l 1


I Clinton llfpiihliran.

-e I HILTON * SMITH, ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1865. VOLUME 9. NUMBER 40. HARDWARE MI80 ELLANE0UN MEDICAL tAvmt McMorlet, Mt», ami tbi« produM 171 ,(jOO, which wa* iMltretllux (iaMilom au4 rol*» Sfc 4Bfata» |[yyiHifflW, wr. a ..~7" a » , , .. 375 muon 456. Tu cusipltie bi* owritum, ^ ^ 1*00 *• u I hr mrfuory to be :l rmrre hortsr, and not * » _ . . ,. ,. . % f r , ; . Mr. Jay G*>*>k. «»t Philadelphia. w 7 a n 1 therefore, he multiplied 4uG by 3. which two UN 1*0 N • T O R E. Hrap and Midicine* a /jKuwfr roo#i. 1 dnr,*l- - -1.308. J - - ntid- - l.oiir/* «dde«I- tin- »umt»«r1 !on * * ,,IM<' '■•n *!** «**•»#•) »4Wt of UMpop llkU>ry ? j* r «o 171.WJU, !)«• found the product of 150 mul alar 5UD million j.'JO Loan, has jwit hem .on- muulubl«* lor tin- »tn»*Kth of thcr rtf^j by 3fn t„ h. iT^fiw. appointed by Secretary Fenaoiidcu, the.(Jen inetnonw, which, when we^retlcct on the Hemp naked how Itm * alter the firm ©ral Agent to UUiioae of the only lerotAR limited extent of that faculty in the «an- *L a r.nn „ luniw.. , ■ ... , J . * tue lanij'in at Dellurt tno rci> >rt might !»*• Irjx s now offered fur itale by the Govern ­ er&itty ol mankind, might be considered a- 1 __r i . . i» i , i ment, viz: the “SEVEN THIRTY” ST.JOHNS, CLINTON CO., MICH . XJ ’ * r . . k, , heani at Ilaugutou. lam, the diatance »•<*♦ Uliuluut, were not wm npp«Ming the sound to > In entering upon In* duties he lioairo* to allotted to be very douithil. more at th< rate .»( 1.142 feet in on • «•. ...1 an -,'T,'r P1* 1"*.'' l!j'‘ num»>er of Mlthriditn, wbo mlt-.l over twentr-two ...... ,i ,, m . . . , 1# . J , «ji time ; fw rvp.icu. altei a del liberation >1 daily and houilv ^mdejan * 14—trbat GF.ORGR HUNT A BK0 t*acii. t^un lu, llorteunua. -ne ul «U« ,uk).(i ,,ulun t!u, ; . | t. ,|| |(U„: ure it> peculiar merits —how they can sub­ CONSERVATIVE PRICES! «< letuati d ouloi > ui kiicicnt UutiR', had a scribe lui or ootain tlic* no tea, etc. aet in rowi, 1 fV«>t aaunder, and the plant L> H l Ci(x I STS, memory m ttutctow, tint after attidj ing a fetJ, a„rtf In , lwUlI,tll,»r ut ^ I#* (jit4\srir„i. Why is tin- Loan called tho dixcounw, althon^h bohad not wntten dou n lluir luach |,mJ wiH the«e ui*m. oocup , ' 4* .Sevan-Thirty 5? 1* hh » / fiBEaSaSX * g&asKtEB »T. JONNN, aMn^lo word of It, tMOOUld repeat It eMctly wuhill Mbu,lt yf Bll hom bv Answer. It Interest 10 ctirroocr, EXClCliSIORf m iUe **UM-manner III nrhicii tie nad cum Kn>l(< { m] 8 norclic* and a half. at tfm talc of in veu Dollars and uurty <1 JUST RECEIVED, ar#«lw»y« on nurd to wait ny»r»*i rtiaton 9t+TB \Y<* I*** 1 ,l- " U,.W lUl Thi< extraordinary man would -tride ovei oeuU, each yearr, on every hundred dollars , ______kmpni tlohof A CHOICE STOOK OF ot a wager with one M. inia, lie apent a whoto R piw> |#n<| „r tioia. ami tell the content-. idfikmg the interest aa follows: Dti LCS + ti.w at nn auction, and when it was * ndrd wit i n> much uxiutDe^viui d ho had ttuaxir One cent p»er day on eacn 9 50 note. MLDlUlS’Et:. he n-empitulatetl every article that had been u wit|, a (ha)IJ . |„ tliM OUI ATTEACTlOff! manner lie Two cents “ u 100 u DRESS GOODS, LINSEED OIL. ko I.i. together with the imeee, and the nam.e. tlic whole lonUlilp of El me ton (a Ten 41 44 * 500 •* KEROSENE O I L. t;f the purcha^t r?s .11 their pruper uidcr, with* i mujiij village n* ar (’hwfrrfl^M, and the T wMty 44 44 1,000 44 DOMI'STIC, VARNISH. GLASS. miterring incur point, a* «a- proved hy r4,d and jxrrclii b it • n in •''{u,ir Anetrcr. Tljey arc for sale, at /xir, and LIQUORS (or MEDIUM'S, HOOP SKIRTS, hmi&tdl to iccile, word for word, anv pa*-i^t» ilielif After t l/i' rpdiiced t!iem fv»r hi aermed interest, by all .Sub ! ir as tines. Na- PATENT MEDICINES, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. thut might i.K* lt<|uiitd, o*n**cutmg at tiiu own firuuKornmit into hair I>r<* *»At i«- c onTMit tiona) and other Hanks, and all Oatiktefs and I) YE STUFFS, BOOTS & SHOES, 4amc time to allow apcnw»ii to stand t>% him in;: i'4 to each mdc of the inch, which pro lirokers. aad la laat avertible* oanallv by Ilruffmli with a dagger, and to |#!ui.go it Info ln> dtuvd >u« !i an iiioo iijneli n-jihle nuniber SI HutiUo.i. Wlieu u the interest pay Wa aatiaawierlfr ourael.ee toouraumer Ixxiy if he made a Hngic trip, or did mu! ft|»pettT?^l alt>o cut utt from the PKOPLE’fl lift 17fl *TOHK«" .1wn> lal, a voting (V>raiean an inuLiiadl't uiultUude ipieftion put to him suddenly in the field 1B03. GAO. IIUKT A 1IUO note, and will lies cashc , uy any bub-Traea- ot (jreek, Latin ami harbatou^ wonK, all die when walking with many other laooterv. In LOW PRICES, FOR REAOY PAY, I* H W#» 1. n<» »»nb« wi’l call upoa na fot I^l<] line! Irovu each other; and that when he uror, TT. S. Depository, National or other r u#ra to ba vial aa a ba*ar*ra. ol a tnancrular i*>dv. whose three >tdea ire, re »“ ‘'tod of dkUtibg, tue Cortical, repeated I »p»criv«tr. 23,146,»H‘I yard*, 5,042.733 rnrd, Hank nr Hanker. at D. C. Ht’RD’s. tbem witliout Imitation, in the /wni order, j a„j 154,ltd5 yar1 HHo*,o \» ■!t aA Wtggin* ihcir 3,h I in our own day#» h\ Morp»iy, ol playing* The only «» of Jcdcdi&li'rf run«eit\ , vi/. : on the 15th of Augti*t, KiCT, LNT1IIK tfl oCK of Kt*\t ml garni^ ol t lit*'" at the ainuc tune,and ]ioxt to liirnn»s, \%#ert‘ tiie king and the royal PLANER without acting the boardo, i* almost m% ex- I igtmly ; and his dt**irc to set? them wa,*- mi t>ih .Must 1 reoeire back my —or— 0 trtonltnary. str«»ng, that in tho imgmmngof spring, I7»l. money v> a* iofi7 l DRUGS, MEDICIN ES, Antomo Magltabtchi, librarian to Coamoj j,e wnnie(j Uj, to Umdon fn>m Merbyaluvo h>r A d. err. A#/ not utdeas voe yourself tin* I it i rd, * * ram 1 littku ol lore nev . is * j uot < < 1 J that pur jx but was oMi *t*i| f«, I’etu rn f 11 * prefer to d<» n *> — th« Law g»v**> you the rtyki INa «Ma vary Mil Albaaj mtUafs, w. W. Brnin.^d I f to denund fnim tii»f* Government, at that vkUb wtll b# mN4 Ami oihar y»«rtaialft«r to tbm Dr uk aad Had po>Nejaf,mg tiich a memory that in^ htad «pjr>in ted. as hi* NUp^ty iia ol retenti on. A gentleman n! Tn* ‘mbr»rs who were then present ankcd tM Qtt*»iu/n. llow much do you oonaider ^an Ui« iIwf • ■ ~ -*• 1 ~ tmwiw Y ioreuce, who had written a piece which | him several «j nest ion# in aritlunetio to this privilege of conversion, mto 5.2U Loan Wh« tit to rail op/ s u«, wl' 1 nvfu Ihlsjr In our was to Ih * printed, lent tho manuscript to his ability, and being much gratitiuii by his to be wortli ? _____ loin a ©n-partua»abip COPPER, TIN ANO 8HEET IRON WARE, PLANINO lloa, ai»*l lavika CIi«*(*j lo o*iI Wtor« purchaalng \V*» kwp OONHTANTLY ON HAND, Magbal>echi, an^l •<*nu? time after ft had nein • rt*ndy answers, disuuaacd him with a hand A *rr* r>/3is l*eariu" Gold Int^met Atwn ISv SIbSSCwt^JTtWlr I WHI.C^.n B»m K«tll«*, Saab, Door aue Ollad returned with thanks, came to him with A I Horne gratuity. iat of November. «rt» to «iay w»>rth per UK*ST QUALITY OF KEROSENE OIL cent premium If they are worth no more Pu>law. melancholy lacs*, and told him of aosne in • [kirin*: his rcfBidmcc in London he w.xs car «•»»•*»* *' ,taUM j ciwicra a»4 Well vented accident, by which, Ihj aaid, *it had j nitl to see the trncedv of Kim; Hiciitrd III nt the end • f the two yean and a half, when you have :i right to them, than they mom Itfwallf. ALL KINDS OF OU.H, DYF* PTrUFFWi ios* In** only cop) ot the work. I ht» autiior j aj Drury lac*'. It wra* expected that tb<* nov seemed .ilmovt inconsolable, aixl entreated <»|ty Mf everything in tho place, tJ*getbor will arc. 'rln** premium added to the interest at?«««*•»•• JAVAN WARN, • you receive, w il u* Vi' yon at least 10 per nun -U«i#»V Cnm MH, Uflrdt, Pnintw, Vnrabhe*, Pullv, MntiiAtw*< hi, whose reputation cf rt*nieinlier- f|i0 splendor of tho surrounding uLiects, •' (RurUlh WilMr. “ . lsad rtrr., • w;;a t .. mm r. a l us alicad\ v« ry Wo.,!d‘ 'mu V .< i. • ’ ’nent ».r ( Jlt lK’r i,mum loi y * »r money— out the fkMM R. 0tfevi rouseti by* the action of the yn*r V jK»r cent, premium at that time. POUCCLAtN Y ARK EE YOTIOYN, against hi** next visit. Magliabeohi t^ure! ( formers, even if ho did not Lilly uunpri ncnd 7b ff'iepti'fG. Wlint other ndvantlfp? ta bamieb an d bboker 1 Door to Ofdir TTs la also praps rad to 4o him he would do ho . and on netting about it, j the dialogue, liut uih thoughu wereother- tlieri' in inventing in the 7.-2M• ir>an 7 a*. JOHin. - - Anotter. it cannot be taxe«t by States, And A If thS tnuitrnbpl tin* wbrde tnan«uertpc wituoii WI*W* cmployivl lit «)auv ’, Laia nl Counties, or Cities, and tins adik» tram one miv*-*i g a word, **r even vary mg in aiu * imtn tent km was engaged tu reckoninz t!:c n to thre*- ]* r » nt. p* r annum tj the o©t EW TBMMStCBIIOUCTOBPIPE ,wbbi,MP * Swilding. PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY Her (rom tho **|K.dling. b hen ri>n*iuited b> »er of^tep* Alter a tin© (nect* ofmusk BBftMVVOM tneuij f d t!i«' '!> 1) r, according to the rat© pita! Na*«a»at R*«H, Detmtl. Mtchl#an. t ti* • lenni* d writers t>f the day, on anv ftftr deriareil that th© diiiereut aoutKia pro*t* IMtlCKN TO "IIIT Til* TlllRS, if taxation in variotiH biealitt©^. AH iionda i. Hovm a Mm> , N«* York oit>. arf- an4 pat up oa iMft aotlaa. -UftCDlIi- ticuUr aubpiTt. ho could tell them at onoc, by th© instruments, fa*rplexrd him bey uid -u ■ ks. except thoMe of th© United Shop oulti iMf of Wa)k*r, naar Myrlruc Btrn^t ami ► inetimea to tho ntitnlK*r of a hutidred mesMire. I»ut Ii© (uunted tlic wonts utfi DupnnerGs Female Fills, States and a l uiortga- s, etc., are tax©*], «u | HI. Jobri#, MlrMfai.. aulhum. ail who had over ticnl* <1 of‘ th hy <»arnck in tli© who!© course r |S W W* H1UINAUJ) Madanu KovinG Female Pills, iu»t <>nly by th**> Government, but ii y States, Cbnrvh ** W »*«!*•. _ _ .same, naming tho ijouk, I ho words, and uc luun 1. Ala ’ i ta* leehi Ikjm to n»t inhetitanec, and brouglought up •fall RtaAs 4ae# wtthdtapsSrh s»4tn tkia ba*t k. \ . .vBlilUl V I ___ _ a_ a »___ _ _ raiM 1 lit© UN •neney to nav the iatermt, aad is Dree Siov*», A*«aar, rt*. JoPn». ***** _ too, although ho n«*ver I ravefou l IK* ym* no particular calling, Jededkah Buxt * i*" it It* All*! eUI© l lor**nce, lia«i a b»cal know! l dpo < »t thl pla ported himself hy xh« labor of his ljan I | «1nd j PUNAIbX AMD BOUNTY AtlRIITS. RT fall n i»< I ifl TL nun* nt Cii.iCCtA, ay SIitlON i wuloitp. :•» I»rrtant book atocai, ii although his tilsitu, had th^liefn \ * i|irwt HUt« Ujttbt) ir other Cluiitti, will pl*m — tfttl9 f>, inten iaiai rev* title, and dutie4* on itn* P tlu* great collectnui.