VntB niBSMrs iri^iST. ^ atsu. fO AQ-lfE^ DSSffllG TOMO W THE WHOLE m;iffl DARING

I TWO DOLLkW m tVtUH)*. ir^ VOL. XIII inmxi AT ru janM tu niK. NASHVILLE a TENI>^E SSEEv SATURDAY JUNE 2 7. 18 5 7 NO. 42, . -. J- :<*• • -r. I. —

Satriav af Eldsr Faust's Psntira. cKspttttdtowpaaHiaKt" SoHwi, »Me tb# Dw Aetim or DlisipUne of the Cboich at impr««^ by the clear OQslietitta' that to ottr ; r.r tUTaaaaMsairttot and I sm happy in htiaj aUe to cor^ sti^ a top. «1<»1 fl atSooa of Hm adaaii^rmfor an ujihirg, tb. Jemsalem. eboTcbea liaa de.«cended tba stored defoiit ef tba Bieoiosi& in Trouble.. prs^t™.- Who Win Help - frpS fottaginarsni 7 fd t!sa pau^fam Htri;^ ttkei t4itb «r iia&raete of the ondidata b enrnUng» faith or^ ^riivered toth « oaints The list -of extntn^nniosStd meaib>i ^ Kd f i^cr Uw immaTSwm of Tiaa ia tbe old dcstiuia:—"Aixotdtpg to year Hcitsn IV. The folic wing order, as toexsmiw s for (he next EAR DNCLS DAYTOK : I tmte yon my case to ttK)bondre d and thiTi.y-ih.iae - . - I would i>ay Vfiw liaugs, "thoo^ &« o^tBans -r f BohiytiBdl^jiAutat'wimtari by tlta Uitwrcf so be it," And Oua rata wa ewtld pwn th» H m meting, wa.s adopted from the report of tbe Oom -D in order that you tniy adrise ma what todo . Ojr churches set their faces strongly against tbw rxcelleut and wia.Sy circulated j^lfT »» ttetU. Imfes bM haen vi^Uiebl Iaa| mado, dancing regarding sich amu»M.ieotsi a« teeding to frigjd*of ^tJe tei^, in bdiaif of t^ Bidsens&a iotiodad, hw eoorHewt. ti.tMnioo». Thadmreh has so eonoern ia tb. 1 set apart toth e terriee of God, was pnjer. Elder W. M. Farrar to wrile en tbe rise aad Brst professioa of religiwi a', a MethoiSst camp-mee'.!tabli«bm»nt of Popwy, pviag tiia dete and name and, although my relations, the Metb^iist ehsron, miodednees eminently prvj'idica) to -vital iivKy- liog to f«ve.4hta Sa^tist and their fneiaa "If positisa ud&isa eotoA med Uw «tn»glli With bis PedobapOat bnmsraions. If be iaj» alem the oatpoaring or baptism of the H j]y Spirit. B!der B, O. Dub'-s to write sn iSs^ty oa tbe to my IteiDg iratBersed^.Tet I oaald not belien lhat )th»t churches in the Chowu Assstaa-ion hiva no Brs^pfka, toc'r^ncatamentti fcCiaKll^ «»;,. .carred. I^ irti and wa^j'.shMv ottrtita*^/ *~t*ttM*IWrtrW. Ye — nr ittpmiW «»T*m« Cm^ag dcenBto:— wiilKWt delay. Ha b tbe iiaeba^-tba dinrebii The iKond act was the elecM id' one tofil l th.U query, "What are the best or nv,-wt osriaia evi any tiling was bap'jsTs bat immersion; and'afte; a ne^d f>ir daociDg Bapti.'its. ' Bdt M tte q'ie*i«ii ia eomrOTsnr im cf the nijnJ, and tbe commia^ abootd Red, "Go raeaaey made in the College of Apoetba hy the rtenoes we cm have that wc an led nr. ;5nided bygrea t cot S ct of mind andfe^ingi^ I was immerxed The Beports br diSemt Oomati^tiFes buping w'tei^Te fanrable tvt^d*, fraia friends tsnut ts tfaa Bfgeiat dnEomioatiati, nat 009 OB truci''—tat,' Go and f«»gi/. Away with neb «poataey of Jadas. The wbole diorch of one ban- the Spirit of God?" ' • by thecircait rider, in tha name of the .Trini^. most animating hpcechss. That from the Oiamit- m any S;^ ujtmties fcrtb e aWB: fiart; ata ' «hic!l» plda mas insf propni; expren Vs o^is- mtions; wahadahooat aaid, DODaeesa, ftom tbe died and twenty (male and female trotirg) pot in Elder W H. U large,, and Xld»w of no Baptist ntaiawriii ioa-meaRootSttS^ii toia*!:* \ke roazt^ of tbe ntrih. Iti^annnhyoraochamaa M Of. Fttt- oominstioa two brethrea, Jautoa aad Matthias; and Bder J-is^h B ibrr.-OQ to wrile on M«l. 9: 49. travel in search of tbe ehareh " fdl into my liands very chtering natun. We were modi franfled tn'th e eotauiy njadf- In MSrotlkcr B P.: oiated to write, tried. To leave my ^'^ia frieods, and nlatkms and finaadalway ^ bat. that then was a dei^htfi^- little Baptirtduirca whioii bai beeaeoaKitaud t^ oppMMot, ^t we fra>Ujr antes, \htt w k&*e qootatigoa atsd atatementa. wbidtaaawer aboot tbe 0 tw« kisaiaoadee aiaa^ swa^ nnathawithalena Kmr bsfin mat wt'^ «i}tiaD§ from hb pox an tcuzie porpoae tbat—aa some pbysietuis say tbe •rarflumbcrcd with tbe elereo Apoadas. A fact, and have riot yet prraeated their Baays, ate ex —and that to-i to live" with a people ' hated of aL state of reiigious feelirg pervading -tbe whiic wortl^ of notm io this traoiact^a is, that tbe pected tod o so at the next mcetiog, viz: men "—gt*atly perplexed me; bat by the graoe cf aaheoi. Several of -tbe young tadies have made a: members and wilboat a PaMor. W» cclhiaoaa a fietxiaia and iiloBical aa ia tbtai(a3wnt Uiat bstdiK^tv n d>ira ia tba bamaa body —ta Sit a Tacaoc; meetirg with «hisi IttieoomjMBy cf hdieicrsmbwt titeta moarks A Dar^d of raj smaU statore among tbe abdominal Ttccara atid rqoaExa the pack- whole charch voted. Eider T Q. BJand—Oa iho Atnnemetit. G,>d I d'.UrmiaeJ toforsak e all fcrChrh t proiedsion of nligttia—anl expect soon to be bap- The thbd act of the chondt wasjrrcodUng on tha E der 0. M. Simms.—O^ Jastificatioa. tiae-i. iiro we^K, pteftMid ikith iaClnistwHt bat with • pot* pcbbia from Ura brack of God's ing We8haI,theTefora,paaitbtm oTer, asdoD- I took your tatiet in hand, whitih reads tbos: fjtutsen ndhed -Vftti the eiaBth. The hoose of work, nrixitl- Mifijr prastnU t&s Gbliali to~ tha oee bis last poia^ samely: day of Pcnteocst. 0 11. Uugbes.—0,->. Uie Datiesof Dsacons The diSL-aoaton an SaBday^shtxils was a Tsry ia- The foarth, tbe baptism of the tbrte tboosaad. Qoeries appointed to be discussed tt the next SLUSS, OA MAUS BT VTBICS TOEXOS XTSSICBCMSL teresting one. It ia tn be hspud that ia their next; worship, ire ^coopifd aad thik odj'waAjtht totra ds*t. Wamaashaartity njwa tbat tiw time is Tna aj>sui9tuiOKts xirn ksrxutxD TO OJ or CBUST. - (exc^t the Soman OathaUs's) was tauh bfa Ikr att any when bM siainneata ao^^ihavy at (itt nfftitixg ikt webdity of tkt act. It bHowa Tha arth, the rtcrp Jon of these into the cbareh. meeting: lettan to the Aasociatim, evi^y cbmvib wtU rtsxxt; Tba wxtb, was tlus ele<•.tio^^ first,o f Diacons, 1. ' Hat man ib« ability to comply with tba rc- 1. It c-JOEisti only of profeased believers in a fiMtishiogSunda y Srfwol. deoomiiMtioii^ httt the .Oa-Jagiiis. Atlile dne at MaaiuCnf-^^^aKWrn diaraapcet—aay be impaa tbs^ vbat the bapeam woold ba Tmlid if tdmn^ Christ. t^ nieetiBKl awtttaJ to|Mech ferthtm raeath^ cd m tbtt chiirehi* U» tioad of polpR fami — ttnd, op Jiiatter wboiB. It may be a deacTO, and next, of Eders by tbe whole congregation, aad qaiicnKUti cf God 1'' Tha Beport on Wake Forest CaVfe liisQiaeed tbe SeTenth, tbrir ordination or consecration. Are nnnital elections for Pasters ot cfanrehrs 2. I ts iDiaisterd tiare been baptised o4 a proles- pleastn; fact thtt «32,000 on the tew endawmeai rmaitdcgi^oi thtyear*. dretut itfet. Xbe pttat body of Baptnts-csptetall; in iliaSath isintstar. er a prirate member, taale or female, •ion of their .'ianh. wti^' presdwd in that hcaae eve.'y three «ec.k» a» —k^fjoadMt ibusfoat m«a an not alvaya Pfuabjterian, IpiacopaUan, Methodic or Oatbdic; TB» OMiiui or woasHir. Scnptnral 1" of »50 600 was a«ain.d and that tba wht^v wonld 3. It IS a I»CA1 ofgaaizition. and indepeodsnt of tlwea iBcrmintiiBes. aa-leliiitahbt Viae, aadiba auny oC th oa vho van io^ad np «r, wa aboold t^tifc^ tba cindiJate himself. Wc It Trails, " And tbsy—the threa thaosand oee £ider W. W. Nadi is topreac h the Intccductorj soon bsaafe. Sermon; l^der W. U. Wilaon, alternate. all others. appoinCBKata'an days, nty oongrrjalioif-WH*' tcM nta UWoiofisns, b.iT« from a mistakm and tbtolia tlMosaad times pnfo to rcctire a mas haadrtd aad twftay—conttnn d Ets-dfasiJ;." Tto ack« eeesioa will be bdd with the dnrcb at ntne tha leM to a scbocO-raos, wfa« ira 1. Inth'S ''-lyrA't dodrint-' -lhat is - they re Xiie ne]:t meetirg ii appoin.ea to bu held witii 4. It has Chnst for its king and lawgiver, and Great Fork near Beyooldaao. S. J; W. te expaasiva dnrity ior bar deoomiaatiow, not who was h'«oini •iminiatrator, than if he had re- rtcngnisa no anthoiity bat bis abovn its own. exaisitied into iLe itsatof 'tlie b:>itas, a* thasor* only isoand iba Sciptor. s, orsntspped the bxio- matnad firman d •mahaken in tbe teacbiogs of the the Uooco:rd church, Wtnstuo oountj^j to wmraecc;: casred tba rita from a Pedobaptiat mimster. B«- at 10 o clock 00 Friday moRung btsfcre ttia fifth 5. Its toembers have tiecome roch by their own prsse of tbe cttixuis. Tbe Ssthocftst aa umal b^ danaaof prapnaty and expodiesicy, i>at aaaaulud eatue then wauld be reaaoa fox beUerisg that the Apostles. For TA* TMI tBaiitm. 2 And/WloicJ*rp; which means reciprocal kind Sabb,4Ui ill Ma? tKXt. voiuntary act. been wide aw^akc tothei r on imereat aitd had tka dicutca of anasaiati atois. uiminiatTatorin the fiitmereaae , Mirtti ia the 6. It bo!d.4 as articles ' f faith tbe fundamental ^Soaret Societie*." cured tbe righto f thslot aathe oonlertcoa, viaeh riteheadminiaUndopattlBa^, aathe aap ness and good wiJl; alao, a Joint and cqoal particj- Allonr aic to ?»y ia aonctusion, (' is very, mi-jb In coinioentio' 03 tfe: po ituoi assumed in the pation, as well in all ib« blf»irigs, asatso, is all the deeired th» brethnj will attend tbe oext, and aiae nodegr oat', abora very siiifaiac an^. «« aotica Qia^ toils and burdens of the chorcb. our roeu(i:;g»rej:alarl y ; asd that itcse who tuve With .his I started out with an hoiseitand eager yoj have giuted me, to aoswer W. W. Kaan DS. FCUXa S ova CASK. moB, and tare Pcdobaptut amuwxtf from tlw per. duties a&>tKU«d ihem, wilt make it & (iuqi of co^- hort (o findih e church of Chri.«t, an l soon fjund I tracts the hsnw was in buildiBf iiooc (aid tormaceei of many aa tinpleatant task. Bcndes 3. Tb; fcfaotiag0 / iire.d—that is—the La d's on the si^bjeot of the above caption. Iretad in tbe ycB sn lalii•^l)^; tsra fineahotiM,on e ks |:<9d ai Bs WM oat »®in{, af-sr hi* oon»ergi'>o, to enter Sxpfxr^ or Cuatatuajon; and >«ietico to pciform these daues. Tbe o'j«ot of our one trith all the marVs gt.ven in the taU»t; related teimeaiiec Baptist recentiy two artUdn oppostt;: It coa d not ba luimiaid in tla eaaej that the Uini^r's anil Dcacoa s me«iuigroj»r«.—(ActsS; 42.) S.cret Sjcietits. bat fictiousnaia « were given, ai>i5 . MM* if^aiwi&i, Wkf not I Bioanse, aajs b^, '^Tbs ttrjt pnacbrni To tieoe four acts of worship might be added ment—though It i3 very pleasing a'-d agreeable to pa3t.>r lit the church inio tbo fellowship of a B.\ti- of vonhip was eoa{i9el*d, loat* iocsodiiMy in tha - OT- WMML- ' - .rt- •%• ad, sioca it wootd bqpn and terminata with the mmg!« with our bre;b.nn in fraternal cont^sf 1; nor tiafc'iarch; aad like the (onoch of old, ^'went 00 I will ever scorn to noiica Bach articles. To assail stilhieaa cf nigbt-aet it eo fin and ia • fetr olimtca ibaawivna baptosd, aad bapuaoi by ao oo- Ckjididate biasatt loatead of being a ceotinaoos three ether items cot mfntiooed in the 421 rerae, a inan cr eociety. and tbin put a falsu signaTarv iu haptUi«t airntnAmior apoeand t<> ai>i»r>!8t]? la It to (ff.Tan« pn-ra ti; a Bjt tba Dr. saya that the adtmnistraters m an of todal worshi? erj rfnedo n the chunA by eiiber But as brother ^aith ba« written over bis own 5T « BtptlH Uwue^ ibK tha en^ht to adutit applioaata pRcrpt or cxamiJe, whi<^ should bs pasctaaliy loistrnctKiti—to give an opp^rtUi.i'v to each in tuni ber of the church. tnudolcDtly ttbiaioed for a printing laKabhshawnt - U ; er rtferred to cxcapt as a BMUCT of htrtdiy, and liignatare. and ia a proper spirit. I wiH andeavor B*iabentB|> oa (heir Pddobaptiat ioawraionst attended to. to <«ach atd t>e taaebt ; tfiat acto orery one of N ir haa I ar.y doubt about the validi^ ot the and approrristid the money wi Ji woat Ibiy could ^ Cs^. Uialie^ that a deactm bapiszed tha Koaoeb. It was to tbe UM M giteii grace accoroing toth e measura ol the wcri. until I read year rtvieiv of Dr. Follers arti- t« answer h:s otjecuons m toe same kind spirit. get. by Mtn^nptioD. to Iba baUding of a flae hoiutw f,tsosr^Iin xnrjuvxis. Tb* avaa. Hi CMI iotmUuu:'i, tbonfore, AU living bodies, wbetiier of men or brme aoi- ta<"t>ad to unjaM tfaa wlenm aex." Why then on- aetioD, Tb« b]dy, or f<'nu, is nothing but the ma- biptism (lat ot the lina of Apostotic eutxesiHin dcr pndaety l^mftec dren'a'itaa'Tei, d»i ba advisa <• as a deacon, be was a baptizid deacon. It wa: the fiuth. and of the knowledge of the S m of < t.->d me into great pe'plenty agam .—To knova. i am also a member of om «f tbote nearly cxhutstad a &>e ti»t effjrt ta ^lild, we f tMitmtm' rapmmltm mm tb* same Padip wtu is claewben callad the Eian chine throogb which tbe (p nt breathea and acts : unto a perfect man, unto the menMOTc if the s{a Secret Societjes.'' aod 1 am ver* wUiitig t«i tay. are diiven u> the t^eesMty of caiting aa fiindsax a tiwMelbodtit vif^a tUptiM f>a¥ troubUSj t^e sacrifices which I ba") ing OW vhscb he biiaaeif fidt b>aad to doT It gtlisC aid who preached Christ st Samaria— tare of the fulness of Christ: that wo henceforth made in leawg my chorch and people; twice rm- ihsi if th» chorcb of Christ bad done iia daty the d Jtance We ^ve a teck bnt'Aag ntider litai- tlttieehawaaapreacbaras wetlaaadeacoo. Bat tore. He no moie children. to8»J to and fro, anil camul oecasnty for such CHiiaaaatyura would nerer bav? tr^c , which IS to be covert^ w^^, tie walia of mmm ta an ibat hia o«o act, ii a tiiarapfcaot nfa- bold and cuorageotu, and the lamb, mild and gen mfTieit in tbe face of a giime.mai(ing, persecc ting aitimtttng, as Dr. FoUcr plaisly intuaatea, ' that a s'iem wiOi every winJ uf doctrme, by the slight cfovtd, Dij grta'. r.lief and trarqiility cf mind »fler had an exi^t^af*. or, in aiber word?' '' tha i-pint tie bcu^e am tbubt 1i»5f tbe wiy up, asd wtll tie IBtioa «r hi* aoan v^panent Bat ha rarpiisj* tie ; the form cf thMS animals iDdicate the spin', dtacoa, or eves a pmate member may lawfully of men, aad cunning crafuneis whereby tfiey lie and letter uf tbe BbJe wa' cimed ^by its ad completrd as SHOU a> the mmry can tie bid and Iha ti»a Rsdbr by tha atsaspc toi-gift w »b« rtrj •itbin. This is a general law tf nature pervadirg luT baptum, and now the possibility ti^at it wnsaii I bikptiae, thia doc* aotaffxt tha qaeatioa i& raotro- in wait to defuve; but s-,.«akipg th« tni h in li'qnin"d in'o the hinoT7 of tbein. it Ls ttiere-'ore no laoli cif God'tt law, er «( boose. Pine Blulf i.i in J-ffemoa Co. forty ilsa «TlMdMun'^tian bacwnaa-i ac'- vbi -h is inlonna: dif^qaiLSstioo. N^. itj^tpean to as, that to tbe aex(S, bei^g exhibited m tbe form. The stroog joiBt-d tiigstlier, ando^paote.1 by that trhi^h evert the Church orgaiuxatioii. but 01' t.