously qualified a Tennamee this Saturday at Bowling this town He has all score of 93-51. leading willingness to President The trapped passengers broke .that could mean only one thing, the real sub-floor and new gray tile waS every the said he -would go Green Western would then have stars step, run, and to be explored at length wIneows A witness, Henry Pydyn- that those and ,lie Saint show Chat '1aid down Mr Warming said that and increasing their margin into that tonight. He did noe fabulous basketball in his talk ',o the nation tonight, a 7-3 record to match with Tech wowed over 18.000 in Madison is the geme prugressed want to discuss it at the news kowski of Beverly said the injured boys known as the Harlem Globe .1his group also painted this room are the and Morehead Square Garden The Reemen current state of his health were piled "on top of each other Trotters were noT on N e w Years whieh has made it one of the jumped into an conference because it opened up The Eagles would far behind and and the type of campaign he would up their reg- arms night. and am sure that the most cheerful rooms early lead, and coasted the rest a variety of questions which with their and legs all sure enoupt before we could ask at the hors- be willing to undertake ular conference play 7-3 lasieweek. players from Bevo Francis of Item vsay. Claude Butler. start- require time to discuss. twisted." Tenn who would win the Kerte/cloy and ; iest. The Western's Ruente Clark itt partly Benny Purcell ing Torward President's des:Leisure came "I don't know how anyone sur- Derby this year he &hen will be glad for Brewers sprained Mr. Eisenhower was asked about bleme today let us 'In on in a tense and drarreic news con- for the masa. He crash." he said. to play here in this great little ! his ankle during the game, and the reaction of Mrs Eisenhower to vived in that the big secret that they would ference which attracted leaf Use 'Teepees to the win over basketball town. • may be log'. to Brewers in a record his 'decision. "That first car was crushed." cavort in our fair city at the big Med He said he and ether Johnny Oldham's Eagle.; with 25 next encounter. crowd of 311 reporters and pho- Swampscott Fire Capt. Frank new gym on Monday. March members of his family had said points, to make himself lah Stere.s today. said Tom. is bigge- Magazine Club togr.! pliers the game's Maitland, one of the first to arrive, . Wilkins of Brewers led in scor- from the beginning that it was his he with their big double header lege- and better than More than 40 newsmen op too 'corer ever, and its is Aid - • ing with 29 points. with Jim Credi- were decision to make and they would • said the wreck scene was "a night- unng ths great Trotters and their what you might turned away because of The win for Western, which led call a sports t-am leading Hazel with 25. lack of conform with whatever he decided mare." new cemedy star Foxy Bob Hale buyers market, space. all the way and was threatened for the fan today s Kirksey had a difficult :ie "Podies were lying on pleb side and Library time nd also Leon Hillard the drib- knows what he wants. el Sharply at 1011 a.m. seriously only In the closing min- There is with the Murray Training School the Presi- of the track.- he said -We found bling star and all their old -erne a spore dent entered President appeared quite utes when Tett came within now for every member of M Colts, finally winning 66-63. ehe diem, invited the the engineer about 10 feet from stars, plus the Philadelphfa Sphas thoughtful as a reporter. asked eight points, wad elleubly sweet the family. and every one of the reporters to sit down and began a for what was left of the Budd car." . vino will ovement Kirksey led at he first quarter. him how he expected er! • play The Tretters. The family reads s:t ornic. s of the issue Diddle. . the sports pages to 21-13 and held a 10 point announcements having opening game will feature lead. of his health to come up in the Oldham, his Bevo day, and that is what makes us nhding to do withwi the jeig.eques- forkber pupil and 40-30 at the haft,me In the final campaign Francis and his Heston Whirlwinds a happy arid Another spark in the , this fall. all-Conference playmaiter had ear- contented country city librek period the Colts made a determin- Exclusive Group meeting the Washington Generals drive Was lighted He talked Mr. Eisenhower said he would lier this season Minded hien the this week when ed bid for the victory, taking a with feeli7g about plus four big new add that Abe There Is never a dull moment the Magazine the IlefeaSIty try to be just as truthful as he • worst pasting of his career, when Added To Today Club of Murray, small lead The Eagles cut. the of public support of Sapergtein has brought from Eur- wieh the Globe Trotters, who in long interested in the new could about his corientron While the Eagles won a 101-79 decision - - a Library for }lead and built up a lead of their Red Cross fund campaign. ope and as Walsh says this is the their travels around the world, the city, voted work hours He had some of his political enemies might - at eookeviele, Tenn By United Press to two own nice words for the visit- greatest besketball collection of have proven to be real 'greets...4in .,n - regard him as stupid, he thought Ft Knox defeated Ft Lee for Members of that exclusive group three days a week to keep The Colts whittled Stars ever got together ambassadors. away egad 'hey believed he was honest. the Tankers' the Library open from 1 to 3 p.m. Second victory in of persons who celebrate their • and two limes had the lead doe • Campaign Teen who is ',he advance man On Saturdays. the Bookmobile 'Dead' But Alive On Mewed the 2nd Army Double Elimination only once every four They have converted his Holiness to one point With only a sloes for the Trnttere says he is the Librarian, Mrs. Raymond Hamlin, Asked generally what he thought Basketball Tournament at Ft Knox. years observed Day to- the Prove into a real basketball elnie left in the tame Rob Darnell only one that can get ahead of will be in the Library from 10 the campaign issues between the Former Ali-America rear Frank day and welcomed an estimated fan. for they played an exhibition popped in two free throws to put the Trotters and stay ahead of e.m. to 4 p.m. On Tuesdays and Republicans and the Democrats Salvy, who played college ball 10.000 new American members.. for him two years ago in his sum- the game on ice for Kirksey. them by beinsaeorreir advarre man, Thursdays will be open would be. Mr Eisenhower said for Furman University. paced theoreereally. mer gardens in Rome it from Dale Barnett was for the Since, only one but from the way high de with deep conviction that he had Tankers with they are pack- 1 to 3 pm 20 points ' out of every 1.461 persons is born Colts with 7e points Darnell wit record ing die arena's all over. that Abe ' From Oehler* From Saturday, March 3rd. on. a established before the In tonight's play. let Knox meets on Feb. 29. Leap Year Day calls to Oslo ,o Okla- scoring honors with 42 points. Saperstein really needs him dibout homa from Murray and Calloway County will American people and this record Ft. BelvOir. Va for some special birthday observ- Milwaukee to Munich Brewers 20 45 71 93 as nuicel as Barbara Hutton needs have Library would be his campaign. to Murray from Boston to Berlin an excellent Public Hazel ki ances. Woolworth 14 26 45 51 Was he hopeful of re-election if soother Dime, or the to Brooklyn day after day, and available to the citizens of this In Walton. N.Y.. twins Jessie Brewers (93) renominated'i Smith Bros. more cough drops year after year. county. Open house will be held He said this would' Tuttle and Josie Launt celebrated the Harlem Globe Forwards. Butler 6, Stone 22, TOT who says he is a convert from until Saturday be in the hands of th WEATHER Trotters put on eheir routine. 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Rose. Jones their 19th birthday along weh from B 2. eople and -he would stagieluenrichann to B arid its not bingo, Some 300 times a year they can- and everyone is urged to inspect their collective five children. six Centers: Wilkins 29. Pores 18 ecord. says he always felt that the real 'WI' out to the rooms on secondfloor of REPORT grandchildren and 45 great-grand- the tune of Sweet' Guards: Harris 8. Cole 7, Mor- pot of gold was in a pair of four Georgia Brown to the Gatlin Building, above Douglass children The twins, both widows, pue on their gan I. ounce boxing glove's for he arid hardcourt act. Hardware on the northeast corner actually are 80 years old. Hazel lel) Jack Kearns have been partners of the Court Square. Refreshments - The reeson they are celebrating Forwards: Stanlee 5, Thomas,. for many years and handled cham- Sinbad had his flying carpet will be'served. Hosnital News them lith Ides) Year birthday in- Dunn 4.. - DOWN pions. but when he found out and Aladdin his lamp -. but Abe: Anyone having books or maga- k stead of their 20th becerise they Center: Coohram 25 last year that the Harlem Globe Saperstein has his basketball and zines or pictures are asked to Wednesday's complete record fol- 'and, Live. were born in 1876 and missed a Guards: Hampton 6. Hill 9, Dun- Trotters played to over four the Chicago genius has worked bring lows: mil thetn Saturday or as soon can 2. birthday at the turn of the cen- lion fans more magic with that Census • By all over the world then bouncy ball as possible The rooms have been 28 UNITED PIAL148 tury Under the Gregorian calen- than did 21 40 51 60 41111111rIP he knew he had .nerde no mistake eleher Sinbad or Aladdin newly decorated and they make Adult Bede .. 80 Southwest Kentucky — Fair and dar.' which we use. die only leap Murray Training 13 30 46 de Walsh was almost stunned on with his wondrous gimmick. an attractive place for reading Emergency Beds 32 warmer today. highest near 50, years which fall on the turn of a 'ELleksey 1661 his Wet visit to Murray. the nice End of Commercial New Cit:zens 0 fair tonight. low 34 Thursday fair century ore those exactly divisible. Forwards: Bazzell 6. Adams 3, sunshine he adrnitted he had not Pe.ients Admitted 1 and warmer by 400 Under this method. Feb. Crick 3. been her many weeks, and then ADMINISTRATOR FIRED Patients admitted from Monday a7414114 29, 2000 will be the first Leap Year Center: Paschall 10 the news that the great new gym Some 62 yeere ago 400 p. to to Wednesday 10.30 a m. Kentucky Weather Summary Day at the turn of a ceneury since basketball Guards: Reeder 2. Darnell 42. is all sold out, not a ticke. left, Was invented by Dr Mee Lanita Sue Gall:mote, RI Humidity low , today with slight 1800 James A ' PADUCAH. Feb 29 it? — Three Murray Training tilt and that the great Benny Purcell Nalsm ith. Y'MCA instructor MICHAEL OATES, 10, ta shown In I. Hazel: Mee Bob Cain and babe increase Thursday; winds muth to Twins Margaret and Martha at members of the Municipal Hospital Forwards' Harrell 7, Rogers 15. • FLAVOR YOU is a product of Muray. ad* that Springfield, Mass The hospital In Hamilton, Ont., boy. 2936 Mississippi. Paducah. Mr. southwest 10 to 15 miles per hour Holder. if Sumter. SC, celebrated good Doc Commission resigned Tuesday-pro- Center: Barnett 28, Crawford 2. I WI THAN this boy Crittenden is sure a great hung up a couple 'if where he has been unconscious Bobby R. Grogan, 307 No 16th St. today end Thursday. their 2nd Leap Year peach bas- testing the firing of Helena Hughes. Guards: Gibbs 11, &treat ttO birthday to- .proepect and a great player. made for Mx months. He suffered • Murery. Mr Ja.per Newton Roach, BRANDS, Some 5:30 a. m temperatures ket!, so the story goes, and used forrner ad/Milne-stet- of Riverside day, much to the relief of •heir Then sit up and brain injury Sept- 4 in an ac- Rt. 1, Syrosonia, Mrs. included: Covington take notice. a mixer ball for ammunition. The Hospital Joe Lee 22. Louisville parents. Mr and Mrs. Worth Hol- TM commission voted FREE PUPPY AVAILABLE cident in which his father was misfire you that I almost feel I am game has changed a n d Hen -sin. 809 Clm St , Benton, and 27. Paducah 34. Bowling Green 28. der, who said they have grown ,d to 2 to ask Miss Hughes for M G. Richardson has a small killed. Doctors told had d115 about in the bankelball capital of eremendous Michael's baby bey Heneon. Mrs. Gene T. • Lexington 23. London 23 and Hop- since those diaper days . her resignation. City officials re- !blaek puppy ficulty explaining to the girls why America here in Murray," that is eigte weeks Mother that he can live till he English and baby boy, kineville Walsh The far corners of the world have vealed Kt 7. Ben- 31. thew have missed SO many birth- earlier this month that old, which he will give free to is 60 or 70 years old and never said. taken it up. thanks to tore Mr L. Et. Hutchens. Hardin; Evansville, Ind , 30. day& a degree the hospital would be operating scene boy or girl for a again be aware of the world No wonder said Walsh that pet Just Mrs. James Coleman, Rt. 2, isits by the Glebe Trotters. !at a financial loss thie year. around him., elottermstiosal) Mur- phone 74, and the pup is yours. • ray. 4