^ of dit lennt t•on n (rn ' cultivated, might have <)iialiii©*l him Tn* NEW WORLD t. a . MBir, BKERS t i*t* hundred millions each •all m4 in . • . A HIM lie the plans mil HBCtidJII* ol f 1 in 1, f tally tl sum 4k Wlltelwaetst •elSA«4«Mtaff CUtkm Rl«nt \V«r», Wo5d»a Were* ing a chstingtnslKHl p!ttt on the theatre of M's, aa gv II ♦ | .1 4 . Tkia is i in ttire** t imes «y* much as AetaorU»4rt»»m •»»1 thu* «av«t»iea. K. H -I'hyvtaiati) I’fMf fliM '•ri libraries and their CMtsloir* vuil lif», 'if (Minuted * lth© noktloiiM tenor of hts KU *wk|h >m^ MitUctentiv content©*! tf h** **oubl avail I'lToton Arnatf*, St. Jonbi, Mli’hlf»n. H^i itnhnA, N*»v 4 lvr> tor [aigu. One day, tho (fiaml Duke nent fur 4 i 111 as Bunn a* i ie war is «*n led, the amount wiuaiww. iti at it v tlie wants *> t natutv, and proctito \ A. lt»CT. . ►v |^P|" it nffsiol t (>ay ttie interest will li© used MaaaSulevar of Lim to a *k Lifti whether In' could got a i***»*n fist ft v subsist*'to© for himself and famdy. MISCKL1 •. > I >1 ^ pavuig otf t tin debt. Om (• has Bounty and SSACH 4S DAY’S PATBKT iml mfjthlru; ifrncr*l ‘y k«pl In • that wa> (tat(icularly neater, inaiked with Hut if hi** en| ivnsentR were few*, tl/ev *•♦ ■* to Tk.a.dmlfu^ */ooUI r^P^lfully>».;our^.l.»l | t’’> iMlltl 4til >4. u* ufbty and can easily do four K rent .40, a- Dotirinu SampMin to have been fully e UDjme^iblc. \ our High above In* hutnble companion^ who earn<*d sat© a-* a ftoorti age on a g'»od tarni, ami pays p .1ribn«,Mlrh .Inly •. 1MB %mr ftiomniN r th* JU PI John*. Ua) IS, 1**4 (n*0 «f | n* u - ti* ‘AMiry would not but it foi you; tltrir bread in tlm like manner In the H*vcat lor liter* *- )*nt one in (h*i world-~t.bat i** in a hitter inter* st. It its in fact, a Ftnt Jk Surr Wav to J®»*cvrnt It ! of vet ambitious thought* n* ‘ver A / on all an>i-. ol in •’dies.all railftiad •ULIH IN w,r* ITM* *KO *D»BR. RTliB .* ’* * WKK 18 «5. .1A NTT ARY 1 HGf. tho Giund Nignor * library at Constantino* »ntenipt**d hm rr(KAS<» ; nor di»i Ire. on Ins aim canai n .in i thcr »tucks Wl ntk.'W* Th >, Mill—mm »nd pie, and h tin* fo* vventh iw*ik tin tin* becond return fr*»tn Ijomlon, rcgr* ‘t thv low raii iv itor Nothing can b< aafer, for wr an* all bound I.;arMMT’*•«*»*. i»thr#, Ml hlftt le it, and all ti.U w.* have is firmly held Passenger and Express how ! how *: cries everybody ami dftftol by his own ohoicn oo iiani egg** him. Fully satisfied with !;G accustomed forth© pavment of principal and uiteieat. MISCELLANEOUS. and water, lived up to hi** 81st year, dying D. C.■».* ______Kit KKillT f.INK. rustic far* , lie «le*<|iiiffl th© lnxurres of tin* Kins fo . ish tb<>40 people are, who keep their ^ ann»ow tilRreot htoraaieenaa, on Ian * 14th ol duly, 1714. W v great ; and while 'n^ cliiet plcaatim wa*. t<» g »bl and greonl •* idle and lockesi up, or vfalksr asd Break HnHi. St. John#, \\ illiatn Lyon, an ilmctani actor, known All aallo promptly auvSad to. crxercis© iu%« in/* nmtv l*v oaJctilaiitm, Ik * was pun. has© m rt . * • r railnutd stocks ami All *)Hb with to PUY ONF til Kdinbuig i about a mimui'u years nge HY MM8.IR00EHIE8, MIMKIBY, 0ETR0,T 4„ 7935------still of opinion that «t li< e of bacon afforded !v*n b wfii *li pay «uily n >r f> (►•r ©ent. in* one evening )>cr a U>ttle with tome ot li• flu* most ilvlicious n*past. fer<*^t. when t .e © Seven fhirti©* p»y ______.OiwalkhltotUssRO, 1 it i: it II a mi x 1* A T K X T theatiical nrethren, wagorcil a crown Ikiw I Iltixfon wa*< a marrk*r| msn. an*i ha*l *cv (counting th© premium *m !fiv©-Twsutisat) !.aeatofGUeten Avoueo.St.John* not, Oap*. *M««. I NStT AMD rOWKIlKn, (21TKR CABIN <>f punch that tho following day at rr*hcat*a! All ealla proaptlf attae4e4 to St, STKAMSIIIIMI erni children, lb*

  • *mt u© •• union safer and i.fiii. iive rea 0v -biai >k cumnn« ,*• \* ■ «ii*l i i i ,i*' w ii il* ot .I ! ^mi\ Ad •’Datrelf* ” ■ *•«! ’• MltwewAioo.' seventy \ uan* of arc. Stove Pipe Dampers! Vert is* r i he play cm> w iio cuiHUdtii tin* imrer. ^ Cheap, eoMlfw thU \bh Qn, film, flow many Seven Thirties IfVUlVn Tine HOXTII TtlAIHs WILL i.. a in* r* hrav««U» j*itl hill*attention t<* it; Fi«*iT 1111 Dis< own — It is related of ______Hr AT LAW. SoUJtor In Ohaeoory. WMvh erII* rwW fl SO •r*-1 W11 iv* i>n*.hilf Ih are there, and how itu h remain* tinucvff) AesDeoof tho PaaaofDoWltt,Cltnta«i ooenty, O D Ihti ST• JOIIft e a* follow# but iii Lyon was ife, one of I i»t*m a<\ **pt JoDsti that whan <* ti^il up quarters in tho fa«| hi / I uif, %»*«l ol > »i* *ay r >« or f hler dic«A IfIXKD At .. 4* A >i lor UrnMt Hiwn ImAfu lb*ni < «llh plpr* whR » Lu. ni iht f ^r* In *>41, he reminded Lyon ol hi** Ik.*!, imagining, |f) ^ tiowti itnm< Ji.*ttel| as be had dis vho hey oa ttM. M A 11* — At !*, M ., hr Mrtal lUvtn law and only aG>ut oik hundred and ninety rhf^k th* <1 r • ft Monyll MIA* f r**Al I ••* I Afd *x 1*» * S as ti«* vvii> drunk tin* nignt bclort*, ae inusi « Almr**t #oor MAlt*-Al II W) I1 M for ItotmU. Lyon produced the |*a|ier, ilc^m-d the otiu i j»fn iwdlv sucked in Plenty «»f oil but n«» to eP the halanss 7 family lo th«» Iad I lo h*v » our MIXED— A i It A4 I*. M .,f*»r DotroU to h*»k at it, a.'d • (settle the wager. Not* ml4rk**t I'1 Tim* is th«*fir*t of ti* • ni account 4metr'~, Tb©r© are about H0(! NatVuia) n. L LEACH rrapoetfSAIf aeeeeeoas that ha ttsfraahxeoeta at DotroU. ilwoon one UranH il* Mr. J U 00RSIT h — th** rtghI *f < Union, Hhlowao- at Septate. Ho heeoo by wttin*Ian*itn^ the want «d connexion in (i»» historians give ii^ *t the oil I'lhini* Hank- all engaf?t* 1 in celling them; stss a .ae4 epott tWOo’n Yorry Staamor •• Wlo4*or, ’ •o#. Ifot« a *4 Infhotu < iinllu. AnJ »t ) } ut fb • or* DotroU lUvrr |U«igrapha, th© variety of advei tiMtnentv buyr number »t th* old nanks and at !©ast I>oo»r^r« lo I’O (Ha I, *«* 1 If n< t found fr* —\\ het ? Ooebfortahl* HotoDbovr Dopot ot Grand Havoc, ami iln* g*'»ieral ebsa which lorru* the com tbre* th» mi sand pnvate banker* anti ilMtv* Aft forth, tboy will bo r#«io*r-I *r»1th- ra^n*) broken, (hbar.lOel.I.m poStti*m <»1 a new»*pa|>er, he repi'at«*d it a gent \etnan te**G desinvi f1 taking unto and -penal »g©nl* will i>«* en garni in all par Ik THKTKI.KOKAl'D I INL lior<*n for PUBLIC’ r*ta»dM rnal lu ad urnrificsH tin* nigh without the least bast tat ton or tins- him c«*!f a wife. In* sen L *«. th** pat* c t f|*f» countrv n *listx>sing of them tu til© bLKKl’lNU CAltfo ON NIOHTTHa INN TSDlWupaf !• «a #au«*r« •i«-« ••• t ' ’of Tm*s fntn ’lv ©>utliliif)?*ntainrre» ff**ueldstt^Iifets r. ssuorrossfir S I Haw MO BBimiTO PAT. aad •• T*ADTH.k take. fw*opie MY OWH OAlfQfir* " *ry •tftVi*. h? ‘imply nntin( tw»> plAt«A, vhlrh Jtdetliah lluxlon. a poor, illiremte Kiigftioh sfv»eimeus si ttie »»f th* ir fast, with the Oa% SNdaat. ------^ r»;nl*l,1 I t 4 „„ n,. «f. 1 idi ({>•'*** a. How lung will it tain to AT DRTNOIT .IliKAT WK8TKRK It«tl w“ 1 ’ * leK^iut |>»m ala’iit tlm yeai iits1' wn^ sin® price** Attio:ird. Oik * lo«*t is mined at per | w«p for a.* p* 4a<* Rh <—MIOHIOAN flBIfTRAL —* k WW-«. < th.r l>.i.ir-r< «hi-t »>«»« ' **•' haps two thouoan 1 dollars th** next -nvtl!»*«t Mill the* * Iiuic / Mm l« HIIWWBM-. »y . . .. f cash arU giilaily retnarkabl© f»»r hi*» ksoflelK oi the y r.y, iMHUU IIIUUIUA N BOUTflKUM, uJ llUAKU THUNK illiktU lntr^<1 ii'fN* In th** il*^* AonallAt,u i In les^ that three months thsv PHYSICIAN A ACCOUCTHBUR, psrtVm re iat iv«* proportion* **f nuinlien*. tL«'ir js»w at ft vs** thou«tn*l ©t« >r*lin * to the mar "t'rwiVwAuKMtoKhMk. mBHUMiPrt !*«»*“**■"" « 1V||| •.. til . il md mi' no d^ubt ttian asftl (>rs amt (»n*greaaiv«* dvnoiiunat uins 1 iif ’ (. >* \\1< *: * I'.• tUIV} lit)'ft '• f i)\ ■« 1 " * - Oflo aad lUflUtfA. LA CfiOSSK HAl’INk * * It It A (I* i, WATER All w* **a r .r * *u i* t »iry »• o * h tn o.tUi if Moiffs) is ehosm *he i< a M It D^rk iMTint applied th© whole fore© ol In** mind, ami un>| * *», * i ••■. hi .• ’ ter. An ndon phvstcian, writr M. V. BROWN t < %#v ior r II to sub HA Stir A CTUJUSR U’(,il|tl ''** . » V4J i*er to the I/oitdoft Times: h , »* a K ■ii*'I tu (ciki r / bus fulfilling; th** lost?uctiuna of iii it. ©veil vuil UCN t lofl IV. d .iif 1 rn >►-© a simp'O, sale an*i aocen' acnU* JBIjM him R4WI.B ot -nostlv desires that AMD MlklB IR ill b\ t it© i iinpany t . -, ,y ♦ i »• r. •. ' Ufi| 0f MU Mr. V\ mdcu, wh pfN-sc an (o> well a* th© l N'll tnfliB* ! l.i a |(. nil i, miKill t ipiyi»h fdi■ •*• A I \ | a u ri • of th* ’ whoT I snt , n*iv* ni trtOi© wnieit T>rtain r I. 8NAWL8, BALMORALL AN! NOOP . of CBOsSsa cooat j ta . » «ih#M 1* ns #rerv <■nportnnltv «MA tlAfli rtf gave the product hy IlH'lmai m i a I mo ifivaHably sar \] v tw caialal Ntad«rtf Ibem •nt a * r'> if iM/B^ ihrotufh shsatit ixmfosbntnni u nnr •efiifci the uivnof) wav I le wae t ben and swallow it at tn# dr night , then ti< ki< L i • s RCADT RAOr U.ATHINR k it audibly, tftaut ins method imgiit fjw f tbe throat with a feather or tin the nearest r ns it' Iiani or lianAtr*. . 1W0. (sttAl 1 WAtHfiR Strops Hi J Oft nh admit o% n II** »H*v:an mil III pi ving bite b\ nmff* on iiiuk *, I H‘ SI i*pt so si* fo pvodtte© von\itmx Afterwarris IXffPKfWS ready mad# or mad* w» ord#r also rd • : tilt' In* airam multi rom Iwipiaml is a 1 aplander , aUHASiS. ahrsp la roodt aaa# ta all aad faaral# will) I >f » M | I ICC* flnnk (reels' of milk mvl water, and nef©at Tv k m in inn M icStfran should i IIMi JUT-CANH paid for aey qiasip of H ATS A N I> C A P! pi te* i nvi(mind pr**duct I *,ca a 1 the vnuittiif sbi a« to II orvmc ilv wash out then a man ■tack WrInhi MNI craenry L«v*, 1.4 (If K* ‘ 1NI> mnrr't , toav b fultMi witfi safety, but w*da SI . Jofoaa, Jaaaary tX. 1*44 • l/<) In fort ||| ii it l«* n##l^1 rt ♦ < li'Br * IK whnah fnoaiitord i thv> srrtn #flV>fT tbu IMfOt !l#v j m* «* *' *• ''I i N- muitipneare mnl 1 iplie*I bv 3Ah #^ It rttuaiti* g^LLT Hud FLOUR, rHll'w fBKf* Iff* ff/1. 1 ’ * > Bril that the narfftt*^ are eveepted Milk © ar ^ ^ ^ji, SO* t*> ln^ Kftoa# ©d tben-fore to multiply this ov 7©. which rnuT') ' j ■»!«;..*-*? -Xi ^ ,41 ‘1'K <|T>' " TirvsoquentI\ he iu*v©r f IV for lu* oootv he effected by inuUipiy mg (th«i ptv*- protailv if folkyw#*d Hy ro«tmtin* doet of tbe mtilUpbcsud muitifd»e*i »iy u.) Cut tbn uut lor AM M atSMT prmorrMtkem. A Ka 4* 15 bttug 75 Thw pn» Twr onfVer tbe kourl th© harder the wefk of a mtaupwan asys Th© bull I^USARS. «r all kaa#R, itaet iwsug v-4,*J!Nk h© sMsi tn I3U,N(JD, I* Oisfo#* H*m/' h< ha* got rtdT t bv "tvoK a dirtv shift f* ra*T 1* whi h * an Die vmdttpftteaTtd muittpftwsj bv dnvfiur aurthing »nt