>-e imperfectioo and an an wbtdi r otl atd rmi, all will admit" the px)d o!d pa.s'or who haptised me. f thero was tX) mii::8 beiuw LtuU Hact ituBccijately aa tbe Aikaa- make his praeti.» barBiaiuaa with bis taeoiy, Dr • anicniar powen of the man indicatf his more dtr-junt Eupplitih. according to the efijUtul ironiing irregaiirity on bw psft) ba. the man whj baplaud of iiR tnembcrsi. Members of Cbri-st ii caurcb bavt tas nver. Ttw Buinad frin KapolBiB to tUs T«7 ««tl> (t W b«caaM of tfiia very distkctiat: f uSer abooid modify, tosom e exteot, tha customs iog and ooarageoas nature; whilst the moro de>i' ID the measure of every part, makcth incrca-a 01 !^&red both frrm poverty and afflkrjon jn trer; txiiDtta now ar^der erotm^t, onr town no* aniahei^ OatAmiiteat Baptist ebmehiii njMX appUfatUa him nithnnfb a regularly ordamed Btptist minis- his own cbareh, and adopt tha fidlowing cue shape of the female, points out a reilced and the boJy, antu tbe edtf/in;; of itseif in lore - ter, wa.* h»ti!.»elf uamersed by a PL-dobap-.ijif, So cenmry fince iw firstcxistcnoe , by iho nvglect of tug 1ifce«n fausaimaa itiat tay bapTsm is out of the lice of fuJt:t«joa. •iMumi ji 1. Call a coaneil at>d set apart to tbe work of Suw, as in natunl, so in all corporate bodirs, diligent our body cannot fail to "tnanase. uo'.o tbo injun^aons of God s law—the precepu airm or eJifjiigof Itself m lave " Tce ferr t'C-aRians wo Ot' wl-.y didyco writff be'o<-e yon Itad mattirad pltiS of our Uts^ Savior set a; nair^ht _ hy the Mom pt^p'Iy dwamr tbafthe taiformUhT of the Tinmeri^tDg, Bume half dfzeo, or mors. Methodnit TOUT BT'tetr. on-le Djyton ? For, afltr finding e "now bf!ng ^.enieti vreaifby farmer. Wearefari hapdM oaiitSad its niidity- 5a tsoaght Dr Fol- m'riatrrs—or as many Pcdobap*iit ministers of irrguRizalinn malus manifest the spirit lhat have mvt nave b^eu interesting and pnfittble tn wealthy ai>d ptocperoas, .until g-xd men hare de- ruuiKiul oraaarly M t>y a 'nocntry wVitli will g've framed, and then Qilci it. As f« example, look tbo^e who aMerKtcd. rr>d» of peojile with all yoor marks of a "true vised p'sa* carrjitigout thosa bi^h aati h-Ij iar vhaB Iwonneicd tba uif^tra lity by serkixg d>S ^rmt Mets as the txu:eacy cf tba case might de ch iroJj ' and t*it>g baptised hy them, yoti Fay that peruiiaance and nu inoaaiie of bu!4oei^ ts tte taty biptwn of » Btptiit minutar. Tist, ibe laiormUi- at Ri}mani>m., EiHi>c>paliuii8m, Prtaby terianisai. less^iTis taught by Chr^t himpelJ, pf Pines, as tbe c^mrch .bas appuintei mt Agsot in maud. It is adraittrd tbat tbe baptixer ought to Uetbudism, etc etc. Dj not these rarious fortus A Inoiher, aftir the a'ljTnnnui! t .af ihis !»»; I >m •itill out of the church and anbap;i.sed. ia ba cam and the «iaa of tbia Meibudist lady'a ita^re cn/iortff forth e wtwk from a dioreh, and it meeting, iaid to the writer thtt t;* IVIr enc>'nini^d Wov di 1 \oa leifc ihe great matter oa of jour. SU!1 1 «otei iuto an elabnra'x argsmeot with tbia b'ls nets, any amoania sent ut, pltaaa direct bapr.>al in Bnofc al'Of,ftber « The fact that althoush a budj brother K»sh to preve there exi&is in the ^u'i'jStntrvtfftMtaimiAatf^'or. Battbedoctnr— cnme frrm msiae cbnicb tn tkt deaimi»ation wbiiA hi» Mj>st«t'« peretoa. Whai. he expre«i-.fd. dnobt of .-hnsdiiis nay carry with them rfl the mtrts church a narrow, cantrscti.-d. Se'fl-h fetiing auong a-oka-iwldga lite receipt ojtthe nme, brp:tig to hear >b>ble, those wouM have frlc who teem mcceK?ioti ai-.d tie no church at all ? dear sir, in your otrn co3gr«gi.uc3a, some pxir Yuars iu CiiriitiMi lore W. IL lju. ttaSSf alSSSSriii III nr. • iina of bsptiam and tba amaoay .of rasnap.— And aa these human iiistitntiotu have ipini, PiTj BitiJJ kohtit Junt ^lSS:. . abe is wiHiog to reotire tbo pemin wbem ha bap fb hers t If tbey are hiuk do otbera visit them tut- * are not m all iwpcets pan'M. Tbe cmmxiy of aintt, so has the church of J asm Christ. We have IKB.. Enrnn.—AS tbo uat fjr the meetitssf tha parpoee—sprinkler and infant-bsptizer aa be it. saen bow it was filled with tbe Hjly Spirit on th: ren lafter'iie manner of Tbotna*. catled OMi vma-' . jeuc • r b,>ptiam purely ale^alquestion j and, there- ting cp whole nighu with them, ard then paying; Btantags is hasad on tbe prencassiQiaalagmment 2. Oa some baptizing ocea.<400s, when be baa John 20: 24 ) upon occasions of refi e^ttog from ore, It mi].«t b« carried out m ail its technicaliiies. tbim a lair compeasation fur the time they wtrr B.^ Uuca« A'i!ioaa'i:ia wiih tba Church m OoT* day of tbe Pentecost, sent d^wn by Chns. •>« an u>g lun, Tiptao County, wul u>3c be iiere,reBbraa^ af tae parqsa iail»eatcd, and rrqiires bten mndi exaasted by tbe preeediDg exereites, abiding U>mfarter to dwell with her ibrever . aa:l itie poeaence uf the lp9tl a help e« tieoaia t^ofiaaincaSBSLQ. ex:»pt the qatl dca- ihs Dr. might call ia soms good Methoast, or Class- We have some thimy four name& Qp'm the rail of If the doctrine of snccession, as taught by you, family ? An yt ur ehorcbea aducaung aii the ing the 4 h Lta-dsiay in Jnly) 1 tician x) ai^ (b tbroaghit, as his organized body, ahaped to smt the inenitr sf B.-t;wi>ni]le F>.niale Odiiacs, that tht Itaa of Tbtf otil »ow ROt how any conscientious man orphan chiidrtn in thtir ncigaborboods f Are tiwy ^BTCS Au m» riaja sball ba soJeom etOter by labor (ff his hands. Thts wotiW lock a Huh qtle«^^ »nd there are others that r.ujht to bu ihers. T« rnu venture to preach the gospel feediog and dcthmg the wid>w and the beipieiB f B«4rdit)g Hjcse ttf stii CJl^ is now {rang C|I, er, poUiog down the stroogholdi of Satan , and nil) 'aod I bo^'e ibc.i» wi-Zi bwe aabssitied «» it, Binuten of tbe or mafiiistau^; bat it does to be sare, bat he might as wall immerse tn t)M eontioaa bis cooquas-s nncil }he kirgtems of this all an iav;.lat>on is hereby extended tc. attend otir You hold thst no ono »h3ald preach who is not a If so, then indtsed >00- hare no cause t»tnvMe iBU> ggCKi^ any nqotstian as to staniioi; asd diar- Bi4)'ist cbareh as to immerse in bis own chotei, next meeting. Tt>ar», itn. iu.'m!Hr c.f the chuicb yoar midu " strcrtt so^iw" ot if any txists wtr send up tbe af t.bis is the eonditioii t)l aatbnr aund^ maj MTent, oc their iwctes djcta-i nabie aasistaaca at tte ccmmnaion tebte. Brother agent, armed with the sword cf tba Spirit, tbe gos- can see) to trace tbesuoce^on. atfaL^H in yoor young and t>eanxifii) SttJ^ itiafar itoiuig a general co operatisil to raiaa an endow- Btit tba e^unmtsd >0 baptisa ns gt*ea io bat um Sicer, or Brother Stoekbm, or Bro. Hammer, or MR tDrroR I trisb to call the attimU' n of ali otherwise io oar own chivainc K..3]ia:ky amn^ cunt fund for it, we want !>•« Bmber j tior csaa- r pel of saivaiion. This brings as toconsider , what BaptuU, who .read your paper, to a declaration 1 am overwhelmed with d ffiiolties. I may html ^asa nf men, aitd tha fcrmaU tob e osni dstioet setae other P^bap iat brother ra'gbt step in on form ot organization Christ gave to his mystic again aad flai a church and paster who seetn tob e the cburcbas; but when those •• twei Sooietits tcnance, yoar prayen and Jtoor peeoaiafy aid,— If mimnfl*^ WbSe, bovcTcr, ibe anatctcy fai;» SaUbath afternoon, and aid bias in the adsninatn body—ike chart*- fijund in ' Borders Oiuor? of a>l Behipuia." exist, tliis M fortunately tha'ca&e. in ibem there And bj ue bleSKing of God, we will {Jasii that lor. On pagi' 466. Fpeikirg Bap't^'t. the tii-ftor layn: in ttK FU Pc FiEI'v « T«niM««'« Biptivt Tlio father of the Baptists in 4cieric» was Ri^er soBtnag humani-.y at aay msmtiot. XtoeEaad* ecnor to cur ^emiaatit^'a bleisi^ to rat tlci| Wi!li»niH.' should not be one bad link. And as a legal qties- and result in gtor^' t'> God. te semaa *&> liBs^ste as matxiages. wonld not of KMoe old fi^gies—for sorely, sinoo baptism i» a Minister's and Deacon s Ueetin^. tioft. an irregularity seventeen hundred years ago. an relievad trom equalled pjrany and »ttS't<^uig. W biralida's iba marriage If p«TfijnDe«; by any per prereqaiKte to enmmnnioa, and tbe Dr. is willing Now, I do iKit know to which uf the re'igioas wcuM be ab fatal as one last year. and yet know not from wlMcce it came. Toe i!cho;i! is now in a (anspetnas Caoditioa. asd aoQ «ha is nd. rtccgatxMl by the ciril atatate. tbe li raceire the Pedobap^t brother's immersions, he : ^nister s and Deacon's Meeting of tbe jests Mr. Burder belooged. From an eiamir.ation What 1 wriU I hive a :^aDcal knotvlet!^ ef. wa hope tha fneodj of Female Eia^atiun w^ tSte of b<» history one wi aid iitciine to hiiik him a Now, my dear uncle Dafton, yoa see my dis- lu and tea if it dites uit mcni-their parage.. AIMASE,ATLKASTINA'rs*^ stsss,. TOSM be nnll w -aid not baittts to recein the Lord's Sapper at Loojs»a!e(\ris«iiaBippi) Association, was h»!d afie»ab!e situation. Will you he kind eiough to and whi!st tJiosc Sicieties an dstribaihtK roch aaiteid. his band*. inih the Mt Moriih l!harch, Choctaw county, 00 R.TOan Catholio—from the feet tbat he giefs m Henmgs npon poor arpbw cbildrvn and b^l^tme Vtrjf truly Toara- much apace in his book totha t degenerate Met mc what tod a 1 And e.'^pecially how I may Jm if eoDfeiaaii of iba ia>Stnesa this ana2eci- 4 And to be entirely social and consistent, the rnday iivi SaUrday bef^^ra the fifth Sabbath in know wha.t preachers and chnrchira are in tie indow-i. remember, when yoa are writing »ga»«t GMO. W. YCCJ:«, atf iBoMiattaa Oe- Fatter enters tbe Pcdobapiist D >ctor and hia chorcb on^t to go over, now and Mutch, 1S57, ami I was requested to forward yi>a a I cannit thick tliat be tras a taptiit or a fiieod Jiose Secret Sjcietie.', you an making war apoe Osilitiul FiSgtUe Caan.'y Tttat Joe &ijtlSS7.-j 'o B.tpti iaataa well doit iita The attendance was nM targe. Elders Silas fatter,"—00. cot even Uw P->pt. Tntiy flavflho t tbetis tsirs wiS erase from btvvens reoord aH tSiai maastcss. Dobbs, John JSlbon. W. W. Nish, W. H. Wilson, ooei' father'' and tbat is tbo Lord. Bendes. Rf«er Aod u> reach ita avy Isva, K-d-jhaptiat Li- Fifty-first Amuversary of the Horth Carolina, you have or may inite against bowvoieot Sae'ietfeK Bat iosged lava'U. A de a-dnp fitir Haar Mm^ If no ba^tjaia he ralii withTOt an ad- XhesB are a few .-is i.joai lleivcd hw ^aaa, Then, of enrae, the ln^awrswrna recetred at tbe tet'ot^ bo«e«er, lur rtjeciiog Padobaptitt inmer £tJer S. Dabi». Moderator, and W. H. Heai, Clerk. alive progosiiioo could br. If Mr. Border had ug pre-oeu! ser^ion waa beld with the chmsb at Its yoor arti-^e tr^r ehiif wnpSaTOtis, that It Io atak oae>..b*pnae m'mstns- caroo. be valid. ^s, are emhractd in the foilowiag. Of ttiose who had been prtvicnaly appointed to said, Tha fither of rrJigioHS /renfom m America T Co'eraia Bertie coonty. prodcees a d ireiicaon of doty toward lb» cbareh wat Rjget WiUianu, hs ;fvald lure been c.3rrec'. Tbe lu nductury sermon was dalivtred by the SaU, the (faieiflr'a k>giB rw tbita r Sbcb there is SCXMABr prtpan essaja, only one tras present—Bder W ffow I can a!isnre yon. if a mMnber c^ thw —EcCEsaxiiia—Itis o^eai to nsisl. thaim- W. Ntab, who r>ad an E.«ay on • feet Washing," L. J. C. youthful biiihcp of tha church at Hertford, Perqui* nuoo to >t»pucuine uf the cpectal provt- stincjn in the Arab cbarsdur. It n tlis 4rsL tiHogb ntbiew i^m to ban been irrvgalar!— as expressin of the tentimants of tbe mceiing. ta« Teaimai* Sapttct. C3tmc; fir it would be ngarde'l a« in immorality 'ord which cinltirea eiter. That t am -MDVioaad 2. Toe aatbority of paonriTX FSXCXDXKT is Tbe folloiriog queries, standing over from a form- desM of God. aBtbi7 argues oa tWwppotttHio that the against ibe practice. Hoimn Veraon Anoiiation, Atkxusas. in him. No mati taut b.'cnma a member of either of. Uij the last on ttA lips cf ihe dynqf tsiat,'if doin of bapttraul Faocmiaa bts bees Iro^an er meeting, wen taken np in cider, and discussed Every church in the Asscciation was represented•irde r ttaless bs b-.4ieve» tt» -Kt>i« ts he true, and 3 A Baptidit charsb nngbt to Trcette tbe hnnier- M&. EOITOS :—At the last meeting t>f thia body tha v^sijs of a f>«e goa.' croMM itis fadtQg~.ayfab. Wetball not deny Uiii, bnt vs oftan tboaghi at tome length, vizr sa-re one—a feeble body living at a very isoonve> then be is governed by its precepts in every aeti»B, sioa ot tio man, VH'ix S8> wotn.» nor oanaiK. a rasolatiaa was pasted, that at its nint anniver- nient a-jd inaccasisible ptwt Dr. Abbs; voarbes far tbe fast that haat aadet an ttat Bapiinsar* too ready to cacccde it, tboe br. 1. la it nght to retain a member in fellowship and ia all hiatdatiocii with hU felow men. Arab to a Song and mttrt it ^ lUassa SHS islftid 4 Such recrptioos tKAKsaroaa Banisx An who iodn'ges in making, vending, or using intoxi- sary, sermons siuuld ba piuacbed on the foUowing Auong the visiting brethren in the ministiy iof ant a AtAam of ariditaea bttaring Bpoa tbe oase. coKMCXtoa, ptaeirg the latter fiist, and nnUifjtng rabjects, ts-wit; In those Sideties ( » m» of tbem at least) there hna- When tbe Stan was Veil he c^d oa tka Vtiaesn ahoar liic tms whin, tbe p'ac« wtfre, or cating liqoors i were Eldt-ra Reuben Jones ai>d Geo. W. Bradf(. cvact in the hia tititJi to cutnmane wiia pertons whom tiieyRgar d Oil Lord's day, at 11 o'clock, A. M., a senasnon ples; acdwbeti an intaltigeaft member W these )xd besa regular twice a day f« »laooih.^Tiat tjry of tba dMnJi, and no maa living cao prtwe it indnlite 10 the plays at parties called ' ionooent aod Elder John Mi chel; Agent cf Wake Forest MUX BATa* as u»bt^izot. These positions we wiUsastain and D.Rn».-'ic Mis&ii-ns. S.-cret Societies" reads tuA aftides a? have re- he had a3th:<%bat pioutb to gna, ttp 4aotar FdXOlJ^, D' Falte viwi] rcfraioed fr^im q>i3Mp4 tbe case amasementsl" tJollege. dtfeod aganut aay and all opposers. On I/ird's day, at 2 o'clock, P. M., a sermon on Three churchcs wen added to tbe Association— cently appetnl befom tbepablic, wtttea by m'ti well Icnew. , - = " ' i; • if Wutiiaiaa ia gvmS, knawiag/ aa be doea. Then tras nearly atj entin aaanimity npon there pn^esOTg tbe Christ iwi nligioa, h^ sarry he feels 1 am weiM; 'be Bin. queriea, and tbe f^wing answers to them were F->raiga M j^ona. one from tbe K hakee (Anti missionj Asmiation tbat tba iaftawitty of tboae earit baptisms a'- for ta* < 0.1 Lord's day, at candle lightiog, ti sermon on One I'noosind ard twcl -c pcrvons baptised dn ing for such attempted fcty,snc h tnisgaided zral, sjA ' I ai3 to «o»S.