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6 ______• .• • --.111006amsommonislosimenibliOnlae attiF -7- ,'AGE TWO • LEDr;Eit & TIMES - MURRAY, aerrilicict WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 29, 1956 ‘them.rn ion.- sii.'h as mental u The suczess of somethibg as ill be releaser\ on pain,' TV next HIE LEDGER & TIMES controversial as Briley Murphy fall. HIegression Br ley Murphy-type rerncarna- Thous that interest in. the occult "We'll use SUPERVISOR WANTED BS LEDt.ER English casts." Doug- & IIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. In 7 tion, . Douglas says, will is not he there. I've been verging on this las added. 'They are very .t toe Murray Lodger The touched. coop- UP TO $500 MONTHLY CaLoway runes. and /In deal erat.ve -CAN START SPARE TIME 'Wee-Herald. a. since ,801. lung before the as against the skeptics Oetob lira and the Welt Keneucklan. Januar) ew Fad „ "We will not attempt ta drama- Sturi‘sy and sou/firs you'd find in Holly- Ground_ door opportunity for national products now selling in super • ' t.i.e book Rift it enabled us anything that is no conclusive." wood." markets, drug stores, dept. stores. ete and needed by everyone. Na- 1).arglas said: I. get the tawyers in England to thrial manufacturer with AAA-1 references will select responsible lASIUt C WILLI.A.MS PUBLISHER individuals to service retail outlets - From Movie Series, Men :cad things a little inure in this area. Thete is no selling rapidly as all accounts are secured by the company, but person selected reeve. "The Society is SMOKER the right tS reject any Advertising. Letters to the &WON :omposed of as we are very anxious to get must be capable of operating under own supervision and perma- Pubt,c acientists. profess:rs nently located. Vole, rents eimi is to our opinion ire not fox the ea and ix-int. under way." This is it stable year round business that will staht bad. Bs ALINE • 310allY meri. paying from the first and -1,-i eat O. 1111 re. uers they are very selious. They BARRYTON. Mich. 4111 - Police week shoilid give you a steady life-time United Press Staff Corrspendent repeat business. Only siacere iebable people will be considered lar ("own on table Intli.• rig, Douglas will said a I-6-ye..- old boy HOLLY 1'..OciD H host and narrate broke qualify you must have car, references and $148.5 cash secured by REPRESENV.TIVES WALLACE WITMER CO None of that into an auto MO is charlatanism. T Icy the series, to be filmed agency ignored $60 merchanduee and able to devote approx. II hrs wkly to start. For pa.ir 'aught up in a B. ale)Mur in England intercitw Ace., New Virg; 34Y N Mielatir arev" a bunch of tea leaf boys. in cash but took several cigarettes write, giving age, address and phone number to Box 32 ,r-with gigs. ad:, about beginnifig In mid- this paper Chicago, RD Botraton St., Boma. her- The series front an opened pack. ••• "3°11111 :ists and evcn cne star. P:. entered 31 inc Nst UttIct. Murray. rLaintuelcy. for '...rumniastaa as Douglas, surpassing them Necana Class Mattes ntaie televisit n • sUBSCRIPTION RATES: Br;dey is By Carrier us _Murray, per wee& 15c. pet. the subject of a Ilac satitirn "Mc' In Catiowity ario adjoin-rig coon:lea. pez veal tab on -age regresdt- here SS aU eypoissia The book saserte unOer hy_pre:s.s a Colorado a WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 29.1956 recalkid events of a pr. _ eiristence as an Irish girl leth century. Filmite-s have c• • .19 Yea. rs Ago This ed to this.new ev.dence of tne a. Week Ledger and Times File rellicarnaLon theory. February 1946 One ad in the Hollywood Ira. papers reads -Re-ncarnation" g . D et Seide willreg-eas bask 1..01 ToptileStapps Robert-Faimel. yo.' aireA.1. a-nathe of( alloway. died of :.me a heart attack to try to establish a 1 Saturday. Friday 23. at his home in Tul- before.- sa. Okla. The goettfr. says WV('' /71.. A :miners ha ye made appo:, Mr. Farmer was born and reared in this county where ments to try to find out if he was widely known. fle•was connected With the Chev- were stars in other eenuries. • and rolet Company here for several years before going to "One patient discovered site Save...Save...Save OVahoria. --- -1P.Pee- in H - he' cried. 2 His wife, Mrs. Flora Broach Farmer, who _preceded Yaur-LIfe't _ m-irr-deartt, -wag- aliTo a native of this county. Columnis•.:4 and TV corned's' "L• Paul Humphreys .••••• has purchased the grocery on South have popped up with anon gags *met -Tweiftir• - -from - L. m.- Taylor and 'Fs Offeriug a fresh wards is-,--doing a T. line of vegetables. meats, and groceries show on .B..f.dey Murphy cal', • r--.1 to the public. LT After spending severai weeks in Murray, Mrs. Nat -This Was. Yaw thr Ryan and Mrs. Louis J. Rocheili left Monday fog, Padu- A screen treatiner.t on the bo, cah where they will visit the formers parent Mr• and is inak.ng the rounds 1:, • Mrs. L. C. Treyathan. Mrs. Ryan will return to But actor Paul Dowel., bertome nas beet in Chicago and Mrs. Rochelli will join her hombrad everyone to the pur in by announcing a TV series Daytona. Fla.. where he is training. with the Brooldyn Do.dga.x.s. claims will put Bride.y Muriel. • in the shade. "Max B. Hurt. executive secretary Of Murray Chamber of Commerce, spoke at the Methodist Church. Paris, Douglas. in assoc.x.ton with pr , *Timm., Sunday in a Layman's Day Program. Oucer Peter Rattiv:n and a lint Press laindon SAVE Sgt. and Mrs. E. F. Irran and little daughter. Donna. eaeresponctent. Rob. 33e CHUCK Musel. secured rights ROAST ot Mt nphis, Tenn.. Yisited Ant. parente in Hazel to last week. the essisal the SGelety SWIFT'S 1411.•T -7./..CTED eal Rescarch7 This oz s • sin - e 1883 h:.s PREMIUM calliplast aiox U.S. CHOICE - HEAVY BEEF urance Buyers . 1 'autnentleated cases of p,-.% 1-lb. Sliced Bacon e ik ass data ined 1i Advised t1.- I akarrAr-i. wand,- 1-lb. Saupasic :ryas 4Ia distai 1-lb. practiee th , PURE c.t...rena LARD of our state g..ei Owl'Value '• -4 buy .ng ms. urcIrr insurance trona unautnurized ONLY , On- Thurman lb. c.:et.naed 29c : e. A 48 lb. $5.99 25 bus.- Author.zed eoinpanles are .h .- $1.00 lb. $3.29 , f.sna :n _zed Ls tria7 have complied wth at. A .ragi# ta„,ad- e‘s in tr., Car/imam- leas. and must meet la.gu . % h .rcis of Serve With Sauerkraut solvency and may be Si.- ' I Free-Shore 10-oz. Pkg. cult pal-11,s are .huse cou.ts of Kentucky in event I ctspu.e over a claim. AgaggililliMillik tie suggested that any mai:Arita p-trion in doubt about wilia.ber Perch Fillets company is Spare authorized Ribs to du lb: bust- 39c1Breaded Shrimp 55c NOTICE ! ne-as. or whether an agent .s duly I.censeci. atitaild Javnes ci,ntac. the inrcut - Kroger First Cuts hoe is nbw in chargt n.7*. r t $1, . Win Enriched 1-11s. Loaf of the Bear front end ma- rhilie at ATTENTION A MURRAY MOTORS- INC Slab Bacon lb. 29c NASH OWNERS MONT11-01.1) Robert Riddle Clin- Bread 15c ton sets up a yowl in New "k14$e'''' invites his frieaciai. See Us NOW For York a Bellevue noepiLal aa to call on him when in need folks take a good look at his of ,rirttat. end work. cf ant That New adult size tooth. Robert's dad kind. • 13 all x-ray teen:la-Ian at the g. • 1956 NASH taiso,taL internattonsti 605 W. Main Phone 170 L E. DICK MOTOR CO. tour NAaH DeAi'er Kelly Bridesmaid Murray, Kentucky 413 N. 7th St. Phone 1.11.3 Mayfield. .11111.11.111.1101111111. Ky. LIGHT COFFEE EASTER SPOTLIGHT SALE 311,.. $2.03 SPECIAL COFFEE COSTS YOU A BEAUTIFUL FIVE ROOM HOUSE CANDIES .on large lot S fir •••,,, ib.69c .71 LESS AT KROGER one of the best locations in town. This house is ••• S•1. ne year old and has $+rjou balance on FHA Loan. •••• Choc. Marshmallow "ayment. is $63.00 per month, including taxes and Eggs 12 for 25c 1-lb. WHITE nsurance. Jelly Beans BOTH ONLY •Owner will transfer loan for only $1330 down. 1-lb. GRAHAM No closing costs. 16-oz. pkg. 25c CRACKERS Has nice fireplace, two bedrooms, 49c isnotty pine den, large living room. varage. Lot Chicken Little 2(15. A -bargain! Eggs 12 for 10c GOLDEN Duck Eggs Yellow BAUCUM 12-oz. pkg. 29c Bananas 2.113s. 2.9c REAL ESTATE AGENCY Blue Label Philadelphia - Pkg. of 6 Peoples Bank Bldg. - Telephone 48 Kroger Gov't Inspected KARO SYRUP 5 lbs. 59c STICKY BUNS 6 for 25c Hoyt Roiserts. owner. Bill Hall, salesman Phone 1447 Phone 961-M Large Grade "A" Granny's Frozen Turkey, Chicken 8-oz Pkg. Kroger Self-Rising BEEF PIES 3 pkgs. 67c FLOUR . 25 lbs. $1.93 doz. FCCS Jae Kroger Chief Brand SPECIAL -• FIG BAR 2 lb. pkg. 49c MARGARINE 2 lbs. 39c THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -2-3 lb. bag el Rita Gam c94 ACTRESS Is shown En her New York apartment, where she confirmed that Grace Kelly asked ner be bridesmaid .0 to a atoes 50 w 1 60-5q. Print.. lc an inch at her wedding to Prince Rain- Channel 12 KFVS-TV 9:30 p.m. Thursday ier of Monaco. (international/ LAY'S TWIN-PACK BIG TOP 91 z-oz. GOBLET - ALSO AVAILABLE - More_PeRple Own POTATO CHIPS PEANUT BUTTER 1 Starring ?with-my Winne 49c LB. FREE ,Lys. ENS • COTTON SATIN • PONGEE FEDDERS 12-oz. 59c with BRODERICK coupon 7 DRAPERY FABRICS • ORGANDIES etc. Because ... CRAWFORD Tasti-Diet Dietic Foods WITH 1 LB. AT They Just Naturally REG. COOL BETTER PRICE tastes like the Lassiter Cloth Shop Apple Sauce high-priced ALFRED DUNCAN 1 spre ! 1 MILE NORTH of MURRAY on PENTON ROAD ELECTRIC SERVICE 217 S. 13th - Ph. 1680 2 [303] Cans 23c