    i Mwqfljk'BfltoMfStaiTH : —Think tlw radpreaC jtor paper afa would flkv to Miii aoHwtkifll tkaVorriteoy, I tha St JoSS UShi So., wbtah m yow flflRnaNy by tbo way of - (iraad ta# Ml. on Hi domIMen over which ren dered such great sppotai IfttftlM to llavra, MUwmIoo , Cbicagu, tbooco to Qaia- eunbuata a* far a* lire water would |iermit. U> mmM in lli«ally of while it held Capt. Aldan aie both being fitted up for r, Mi, lt#$. ol 11 t)cM, cy HU, m tbo Mtaob olppi river, whore too The army puabed up at t lie oaaae time ua Mr tit Mtltof MUlMlIlll BfMl swap over the national capital. Maryland emaoed and teak tha Hannibal and Bt. Jneepb them, they broke <*avnp am! de (lie right and left leulu flf tbe river. Aftar service. The Hartford will probably go to bo of tba Winnai Coort anti two to it; Kentucky wor parted, tbeduat off tbeir feet. From i aounding aad buoying out tb« middie aound Brasil and tha Brooklyn to tha Meat In ­ Ualvtbly railroad, arrivtag at Bt. Joaep ii Mo., Humlay GOLD-BEARING ng m tfei* wiakod robolHon U| Mtemari wee ready to lay down information received here we cuitciudod to at Dig laland, 1 auoooeded in getting the dies. BONDS. May lkh, thanao by ateaaabaat up the a nogr route juat ope n ed loot spring gun b oala over and opened fire on Fort itU It Is sso MmSI* fott aerry that the Supreme Court tion. ,? The farthest that the framers of the ing, and as a matter of course we considered .. ____ . ... ,_ ,_ . .. ! the enemy h line, lbt fort roarvindod with its usual bom bait, that Jeff. Davis has tb# tOst lu n |»r1n Umtip, wm rn>. It ts. It tMMirj to dedarc the law un- tbe euemy>. better*., known by ui n tb, tll|w or -foor Mhotv 0l|t W|ut Xnced. Chicago Convention in I860 dared go was to junudves good for all tbe Indians this side game in bit own hand#, etc. Tb# Duke of frost ; hot at the same time we “ Rooeeneek;” neitber of tbe cmu.lt ie*. liow- j TUw morning we heard that Don. Terry pronounoe against the extmsion of Slavery of tbe Bongo. Nothing transpired worthy j ever, ore from Clinton, but perhaps known i witttn their work* and tbe road wm dear Nortbtambcfiaod Is dead. Cmflbml the Judges acted in good faith, and r J I S SSSU 1SWSI W W i«vWS U % MU w Viullr m m* fly VVUi POPULAR LOAN OF TNE PEOPLE. over the virgin Territories. And oven in of note on tbe route, until we reached Fort by noma of your readme. Tboau* U. West-1 to Wilmington The Montauk could not man is not expected to recover. ao right to iaspogn their motives. ttwe tam ss^soo miu .nsm , rue wtn assuming that extreme 44 radical ” position, Kearney, nave tbe meeting of a few begging t am of Co. D, from IIitl«dal«, the shall pas* acroM the shoals without lightening, wh£ Much excitement oxists in New Ori was a woik of itonie labor. I had the plraa- p rsWUy bs 4Uf — S sf vUWs lias a*ai##se#1 IV wo me going to have a court of liml de* ^ party in a measure, was thrown on the I’awmm , who arc supplied with papers for in con sequen ce of the publicity given to and ing through both thighs, I cannot ;«ovs unj Df placing the Hag on Fort Strong. At mkmm tbs asle* will mm*M ibls#ly (osswil loyal sod liberty loving citiaens, I defensive. Three-fourths of all the speeches that purpose by the white tattlers along the uimotteetf the touching scene which closed nttatn to day we all tired a salute of //» guns, exposure made of a secret society, having a as bs* vstfbrwriy Legislature, are bound to re* were devoted to establishing the fact that route. One paper read in this wise : “ This l* hi# noble career as a soldier, realixing hi* this Ix-ing the anniversary of Waaiiington ’n l*crmaurnt organisation and regular meetings. tlosa Is other He ammo, or olao the otyect for which it was not intended to interfere with the is slim, a very gor4*r tbs I citlass* of •rmej * ----—- rriltn of “ peculiar Institution ” where it legally ex ­ if he finds nothing to take; his mouth is follow, hi# last moments were passed in D. D. ItilirKR. HMr Admiral cent developments prove it ruled by Con ­ of the Legislature seta a liad and ToQIJwn IVr'Ito. Jtor/Un off lou N m r, lb* cove try mmy b* §WoiM IsrUIUe* br tsblag tb* isted. What a change in four years ! Tin* fitted up for cold victuals. Please give him bidding comrades good bye aad in earnest federate sympathisers whose object is to get and reflects with lud Wu captured over do pu'ce* of artlllcty, )**•» tb# NsIImsI ttosks, SIMs Bbefca, north lias licoome abolit ionised. The people, some. Signed, Paul Jonaa, Col. command ­ prayer, his list message being to his father, political power and thus to protect scces- the Republican party of Michi* 700 prisoners, a considerable amount of cot­ Usskrr* tbrse*bsel lb* eroebry bsrsBsesmUy who a short time since scorned to be called ing. ” Tbo Pawneea are a remnant of a onea that he would meat him in the 4tlietter land. ” sionMts in that city from their just deserts. s potty, we hove prided ourselves ton and other atorea and releasctl 4fi0 or .ri(X> lo rssairs «afca*r1ptloM at psr. Hab*rr1bw will u Abolitionists/ ’ now glory in the name powerful tribe and are at peace with every William Cartwright of Co. F, from Ionia, The N. Y. HtrM pqrrbh advices from strictly to law and order, but starving Union soldiers. The only stand (bslr ewe *c*e4s, fte wbeea they bet* mSAkm Prominent Statesmen who have all their liudy but tbe Sioux, and they never meet received a shot through the left leg, shatter London are that tbe pirate ram 01 us tee had called upon to witMM a total di.ro made by tb# rebel# after tb# capture of Fort wbseely aes to b* reepoeelbl* Wr tb* deHrevy ef tb* lives long fought the battles of Slavery, are except at s funeral. At Kearney a Pawnee ing it below tbe knee, tha severity of the pot into tbe Bpankli port of Perrol. Having of tbo deliberate dodaioo of a court of And#r*on waa in a strongly intrenched line steis fbr slUcb they rerslrr now in the van of the army of Freedom. It chief came into camp and asked for a piece shock and excessive bmrnorhage rendering met with considerable damage in the Bay of dwHM,. We hare ruaaon tv bo- four miles below Wilmington extending at * is as unpopular to be considered a Pro-Sla­ of bread, in very good English, at the same Ida recovery exceedingly doubtful; the lat­ Biscay after leaving the French coast the JAT COOKE. gen tl—en who voted in the af right angles from the rr er on either side very man to-day as it was to be considered timo showing himself a Master Mason. Of ter, sSerg't M. Rhoole, Co. II from Saginaw. was considered a failure. Tbe United States and on the main land west of the river. Rciicwnun wtu aa atcavu by lbs * y* 5**^*' rcc#'* c * a ‘'Uarrieon Abolitioniat ” ten years ago. course ha got the bread. Hare we laid over Yesterday cheering was almost constant Their defenses wvre behind Silver Creek, steamer Niagara and a French steamer bad Flrat .Naltseei Ueek sf flWell. rebuke from then several con But if tbe change in public sentiment at the four days, until joined by Richmond and Fox, ly resounding along the lines, expressive of flanked by a large awatnp end impassable, goiHi to intercept her. The new rebel pirate Haase# KsHsesl Nssk sf Petrelt. north i$ remarkable, it is still more remarka­ of Greanbush, and that made a train of the satisfaction at the lata victories haling in front u large in *ms*. On tbe Ajax saijed from England some weeks ago, first XsUeMi lisek of Gvee# ble at the South. Maryland is to-day inon- twenty wagons for protection against tha which the invincible Sherman baa given. — firal NsUsesi Used ef I eel*. In Bsflasd. in*Ttn ug of tbe ifidth an adwnee upon the and three others would shortly sail. One anti slaveiy than New York ; MUaoun is Indiana; for we began to hear frightful The deep, sullen roar of cannon, at regular of the rrliel steamers named Herrolet*, in First NiIHvm I Resb of in Bngtand are generslly rebel rifle pits wa« made by troop* ix?mg Uaaoe# NiUonit Beek of I* more “ radical * ’ than Illinois ; while Ken stories about the depredation*committed by intervals, on our right, announced the reccp mi the cotton of the confederacy, thrown out as skirmisher*. They supported Ulyde, wa* alxiut ready. Viral Xatleesl leak sf Poe Mar. tucky calls loudly for an amendment to thi* them between Kearney and Laramie, there tion of tbe glad tidings in the navy, while a hate in tha possession of the govern Cox on the right and Ame# on the left Mews Brevities Constitution foicvcr forbidding and abolish being no settlement# on tbe North Platts similar demonstration from one hundred «OLB PKNg pladged to the bond holders. Ita Gen. Cox crossed tbe river and made a Twenty large gun carriages have l>ecn ro* the amxiow! ing Slavery ! More than all: the heads o! route between these places —distance, 3.n *0 gtm« was made by the reserve artillery of line was estimated at hundred* of bnllhmt movement. lie formed the left of *cist t<* .Sacket'* Harbor, as a preparatory the rebel Government at Richmond an* miles. Having completed our arrangements the army. Pans te Pa»l4 tbe Prises is and It was to be delivered at prices bis line on a single approach through a swamp step towsrrl* defending the frontier. malt «l crawly discussing the question of issuing an a)tout the train, wo brake camp on Wednes ­ It is impcvwihlo to convey a correct ides have enriched those to whom to the creek, and bavin;, secured old flat The Uhilsuelphia |MM»plc are mad at the edict of Emancipation, offering Freedom to day, June 1st, and rolled out, leaving civil of the morale of (lie rtd*el army caused by The Beet Sold Peas ia tiu Werld But recent events have UiatN, he commenced 'o throw bts troop* horse railroads fir charring seven cents lire, torrtbie havoc with this coveted wcuri | bUck wl,° win ,ftke «P •»» in ixation in tbe rear. Wo made twenty miles thin* Auccoaae*. Notwithstanding 1/e* i* On rreetpl of fbs fsUswtfie iveM.w* will • ky ftcros*, while the enemy were resting in amLmostly go afoot now-a- days. per day for the first four days, and went calling to his deserters and stragglers to ro mall, or aa ra*« Willi good srHIss) i*«Xnta elihnagh lTi#y ate eowe* * He wss an ugly looking coss-touirr. and \%e , qusit. r» During tlw ni*ht of th* 20th ult rantc.i rih I eaiiiH/l Is akchaDged- tha Ooufederatc loan in England ^ i the past four years. Tbe Pngitiro Slare law idtiiself of hut two killed and IX) wounded, IMacards with 4 |**sitivrly no smoking/' h guard over him and kept turn in camp ! lUtrfeesi, n»< moo** a Captain, arrived at the sunk m lew as the prospects of the reliellton ha » bean repealed. The enrm* r%( nMn.