—yoo an wail?', FroviiNnea. was <«>t pfrpetaaad. Bitt grant tbat Beddadly BidL adopted without aa oppcaiog vote, viz: bimd licks fitrack ie tht dark, aad 'iril to operate H am well," rspaated Iha Aiah. / ^If' Acsirer to Q icry i«r —A church taemher who Tbs Beiigijos lastrttction of oar Colared Popola- tbe AssociaiioBsl year ; so that now there an ftftj- "tbe laai' Sfioo. ot prtDeii.!ea ard ordinaoMS too". one churcnes- nine tiiou!snd nine hundred aud fifty-against the poor and defer.caless}' acl yet not eoa- ''Xea.aolKe. Thai&Gadtar it,« Hsttiadoe- baa hM^tttatrapttd. does it&iUuv tbat a Baptist iltt^ Eoma: We who go engages fa the manafactan or tale of intoxicaticg sdoas what they are doinj. tot. • - •,. •-IWB spirits, or who haMtnally uses them ss a bevenge Seecmdlr, The B^ard of the Associatioa was in- I eight communicants, thirty-eight ordained minis- Otnr^ most tdont to ntem^etacip appbcantson csaosatiy bear "a ncb thing," sa tha fxUoi^ stracted to make the appointment of mint«urs to I ters and tbtrteeo licentiates. I hops in God, I mar tiever oppose a {hmg oiiiil bat—isuHthenaayUBi^MM^ 'tmwm PMobaciiot nmseristaf Is thrrs not (tin or tn any case to the degree of intoxicaUon, onght t*l tini amcdote will show: preach as above. Aseoidiagly, at a mDetieg of tb« CootribatioDS to the d flinnt objects mtesipla- I tmdmlaodit. A krawMi^eof thMhtsnraiU lamwdl.". «mbled crowds at oar Cessions gectially, as lam. Bat oa tba otbn baad, it is baini to all ilk 0.—(AUithodistsaukmaa of acme imag- Elder J. M. Coz,—On Bebgioas IcistrB^n of >weH ss by roembet'a chfloeiDg that day to travt) Iowa or Masons! piHfca atudpt^^,^ naneeifta bf s Pfedobap- ioai>t amrrtsa^ )—t d^ yoor Baptist preachen out dincnt oar CJowtl Pi-po'stioo. Agata, yoti say jon tear the Savior aqr, »5aveBl ^iFaewhaty Doring themeetiBgaoaw other questions wen homevaidj ipdoeed the Association to meet on ^jw^aspsiiwMSysiahaaahadfaqginrsasia tist aniakEr i; xBXssin^K. Simly, tbta knowl^^ en Ttry ocdioaiy mea. (EHeri' M. Firennan having left •{he Asaocis- Tues-Jay aad adjsara Oft Thursday, 14th of May- thOBBtaiiMce than thcee." i iiop* yea do npjT : iaatyia*%Bitytafaaiid>iaT<^|^C;st. Mitry —I think (.ar praaehersta tto aBbaii>icdwlBigi9Mse H A far«lrWtanW« tt*«Baibe atnato tbnfr U»-> tba m pciat of kaowladge. world r* was answered thos-^Soi^ testimony Restt'^, That the Seqretarj- forward the aboie sorrow «• ik lalls down the chMic bereasemriet $ onght to be heard, and may be reoei^ by anxiatiea in all qoicted—tbe change acoosapliitaad itfd tbe ioetar.—7. SiStsrtcrmM O—Well, we ban eoc nurt praader st kast. to brotbiT Gnvei, with a rtqiiest that: it be insert- all that wa bad anticipated, aad nen* of tha ap> we an ac^g the part of ftaj^nafBaiaaritaB.' IX> chardMS." .. •iS oi»p«nM»« fbr ib« «rrnrt<^ mry.-whokthst,! . _ ed in ths Tennxtoe Baptist. jBthtnded evili w»r« rcatitid. The pastors »•• ytM CIcist aay tsythieg AgMMt thatt . the iribsaiioa. Ha igt-BratberSjiith. ** BdwRsdiprapoKdaa inqimruto what are The Matiat-TeJtoon AMoetation mei»la thte' year toined to their chorches and 80. ^ My tar hratber, yoa an m^tAm *^ yt^ l^tbepaipivaadabowcdhia aBaceosnt the beat evidences that BapUst dtarebea oftheprr with^niiojiy rtsiioh?i n Monroe otioaly, aboot i{8w% >et I faoScMt;« a eaafiif and aiacate, ite^ -tpantiUe Hk ika taOc «w«M7U4htt ^ijiUimta daaKnittM, iim tt^iaaet taay be cor- •eat ttrnaM « the trae tiorite of Oaiiat. There io fatnn we shailhave no Snn^ prabaatieaa dat- ir. E£BSB y ^ afaeiiM'iw^—tbaee^ aa wawrpauB -Siyji ef bratkee aaaih^a at«nuioo,«Udt cieenradKr- forry-ive^thSSes ftv3 Helena, on 3ahtiraay befjre ing the nMHttsg of oor Asaooistkas - ^r^ ^ write hke agentkmaand a shnMMiT raad if whiabhaainc'^sriiaft .-'IT If tita^^ wiafcliii*b[BtT»*tasaa« ^^ of ytar -«d iMMlwiiw* «ai lom^ auwer to tfiis qatiy adopted; it tW ia 8«f . •*eeetari«ad*Saii^ 4eii «Mi^6iia hlaaa phim. .l^saya:<'BcaBtr,dear reader, iatfasva- = • T. K JQ^ Ssa. Oa* «w«»a ftoB tfa tiipl% rfw ^ Mmxlttxr.-^- imediwei, fcinntw, •raAetoriy,^ » masaof aMhrn ti^jteipfiaa was bKiM^ m. ^ B. Xraw- naa^kva—whaanat ikiai^ Msmlaaetea." atMSss^ Mttiitorl rtwii "tiw pwtr diBdd not W Mwd}Mdtbabt«)B«^f

jSr Chai^ in 6onahcat mtli tweOaatiiaiim O* Row DiqMBattiaa and Oii^^d tq^lte, ibikl&asvfaiBalNttllttlM.^-Mbt StNadyji^ HsMswaasaot flaaaiAaqy^ Oom aaaanpia tbe aftamoon THE TMSSffiifilM. ofikiaiaoriM iNgaii with^t Kha^aiU) nlw, tlNsiattSiddtials^ ^ IW Mfr iitberfiaalpte of Jesas waa the maSSi a W aad aaiaiiatad ffiseas*ifc *aB«ag tif^ li{f»l[r. Bice witktbe 'mtti Upoa wtMttiin Asitaal Oa Sftm daSMji^ thM hiif^: not tfea that Apdika MitKaaAU Wl^te^ti^o^^ . And whiiiaaw^Bay te "if n^^ieof lurtoij, wi^^ tbe shadow Tbho AiacmsT. aad reiaaianc oa Ima, tiasiatos is A«tii,x«iii. 25, beesasa hs had befon talMe Jetu sa Ohnst, atOoa^ ha had taoaifad aOy^ te toalitt It is sa oertifiB sa ai^ T^theOeae^Siaates or ths ] UTUSX fRfrrS AOAINm' TtiE WORLD C^ Ofrttdstaa^tkat Jakn't baptism iiiwh withthaS^Qhsat. Aa^IsnnHfjl^l^ oepd Ohardt ji^jk J d^BQdicntyud duBct^ m ^ &ce of reac«d:tbatlhisBths'8on«flGM. ? i^-- Mm «*aat ssa ha liiBt te^ wfap jb^ •wRXry bilao|ed te the anna ffispooaatioa thtU - Batan thoseaaeipleaof Jdm wha iU ha- iaeeBocto&teddaSadaty amoagtha B^iateof MettoKst Bpisoa^UaMrdi Sooih. histoiy,"—and called cpon to radicate Acaia the a«xt ^ aftec^ Jbha atood, andtm^ hatioaers. n>kers. gnoaef* la., VS^nasM BsnoauL TxusmuDi Ida owB odniotTy ifadutog, aa* faadi d n- Usdiseiples; sadkxikingapoa JeMSash*inJked, te* acknowledged thia truth, and badttocMfha Til^aiapast my chiia to tlie confidence of the public peatodly, that the Old Dnpwapdaon doaed and • haptinar Jdia or his snccessor la aa eatitdy aereaaf tha Ooneneaoea report apasithtii^? be aii4, Bdwla a>e Umb of Qgd- And t^ two dtflbraatagmSeatiaa, wets pn^y % P^MfiW"^ histan to fimmh tlia Gieat Iron Whsd haa rdied thtaaAflf^ —-T* n. «. Ttmn. •Tt'm —yet diteied a hearing before tboee in the BOW one eoMeaeoi wMh the TtoiAmg at Aahn. diaciides beard him spsaC and they fcUowed AddthewsMlgiia to the BapfiSlSjS^^ J K. I Mwt tkn tt^n »mra B»»t} »• J«sas''-Jd»l:2»-3T. the ^ of the sposaea as not bdog hajptissd. or hearing of whom aasailed, (the readers of from the dsTt of John theBaptMt, n&tU aawroa(^yhaptiMd,sndsa sadi were tlurafoa itfai^aca. eaa da it iriMBSiec wa will. ~Wa last year and w« ban S90jD90 wetii^^, mHfdiMB •|.i«ih«ioIcnc«, «Dd Bead a dteieh of soa of to amons ia John i: req^oited to be butised expratoly faitoCbifctsad M pcaaitiTa Bapiii^ makiiw ttl^ o T.W. TO** ih* pkiiT )«*toa,aad7eba]imd Maaot: bat te pabKeaaa Th« was likewise the case with those p«m Three lettota occarin n a. • 0 intartMia m ««» Jft rmr. .>><«ifi( t*,, byteriara eTerywhere, as well as christians Compare thi abws with the tsacMngs irf Christ whom Panl {Aetn, aix. IS) penaitted to ta b^ emaad Pedobaptiat iaabtaiiaBS we lindd to day •ndthahariotabdiavad Urn. ilad 70 whoa :r« es. Tbey aieaBne, aaa^le, aid a tf aiiuw I \ tn thn Aral «» it R^tgnai fra « of other denominations, and at the same in the 18:hTna iSih reisai of Oto ssaa tOA ia a name of Uiiiai^. Gn^* AIO '•The law andi the Prophets «wr» oata Jofas: Andyatwi»yoB,Mr.Bioa, msfsly ta aai« ia- Barer caa do teas. Issy letgesf oatsidesnfus- — Im O O^ttinlr God will open their eyes to the position The meaning is, "That whan they hssRl W Psal sad let as staad alena. Let B^ititts ba&Ttistj:, of a'-onoiS; tbe donaL la Hiiwp)^ ' siaee that tiBM the Uogdom of 6ed ii preadied, faat baptism or sffaata,unitowiA Mr. (huq^bdl, thi^itwMMMalialto baptiam that ooa sh^ and aiht.r Asiatie tsrga^ tha una' B^ttf araMo Wa aca glM to ha«« our perkdi- they occupy,'and be lead to leave the fold SBdSoaten Bap^baSeatkra Btptiriesinali aifeamsNwi m f-xr^ ml to trarn that ib^ aad 8f«t]r oao pitaaalh iatoit."~-LBke ni: IS. andhiaprodaisaeraiateadusg that tUsiis not the bdierein Jesoa u ih» Lovd aad Christ, (whieb used nsdariy. In Indian, theae Iwtm t^ Utberto had not dime, aiaca the of oarcoatrifaatiaoaaadwewia hsreBoIadcoi mon- •n im fa*>ir. ' ifaodata ia Ac aotto. and kingdom of Calvm and follow Christ. If weaeeeptaepIaia,ofafiDa8mMaiaK«f tbese Gcspd of the Sao of Qod-tbe Ga^ that win saro ia "MuriBBt" the wnrd &r nsnt 9it iknM •tbacnharafbr aMh aad yea afaaU John who bairtistd them had said aotl^ to them ey, hotto, or men to enogcSti ooc own State. inthedd'GreA or Ptoedcia aldJaht pa9ng«e,aast we sot oaadade that Joba intxo- thesonl! Wia you dtri«* tk* Sotptl ditfttutOwn, hmjootarads. Terms to Glnbs, rtmr cisra for three aboat it,) they were than wilBttg to sofier them- fi^last ard middle ksters, ~ dneed tteNewKoaaosiyoc thaOoapd Di^ensa- of iri Aea Dm Jon's McnBKrooaaaxcam Goovbl Da- nCQTOd IDttlibBIS* again. SliStHlJSSS^ieSffc^^'SSS^^ - > , J • -y ^ ^^ J, f I J•^ rntBASKut tles. Did not Clirist place his ministry and aa- Aralia. Vide Norberg, Ton der Befif^ and ^ Iwa.'^Uo It Am Bat if mne is needed the Sarior atdorsed tbe thority npon tlie same basis with those of John! SpradsederZaWw, aad Welch De Sahs^faithe Man tixBS let me s^ a word shoot tbsss Ta msny tuteipetds, sad sbeddaw tetS^^ ^ tM rtiwrtaim giiUhul B'*iar Wa ha** tM «MiM&aot iEmii tiTjpwti agaaut tit fositian •/ itr. Rite mtaiati7 and teadsisgs of John. CcQuneat Soc. Gott 17S0 aad 1781. nareis giitt lasstisg^sad first I notice tist tkert are ac odors an a ddWow^dSro^^^ ' g^ t:U; itiB.ii:: i - WaM Ik M awa nSty tai 'The baptijB trf Jilm, whence was it i from madtdiieetad sgaiaatflia false disdplssof J

XmAnnxixzbnHuxioswWnaiBAKaa Qwriw te A A. Htttei^ ACMcnrijpqmT ot yAtMnrw, Iff atTai Mi ATIE^ fflE WSffi BAMT. iwo liw ri miiiM. X hOrtf tm thoaMri AUaana, atkrftai. I. b^afaavtoldijtdeiRkadt PSA T H A R T1C rlL t S^v - wwtaodKd WaWi Uparti BOW • ttilr way tv fMeetHKSlkaMntm.kave AvkU^ •^..lattto.USI. uipouiT, jmns, stf, nar. t te baia Una eaa«tiea disen apiritaal iianaTi ' ftUaiM C»ATXt i 4tB »At * Tw &t» H. If. tB Htaa ^a lHtAMr«r&iidl» niiar ftu Tkaauiaa ' . . « A U}.»lliOaiM^ t A Ili0ij«*, tn'u, matur ^ W* nte pk« ta tta Mknrtks tMtaHaM ar wa. rbABBK TNC AA» tVSB 1MB K BW XntxfiQa, ttHMM^ iiiiiiiiMit thaa kanirUi«lVabileavi«an*a»aMia«Bir*A W ^iram aqy«k^shsri«rthaapi(tto(Goi^ a»aaf«»>aiiiia ma.aai fjrrttt**. rjfMf Jiok*r«« 'Psrsi- ^Mdsl Omtxitatan. ^ k««»» pcattoMlj ant ant. Smnl «•»>« IMIal*ia9TiOBaMakaaaT«a;Kail»aatlak ta •Mjra. piiti.aitrw*"'!'*** M ^tddcaa aad make the wal a»T«t k; W Taatkaa ka »aa n; V B Ctr ke »M St; W T Cvtn^ Aaeoa—aa« •araa.ta. •o.-ta. aaak I ted la etante caaiA, aad Ona of ttkfar ytMton. ClaatSUaa, rwnijtjrr CIS Jf nxas ww w thsra am a wot qoiekMiad aad mada ka Aaytlj« OtaMrtatt» Aetl) t BM«e «• Oil t| » ^ Unw pMoiwa an aAMHM mm, ami abia mitls. . > K. tmrntm, OiMwBl, l*rkaRw«;Piy)WieV«*«;«irdaa*e. diva that ««• not bora agaiat H«ais. • •«>*«>aa»r to pnaeh in Um lai^aa vtB ai ta» Vaiab, ntL«aaf9«UIMI(WSWkalarka^lii Btjaaraaka • lajat Ja PuniLTbaaa—takkta^ jT r»»»«i •telaeka'litat<..>.. »««• a»»»«rk » T. W. tftr. tekwMl AC tlaa eahmj ipMk »ad ttad ao^ Wdt^ DoeaQodkaowirtMwfllbdMTaud be saved! I^HnratlratevakaAwltaMtYItdKaki AMatk, Wa laltaia • - U *a*t* —a-J raatkail asd at Pa-aaaxe r« 1 a« ^ M j.t. aH«i, an«i«anw, »art«kr. If M^ia aet that aoaber deflaito to tha aM of BMa* W KaBi;^ ka ••r«nt > W BMkaa ta Bo* «j J a Omaa, bnthwof Xiwaid J.Oww,or lam.iaaa,. . IS BtM A<«la< > «t 104 *» r.P a m*, tka •>a>.r»v«a'S .a-^d.l * t. »>W1IHIW. 1 i^HMfc Onn.«MBManlMak> Baa IS; aWBaatartoaatSli «aaa*wM'- ' ' ' a< at Jli»Bae*te*ee«»tw>»a»a»i.,«-* i m "tr tr •.a.i j >r Odd? W. TRACT SOCIEXr, M»,wha ineadal Oa MOpaaii aoMva^li wea-OaMaaaMA tj T| I tltaaawik at4l .1 B.a.v >k«k « > « K BM, «ktlta Bak«t«k> Mat, BQ Bkataa, J W lABtkm. • B AUaa. a ' aia I Ptaaa Blaaa4 tka fr lefika lam, IB a«ia,A » Bkakaa,» Me, a waiMy, H akiatu. at»w a«M ' »» ^ ra-aat4aYi— * ^ taoUtrnalthtoiftetiftwaMia. AB W PAB'ta C 'tSK—' Ct r-m* VeiToXixj, StIf-ScpportiiirColpartratil! a; W aad ka w n B Hdnkt ka Bw H, B W Owrka DtaiT, rils .aaaaiaaiak.parkaa. 4 It f. V. a« m WU^ •>* Ottvvaaa, Oldw. klatiaarataaataa wea a» -a.-. T*^ ar.ll va laaad la ta tMad aia Btjat, baas Uaakartktn L « MOarMT. Ki* rid D.Wt, It* EmrBtptiatte ONiaparta tans aa Cv aa I eaa Vettaaia of tha Amerieaa Baptist Pablieatioa Sxi- QiiiiiUaiii •iwaieki, tkajaratbakoala.ttaTt>r»>.aapW} T-a rnai-nic . YMrp.-^^a'-o aiaytkatlaii t Bftka A A OkMk,« Bltoaai, W« Waie.I. BMtatlaf. 0« 0<«««k. Atltala.«at«|la. tiaa aa tka .ttar la a^iaa aaa arria>a »a« M » ar> •Mate- Caxtna aat>tal~ •rr "ka paiaa e^t Panait ma to state fliat what thay an «ra a«ktBI»- ham, bMQ (xeiaabctr ma iteaad with an. D^ aaaaBitt>k:a t.aH4; (•rd«raar>a*a tktf>ia«« laa.rd da* A.'.ta.rB Traotak. B afkara aatMaa »BOtiaa.A8lani^KeBaUkM,*BKrt. >ia But. i. •f pedsl Sotiea. coamMoasd to do, and thaa what they bars Ikava a»«oaitaaad aaaaaow k> t «•» call' aa-vkj aat tu ^^ .r- kn'aTatiavef BrowFaUar^IattK. Teorpobliib- Baal, B B S.t»Bl, S*nlai«Atpr*«'a AlO^tt SaiL « a fw. i»»wNlty tkM 1 Tmiiiiii trMBa.-aia TBa«M aa>r alatat aka vtlt aao ar Laviar, toata SvatlBv* >*• WkUk an aat Baakakla at Maakvillt, kat akU aie kt^ at rkfMUM ^ tk. M ana. Haap.ut. •«ra»orkoik»*-artko< v»aatiakai:ba eaaaiaaTiJ a S» f uMa£a({iloatlBtnet fixm. fteiida aad Qwr- Th^ an diradad to preach ^Goaptl indeati- ...