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• '40 •••

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VA. 1, 1956 ele O .TED WEDNESDAY — FEBRUARY 29, 1956 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY SPARE TIME PAGE THREF v selling in super UK Honors Teachers by everyone. Na- select responsible On 91st Anniversary hete is no selling I person selected ision and perma. LEXINGTON Q — The Univer- ss that will start sity of Kentucky — founded in I steady life.time 1665 — celebrated its 91st birthday be considered 581 Wedriesday by honoring 150 teach- essh secured by kly to start. Fur ers who have had 45 or ,more umber to Box 32 years, in the classroom. Singled out for special honors, too, were two alumni who were presented Founders Day plaques :or their accomplishments.

Plaque recipients were Nancy day of each week. In order for right. Cooks Hereford Farms, Luke Lewis, dean of Pembroke NOTICE you to have your baby's piet.ure Boydsville, Ky. MIP College, Providence, R. I.. and _ 1 i made more often, we are allow.ng - - James W. Carnahan, Chicago. 25% off regular studio Rrices 26 INCH girls bicycle and I ten GpTICE: We have Letter boxes. for president of a textbook publishing Friday & Saturday gallon aquarium, complete March children 6 with 2-3 mos. to 6 years, Kraftall expansion files, Harp let- Thurs- house. days only. No appointment plants. guppies .an.d snails. Call ter files, third cut, fifth cut and neces- sary. 907 or Fred W. Faurot. M1C Ezra L. Gillis. semi - retired straight cut manila file folders Wells di Wrather Studio. professor and former registrar at FIVE POINTS and clear amber, lemon and green A2C the university, one of Cel-U-Dex index tabs. Ledger & the long- WE RHhri ,RAILERS by the hour, FOR RENT jtime honored, Times Office Supply, call 55. TF teachers said a MURRAY, KENTUCKY day, week, tr.p. 4x8 and 4x6. Call schcolteacher "will never make s PS NOTICE: ,Ius: received a supply 1997. Tabers Body Shop, M8C: 3 ROOM downstairs furn;sh d much money, but he'll enjoy his tt. apt. of Skrip ink in a new large econo- Heat and hot water furnished. prtifestgon more than any person mical size, black laundry indelible SPINET Piano Bargain. We have Phone 386-J days, 1256 nights. in the world." marking ink, FIVE POINTS various colors of a lovely Spinet Piano ...hat we *trip pad ink, M2P Gillis should know, he's been in all colors of foam will transfer to reliable local party - — rubber stamp pads, pre-inked. Also the profession for 71 years. He who will take up monthly instal- 1 SERVICES ve have numbering machine ink and OFFERED began his career in 1886 teaching lments. Write before we send ink pads. Ledger in one room schools at Pleasant & Times Office truck. Credit Manager, Joplin ASHLAND Supply, call 55. T. V., RADIO, all electrical service. Grove and. Glensboro, Anderson TF Piano Co., P. 0. Box 784, Paducah, Cell 941W1 for day or nite service. County. Ky. ht3C r---- NCYTICE: Attention Farmers. Need Cope's TV & Radio Service, Almo In, 1902, Gillis entered old Ken- S small compact book. to. record Kentucky. MW SERVICE years •seceipts, disbursements, purchase RUMMAGE SALE, in former Mol- tucky University, and two later was president of Minerva of machinery, depreciation, taxes, ly Martin Cf.ft Shop location, 7LOST & FOUND I ALFRED TAYLOR interest, insurance and mucellare Saturday. . Wadesbom College, a privately endowed coos items? We now have Farm Homemakers Club. M3C junior college in Mason County. WHITE FACE COW OUT OF HUBERT (PETE) COTHRAN *cord Books. Office Supply. Rudy Parker pasture. Left around One of his students there was Daily Ledger & Times, call 55. TF Feb. 22. Weight Herman L. Donovan, now president operators FOR SALE around 1100 lbs. so. If seen or know of whereabouts of the Univenity of K?ntu-icy. DeKALS CHICKS are taking the please notify Rudy Parker or call Gillis later became UK registrar MONUMENTS first class eounery by storm. More and more material J W. Young Telephone 50 or and, has been in charge of the granite and marble, large poultrymen are switching every selec- 1237R M2-C university's bureau of source ma- year to this new type precision- tion styles. sizes. Call 85 home terials since his semi-retirement bred bird that is bred to lay' and phone, 526 'See at Calloway Monu- CARD OF THANKS ment I Pay. Order your DeKalb Chicks Works, Vaster Orr, owner. We wish to express our deepest Harmful engine deposits paddle from Murray Hatchery, Murray, West Main St. near college. M20C apprectlition and sincere thanks to From the time when the FREE PRIZES! KerfAsciry, M3C al friends and neighbors who wheel steamboat was just coming ROBBING your car MONUMENTS were NOTHING so kind and helpful to us when into iti own. the Navy Band has TO BUY NO OBLIGATION • Murray Marble and Granite works. 'Y we lost our home by fire May of POWER? BEE FINAL STOVE SALE. Oil heaters, Builders of fine memorials for each of you find such friends in your wood and coal heaters and laundry over half century. Porter White. PULL IN AT THIS SIGN time of need. * 2 Deluxe Champion Firestone ,strvea laraourally wholesale, Manager Phone 121. A4C Tires 01p:ince, 44r and Mrs. Abell Poole these stoves will be put I in storage Friday. Universal Elec- 1951 KAISER, radio and heater. Keepsake * 32-Piece Set Dinnerware AMBASSADOR tric blankets (2 only), reg. 844.95, good condition $175. Call 1422. BLOOMINGTON; Ill. rtit — Dr. DIAMC . 1tft40'. > 0., now $29.95. Electric heaters, dras- Stanley Spector, far eastern expel' * Casting Rod and Reel V PRODUCTS tically reduced. N. B. Ellis Corn- Monday night nominated corned.. 9c pony, phone 575. M 1C WILL YOU PAY $189 to get rid of wild onions and other obnoxious Danny Kaye as a United Sta: 'ABER'S Upholskery Shop has grasses, If so get "Scott.* Magic arnbasmdor to Asia. ' Winn•r N••d Not B. Pr•s•nt At NOW BOTH gloved. New location is 101 N 3rd Wand", it covers average yard, - Spector, an assistant pr,,f.. re Drawing, ARE Street, Phone 549. 141C Ills only 69e. Eliminates work, at Washington University Saturday, March 3, 830 p.m. DETERGENT Scott's MagiC Wand makes work Louis, Mo., said, "All the GASOLINES 0-0z. Pkg. MOTHERS! Thursday is Tot's Day! play N. B. Ellis Company Phone want is someone who is b Due to many requests we are set- 575. MIC and loves them. I would :. ting elide we full day for your hesitate to nominate Danny Ka both drive out child. We ate taking only children REGISTERED RAM, registered as ambassador to any southei, harmful engine deposits, 55c frm 6 mos. to 6 years in Tlhurs- bull, four 600 pound steers. pr.ced Asian nation." 11, RESTORE POWER FREE GIFTS for everyone! • • :.,.••• cor 1-1b. Loaf CASTLE $175.00 requires, Also $125.00 premium @q!tEA WITCH (IP Wedding Ring $87.50 Roses For The Ladies- Of regular —don't 6, ZOLA ROSS Kites For Children settle for