«#ll. aro postcxl about the oil wells, warning WABRAXTED 00LB PBH8. until morning. Ho begged to lie allowed 1 office of the l*rov*>M Matxhal of this dms lie kept up pursuit, and hail not total datk to bo sought after even by ing has been wi|mm1 out in the Distnct of finr naaaa( Amih«'ii Osi.s Pa* Co, N T ,) l# MMi has owed ih *** intervened, the whole rebel force on visitors that they tread on dangerous ground. ('olutnbia. Three Slave States have procti to go on his way ; but wo could not think !>«*>, ••• taking refuge under «iei». Grant's i suutofMMl on all out 1*1 «ye«ni% l*ri«e aiul ih* petn»e tha sympa th isers with treason. There is that Mile w<»ui«i Imve been captured. (’otintit felt fifties on the Ware ham ( Mas* ) i arc H«rrmir.l for rii ir.«Mba, SAcsfX againat sec • of leaving so distiuguikhed a guest on the ;,,rdvl “* pardon awl rinpl. ■> iiient. J irt t Onr mntip osaiivy IVue are vtsiaps# Til K to save the Confederacy from bank rally Income free ; while the greatest tri* Bank an* in circulation ; alto five liandn d* Numerous executions take place in tic- Tin* N. V. HrlM i\ \\ ilrnmgtoti c«*rrr*f>on - N .‘i'I’ION A t, »*KS witli l)is< (nUiala »*f cur firm A aad repudiation. Even if .ucccm Iu I urapb of all—the edict decreeing tbe death first day after his ap|>caraucc among us. Tito on t :rc Lourtli National Hank Boston. iti P Ce..iMte*afeear*faMy issdr. hatlitg lba rams van »iis oor|h of the army, ptinri|ially for let ice isjsa ’arge numl>er o4 l nion pnsoiu-r* I Ainarflni hotlli) i>na (he <*niY great .1 if their independence, the Con of Slaver)* throughout ail the land — ha- just c;uard coaxed him to stay by krofang lx? At Cai!*• tiidalc, Illinois there sic thre** frr«*nsc Wuif in the* qm uy of 1 <|.»M tween him and hi* with a revolver Uutntv jump ug: tie* jK*nalty t In were released by the capture of tbe place. States could never psy their cnor l>een pronounced by the National Congress tin Id Psaaa, lac and 4# qnalliy In XallU in hi* right hand. He was allowed to tic , 1 bey were confined in Camp l^uub aU»ut | cotton gin' mi ofn'ration, and all have l t*<*u debt ; but u they will b« whipped in And Jct t,1«rp w,»° complain that ‘Top* s end/ One of thr^** ftct*ne* i* t<». 1411 vat Katana Ion (ears, wllli Paiaella. part at daylight the next morning, and as ;i i one mile from the city. Their treatment «*uxi *• nee f ho beginning ot the season. aad m our own government *rc moving too slow ; who find fault t-onw *»ff on Friday next> to witnee«* which. Korfi G» a No. 1 pro Ui 4or ft No 3|er* 34steal. Another *tiangc tiling rum* t*» jw*-, Jl" llia!*.' * 5 *' ’n ' r' iM 'I’u' waa of a tiHist brutal character, and for three mate a debt contracted by tnu *>ccauM> the (lovemment don't adopt Midi hat. brought iiiontlil) to Southampt(Mi Irom tlw• | b'nrjt'J'* a No .( pro lei rjoef’ly ora No 4 pan 4| qaai while in camp here, abmii noon on Humlay j from t c line?* n* rder* d to ii*»*einble. (fay* prcceiling the evacuation they had not V 40 a No l pen lei •|esltty • r a No A repudiation i« ineviublc. The diaap c‘entl >' "rtgonm mcaaurro agaimt 81a ( ap** »d <»iHxi H»»pc by the mail ;iackets. For $4 -V» a N«» S pro I et <|tial1ty,ov m No. S pan 3d q*mJ A beau til ul lady n>dc in U* (•amp on n fine A very imp*rt:int order, to l fi«»se who reec-irrd a iiHMithfnl to cat, he <'ittr.cn* K.t $4 30 a No. 0 pri. Iai «|umnty. of those who have kept the re- j very Every ham ami storefoxise in Belfast, Me., dapple gi*«y. made directly for *Sq tit re Tri | ip. have !**>t fm-iid'i here i* alt-.iif In-ing C< Ii had f-ndearnred to feed them, but the Iihm ! J Holuted him with a kiss, waved her hand Tits saner UoM Pena, lee Holtel BIKrsr by tbeir gold, will i>o deaerved. j At tiii: ('oxrrsstoNAi___ John Bull i. at xiimtnated u .r* » , th-tAncv the dlS wn* taken nwsv by the officer in charge 1 i' jacked «ol»d with bay, not only on the 4*tol«f*l9laiCa OraL. Haidar* gracefully at the rest of ua, and departed moved to do what they haw 1 the oonfe**ional. He make* n clean breaat interim ut <»t the n mmih of all tho*c who j 7 he)* pre*cntcd a most sickening *|> ‘ctaclr. wliarw-*, but in the surrounding *abur)*s. by their hatml of tbo Union of it, admit* that he hat behaved abahhilr with tlic speed of the ^Ylmi not one of u* I |iair(. (ai)<* n wi-it btined near the lines, tl . # Kor$33Sa N%».3|»:» :*t«|uAMiyt„r a No 4 psnfdfOAl. knowing who a Iu - was, nor fn*!ti whence she itV a^ajjj t>urie«l ncai the field hospital, in many of the.n having ix*en rvnilered idiotic (Ivor Otic thousand applications for pet- Kur #*4#* No. 4 |MM Isl^asUi) I»r a No.4 pro *< ptn 14 tjuel. aa bp tbair lore of gain cam# until this day. Our “great medicine enclosure selected l«»i the purtaWt-.porpda It and forgotten their own names. tin »n imprmcmcm* m impfcmenta of war, hor$400a No /ij*an i*t< riai.ty ior |» So • N«> : in spite of them, and they will ih well founded. Earl Huaacll, in a speech —IlfMlgc—sard it waa the guardian angel of beve been tuedo ft Waabingusi since I860 t‘#n- For $r> :4a No s pan. pw $iv ou will lx- imptoMble to idintify ill, but there A \ irkahurg correspondent sar* di«patch(*s n # %(r , • No. It pro ; ad dr*t«te*M«y the St. .lohns Idaho f ompany ; but lie ^vaJ^ NV||| )H. mam wlto*« friends in future \ t'Tr>. » a dollar of the money they on tbe opening of Parliament, mention of from Dick Taylor ’s army, declare there is no fof. l. i.. Quinn of New \ ork skated Our peiti rahk ihrna* hrit ibsroevitry m aqa*) If The secuiity which they totik winch wa, made by ua la*t week, made th« kno wn to lx* partial to sniritualtan, sn.l not . m;iv lllkVr t hc ,>n *f actjon of n-tmoving tbe allnil the waywav from SfSt Paul. Minn to Omncv ! «u>i #aaarl<*rrosen-T to am > E-oldkom panspro* rasaufastmam>r*at«red• rad NatN#i roon |* lislf the men Ixrlta'ed it. When j (,f t(,«• ij- Itiavrlv fsllrtt, to :i intention <»n the (*tt of the rebel auth<»ri ...... t *c t>n»y for thair wHUr** <|ma !»Mro Mil darabllUy and failing into the hand* of the Union important declaration that England had in BWffi ______more loial 111 , a distance of 850 miles in fourteen day*. I #*4aH Ths irrrotroi aarais uaa«l m iter Squire Tripp i* queftkuied alxiut it, he and genial atmosphere. tics to aliandon Mobile. That ritv has a( Miamif*rtnr* nad ••»»«* araauld triih lba allfhtaal or is being given to the Uames by *ome reaped* grossly departed from tbe looks• offW* intoi_ 1 space,__ _ _ a la 44 Rob_ i. _hi A A1 A mmI. ” • T lie largest London maker of lucilcr irnftarfroiUHt whirl, skill Mn dalasi. For -ctcral ilays wr* have cnjorpil the j ways been a depot of arm.* and milita^v ma Who have pledged it for the payment spirit of ntnct neuUlity ; while the l*mdnn seye nothing, an«l keeps eaymg it. hor the «ia\ w< iivli nn J‘» accKiem or \>v ( , ( iratbcrt'd *«*ng- ‘tt I \ BWgge#t | _ ____ A, . _ 0 000,1X10 matches and 3,000,MX) wax vistas incident worthy of note. On the third wr plies recently taken to Selma formed no 1lmb#r, court# or tin# who have fnrniabed the smew* of war rebeta, acknowledge* that the stay of the too that tin* constant rvadint-*-* ot the arni\ per day. passed Pawnee Springs, end found a large guv emergcncx* may product* an uerly j 1*^ ^1 the armament and storm intfisird To Club*. to rebels against tbe beat government the rebel pirate Rappahannock " dtaalesM a very train in romp, from whom we learned that campaign, In Leominster, Canada West, a young A (flarosal of 12 [>er rent, will baalUrwd a# SM# Sn .mi Mn ii in an for use in Mobile. Tha rvlxdi l*eli<*ved that ...... *tf *i».$14 irtf *aat*eat lo on# addraaa,*44i #4 ana Usaa , ltperasai gross abuse of our (British) neutrality by a man had lx*cn killed by the Indians and girl vvlmgavc birth to three children is un- |on#*A4 xip#r c#sl on#40 iupon. 5tlma will be assailed soon, ami arc trying dome person or persons unknown/' It add* mas buried a few miles ahead. It wit said News llrevltle*. mall, Rsai9TS*ai». *r* at #«r by s*mf that lie was killed in a quarrel bv to pot it in good defensive condition with r>*k T«» all who #n«ioa#$s etnd «nr» for ragtekat- Poor yean ago, a Hebe! ('on that 44 tbe acquittal of the defendant, Mr. C’aliro balls arc “ the fashi<»n in Maine. pail. Ifitr wf mirtnlM ib<- *Af# tbllrrry of i: # arria cing lor South Carolina, declar by the men in his train. To aetiefy our out weakening Mobile. Circular* a.' all oar nr* M>i«a. with Sn«r«ri*f* sf Humble, only prove* that in the opinion of tiist ha wss WiUad »>y tbo Indians, wo Tbe Krcrctt .Uluc tun«l sniounU t<> y2M,- The rebel army is being supplied with rSACt Alas#. And prtraa, aaal aga«« rroaIpt af aiaaia. if heretofore existing be Wo learn from rebel sources that Grant Caalcad Pro# potato! fa SOaaaia. in mall. the jury lie was the tool of others ; it doo* took the Uxly up and it wm examined by 1 417. masted peanuts. These arc ground up and Hrirtotiii and .1 kwium ara mg■ salad to aarraa tbe State* of North Dr. Tibbits of Towneend ’s train. Thai | is massing his troops on the extreme right tmmwI with aaaavra oaa oflbr I bam sasat iseees- not in the least degree nesative the fart Tbo new rharlcstown (Maaa.) water need in tbe piece of and for tbe lack of MAMTS. tedtaaohed," and that “ the State arrow ’s head was fomul in hia Imdv, stick- of the rebel line, probably with a view to that a flagrant breach of the Foreign Enlist w V works cost &f)*N,o74. coffee. Addraa* ___ of Bench Carolina has petHrncfi her petition ing fast in a rib on the left aide. The arrow tin* posse ssion of the South Side Retired. ▲■B&XGAlf OOLD FD 00, The Susquehannah Hirer is, in many The ladies of Honolulu. Sandwich Islands, merit act was committed/ ’ Among the entered the right side, cutting one rib off Gena. Cook and Kelly, who were captured, n**-*m. No. too Broadway . ff. T Asmslions of Ou world.” Whcro \% and pausing directly through the heart to} places, frosen to the bottom. nave contributed nearly 82,000 for tbe revelations brought out on the trial was a few days ago, by a rebel raiding party, pUOUATB benefit of tbe United States Christian Corn jl or cunion.aa.