A Review of Single-Cell Adhesion Force Kinetics and Applications
cells Review A Review of Single-Cell Adhesion Force Kinetics and Applications Ashwini Shinde 1 , Kavitha Illath 1, Pallavi Gupta 1, Pallavi Shinde 1, Ki-Taek Lim 2 , Moeto Nagai 3 and Tuhin Subhra Santra 1,* 1 Department of Engineering Design, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, Tamil Nadu, India; ashwiniss90@gmail.com (A.S.); kavithaillath24@gmail.com (K.I.); pgupta1304@gmail.com (P.G.); shindepallavi25@gmail.com (P.S.) 2 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon-Si, Gangwon-Do 24341, Korea; ktlim@kangwon.ac.kr 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, 1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580, Japan; nagai@me.tut.ac.jp * Correspondence: tuhin@iitm.ac.in; Tel.: +91-044-2257-4747 Abstract: Cells exert, sense, and respond to the different physical forces through diverse mechanisms and translating them into biochemical signals. The adhesion of cells is crucial in various develop- mental functions, such as to maintain tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis and activate critical signaling pathways regulating survival, migration, gene expression, and differentiation. More impor- tantly, any mutations of adhesion receptors can lead to developmental disorders and diseases. Thus, it is essential to understand the regulation of cell adhesion during development and its contribution to various conditions with the help of quantitative methods. The techniques involved in offering different functionalities such as surface imaging to detect forces present at the cell-matrix and deliver quantitative parameters will help characterize the changes for various diseases. Here, we have briefly reviewed single-cell mechanical properties for mechanotransduction studies using standard and recently developed techniques.
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