MI. IN.lea l.ee.si iw parminles nil's! • I 5c' o /1081124(ERRILL,COMPANT. DK. less thon Illarlterlai Furches K.( sr,irnste. Keycases For Men! on Ashland JEWELRY dvergent ipso:Mel SYNOPSIS wet one, And us just into De- !David's voice was kind, gc Ta tem Seattle was a bustling, booming gateway to the Miondike gold cember!" singer can alwaya Dad an ac- E. Side Sq. Ph, 193-J rush. Tim O'Beirn. with the help of "It's not raining now," Meg was corn peruse" his good friend Michael Dark. • heed. ashamed of herself. amiss young lawyer. persuades Meg "No. I want to play even If I NANCY Beaumont. his pretty. yellow.haired "No. but them clouds ain't black don't do it well." She nodded at By Ernie Bushmillm C. not to go to Alaska in search of for nothing. It'll pour conic noon." and glanced curiously rc husband. Kemp Beaumont. Kemp Anna at ARE YOU YEP Gretchen looks like a tomato. Meg. David hastened to introduce I WISH I MAY GO fad deserted Meg and their small son FIXING WITH Johnny. fc,r the gold fields of the Meg thought, with her skin-tight, them. YOU'D YOU frozen mirth lAwitael finds Meg • pepper-and-salt hair knobbed into OH, WAIT A AFTER plate to stay at Matilda Cox's board- "Hello, Louise'," Meg said. TO TAKE WAIT ing house. where he lives. Tim thinks a stem. Then remembering Gret- • TILL I GET ATY WIt should return to her father in chen's kindness, her self-shame In- "I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. MINUTE, OFF? Illinois. but Meg refuses, although she Beaumont." Louise was prim. She TOMORROW RE PORT ham I a job or money. Matilda asks creased. She escaped Into the dank 'PROFESSOR Michael to And her a job, and he sug- outdoors with speed. was alight, with a round, childish CARD gests schooltesehing but Meg says no. She winced as she hurried face and heavy, light-brown hair Meanwhile, at the boarding house. Meg worn loose down het back. Her meets Jenny Fleur, who has • small through the alley. The piano olay• hat shop that Ian t doing well because er at work was certainly lace.-at. eyes were almost the same color 9c P,I isn't saleswon.an. Meg is • good as her hair. Meg noted. ..d •t designing and selling so they Mg those scales. 6** e partners Jason Ten Eyck. • "Louise Fenner will never learn "I'll be back tomorrow morn- merchant offers to let them to ing, Mr. Lurkins," Lou.se said. W • ,ay hats in his store once • week. play. Her voice is fair. You'd n ii!so becomes interested In Meg think she'd be satisfied with that." She walked away Without look- shipi doesn't return !aeon s Meg was startled by Anna Lur- ing back and Meg took the bou- art, in. Meg decides to capitalize on the •iltuation to make the hat store • kinre flat voice. She had not seen quet from Anna. -Thank you. It's mu, egg. BeralUge of Meg the hat shop Anna bent over her flowers. lovely." 49c thrives. Once again Tim tries to get "She Meg. to retort' to Miscue hut she stub- seems to be having David put his arm lichtly about —.F.Penre.es • refuses. When Tim &trues, )leg trouble," Meg admitted. his wife's "Anniea wun- Ina an affair with Jaschi she Anna came to lean on the picket derful with flowers." •ErV.s-Ae.-Le/z.5.600*--" r• ..to • rage and is more deter- () •.,.1 then ever to stay in Seattle fence. Her high cheekbones pushed "Indeed she is." aIr- c realizes, however, that people are at her sallow skin; her heavy dark Meg liked David Lurking. As b.-,'inning to talk, since she's still • ABBIE an' SLATS married woman. hair slid untidily from its knot, dark as his wife, he had an ease By Raebura Vats Buns feathering along the nape of her and pleasantness that Anna lacked. THAT COULD BE ME, HONEY-- a. • CHAPTER ELEVEN neck. His soft brown eyes were kind. In OR (CHUCKLE) IT MIGHT BE A A Os IVE GOT ONE THOSE , i9c, woke "I saw your little boy with spite of his worn suit and frayed OF FELLER NAME NEXT morning Meg A 0'SLATS 'THE FEELINGS, POP- LIKE from an uneasy sleep with a rag- Gretchen yesterday, He's a hand- linen, he wore a kind of elegance. SCRAPPLE for 25c SOMEONE I LOVE IS -- ing headache and curdled disposi- some child." Anna shrugged off their flower COMING CLOSE tion. She washed and dressed "Thank you." Meg warmed to compliments and looked intently at TOME: Johnny with a ruthless speed that her. "He's barely eighteen months her husband. "Is that Louise going old but )s. :brought Prptesta from him. he's already talking in gen- to continue to take piano lessons, $1.93 "tences." David?" She hugged him in instant re- Anna nodded. "My boy talked "What' can I do? Her brother pentance. "Mother doesn't feel early too. He died of diphtheria Insists on it. And—well, we can morning, honey. But she well this when he was just past two." use the money." He smiled at the same." lbs. 39c loves you just "How terrible!" Meg ached Meg. "The hat shop. Mrs. Beau- Johnny beamed at h^r and she with sympathy but she could find mont—or Meg? Surely such close studied him with rueful pride. She no other words in the face of neighbors should use first names." 'tea doubted her importance to Anna's closed expression. "Of course. The shop's doing him and blamed herself. A mother "We never had another." Anna all right. Come and visit us— should be everything to her child. wagged her head. "If David had Anna," She defended herself immediately. his rights, he wouldn't have to "Oh, I couldn't buy a hat!" You couldn't run • hat shop and teach ignoramuses like that Louise "I didn't mean that." Meg was earn a living and protect yourself Fenneg." embarrassed. "You could look, against gossip and still be a one. "Rights?" Meg stammered. though." hundred - percent mother, could Anna bobbed her head again. "Why don't you, Anna?" David LI1' ABNER • you? At any rate. Johnny ap- "David's an only son. His father's urged. "Someday you may have By Al Capp peared to tnrive. rich as Midas but he doesn't hold the very finest hat in Seattle." Gretchen was a miracle. She not with David's being a musician." "Maybe. When your father dies." 7,S1 s7)VETtilIt'S C-CAI NT Gil AWAY FOM ffita nly wouldn't take one cent for Sly triumph shone in her eyes. David flushed. "You shouldn't BURNIN:rir dolinny's care but was almost "When the old man dies, we'll say that, Anna." ROUND MET, 'REE jealous when Meg claimed him. have money: No Lurkins ever left "I must go." Meg hurried off, Gretchen's own children were mar- his money to anyone outside the glad to be free of the odd couple. po n ried with babies of their own and family, and it isn't likely the old Usually she was happy in the Johnny was a prized visitor In man'll change now." She turned, shop, but today routine did not LB. AT their homes. Meg sometimes bent to the flowers. When she comfort her. She was dizzy; her doubted that Johnny realized she spoke again, her voice was normal. head ached; her stomach revolted RICE was his only true relative. "I'll pick you • bouquet for the from the doughnuts and coffee She drew Gretchen's disapproval shop. First hard freeze we get Jenny brought her in midmorning. at breakfast by not finishing her these mums will be black and done "You must be coming down with oatmeal. She sipped without in- for." the grippe," Jenny fussed. terest at her coffee. "It's very kind of you." "Nonsense!" Meg resented ill- ftv''oIr' imantjiiningt notin hungry. Andndthis ril Anna did not answer, but she ness; she had no time for It. snipped blooms until Meg won- Worry beset her. The shop would ;9e nerves' I went to the post office dered if she could carry the mam- go to rack and ruin If she were yesterday and the sidewalk was moth gift. The hack door opened Meg gripped the table. What one . two Inches deep in mud!" and David walked to the gate with wrong with her She felt suffo- I• "You're sickening for some- a young girt cated. thing." Gretchen refused the de- "Perhaps you shouldn't go on "Meg! You're ill!" -se- tour. "I will allow this winter's a with the piano lesson; Louise," (To Be Contluired), C•Like-=,