--~ At s aaaataa af tbs tight Indians armed with riflea at a distance have arrived at the Libby Prison. bai# Caatl far lba aaamby af QMesen tmtCaa at ila sf a Federal force, her chief an English hart*or bv an English Government tatc will be divided among the heirs. mission. Probata (NNtin I bar lltamaaf $4. Jdlm* aslbebe dty in tbe bands of the 11 vulgar of ten rods than with bows and arrows. tbs let** day of Jammajp, la tba yarn eeetlmmamd tug. commanded by an officer of Her Maje* That night we doubled the guards and slept The Female College in Pittsburg, Pa.f hail ubnmal nmwm. There wa# just three days difference in i atfit aad alaly-lf* Mr territory overrun by invading la lba a) tv's Navy and Her Majsaty’n Naval colors luit little; notwithstanding, we made an attendance of 375 last year. Robert Lincoln, sou of the President has tbe ege reached by Daniel Webster and k principal ntiaam “ fugitive tram i fluttering at bar stern ! And tbe scandalous time and arrived at Fort Laramie on Hetur Ex-President Buchanan reports his in reported for duty on Gen. Grant ’s staff. Edward Everett at tbo time of their respec ­ Mary N. Tytsr, Mtw day, June 18th. Hero we laid over to re­ Cl dafybr, daaaaaaa ! spectacle was witn essed by hundreds of tive deaths. (4a cruit our teams, write and receive letters oome for 1804 at flll,lll. The rebel Con gressmen at Richmond am British officials and private citicena. That from borne. While here in camp we were According to the laat census there were l»eginniog to skedaddle—probably to bunt A piece of land was recently sold in Bos­ there waa collusion I*tween rebel agents visited by a terrible hail storm, the like of 15,0U0 deaf mutes in the United States. up ‘‘ that last ditch/ 1 ton for 892-30 per square foot, 827.30 mom Now AJVD Thbm .—When, four years ago It ta and those wearing tbe uniform of British which 1 never saw litfore; a worthy Catholic It ri reported that Coburn and Msec, the The N. Y. fleralef* City* Point correspon ­ than enough to oovurft with American dol- day of at 1 saa com pa I led to succumb to with us crossed himself and bowed his head officers there is no more doubt than that pugilists, arc to have a prixe fight in Canada. dent says tbe first lot of negro soldier* cx fap. f Carolina insurgents, Gov. Piekem humbly to the G« m1 of storms. Fort Laramie ielemusd ia tbe sun rists in tbe east. We are glad that is situated on the Mouth bank of North The Smithsonian Imtitution figures up changed during 4be war, arrived on the 22d When Mrs. Jeff. Davis saw old Mr. Blair t,t once boasted that he “ was born la llwvUlai* af Si Englishmen are hegining to get ashamed of Platte and has about three down mud 820,000 dsmsges by the ffre to the building. One of Dopeut ’s powder mills, neer Wil she threw her arm# around hia neck and to fear''—delivered a congratula say ihme M wdUapncrifll the part they have played in the American covered bouses, a few better onea and some Nickel cents ere so plenty in Caned# rbst mington. Del., exploded on tbo 2&th ult. kissed him. Jeff, re find to negotiate, after BatUagtaatad. Aa# ti lafWvther three hundred soldier#. The country to the Charlestooians, in which controversy. It lias lieen most unjust and nwretents won ’t toko tbres at any pr*«« I killMf thtvr of tkf operators that. af tha lietween Omaha and Fort Kearney is the thsemk Vy unmanly. All tbe moral weight of a great best 1 ever saw for agricultural purposes. The Governor General of Canada content Tbe blockade runner A media, is lying a A bill has paeeed the Legislature of Rhode hrtobtaaUmadln 14 ktsv© humbled the flag of the I mte»i Empire ha* l»een thrown in favor of a con That l>etween Kearney and Laramie is not making a visit to England in May wreck, 0 rode* from Yelaeeo, riddled by shot Island imposing a fine of §100 for soil jpg ^ ^ la ^ l40"°r i sptrmey to overthrow a friendly power. so good, Ixung move broken by low next. from the United State* Steamer Virginia. liquor to any student or scholar, who is a 1 of fcnatte #. WM. m °hief Magistrate, so help ro« ’ * . A # . , bluffs and sand hills. * (A tree ropy.) these is no poorer on (hi* earth that I 'V1,* n ,b< * hUto, T of (be war come* to be Gounterfeit ffs on tbe Warren (R. I.) Tbe tame Commission that convicted iiminor ■A£ZEFwTSZi SSL K B-fc-ra.-o.n-. oHfa, fVom that fortrves those tlsg*. } ro!mly stiulied, the forbearance of our gov Beall, Is at p resen t trying K. C. Kenedy, en The Kentucky Senate ban paeeed a raaoln- < aa# l set Crasaf V tfrrrf^ ^ *nd #» «fcs Tbe Mt. Albans door of «t US Atoitol at in Upper f'anada. Iho Peters — has liccn one of the most enter prising srol them came up user camp and drove off forty institution of learning to be orgaoiaed at on trial at two head of horn** and mules, and vnadej Topeka, K Heal, have i>een re fsr eight 4fcpa. says them is * young man Aiiot^Msful agents for the vartous (ifivern good i heir escape with them. The firing of hi tha# ty wbo states that Its wm an merit loam. Over fifty million dollars have the men guarding the stock, and the peculiar There has l>een a great storm in .M. M. Delaney, d nttetNMgb, n aoloro d Tba oolora rt pi apl i in Newport, R. I., of tbe deed, hut fee mi to die- lieen placed in ike bands ol tbe people yeining of the Indians swakeged tbe nasnp Madrid a sms thing quite to man, lias l*en r in a htwpKMiMd tha laqtatehire to pro i tea knowledge of It mill now. through its agen cy within nine moot be, ami and we all started in pursuit, some on foot 1 tbe oldest inhabitant, regiment of United States colored troupe tar tb* aSMataa al oatertol toMtoM to tto and others on homes and mole#. The foot A living frog, sheet an ineh logg, waa it now advertises to futnieh.the 7-30 Nolen mn soon prr oat, and ratansad to earnp (lev. Fenton hm tende red 10 it still 4 territory, bat bar by oxpraas. free of rharpa, in all parte of tbr ■ majority of tbo o Umiw loot tba trail and token fron a piece of hi teminoes coal, in tbe fttaee Ifattamal Guevda for the A Vermont paper eaya the ro*"*ter»ly paaaad raaoiutionaap country. Its object is patriotic, and the i into camp jest after noon, nearly deed , Bffe* U/o., Fa., a few days ago ing of the fort# of Bavnnnah, Oheftmten end 1 fbe high pin ef fgn* Mowing te G4«MitaManal aasandmant. If high reputation of its officer*, aa well an its with thirst, not having found any water Blood in* treasurer hm foiled, and left tbe Wilmington, hat they have been declined un t4** ***** • that dar* A petty ef the men were more I w * ar | --without4a L.---A #fonndatfoa.-----A1 tote tbe Udm. bar rota would tail .uwoownl ropr xvslkor tita unbopp) creditor rif.iiaiwtotiow af (tan a capital of a million dollar*, is a sure guaran succseeoi l. They overtook tbe Indiens Vtoy f m an emergency Ly that the 7 3fh auherrihed for through its ) ami recover ’d twenty aeren bead of the to tba tana of fitUjOOO. A tatter puWwbad tn Rtebiuond from (tan. i INteW Of Assort Jiy voted against tba A two agency will be promptly forwarded. | stock after a* sharp skirmish, resulting in Amalia I^iabart, a fltrl of flftean, waa l^<-. saya tba anmng <»f nagmsa t. not orntf ***** Ttoltlilwbd for tba idtUl reaaks in *• ^kreting to observe that tbe cap tha wounding of two or three S °5 “L „ X — E! fitf 4_ cj 3g as ms 2* Si.* = >&■ * 1 *-*5U}“ *l!*f *■ zS'mS1*** 2fc:»>£ ii zt Jjgpi w isa* I llii i« H J W -» 3 a 2 1§jUb.;H : «*

    I •" t J5 iH w m * Nt 3j* it! itlMfl| * * « C/2 5C 0 O 4 •< a a Is a r i BB - x • ■ ac « -* ! o H w o- tea 4 4 * 09 ! CO • ** GREAT REDUCTION THE PRICE GOODS 1 -lj tSC ~b IMMENSE STOCK OF CLOTHING AT NEW YORK COST PRICES. i * M 0 ! r« Ai I am bound to cIom oat my entire rtock of Winter Goods, to tasks room for Spring arrirals, now is tbs time to l


    wsjIfjl I If I: M c 1:; t z ‘^3i «- s ! - j.?;. V * • "is l*u! m Mill 1 1 Jfc Hi 1 4 I S 2- io I 2 l °«J II f = “if Hfsl* m* ' a w JJ S i

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    t ■aBBgrrtBBWPkPBBkPHMMMwsaAMMRRiwwii^»"taoS^BrERTISKlf^Ss "TOC BiLATOOTTB. MEDICAL MEDICAL LK&AL ADVERTIBEMgyTi rurn-iriei I jjggr MAHCIMIY SALk SOHENCO ly of Gllteioa, aa, TPs CirwH nus . KNABE & CO’S •OR a If of CUalOk - Th# MlgPlh ™ |yf FtTLKOKIC 8 TEUP AND — Is Osaacaar Jobn T, Jlarsed O ^uSskH, IPsk. WllM 4. I'asP, I irfWtea teaaW! : Unit Miter VKAWBED TONIC, OUEAOBS BBH1LTIIIW Clsirm 11 Its ^® an## vi a decree yf »a*4 Goart. tasks fta Bt sfPaos ! •€ 1m AID OlSO&Dms Of THE LITHE ease*, sod learu^f daU lbs gol ukf af ApHl, A. D. . *£***• u’ ■ vm Ips sd dsy nf lkCi. endelao'v Vtries tend In j.uiROSSSS of.SSOPaS* “ stutpripsar. is ' AND DXOESTFfS OBOAHB, *4US«I I Ski. 1, IPs OgristaAgasd. «lsrstristAhr>>rr,the>m< fSw»rpo ass coatt* sv Oirswii Court Uamsbam»r for tla talk ssatMy of •It «ln(isrsso/« kuu uuois. ipktsaa,i HOOFT.AND'S Ol.utste, tesd Httele of Mitehlgtes. w 111eull at suPli lerktt fre «*f thirty do«Mr».d list, lo Use Ms beet bidder, st IPs ostor ggr of tbs ■ Pugl 1 say jrstudUM U ttepss ID 8 (\iuft diMiiii, (bkoy OliiMmi Hall.I In IPs rtllags of ia«*rtgsgr Tl» ere lure. IfaAtSs U MNtSpf GEEMAS BITTXE8 , Hi. Jokaa. intbeesid neaaly, ua Wtiltisakay tPeSlP In u oof s power of sals la oB « dsy e»f Afsl! A i' IMA si I ^cioek In lbs eflss- sod IPs aAstuvs In sosb _____ Tin: UltKAT ^ritkifaTHkKIKU immsm <»f ate id *lav . the ianda sod premises dsaartPsd la sd. tPres win World at pukftr vuakus,is iPg esld dsrrev U» wit. All tPsss ptrsoa or parrots pf Mddsr, st tbs uspr dour of tpr Court piAsaroaxsa Tome. iteted tlescri W<1 mm f,*|k/we Gortemamsirp et I Po nsrts- CHaiou IUII) la Ik* v lllsgr of At. JoPari Id Rexd theiUlaakof cosunendataiT let­ «set ooreee uf (<*•« laid down so “ Skill leot.M rasid M I OIltHra msitiv, or» ksfurdaj, tPo *7th 4sy of Mm. TPaas Biturs Paws fnPiasI Mta Caras; ■ banas veost sight rods on tpe north 11 US of sold MliIII ' A U IMS, ut 1 rtPok la tpr rflrraaru, tPograralasi ters from dntiaguished Artists !