Sustainability Report 2020, United Internet
Sustainability Report 2020 2 KEY FIGURES Details on the key economic, social, and environmental figures given below can be found in the individual sections of this report. Key Figures 2018 2019 2020 FINANCIAL BUSINESS KPIs Revenue (in €m) 5,102.9 5,194.1 5,366.2 EBITDA (in €m)(1) 1,201.3 1,244.2 1,177.6 Earnings per share (EPS) (in €)(1) 1.96 1.88 1.76 Free cash flow (in €m) 254.6 496.0 376.6 RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE MANAGEMENT Number of confirmed incidents of corruption 0 0 0 Participation rate for Code of Conduct e-learning course (in %) 92.35 92.50 92.29 CUSTOMER-RELATED MATTERS/PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY Number of customer contracts – Consumer Access (in millions) 13.54 14.33 14.83 Number of fee-based accounts – Consumer Applications (in millions) 2.25 2.26 2.37 Number of free accounts – Consumer Applications (in millions) 37.00 37.59 39.40 Number of customer contracts – Business Applications (in millions) 8.06 8.15 8.45 Length of fiber-optic network (in km) approx. 47,000 approx. 48,500 approx. 50,900 Number of shipments by 1&1 Logistics (in million units) 5.40 6.90 6.03 CORPORATE DIGITAL RESPONSIBILITY Number of reports of data privacy violations under the GDPR 49 86 39 German internet users using GMX/WEB.DE as weekly news source (in %) - 13 / 12 12 / 12 UNITED INTERNET AS AN EMPLOYER Number of employees 9,093 9,374 9,638 Staff turnover rate (in %) 8.9 8.96 6.70 Management positions filled internally (in %) 65 70.19 73.65 Women in management positions (in %) 14 16 17 Hours training and education per employee 9.9 11.91 9.46 Absence due to
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