• • - • et" 4^0•/--1---*-' taw- •

a*. •

PAGE FOUR THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURR4V, AENTUCRY WEDNESDAY — FEBRUARY 29, 44 .ammIES misissesmososasommoramommemasssipsir)silmmEmsammesmamo- )immor sosomrTsomm-----)sisams. ifilORDPIARY At 0 0107.4

• Sale Starts March 1 Don't Wait - Free Gifts , Cash In On The Sales Event Of The Year GMAC Tern

FAST! Beautiful Naw • Fiberglass Insulated! A SELLOUT • DRY YOUR MAR • Colorful Red Plaid and Luggage Tan! LAST YEAR Lirj3 • Special Container Tray! ... .. Regular $6.95 • 4 gallon capacity! mor HOURS,/ , - *- 404, THfivaCOW r r • KEEPS 0 ;14 0 Regular $7.95 '198 . i WHILE k• THEY Special $395 LAST • Only One To A Customer Only One To A Customer No Phone Calls No Mail Orders • Noo NoPhone Calls Mail Orders • Fully Guaranteed • Heavy Gauge Aluminum For permanent installations Famous • Extra Fast Heating Element ...or temporary use at )Fairbanks -Morse summer cottages, camps, etc. Water System Beautiful Chrome Electric CORN POPPER Our price today * SELF PRIMING • NO STIRRING tank with 3-gallon * BRONZE IMPELLERS • NO SHAKING only * NYLON NOZZLE & VENTURI Regular $4.95 Retrular $7.95 Regularly Sells For NOW $1.98 • No Phone Calls $79 9 5 Sale S349 $99.50 Only One To A Customer • No Mail Orders During This Sale 1 • One To A Customer SAVE DURING TI-US SALE If You Buy This Then You Get This FREE! Washer and Dryer THAT'S RIGHT, this beautiful Frigidaire Electric Ironer COMPLETELY FREE! THE WONDERFUL LAUNDRY PAIR FOR 1956. Both washer and dryer, by Frigidaire of course, have all the wanted features.

This is your opportunity to install a complete home laundry economically. (WE HAVE ONLY THREE — SO HURRY) For This Sale Only

Your Frigidaire Dealer

ammismomm.esmosscalsCesss-mmemsr:assoi t._


....004.004boork • ,• ort.-4=ot • • .•• •-4-,` •

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• MO: I. -. 1 the? .„. WEDNESDAY —•!- FEBRUARY 29, 1956 . THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE FIVI Wlaii•Mmlannism:*‘ummt_ =mom._ amminEA isamisaiAmmm 3sii•mt.p•mina: aminew .mowewAmimr=1••••:V=IINNEF srailliLlfmw7 IIVARDIELKINS NEW RCA VICTOR Buy one of these new 1955 model Necchi model BU Sewing Machines in Portable or Console model model 17S6022 and we will sell you this beautiful new RCA Victor TV for only $1.00 more. No tricks - no strings at- Factory Fresh tached - no hidden charges. Only 4 Of These Sells for NECCHI To Sell S14905 • Buy This New NECCHI Sewing Machine and Get This RCA Victor TV For $l More 'ms 1 ULTRA SMART! L.LOUT NEW RCA VfCTOR YEAR a I S v41 11 r $6.95 New "Picture Window" N grained mahoganv FINISH! k\\ z 4 Hydrator in the door Big Refrigerator 1. 198 on top with exclusive • Flowing Cold •in; ti eliMEML 000ass o mesas •.+4 -vostit

S3 --4•••-44 --,.m.•Z• • • • rr Ili Element 0614- :zaitotty laticeozei FOOD WASTE DISPOSER RCA Vote, Compton 21. model 211'6114 Full 6I sq as of. .woble p chore/ NEW! 4-way grinding action! WW1/elf-cleaning a - tion! NEW! :ow, law Orir,' Huge zero zone Food Freezer Extra Reg. $79.95 on the bottom Special Trade-In Allowance On ONLY This New 1956 Model RCA Victor 4995 IMMO MMI111 r••••••11FrO NOW'S THE TIME TO TRADE! DURING THIS SALE

irossor 14.3 Cu. Ft Imperial Madill CI V-143 So much KUP2e in Valise The FRIGIDAIRE Cold Pantry • So much ieu in eadii* Huge Refrigerator On Top Giant Food Freezer at Bottom PACEMAKER Electric Range Up to $20000 Trade DURING -In THIS SALE! On Your Old Refrigerator Only $11995


91kkY). • •••••••:.-vii' • Reg. _ HIGH IN THE HILLS 97.50 ,a010. 1•Ples."55 NOW ONLY . . OR DOWN AT THE SHORE 6995

NEW HOOVER • - 7 60WA te,ah it

with exclusive double-stretch hos. The Skyway •: Port- LE.* It cleans twice obt• Roillo.Corimort the area of any mt. oor,Sr•ohnbl• iiher cleaner, without moving' •lospoe co. P ocs ''• Mose stretches twice its length, ors bortorios or AC. DC Rich 'Mold. Throat' yet takc no more storage space' 1HE MA :TAG CP1IkFTAIN, %row THE MAYTAG COMMANDER to.•. Thy.. colors: 4' • fin..., I,. • k i%. dont a foot in diameter from wit). tarps aqoary'porralwr tot, and Ivor, gra•n. awi..f I top to easy-glide base! Goa eacioot Gyrofoarn ivwy Model 61116 • Worlds most powerful cleaner smarm MI 4 -gets trtore dirt with ti less Only Buy her an work' Quit 1:e0, eatiiest bag change' Exclusive tel- escoping wend' 9O 1 TL Elna Portable - Vio is *Ilk\ One Set Of Complei• new Sevoto-Tonle NEW te."1- The World's Finest I‘f $500 WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY S3.4,95 i.twh loti if yov hems MAYTAG RCA VICTOR en old or. t. - WASHER FREE • meemtsi:sum: demeinWr:

