Fraser Syndrome: Epidemiological Study in a European Population
RESEARCH ARTICLE Ref: 20102204 D09-03 OTH UK PS.PDF Fraser Syndrome: Epidemiological Study in a European Population Ingeborg Barisic,1* Ljubica Odak,1 Maria Loane,2 Ester Garne,3 Diana Wellesley,4 Elisa Calzolari,5 Helen Dolk,2 Marie-Claude Addor,6 Larraitz Arriola,7 Jorieke Bergman,8 Sebastiano Bianca,9 Patricia A. Boyd,10 Elizabeth S Draper,11 Miriam Gatt,12 Martin Haeusler,13 Babak Khoshnood,14 Anna Latos-Bielenska,15 Bob McDonnell,16 Anna Pierini,17 Judith Rankin,18 Anke Rissmann,19 Annette Queisser-Luft,20 Christine Verellen-Dumoulin,21 David Stone,22 and Romano Tenconi23 1Children’s Hospital Zagreb, Clinical Hospital Centre Sisters of Charity, Medical School University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 2EUROCAT Central Registry, Centre for Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, United Kingdom 3Pediatric Department, Hospital Lillebaelt, Kolding, Denmark 4University Hospitals Southampton Faculty of Medicine and Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom 5Istituto di Genetica Medica, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 6Division of Medical Genetics, Lausanne, Switzerland 7Public Health Division of Gipuzkoa, Instituto BIO-Donostia, Basque Government, CIBER Epidemiologıa y Salud Publica—CIBERESP, Gipuzkoa, Spain 8University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 9Registro ISMAC, Catania, Italy 10National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 11Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester,
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