- naSiilaalacaakaattacikaM faUka (kt 4alH aiiaa»4 ta akaat Ika (kDaatae lat* at «ita«Bt t DrssxTSxr, KSLAX, A30 WOMKS taawadtatnaatlaitj aal«ar fSt S • owtkaA totea^botbooda—moatofthen be^dtheror- Ciaai«(^ta«tiriiqQWliaib «0«r fada^paiiita nAFt«<|at*itajt;Hta BAsna* to Ba« tij O KfaodiM aiinWanaia laaiWaK tdtartlattorto Oaatnl Baak af tiaanaii. • kraka. koaawk ^ - rtaraaatk'a Vaat ct ta «>a dao OaitaM ta Jta It Btaaa B Banla tarakia; r tanarta Afril Baak M Wa« Taaaaana, It dla. • kataar a»«tka«i tlMtUakbKadfiTiaiit bnad^aatia tWr {Mfitta, tooonatitata ehaidiaa—to ddt tamilies, offering a% B A Oaaaaa ka A|«ll IS; Mn Mwj MtKiaaay t« Fak tj J kioka. ad taklac jaar PiUa, akiaaaaoa aarad km, kMip-Uat lan^ fcraaUthepablicatioaaar theSaoiety, oooTetdng taaatrnVot aacva (daad) troai k«T Vba? atrraard. war raniifU)( thiic rndan, as kr Mlcaa aaett^ • Taai|)alaaV> Jaaa J; WT Valaa ta AyrU e( W Osor l« Saaaeu. AUtataBaat, ' . . . . aaiad bar aad aar taa akudraa at M^adj' djaaatoQ uaW witheadiaMaberpenaaanyoatheSBbJeet of n- •uak I; B B SyaMa «e AftU S) Kra KJ Wkltakant ta aKd klM vtu ta, alta s at itaaiBt at tktaaakar af pa«*a at fca^ar' la daaatf nar PiUa, akUa atkara amad aa M-dtraa Saa ta KEEP BEFQHE THB FEQFL2. Ugioa,giTiBgttaeta to all, aad to the desti- It; a a riaaler ta A;>rtl!; Bl« P MaUax ta kfrU t); BUar BaakofOalaakw,- trfkawd Tkaratibamspriasfar UaBlkWklS tn, PwdI«toB, or Oawted. O fia { fia! It •• taaatp^a^doalOTa'Mlla. aadlaat aiaalt Han, atik'Bt WBAlaua«aruntrU; BBOiraa la Ooi t; Mia 0 4 T* Ik* aa* SUMkatiH th* aaaaa* laMt aa tato;iaawci4,thi7 m "to Ubor with aU the Baak at Paltaa It" kalwaaneaaarotraTaa tkaa. BaafaakaaMdwak a sadMaai- u >aara, Pitisral Biakartal tbahiWa a kaaatUki aad Toon ia arary fMd vetd aad wwk, StiMUaa ta aii T S Maiik, Jia M Oallaaay la Jaa t; J Bask at MiM Oaania, • ta " akta U aataaOrload aad kaaaat.aUi a*«k«ia 0fe]auanRu. DOotninHi or urasT OTBcm. ability which GM has girea them far the conrer. reka. - lok, ta* **l«a*B, ta ksaatUal (t^t. <=ais!»^- *n p*a<«, laMU»i ' Wkttakar.^r, ta Ju 1; A A WO Baak ot inilaip^, . ^^ QA018BJ. OAItriB, PJ Boaaa FLaiomK}. latarlar-Baak, .... k dla. itdu D» ssaiax tks iKipiMt. sat tks aaaav aCfiBMi Stan of siaaeta, aad the prospeii^ of tha dnoch a-Tt>afcAI*i«aaaat»a.^ klatUaaraklT; SBaa(4aat>Ba»t31iT P MOBoreaa u LaenM* atak, .... It" ISDteSSTJOX AXD iMeCKTTT^rTat MIOOD Tk* brotkar «t ilni i aaulk » iat IkatkM li aiitieata mtak t; J W Wkit&aU to fak It; B4 A Woo4aar4 ta kftC Maaaiaatarara' Baak. . 10 Hiaul, Paj(ar ckarab. Hb. Ecrok:-! wiA my audi that jaa wtnid oa earth." Tbis is t^ are dineted to do. Rmm, MnJ T f/JLimat Bourn. Toai*. ahallrwlTaBaai^aptaiiaiil B iiilkB. iwtt aitatS Maaafaataran' aad Maikaataa* Baak. tnka. :<*B«tlkia mtaC (MlMk. •:«-«; SS)tSWtlMPaka;Baktat kas, 0 TOrakaa taatf K; Br. Apar: Ikaaaaaad|oarPi:la aitboatraoriiaar* aaa far tka aa* at raitfhA MC Ctsaa m» Baafsy BaVtal taka ftcm "Tbaodeaia tmmt, nL 2," that hna- Whathar thay hSTO acted iaaooordaaoe with thdr Matakaata* Baak, - - • . It dla. BBnkataavSiTMa Aat Jaokwala URkUi AMAa. ataUBrbiaiiTaadaaKattkaait«acail.dia vtui la dla. r>a-«TataaM* nackkttoirw aSk aaaa, a ta., at IVtMrliXl. Ptaatan' aad Maakailgt' (Oaltaa,) knka diractioaami^ be teamed from the reaolts of thdr ma. taracdaia tk* aifaaa t«rtk>a aai parfj tk- dtcd pacta, davoM to aa axaaioaliaa tf tha dahaa 4anaa kaJaalS; 0 G«a4 ta fak U; Bi4«rSAltaa, «aa Caa»- Snatkara Baak, . . . aat takaa. It Tto a?— tiM. »wMU«i«t«r ««i«,m»«mtt Maad ttay ara tka T«rj boat r>aad; nato aa»r kaoaa, aad bratb*ror>iD*rdWnkaOac ika*k aUat aU Jwgtsaia wUrikat I, It ncam^ «>» 1 JMiiitontM, labors. Okarakaa ti sa dla. taAlrilStjIwaaBanattoJaaat; BUarM 0 iaaa Toan, J. T BtliM ikraarsi a.aa,keaa«B*H»kaaBUs«Bka|tkBe™a.eta. I, BmMM«ttk*ayblt«f MthaKUtiUtk* tractbrctanali^citUtioa. It ta thaMtflon- Daring ^ year Jot doaad, 68 Ootportsan bava taJaaatkiBtBaalBiarlaAKilk! Aid jfkiltekauiajiil/ WAiatv, WroaiM to., K T . Oct M !«». Taaa aianr,aM>at « lllltaitt. aAs d'MkBIB* tta ^panUMflf itkliak TsnuasBB BApnar orpi(», Daarltr: I aa aala* joar tteua.tle Pltb Iaa> praaiksa, pleto aad a:AkaatiTC aixtaaaat oa tha aal^ that baaain tha BeU, conte oaty a portioa of tta year. sa; J 0 Saraatt ta iiaa B; C O Baaa ID Jaa 1; C Isaa ta aar lai«M< aaaaaat af Tiaata, as am (ta* tk* Snt valea* 4 M tMM« Otatth af b • M|ur af Krtftv Baaanuk, Jaaa ». latT aad Bad tbas aa ax'vllaat parfatlTa ta claaaaa tha ayataa Olaaasaas'. OoaaMtarp *a Ite Baa Paawati, aar xCha {ararnad aadasdiMbt pa^ aaabMtnaMba thiThvrapnadMd 2,617 aarmooa. Hdd 1,608 t;* 0 Oaiyar ta A»>il B Okaaty ta B««tl; Jska W Hu AsslyttaalOa It aay a~* af Mmn oslr. at MMmn tkair M. HaihTilie Wholesale Price Cnrre&t tae Darltr tka faaatalaa of tb* bta>d. aaa ta Saat n>! A L ZarT ta Jaa 1; B B Jakaaoa ta tak Mi JOB* a BXiOBAII. M J> iMAn iM iMfanaafnMkm,) MmUM kr (B^oaidtf. Whennr Oa liath«firtaan«^ prayaraieetings. VisitadoTW 40,000 fiaaiBes in Wn aot a thin-ad bast*. aaMtadkr a i ABMawaaalaairttiluwairtaalaairUi O M a<«tk EKTSlrXLiS. SCKOTVtA, KIKaS friL, TST- t^t^KT ••••>!,>» Ill»I WW «ir t>« aad tooratrida or aOacfc tha Baptiata, aa OcjAMia [coaaacras wnur av *. siem.] •rayla«Ba»t)aaikaarta,aa(a(**kea*>tatkatr*al w*rk at which thay hare left by sde, «r doaatkn, over 26,- ta *ak li; 00 Butli to kptii le; W Afacck ta t; Joha TAA, rtTMOAS, .l.\i> SAi.r AHCAJt. OtMOLMt t^daA •0 000 vob. of good bodes, together with 203,000 PWtatk«nitaOatt;aBAf«*ataa«rS^ lin Aaa Tltkara Xoald Talloa, pat Ik, an aak* tha Tract MaM7 s I n •• — . ...J-. •-. Br.Ayar. Toar Piite ara tba parajoa of aU that .'a ciaaHa ta^aa Milter Aaa lbRall,}aka Saua. JaoW ciailtk, Jaa Star, SSSKa^;.'-..'-' alOB ««n po««r tar tka IBr«>-cR« O Xlm MCkiM, aadeO^ia^KaorartiBarf. ApaatBaorawA PHto^Ctads. Th^ bareoigsaised21 diaries aadidaa. Thar kaaa aarad ar UtOa daaibtar at 'AaM«ai Sparm, BAiia. ttkat h**a*ald al Tnati: Tiar- a aa—i-a f-* aweyakee. Sank, B « Parkar, Jamaa T Bavpktar, S O Dnka, W T bar haada aai foot that bad prorad i:*arahla lor n^illlli^ • Hit ^H-HT iiiit I ta«BB»l;T!l wtapooa (said ba pitiltahij drealatcd in andSSSoaday Sboals,SBdbaptixed 813 oomerta. Corn*. M.parkac *t £aa Trastafcrovaalrar. Ttaca 1 Ora. Tisata aauai dts. Wan, t Q Matfa, a W BlaekaaB, BkParUai, Tho< B.ll» rmiar^a aotaor haa kaaa laaf aaitW "tth iKt:*:*^*: tcK-a; Ma t Jara. par lb, istia OoA. ptmnmilj Tiaaaaaa b*aB]Upa** aitkM act -k» r tttkea )rs a Tnsis luoroa. InsMwcrtoOaqtifation, What ia the satore oi ilatakU aai ^.aiy.'aa eakar akia aai ia a-r bilr. Attar car aas trarat at IttUa oxptBaa. Xkaprea BpBBdeocallkathBpsad a lar, B Oaaaatiaiik, M W Ocoda, A Pa aarad biffiiid ktaaaaeaO.t'^i^ts AtA-aaloai » their work? itaay be add, By their ihiits ye may SjnM, Jaoaa Bmaa, I)>Ti4 tfi^, H 0 Slektn ta J«aa It; Bio " IBtll ;ilaiiiV •> 1 It Tmnootu Asjus.—Oa tha fiiat Loria^ay at - Mr. ASA AOaSAtCSA Ur.aia Tk»y.asi»ataawaajBB at ka, a aawaa^j t B BnwJaal. T t Baadrjck, J * CaadlA. W CrUlatta, Klai t Carna. Taaa. aw tk, talP raaaor> •> ISal le ssttssaaltttBdsaaaallaB aaai Ssar rafBtt* » laiaa tk* twfi •qyir'* !• • |«i«un md UMinmilln kaovthtm. AHSCJf.a>a^f••0 Ooma Taaaa Ttal ta reoatMaUtkalratatpiSilhsraakaDIItetka kJakanac H*a-A». r/Ua K. leipardotaa PAma. fnm Br. M. I kank, tksakss tbspsrlerat ttatiwet—la tkeisiiay curiae* sr jschook. Ba was a aimbar of a Pf«abytatian A teriew of the laat fire yeaia ihowa the fdtow- iKfcMB, M faaatt, t Pa«k, L BIfkx, M B, A W Wkltaa, f PiTLkAXl Bclisa,Saraaaak,f)a. ia.. t, Jt«. hi MvullirJ Mt M « M •( lAriuw iWi... ret Ho - »btt*l«ad,laatI,parka(SX ^ la tkaonlbaa,sr IkKkasad Wtaa^.ar la ikalsatsatk Urn' Oamtt, Iiaae BM, tiaaa Pklpa, iaka B Wal', 8 Piofkrv, Baaorad Sir: I abaald ka safratalal tea tka ralnf pasr fkaSaMa taka aa aatt tf assB ar Jaa, sr kast-B. dmidi, aad bad raeatrcd a ooOqsiata adaeatioa. ingsammaiy of Oolporteor labor and reMlts:— tee Ha" < Okraaa Ofoaa, aar Ik, atait ABaadaSraaeaB, WLOo4««o<,W OkaBiB.P O-aaa, K I. <00 Uj •• teaatab Broaa, " Stat) ak'UkaakroaibtTT* If I did aatr.Mr< a; a.'aa t-. yoa A •aa~* CBB k'tisp tkaa tMti hmtf at isadaaa ti^iialiaa g tniiu>uin ttwti*;^? otr m n^tanh Tlata wtiUaayaarihawaa aam inakk al a Bap- Pteadsad 11,800 aerauna: held 7,«7 prayer-meet SSUk C J raaat,SIIBtakalaT, Mn Jaaa BiaU Mn S B < i S>i».tiat, Ma par jari WMtaalaa. k4alt aoU aatUad ia mj 11 aka aad kna(bt 00 •incciaaaa aaara) Thoaih thayaUI aststaaaa at«aar * Mai» eunk «CI, tt Oaoabarf, UaUia •• Siowa. ts (ia paiaa. abiak aadad la cktosM rhaaaatka So-aitb t«*ir aiBry sMrtaiaa ar tkdaa. at Lmr ttaaa arai, it r*a tiatB>aatiiifi>boaia,aarhad he ertcsaaa aBfOM ii^;Tiarted 238.000 families; said 122,600 toI- Baaifkrix B n Luwkr, B P Kiaf, I Laaiao, i J Prntt, aUitbara Aad tScy aiB haaad* kapsak ss **«ry aahiKt Ctaretnicn t»at Oiotb, (a StaaaOolar, It ataadl^lhadthakaatpkraiciasa, tbadiB»a|rT>aora-aa asd aa »»«ryaaki»ct tha; aay V- arada ts apaak »l*aiy aad - , Qt . immaHMd tata widda a fartaitht of faia owa borial amm; given to tte poor 8,600 Tdomna and 1,613, L D Baana, A 8 Aiaiaa, B Wrickt. g B T S Tkoa>t*>a, J*t aida) «0e •• PaoTiaian. aotao, aatil. by tka adriaa of Toar«a>I,aot atW t, AJiI. lalnmkaa m »MU«lp«t» bt •atl Tkajaaalaaka^ kaaadaraklataaaraJ trathjika aw oHoB if* J B Pattii, kUai BaU ntawartk, Am T Kirtlar, Okai A Bt^ia Ttat Olotb (ttb Baooa Baiaa. par lb, IS awra. Dr Mackaaaio. 1 triad joar ri.;a T»-ir aaro MMtkX^aaia fidlk uT(«ian2aa laa am {Stteteffe^ laa, T J MUlar, B P (altk, B KBnaa.S M Cattot. W Baikar tiaa, bataara. By paraattiiaj ia tb* aia at tbaa I aa aov TarpaaHo Oto-k tako << <' Sidat " 14 aatiralj as I. M**laelarat,t aUtaada ^ •Ma Aarik hM a rt|H ta aaM ta taa tiUa •*»•« IB an. tmbled oa thaiaigaetar baptiaia,hathad«adaaT- verts ;00ttstitatsd 59 dtorches; and organised 136 •Hi larimai |«iMiii3r ta Ja>«S. Taiilad Bajniot lv|\U-> Bra:, St to Waa* yoa»*Bd tosi/ru attesf, '•aatartay BBatt|aa te Am*, ttai^ •"•r lk« an iWtt ua wta:" te awk PniTl Ckixan. Batna Brut*, La. Arc a. -aa tk a kv.k* at t'a to: , ' asi rira ! aar Peat Cfljs. Ot vtaHi ants otadtobudAthaial^ftmbiaaitad. Abieod SondaySdMoia. These an great aad Uesaadre- Mtiakr-I atrlpoilXalt" tattar, " Statt Br. Aytrt I kaTakoaaaacr»lyca.-id M -oarPJaot Akca- aa«l iaTCata4«nktMankaitt7 to SaaSia. lirt! ITT- Oaaoot aid aill cot aa^mMarikar u tk r|a|M. a > Lard, " It aaUcOaat—apaiafUdlaaaaatbs;kad.ia rta* Dafbr paaa. patThasdodaiatoUakaada. BaiaadwiUtaDhir adta. itwBcating that the Oolportenn of the S> HaaT7 Waol >au dOati " laal. par Inakal, TJa— asa tm any tatalhrral iaaat aaa aoUar'a aank St tka a*. Aalvruai ta twaarat fM«t. 8m 1 V.K^ASTS-.iDA,-!.. an BMtia «f OJAAlll ATE BALSaSl—kmj aecidM* cr ^IWftM Laida or Uaoa^ ao.S6 " Bfxa, " dwa, t toaii«Trae»>>ct,r,astkaantsr«aasaad tba acal af Jaa- Pedob^tot ayapatkiaii&tqaaB^rtaniBK tohia cie^anaotmenbook-peddkrsjbatmen of God, tkal voald nax>a sad isausa tba •}•• ?»rfc.p. naaialaaa tafa, St isO |«r doa Area. PorBropiy, Ptatkara, or kladrad eaa^iiata, rt^alrlaB as aary, taa ip*Wtr, faanHsdiiik kaatlaatnn y tka »I«kt, aait kaaaaxidarfdacaol tba c^t tairibta |.01tt«ct>a»a{4iiBla Iha itiBatrtaa « a kaSatar wa- Biblatoftiil aoaa pauafw w«fawUAhaBi|^ Pal. auaklaaa aaaal it >« JaraBaa, Oaab. Hr Ik. aiftira pir(a, tkiy ara aa axsarast n^dy. Bc ft liiaii 4f laboriagto save souls. >aiatioaatkataaBllk«I*laaa. Tkara at*, kovanr. a wi- [l«,krati«tllteiar, Huntaet, aa* aa- book with tiH eoR*ietia«, Aat thara waa aa riiadbw aarar ka allMat thla ^alaaai, It acta a^wvt \tk* maiM ta 'THK QCTSnOS OI THS AGt-Piioa ID aatin inflaeaoe and ultimate working of each ser- Wbatt. pw kaakal, Sla.1 J^CIOTar, (a ODU M ItMt at tba p- S. •lla;la« iTFilatloa aadUaaa»attoa. a fna apfUcUlKt ftr- r ttU lanltii. aa* tka ytafaaim m! iMftlas mnst ka orarsimantmtearaf ifca^iBC- Miy Godxa4kk< aoaaUAiUalt, t » thoatk a Talaabla raaiady ia akitfci baaia. la assfarua la * mea, prayer aad ooaveraatiim, of eacb bocA faat tka aua. pabUa pill, fna tha draadfaP noM^atana Ikat Itr^WiUy • krtUUm. aaa«*< d> asa-lnaaotky, t »• Z. Sl?FFEIUHGS KS BXUGIOCS UBERTT IB hM hull am' bha tha motnaaf coarwting aiaey othsfa* faHovltslaaaatloaf aaa. Tkaaa ffantMa aa aaaxaaiy or acis- Ptaaarad aad lold bj A B. A D. SASM. IM TsKsa Stmt, tia- naiSood, n tou ta BavBBsuBB. ATbaflBatTaltaf BAau.acaaMitsd .«-«lj aaiMcUt; JIatk M: Wjlaka»:»-»; Aalai: and tract left in thoaa fctaJhoe, tn preach on aad :: aral aaktUata akalarir. UnttiMitaa- Baa York. Pilaa tl kiiua. ar aix tcttiM for u. TtLLOV. ;Haid>BSnaa, SI 5* alth Ik* tr'M aad ia« I 'I laMaal ^ iaka^'k, asri ika Iffinoi8,JIay 2(^1857. W, to fiMraiar (k* bMrt «ftaataaa; iMa.*: Cat. t; B; ST. praad aver, then we might cmpate the resoltsof Saldalaobr BAAAT A DSA0vm.B. Baadarad, p#r Ka— Blaa Sraaa, aliaa, 1 M ruruu «T. M xdr *k:|9ia( af BsAm aad alkaia. « B. SMaaa, SikvUU, Tkaa. WOOL. j " - atrippad, 1 Bdtor. Ha tenfin antes the Society's Oolporteor work. DB. J. C. ^YEE & Co- SIX (xruKuxz r^cct. I wiab, thtoo^ tha cnianma of jim paper, to DT' Sou aba ba DrMiaU naartllr. a3s' Scsua. Ikia tract aas talq tka klikalalkaia.aitrt*t kafiata Utraoclmt th«tbiM CBBBtux Basrwaay,—lovers of CSitist and of Jmr <.asT-it rioa vaabad. gialoKia Oitaaaa, par lb, «a«ecB thai th* Pna »a;*tfkaiiA 6 B»»part, A L, . MtmUlmrt^erUia, *mt ttricf'^fkm, at war inform ito awamm laadata of a pod w^ths Practical and Am^Ttieal Cbemists, Ltnc^ flyy wjg fajwfca Q;Dia attooidtkapaatOhigA la laarlia PrtaaUaaaat. 4aatxra IkU tka (t. a. M) 1 primmri tat Urn*. soalat—wiU yoa not enable the Board to mnltipiy e-a^a, ItaU Ki^uAasettA ' iilii wUil bttit. t^ird ia doiugia tlM waatKB comitiy- Sacb aawa DCERUAVE-S UOt.I.1.^0 BITTEKS. tOLoaf. Idaie 4. .IS OLD LA>'DMARK BJtSST.—PHoa 10 raiWWiiiltaa ar la to-Uy «r Cmawyja, vM!a D.-y Ballad, Soatbara, WkalaariadkT ' theaanberof thaaa&ithfal aad osefol Uborets iJnakad, CS^l ca( aancTtaaaikBUnst a>ra««,aam tkat It tei ta alnya dtMnac to bm, aad I tiuit to all lAo Wa ban aot a aiKtSdaa tkat aaL'a aa tad-ilj. Bcaar J 0 ATUA Oo.. Oiailnati. Sain Poadarad, \tall A large aoaber of "good and trar' men bave Stnlaad, p>i lb, W. W aBAAr A DBvO-tLlB TathTl la 1 A. CAMPBELL AKOCAMPBKIUSM KXIQS- M anaaiaf —Camia^ Anttoa, Kaart, Aa. Lore tha Lad. AkBCLAT SSOi, Qblaa^ 13. Oonk, LDal!) Sneaa. BataUadby JO. O. BBOes. Kiacall a, au a3 taaian ta XB B J B 8ra*>a Ptic* S> aaax L IKiartMpt kirtlasiaaa eeeuaeamriy a^n« tkal prianftea Bade a^pUeatkm to tha Board ibr appdntment the l^arhar*-! Hallaad Bittan maati wltk a laz^ uTa, aai «pla», At Gbci{uet UiaoB Ghmdi) Daria ooott^) Iowa, •adidca cr^wLsra. ' 9o:a. oak tus«d. par lb, »I} STO(«r, Baaa. par Tk, BAPTISM OP 4iSC&-Br B Sf. OtAWittd, ^ valar-|ia>i2a«araa«ifTitiTtatar«l brtba ivartuaa yeer, bot the Sooety have sot fand« ta al«a7s bai> ciraa goad aalisfaetlca, csa iai. 6 Sbittia*, atjotoraa, Co."T«n, .-f aiaiaapn. PM-tacasta. allmn laalar, la tka aaaa af Oa Tzlmtr—*aBtt. A mseHsig nwnmmfwd oa tfaa of Daecmbari mniTTiiMlin even one more. Who win be the first LocnwaALIOS, Cklca{o.b^ Bamlcek. riPappar, .p tr.w I- Vaowtb act- /w.^1 sii aiftaraaatas wbidi laatal aiaran days, dnrii^ whi^ time, Ed. Haraaaa, " I. Smrit uaariarrf f irfiteittiM aaacaaatakita ateit Wakara k^a lellinc Bceikaia'a BoUaad Bittan foj ac&a adi VtsaauL tapcaacfatbableasedGospdfRHn boose to bcosa MoLiun. OUat, par nOoa. It 1,000 MRS WAITTSP IKHgDIAIEIY!! I! 7 8\pn>kl n>R IHE RSSISSIOS or BISS, MtkaBAIa 4aaa aot foabh aaa yteu tmmmaUfir, ar i. W.XoGBaanDjaadF. IfcCwea, a beaidiata, ia- maa'Ar, aat. •Uhaa|k, vkaa it aa* e.