.. , '''''',. .. ~ ..' . ..' .~ " . ~ .-. • ,:,,~< z , ' .. ( I ", VOLUME 7~,1SStJE 14 . For the ~tudints and the .Communtty DECEMBER 8, 1999 . ' .' ""'-' , . ," ". ....,.', . ,-', BaFU~ll-Toastma~stersAwaTded,~ , . .. ...., .' '. - ..,.' . - ~ · . -New, . - Health- , , Most Distinguished·Clutr'.Hon·· Care Center By Macollvie Jean-Francois with alumni, and ~ visitors. The News Editor feeling of achievement was also . ·Delayed Until apparent as,theaudierH:e wogratulat On Dec. 3, Baruch College ed the winners and delivered speech Spring 2000 Toastmasters International held their es. own awards ceremony to honor Awards in.various categories were members of the club at the Skylight presented. Among the notables were Students to Receive Room in the 23rd street building. the Most. Innovative Toastmaster , "Baruch Toastmasters provides for which went to Ting K wan Hung. Free Medical [students] the opportunity to develop When Hung's tum to host a meeting Services communications skills," said .arrived, he had each member talk to . President Terrance Gibson, the person he or she sat next to and MMoIIYie·.....,.niiIciIiI '- Ticker News £ditor The awards dinner was held to rec then had the member tell the whole Students·and admim.tratcn listen to JH'OPosats from heelth care By Hubert Reyes provider.. Their mandata .. to select the bestl»ne for Baruch., StaffWriter ognize current members who've dis audience about that person; The . .- tinguished themselves and to encour Half-Toastmaster Award for those age them to further enhance their' who've completed half of the 10 ·V e S Holl·d I In what is looked upon as the Toys for penultimate step "in the ongoing skills. Approximately 35 members speeches was bestowed upon School Gl.
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