Winzi Pp Winrar 7-Zip File Manager

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Email Email WinZip..23-25 6.1 Email WinRAR25-26 6.2 Email 7-Zip File Manager.26-28 6.3 2 28 X:\MANUAL\ZipFile_Manual\Manual_ZipFile_Revised.doc WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip ()-# &7- 3 # 7 !+5/.$, # #!, ()(# ()(# & '8 &2.1,' &2($ # .9 - *.:# .1 -. $, ., $; Upload/Download ($.:#. # .1,' (# %-% &- . $, ,' ,'# ; &7-.1/'! (# & ' *2##$; %# 9!, <-. * 8 WinZip 1. WinZip WinZip 2$.!,' -! 1/. & ' / 7- .9*5 8()-# Window Explorer "%# 7# # -# 7 Icon Windows Explorer 1.!/ & ' =5 .1,' .6 zip 2.., . & ' - &2 %- *&2 $; ($.:# . 8 $ - &2 .1 -. 9($!/ ., & '#7#; .1 -. 2 : $.$+ % #&2 &7-$ " # - KB *.&% 892 3 28 X:\MANUAL\ZipFile_Manual\Manual_ZipFile_Revised.doc Folder 3.&2 ., & ' - &2 .1,' # 5 & ' - ., .1 -. 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Archive Path (#%# - ($., + ),' . / & ' - .1/' - .1,' &2 .1/' - OK $-* #7# 2 - 3. $-* &27# #(# 1. 2. 8* & '.1/'.(# . /; .6 <7# *1%& '.1/'.($% - %(# & '8 .1/' 21 28 X:\MANUAL\ZipFile_Manual\Manual_ZipFile_Revised.doc 3 - 4 Folder File WinZip, WinRAR Zip File Manager . $, * & '&2 7 4.1 Folder File WinZIP $, * & '&2 1. zip Folder .6 . !/ ., $, & ' - * Delete Keyboard Delete Delete 2. +@ # * -$#%- - .1,' ,## 2 1 4. Folder File WinRAR 2 $, * & '&2 1. .rar Folder .6 !/ ., $, & ' - * Delete 2.., 2 1 22 28 X:\MANUAL\ZipFile_Manual\Manual_ZipFile_Revised.doc 3. Delete Yes .,' -$#%- .1,' ,## & '., 3 4. Folder File 7-Zip File Manager 3 $, * & '&2 2 1 1. .zip Folder .6 !/ ., $, & ' - * Delete 2.., 3. Confirm File Delete OK .,' -$#%- .1,' ,## & '., 3 - zip, .rar, .7z, .tar WinZIP, WinRAR Zip 5.- -!+5/ .6 # + . - 7 zip .rar .7z .tar # + . # + # + # + WinZip Yes. No. No. Yes.
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