Cambridgeshire. Ely

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Cambridgeshire. Ely 65 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. ELY. INSURANCE AGENTS. Witcham; Ely 8ub-diJ4tru:t, G. ColI', St. l\Iary's street, cly; Littleport sub-digtrict, H. Cheeseright, Littleport Atl".q Fire, J. A. Dilllluock, Hig-h strl'et Rer{istrars of jlfarriages, w. Cuttris~, Haddenham; H. Briti.• h Empire AIutual Life, E. B. Claxton, Downham la Chel!seri~ht, Littleport ; 1\1 al"!\hall Fii:lher, EI~' J. E. Galand, C'wenev !lchool COI/tIll('rci"l Union, Worklwusp., a brick building' standing 011 a commandillfl' TlJOmas Legge, Back hill & Waiter Howlett, Courd!1 Fire, eminence It quarter of a mile out of the city, capable of 8u,n rnerfield accommodating 208 inmates. There is a spaciou'l board­ E'Igft', H. T. Patf', High strf'et room in which tbe ~uardian8 hold their meeting-so J. S. El/tfJlt).lJer.~' Liability, Fire l,lsll.rance Co. §; Globe Plate Gla8.~. ~peechley, SilJlcox, master; Rev. J. Franey l\I.A. chaplain; G. M•M• • \V. H. St. l\Iary'lil £otreet :::inclair, medical officer; Mrs. A. L. Simcox, mutron Il1lpt·rial Fire, J. Rog-er~, Mil1!lter place IlItwrirll Union. Accidental. Lancashire Life ~. London RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. ~ L'llwa.~hire Accidental, W. B. Speerilley, St. l\1arY'1iI st Clerk, E. B. Claxton, Downham lane, Ely lIfidland Co/allies Hail, J. A. Dimmot'k, Hi~h street Medical Officers of Healthy DOlOllhllm district, F. lI. NfttlOltal Provident, J. Read, Markl't street Heckett, Ely; Hnddellh((m di.~trict, It. Kinder. Hadden­ Nortltun Fire ~ Life, W. B. Speechll'y. St. Mary's street ham; Littleport district, W. B. H unler, Littlt'port; NOTlcich Union Fire §; Life ~ Hail, J. Hills, Minster Sutton di.~trict, W. J. Merlin, Sutton; lVitehford. dis­ place & .J. Read, 1\1arket street trict, G. 1\1. Sinclair, Ely Phcelti.:J; Fire, J. D. Ewer, Fore hill In.qpector ofNuisances, William Gleaves, New Barnes road, Rrtill(;ny Passengl'rs', J. A. Dimmock, High street Ely Roch Life, Jamell A. Dimmock, High street Ro!!"l Exchange, C. Bidwell, St. Mary's street ~ PUBLIC OFFICERS. Royal Farmers' Genl'ral, H. Ranee As.~istant ~Iark Scotti~h Widolcs' Fund, E. J. Scotcher, Lynu road Overseer for Ely Trinity, WiIIiam Cus­ tauce, Lynn road Stondrlrd Life, J, Measham, Lynn I'oad hou~e SUIl, E. Hills, l\Iillster place Clerk to Bllri,al Board, William rtfarslmll, Hill Clerk to C07nmissionC1'S of Ta~es, George Leg-ge, St. Mary's street PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Cltrk to Feo.ffees ofPar.~on.j' Charity ~ Rpgistrar §; High Alm.~hollses, Parson.~', St. M:ar~"~ street, & Neulham's Bailiff(If County Court, G. S. Hall, .Ma~kt-tJllace Ch"rity, 20 Back hill Clf'1'k to the Sehool A ttPltdanee COllwnttec, Edward Calltbridgeshil'e Militia (4th Battalion Suffolk Heg-irnent); Harry Thrower, WaTerside hell" quarters, Militia barracks, Silver street; Col. Robert Ch'rk to thp. South Level ~' other Drainage Boarda, G. Wale, commalldillg; Capt. C. Hely, adjulant; W. l~OX, Goodwyn Arc-her, :r.farket place qua.. terma~te-r; ~urg.-~hi. G. ~I. Sinclair, medical offict'r Collector... ofLand ~. [ncome Ta:res. Rohert Ewer, Fore Camtrridgeshire (I.,t) Rifle Volunteers (H Company), hill (Holy Trinity pari8h) ; Wm. 1\1. Custance, Lynn road J,t.Iues Home, capt.: John Head. lieut.; Fraucis M. (::;r. Mary's parish) Beckett, surgeon; Re\". Wm. B. Hopkins, chaplaill Coroner for the [.~le of EI.I/, but usufllly acting in the Celltl'ter!l, New Barnes road, Wm. l\1arshall, cl~rk to the Hundred of El!! ~ South part of the Hundred of Burial Hoard; George Lewis, curator lVitchford, Willialll l\IarshlllI t'sq. Elv . Corn Exchange, Market place, WillialO Kempton, keeper Inland Re'l1Imue Officers, GeOlge Crisp Farman, St. Corn Rdurn Office, 'Vei;t end, F. J. Hulforu, im'pector MarY'R street County Court Oilice, Mal ket place; the court is held [m:pector of Corn RE-turns, Fredk. John Hlllford,West end every two months in the ::lhire hall, E. P. Pric-e eSQ. Q.c. Stamp DilJtributor, John Dawson Ew~r, Fore hill judge; George ~amuel Hall, registrar & high bailiff'; George SuprTintenmnt of County Police. Thomas Smith, Lynn I'd l\Iartin Hall, deputy registrar; WllIium Hellamy :::lpeecll- I 1'oten Crier, John Toorub8, Station road le.