Obscurantism, Tyranny, and the Fallacy of Either Black Or White
FORUM Obscurantism, Tyranny, and the Fallacy of Either Black or White RALPH ESTLING t is no coincidence that the world's external appearance and first great popularizer of totalitarian- Inner Truth, The Good ism was also the first great Essence and its bad shadow, I the Divine Inexpressible and spokesman in the West of Philosophical Idealism, the doctrine which preaches the sublunary meat and pota- that the everyday horrors with which toes. As Bergen Evans reminds us men beset mankind are of no real conse- in The Natural History of Nonsense, quence or significance, are indeed "Obscurantism and tyranny go nonexistent, illusions, figments of our together. The mist of mysticism own perverted outlook created by our has always provided good cover for blinded, crippled senses. It was Plato those who do not want their actions who advocated the "Noble Lie," the lie too closely looked into." the ruler, the Philosopher King, would This danger inherent in obscuran- broadcast to the ruled, always of course tism is not merely of theoretical inter- for the ruled's own good. est. Martin Heidegger, Carl Jung, Rulers of church and state, the sem- Konrad Lorenz, Alexis Carrel, Ezra piternal Establishment of this world, Pound, Louis Ferdinand Celine, D.H. have always seen things in this congenial Lawrence, and T.S. Eliot were all highly light, the light that Plato ignited for intelligent and, at least two of them, them 2,400 years ago. No doubt they humane, kind, and thoroughly decent still would have if Plato had never lived, men. Yet all experienced no trouble what- on- XMODtKBK but with Plato as their Authority, the soever in embracing a strong element of argument that pain and injustice are fascism to his heart, this after a lifetime nor the State, nor this Faction nor that unreal, mere images and imaginings, spent in the contemplation and evocation Party, nor God, nor the Holy Mother gains repute, upstanding, righteousness, of obscurantism.
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