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GIPE-169532.Pdf (2.691Mb) (Y. ,c·,' h:JtCllht( o -.\t C\ Jl CltiCe 1975-76 ) M aharashtra· AT A-GL_A-NCE_'"_ .- 1975-76 OCfOBER 1976 Published by: nm DIRECToRATn-GBNBRAL OP INFORMATION AND PUBLIC RBLA'nONS, MAHARASHTRA STATE BOMBAY MAHARASHIRA AT A GLANCE, 1975-76 CONTENTS ~ri~l Particulars Page No. No. I 2 3 GOVERNOR, COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, STATE MINISTBRS AND DEPUTY MINISTERS, SPEAKER, DePuTY SPeAKER, CHAIRMAN, DePUTY CHAIRMAN. '2 MAHARASHTRA DIVISIONS AND DISTRICI'S 4 3 MARARASHTRA : AREA, POPULATION AND HEAD.. 5 QUARTERS OP :PISTRICfS, 4 MAHARASHTRA : GENERAL INFORMATION 6 5 MAHARASHTRA : COMPARISON WITH INDIA 7 6 AREA AND POPULATION- 6.1. Districtwise Area, Population and Density 18 of Maharashtra according to 1971 census. 6.2. Male and Female Population in each District 20 6.3. Districtwise literate and educated persons 22 according to 1971 census. 6.4. Rural and Urban composition of population 24 in each district according to 1971 census. 6.5. Distribution of population by workers and 26 Non-workers according to 1971 population census. 6.6. Distribution of working population by Agri- 28 cultural and other workers,. 6.7. Ci.ties having population more than. one 32 lakh according to "197r census. 6.8. Classification of Towns according to popu- 33 lation, 1971. 6.9. Statewise Distribution of population, 1971 34 6.10. Population of scheduled castes and scbedul- 36 ed Tribes, 1971. · Page Serial Particulars No. No. 1 2 3 ' ' 7 AGRICULTURI!- 7.1. Land Utilisation Statistics 38 7 .2. Are3 and Production of Principal crops in 39 · Mabarashtra during the year 1973-74. 7.3. Distribution df Fertilisers, during 1973-74 40 in Mabarashtra. 7.4. \ Agriculturallmplements during the year 1972 42 8 IRRIGATION- 8.1, Area irrigated by sources in Mabarashtra 43 during 1971-72 to 1973-74. 8.2. Major and Medium Irrigation works under 44 construction (1975-76). 9 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY- 9.1. Work done at the Veterinacy Dispensaries 66 in Zilla Parishads and other Institutions during the year 1975-76. 9.2. Miscellaneous statistics relating to Animal 68 Husbandcy. 9.3. Livestock statistics as per 1972 census 69 9.4. Dairy Development and Milk schemes in 71 the State of Maharashtra as on 31st March 1976. ' ' 10 FISHERIES- . 10.1. Fish curing yards 72 , 10.2. Miscellaneous statistics 73 jj Serial Particulars Page No. No. I 2 3 II FoRES:rs--- 11.1. Classification of forest area : under the 15 state administration 1974-75. 11.2. Functional classification of forest area, 7S 1974-75. 11.3. Outturn of Major and Minor forest pro- 76 duce, 1974-75. 11.4. Forest Revenue and Expenditure 77 11.5. Achievement under development schemes, 78 1974-75. 11 INDUSTRY AND MINING- 12.1. No. of Mills, Installed capacity, spindles, 79 looms, Employment and Production as on 31st December 1975. Small Scale Industry 12.2. Statement showing the No. of S. S. I. Units 81 Registered from 1961 to ·1974 in Maha­ rashtra. Large and Small Scale Industry 12.3. Districtwise No. of working factories and 83 · average daily employment in major groups oflndustries during the year ending on 31st December 1974. · 12.4 .. No. ofworkilig factories and a~erage daily 98 employment in Maharashtra as on 31st December I 974. , , - 12.5. Districtwiso No. of letters of intent issued 99 for establishing New Units in Maha­ rashtra State during 1970-75. Iii He 4481-Z Serial Particulars Page No. No. I 2 3 Industrial Estates- 12.6. Typewise Industrial Estates in each District 101 '· of Maharashtra State (1974-75). · 12.7. Typewise Industrial Estates constructed 102 (Five-Year Plan Periodwise). · 12.8. Value of Industrial output and value added 103 by Manufacture in Maharashtra State during the year 1971. Mining Industry- ' 12.9. Mining leases for different major minerals 1041 in Maharashtra State in force as on 31st December 1974. 12.10. Productions and value of major minerals 106 during the years 1973 and 1974. 12.11. Mineralwise and Districtwise Quarry 110 Leases in the State as on 31st December 1974. 12.12. Mineral Revenue Realised during the 112 year 1974-75 in the Districts of Maha- rashtra State. Industrial Disputes- , . 12.13. Industrial Disputes; Workers involved 113 and mari-days lost in Maharasbtra State during 1974 and 1975., 13 ELECTR!Ctn'- 13.1. Installed capacity, Electricity generated . 114 and Electricity consumed in the State of Maharashtra. ·· . 13.2. Districtwise No. of places electrified and liS , agricultural pumps energised as on 31st · ·March 1975 by the Maharashtra State Electricity- Board .. Jy Serial Particulars Page No. No.. 1 2 3 • 14 Co-oPERATION- Societies, Members, Working Capital, Advances, 116 Loans. outstanding and turnover (1973-74) . IS EoucAnoN- 15.1. Category~wise No. ·of Institutions and us Enrolement in the State of Maharashtra as on 15th July 1975. 