^at latrodacad, wa did tfaa Oriaaaa, par cal. TJala " W, (aaa T-a-o-* B-k A Crsatard P4aa IS saata.. mmft* tf l^fitMt imftixm,mai Ikara la tka ataaaat hyreadttingtotbeOiBoe, Aich Screet, Pbila PLK tSF. KE H) Tn rapaataaoa f*< iha naitf. borad. Ha Lord bleaaed Oair laboca, fta ia> aot aqp ita a^Ir. Muf aaicfailatM aitk tka a^tiala ; >11.1 al cantra^'cliaaaaaas tk daipUs, tiw sopport of saoflier O&'portenr 1 va foaad tta pibUe dateraiiani to kara tt, aal ti »at tba > te^ inu* awooE it ta ta ka ataialiaan*. aolt was, taaa^'^aoitad with the dmt^ BiMa Rates of Exclajig«—Uncnrrent Frnds- dacaaad va tavabaaaebtixad to yaxehaaa ama crt tbls a;tl- 925, «5a 875, iliiw, ssutS, &X50 peritonth ntJMinis NOr PRO Esrasrs, mrriUK BnriAins GatrviTH. L kS••iiiil feoasaaiaaaatmirwty iSnaIkat Ika that timi CHbca oOm hara omtad, —fntj' HBa1io»-a*o>a .a«a>* aa>a- T- V O a-n.l B.^auikKAazna?vi.'v*naae>«tK, (L Cor. Secretary. by ar.a'taal at at. ». 1 ar ban a tMgWm, ilai ooA Biaadv 17 b^^tiaar- Kvarr daf bfiafa aaw tiatlnoaiaU of Ita tfisacj la ramovioj BA.^A OF BASHTILLB, T a«ma •••'»••*'>•) a»a«M tU gardUa IHS PRIN'' ¥ OF TilR ll.>L'3«: OF D-JtrtT) 3 FuR EKX3SIl^Q A BAPHCT. ' iLuiuuUt QV tn. tOHft tba razloaaeaBplalabi tarvklaliltla raaomaardad. ud la iCMtf Sntt, .VaiAaiUa, rtaaawaa.) Mkfaadoatay(Tka BiftM Okank U tka facaat At Sfioakill Cbnzch, W^ipala county, ibz milea acnaaiAn B, PrlaaUtoM. } OOQ peaadi want gat > • cffsrtcf it to oar ca«t a«ata, do lo wiib mor* c£Bfieaco« 1» ML^ et jnra'o-r-*-' ^ / at T*aa« aU ootaa payalda at Saak^Oa, i kr* Ift'tlBJDTHINS TO Mmuipissi-—f W. is CaM dt, Eldan 4. Tagfowa, 1. W. MeGIaaoo, aad F. Thb Sussca OTOS jl BAPTIST Mcosiaa TO THA So arta •• U. Jl »•« maSm tbm Ita Tbtaea tiua la dta I > Eictt rnpanttoaa of tba ktsd arsacksa, ilia awMr, aqaaisK ayaa rrtec^i, t.!{f!nBt Baska, par- $25 to S150 Per Month. jMa at tb •^•.trfia.f ciMTtUt, £uiac ajTinrnt rat/nu, Ohio—all a-d-nt aai.A]. par- Tbaraa-v 9*t>. [*.«• 1, o- .m o; w^o If t.— tiici Px** IB laaa. tweut^-Bix cmitrd with the ehsreh. To Ood be sU have been pot' in p;:s9esaian of dl the facta in tb:s lit Audofk ft., Ckioto, Ul j-Tte imniMi «C thiflM Aiaaiir, aHkn la tka aoauov, laa jntlr kaaaOa* a lodiaaa—Sia:aBuk, par. h^ thaa h d -b-*'*-* - to -r. e ..Id In !h-n» ir. > 11 t II.nuiM- view or CMRlSTUIi Blfmit. Sm aitrartlaexMst ia aBotbat MliBa H ftuuuLf firfwriwrt* ftL Iffti ctodk, ar Cimk^f Ciritt, ar a teaatk af tta thegiory. AaBLSBWABsa. esse. Rev. S. S. Lattimon,of Aberdeen, Mis», rrr» B.obl, «a«ia. ara <1.. tba • a 4"- • C-. a* a-- r ic, laajy . i B- J. b> Crai f tH>aad Hik tdlMsa PMiadaJphia Balks. - P-r cal'astb ba. 1 p.* .a. o. 'a. aoi . ao« w», p.4aBl te ladacis* » a>s. »*_»t I aia oono A'"- xiLfiDLH irofss Mipf Inid km «B%Ht- )L a ttUtftam •mania kaitat Uratrntim rmmmn a^ nai trut, entitibd, A. CAXnau, Ajcs Curaau>- Hcrrrma's BiTTaaa *t tbia alaaoa of tba jmxt, wb-a Ifaa York—Clt* Ba&tji, t,p,oi.«- oa -a tir-o Pi^aAtaata. '•'•""•"g Ccom LooisviUe Kentnd^. Tbe intoxi- •« C aatrj T^a Priser .J tb-^'c a a, b..*'* a»at by t ^emwio nmia, b»> CT arwarraneai 4 Iiai ii laali, (L a. is aakaaia-sf SD('KtP(»l>, tobemare gntaally dtealAtad. tb* d^wtira orfana ara v^aa«d and i abiUU^ br a eeaaliat t2 l)tER :-£ v^O i>Rn(,R£««OrO!>ENtt)ll^ Manadiaaatta-all (Ocl Baaba, piwtara paa, V* ra a p ..I ta- t> »« (tl t » kidatfTi a b*, aa a aaain.) m aati-auiyiaiat aai CAtioa daiged, waa A aerere illness from Diarrboea, aad a* Br aM ot TafTabtaa aai fr4t% It fa abaslately B*=sa-v; P.raua.oa' o- a . f .-taa t — al . . . • .a a.-*-~ la ».oi..»i. Bj <» 8 iWTbar*. PHrs IB atx iTs man' a of It baa diUM mcta ta jettalysa tha Tnflnmwi of Mr. VaraioBt. « . . 1 aia. ^ dla 1 •» t t.i«£« ? vjsisi tnai OantiHria •urraAtoa t/rauiia vkkk as Aititiaa aaa lawfaBi fttnn erhidi aeveial of the dd^atea snffrnd, ard tkat a [Ood apd am todo abaall ka aaad to kaay of CkiiU aai ha-w fiampablta. « « - 15- UiE TkCfc U'SaiOS OF RaFTISIS — ^ i^mpbdl, and to ezpon^lhe bold isfiddity of his tba uaUbll faXta '-. A aaa •ttma'u aOi aot dojjtaiaai W a 2la» J-rai,y, . - 1 dia. With tarmi to dfca^i •bid -il. V- a «.. s-M o ra^ ei a;j- a la-ja«*teuaa ty J. M. PsadAkoa. Pllsa Ftkar bOimwtetera ai^iinia arnjiatlina /tjawoagMteaTTpart; caa- aS tbe ^oitstaken waa Be dsl leave J imxmz g Laadanmn. 0ottor.*Tl««t, " I dh. plicataa apaattralttkaaMDKt aiClBisaMaf aadi tin(«lar MSm ^fyateai, than any woric that has ytt be«k ptibliafaed. faoalaa. laTi(orstlr| laaia, asd naia fallT «aUod-Ba:tim<.ra Buka. n das £rra«^ ..av 1* t U VlltUTfiHTS OS CHRISTIAK DCTf—By t »lm III jint—•ill llw iSL •AiaaWtiH la, la ^ aar, * ai K^omlckankM to enter by tbe ootdde dxr, thnxigfa mistake, at- eoaipara vttb HoaUEtar a CaKbratad Bittara. Wa an (lad ta OoBatry •• laya, H 1 dla. kaoa tkat tha f riaelpal 4rif «oraa ta tta rtty ara .appBt j IHIavsra—all (ood Baahi. caiili inackaa aa aMat adaioaa at tka laffil. A (^pbd&te, and (dd peraoDAl tntad, called on tempted to open the door of A atate-room one or ttro Tirfisia. . . . - 8300, $800, $900, «1,200, 81.500, $l.fOO, 15 QlB-T.t.NSTO THi! UiPSSITEKT —^ with Hjatatta; • jraat raniedT. North Otro:iaa, iS: 1 a Pasdiaos PttatUoata. -ABbsmimnteara* dona boo his own, which, alas, proved to be tbe FES TEJ.!!.; fix ixrazjtST mscariB. me a few dkTS giace, aad spent two daya aad mghta ror aala bj Pcacfiata aad Daalara faaaraii; koxtb Oazo^BS, .... IpiaaB, BcaoUji^&Mtea. iu Alabama—n:ata Banb, iK ina XM<,aa« tte Siiia alaaa, saall^a* « lUCUBa, lafalia L-Miiuasa—al] ip*el»-oayia( Baabs, par. l&. POSITIVE LAWS—Pnoe Scenta. tiaittai tmalm Hiiaiarippl-Uacartala. amn mt PfcAty iwarmaaitt of *i iiaty i. Tcadiag tha Hirfainger, I aiqipoae t . I did. theboAt: oa Ito tem «dL a Ebntf^ HOnCE. Araanaaa—all Baoka broba. IS FaiJliTIVE CBCBCBUES.-PikcelOea. t Ta«ilaa tka fuatu?* n««:.;m-aaaf Ckzlat tata inta. Tou bahera did Sir. Ocmpbefl greatis- lnis.U. ... - t dU. l^pbead to «ar am IMfW' tio.Qn.rm ABBADSZS, Jane 16Ui, 1857. THB JRSUIT AHD HIS VICTIM: ateaataM mraniaft, la tali^a kavftr Cktiat ia ts ka rOHt aartaenkip karatafora ctitlct batwaaa tj» CBiar. Viaoosaia—all (Ood Baskt, SdlA 20 SlFFlCIEKCT OF WATFE IK JKBllSA- A BBVXLATIOa CP BOB ASIiM, ky Wx. BaBU BlaSXa. Ilia Tboiapoa CUir. jastioe? I do—ahUMfnl ipjastioe. Now,iir, ifl I aifufd aMtbiidar4SaaoJiad»ri;«.aUeoa»at Kkbl^a. " ..... t dla. tkV, asaotdisi Is tka IIHIIHIIIII at PiSiikiBtlatii aad «« laakttyaiitttvtaaTaaiMrOaatiarkfca Bat Riv. HA. LAnotOBB: Tbia ia oaa of tha B*st tkriUaf I*T«US:sat ovar paba* t,.ss ts b* aid* ts swat tha d»- rpBB mmitMi kXTiar latirrd item tba Orod aad Cktut Kxckaafa. Specisl PreaitBU. •zvnwilB to panraA ambAtkad with yoa on the SteamboM Mortbercer jotf, what would yoa thi^ % Kaawmg yoo aa A eal teaiaaafs rwyaftla'Jr taad«t« bla tbaata to lbs eib. 1y *a««»e her, anOaaaea ar »raettoa, la tka etareb, Bxobaag* oa Raw T*ik, loSrrtafho'-ntkarrrtdBtar.ara. _ , mtbs.-'iKii, tA tliaai at Louisville fcr Mamphia,oa the 22nd nit. Toa am < r SartTiUa, aad tba pabJio (aaaiallr, for tba n:r lib. i «• Tkabook coatslat lasily IN maa, Itan.. wtik *•**»• ts* wdl as I do te yein, I ooaU^aot, nor woold I dare Aaw Oriaaaa, M, ar azaai^Lif, la ^aaOiniy/kr> araj aaffcrt baatoaad apoa tka lau Arm ol Kacaaa 4 naatrstiaita. ard aalA at Si, isels-k fail ti:t hack ahj a 11 Mil tha lar.aa: asatar s^ Th* L- i, tfamtcaiwnaUtiiok were oomplaining of aeven iUneaa from Dtarrboea "Ciaciaaatl, . L aad ekacr^r tatonimaa l, tlia aiamaera ol tha dm to If pu ltt« a cr^y. rac'ot' al aar rfajZn rum i»t- thr** *( haaatlial PMsnal atskz aarth Bl SB •a haaxa tanat»a aad tcadltSoaa, to dispnU your w«rd, bat at the same time, I woald •• LoaiaTma, . f* fiur r I fhaa the time }oa came aboard, and iren takin;; tka aabUa m raatlanaa vortbT of tbalr ooaBdarra acd pt. ur, ipizk Ofi^ yZaufy arattcm. aad yaa triiJ Ts t^aaa ah* a»-a aczt ti tha iaipat I aMBt W^tfan. apTiakSac, rsarlay, Aa.. acr» praetM ao day Billa or. S*w Tork. r^tn a eVfj hf mar* mf mAil^ yofSafr ^idL tan at ttt s^or* we-rka- I \hsj ifl ran at be astonished oat of oaasa^ Wdl, sir, he eK<- Laadsaomto amatit. Idiaoovendnottbedigbt- tron^^ 7A«XS KaSAA-S ^ eo To tka mwks sail* th* Shirt lax<*t BKaktr, aar aaa at KitaB, te wUsk aa seriyiaraJ warrcat aaa ka dla. • aavnaad taio^ Sd, and if yoa fiapato my word, I have Oe cat syoiptom that yoa Imd drank AHTSPiBm. IWAS M a* abera aerka t, tanx. dla. t. a. Bans, '<> ' BacTJ. a. : SO oa Oxlaaaa, 5,000 Agents wanted immediately, to engage X oAr- tbaaa prac'asa. aot kaeaaaa 1 kaaa mrr ai iaaii la. beqneatly with yoa daring tbe afternoon and niijfat. Idis. n aaas, miatr. T akack, tka aa^koatr Tenaeasee Baptiat,aa bid by, that w9ll prora tha tarMt la -.hataiA, cctts 'a ay aaaa aad t^-j Timm aad wbsa I Idt yoa after 10 o'doek, I know yoa Sdla. Tiaffca in the sale of the above Took!! tka dcfaaaaoa at Acfarrla. Brsaalsw ssd thasa a«-i*«tA • nrTiiaan or ar^aalnttsa at hi* e.'iaKk or ^ And beaidas^ I bare Oa book that coataina JIAESS & BROWN, adA. Sold—.^raorioaa OoU, Ia addltlos ta tba sasal c-aaurtios a ap.ata. a* akall |r*- sf isartKla acd tana law aaoafS to iwtati Ikotraapnina at wen 31, bot ^yrrncBBA TBB nPLCBXca OP Liqcoa. AVT|u» pa-rbaaad tba aattr- latarrat r-f Ja-£e« K-naa it! pi*. Aa, or tksi(a kJa !aaa, aai tsMlaita csa asat tka paraos who aa^lt tb* lBnr**l csBtter at eopln of tb* •allrlcaal characKr. d . A eAaTBli. the wbote fi^t. See tha itsjastice yoa hare daa« Permit cato add, my dear sir, that 1 de^y , la tba lata Sno af Krraaa * Baiaa. will ai»a=a aU lia- rorai^ " ParifW. Ik .BB«B«er wkat M haa aataktika* 1. abaT*asrkkator*thaarta»aala(y1 amrtad litii^ rwaiaiartmt psnoa wbo al'a tha s«it la-x-t SBUbM, wta s U- Tracta ts Backa(a«, wadatTf^ ITS pays, st» v^aa. aid Bk Toa have my fall pemusakm to pablidi this. raaaaatfa! ylantrd toeall aad laapact tba:r •itraaiT* atoek ea 00 rjr ot Pifty To «n»a c^ S^asiard »• ba, ralaad at P.f^y pnoMe to lead the hook finthfiilly, I will it casta yar^fa Jaxa IB. 'tT. W. W. BASVBA et Btm, Mcdklaia, Piiata, OiU. Djaatalt, laatramaata, HfK- ad oa SoBara ! aad tk* p*rai.* a*Illr( th* third asd toartk kr^oat BAPnSI fytff^TT O'PTEg, Bxtraeta, math aad Bajllak Chaaiicih, Par'a-jatr. Paoc. •lOiafc^ «iiiaraii toyan. I will do itand kad it to my brother MiEa,. BJOO aBsikM*.€«ci witkaUSrarrol Twostr-FireTiilame riL«:aa, 8uA.Tofcaa», Aa., allot *ko toa klaailf kaaa ha- of dtonkenness and infamy waa manafactared, So. 19 8j«U aida Pauic l<« an «ai aaw arail, aitk tk* cbasoa cf iMarls a ralrabla Library CATALOGDE OF BOOKS, man. Sa yoa aee bow the tbii% works. BOOKS SHU. LEFT, AJTD HSW BOOKS aa^TtUa. jaaalT—U. tiaaatckwi*. aerioosly rtfiecting apon tbe ebancter of the whole 1 Ikara »aa aatkeiiaat ariaialan, kat la ladprMah- Tooiatnily, Seceived, or Keady for Orders!! ^Tara*taAc**k> (sr * aaopU crpy. If yra atah tt, Itr FOR 1857. A CHANCE TO M.AKE MO.^EY ! akick SI asst ka aackaal,) adamn Baptist ministry of the Soa^ and tl^ tde has been PraLISBBIi BT IBB nakakaeakaaaaatlat aatfar Ika aaiteUr a ncaltr a. PATTOA, PsbiabT. BIO. B. H. James, baa ben tzsTdliog aa Oolper- Seta to you prompdy through A* MaS. .^iaiiwBKiBfr.. ai«aiaa( a fta^taij of iaii pabiisbcd in nearly trrerj secnlar paper tn tbe FAOrriABLB AM) HOSOAABLB K*7U)IAX.\T ! ! ay SS-tf St 89 Jaa Slr»rt, .T T. 1 nd kaa* tear for tha SoaOi-Waatcm PabSdnns Eoosi fcr Umoa. Ed. S- S. Lattimore, is indeed a promment ex nbaerl^rUdaidroaaar barfpc aa tyvrtln avbcosa- 500 Great Iron Wheels. - « 00 Beath-Wi^ten Pablhkiis Hntib (tian dia wiiei tISMakBai :tr la a kaaaaat aaiakiy, aa tr az>d towa of tb9 Unioa A ca^tal or rrnm Ii ts Sio HORSE POWERS ASB two jean paat, devoting bimaalf enthimastirany 500 Orchard's Histnry, - 1 00 1. A CB-irxs, W. p. XAAZS. A C. A06KBA A. p. p. I<0<& and worthy minister in Misa, and aJl wbo know TOBiT vill b« rvoatrnd. aad aa^thlac liaa aa i Sriaat aoarir^tje taodni wtA Oi^ ta a jalptt. aa«-ia aaa •»»« af IroaH tj. ooa HTBk«>a asa laatsr*. thirty raaaaylrasialinSB POt?- Kaa caa a^k* mm tkrM 'o fra doUara rar ttaj. Brcrj ia* 1000 1st Vicb eas ba a.*! •ithrr wltb ml rpacibB.artMt him, kaow him to beabore saspidoa. formatlOa aill ba r.rma kj ad^'iaaiji f, *r.b a ata^rp to p.7 GfiAVES, MARES k CO, 20,00u Sd Volume Tbeododa, Or,jnstaa (barar taa Aacaaai. Tbaaa AsAi-a* kar> a-aod tka lot at iirilA B» oaMfaaaj-, to the woe of Chn^ in this departatent of labor, Wa A KtX'LXB !(AsaTiu.c, Tcxa. lata mMm M Waiafloar exthangea plew copy, and get this tara tatt»r aa tMy «•> ta paiatad asd boaad. Tkoa* aka aaax a oapy ta*aty-S>* y*ais la th> lar^w (rais trowiai rs't^na is (b- Boa 1~J» Pbil 4»lpi;a, Pa. •«a (aijaaa M akiak laaaM, laaiar B aaa«. Jaa* IT—It -OOB. Brail -cod at oa». Caa Pasnaklat Booi* ia Baa T*rk U si tad Btataa. Tkry kar* racaatly knra »*rh ad Saat ta asy ^oniaa at Ika Cattail Btstaa, |aM«r f Bi^ at Oanaaa?,. thananyother. T^^tch not a mfadsiar, ftw minis- articte wpied into tha sacalar papen that copied haacrduad l.ttOcopiaalkirlaiMadUtaBM. tkrir(*atiacaadi*aarala*astratioi, taUs( thsa Ufklat ivilhiidtkfaiteata, * kaa aaOl^ ti aaca arilact tkaa O* ^ tkst aa 1,000 •Ultal tr*a at Paataaa. tosintbeStr* .o^ 10 moch to promote the the Idse statement. Is drSBfbt thsa asy ethar oiaeiua*> ia sa*. Iin amii nj kj liiiaiT J I 'I' 1,500 Cf the CompauM Hymn Book. 40 tM^ EXCELLEBTT LAin) FOE SALE! Wa ha**, alao. oa* of tb**a Biaohiaaa pat a? at oa- als-». n^xuJdits ul •»• • ' long dace, have e* ia aa ancaiiiata sar yalfika ba te Bl«tsaalkiacei«ar,aadiSTit**H latsraiiad to call asa 1. 'THE GREAT lEOS WaEEL:" Or. a WXDBBSOAT, JmlJ Ik, a« aOl ollii for n.'a to lb» <»a«iaf>l ^ tkaaa .k3B aa mmASir «alr ka|dlaad aa< pccted h^ to di£C3angsd, aad retire fnm LOOO Spirgeoa's SeraioM, 2d Va,27 Ser tt. MAU? A HAIULIOA Bassi**: BacTwarM asd Cb-IMlsaitP Banial. SPHSLAL ABXICLES. ' bfKkaatblddat,aallbazalal«dlt»,oaaot tbaiaoat'arrila BiswatSaihKdaa. A. araasa IMcsatas iwrtaatsteaatBiiNii^ ^iaa* la BM alaS-toTia^aCaa, Ik la a^aaSr arltat tkat tt theficldifaittstinbeistaaincaB. ffiafiddisWeat itarfLand iaDaTidaaaaaaaty.aoataiaioaaboot«e»crw, B*ary Aisrrlas ikocH isad tkia kaiA, a* 1000 Pendleton's Three Reasons, <0 Biptiat, k^lnynltaaaktterlta t^aakaatAara » aaa»; tkaau Btother Aksander W. Ddrr.of C!A.,i8 - - •- - , ia! KEDAR HAWTHORN, Tennessee aad North Alahama, In his x«|)ort to aaa**t?BMtl*t xijxax». r. £agga-Ji I uitwuirti *aa« aaaatkay ara aaJ'kar ka»«i«rt a«- at«aiaai, aa< Kll_ a _oart _k ottk_ c Nilaaariilatarapika roai,. 