Information and Resources from Non-Governmental Organizations In Harms Way Source: Veterans for Peace Thorough treatment of how the military markets enlistment, along with a hard look at the realities behind all the recruitment hype from veterans who know what they are talking about. Good documentation and links to many other good resources.

A Guide for Alternatives to the Military Source: Boston Direct Action Project A booklet with local/regional information on options for jobs, job training, internships, and education for young people seeking alternatives to the military. A good model for local communities wanting to make alternatives to the military easily accessible to youth.

Your Life, Your World, Make them Great Source: American Friends Service Committee Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools Alternatives to the Military booklet describing career, job-training and education options in southern California, with some national agencies also listed. A good model for local communities wanting to make alternatives to the military easily accessible to youth.

Military Recruitment Source: National Priorities Project Find out the number of new military recruits in 2004 coming from your high school, county, zip code and state. Get analysis with tables and charts explaining who these recruits are in terms of income levels, race/ethnicity and more. A powerful information tool for local activism. Opt-Out: Guide to No Child Left Behind Act

Source: Resource Center for Nonviolence Thorough treatment of the Act that requires schools to release student contact information to military recruiters, but allows individual students/parents to opt out of this requirement. Includes information on good strategies, how to approach conservative school districts, as well as links to other sites. Sgt. Abe, The Honest Recruiter Source: Quaker House A detailed look at the fine print in the standard military enlistment agreement.

A Self-Study Course for Counter-Recruitment Activists Source: Quaker House A list of suggestions and Web sites that will help would-be counter recruiters get started.

GI Rights Hotline (1-800-394-9544) The hotline is a network of nonprofit, non-governmental organizations who provide information to service members about military discharges, grievance and complaint procedures, and other civil rights. The Hotline and Web site are excellent resources for persons who have already signed up for the military and have changed their minds, or for persons serving in active duty or reserve roles who may be seeking a discharge.

A Guide to the Demilitarization of America’s Youth and Students Source: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation _web.pdf A 35-page guide written by students about demilitarizing high school and college campuses

Resources for Young People Considering Enlistment Mennonite Central Committee On Earth Peace Assembly Mennonite Church USA Peace and Justice Network American Friends Service Committee Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Project Yano (Youth and Non-Military Opportunities) Center on Conscience & War Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth Activist Toolkit: includes state by state listing of counter-recruitment contacts Not Your Soldier

The Counter-Recruitment Experience Counter-Recruitment: Preventing the Military from Getting More Youth for their Wars Source: Democracy Rising U.S. Interview with activist Clint Coppernoll on counter-recruitment strategy and results in Washington State

Youth Take on National Counter-Recruitment Work Source: The Nonviolent Activist A report on the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) which gathered in Philadelphia, PA, June 25-27, 2004.

Calling all Soldiers: Military Recruiters Face Resistance from Young Anti-War Activists Source: Amsterdam News Young student activists describe their experience in countering military recruiters in schools.

Counter-Recruitment Presentation Source: David Rovics A musician describes his program which combines music and information to help students think carefully about military recruitment messages Beginning a Local Counter-Recruitment Effort--A Community Organizing Model Source: Peacework, November, 2004 Describes the counter-recruitment work of the Arlington (MA) United for Justice with Peace committee

Guide for Public High School Leafletting and Petitioning San Diego Campaign to Demilitarize Our Schools

Equal Access Source: American Friends Service Committee Article describing nationwide efforts of community groups seeking access to schools to counter the military recruitment message and presence

Information on Recruitment from Military and Government Sources School Recruiting Program Handbook (USAREC Pam 350-13) U.S. Army Recruiting Command Detailed instructions to military recruiters about how to relate to schools for maximum access to students. This Web site includes many other publications including the Recruiter’s Handbook (see: USAREC Pam 350-2) Military Recruiting Report to the Senate and House Committees on Armed Services This report reviews the effectiveness of military recruitment and advertising Military Personnel General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters The report discusses the demographics of the U.S. armed forces

News Stories on Military Recruitment/Counter-Recruitment Racial divide evident in military Source: New York Daily News A comparison of enlistment rates in New York’s City’s wealthy and impoverished neighborhoods

Who’s Next Source: The Nation A look at the Army’s recruitment strategy that includes elementary and middle school students

Babes in Warland Source: Truthout A description of a Department of Defense promotional video that plays at Chuck E. Cheese restaurants where young children frequently have birthday parties.

Pentagon Creating Student Database Source: Washington Post Description of a massive database of high school and college-age students contact information being created by the Pentagon to aid military recruitment.

The Recruitment Minefield Source: Rethinking Schools Lengthy article about military recruitment efforts in high schools, and the truth behind them. Numerous quotes from high school students reflecting on their experience with recruitment.

Making Mission in a Tough Market Source: The Globe and Mail, Syracuse, NY International/

Youth in Southern Illinois County often embrace career help from Uncle Sam Source: Kansas City Star Voices of Soldiers and Veterans Ask-a-Vet Source: Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Web site that allows young people the option of e-mail conversation with military veterans who are now committed to non-violence and peace. Youth can also read profiles of conscientious objectors (past and present). Many of the profiles are from a Christian faith perspective.

Camilo Mejia Source: Camilo Mejia: GI Resister, & War Veteran

Kevin Benderman Kevin Benderman is a conscientious objector currently serving a 15-month prison sentence for refusing a second deployment to Iraq.

Marine Obeys his Conscience Source: Chronicle Story of Stephen Funk who refused deployment to Iraq in 2003.

Aidan Delgado Source: Democracy Now Conscientious Objector Witnessed Abuse, Killing of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib

Courage to Resist Supporting the Troops that Refuse to Fight

G.I. Special Hundreds of stories from Iraq veterans and their families that chronicle the sadness and pain of war, separation, and loss.

We Don’t Need Another Soldier Source: Rethinking Schools The story of Satch who joined the Marines, then returned to his high school several years later to tell students to take their time, and analyze carefully what the military recruiters say.

2000 U.S. Troops Dead in Iraq: One Survivor Tells His Story Source: The Daily Mirror Tomas Young tells the story of his enlistment in response to 9/11, and his life-changing injury during duty in Iraq.

Resources on Conscientious Objection Questions for the Conscientious Objector Source: Center on Conscience & War OR This is a very helpful set of questions to help conscientious objectors understand the nature and depth of their beliefs about war and military service.

Profiles of Conscientious Objectors Source: Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Profiles of conscientious objectors and e-mail links to military veterans now committed to peace and nonviolence

Conscientious Objection Source: American Friends Service Committee Many resources on frequently asked questions about conscientious objection

How to Compile a CO Claim Source: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Step by step process for beginning a CO file at the time of registration with Selective Service

A Change of Heart: An Inter-faith Guide to Conscientious Objection Source: Turn Toward Life: Resources Exploring Conscientious Objection

Teen Peace Conscientious Objector Project

Jashinski Refuses to Kill Source: Iraq Veterans Against the War Katherine Jashinski’s conscientious objector claim was denied, and she refused to complete her training for deployment to Iraq.

Letter from Ft. Benning Source: Texas Observor

Honorably Discharged Conscientious Objector Offers Advice

Advice on how to apply for conscientious objection from within the military

The Conscientious Objector Feature Film by Terry Benedict that chronicles the bravery of Desmond Doss, a World War II conscientious objector who served as a medic in the battle of Okinawa

I Will Not Kill Campaign Source: Fellowship of Reconciliation A on-line pledge not to kill that you can sign