15.2. Institutions and Enrolement by the type ll9 as on 15th July 1975. 15.3. Literacy percentages in order of Merit in 123 the Indian States as per 1971 census. 16 MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH- 16.1. Medical Facilities in the State as on 31st 123 March 1915. 16.2. Dispensaries and Doctors under Ayurvedic 125 system of Medicine during 1974-75 in the State of Maharashtra. 16.3. Registered births, deaths, and infant morta- 127 lily rates for 1974. Employees State /llsllrance Scheme- 16.4. Miscellaneous statistics relating to Em- 129 ployecs State Insurance Scheme in Maha- rasbtra State as on 31st March 1976. 16.5. Work done by Family Planning Centres. 131 16.6. No. of beds for Tuberculosis patients 132 provided in Government Municipal and Private Hospitals in the State of Maba- rashtra. 16.7. Achievement of Sterilisation programme in 140 Maharasbtra during 1975-76. y Page Serial. Particulars No. No. 1 2 3 .17 CoMMUNICATIONS­ Radio Llcences- 11.L Districtwisc Radio Licences issued up to 144 tho year ending December-1975. 17.2. Categorywisc No. of Radio Licences in 146 . force at the end of December-1975. 17.3. No. of Radio licences in India at the year 147 · ending December-1974. · 17.4. · No. of T. V. receiver licences as on 31st ISO . December·l974. Papers- 11.5. No. of papers according" to state wise as 152 . ' on 31st December-1974. · I 7.6. No. of papers according to language wise 153 ' . in India as on December I 974. ' . 18 TaANSPORT- 18.1. Operational statistics of Mabarashtra State 154 Road Transport Corporation as on 31st March 1975. 18.2. Number of Motor vehicles as on 1st January ISS 1976, in Mabarashtra State. 18.3. Passongcr Traffic at the ports of Maha· 156 rashtra during the year 1975-76. I 8.4. Number of passengers arrived and departed 157 Exclusive of passengers carried out by Harbour Sailing vessels during 1974-75. Roads- 18.5. Classwiac Road longth (Extra Municipal) 159 · as on 31st March 1974. Serial Page No. Particulars No. 1 2 3 18.6. Surface-wise road length (Extra Municipal) 159 as on 31st March 1974. 18.7. Road length according to different classes 160 (Extra Municipal) as on 31st March 1974. 19 TRADE- Sea-borne Trade- 19.1. Number of vessels which entered the docks 161 or were berthed at tho barbour-walls and paid dues during the past ten years. 19.2. Principle items of imports (Docks and 162 Bunders) during 1974-75. 19.3. Principle items of exports (Docks and 163 Bundors) during 1974-75. 19.4. Cargo traffic handled at minor ports of 164 Maharashtra during 1975-76. 19. 5. Cargo traffic handled at the docks and 166 bunders during the past six years. &II Trade- 19.6. Inward and outward movement of selected 168 commodities by Rail and River into and from Maharashtra during 1974-75 · 20 EMPLOYMENT- 20.1. Employment through Employment Ex- 171 change. 20.2. State Government Employees as on lsi 172 July 1966. , 20.3. Distribution of Employees (Class I to IV) 173 according to ranges of total monthly emoluments as on 1st July 1966. 20.4 Employment by Industries Divisions 174 via Page )erial Particulars No. No I 2 3. 20.5. Employment seekers by level of edu"'!-tion 175 20.6. Employment seekers by occupational 176 divisions. 20.7. Demands and placement in the various 177 sectors. 21 POLICE- 21.1. Police stations, outposts and police force in 178 Mabarashtra State as on 31st March 1976.· · 21.2. Sanctioned strength and' cost of police 179 (including railways but excluding Greater Bombay) as on 31st March 1976. · 21.3. Cognizable offences including attempts 180 under Indian Penal Code for the year 1974 (excluding Greater Bombay). 21.4. Cost and strength of police force in Greater 181 Bombay as on 31st March 1976. 21.5. Cognizable offences including attempts 182 under Indian Penal Code in Greater Bom- bay during 1975-76. 22 PROHIDMON- 22.1. · Number of trees taped, Neera produced 183 and sold in the State of Mabarashtra during 1970-71 to 1972-73. 22.2. Offences under prohibition and excise laws 184 for the year 1970-71 to 1972-73. 22.3. District-wise offences under prohibition and , 185 excise laws for .the year 1970-71 to 1972-73. 23 HOUSING- 23.1. Number of tene111ents constructed under 192 various housing schemes in Mabarashtra (upto December 1975). viii Serial Page No. Particulars No. 1 2 3 23.2. Number of tenements constructed by Co- 192 operative Housing Societies in Maharashtra State as on 31st March 1976. 24 RURAL DBVl'LOPMENT- 24.1. Physical Achievements· in respect of com- 193 munity Development Blocks in the Maha­ rashtra State since inception of the com­ munity development programme. 24.2. District-wise number of Panchayat Samities 194 and Members as on 1975-76.
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