*>v , tPoors si rtgpt ancltt to esld llso th OSS I riorrrtPod Is said laoftgsgr. to trt;: TWi Hava and do give Batter SUiafaetion ! hunrirod sari il Gy Test ; t Poors east otrpl io tPte Of lot aum Pot tPssr. (I.) tesd lot a um Pdt fbar, (4J ta CERTAIN AND SAFE • Uni Owll A tar- (Jmdmun : ltuoof Bill sir rot; t hears forth lo too Piaah uoraPur toortura. (14.) lytug oak PoMhW After Uvilf playeu <*n the hiaa cf Uiw*» Bata Mere Tssttteaay i glauiIsg- Also soMMoaMus tU tHosoatP rtllugr of m. I spar. YpwssPIp of USiaim IW CUM fir As«(iasslliU aai to bsws Wail of esld Bill Iasi. roniiiRw ipsooo rat og iPo rooih Gllotofi.ssd Mists of Bis I e #/ Mo e/ mpaiBMf Ik f/ MRS/ tStPir gutebtios shkk Pare asgwtre.1 ( » IIAVR MORE RRNHROTABI.R PEOPLE Iim of sold Bill Ib UuU ipriof from trfrguiortty. by i«uwviu| Than anr other Artid, tn the Market. •Itsavl ; ) Ibeoes osst right rode; I Proas SSOtP SOS Bq iImiu •pal.tlw of Ton. Tito Sms to powerfot ISw] rajs.-p-saw'”- thetbr IrrifrUftiIrrresUriiy tisrli. !®k ailk ai karokiMws. ai »4 th«* a*»p*r «*«*#• a awa* t ^ ^ . 1 baokrak sad isky Pk.tu tPa pM— wf Pagtaalog.— We Defy aajr wm te OsnuaSUet this tertl—,, Atau u«. Mo. u. ia. u. is. It m4 so. t« Bteak cor# mppseasok, bcrwitclM flk)< «l«at ia4 tMiiiMbi.iuftt ui>‘ilaf, IctifpialM lloti ate.i ] w.i nut t.es.Ui r rnpreao lo re/ont u» a el ate mmr ■ ■ ■ m e w, A g ^jate twelve, ell In lb# vllPfk «f Otrld. aoaaly of (Jltatoa, AtsW VvlLli iAI klwBB ritaiavf MHhlftu. rik4 prs)tirly sill la mM In las ty uf Cllotua. rr.~At s rnln o€_ They cure Green lickotM (CliofOeiek. th«te* BOieteia b.jf . Illtfr SAtiafA- ti>>*< Alai They cere Nereotia »*•*! .Kpmol AfrtUm*, ■ separala per rsde ths Alt if property In one per eel aak Court fur tPo osaulp of Ollatou.Palkuuut l*. r ,Afe that lh« ) AT* e*|tiai .f .,»#Tavern 11—#• proparty la aaaAPsr wasaal —tlalak lirnuxn, fkpm on ■Petit eseiitona, f\itpnfiird by us, that is nut jfumttu. Kebrnsrylo |SRi. ANTHONY IUOOK. f BrPiuaij, tatPuirw uagf ____ U > » i ll>* 14W*1 * r»«krat- rl »%|rfr lost afltr raevvfrtci from Ountaaplloo, utauty tf III ljuwMfm >f .grrlii, //f*/er.,t, .Wit ’ L. Rf* HOT1trftl.UK. Cl mail OsutlOsaaPkMa, Cllaton Co . IfllsP. JfroHrAi, firkin n, iU , ric. In n «or4, i.y t«. sgt*. Below l« e llkeosss of him as i.e now nppoors. G. T (lnBLir,lMf fir OaMpn. inkAw. ■OOTLANO’R Uariu- K-iC' Dauat^s-^ *K .Jsst------wimombb aoufioc ip /teosPrAf, the* romert ta» oa « Jails* Baasr 4 lo. C PIssga—f#V**v.r When tbs Itrat wee takoo he uelgtvd 107 pouuda. sad with !t *f r tP^ «tbst sprtuf frnm 1t. fill eg I t >teat»l< r HllNom Kiiabr A Oa’i l*ru*i-»- (iERMAN BITTER 8|t>8S52J52 PUBUICATIOH. - et«tr af duly vrrtMg^fk jMtiirr, Dlirloo fJotftpooe'l r f a4mt>(<* TrfrUtilr ritru d, they st tbs prsssbl Urns hia weight la XSu pouad# untyr of Cllutoo.ss Clrrolt Coart ■»*&.* • *>iitaun nothitirf deleft« • iueo to any « t>it,uiaik>a, the me perfect In us* , •*<•«•» «*inif>r in tbs f* fur uur t burst u art forth, that •f H^lrttR, Laifitr. 8*tt it WU.L. Ota It KVKUV OAMK Ot for tho Rlgbtb .JuJlsisI .... Oirauitmmmwmmmmw— ,*Ik vwww,.Uatioiif. I + ^ ^ . , ------however drllcsla, tbclr fanfiion brtnir to aet-MtiuU? tatla.l th/rr*- the w*R vAlurole as»4 r«wn ti^i i< t Kmirt * f pue*>r • au^rM *">f l**».a. ana kllhu Ot4ui*teoi» nascupirlhteot. rs JtMurr If . Bbsb ^ urlatu Pwmglug to all U#r tbe IllMllrf ftlM()MI. •Uruglh for weswncM, wtdeh. When \ rofurly uord, Tbadroe Stic kola, Daniel Cogswell sod Goargo W. .\J[#r*JfK*n J1 !• wfri#rod,TPaA y n« i „l a< c . y. 1 l»e Ua** <«>*••»*.* ^ i» »*• Chronic or ffervtraa Debility, thrt nr err foil to «lo. ia< ». Modants In this rauaa it appearing by »IR or Murrn uott, st 1 o cloak In tPo------— 1 listed frnvaoy ihq iff portlo* coti pms Aiul t s« uc , and the r i.utes They utoy be* asfeir uar.l ol oisy ape, »n«i at Disaaiaa of the Kidneys, and that IPe »«i(t defendants. James II. Wash. I For i be brsrlug of rskt pMlttou.rokIktt tpg A clt ATSeoa sir«( n<. bora* of to tee M'kknn at •lavit mat in*, -a ftlttif on appetite soy per io*l.o*t cri i*tk»OM rno piast inoon «»mm. Tbeletta Hllok»ee hu U DanielJsnlol Utigsvsil,it net u> Pr al law of arid Minor, auk all dtidnr ^hlrli th** enfbfftor nsluef cf their srflou Ui'inl In > **« I istrtiinrnii Tint tvisrls «e Diseases arising from a It up pmmmhpMm. found within the PrlllwIcL of ths HbsrtfT uf »il4 tutors stud iu raid aaiaiuh u «d rtkaBuk MnAMg would tafslllbly ritriM prrfnonrv. ti^lo-i aypt'*ui pAiticu.a/iy ayi • r^tdc, ami la, iu | r**p *rtiei»atr AJ. pdatJ n n ft * ta *r«te4 *ndi' Disordered Stomach. r.ejAvy, and that tbstr rorideiies cm not be _ . ( .tit # aasaioaofsold ooarl, I Imu/buhoidaautlgKa. kitirn ait teteatlkeallf pro- pp* All lrttr>ra aeekitti Informoliun *-r akilce will In tbevlllsjrsof upon ill Man ifklurw * Thv lftUat!u> U«4i uf Obmrr* tkr following Sgmp/n motiona v»fherwhv U Hiri«tP*Ml, ordari of «slk paBaSaar «r 4 ate Mlt #f a fart b« (ironMlr, freely on*J liaricvtly ananefeO. tPura_Pa, wpy tpe peager of *sld run iiirri*iioni eldi boa 4 ,, *»• V**-i -»4 t,» i>.» Vt. t.«» rr** 4te,1 * new #-«, comptrlAoul ft 1 ia Mud col ctrchv, Mi*1 will ikJbUlrat ervao Dioonirri of ?hr fhqt*tiv? Oman*: feeriiMHa. lama* II.II ItoeU.IfusA. TbsdsosThadeoa MMsPuBHMskuB amri i •Puohl uU Pe filstB Ask 11 ia fmrtpsr oritasak l*r ■« * ft per iwt, or «u ioaee for M. kAau uf tbs puoduuap tfapd PuartagiMartua* ■cut by moil, tree of fwonge, ou receipt if y e ur »(Toda eilh tie ewiinrni asccraa you »u PScitrl (’ogawell c »um Ihslr rpnsirat t to htrtttlrr * . ^ *w rt M-, Iuer,•. ti rr ti u!y jh *r*. (^itnatfprtlun. Inward FMae, ^rtlln r>T %Uo f Mr Xiisa ie lb the rvtontssh, h*mr kiueisllotis. Hlak- Pare brr* (taftt mosi ths IHII uf Complsiut A ltd in •hi. emittun u 1 *~4 m.£V***'*"***»i ot 43 liberty HI., New York, Proprietor* eerrv-M k - . aar.i* . «**. hial . 4% i • ... Iiik or Klrtie*tnD *1 the !*lt of th# confessed by the said defenderuu. Akd It ta furl Pur , .. ___ wM. HiCKIld, Jukgu uf ftVgpt kp tan nilasl apiftwia, la uwm . Ma BALATHAr Rk>msch, Hwlnnslug of tho llssd, Ordered That within twenty days t hr said nmpleli ( a trau copy,) r ilurrte«l end Difficult llrorth ant cause a copy uf Ibis order to he puldlebed In TPs ttt rogaWlr Toole pvaprftlca la lev Khilter itiir at tb# DR. WRIGHT’S Mm. KuiW A (o. (ifnt/etnen C!int*m ItspnMican a new sf.apcr f.rtnte*l In ssldeouo- OkTUAUR MAlsK.-Dartuit Puf Im Puus Heart ChoklrigorMuf- (irtap Ua abate na> t have yreot pirAAur** In c« rtlfvliif t! at I lav, t> ufClie*.4*n and that estd puhlleutlon fobs roktlft- maria In tbe eoodtttoueof a eertsln morMiaa m f o c s 11 ti u Hsoas- •)9«J onre tn «*esh week for *tz sucoerrlte weeks or •ml by IaaiayaOfl Ttilapsw, to JoPoM OtekkaTT kinen iff ffcf pasmaa"! trie*! your rouair Plan.'* a *»*1 find th* te r^ual I l**n* w I t a In BKJUVBMii RLIXIR! If not t itwrtor, l*» ,/*y In this rcnbl/y Ari«»sij* that thryw cause a copy of ilita «*nlrr to be )M*rwvAslly of Clinton onuntv Blcbijpto, wbloP •artas Mm naay Oaeiaf* Mila, a Lying INslurr, serrenl on the »an| .lefen«1s!*Ca, .lamea II. Woeh, date October kd, 181?.111 asd la raoaukgk In tPo Ihrtf cf * At *11.41111**, aiii*h itlirtiiiriilili th* its, dim* rtei <.f vienifi J iols oflPe «M1 as ibe rfttu uum * txr etenucm of !«•/»**. ll* eyres kid** - * raey Phadcts Httckie«, I>a» ♦ ('-gswell ami Oeorge II Hrgietrr uf Deeds fur Glintoa oouoty. or, ssmnrcE of uw , i>r M she l*»>f**eo the -ight. lo ich, and i 1 sc,i * * ; nr. Utah ea sou d at lva*t twenty dsv * l*rf**re the time prescribed Ixilwr K uf Monirtffw. *>n psge ill • sod f «eNAlr*N Krvrr and lJu I 1't.n In ll.e IU faaji the *4 it vou kt *ia. j >t#aerr*, 1 an* sar, fur their appearance — Cateri M*r»mry Ml* Dki ra*e wae «lnly aarlrned by «ald John 0 Ik* eetblea leieHeeo la t Head. |b tlrirnrx i»f iVtsHrstlOU, Clark to delUrate v ta- (itv ’r.ity, N. T*ft \ l.ltI .Hf.. ANTIIONV cook , II or all** Ilnurer. of De WlM CMntso nouutr, Mfkh ROBACK’S BITTERS. | Y e. lowness of (lie skill an*i Kv »•**, I'ain Circmi Court Comeolaalouar CllnluuCo IHeh. igar.. «*n April Blh, 1M1, an.J duly nnudad In ok t* th* H^ls, !l.*c K ('l***i Mrnle, he , n Suioilahu Coirplt's 8rPr u*it lw ofliee uf Uegtet4*r of iMsda, In Mher K of Bortgswas taiMafattay tie weak aai «e- Mai. Post* A i V* # * c* -/.* r/irn Hudont Kioshes of Ileal llurntr.jf In lh« i ri.an* l I ut ceugrutu.ni< >< u uput tk oo |agv ; and .*** whlsh Mortgage there la uksMMak Flesh ( *•»•(« ( linn, n *>/*• of Kvtl. **«».] Urekt UoaTtPa artylap away Hasckaty, atl- j-r tyre* an,I Impr srinrait •»!•«*> i • lltTOAOl*: SACK. - Default to hr due am) 'innat*! st the *lsla of d.la DKl’KICfislON OF HP1H1TH. haying been lund I if kkary mm af aaallajri i tl telly ri.sts on tour I'ltlu « wld< iy ■ nudt* in t hi* r*-ndHi«,i,e of *i rerlairt in* rtgago, , •am of ose hundred as*I four dollars, (tlM,i oi* ui' ta* am oe 'be vrrv idahest i*. •p *t.il**«I uth 1 Mkv cir<*iilnl by Jehit l II A!*er,«*f I suit or ^pr*r,J Meed in us at law ortnei|iiWy wartgolPugahart Tktse kilters Pave keen ta> * \« i««e I'keolt c issirjr. If. TTItA OM II. f hint* i. r«»nns\ Mn*' jui. t., \irl.>lm!*t Uoh ?. r—— — hmBmR Ho— (Van ika uobek aflto See. DR. NCUERCK’9 Pins ‘>f Hsriritog irr o given, I Pat la aalnaUd with now llfr"—•*» doea tbU Ella* THAT THIS BITTERS Ik recorded i**ih. *.|dr,* of h* l(vrf„.er of Deed. «*f \ ***? 1,1 mM J^rtjggu oonUlnsd. UOd IPs tPe —Idlers, te rrjaiaaata tk* •rataM (.♦«*,* . **un'.\ Michigai . (*i» iheuili «iav * f.lul> lh»k», ‘ ii* 1., lfi4Ti,U#* #. proFtkuk. I Pegu gill ks TV<* UepVenuhir F.llilr l« ikarvwli of uiu I- of HiXTIl and M)MU KICCK HU reel# Philadc Ipbn * I - btgPusl PlkdDr. ui tPs rtfsPlir of tru ilUceerrb a In the Te**tmbl»* kluptior.i b.iuf of **.*ir jiiMlr rel i*r K v t v i f • * ti. ■*. #n.f^ the ^Court“rt **lloonv,“•■*♦ j(bulag PBug CltDtoRC Bill.) Pkf of IPs la entirely new twi*l nli'trArt tnethod of < urr, lrrea- th* » tpo'iebt ff th ra 4fi>1 nf.pi feu« cf th, vnriou* A '» •(*, i*» i L«(.' lu *4) . 