• •

• ineareirloi1=aintret. 4aMporafellim-ra,-


4111, ••••

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PAGE SIX TRE LEDGER & TIMM — l'et'RRAY, 1111••••=m• KENTU(7ICY , WEDNESDAY — FEBRUARY 29, 195(1 -aww•wswananwiseaa.MINIEN • -Zeta Minstrel- Is LYNN GROVE 4-H NEWS T H E Club News Activities !'resented At Meet The 4-H Club met at Lynn White House Grocery Grove, Women's Page By Zeta Members . The meeting 1608 West Main Street was called to order by the Vice The Zeka Weddings Locals D.spartment of the President, Bobby Taylor in the TRUCK LOAD Jo Burkeen, Editor. . . Phone 694-M-4 or 763-J Murray Woman's Club held f..s re- absence of the President gular OF NEW PLAIN AND FANCY POTTERY meet- ng at the club rouse on Dan McDaniel read from Mat- ThurSday. figurines February M, at eight thew 23:14-30. after which the Bird Baths, with or without o'clock in the evening. Francisco's JapaneT sectit-in and pledges were given. A most enjoyable and entertain- WILBURN FARRIS — Owner on the snakes of F ,rida And he's E. p The roll was called and the . Seek ing pr!..grain was presented by the minutes were (Personals) Brains sellt Crews to Israel' to phoiograptr- urdo m _read and approved. membess enCitled "Zeta Minstrel" an -Adventure" program on the A talk was given on electricity with Mrs. Norman Hale as the by Mr Murphy. Mr aid doverasc 'of the historic religious Mrs. I W Burkecr. .ind interio.utor. • • • • Not Curves I"lad Sea scrolls." . sons. David and Danny, Broke, Happy of Nash-I The script, written by Mrs. John villis Tenn.. ' "Ach-eriterre"- is proof TV a Walls Cleaned spent th.• w.eleand F Risco, included jokes. songs, and Kirksey Club Has with relatives. ences are fascinated by nature and By ALINE MOSBY skits. Mrs. Pasco and Mrs. Dan • • • • or Show eciticaticn. The Sunday afternoon United Press Staff Comspoadewl February- Meeting BY NEW MACHINE Hutson were the end women tell- Mr and Mrs. idiew is one of few cultural efforts Babby Gene Sykes By AI-INE MOSBY HOLLYWOOD 1111 Edmund ing the jokes. of Fort Henry. thatsave TV viewers from • steady With Mrs. Bazzell Tenn, are the l Purdom, his squabbles with his Special numbers included solos United Press Staff parents of a Corespondent !d:et of quiz programs. panel shows, ••• • • RESULTS PERFECT daughter. Betty Carol, wife ended, went back to work to- by Mrs. C C. Lowry and Mrs. weigh.ng nine pounds .1.4 D.0oLywoo . to _ A , New. 1 Ed Sullivan and Labcrace The home of Mrs. Howard Baz- five ounces. day—broke anc, woman-less b u I Glenn Dcran: quartet composed of born at the Murray zell was the scene of the all day Hosp.tal Wed- York television, producer is scour- Sponsors Nibbling happily declaring "I feel like I'm Mrs. Bob Miller. Mrs. Jim Hart, —SAVES PAINT — nesday. February meeting of the Kirksey Homemak- 15. ing the Wcst lo.•king for "stars" 1 aking from a long sleep." Mrs. Howard Titsworth. and Mrs. • •• • • Even sponsors are realizing "ad- ers Club held on Tuesday. Febru- for his stow—but instead of rurves The Englisti actor has been ou, John Ed Scott: song and dance by SPECIALTY WALL DETERGER COMPANY A daughter. She.ia-Carol. weigh- ventures impact. CEtS nobly has of movie circulation ary 21 :-, war Ilion-, to be cultural for a year but Mrs. Lubie Beale, Jr. and Mrs. CALL JESSE L. TUCKER ins seven- pourelso one crc.11.7e. . was carried pregrarti for three in the s.enctat magazines "The Business of Handling ' -Criale-s grerne produser ar the bee muse Joe B. Littleton; and pantomime 1606 t'ollege Farm Road Phone 663' born to Mr and Mrs lyeale ner.us a spcnsor. but now Mbnes" was the subject of the Chrales :BS-TVs "Adve r.:'..7re", a.ed to of marital battles with his wife. by Miss Madelaine Lamb, Mrs. Main McCustom, 219 thiee are nibbling to buy. inc main lesson given by Mrs Gene S a n I ti confine his c. ire" as mainly to the Tita. Glen C. Hodges, and Mrs_ James Street. on Potts The minor lesson on "Citi- Sun ..ay.. ,Fc brua r-y 19 l AtricrIcah Museum of Nioura I Hs- show But the actor revealed a finan- Rudy Allbritten ak the Murray "Hospital.. i tory Ronone is pleased with his fan cial se.tlement been zenship- was given by Mrs Ken- i :n New York and its film i has reached The chorus composed of about ••••• • • I mail—not just letters of praise. neth Palmer . I supply. with his estranged spouse. She will fourteen Zeta members sang sever- Pornela Gail is the name nhosen . But this seas..-ri .the -rated !but many seeking information on file divorce—with no Mrs. Maeon Blankenship took top for a default al numbers. Miss Margaret Ruth by Mr and Mrs. „James Edward, copies of the scripts. But there's sizzling test:mony the club members on an imaginary ''educstional shoos ii" expanding its Atkins was the guest piano accom- Seay. 203 North Sixteenth I been an even „greater impact on trip to Lexington with her talk Street. 1 progams under water. in foreigp -Now Producers are more will- panist for the entire show. for thesootaughten -Penned the bthintlsearnera . crew — and about the Farm and Home Week. . weigbing. four i_countries and 411....wei: -the- ing to senti me scripts," be-said. Mrs. A. D. Wallace. chairman of pounds 7'e coinces, born at the ihimself. At the noon hour a bountiful 1 States. • "They were always uncomfortable the department, presided at Vhe Murray Hospital "We feared at first the scientists dinner was served buffet style to Saturday, Feb- 1 Last Sunday the program u...wd about my doinestic sOua..ion. They business meeting. the membent. and. ^Sulkers — ruary 18. -- '---the--eeeess—fleer—aaff-.