The Broad Foundations Thebroad Foundations
years 5 yea10rs science education years 25 2009|2010 the arts ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS THE BROAD FOUNDATIONS THEBROAD FOUNDATIONS The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation The Broad Art Foundation The Mission ofThe Broad Foundations Transforming K-12 urban public education through better governance, management, labor relations and competition Making significant contributions to advance major scientific and medical research Fostering public appreciation of contemporary art by increasing access for audiences worldwide Leading and contributing to major civic projects in Los Angeles TABLE OF C ONTENTS Letterfrom theDirectors 2 Education 8 Scientific | Medical Research 28 Arts, Culture and Civic Initiatives 54 Financial Statement 76 Board of Governors 77 TheBroad Team 78 LETTER FROMTHE DIRECTORS In some ways, it seems like we’ve spent a lifetime as philanthropists. 3 At other moments, this experience feels brand new. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Broad Institute, the 10th anniversary of our entry into education reform, and the 25th anniversary of The Broad Art Foundation. Anniversaries or milestones, whatever you choose to call them, are significant. To us, they are a reason to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come, what we’ve accomplished, and what we have left to do. While it is often tempting to view milestones like these as a self- congratulatory exercise, we prefer to see them as an opportunity to turn a critical eye on our work. Yes, what have been our most successful investments, but also, what were the risks we took that didn’t pay off? What work do we still have to do? How has the landscape changed, how has our approach evolved, and what have we learned over these past five, 10, 25 years? Scientific and medical research is our newest area of philanthropy, but it is the one in which we have made the greatest progress in the short- est amount of time.
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