The 24th MAY 2015 Granite News Volume 9 Issue 18 Hughes Creek ٠ Highlands ٠ Ruffy ٠ Caveat ٠ Terip Terip ٠ Whiteheads Creek FARMING & ENVIRONMENT NOTES FROM HIGHLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL The highly successful “2015 Euroa Environmental STUDENT of the WEEK Seminar Series” continues Contact
[email protected] 5790 4007 and the next “conversation” is To subscribe online go to BRIDIE HAYES about Water. READERS’ WRITES ―It is with great sadness that we at Strawberry Music Group have decided to withdraw our intention to hold the music festival known as Strawberry Fields at Gum Road, Caveat. It is unfortunate that despite having the support of the Murrindindi Shire Coun- cil and the Highlands Committee, some With the Castle Creek empty more local residents have caused us to often than full and the Seven pursue an alternate venue. Bridie receives the student of the week Continuing would have meant enduring Creeks totally drying up for the award this week because of the a prolonged and expensive legal battle third time in 10 years - everyone fantastic effort she puts into the at VCAT. While we strongly believe in completion of her homework each and has valid concerns about water. the original decision made by every week! Murrindindi Shire Council to grant a The lack of rainfall, the reduced Keep up the great work Bridie! creek-flows, the proliferation of permit for the event, we also believe You should be very proud of the high that the Highlands Committee and local mega dams, the plight of fish standard of your work!! community are much more deserving populations - what are the social, of the money which would have been SENIOR ROOM NEWS: economic and environmental im- spent defending that decision.