- - Ca lif arnia'sfai—tbn---AnlenCi°1-- -Museum would Wietsertsl wee ramie to trial- and- __ .._. five • -During the social -hour refresh- • • • Island "studio." be a little musty." he confessed. a lot garbage would Mrs. Carlin Riley, Mrs. Jessie Mar- Catalina as Oa of come ments were served by the. hos- mobile , -Instead, they soon became en- it. the slivation ine, Mrs. Noble Fuqua, Mrs. Em- For Use fret time,, live. at Now is dearly tess.s who were Mrs. Robert Mil- TV cameras put under 'water 'thusiastie TV experts. settled.* met Smith. and Mrs. Ruth Tubbs. ,i/140• .6,..), e Garden Department were ler, Mrs. Dan Hutson, Mrs Charles "And us7 Some of the boys The next meeting will be held waterproof boxes to televise Clean Love Slate James, Mrs. Hafpn West, Mrs. Mrs. Washer. • , 'actors" of on the show who hadn't opened. Puretorn is also starting h i s in the home of Jim ,To Meet the deep. James Hail. ands' Mrs. John Ed Thursday,- books in yeah./ now 'argue about /* 1:wallas • . "oorneba:k" with a clean love Scott. forth And NN'z• • . (%•1, e*I a .it , op' The Caraen Departhient ue the • Now prochicer R me is talent- PAroutclogY and so slate — no romances.„His constant • • • • -. ale 64° e ` e.‘‘`.\ 2. Murray Woman's Club_ w.a_bi'ld...-tranit:r f _for...nits - spins . for...theTrn -_;_gettlait.. so _ -educated it's Un- dating of Londe Chris-ian was a its regular XS" meekrrig at the club.. unusual show. , possible!"' conversation piece. He refuses Miss Delia Outland Funeral Wreaths •^C$ \'‘‘ I'l ‘ house on Thursday, March 1. at ."We h:pe to show a tuna fishing comment on reports they recently and Sprays A i° 0-,i) ke'l c1/43 ‘NiNk two-thirty o'clock in the afternoon, fleet off the coast . of Lower ended their. romance But he ad- Hostess For Meet .N.e.C.e•\•IC' 0\6 i°4(..X‘e\Ce Mrs. Lenrns Fisk wlli Rornine Artistically Arrang.d e;t•e' 01 &Sousa California this spring." bocial Calendar mits, "I haven't seen a great deal the topic. "My States Na•ove • announced as he packed for a of her lately because she is busy Of Pottertown Club \O'Ael e' Flowers." Garden Miss Delia Outland was hostess Furnietings in- ! -talent search" for more adventures wi-ti her career.- 24 0%?%t\Ce• for the eluding fence. '.rellis. chairs. bird • in Portland. • • • • The actor alsb is busy again. in meeting or the Pottertown 4aC- \O • it, bath sculpture Homemakers Club held Tuesday, and for the small .. 'Then we'll. take our live cameras Tharsdaa, March I an independent picture, producer $?' \\S* garden will be tapir to be dscusised to Catalina Island again to televise • • • • Lindsay Parsons—The Intruder.", , at ten o'.1ock in 'the "ya's by.Mrs. Ed Frank .Kirk,. Most morning at her home on Murray '9 .0\' the wild - Iffe there pcoale The Woochnen Circle Service "Nearly every cent I make from 15th at Poplar — Call 479 The hostesses v.-ill be Mrs. Henry :don't know there are Buffalo and picture goes skrwti the drain."' Route Three 9 ‘‘.'s. Club will meet wit.h Mrs. Joel this Hargis. Mr= Walter . 51.11er, Mrs i island. right* "Lawyers' debts, ali- The meeting was called to order ca‘ wild boar or. that Crawford I. one o'clock. fie Lod. fees, WiL.arn D. Medearis. Mrs. Verne Calif ornia." now give ade- by the president, Mrs. W A Ladd,' loff Murray' Star chapter No 433 mony But I can -Katie. Mts..Ea t kLu-e- Mrs. .1_ _.E..o . R-er.11r4 a:im..__ lar-s to tgain quate support u Tita Ann my clul- and the devotion from Isa.ah was -ZoSten,l. Sr will hcad Littleton. and Mrs. Olin Moore. inu oven by Mrs L. Robertson. -Adventure" carnet= on San regular meeting at the Masonic died.* . ------The saga of Edmund Purdom in Presenting „he lesson on "The Hall at seven-fifteen o'clock. MURRAY has been a turbulent Business of Handling Money" was MOTORS o'clock. Hollyvoxad When _ he first arrived froin Misr Dela Outland The gardening The Creative Arts Department one. INC. England he and The lived .n a and landscaping notes were given -• the Murray Woman's Club will 4 garage apar'xnent with no heat. by Mrs Pete Farley :7.eet- at seven o'clock the Plumbing Helpful Mishaps Mrs Omits Key told of her at- Sales - Service Dcgiirtment of got big break from two tendance to the Farm arid Home mt.o ry at the college.Swarm'slo He his GUARANTEED REPAIRS FOR ANY MAKE OR For All Your Lanza Week in Lexington The March The Woodmen Circle Service mishaps — when Mario `The Student meeting will be held in :he home MODEL CAR OR TRUCK • vr.11 meet at seven - tlurty walked ou. ni Marlon Brands desert-, of Mrs. Key. c.ock with Mrs. Mar•-te Carter Prince' and At the noon hour • delicious 605 WEST MAIN Olive Street ed frown -The EgYlollarc" Plumbing Needs Purciorn moved into a mansion potluck luncheon was given by Murray, PHONE 170 • Alkar Society of St Leo's KENTUCKY fourteen members and two visitors on anti have a spaghetti sup- and betaint a star. He. and his separated. he inissU ,.r at the home of Mrs. Al Koert- was soon But Chnirslao,"had call er at s.x o'clock. Hollywood and Mae The Garden .Department of the npthing to do with the breakUti• I. "..l.irray. Woman's Club will meet started loos before we came to ElroySykesPlumbingCo. the club house 4. two-th.rty Amenca " Pur- e.ock .Last MGM and 603 SOUTH 4th ST. • • • • cken agreed to end lats contract. Biggest Power Lawn to Mower Friday, He blamed the s.uches "foliage • • • • os.. •• ceine up with scripts- ' Call 1654 ... If No Answer Now Purd•orn is thong in a ernal1. The Woman s Missionary Society "very modest- apartment ,n West •-• the Fink Iteptart (tiurch will wood — and is broke. as ne was idy the, boollh "The Tribes Go Please Call 1701 when he first came to Hallywood ' at‘tfie chuth at ten o'clock. SALE EVER to seek his fortune. OFFERED! a potluck dinner will be served. "I have another pic.ure lined up, Immo so there's 3 great possibility 1 will This Sale Will solvent by the end of the year Last 10 Days Only be be said with a grin