1 Cu(t*'>i«| directed. Contains no Enm or Whi.koy, «• » the Oth *Ui »*f h**i»rtisn, IMA, and tbe aa*jgiituefit »nih* viiUgte *.f Hi Johns, in mIJ eotitly wj CUmw* fwclive of tel I th okl ati «1 wortl <* *t ayatnua on Monday, the TlHh day of May, A. (S 1888, at { fy TbU hae beru Iraied by tae >u llwiu aUOpt* >r*i * N I ‘Utanti »e«l rm ttnr* •to Ur r ****** *l**ii in *m«i l(eg**tei's office ou the '^d*l day lie will be found there every HATCRDAY pr* o'chwk In ibe aftern«*oti of aold day, lbs ’ rmin*nt m«4ictl men «*fthe »!**, «ui <1 bv them pro* 1 ,«i, leiAAf.ikf <4 r»*xrtgsge, bkng tbe nortl BOBACTC’S BITTERS nouoc'Cel to be cut if the KrctUt'. .uc «1jc-.l ,liscon rlt» /* W cr l •< K**T1*i< If.tt' tup ft to* \ m-4 ..V i/ 3X6 , u|H»n which 1 Mortgage there is due at the ___.______tbe north eaal qoarWr uf vbs satHP aaal of ibe Apr. f< a*, iuob. iiurl) tret awu ___ ^ I donate sod thirty *evea ovate (#81 tiB,) TiigrtP^wUh j Tf/!?? ibtrty-une, ,4 Tg| XK* £%. EHg|g|A ^Ptefaa a **• !r.-n' rm *]• >iiivrs flu OU) *tij*utiUe*l lo #L^V* • h *1 r^Age rvumber four (4) wort, IS iPu One botlb* curea I’atpitsUon of I b«* Heart l-.u i* il. ' „• ti.»n, r< n.ir r • 1.1 ivf/rtor to else? TU KbDA Y , from V A Il.ta3l* \| A8 XJDlw wwVOU A QttaC In* pant skeuld any nreeeedlug*lngi| hotffke*- »0 f.ireioae ' J^ri^0ri’ ^f***.^ BluPIgga, euaBalgkOg n|MM an BM- from one t i three .retorta the m&:.**■ tMsrewreewa *> hi* ii ? aHr if rerr n*mUn * 11 . ▲ l the BAItLHOHO' IIOTKL, Host on, January • ft id Mot lgaa«* I I.C!» f«*rr, Nntire .. T ,hl,, > e* •**« of Innd (H. John., mm; **.**•< era*^tiai rt*|.ihif*i ( m«>vt th«''fuiy IN d II K WOULD. .. ,'-*-»y -'**«■ K->.ru,0 22 m. a lanrer prspsrtlia of neaeurwifaU ' uf yau'.Ji. 1 s a ltd 1W. Frbroary 3an*) 1C, M arc h 1 a and 1C. A pnl ^1 ^ '' •“*•• 1 | •»w«-* f - *i.< »anl....I HT..MW.-M«*rtgag 39 13w7, UOIIATI** ItUNTKU. A Pwwilenerrrtowi the appetite. eielneae llie high end merit P•u* m OOCvt**i 4*ed , ami » f the statute tn such case made at d lagvatNeato ast striae* Three l>oitlea care the worst caer cf4m;>o • V. r v v* h i <* pt tine* ,1 •» i»«»i» ti**r rr«r »*i IS and 20 May 1? and 1* Juno 14 and 16, July 19 prnvp'.ril il»rr*' ** I *, sold tu the higt.eel Ctd*Ser, af j i:» lirsiiiy /> . It mi IIANCKRY 1U*K.-Htaie of BlePIgou. si warp mures ta ttr tency. and ‘JO, READ MHO K41N HD: public a*ictt*»n art the TTlli *lay » f May lMf-( at oo«* |g|T* A fear «lo*»acorrt the K»w ej .f'.ietl len t>ce*a, Ck-tiffo, i. (I'Oloek i‘ M el ibe «>'il« :* duwt *»f llie Oourl Hoorn . ty of Giiaioo. aa —The Circuit Oourf tr try f anarlaaa with other* The ttino iur m> *• K* i TIALTIMORL »n«l Cj county of Clinton— The Eighth Judicial Cirault— tar um totlia rest am lueutsi pewsr. h* (* 1 i»t* Ill In the vlli»g«»**f HI Join In m as *»ct« tkat (Pop are j (/'•**( rrifem fA/ » vro^rtTfi^a, Mtu. ki:auc X i i». UCJ will lo seen in the daily pafMirs of Kr«an the Jt*v l> v ii. 1t*ck. i'aa*or 1 f the Bspt 1 ,i «*id ooanlv V'l the prrmifts flreoitlve*! in said Mor ^ manlj tier mu *4 ^ III VOM' I rw >r*' ttr f- * ,.n • r. ,. , . lttepttst Chdrch, I'ht•vdciphla i* f mh *| ten thirty * yi.S i »n town seven'? ».«»rth of a nee of a decree *>f aatd Lvtorl. htldfe tu tb# ibutt gk##D$D### BOBAOK’S BITTBR8. 1 rshnet hsAitb ttu psor dstdlltated, wom*do«m Ami I ..»*■* a * |{i*,i |»l« i-i »tal« ’.*1 1 inti rise llletory Uf Dr. vrhrnrk'* own Case, iai.ge **i*e i 1 weal in Cunh i* cu»uid> . Male *»f Mich- ■ eaMce I wanng dart the IBP day af Aorll despair! nr, mi , * . *.. 14* mi •* > «*> I have knowt II*«*(larw1** German Hillers f.irorably Igan , r*»r lulr it twenty acr«w cf lours or less A ll I MM. I, ihe undersigned Circuit Geurt f asset how Ise was Ccsrevt «»f ( onsuiap€Inn. aai apaa trial wilt Pr foaai •|jp* The 1 e;i,*r4 enervate 1 TosUi, the .err tsak* i v Tlsns «# rf**«*t s • [.,*• »h e, an 1 nr**tv )*«»«. a for * imimher of veore 1 have vi«e*4 lhem u* own Date** r»t. Johns, Kel» i4 |4(il •loner f«w Fs said eounty of Oltnton aad > "o> sfist 1 tart **•»# *Ai)vr tn th « iHmitli) j Michigan, will sell at pub.Ya auettoo, |0 Urt , tPaa all others; iPep iff r I jnan «»f kariiien. ihs elcinn of nerrou* • 1 .-prendon. Harvy years nirt>, wFlWt residing In I’htludelphia, I fteiaiv . arid lisv* I wen so j* imeed v, • 11 % iltvir ci)rrl« MOKHIH I'll I p> A »si c tee the Individual auflcitnc from .eneral debility, i-r i U nr, ?• i r«»at pcerr mmI rocn Hi-»,| that I we* Indnced t<* i• emu>•«*n*l them to msm oth- PKU1UN A SPA' LDIXO, Atlys for Asaignee. ddd knot* Uisl ll(«s hare . .peratv.i . . »t 11k* ; g i\ OHw hkirt IIUMfrtiigClinKa Hall) la ttsvRkffef M r, *•» <-1i« n li*tn*l want It ,• to Johns, in said muntv, **n Saturday tba Ua dayuf tflUl —irrlilv, aai aa 4lai^ aint p tmasneat reidef try iko ueo ol »VU KtUir I (4*4 ( m« imrjr Con*umoth n. Al! hopes of my ree*»verv ■ * . tir’e lasrii or 1 . r*» *t !' -*aa*ire In Ihn* pul h4(.**« Th .*»# r< 4 ly unvuri ’awal ic, *e 1 at . Apr* l, IMt, at Id ** ’eloea in the fnreooo'i of aald day •r Kant rw • i.t t.P. lair 4 dlaaipstcvl 1 was sdvi**ed hy iu) phy>i sl>u,Dr ir*s j r. ** ’ !(*»'in i 'f ti • liC( m d fa .lit l t h/ altsi.l.oi* if ( Pit UK IK HH( l»« IILICATIOK. Htaie of all m ******* |jgy Price, tiper bottle rr U»ree bottle* for »\ l« - u«.. t v v v r v u| !).4i (si. le .lt»ii«U It a 1 • hue*' »fM ei«**l v*i»l» the *1 •*•«***• lor which they «re ' * Michigan, Circuit( *>srt tv*r tbe G*>stely ol CDs ibe land aad premises .|#aerl bad tnaaid dearer, to wH ) 1 11 .Us i I’nri i*U, in i en*,*v e ;i t<> the rom.lrt M**oiestovv t; ttaw wUP maai tail ,\n 1 f rwaed-d by Eiprtn, a receipt af raotiry • *y.r, Vtikrtr )Tv?4«v«r) *Uv rec*»*nntendrd , t<> lhi**v II.IUo knowittg *i»»m o*f<# <•* i Is Ca A VC as v Mary t si', roii.pi* nat.l, er. ibe north east ^carter of section oi e (1 ) town (4 y uur* if uf y north of range No. three .1) weak, in Clinton oouaiy! t» uuy ^4ir«at. seat, 1 mas New Jersey , bvli ,* i »y dive ire, I w as re ni *ved r i* 4,c« 1 h.»,l i*. j* i ea«i •*»t* « i*tst ion s» be • n*tat ii***i l I liofiiAA < ,’nf I •ielrmJa* t AI a >es ilotv i f Mid t ’osii try tPeai, aai I Pry will Pr C .% > K4’III 17., Mlchijan —Dated February 73 A (1 IfCX. J »21 '.I* funiiy h«dHved a »d d«* this more cb *wr fa I i y s* 11 «e n •» l's llttter* i* in 'iei.i a ' it Johns. I*. *»l I County *>f t'*u«'oii, «*o thi* f DxrrrTv* nf f*4 f*rrwis Opt re. Ibllhcr. My father an of IPe iratP of tPr abort. (T The Chorolcer Fill* « l Ur>B- tei.de 1 lo benull the affilelod, and Is * not m runt Dthriay * f January A D Ihoy V’reaenl the lion _ , ANTHONY ONIK. died there and died cf I'm nmnirry Gonauvcrtl«* ,n. Cireutf Court Commiaeioncr, Cllaton Co., Blab. VWUBtlMK KllXlr. or, . 'I I ■ r »I! a, dru>kT Yours truly. LEVIG HECK. isci* rt lx>rai,v. Circuit Judge Drusgiata In the civlllaed world Nome imp-* 'cil'iau On my arr. ml I wasp i* io l*ed where 1 JaY fi*r r’mv It satisfar'*-nly appean *; j to thsOuiirt l#y affidavrtt, Joaa Haasa, Hofr for CotwplH. f; JULIUS BAUER & CO, weeks In what “ a* 0* * racd it h< | elres condiltuti Dr From liev, .1 New. Ur I> D. Editor of tli<* IMMK3 CHICK HUES 1LIILOKS. (!« Alert, Ivowetrtr, try to sell wottluess compoAade 'Vl. :«**!• Ayion f< r Nteitkwravra ^a»es, that the *i«i>| defendant . Thomas i :nrl is not a resident In placr of thews : Thonv wMch tier cau pen haae at ] do., w tin \ I*v « Ki«rv <•*( *-d»s * * Ii* *»!• K lowirdtr*! au*. Ghrii- nf this rt ale. but pmliably is a resident of I he Htaie of I ------af IPe Wrst Pair lit- 3 toy lath* r s family phyalelao, VILLAGE VAX SALM. a cheap hrlcc, and mak« »o««re inwney by evil- 90 CVa rk a tut 89 11 uMAtrtQfon S/i tian Ghronicis, Philadelphia Kentucky (»* mi>• Ion of Laker a Boynton Moitel and ha 1 altaode I I mi n h.s lent ISDieee was railed to \:\ im Although no* ’■sfHHMvd lo favor or fernmniend Fa ViiLASA Haurai ’a Orrics,) m *u v Aloe i t«ir trio, ilk,* U*rs l*>r tu* v. n p-MinA.'.i 4T*.>reJ that suld defenden* e tsastatrapr Paa your health, ayr, the h*-Alth of your f.iTurr off- (4«(l e 14llie V l« ’ end the tvnt Medteii.e* in geswia lhru*vjgb *itslru*l of ihelr rivij*«' hi* *j • • .mi *o t: ti* • cause t*» U rt tered -______I*T. Jegtrs, Jan. »t. 18B. f GTICE Is baccby Riven, (Pat by virtue cf IP# paasr wtar so PIpPI y prl tri, aprlrtf , do r»ot be deceive i i y * u » u»prdn< *i>iH r7*. lK ^ ro:; a iuci i.au . ted t hat 1 taust die. and grerileiits aii I eiteets, 1 yet kimw uf I »•» mo ffi.* lent within t hr - #* rr* th* f»« in I) *• *1 a Ia of Ihi* order an* I N pravrtflvt* yti- f r t tr — < *<* * > < hX4*ly r« *«*'«»« who a tnAii irv«y not testify to 'he i-ei.vfit* he ths cas «-of *.vi* *»pi***aia ncr. he cause his answer ▼rated In aae hy .•'letlsu 33 of Art Pa. UO, of vPa y tar fttrtrN broody, pa * inv |e* pnrak rvtt*ir-4. in er* If ttic UruetUt will i*oi buy them («>r you, * n* !»e e* h’fivself l*» heve rw* l?H frot i a ii > ***mp:e to complainant *• 11 11 to U- rl I* 4 m * .cl a ropy It erenf l• nd t *r»i 'or diHon, J heard of Ibe pit] AfMtio; , in ti.« i tie may thus contribute pmvide for the ofetUages * ’ sndaaeftrtai Irtaal properties, cat Pt do • n vod on nipmnti I* solicitors, w ilbtn ■ t A Cl. t' rebru.rv mp. irt?,I *Pall,on Mondav. tbe rtKay of U you hj l>{ rm* accur !y Mill! su J packed, free earn! sell. It »rented to O the* hsnsfl* of **lhe s lft»r reiv pv cf * id !>UI nn*l if* «lefault Pl carcfPl tuuilatlon. | «)«» i)• *• .note ita ie/sr«l ti* il«-*>ilAiid s tier March, lSSA st 3 orhwk P. if . of that riav, stpoee (ef from oborrvatiun. working thrlr way, and I Ii* re ' f . Ill it SA U<• taken *► it fr*»*"l l.\ i he to airaaee say 41s* Lkbiea or o^tUrrnrM can trt'lrn. ’ •• in porfocl mao littters |>refvar Dr i M. 1 seks<>- of his •teiil i * f.*ndeM is fut .rrorJ.r .V. 1Ib.t.lth hat te it h I **- MwtM |*M*« COR Sir nee . W,U**" ,k* “* team te aa Horror can* i #f and »yu>ptu:uii, ae t r<*»t a II r the village is* of 11 I nature In n;ti r*f (■ ”.»• >c. i’Atin.;* need not Iwrai* Aicoi i»pe * iiftnfs . d ttee-l t > *,v friend. K«.h rn. he 1 in said uou •»» y, • lC t Sail «.e tell? lurid st the Oillrf d*te>f of lha Poet tab Im*cau »«* »•« 1' «i. )»i . i y t • v 1 sit ui, Ai we he« • * r* .*n I**itioAVer, Jv*>.j th al of thii prefcdlct* ft v •• w e. k # •r that • —ACTS CHICK WINES ,v LIr •Dally ! otter, a raid tillage of St. 4*.lias. clviSltrd vb b , b> « *rrF Mpondraas. ... . '* AS *• when «M*!