Lawfare - AnOsmar elite weapon Pires Martins for democracy Junior destruction Org. LAWFARELAWFARE An elite weapon for democracy destruction 1 Egress@s Publishing Osmar Pires Martins Junior Organizer LAWFARE An elite weapon for democracy destruction Egress@s SINT-IFESgo UFG Goiânia/GO - Brazil Egress@s Publishing, 2020 This book is a compilation of lectures and public debate held in the context of a seminar at the Federal University of Goiás State, in Brazil. Authors and co- authors express their rights to opinions and thoughts about different themes. Copyright © 2020 by Osmar Pires Martins Junior All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction of the work, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author is prohibited. EGRESS@S Euro Working Concept Building, 116 Setor Oeste, Goiânia/GO - Brazil E-mail:
[email protected] ISBN 9788540032002 (Portuguese edition) 9788540032002(English edition) EDITORIAL COORDINATION Osmar Pires Martins Junior ENGLISH VERSION Roberta C. Cruvinel and Fernando F. Ferreira REVIEW AND PROOFREADING Fernando F. Ferreira International Publication Cataloging Data (CIP) GPT / BC / UFG L417 Lawfare - an elite weapon for democracy destruction. [eletronic resource] / Organizer, Osmar Pires Martins Junior. English version by Roberta Carvalho Cruvinel and Fernando Fagundes Ferreira. – Eletronic data. - Goiânia: Egress@s Publishing, 2020. 418 p.: il. Needs software for reading Includes bibliography ISBN: 9788540032002 1. Lawfare - Fundamental rights. 2. Democracy. 3. Human rights I.