FREE CATHOLIC MONTHLY NEWSPAPER TDS AND SENATORS CRITICISE PERSECUTION ALIVE!NO. 267 SEPTEMBER 2020 | NATIONWIDE DISTRIBUTION | WWW.ALIVE.IE | OF UYGHURS PAGE 2 CHELSEA CHILDHOOD SHOULD BE FREE OF ADULT GENDER STRIKER’S POLITICS PAGE 3 REAL GOAL CORK EVENT CLOSES THE DISTANCE FOR YOUTH PAGE 3 FR. PAT COLLINS – helsea striker Olivier Giroud on-line course to achieve this. “I HOLISTIC HEALING PAGE 7 has always practised his highly recommend it. Don’t hesi- CCatholic faith. And he puts tate to do it. It’s fantastic and you that faith into action, as last year, won’t be disappointed,” the Chelsea he, along with several other Chris- footballer explained. tian players, organised a gala event in London, to raise money for St. Mary’s, in Cork, this year, ran persecuted Christians. “It is unim- the same course that Giroud rec- aginable to see so many persecuted ommends and they are running a Christians in the world today. We have to talk about it. There needs to similar course online, in Septem- be awareness,” said Giroud. ber. It is open to all, to those who Also a goal of Giroud, as he believe or those who are searching revealed recently, is to “know more for some of life’s answers. Email about Jesus Christ’s life.” In the
[email protected] for TWO WOMEN DIE AFTER past month he has completed an further details. TAKING ABORTION PILLS IN BRITAIN PAGE 11 THE BLUE WAVE: A PRO-LIFE TIDE IS SWEEPING SOUTH AMERICA PAGE 4 • The content of the newspaper ALIVE! and the views expressed in it are those of the editor and contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province.