Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be notices of claims (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given MORRELL, Charles Thomas 17 Orchard Close, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, Lloyds Bank Limited, Bristol Trust Branch, P.O. Box 126, Bank House, Wine 18th February 1982 Avon. 16th November 1981. Street, Bristol BS99 7LG. (059) NORTHAM, Charlotte Mary Clifton Grange, Weston-super-Mare, formerly of 7 Lloyds Bank Limited, Bristol Trust Branch, P.O. Box 126, Bank House, Wine 10th February 1982 Little George Street, Weston-super-Mare, Street, Bristol BS99 7LG. (060) Widow. 29th October 1981. COLEMAN, Edith Florence 75 Downend Road, Kingswood, Bristol, Widow. Lloyds Bank Limited, Bristol Trust Branch, P.O. Box 126, Bank House, Wine 18th February 1982 (otherwise Edith Florence 26th October 1981. Street, Bristol BS99 7LG. (061) Birch). WORTLEY, Elizabeth Mary Fleet Fen, Gedney Hill, Lincolnshire, The Wife of Maples and Son, 23 New Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, Solicitors. (Frank Wortley.) 28th February 1982 Frank Wortley. 12th May 1981. (062) The following notice is in substitute for that which appeared on page 15328 of the London Gazette dated 1st December 1981 : PAUL, John Basil ... -Flat H, 43 Queens Gate Gardens, London S.W.7, Westhorp Ward & Catchpole, 32 Museum Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1JB. (Royal 15th February 1982 Stockbroker. 18th November 1981. Exchange Assurance.) (063) O BARNES, Harold William 1 Well House Cottage, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex, William Dawes and Co., Watch-Bell Chambers, Rye, East Sussex, TN31 7HB.
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