'k!tkra- a mi1««inatb 150 A. Campbell &CAinpbelliimExpo'd, 20 oarsnthoriBBd Agent He is . . to supply _ AaU) at tka BaabvUla aal Oaattaaoofa AaUroad, acJ tvalra aiLja nn/\ n If 11.56.* in bookseller ASD STAnOfiKR. 2. ORCOABD S HISTOST OF B!P- tiarptiSi^ apaaa* tkaaataa' tite Honaa, dated May 15i;h, hs writes: XOSOOS an pnbte with oor pabiication^ and reeapt for fn* BaakaiM Tot* fna tka yK-A. A K. tate paas 1S8A Mas It 1« aot car daaira to psff o- to orarrata abat Ta bara t;i 37] DACPHUr S7ABD, [37 I bare had stnag sdicitationa tolearaoS'tfaat 11 at p* taa K.taoMid ai^oaihasripticns. ^ ^^^^ •aU. kat aa daAraJo coaray a fair. ju« ard traa a>o^r^ao (srcA TO la&oEtofiiahiai i. mziltaiss,) S- THBODOSIA EEKSST: Or, Tbe Beroim «f sectarian priad^aad engtcea theOathdicor of tka fnpattr. kat If car d«»ra aa» diSsreat, It woi'd ka aad kiai tkara.) aitb as Istndatiaa. ky J M P»s. STITBSteatUatka of Ui biaadt aad lea piMc to bit TTai d-Bxtt ta oranata tka taailtiM aad adnatir>a ot tbh t-aat t!y It oeaU Pa-tk—Volazi* 1^ aa'vaaU asMa katk ban aar jatfto aa* aa mAkescnaething fiirmyadf andCkmi^; and where qaents, that J. W. Garratt, of Hermitage, Ait, Tract ia tha 5i>*th tbn r»ar. tt atill anrtaa tacaran iMa- [wosldiasv qmS* aatimtioa. asd ttO aerac ia aadid snbar, all aiJitr ajaal- AOCA BAOAA. Pp tee u i i aald Is s Aa lacfka, aad Bs^ efeam ratr. Lat «cb Bopti.t aho a-ooaats kiaaaHsIMlow kalpar k»kaataayadafaiarafaarawaiiMa|aattM m in aneaia, and his pap laat faacaa. kailt alaoat asUi^ ot Gadar. caasS asaaaaSad! I win be man Hspeagd, snd have a eilmer aaa to to tha tratb. aoad at osM w «0, tt, «e, or 10 oopias, ts aall B* win •adasTor tc npply th* axirta ot CkBrckas. aabbitk tnn oor Agent, that the Boa^ had been fijrwarded WaUr of aatarw qiUltj^-aaien or wira a»»ar Wilat I.Ckataka«rrfi a< biBmm kitlMt aacMi- sad«lTaaasy. Lot aa do afisst aaik tkia jaac. ITik T a'"' —- "r^-—— 4. TBBOOOSIA ERXEST-ToJtnoe Si-Or.Tto iIWI wlWherleBBi^ nil in; aad wborfwill not bata so coatan- wia a reqaeat to diaobotinne the p^, bot the IH- Brrtaga aad laaaia^ atraaaaa, aEjnUaf la tka a»HJ, ajoda aalka-% fc tka aaaM, aa< tkaarir trftaail Aa tk* aad Litsrazy Pablic is «*B«ral Ban Txasai. IB Baasea tvTsa CassoB." Pp- CA aad p aCaiaa a cjaa'aat lapptr of wmtan baaa.ti naktr-d 300 Bowen'sNew Work on Central A£dca, txjQ or debatin^ do. For I have had to contend ter never reached oa; aad when tbe post master aCBOOL BOOKS. BLAXC BOOCX. Base aaparW ta palsi of a sad dlBy ks aMafCWtlfai; ikit tkavki ata akaickataat wttk p«p>ar. tak. aak. aaiartrao, Iraa, texCd>r, klaek lacart, PriaaSl 00-aS4 off by th. ,saatlty. LAJDT 8 ROrB aad LrrTEB PAPSA. ksi ntnraed the paper, we made tbe statement as aadBfl3iaataadtrtska<»<|>tka(aaen^ notoaly with tbe tednr iathe M. B. sede^.bot 100 Yahveh Christ - * " ^ BSTALOPSS COOSTISB-a9CAS PAPXA. ny We take pteasore in dating that Bro-Gar- Tba twamaa la a aarr aMt aad aaau'MtaVa wood t«nt1a(, PBXa, PZACIka,*c,.aiUksaaldai Iks sat mors Otmavptam from that opto tha {seadMriadtsrge. Onoaeofr waalkarboark ithaa oaa«t Plllt||Aaii PaiB«B«ai chaige was aboot one of the fiiM tocoaaeapand ralaaba. - - i at t£r Ocdara frwa taa Ooaatrr wi i b* praapSy tilad. ssd ^tkalaaawKiatiaaar caanatlaa kaa tka rifitkata- the datement or taaa tha BOOST-^ ^^ naaarr. ^laUod naad. taa (aad kAacro ksxaK. alablaa. orlio, Maaotdaiearaaaat oaratoBoaakaaa* kOTttskooka— pakitosUeas aat aa hasd ka aktaiaad. 8- TEE GE')GKD EVIL TKSDISCT CT .ra Un an Mte. S** •••limarl IW'laj araAeea whiak tkaj BiT kara lay hold^ afier a-^mj^^it^ mianteiy tiie Little iadaaplaadligai«aB;eaeaeia«tioaag aitibaid, wilb nar box acdanaradalayal aa'Jl a* eas racalTa adRkua ia aa to Jfatala, Pltracry SBtk, Ittf. eca baaiiac troaa, aaa f»B fr.wa arakodat paaek aad iff' amid tka aattaabm. Brathraa, a* ara *aia( aar e»r» kaji i. rcfiteiGB tbMtm hwt* i^NM.kataaraaljxaaiiaBBasd, aMaa,aa*at.laaBT K H*aiB0<5 at t-ia a^-. I a«,ol>. daaseoa tha 2t3d page, stated what waa aotao, Mb- EumaTou wiH^^iBfimn ^^^r^ (kaoaa, kMlPnaali Wrr, aad i^aaa koltiti ckaat 1 ao Mi^ aar piwiiii ta tkalr at-w« tr-*- ^"kartoaad BanadhAx '—ally^ , ta lA* atuatSaa a « s.e-.. r» < 1 tartkb^kAi aadeaDedoa me to kaow if it waa aa, or if I ever dBtk, Tilk aaar atkar aaanalaaaaa In taCnai to amtln. nail acdarsar>t,aca^ mac tajaadaa. Baar aOk aa a«a «* taadlkapakBa I. »clLV>t>t Tdkaa aU tcfl^r, tkla a aaa of tba .ickaat. mat «all»akia eaapatapaoraaasbiaary. AptO II. tag-tf aM Cm^ataaia, kat kaiakaaa, ta aU^aa, t a^ ^aetin tiacta ot laad ia SaridMa oo-mtT, aad afSB ka beard ma preaidi it frua the pglp^ I said I leamad Ala., to Satmday baSxe tbe first Sab- Por other booba, aa. oar aaIdiartTaI>ota, WTiafiaainfraaaaolalUaana Oiva a fioB thair coda ef laws, to-wit, tha Disdfimt. aaaldeaO all IwHierta aait peiakaeara, aal itavaUsuka THE KENTtiCKV U.XRVESTEU, listl»»etrfitB«a« ^ ^in ABg!atBext,iBpoa^)Ooed antn^^- AXIOMS. aaaofthataatatocktkraaia tka SUta. P«awaiaM«cta BsresMtkadthatbehad cnew 1 called oa him to darbefonte fifth Sabbath in Awst, byj^re- 7 PSiiF srC^RT««c »kPTISai-l»e*raai Ka- itbaote iMT, axaslaa tba plaa aill call oa Moooae. Martoa, oa tka f ao- COLLINS' A OOKBCIED REAPER ASD XOWUU iaaa.oroBtaakatiraltaa'atB?. arcbarrratmal. . T-a-a B ntua lav aaKtirsa (ma. ladt^ ' aboaritto tha crowd, OathBd or iiaiAtiMa, aad ^istoi^dmrdi. The Soath-Weatem Baptist •Mtos.irlrkaan-I aaat «l*kaaa (xxaa —A eraditoa aaa tkird CII «nt Jaaaarr, ISiS, aaa. Patented November 25. 185& pitnathe Little Wbad Gdae. Batfidhadoit* tkW tiat Jaaaarr, Ik.A aad k«taan Ssat laaaarr, l»e» INKS, INKS, INKS. 4. THR «> tW^AKMIN - Ki!« aial.aiarpaa t«B«M. 'ly'lSSrTdidiBrdu A.Bbaa». BoIh odl aaenrvi, wAkaat iatarrat. ^-^alrad, tal Uoa ra. TS.. a. ttn. fc-b a aaa •aryataap a No air. IdiadrewtbeRgWhed^aBhim,aad ITtaiB MACSIAB Jane 6,1857. BLACK ASD COLORED. 1 da-latth aad t*. It tt*# ta t»B ...a-ostty BM V asiilM wAk aztsaaiaa read skM^ (ast kaowiag that ha waa a fa^ Bnb- OaailBats aad oollalioa fjaa aa aaa^. fboaa eaaiUzf BA VA jait r*»al»*d a U.-»a ^aaaUly af tha kast Waok aad sbliSb** Itaf*l».i»». - alr-aarto .al «lt h* eie*aa, aaaas* Oa. raSddn ii® w aaata viUplaaaa not at tk* Pnat-oA^a o'tloek, A. K. I ilk f ky a** *tka» * a P-tv. i.*t>«M> « aaaa n. taaik^t»akaktt«r. op:)behaaid it, sadmaaHy eoaf—d aa Mdho- I ooaspiaaa paaldsslarta s^ixic »H •<•« a,»t h.r> Vaa aakaytSia* aai •as-^iakat.alUaa^lB. OarraapaaSamta* laat- ' BAKCB A W009W1,B», Armtt. S:*tor*d laka. fiaa tk* IwtUy *sI*b».V4 Mtfas aiy at Piias aaaasaalaa m m •jt* ay ra-* at o 9 "rnt V«it»,pj« «HITF1E>D - BM O S. fiata,Aayad aotfira to theDisd^Eae,aad Jmmi Sr-St. CoLlul s-a Talk, akiek I adi ••U at tka Boat r*a mg Haa a • axpadaaat anrj tk> ta i h.rr*ai »*»- a— Sra#«.r.aa ya -asty pr^pt^stttad 11» txn>-*n U Sa Maaaar yiiaaBI. talkla«a8'ia«,>aaa •lAV'ad.w »*l.awt«a* aUTBR wajCt, MOagmaad. Ittaaiitf tbsre sold«baaacoad WkaamaaalaaJ^aaereaaf J-T.Otewfct*. taimelyat rrtKACnKBS OTASTJCa.—Tso braalaoa at tha Fartt Adaaaa T. a BC8aBi.C»a**aa*aa B*. kai «<*f f-r th* o» la—- 1 aiUa raaals laatilata, laeattd et Ba-t»U)a, Saoaar JkaoB^-Ia at t it acaess, oa* P BaATBtr or rmtra TVa. a to tUVPRiLUSW IX.Uil>SO. ABD BK-KK. IJIa.ami.-n- Ltaatki aa Ua^aaaiia'aat ^ikai OalBBkls, Taaa.; Kt. Sa atTaaaaUfc tkla,oa« f». part of Qwk'a ChntoBSB to oaa *C thair mcmban, raaty. Taaaaaaa. aill r*o*i«* appUcacaxa tk"** aah- AB4c»r tan-irr. as-aaa. la anla-a.—^ aiilnnt aMaa.. iPpX, »>a»l>aaa •laaAai aaikaui ac taya attr-«aal.r awa A. ka. Irfk 8« partt e«k»« A^kt", ai-a» ia(ainall<«asla.a* Vntnh CtklMKaarfaaallar a .uAk h kata Ikam- easMafapatOaaoattaai. aanalstaa taaitr; aaaa aaad apply aste -•rrM aai JOB PRnrnxG. ar*rtaB«a.Bad •kaaata.kaaa h* aU-Md Bj aay da. r*< *»aa>4« awoa— sdaasiMBaatefeia*. dterlnadi: WbealiaaefasdDaekStpdagiP. O., umlaa laallaaisiii'a af tklti nn'lftmt-r- Ta* aaaaty ia ATlSQiaMtvada lar** ssd aaAaaltMX aM *f ks^ Oaaat a- ar^a C isa' fi»a. aad kl*a> tap- tta« apiara t .M^aiataa^aEnr.aal BcaCtarTanvaaaaaadaatka r uaaa aad tkatr Boaar, ^ kaM :B aaa • aif aaaaf tk^^kaattkriaaaamysaydaMrskia. «Appdaaa»ky f a'ioh opa, I •« p"**^ «» «•»*• W*«k ia taa l*ak lla faBsatar Pr.-iaa. ka—h« a ' rt If ti It 1,1 Ia» ai r PtlaaSaa. latter ar ia BSiaoa aeka aaida ky adai «iita«a-aaiiitB«* H Vt*««Miiiii ara* I Ibond ooe litae Whad tednadNd am wiAant tkey*tfl tea tka j i Mlaa Wa kaaa Baaaa'a Atrita— art n *«t app;»*ad atyUasd as tka s «at laaacaaVa taiaa. Hxaroropoon TaOS^ U. ftPCLikB H1St>i8T or B^fiUSB BmS 4r naogataik J*,«c fAat aay owaeir. aadbB Wa Oataadior a daaslaata^ aartkSl. Aa air«r*Br*ol rataiyjaaiaiaOlakaaat ka*«B.n pS Pi«aiaa aa a «-a*r.• < OtaivAi xaia 4' ta It aaaKt aaxy tn aa ta aa«a aatda la i^iaMHB^ kaiaae tka «s«a»a* sf t-a Bar***-* a. Tfc.iairttt.«eafk»tkarJ.T.IW)an.dkl.alk.««. AO Aoa L-toarastbfk-akttrrlkaK. Cb.<<, etrcatan. Bffi. A»«aam. CI tt' D Yaa^ aaa alt kisas af *acj aad Csl- 'tka .aa-M^tk'.aaxk Ika •ra< Prta^ daaa aitk aaaCaaaa aad ia Ba >karMt IMS. aa him, aadtoU W>a toa^ hisMdf atet ^ ' AMtasI 0Bnaa«aa)*r^WIB*«ABae>7 ae aaaa - a. a—WakaiaaiaatiBUr aataaa aa taaiiniiiiBl af Ba aa a B.%ar.aaar tk- T*rtf iQsaataena si paraAJi« Pg taa^ BatWwaaaadai^aBitebtate. W.R. Cornelias, Agoit, kaatO*:si*dsadBaa« Iiha,T.B lAlah aa wiB tanip att tk« il^w T»ck Sat^Aai B liff. aai n. nhaawaaarlpaelaf petal. trad* aa ta* tanat laa'aaakN taraa. tika Xaatatky tM* Pair, kwt at Pacta; IX TttSABBtBUflCflOTRAKTHOfiBH ftiirinn tbrna aia bmj iTimiiTMi 1 •niiTiTW i BWS. aaBOEtaakilaiaMtttak Ha aakaailptleB ia n^^sxpn fcr pw fkaanaad todal»iaaaa. aasM aca*< Orfora iaft, aJkRikt IskaariakWack. aitte ttOm TW- e*kar,lS*; *s,saecr* rraartaaaa aCaaAto^ " I tk« aa kara i«aa a? a*a aara, aadaldaaaa M to taii yoa dpiBtladtharhaeaipaeaaattitoS. ^^tarlaa Oottaca Badataadl. Laaacra. ata araqr temip- tetc»e*.»*.««il*eiB.t,er*tlk*l*aMBHBBi «a fciaa: mmSmmi'* Ha:Aiaa. at B*rtk-aaat asaac^ PakUa 8«aan, all^a *Wa»aiklaalaaatapatsa aMMarra «*aataXy. CHi! Bcathna, pn7 ftr aa^ tetl mi, AiinBia ^ omx Ota iSl Waia Baaaa, Bo 4*. Sp'taa Ptc*a:i aw Ota^, Xakifflas C7-.t3. CBACB TBZniAX; o M3TS asd bets»i

tmminir, fcv i . T H E N N EM S E M • ff- SI

AMEBICAU BAPTIST MEMOBIAL! SCHOOL ADVEBTISKMEHTS. •a-li • • "' jt-rTotouE sue S L^RfTPE h & H N D L Y, - • • > Jt -tj.*.--; • .1- A , ' ' aBM6yAi.--(»ANijB or HAMI OXFORD FEMALE COLLEG:^^ T makes ahi^ all onr fine fntsiture now- « wm *nM WW. JtKan MM THE ca.Eiai.rto uou,-^ : -•^ BUTEB BT Mil IfABJCa. ———- ——' . - Settiig Md tiroiriBg Hedge Frate^. m a-days, bat who think', oir even knows, Oxford. Horth Carolina- -Vsi " 1 lac •< Mtk. aa. ar »ai atlrat^ pmmtt^f, nsA kf car-/«c«- -Q^' ^of the vast de«i -uf Itbor u reijiBres to l»eiaarfaj|ea*^»*#iai-r aaa ba kaieaal-' BAPTIST FAMILT MAGAZIHJi. J- a. '«a>a»k}»iM »a4 ft|»i<»- if* «Mt ta knait n yooi' Slapsme. pabtiAid procore one sil^ log. How strung, bow 1*4 W B JlaiDU—Hutary. LcfiaaaaBkatarta. >il.« a » OouCa l.»i««»taa. ' Hairlaa "aCmaSwa* aar Xaaa. aad aat»4>.T«aaaa«7, « i-lTtH-TMlltaiiV - by ON*^ KATAK A CS, OUM ITE'C^'A BOO^ I* EOOTMINS TLILTTF-^. AM«HiCAJ{ BAP*T18T MEMOBIAL. labar ouraiCa-aMaaaaafeaOka p »»«n 1 ^ «t • firm ith« wood, of bow high a polit;h is it M-ua I. B » ,a»-Ma«fcaa.1fa wEAKxsss-pr.Asftl • iAH Ur. t. a Mtfjmr rttif. MIn* a !«iT«-»rT»a'a*ot B»»art»«»t ia^ vaa a,iaaai.aaMa^ wtyaaiiiia xa4 afcKlaaf-.- O^t af Mtawtn; vti iapsraj is W^^f •id ^ P.Cora».a»D-i>r«wlac aaj raiatiav- taraa kMl ka >aaM>aakiaa>a aatiats FEVER ASD At^i •lOMBbaiio* S«rteBdf«l »adtlAty-tTOp«gwlo»y«w. ^ cM ubles, OM Ten^ «r«. B S miia—Maaic. r^aa »ttta aa far Cinalua a^i taa Tsioaa aSeaeact pa.-tiaalar atSaaSoa .ana to tka n^mettuicc aa: S«n(;rar» tb «r miwb, ud 10 eered by^Siia Wd. durable, and beantirul MSST, tIMit vIR kalk*>iia«t th*B•4 rantwk * te'matw* ao r'atkaa a aaaHet^ »•(>(»> Oat* O aa^aSap} %a; stomadi or I wood ; not made entitdy of it, for then they would <» all «<«M« •( taMM to tM piw> iat^ P.ast>.fao4aadrMdt,al»^aaBkaa4iBp.-afaraaaa-a fnti- e«ll»««*h«ri«iB>»» «• l>OEk-tc«iI '« it Tb« best Expeoses. SA'TE I aa t*4<(«.a,a. ar-*t»efQac-*w Bf IS.„ m^'L j Ji a Mja. af -afp«i«., " li ' B^ m th>SAar la all kSAiC wickisMgatdtoaidiatfaaealdtuisirf^rxukafthe athwt nro r/Aff wnoo »we«.ri««s »iu «•- • • B>tk>r So('l>k, Tlie Spaniards used to make their vesscb of thia wood, because •t i> th* tmmUr ua m>**—rr D^vut.•• O l aaa cUaiiaa sofrxHsysesi soifCirK rocm ciuLDBcy OJ aM iB-ak-raaCaetal tod StUxtit-Kbcol tm^en, is da tk« •mf^ tm alil *» waana* »» T«« a " Draaiac, M . JlT ROJt&.' tsiaiocaroarj«it&. Tte wotfc riehlr oxrltt ten OoOMMaafasai- aaaia. his joameT to the Nonhera Seas, took with him boats made in Eng- tk* (allDVlaf «IU W tfea ' . SOUTHEES COKXE&CIAL COLLEfiE, :aa« PBNMMF.Sxikaaa Gaaaf laafa-oaat. fOL- X q(f«,anditte«lMatinatwotfaimnd. tmport»at im >iw>waa>u bw bem ststaaL aaaa!(GHiD(T or coxnxn. CMtlrcal l>'»~lt, - .. xaasra^ nwKB^sBa, land of this mRterial, as being in consequence of the ihinisesa of the U sai#uMtIiii««!aM dateoBBunecdlMt neatb, aod sdU otbanwaaU i. IWiiy Biynwaat .>«>>r*ala( aalattaialac uii la Boa^ Va-I. lJ«k«a'aal*».Var.jar»wotk, a noaoa faaUUM «*r'i-»*art|B« a «ao oafk. p-tafiai, •tiaetlM ilmtin^ •n.rt.We.l mmt m^Tta>l aMdM Jxt S<>ab>a .01 oraaaa tba Biat Kaadar ta Jalr -"U^f* ^ a™ planks lighter than any othen and of course mote poruble. Car raniaalan adl afa ^^ koda aeau>» ««r>> adnata* ratta^ af afcai^ nadu* WMtar to •« aj tataa at CQ alaniictK ia as. any where else. .Wrt a.aaaiateaat tt laaea fiMi Mi-aiour. «a •! -tUMtow; HABY. Book-Ke^iag^ CRsnerasl IAV, Cam&ercial Wbtt h>»« yiar yoaag rentera to ntA, tq attract tbitig «>rmanri, »ad intef- Hondoras famishes it now, and it is computed that at least two tte Fism or q « »>••< lw»«ri.wal-eaMraia>aciauUteC!| cacuBoaiA, asAtuHAix co., xi Azithiaettc, PeHmaittiiip. Mtttea? W1iut»^ttHtiawriticater.tic«sod ^Mm totkoit "Cui hundred yeara are necessary from the sprouting of a seed till the trie e»lUa« !>-«*. Ac. ai*tka kcaa^iaa taackt. F»c5ty. tha V Bp witkoot ain t Cu tk* grow »ith>iat water V—JA 8. a f^mtr,' mmd Hnfhttm' C,ck Oafanm-at aaiaT tba aarartsteaimn af xaatlaaaa Th_ a cT-aJ popElBJtj CArnosa. a^kV' j . * is fii ibr ctttUng. This work is commenced in August, gangs of 4 Itrp* twtt^t- air jomn k a«iiiLTO«.