Llamamiento Mundial De Los Parlamentarios a Favor De La Tasa Tobin Appel Mondial Des Parlementaires Pour La Taxe Tobin Parliamen
Parliamentarian World Call for the 'Tobin Tax' The campaign for a 'Tobin Tax' continues... 864 parliamentarians from 33 coun- However, despite the good intentions agenda. Globalisation creates wealth, tries have signed the Parliamentarian of these declarations of, no new but also a great deal of inequality. A World Call for the 'Tobin Tax'. mechanism of financing was put in 'Tobin Tax' could be the first tax of this place to reverse the decrease in public new type, leading to others of this kind Last year, following the Earth fund budgets going to development such as a tax on maritime activity. Summit in Johannesburg and the aid and to pay for universal access to International Conference on all global public goods. We invite you to continue to spread Financing for Development in the word about this appeal and to col- Monterrey, the international commu- It has never been so urgent to create a lect signatures. nity confirmed that it is imperative to more equal world, a world where find the necessary funding to guaran- poverty is not the only future for tee universal access to all the essen- millions of human beings. Peace and Harlem Désir, Glyn Ford, tial elements of a decent quality of stability in the world are also at stake. Carlos Carnero life, the ability to nourish oneself pro- "Capital Taxes, Fiscal Systems and Globalisation" perly, access to drinking water, to This is why the question of a global Intergroup of the European Parliament education, and to medicines..... solidarity tax remains at the top of the Appel mondial des parlementaires pour la taxe Tobin Le combat pour la taxe Tobin se poursuit… 864 parlementaires de 33 pays, ont signé Mais, malgré les déclarations d’inten- pour lutter contre la spéculation et les l’Appel mondial des parlementaires tions, aucun mécanisme nouveau de paradis fiscaux.
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