BROWNING ON BUSINESS Inside, See page 4A ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM FREE! THURSDAY | JUNE 25, 2015 New school district, OCEMA to share facility Howard, Trainer and Williams show support SOCSD is ex- board meeting. district instead of providing per- pected to take “We walked through the petual rent payments. for future construction project over control of building earlier today, but I’ve As approved, the action does its portion July 1, still got to talk to AT&T about not call for new construction. In- BY CARL SMITH and Oktibbeha County Emer- but reconfiguring moving phone lines and with stead, supervisors said they will
[email protected] gency Management Agency. the building’s top our own folks about possible continue to discuss the matter The move solves two prob- floor for E-911 equipment upgrades,” Phelps internally and with school ad- The short-term future of Ok- lems immediately: What to do operations could Phelps said. “We’re very excited about ministrators in the future. tibbeha County School District’s with the facility once the coun- take at least six our new prospects. (Finding The most recent school administrative home was decid- ty school system merges with months, incom- OCEMA a new home) has been merger bill — SB 2818 — orders ed Wednesday as supervisors Starkville School District and ing OCEMA Director Shank a long time coming.” the board of supervisors to pro- voted 3-2 to temporarily split the how to solve overcrowding is- Phelps said. The board voted 3-2 on the vide SOCSD administrators of- Main Street facility between the sues at OCEMA’s current home Such an overhaul isn’t as easy matter after District 3 Supervi- fice space, furnishings and util- upcoming Starkville-Oktibbeha inside the Oktibbeha County as moving terminals and flip- sor Marvel Howard pushed for ities similar to what the county ping a switch, he said after the Consolidated School District Jail.