««<•/ ^«le />»»-ir««»«'- Tka Sah vork is osiy SI per tasoa, sad what axKber, faonrer poo', rnfaMar r rUr>li .a* a.u.aiB«U af Miaiatota, fca. alio, nlaabh aaaia iiawx, Piaao aad Oalar. gang being headed by its captain, and accompanied by another man KtaiOb M Kaaaaaoasa, Matbawaoea aad K^tlaa Uta- wa. >a£su. a. CU.. lU^miit, lean. tiMci- m-T Sl-t( or rl|MaM wiU ka afarad to c^ tUa termed the hunumin, whose business it is to search the woods for "t^MMiXtt Manaa. KaillA Braaekw aad Cakntiart lviflwiiethBi cm Klaenm lait and Bi order, if potaOib, to iatertst the II>(>i«ni a •alttuaa <1 iur lo'ka raaiUr, a Ta saMa aadal. Miaa Vaaaaaa B Pi»»JalJ>, Prafajatau Papailmait, liatia aat to tto aa4 aa iataraatiaj aad ata- ooapMati,it what they are in quest of. that is. a good place to do their work. ruiM Immtmttn PIAJIO fO£T£S.LO<^3r&«LA&SSE3. AC. aoitw«iit< a mmbers wbo icad this pa^er, w« atTenl other articles paalaa M tha tcaaar*] laaM- P Unitt fcjnatBiaa-Ooaaratat. w. a a. rRKSStaa. BESJAMIS PAGE, jb^ .taif tiBeta!itMaar|| ftmiiMlHtanbir; ' - Alone, thrtjugh the pathless forest he pursues his way, now and then BEAD TUB FOLLOWING: BiBCV 4, lUtra. ^ „ Joan a Ba«a.»s aad Lady, gtaaardt Xteyartma. BKuau a 1. Italndaste ascending the loftiest tree and looking about for the spot where the a GOOD LIBnaHV »0R .•niSISTBK! ajcp.ctratad ' Tka akaa laatitaties la BOW la aecaawfal fractaa. Qda S. laaopasat Wa am t'^fmi ta clar tha f4ar tka pr»»rTi«. a af ta« aama Pna Fiasos, Helodeoni, Wineow Saades, Artists' Pkaxjsaoeatiste and Cheoita. mahogaoy can be found in the greatest abundance. The leaves of Tiaa •».»T Ela Mar ta !»a e.«at»j mar a^ra for fcimaatf a Fnan tke ChOdzea's Bonk Uota a« llU UVrarj. ima »»ry Uttla •«>rt ciaai tka ara ylaaanl to ar-aocaaa tkat arraoia. MoUrialt, CaUatt-^aken' MatrricU, S> Its OfdinBi^ kan kraa laada to aaeara law4iatai; a Ckaaaeal aaa this tree have a peculiar reddish hue. and his practiced eye readily Tba la.j a. aoKtad froai tba eata!s)aaar tka AMr- rkikMkleat ayrarataa (orwkiek yarportoar wort»» Prt'- on. nses, aad t)oaoAtaiixi Mw Sap'iat FaMI -aUoa Kcx^tT or (torn ItM IMa ot tha r>a Esit^ ttataa. laatttatioaaar tka eaaatr;, for tka torfaaa at aaaJuic ki^ aazcpacnaaaa or Wa alll M-a u> aa aro>: aa; aaa tliu aaearea aa4 for. Mtf t aack tafiOTawata ta (aat Wb, aa* tka lAaiaa: out compass or guide, he readily dirtcta his course to the spot h'ls eye war a to aa ta* aa^caa at Haa^amaetet tkeaaw.aa maj ka*acea»ia* UlaikaSa tilu*HAXTt^K AKD MBa LOOUBG eLAIBBS. 93iy ottuiiiip of M Partrait 4ial Pictara trasaa. tadd «lado« Btadi. kr. ^00 aa-a isbaeiibara. vilb tTCO oa00 •• " <0 Ma. Id. Cailcca atraat. (taakviUa. Tama. . .. u Ti >• •< • Ift rau far ratroaaaa, aad t» »> la aaravaackikiadtka hm. prevent others fix»ia taking advantage of hU di>covcry. for they may aort of aar aaaiaroaa laatitctloaa «r iaaraiaf Pak latStt. sa£Ai TRnn^nr sr^B titewWejlBBfaM to " - >' M " •• rw lartkT aarttoslaok aaa tka teif aOalaj Cat->lana, ar citfid ftiperaM be watching, and they are perfectly aware of all the arts he may 11 .. - ts •• - •! W IS " " " • HEW Br. X. ll..t«,„H laT«t.,.ti,, LSB ilB use, their practiced eyes detecting at a g'ance the slightest iiirn of a 1« " " 1» •• - 4 B B BaSB'aa, Saontai} » . " 5 " " •• 1 arrii u lu? If leaf, or the liuatest impression of a foorstep. tiT- Tba Pnoiaau alll ka yaU la Ciaa. U rraiknad, KEBNAls & EAINS, l«a* Ij par cast. ' Sa 1», Saatk atdo af tkr raklic S««ara. A m&hcgiiny treeisnot felled close to the ground, but ten or tw.-h e AOKSTS WANTID, Hew Prospect Male uid Female Academy. (O^aaRa k> Sirkat Haaaa,} aenatj yoBS nl feet from it. aad a s«iff<4d or stage is erected for tfce cutter. The To aaanai mtj a>%at} la tka thdiai Rataa Iw aakaatk••-tBIm k ia a lalaet tcboot, toeatad alaraa Milaa • «. Itao TKSB., ««. t tro= lajBEaM, Anr. I {.aaliUla. niaalaaipp—la-abtia^ k; pararaa vka kaa* wwrxu. kaa* tpaataiUr aa kaad a larfa asd ait*aidr« at trunk bring so large, is of coarse the most valuab'e pi.r , d BaaUCrr-a aa atn Tka naxt Matas coaiaaaaaa sa tka Baooad MOKOAT ts P>iaia.Braakaa. Paacy Aititlas, Tariati Saada, 117a aoMt tree, though the wood of the branches is preferrtd for ornamental Ukacal tarn kllawa« a4»raaa,arttktaartaioatan,thar»>. iaaaarr. Par iTTa(aia itlaa af &a aaa^BBrtadBii) lukai. Haia Darartsaat, - - - Mr. OL Meldna. Wlcioa ac. de. akaacaa fn«i e^ to work, because the grain is finer and more variegated. The spot for Tataaa. SI rear, la adamac^. tattala ... kiiaa Makla Baww. Baarp artib!a«arTaatadp«2a,!iai^nd jaaaiaa. Aakir* . (Z82B. aar praxB aaadlac tka a>a>ai 9t Ihraa ibk rikata. Kaalfl » ... Miaa«. U Bawau.. of patraaaca raasactfaltT aoliidilad. cutting IS always diosea as near possible to some river, or large S3 laiU W natitlal a cofj for oaa v*aT Tka 1- aatloa la kaaltkr. Board, $S par aicat^, waah2at, narek a. tr-tf K«BkB k «AUr!. (Ij- •akMnr>>aaa aa4 raadfkaoaa ar M ar«alr . aKi »xhu iaa'oM tfiBdedto^cBlwH] CHII/DBEN. stream of water, because of the great toil of cons ruciing roads fcr t a wluiktr mt» are^aau, laoaJd fea aaOfiaaJ ta Ta'tloa frooa tS to * • far lanlia Kaala aa Piaa-; forti E. C. SHACKELFORD, -oidi^ii^ Blaaa t UtD, Falallakar, tT) par aa^.B. Ba addittoaal ckaifaa. Bekalara to faiaiili tooad tkao iaaa'aak* 'half yeajb. Cfcr^r-n in tl* ritr, Ew»m of rn-rv «»I«r. removing the logs. Many miles of road and several bridges have Ho 2, Itarti ttilk DOaat, rsiJaJaSjkla. Pa. tkair o»B kooki aad atabetsij. ~ ATTORNS r JT LAW, ^J^ l J— a— Bttlaa Tha BaaoBl Cram E^f^ sli%}«t baa tkaa Bin-n km. tm 'kob'sx^ to be biult aoraetimes for a single tree, and that tr«e may yield bat Lasla«laa, Oglatbarp* C« , «-« , X» "»rH li»t»» - O! if >11 tlKW cbildran, Jaa «. -kT-do ia M caaoa of B apapaia Plata a^. tbeSpift iDtheai •'I one loT, tijottjh some affurd four or fire. The roads are usuafly in Wtu (taotaa U tbaCaaaiiaaof C(latha]^ BIkan.WUia, eraaa, OLuk*, Jaakaaa, aac Kadaaa MB» aatrtsnaM kaaaTdlal tba Daa-aprndflf d Oi< .»r-n *xu{ nd r^-i— WnuM gm* jpod l»onmt» llUGa MILLER'S WU11K& Bethel CoU^ Esfidlville, Kj. readine« by December, and now commences the work of cuitin| •! a p apv-.:u». Aadtht fl^ A ^h*! a cWv'd be^ BB axaisia>ticB of tka diaaaa la tka atadiaa paracad da- •liPfii w^ l-w*. Tli^n no iHH^ of |Ti the tree into portions for removal. The lime of drawing is in Apnl TOE NKW VOLCME. Daofiaa.te Sav f Matt laztewtaa. Sa .d*ia. aJ an^rtaJ altr Be.l>ni*ra BnatatowiZ cuan of jcnptm T rl*<< tkaar aaat mtmo •• vQl coa:B«a. 6. ^ o^aao tak,,.? —* T«'i<»B: m OinNft or rlankii*^ CLiar Oa tka aaaa-acaf tbasatk-of Jaa*af}«a ka tk. or May ; at all other seasons of the year the gr.i»(£d brinir so «oit KOwaTaDT, Haawa Ftatt* Bntkar, aad Basd, WSUawi a —la Ua, akal««u aad ratal;, fa; .g. iBthaataetiaa^f Pi.i-a; h» H - Kniok. TSmr nt «oan« nr hwreis, •tk-kltioa of tta Jaai-r Claaaia ar>tsrt. vffi aloK tka taata. Saariia uiacTS. .<^1. k* teatxlaa aad Baalaj, ,a«iU he caDad boa] ' over burdened. The eight is the time for this p^rt of the labor, fur Bea^rtas* al f^oalaty aa Ik* Iwa Tkaala(la*i jaatrt-f tk>MMa|rk aoa-aaaf aMataJtraialxc,or aalUklaqaal- CeSar Strtel, nmr tki Poa-Ofir*. Ii 'iw piiKviiiiar^ ^-room, An^ th»y woild ** eood icen* iSoatiaa tar tka f ractleal «a«taa af alk. ; If Uiey Tens not great. sarCKiL ano UVitLEP Bdarjiuu rantusaB, HaajMKOlteh the diys art too warm. Look, what a scene ' Kive or MI trucks, Tka ekura ara all tll^ ntk (aatlaaaaa af Bstarad aipari- WItk aaa kaa«ra*ip la tk«t' tMpntlaa daMtaiN* kaauss B To vkleh is Kano-l Ja o/ .akradaf aa rk. P-^r^ia-ir of l^aaraafaa iaitiadaatani Halt- llalaani:^. p. W. ilAXEI & CO, with eight or ten yoke of cattle to each, the whole urctchin^ aa^y * GezUlejztd'i Apparel attd yt^midtt-ng Qoods. watd far ttra iiBij t • i v^ * »Btk«aaa aaa aeeaaa-' af tJa Aaa h, Praaata Tk> Pro aa - .quarter of a mile in (engih. Daikness has dropped hrr tloomy of taa kcok* aaao la oat ll.thaiBatia.1 aaa aa. . , BBOBidad ID Ob wiia ataar it. twra A fail • t of lactraoaata kar kaaa aacarad at a kaar^ aa- AVIBS a taiia aataktWB^ tBt.tta .aa]a of tka akea. Tia Plate, Block Tta, Copper. ChactiK Oaa folana IS lao Pp »ia. Ctotb tl S> alSclaa, lutf oaaliat; oa kaat a fan mmstOM in jsBtfi^dijBt • 1IGER MN™ IN INDIA:"- curtain, and the silen-.-eof mirinight has fa'Wa on the grxnd. old foresl. ..lai • for ika 111 aaa la Uad BaraajiHi CtvU B^taaadkt H Lssants wisr.faoK AVn-ria a PLCV KBBP' TOr LB BUinxaUU i ,t - BBTea final hisriM Each laborer, hslf naked, with his flar u^ totch in hts hand, ha.« his covtaaa, Tk* dlK<*>laa «r tka laatttathw la Ina. Ika italaat vili eratlmaii'a aad BarH ClaUla( 1 Pj-afnatilVa' n er riaata kaaa aatk k> 4a a>4 tt la aipacttd af Uia f it tl •J an dtaCTHi—• ' uaipjM-1 fb* mrnm'^moHtj eTS-sib. marklallf-d IROa MaSTLKa FABUiBaum, I pMatt mcKki E£ t^«r Imnt » one of the greatest diTemons of India. The appointed place, and the c»vale»de commences il> towards akick vHt ba raa*>rd aaar* nak f*a<9 tka r aaaalar! -n is I V'.. P, M aroloaUa) U rt»r» talioU Tk* Tra'^aai r-fa- a tk craat pliaitirata tka faataMMad Cod Si oca HmTinc Sfaro,^ lliii,p tka taititaU>a. aad takaaarrraatilum i » iiaaaiiiallat -ki'^tliVt. vkick la aai:*' tk*iBm.dlata»«pa air >a«r tk* satire prwees can Woa.*-aa4 0co:o|i«al •aloapartaal-. (BBL'CUIkw.l akaTardaaa ta^ awrtal. *apa»e*d a»d CommM aieeeei, the river. The rays of the flickering torche' 'U! grottsquelj on the < T:i- V of Of-arfo« caa laat tatAo to aa auajfd patraaafa tw Ita k-ailklal di> tottedtept*; ibn f Parti y tka faapartara. aad par* vriTt utaatioa to ta< !>ak of Uirir fxpeJrions wou'd exceed my limit*, and I pre- S B a< Uvo»ofy.oa tka Ta^ft TkaoK)f.1aa. •ipnt-a. for tka ao'r* I daponaraal aad hkariiiaaam a< tk Ko. r.At-T BtDB OP aat^r P4 t II grand old tiaiiks and crooked bo Jghs. ai . taiatly glimmer among • B-rac «r CtaoaaT *», • •taa-ata, and tar tka tkoroask ihoianiiiy, aad Ite aaaeu t ana*, atala*. aad daraMiltr .kF —P*n<«uMaa>aad k*L>| Afaab Ba ML-fcJt a tk, kv teteTC'nBf, hat tb'Iiw more so. 9. T'la Dt-aoT*-akla a»i tka Baa«alad •aatad to fin aa t^anaa. aad tkai ka-a -naaataki5|rrica. tiaaU 'Ii: litlle animal, and bird of night, nw^ed tr>.>m their ctMnfi'rul, and mi>iikt-)s Part IL AB patwaa ara raapaet?»n> laa'ttd V II. SKwatr«tt prtnU lkl»(ltaaTw».C flaoda.aadbaa-an-vrtsaa wtlrtai«iTaatwlatBtaa»«ial»T -T- S-a X laaf tk. taUo>laa WhmfCt at the sai«ka*ata tkaa te aaar kaw-aearad Wata la tkia aitr. GA^CE£S GAS BE CUKCD. ••a o> a- T*miT, aad Baj ba kad ta Bck-, aaifurn aiaa a.d K.< alaoaut al I ba r*al<>ar*] aad a^s-rad as B-tafe> Aptt last UiiiiM reoocd.- Jdy &«hool and Soh'OlmBBters; or the S^ory tt«>Mdtia«k IU kaita.a»4 R tii^phwieel ezperirnee. These-, wi h the orJiniry seTvaata ol the gentle- creaking, »hips loudly cracking, and echoing and re-echein; throash r..t rarlk-r partsealalk. tka P-aaM*at S ' Hedge fences the Suiest Piutectien of & loa, or ia« a^aaatt b. W .tk a raitr^lt. f tba Aatk'-r, troai^ •TI M a H CALcaBUi., a Bbv a*^^ tte -ka %a» mt», »he t»«tp»tchers, and the csnmea. made up qnite a company. the wide, siiU forest; what a cuntriM eihihited by wmu. h basUe, Clutk pp kit t U. Ja» » •sr-tr Saa aftkaBxanodTraaaan. GoWea Hsrwti Mali to tsa latbBt Tka pfea •uaad WtodaKiaiiBtad-aitk 1 TW {fOTid'd lhem«e}r«s with all thU they mi^t wast b> eat for activi-y and toil, to the calm and deaih-lile qmt! sonaturaJly belonjr- The Old ReJ Sand»iooe. or NVar Walks ia an IBB UADTM IKPaiiTKBak* R^P A VAST ASM. Wc^BBW O 4 t Itloalrat^ wi-.k aaa le&l .-mSlxi. Cherokee Baptist College, ..COST OSL r CAATS J>_«* aarrraf days, twri gans ea'h geail^cuui, sal one to each oative ing to the hour. C'otb >p .Si »: cfaat^ Under tka CMSS COCltTY, aSOKBlA ma. sukaat taa aaaaar aaa Banana j; WirksBWn, and tint to lie joogle. The nanres to'd them where At the end of May the rains coromrrce, and in an hour i>r two the The I'ootpnnts of the Creator; or the Aner- lacarraraKd l«»4, L0GA^-3LEEPEB Wkalpkii^ilia laTll 11 aaat Boa K ( fjSagbm^mm al'|)-l»tile. Wte to tie mahojrany cutler if bis Uhor ts U^iM-lT a' >b> totkar k; Pr!- LCMIII AtaMft tta>o Ckfttt Btfnti Cemrtm.-im. taaTaa«a ad Oitolii iiM ••»!» aaial' JUo mv ^ •pasaia ln« aaaijaaf tku laatitatla* aitl araoaaaM ai jnX attaad ta « ifan' r«r_«atli* et 0~ik pp SkS S. W niit^S iti'sa t^id Ci •iBtti I aBkr tka et^E^iBKtbBwaii ~A>wn ilittemntTT fer-iliree sithoDt fiad n-; ihem. Th^-v tilled not compWied. Tht-r* is noliope for till another sea'-on Trucls _ aOSB T danaarp l»t>«, abaa >k» an aad a,.a , Caatra] as] Soatkan tiUaaa. «.aaa PjMM;^ CBALLBMB TO AST •BSRMJ. BBBOOiipI Kirst Impressions of Enjland and its People. -^lla^ BaJU:at a^ll ba aat* for tka raerptkia af adnata ti*a. aad ia •t fits amBBs^i^jb derr «od ^mma bird-i; hat jrhu were these wbtn they had t.>me oat :aetiom e 0ta aidata fton all p«a*«a aa raad d^a^ Ow Maar JMa-; mast he Itid ssidir. i];v»nn^ and ti-tiU birjsrd f tim ike weaiher. and Wi k % l^tt-ot, aof rmiaa frt« patatla^. raa couisiarB DxPABraaa*, tjaot aBkft^ wkal tl«8 adl, otaaU eaMrtliE ceatiBBBlBi Chik pp taa »l ' tscppe w41s an >iit«gcBbt «aly second to the fion ? They despised the cattle tamed out to pasture In ih<- •-r..l .vf Jurv oomm-cces the PnrrSdaa t-r a r^raiar OaJhfa Coana of foar faaiB, aad ai« •d iaairacHoa>!wlioaaacenia aeeitmB aa»a«. thaa. aaa-r*d _ 'oaar* to to • (anclaa Caaa-». ..rer!. luliowicg to dis- *• aK af apni. Va*. aod Jaa*,! »lr. as* »'»rti»«asn»'*ttti^ tka BBJa,U um. Hbbw.M Tk* work* r Bavb Mtllar baa* «xolt*o tk* TBI AOADBMtC OIP.t&TXXyr. tk.l-al f^ttiUJi-fraaaJi bp aaJ aBB •(**t a-t aai» aoo^ a»-*ti-e ai*e. bat a-w tIBria li* a«aJ rk«itni*» tcr laqBit-aa .a >>4lii!i tad Caa cy Wa kara •» a*a*^aa a{ ts.T dull aotkai-^-MtoaiaalkaaaOfl ^bs XBfik&l CahlK^b^ ^ • t*£«ral ••adara Ika-* (a ia tb*io » lr*.tiaa<«*<^l 0:0 aeta.'B^ea. tkaaa akada-iaa ta pa aaaaClaiiiaai Caara- aao^acaa a .krt tka .«tb:-*i> rottkaa tBt tiaaa«k-atoa»t»Bkdl}«: o.T fca* imr^,«i»»Tt-,a*^ » aad ^wrmM* f-o. aaj ?;».. -Tka Para>tpsfba B^-aa! Co»at» it fraat«d£MtWr oely de»r»Bd wiH fowl, was too ndtcBkras. ovtr-henginc branches of trt-es, and al?^) t" Iitto ihrm into rafia ns B •P'a-rof .r^am-aiatl.'B. 4*p bar tuark a pa a tk* Ooiii^ aaa, altk diUfattCa. ooisxplata tka Pntparrtort l-f o( mtn »tlh la vort* l^ tT.*t, eabj aard a* laaa«a* of *ti.dl*a la l»o paaH- AAJIa'. « wU p-oa:a»toaar.«a.aa:ar*»_^-.ia»rt Ttmtm, wa a On tin: fooith day, th«y eaily discorered trtces of the vicinity of the end of tfce voTaije. After bt irt^ rt-«tnoo:lied "i li the »i<-. and -et at »t ta f* a $re-t d*Tt** p*<"aliv to try. The the ends, if *p!it by dashing rock« in aoscendicg the strtiun, »it Taa Hoatka, to »a tara»T«»i» ,>a>d la aftaaca ffoa rnlttprats* BadiaaiSiaM- i> BadaB vaua at* Taaan* ca*(.aBsi t> o i.l a tka itwatk or aateaac* ta tka cKaa af taa aaaliiii at tka Mt- pt.'