90 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Vol. 99, No. 2 California Fish and Game 99(2):90-103; 2013 Translocating endangered kangaroo rats in the San Joaquin Valley of California: recommendations for future efforts ERIN N. TENNANT*, DAVID J. GERMANO, AND BRIAN L. CYPHER Department of Biology, California State University, Bakersfield, CA 93311 USA (ENT, DJG) Endangered Species Recovery Program, California State University – Stanislaus, P.O. Box 9622, Bakersfield, CA 93389 USA (BLC) Present address of ENT: Central Region Lands Unit, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1234 E. Shaw Ave. Fresno, CA 93710 USA *Correspondent:
[email protected] Since the early 1990s, translocation has been advocated as a means of mitigating impacts to endangered kangaroo rats from development activities in the San Joaquin Valley. The factors affecting translocation are numerous and complex, and failure rates are high. Based on work we have done primarily with Tipton kangaroo rats and on published information on translocations and reintroductions, we provide recommendations for future translocations or reintroductions of kangaroo rats. If the recommended criteria we offer cannot be satisfied, we advocate that translocations not be attempted. Translocation under less than optimal conditions significantly reduces the probability of success and also raises ethical questions. Key words: Dipodomys heermanni, Dipodomys ingens, Dipodomys nitratoides, reintroduction, San Joaquin Valley, Tipton kangaroo rat, translocation ________________________________________________________________________ Largely due to habitat loss, several species or subspecies of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spp.) endemic to the San Joaquin Valley of California have been listed by the state and federal governments as endangered. These include the giant kangaroo rat (D. ingens), and two subspecies of the San Joaquin kangaroo rat (D.