Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity | v.8 | n.4 | 2020 Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity journal homepage: Agronomic efficiency of soybean inoculated with Trichoderma and Purpureocillium in cerrado condi-tions, Tocantins, Brazil Aloisio Freitas Chagas Jra* , Albert Lennon Lima Martinsa , Rodrigo Silva de Oliveiraa , Manuella Costa Souzaa , Flávia Luane Gomes a Lillian Franca Borges Chagas a a Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brasil * Autor correspondente (
[email protected]) I N F O A B S T R A C T The objective of this study was to evaluate the action of Trichoderma and Purpureocillium on the Keywords productivity of soybean. Three independent experiments were performed in the region of Porto Nacional, glycine max Brazil, using three different varieties of soybean: precocious (Soytec 820 RR), intermediate (Syn13840 biocontrol IPRO) and late (Sambaiba RR). The treatments used were witness without inoculation, inoculation of productivity TrichoPlus (Trichoderma) at a dose of 2 kg ha-1 and a dose of 4 kg ha-1, inoculation of TrichoMix (Trichoderma and Purpureocillium) at a dose of 2 kg ha-1 and a dose of 4 kg ha-1. The results of productivity, for the first experiment with precocious soybean, were superior (p<0.01) with the inoculation of TrichoPlus at a dose of 4 kg ha-1, followed by the treatments with TrichoMix at a dose of 4 kg ha-1 and TrichoPlus at a dose of 2 kg ha-1. For experiments with intermediate and late soybean, the productivities were superior (p<0.01) for all treatments with inoculation in relation to the witness.