. m^ akir 'iB taa tzvatoaB m Ika eifii^ sadi „ iJ tknoaad. ttaaxiaraa. t)«B at ta. OBs at tigtrs,e*iden'l/preferred retreat to b.tile, and fed the sporUmen a being sawed off, ih»y are ready for slnppm.; oalaa wst wtartaaa^-i. ^^xs* »>AkKi t CO. »Bl-Sair triai - Ntic* -b* «a*tb o' Pit tr«ii*r 9c. tv b* ^tlafb Mili.*-.' t* BATBS- Thar* ara e*a«k!c- 1 axarpt la IIMPb aw wBcaets- long ehaae.. At but th«y luok; belter in a sma'l morass, covered -.aa frMai«*t-?tfatakR,a tbat i» '* e PaUia P^aaia The cost of m»h>-g«ny euuipg i» said U» t* atH>ut ihr»i> hundrvd 0oi|a«tata UapartBMal, - 7 lb- di. BaOaaaip .... 1 TAALEK «. IF J. a Wbara Vja aatwct Sa aClelad ala 1 ' COW was deiiK enotigh to keep them frvim hciag made a marL for trucks, or capita! eirp'oyed 10 various oihc-r kut'. Bui if the rntcr- cw*r, of a.* a«4 aailaiia Iba4 arr^ai.»« ifa tin <*14 aaOJtuKS aefblar far bood vaiMas S18 par nas1&. eciabaoatfm cf aaaaf—. I tod piawe*«MW ^oit. Bswaceij .t. a- bal Irrm ik* M aiaaj aad b*aat. of k a a^oariptioa. faai .tare* of aamttcrgtie*. fka-eaaas.wBBM^lM nfi the rwrass was so soft lh»t the elephiuits foold not follow Boakrnppiiad at Vs-k prte*a. lawfwii.t that wliiuh Dri?e proves jacce»sfal. the bu»iae>s i< rennicmiivt- t > the cvpiialis.t, at fACtn.rT. STEWABX & OWEH, WLiod. ... ihem there. The )j«ailfmfTi took their stand with the greater part -I pbii<.«>|!k. as-a t» i,loa akicb d.tti ail bit t. TVp>buc>kaBaotfcaiBi«ara«ikl<*jM;i^ IB Wva hsett liuuiB one log being worth sometimes-ne-ir y or quite a Us.and d.'ilari. aa* twym-0 fUnaatr Ckairtaaa aad Piiilkaaa at Aaataai a KascracTcaaBd or- •aBsaid Ttt»;i;» .aft to p.iitaM |liallillto rtllBdBB W.ta TO*'ac^p-i-ia of Bara* lb* «?aJBca.d f*i.ia> Laaca p« aod *.«tai .ad Moral Pkllaaapkp • biiia b fc> S?o.ia»l a«naa t^a l*a- a-oia'y, ba. COPMat, TIS, A.'kO SBeKT IROH tT-UCS;. ia tak.B aat. '^t- peace tatfae tiiaact of dwir people oa om st-ie of the mcrstss, and made all ready for the The bark of the mahogany tre* i» bitu-r and a>!r-D,'*-ni. and po»- a*, V U a.,a(aT, Pnifoajt of MatbaaatlaaaaiSatata.- a**«r (!l«pi*.*1 ik^ S>*at«l r.4oai3*at. aad t:«vicftl taat*. Ko. l-L Market street. S. TIta Cajt-ai alaJ aot ban iaaa af «>ld« aeeaoatitf ttefeah tkarg»«f the ti^rs. They knew that there wuie at iea.H two in the aad Iita.uata^ anari;, aucti B>rt aK tka vrftlada of aa.- Siat^ ba** ttt.0:**- auEs* ailai part- sesKS nearly the same medicinal propt rties as Peruvian bark. aatkor ' Joaa as D» a. P-efMacr of BMIm Utom NASUTILLK T£SNEESSSS bnsrt: kr-a Ids »«pttta»t4 rfaaaa Vict tbe waddaf Bi piivs, and how many more tbrj did not know. 1 he diScolty now, raiia vtLLiaa am«.««a. a. s , a a a W A, 8c1.l.Ia^a. Tatar. D, Boatludaaid, ata«.a*a ( of tka Srttiak Aiaaetalkw Tka laau orloa kaa kaaa aadw aai. aaiflil orarattaa itaitap trani rataraed rA anaa4 ta all otr ma 1 •• 1 b.». k»... t* ba r-J-tleal daaarfp- ^ etta.ctt-taaal i.a masp aavaaaa aa v^U Saaat tta vitk . xzr f wi aj TartteSaai oat at epa*aa,aB^li^* oat on th» angaaidrd «de and thos escape, and the party was too r ••i •* T. ct rfal :»*a t-*crlbaa kbaa- p.» o»a i..eHf Utaa la tk> •BiUoaaad b,.art ill Mo» » * _ ^ ^ ^^ ^oRKacwr aoatieaf earad ir i^s^Msgm kr a*. R|W to two etephaiUs, leaving them snfficiei^j tpm to pass by the ' Vr T aai..a.'< »b eko-'Bi !»rar* aai.aTaofJ*. «aY«cribar, JOUa B. KICX. I> ao« ebTaoion aas! aitaadn, aad ata^aata to anra oamt tba to^ -or I a^^aM *"« tot laf, kaa-l t,. p..a-M«x7b p^aara a* d*a Caa.Ti,;a 6a )aa . »a.-y n af Traa. CT. PoTd,W.B eids of the morass and dra^ the rope ofer H. To the rope they -'Iptsa aittia "at ,'ao< If pl*».« p.oTiJ*a« ta »»ara ki- ^ SToai BOOMS I Br J <« Port-B B.. t 1. Si eoB^ e({ br- tut*, a', ^aciati^ adwtad tsaraaifaia. Ta kaaalo 1 ^..lai l!?. b- if e=- 1 -a-ulB^y taalar . Uaea at. Dt IHIla-a n D., OmnrtBaiiri th«-n attached elc^iaiit belb here and t^ere. »oJ fspilw. aad Js •? tBBi»a*d MbTkVtaad liaa Jia tl^.aad fia-dan a T. iaiL.- ^ Bufil: ta -laj^iii^ fab ,<-i*e-ao writ*!* aad^kiibara. Kia aorba ar*ok»raa:at- Otc anirtsaat o: toii^ Kjai «ap«» baKpa:.aoc «««ipri« St SiiH'd w e. C Ma(a.::Sia«. emeenl tawards (he party on the other side. The rope swept over u-a tf > 4*. .aioaaf »t-!«t aclaaca, aiaad-4i«it,a, aad *a a Co.PwiaaT. rro:«aorof itati-amaticBaai tkaKatara- laf » ati. W* Lara Ota P* araoo Taalar. Atkaaa, Alakataa i. VBweck: k.fii«««b%..aa<t BMWHjaaaUj, law ILa a Baoa. bin MaifraaJ (be gnmod ; the btlls thnnpe^. and jingled : awl the natives on the icLtra Caivit> t t Profbaaet - v«e«2 aad^Xaatrzaaa Tbe two tirat r»-.a jt. aonraxa artcauot » a « ".bi —Ice Wrought Iri-}2 CooMag Stove, I a tiraraa. BtokatSa Taaa. t>o JabaMdBaa •altda.e'tovK. ^ two ek-phaais ahsnred. - The li^rs di.! not se^m to have calculated !*i- «i;-ohi«>.. ia llaa "i-a"- " tt. IK-toT-'a- ^o iri* ».iBT K iiaa*»i«. Pv*ai>a»(t raai>o#r aad laat-aotot ataoaj •-tkrr»—aa artioi- -« i. ia icraat lazsaa' permanent- and wd Wa isaKfactBr* Ihrtko uad* fo raWl, .ad brartei J B KaIiB3«a,K. B.,B>tna.l^. .i*n b fl-"^ tit* «n-aj*iOB bn tii*ir a.I*ae* of a *.-i •a tka »o«li»k Bnaaftas aad W»i «ora. V. OB aodr an enemy as this, aad deettned to attiick it; they evidently w:»> Loru. o.aiif ta«t.-artor ic Botbt. KatUl^Iincrs ulkiadtat Tta waSheatin.-aVa.-* aad kta; oaiiac^ ao •.*r. u>l •»•<) tt.! bU -rr- (0 a B.1 ••.<»«ai.»«f d!d«-t.rt™«!ta** ' •ura. aa4 Ora»aiaat)il B*i»dla Work. kia a lersa a»*irt7B? win ha, bM of eli-phants and men less t :. be dreaded- They BOCLOa Ll».i01Ji,i» »a.-ktc«UiaS! . BatoB. itia. BLL.S A. B.Kaa tastf^TOR In FR-«F3K aad ta nraviaa W» tBTita tta Bitaetioa of a» to aar MakL^aiiMt. l^aJc- 4Bd PaSrttof SBdtot dmnST Vtie pwsied forward throogh the grass, and 11 wm soon discovered Kw Saaia BOUT. taatrasi.-ir in HaCc. iks to r.« , owtt. CAXCSR COIUSD-S^^. -- Pa-actB BoCT. April HoS-tf Bo H. Ha tot at. , BBItiB lilS »tt»> <<*i*B!p*-SC-Caa i lii ial AM Uiere were Sjar of shcm—a fearful numb«r far HJ small a p-arty BOOKS f Ofi OUR CHUECHSS AHD SAB- Li-CT b, *»ao«, • Sab.a Gtn-tT. r tje>t»apar»»|a«r»«r»a»a aiatkaidtoaf Bpop a •WWPJ, the Fad»r, Bed J< to eacomitT at ooce. As sooa as one of th-tni showed hisnserf a BATH ^HOOLS. B.aa.uT J. Saaaau. laaBwtor la ZasaakBraaakaa CT* Encourage Soulhera Manj&ctare-^ vt^mfotterikBt SsT.tta r. Pnaau, i B*Bt t J; toMk. aat .aro-iaTM a l^jPg^pBS lOli he was touted with a btillet, which woutid.d him sligh^. and Pl-SUSHID A.M> roa SALB BI THk s »> C. iMaasou., Taackar of tka Pr^aratorp Ba. ^ IB t«. Jb«tk»a»aras. « "to Jno.l4:16. Ss MAGKESZre"^: WILSON, pTjiiaewl. aa>l aaaaiaa m part:a*xt. Bpce.J***' yiB,intfathn(tgt ' entagvd him vot sH^htlj. W^tih a roar he letipt>d oot of the gniss. JJfSJiiru.* BAPTIST PVBLlCiTtOS :iOCISTTaoa»ri»a.a - KiM KtBTiTU P PlZ£koa <>«LL£eB BTBCKT. nASBVILU, T£.U., Mar. aat tka mw tato a30 arrk atraat, Pkll*d*lakia. wa—foea'aaraiee* t A fitOowed by tiw ether*. AH thonghts of retreat had been given np, Bam.o-ll'a. Ei-IBa aobaoa junrusKba paea nia or Tia , a> »«rta ai-b»>-lBgi: anu.i taa BokaarcKU. la^ TVS ALHIST—t plac* I»>»*'f aadartka tr*. Mtataat at U^ r * a* ^ ^pntycr c smd and th^^hn! at t^e elephants at once. On« was met by a fatal a>* at I . C Br.a.a tkmaaboot ik* I-.BO at tTta*a aoooidiii. irr fka oau BMlioa ajn <-p-a aa WXSKliaOAr, tka lal T E NX E S S E A N , sartoriOMil* WHITE, OR POLAR BEAB- la* ot ttcrobar. and. acaUaaa alaa tnoatka. , «,» i «.r. adatiae kf a Cijetar totMM^ Wgjp to»i|> nal kiadiat trfckO <*an to tt ea. D- J .arr>.r^ , li t»a«ttaat ika aaw I *aal «kaakM< Goepd-^artunw l4iot ia tte bead, and fen. Actt^er WM severely wounded, but came of aaarl. rft baadr«! ^oa QT- Ctraalara eaaSaiaiax taK.rmaSoB raapactlac Oaaiaa ol A Wrocght Iron CookLt^ Stove: THl- HAKr-A -ttau, Batia af Tattiaa aad tka faaaral liosBlatMa af tk* ffrria**..M , inr ta al** toad to Ik. ISar two last o •o*t\l a rabip aad ranral^ prop J-d bp a oo«iotn-a r- tanltatioa, artU ka tktsitkad aa apaUea-km t fadaet'katjatacitkaaaiaat Tauaaai Iraa aai alBlrBkij ha*a iraadllraodOrJaaaarj'aaabHatk' a aa." The e^phant before-him raised his tmnk high in the air, and • " • "" i-kmto adapted lartka tiaa af Botala BlaaaikeBta. PaisiSai lod P aa faatai), Treraentlous animal, is that! D^tingti!«hed for nntbinp but fcis (ap-.>al Bia-tara Sr.a 1 ,oek.t rfa. .0 c-atl^lwr (0 iBBBBBBBXABl , Pitaaital .*»-riac tB aa,.- _ . tkU bock i. batt« a»ua«?a;j latrtjdMad Into oa Barioa. Ala.. Sapt. ISkS.—tf jB^^aa - • i&wd oe hci («\rd. t V..* ba- tkU • f»a adaataa aaikpaaaalar BaTbaaaU»b>k*ai.balT»«aa> i kaM ' Th fi^w at him with the evident design of clirobing np his SIBBATH SCHOOL Hd/tJ" —CoBtalalap oaar Ika twelve feet lone. Wi" head and neck are lon^r, and so propi-irtion- baairM kfaiaafur ika joaat, la wkatiAtial »apar Madiai GEOVEE & BAKER'S oaaabtr of wood aod pa*.—»•* «a«tar 'arak^ rp tkaa aa* •k-I w E lad a ca-*- mt amtMrn l» " IB TLM HAFIIFFIMI^ atkar Bk-taa IB aa*. Attaekad to it *( as t* *> ntioaa or «a»c vkaak ia k*>t>d o.UiaiS iatar. It t. abut Bt.^ tk* -I d hack. - H>*ref a srcnd thot placed him dying on the gronnd • • Id iatara-tta; «k'r«atar a|i*a taa mtrac|.a anl parakl** r*rt^ alCk tka eooklas. vbiek aaa) to oa la tk* a-oaa; rrvxubl* ia ki* akirpra I aid aadpowaaartiai Northern seas he iseverrwhere to be found On land and Sxed it-e tk* looutaaa, aad tka daUaa or tka 8.kM, at Sj, 10, aaa U) PrP tad Ikat It Jaal aat aaanr la ara^-j pIlMtt, and in an isstaat more woold have tors ihe officer out of the THS "Arrlsr ALMAXiC rORUl atth aa»ar«»a. OFFICES: aap tkatr aKp^ctBlMaa. ihcendMeftna] ried far away to Iceland, when the inhabitants feel jr^at dresd of •aca*ia{aaad macka.Ua I* ••ttar. PricaSeaata. Taaa So. 15 Public Square, SashTille, Tumessee Tka Bt .**a ara matfa at tk* foitoa^bf prloaa - tp aoplT-a tar a d liar, poataca paM Imwdvh; bat the officer and bis serrsnt, at this criuca! moment, Tka Bkjra foratarlj a-atrplad kp W. H. Oalkaaa 0 Ba.l-TocmkfwWtoSOpaaaaa, ftis «• them and all the strong men of the region band themselrea together SJEdrSC—A kaantuai Sakkatk Bebool S " •« BStoaO «• ,'•>•• a,*J both piae«t ballets in bis hend. and he feB to the ^and to bs THS Yonxe papair. ait*d wilk iataraatiac atattar aad a'aiaatt; lUaiUatad So- -195. Bmadtrij, Xew York. "1 " • sekoies " - - in ao to destroy them. ita taadIt 11 packacaa of )-.• thaa M a>U a*aU; i> pKkac*. •• « KaattHoa B»t«, to oook for "-too. 1. b 00 txam^^t upon in his agcny by the etephsnt. The fouith tiger •i aaar SO aad taaa Ikaa kB aa aappir at >0 raata; lor oa.- ^o. 18. Sntntnai S&ieet, Bo»tno. BAJIBHIkB a WMfOa CHOLEB^L , At tea its food is fish, seals and the carcwes of w-ha!e»rcn land •Ettied to tlunk there was truth in the saying : haalrad aad apv*rila. •ttbaralaol a^dkleaataa aopp ark*c Ko. 161, CaMsUmt St.-e«t. Philadelplua ^t^ "it? pntaaai* Paidia PalM^fpWa «« aaad U o»ri—tnr U; 4b A CartBla Cara ft3 Ihla.BaMia BiiS it preys on deer and other animals, but will eai some kinds of ber- *>pl.aforU{ kaoapSaabr**; U aopita furtS; lOaonpla paaar t>JiTU' • .iS ^ "He »Hw and n«»" «w«», for Bit. par aaa«« E V A IN S & CO, ries. ySSETABLSje^ Eia# . ' it»y UT»to8|^tanoil>eroajr Sd BB loaa, a. a-U aa frata pri«>la paa i-kara 1.1 laa pritaa. Atl tk. vortaaf tb.>Saal.p Pakool Dalva aat tk. Forein ud DomesUe Drj Good.s B»=fead of eisrg^ng the Ece. as he appeared ahont to do. he comes bark aeain, for in the country where it lives, it is dark all win- kaairieaB Tn««l>k"d atU«iTp»<«« IfPapa- Pwar B«>4 aalaeUoa to aap asaaat tka; BBbio t»«-*d..,'k* P»ra E-»*r.tBdac a>a< arl*k. ^...ofa* a»i r*atiTad* ta pt-a ' Wffiai^ ihfcir aim, and e*c«i»n? wiihont a scratch. Thus he saved A Iravler from Kovejembla tells us that he has seen them attack Boots; Shoes, Hats, Boasets aad Varieties. of P*->BT u-diala** .f tiT" Bartirt aiaMatt aappBad aitk kookt at a dlaaoaat Jion, HaaIlTtU,B. TKBBaaaKK. PiiaBiIla' t^a arij .J Itt kiad U. t^STH- i b >4Kltnd the now saeeessful party n«t morning rttunitd to the sailors, cariy cne off in his month with perfect ease and ea« him vtnlv pHoaa. •t.forU tb*natlatS»ak!*^lai^»^ sr Baokaaaatkp HaU, vaataja pai<>' apoa raaalTlac af b.a. Trada *a kaa* aa-r k*«o.a aSarad ascx. xyt-rtmt.»? a-to-a^i Baaia* takaa«T*al aaia !atka Mlaettes «kit Stoali. a« '.•mw fc-jua taaa ubc J^a iShr ship, ascended to the deck, drove them into the fhrowds and was faal aa. S»»ai ta latlt* Uat, far » rf atjlar aad tea pri- IM ta a»-a a •«««>> BE KlITD. MBS. S. A ALLEB-g aw tl absaot ka aaipaaimd, aad to aa amIaaZkm o! tt wa ap too l*.«r(.«rola tob*a .t t»i tr fsHowing them there when a fortunate shot, striking him in a vital •vpaatfate terita tka actoctiaa af Marrkaata tkli wtsa (baa rij< of «a at aav taa tb*k!»Mi'-t'>'«o4 a«i~d»-aa« ' XM^ rasM^ lltirtfeWs*. i And trim wiot«r.eoW wa^ stem, WOBLD S HAIB DRESSING, Reasons why this Maehiae is TJaiversallj •ITF. ^ XTAKSKCO part Btrrtched him lifeless. 9tataa*!*(MaaMaa latkavorU aarr HIHIMHS BBOXHEES, " -L ^•ibaAiaAa^ And l»>lc fxifUp^ the xtorm, ZYLOB ALSAMU M. laraatad. m aowtraetad ai to fUlp aaat Cw damasdi of Ikal da-catarj atlraha, a« • .' Hottft-d .nd fed wanafy elad. It hia its own good qualities. Another travler in those icy regions ilaa for caciaial aaa. XS!m -a. a aaaanifa waia^r^ 3 Itia acrpclaplaaadtoiBaTatllaklalCdataatafardar. - WMtK^-w^af nt,,., i Hcoe and fiirtH)* tn sake yoa glad— tnfiinns uB that at certain eeasms of the year so strong is their at- ruHisti s B ALBAW tBI foaad aa t>'U to ka a oibat MtjlkU AJUIBaTm, rWleTOBtlaWIM:, Iba a^fy kaaa.aaat B adtk^ nl aaj TalaakI - B.-aaiiaa ^>t **a BUr and aa ladi paa- B It iBBka- a MBB vkia iri I aat tip, ttnaak nrnf IbM 1 Afe wb>ttada. and a 4«1»a 11» B^l le>ia-l,Baddiapoa.a It, kaM>arkar>:i Miotar**, to tanala a Itwa traait»aarnaBrTB»aaa tka BBBM Baekiaa aaa to tfi «•, Balaa ^raat, IB^ailU- Stow 'witb «u thit faU, There IB OM tbm; tbi« creature cannot endure and that is beat— »tB) attoadtalkkiHaaakattka . yiw^ilwitM aadUidf* StaBto. Gaka. to Oaa^a. _ Tka * BtecMwi it rflaa la "aw Ta*, ' " If. Saaori, Seenby, wlio haipe eaten of the ETer of this tpedea of . - r . Srlat aiaa« tk* - I>*p«b. *M Brnwcatraat, t»a rant Var. haT* almoet always beta tick after it; BOIBB hare died, aad tfT- Smm' taalan trj to ad artioM iaatoal ,«r Ikk. a* *aftay ikiiaimt ^iitatl • aa toBa*wnia '.jr. araar a ak&taapaakatoaiattoBt. Vato ta »apat tor aif