ALMO 4-H NEWS EMBREY'S ! The 4-H Club met Friday. Feb Abltra opened iary 24. The meeting was Sale Starts March 1 St --Ends Mar.1 to - 0th , roll call and pledges Amen 'r. and 4-H Flags arid roll call me minutes were read and ..,ness was condducted. The king NEW BIG21G-E TV WITH •I queen were elected t a- the These Mowers Are Major Brands -- Not Off Brands Max Herndon was elected g and Margie Duncan queen .! :key Ahart was. elected to earn- aig,n manager ALUMINIZED TUBE ONLY '2399 Mr Murphey gave . lesson on MASTER CUT I DILLE - Mc GUIRE MorArAdnikt $99.95 NOW TODAY & THURS. Reg. $79.50 Reg.sl 09.95Now $89.50 HAVEN'T LIVED UNTil YOU 20" Cut Horse Power, 4 Cycle, 21" Cut, Briggs-Stratton 4 Cycle Engine YOU VE LOVED IN ROME Recoil Starter ClimEmAS.coPC • New Jong life tubes. • New "Set-and-}',get" Volume DILLE McGUIRE LAZY BOY I ROBERTON Control with new F.4P311-ull on-0T switch. Your TV comes on at pre Reg. rions vrOurne setOne, Reg $94.50 $99.95 Reg. $79.95 NOW $79.50 PARTS NOW ALL $79.50 18- Cut, Briggs-Stratton 4 NOW 49.95 GUARANTEED 18- Cut, Briggs-Stratton 4 Cycle Engine with Leaf 16- Cut, Clinton Engine ONE YEAR Cycle Engine Mulcher at No Charge ONLY 4 TO SELL! 1— - NO TRADE-INS ON THIS SPECIAL SALE USE OUR LAY-A-WAY ,.. lit fore ao man) ivality DON'T MISS THIS ONE TIME BIG OFFER AT N features at so low a pric,!! Fa- mous G-E Aluminized 90 Tube for. biTgest 21. picture and shallower cabinet Ccr e m testay, Model 21:7.1T 21 Sal'),sec-le'. •• vs«. Ankh. Motoing itnesi base oe MURRAY HOME & AUTO FREE Installation 10 Days Only E. MAIN ST. PHONE 1300

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