\', ltailitf & broker of the court. The places in the dis­ tril't are :-Aldreth. Black Horse })l'Ove, Dairy Houses, DIOCESE OF ELY. J)ownham, Earith Bridi.{e, Haddenham, Herlllita!-! e, Hill Bishop, The Right Rev. James Rllssell Woodford D.D. Row, Littleport, Mepal & :Fen, Mildenhall Station, Old Palace Middle Fen Hank, Oxlode, Prickwillow, Pyemoor, Dean, The Yery Rev. Charles Merivale D.D., D.C.L. The Quaney, Queen Adelaide, Hedmere, Shippy Hill, Slretham Deanery & Fen, Stuntney & Fen, Sutton &. Fen, Thetfonl & Fen, Wanly Hill &. Fen, Witcham Gravel & Fen, WHchfortl. & Archdeacons. t'ell & Wilburton 1864 El!!, Ven. William Emery B.D. The College, Ely County Police Station, Lynn road, Thomas Smith, !'uper­ ]869 Sudbury, Yen. Frank Robert Chapm9.n M.A. College, inteudentj the local f<>r~e consist s of' two sergeants & fiftcen Ely constables 1873 Bedford, Ven. Frederick Bathurst M.A. Vicarage, Dispensary, St. Mary's street, Georg-e Murray 8inclair Bigg-leswade L.R.C.P. Edin. medical officer; Rev, K. H. Smith, hon. -Ilee 1874 Huntingdon, Ven. Francis GeraId Vesey LL.D. Castle Pen Uffice (Bedford Level Corporation), St. Mary'~ street, Hill house, Hunting-don G. Archer, registrar j open from 10 till 4 O'ciOCK Canons. Isle oj' Ely Constabulary Office, Fore hill; Major W. Brown Ferris, chief constable ]882 Kirkpatrick Alexander Francesilla, Trio. CoIl. Cam­ Inland Revenue Office, St. Mary's street, G. C. Farman bridge, ret!ill8 professor of Hebrew &. F. J. Rulford, officers 1867 Benj. Hall Kennedy D.D. regius professor of Greek, StalJlp Office, Fore hill, J. D. Ewer, distributor The College, Ely & The Elms, Cambridge 1877 Ven. WilIiam Emery :B.D. The College, Ely ELY UNION. ]873 Edward Clarke Lowe D.D. The College, Ely The Board meet at the workhouse thursday fortnightly ]875 Herbert Mortimer Luckock D.D. The College, Ely The union comprises the following parishe~ and places :­ 1879 Ven. Frank Robert Chapman ~I.A. The Callege, Ely Coveney, Downham, Ely St. Mat·y, Ely Trinity, Ely Col­ lege, Haddenham, Littleport, Mepal, Redmere, 8tretham, Honorary Canons. Sutton, Thetford, WelltwortlJ, Wilburton, Witcham, 186.5 William Bonner Hopkin~ B. D. Vicaragp, Littleport Witchtord & Grunty Fen. The population of the union in ]866 Samuel BIackall M.A. Vicarage,Earl'~Colnt>,Halstead 18tH was 20,703; the area 83,97~ acres; rateable value, 1867 ''''illiam Hepworth Thompson D.D. The Lodge, Trinitt" £144,!J82 College, Cambridgoe Clerk to the Guardians, E. B. Claxton. Downham la. Ely 1868 George Heatbcote M.A. Rectory, Connington, Peter- Collector.~ of Poor Rates, W. M. Custance, L~'nn road, borough Ely Trinity; J. WaxhalO, .Broad street, Ely ~t. Ma/'y; 1868 Alexander Rona'd Grant M.A. Rectory, Hitcham A. Hull, Downham; G. Cheeseright, Littleport; H. 1861) Ven. Frederick Bnthur8t M .A.. Vicarage,Hlggleswade Porter, Haddenham; C. Drake, Sutton; J. Yarrow, ]869 John Scott M.A. Vicara~e, Wisbech Thettord; W. Latter, Wilburton &. Grunty Fen 1870 Charles Gray M.A. Vicarage, Blyth. Worksop Relieving ~ Vaccination Ojficm's, Ely district, W. L. 1871 Yen. l"rancis Gerald Vesey LL.D. Castle Hill house, Evans, Broad street, Ely; Haddenham district, J. Huntingdon Sneesby, Wilburton 1872 Thomas Edward Abraham M.A. Rectory, Risby, Bury Medical Officers ~ Public Yaccinators, Ely St. Mary St. Edmunds district, G. M. Sinclair, Ely; Ely Trinity digtrict, G. 187~ J e~miah William Haddock M.A. 1 Windsor terrace, Cole, Ely; Haddenham district, R. Kinder, Hadden­ Bedford ham; Littlfport di~trict, W. H. Hunter, Littleport; 1875 Charles White Underwood M.A. Vicarage, Histon, Sutton district, W. J. Merlin, Sutton; lJOlcnham dis- Cambridge trict, F. M. HeC'kett, Ely . 1875 Hon. AugustWl Frederi~k Phipps ::M.A. Rectory,Euslon, Superintendent Registrar, W. Marsball, Hill house, Ely Thptford R('gistrars ofBirths ~ Deaths, Haddenha1n sub-district, ]876 George Bulstrode X.A. F..ectory, Stoke, Ipswich W. Cuttriss, Haddenham ; Sutton ,ub-district,J. Russell, 1876 Henry lsaac Sharp M.A. Vicarage, Swavesey, St.ITes 5 eNS.
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