*ent */ fr,*n ti i* u***l i|rii| i| »' te I re th** » plainly ailHaa of tPe paPMr. r. W. I'aiirnta A»ldre**lnji u . will plr**e .>lale All i Biller* at the for ' *ra »- _A • ‘ ’1 f »a i u l - . u 1 v ^ %t l * • f ♦ ipe Awtea the ajrmpt**ina of ttk'*< •egir tb m am ft low ed h\ «v% i D»Ulrt _o atrwift loner sa4 rosily d i m;>.» of «ri(. r j>:r,co, and LOVELL, <*mr reply. riven! fe‘t foe *t v :im*it ) i t*r 0* •tills, of a peratlar model, of VI an h ^ s i TT r M iMi.j'f 1/hmidie/ frrt to any ad* nan • f i« gamtu i s re i it 08 A3 1 03 Po proiaots tPr lauwPs I * t V »k id 10 circa* AddryaktM leltrr* I* ; : I . IS or Advice 4© k O I in ir tetri f or directtn , tin 17 88 •1 he ea- I lltus» t HsititJ lark «'faa!4Courty, an*l of the j 3d a IA IH f9 la Ns greatest partly, rrtataiag the pMprl tcra, Mil. I 2te ). It )2 * HUtiWN Fnarf *urt* t 4 r f her* * cert»;y lhatthr al>* valsalru# 1 i Al 02 •ad 1 17 t 33 AO 1 80 MOilaal aaaUUos foe wPftoP II Or. W. R MERWIN A CO., ipv nf order of iMtsstloi In ah »v** i* ;t‘.tied rause the llev *«eph II ki 1 A 2 IT 1 04 04 1 08 ■rf r t ilM Faator of Ih appears on r* * r 1 ii» tr» \ • Pier I is so aiacP ta M aai raeaaiauaiii Py N . *1 U:>rrty i Hstitlst t!h 17 A0 08 1 r» r H •.ITT II. 1’iurr — D« i inn r r»een rr l acr.* *.fT Afiuth >lds, IT aO Al •1 ^ Ipkytktaav fearh, ntcrry. Swedish, aod Icdm*. 1.24 ly i «ien lv U 9u ■ lir it < ‘hs'irery V at ala i»? l * rTy a h«» r», c ( , self fi I eal >*|III**!»*(J 141 Of ii ncc ie with com me i*» «h URri , nf h|**-k 1 sb«rpt r dI ttr*rent k nda iiieui due* hut regarding the U*fte iu A • ■ , of 11 9 I 18 AA «insj lUlflA'I’K Oil UK It — * t SJr of Mlehip ;.* i 'j 11 «» ill ? tt !. ',H li 9 rae co as **u l of r appn pMal* • jil*ere. 1 have In < inton , 4 9 —-At 1 14 08 * w I am now pv a *essh»ii of ?h e I'rubsti* A I. X lo, 11 t ; wi\ls .v Liiwm L PmifiO L0TI6. I ease* *|ee i* ad t l rt* 11 fi « c erir proof 'n various r \tetri for i i > < «»*• * t > wf 1*1 J .4 AA 2 98 a ton h*»'.<1t »( t he Trv* 4 west 21 j ft of ?, «, y 9 In the in »tai*ce*4 ai d •ten i IrtftV I . tny lam ly, of th** use hat 4* i i t h» V * • ijf r> f 80 01 18 • •v^rPao uf Rye WM«* rt! Johns, on \fon*lay, the M *« • d wit *-* * f l*r Him ’iy* '**i ierrnan Itltter** I de|*art lath day «• January. *n trt • 1 00 1 84 i*b© befM t ('•! «*m tltMtiMn*! ri^tli § 1 0 £!■RSI ki t JmI fvMiHStimmmU# '^savraamnrfctfiiai liver fro** mv UfUA iir***. '** «*v pres* inv full I 20 1 H > . The l« hundred a< .1J a4tty five; I'rneei*:, Wlliism ^irkfd* 10 10 that /n irhmhty r/fb fjprinv, r*«wtf 9 1 37 I 98 oaaor, aai all o«Por lodge nf Fro vie. In tba io alter of the *-s.ate ot 14 4 Cure warranted if Directions arc followed rlct.l *,(ui % t< **»>** M44. ir 7ar#r t'i , i .« Htf nm.t rultniljt \ |r mhte Isbem leer*** ■>.) 10 00 03 1 98 •ea it IT 4 14 40 llgaoes, are auuiatPciarri aai ortparoft . Ih so ne ca rvay fall bat wtisll) i >t» reading m»0 dug the twitilnn. «|nly rerifle*! 08 90 II und re«ls of (’ll Ice ass of ( lilrsga havr laeeta I will ta very l*eneft lv 3. 4 10 } dnvrht i •Ihl t * t hcNie vh» suf of Almon lahc-rr* *1 u prsvu g that Albert I. Uo*)f 08 l 19 Py IPetoo— earefkl aai itllnaia |*e r naasseial I y < urtd lay this Mrrileiaar . uk lit to lie an far from a above atiac 80 4, A, 0 18 K 08 1 81 iiiav * «* rtpp'Otnfed Atimiiti*! • ator In said eataie. 31 fi. tl at * as w ail aa ours. rcr (Oh 10 84 00 1 IT ’(dr. » ■ v (’(•*•••( 4 ? deer ; C’ • * . \ I • . ■ * u • ...... tj Phere-upon tt ia order#*! That Monday, the 13th A. A II KKriXAUD il 10 04 08 1 09 •e es| ccially lav nf klarrh nett at I o'ehvek • tbe aflerncawi, he 34 4 7, A, 0 h iW Coates st. !*F| !• 18 #9 AO 1 88 as * irr««4l fur the hearing nf said petition, and that the 88 7. M. 9 Itlou 1 was i n. 9 I 03 AO 3 M DR. D. H. SEEL YE & CO , h* r* si law of *•'«! «,«*#i*e#.i Ati«l *}i oil et per 37 my recovery rum ibe Hex Warren L.*n Fssior of ID • *t V, 10, 11, It • AO 9 90 sons ini' reslp*! in »>mi«I .-•?•(«• sr** rstjstro*] to sp 38 I 4 ion rtoraiiToaa. Churet' flefrssr tr.vr- m. Fh ted* Iphta 9 31 Al ttr trave the med pear Al iv eeaetou of *aid eourt the* In be l.oMrn at ! no 0. 10 is Dr. J kl «lae isnn Dear Mr :1 IVrwmsl espcM 0 44 08 99 chice wins tut**. tebiple im r ♦**r l'r« hate In the vltlA*.* «>f Hi ) Jm* ;«nd , 11 orncE —RAMmir , I ir.ade man v iMfr ei sli*** in** to aay that I r* r*ri| the <)« rman l»*( u }a JO. 11, 18 • n 81 iS show oaue# tf a.iy ther*' h*. tih> the ; rnjrr of said ■ 22 3, 9, Hi ltUOU NO 11. ii** • .nanri Inrretfei s«* rap t era, prepared by ><>•». as t% inosl him llei,i tnedu lr»«- 10 04 04 fro— IPe satroaaifag ita#. petlUo! *r sbouhl not I*# .r.vntod And it i* furl bar m 4, 6. 0 lit ft! ll. e* thsnm tn the pul ile 1 n e*«f* >1 *rv -i i < ro i *.P ! e*'«Fa ! tie hi 1.1 \ . I Iiavv 10 40 Ott Py tPe Pax, galftoa. or raak, CHICAGO, - - - ILLINOIS. nr«1ere*l. That **nl petilmner # tH4iee **f th** pervl I M undivided % If tr »y uiti lit loll to Ming diseases l^e- ireitly !*•• *n*ir*d i*v t h* 4 u*e .»( ih** Bitter* ai.*i 18 10 01 91 etvev »»f «m*i 1 pe*itioR( hv ggnsing a copy of this ot*irT m 1.3 A. 8 lowest —art ft voice. HobockV io trait). 1 vui ne • I to ll, for people Would doubt lint the\ Vv|»i j r«*d W4‘* *1 i* AT i tfe* i A «»|| 14 hr>rs 18 01 91 t*> lx* piF*’i*l>#*l • P** C inl.m lirpubfiran. s new#i*» 37 11. 13 Yours truly BfSIKKKN KANlrOf.PH. 18 01 Wlac Is IPe most cietUeal ► rod (nr n e Iai a i nea saoertaiu whether their per printed and ntrenlaitng ir• said oouoty of tJHUv 3a 3. 4 SYMPTOMS. caeca we*s .ik* v . tivtrasiiluvii, Fa. 0 40 01 91 of tPf PPM la Pe Past la tPe t* n. for r rr < ice* *»si\e wt-cks jrevi. ui tu ssitl day 40 11, 12 The «v tn pious* of Catarrh aa itmv generally appear Per many y«o» In ea .pierttnn with n>> principal 9 70 M 1 99 of beurlfig. 41 W. 14 ff# aa4 IPe fort Hlsc hr arf si Drat vrrv *Sigh! Ferro; * laud that tht* have have l*e* n makt *g regula From Lev J 11 Turner l(a*t* r nf ILddtpg 31 K 0 18 01 Ot The j*re«t Itch ancl Humor Killer ollic# tu FI s« hia. I WM hTCKLLii. fudge cf Frctletig, I 4s A, 6 i Pas aa r*|o* 2. a cold thntthev hart* frrqneul attacks, and are mors pt * fee* 't'i* ,». t * a V'fl. IK *Ui*i, F-aii inxit e. Church, I ‘hi isde.phia. • 90 01 n (A true copy.) |X4;Xw 44 codes sen»it: v *• to ti.*> » hahgea **f temt'orai t* lii tht* eo*. J fcWi: Fillst i.r. Mr FarVaon Iteter rttg -Having tise**l vonr Oer 18 1 M ftrttr) \o*. U,^, f*0 auk of tho 19th Centary! Al •stir* 'Ittlrwi Ibe n«teN» irvsy he dry «»r a slight Jlsehsrge t IJ Ki»r sevrrnf \f.nrs pa# I l.*vv*« f»tted*» as mat*) as Hvi tus |litters in my fs»a y fre-iueid l>. 1 aid prepared it on a rsc oitnr.it. huic of Mlrhlfan 9 TPlri Street, CTarlasai!, 0. AS 4. A and acrid aftvrw ird lte?e**in|r»f thir. »*»d Adhesive hundreii eiAt a ;> >n* «-< **. v w i*» ill# lioapiri.me to mv thm it has tern < f great servtee 1 believe 04.*unty of ("lli toi mu Ala suasion of tha IVc 9 10 01 91 P AA UUv*k» •»«** Tbls urn* p*vp*txit »o.v fl«U ti. Aa the dtsea*e becomes rhionr the difrhsrge* are nsnot-nt >:i my rharg»* Is three *lol that lit m4*st r-vse* **f ge*>ersl deh'IUy of thesvateni, bala Court for the county uf t itst*>n hvddetv at lha tar" Krrnich uf 7, 4. 4, 14,11, It (••creased in *j,u^i.lily and < haii„:**d It ioslttf; tl e\ ' e «**»rli |»«i :4>nl the true It i s the safest in *«t vtvlliable reiu#d> of which I Frntatr ofllee. in the vlhagc ».f Hi -Fobna. on Molar (• 01 fi pr«psft»ea, on 11« 'ars. and it #. *■ c* ta# I A* 1. a. * 4 1 •* w 44 t , l"orry S Hears, and IPyda are nnw *hick and heavy, a 1 aro hawked or c-vugh eo»*diUo »»4 f M« *rs* ‘ * i t* .1 i i t fr* kl whether hsveAMV kl>ow|#<|g<' *ia\ iberiUi ria) of February, in th# year nno ■ hmwaad ast Py Drug glart everywhere f I I f| P t T « ’ * ’ * I ’ • * d1 - \ '• , .)• - m* i* (*ad , ||9 «, * y, i M , 3 otirs, reepecifel eight hundred arrd allly Ove Freaant. Willlosn I nofT. 4, u, jo.u.ij ; 18 Al V9 J 11. TUI1NKIL 84 entire >>ruall», 'be voice »• ihtei. ••»-♦ *h» ay* s we The wrest ten v ' p/i)etc i«r* l«> not -ore (Jon rtiakeis. Judge . f Cruhals lit th^uvatier *.f tha aelala 18 87 01 09 The great te«s n wliv [ 7>t N. Nineteenth Htreet 80 eoUre r«r 4***7 swi*i t( is* itch , nut- wenlf the sen## of *meF Is essenwl or *iw(io)isl, a.Uiatth*- i*> t«* do too nuch ihev give of Wllffau r fteyraids deceased 18 3 99 •0 999 I lave To«r Oak Rnrk: :« doafntaa fra4|u#mtly takes r*laee Auot»*rr CM*vnta#U | nnsdinnes to slop the even, I lo*UM'tf«t ^I.i-awss I# rnrrv Hev J I, a, \i it Am MU i EIE IITCII, BiSBEEte ITTR, VT tOlSO M Ly n* formerly Pastor <>f th# ('ol I On ruodlng an.t ill!**g tb# pailklon, duly ver*.fled . of j II at 1,9, y, 1C, 1|. fP f IS ATTDBTAItnHr In anu itnportat.t *y»*vpioin • f Catatrii !• Ibaf ’ (i** |*ft« j hectic love* mn i h*. mi do. j the\ *ler:*T /ethe w hoi«* uinbut i ,N J iiul Mileatown | Fa.) Baptist (?F< V Ii. Rgyrori. praying for reae«*#s therrritv eel forth, . ot — ithiib mniri nwcE, cttas - 08 ORlIfU 19 01 of o» I carai W!l(TI£*f «i Tkl.- son•mi <■Is nrnhligatl to... icl*«r i-n. >Ms1 throat ••It* I lu* morning...... R ...of •a j (|||SMIV"di^aattv# Mli'ii*vsi«ti iOrAll,.»rk * g... Upup ICths f .rr*err#tn r* d<-|.- .... anueveiand even N a vr Hoc a at lb. N Y. I that be 1 iso) li» appointed Arimtoietrolor lu agfd to K . tually Dr (' M Jsrkr'" -l»earrtlr I feel It a pleasure J 1.2. 7. ■», s,t Am MU BA UK, for wh ♦rh.oti 4eMvery, will ba thick oraltutv nitie*.us. which Ivas fallen down from the paiieiit dins estate. n«*f. *,* i*. n, n buts EBirno*t*«, rnirt.»?i ov the th«» heu«l during th*- night I #»< ' M* 'Mu plaus, j *|*|»e |*otiaonlc ctyrop is one *»f (h* mo#i valuahi lh»se,of iny own arcord, l*» hear fuuClioony to the es ot 39 , float |8 00 lo $4 00 pee ot>ri. Veiiow Ir TVospeii ilh Orffrn/, Tlitl Mord».) , tha *4h day 188 eat Ire u Also, lt»<* Tilgh©*! prlc^ {ot the (wraon nis> U sure that 1;ts dtseaee Is on Its #ay ! rarn <*inee knows It 1* nutrient iKvwerftvl tome, an rrllen#e of the German Mlttera. Nome year* since. 1 0 9T •• pace , SICT KHECU. SCALD DEAD, ___ HHH_____ of March. 1183 at 1 o'clock in the sfleraoui, 101 7.0. ft totO the Ii OQ(ifS(fD*> ti gS, f fit) skoal*!shots M l«iaelog# uul»U 11Uf11 Rf ' lluarreeMugit A f *■••* '■••git | Ihoaitag l. IIIiiiltae.* 1 (Mil I ItI I #V4*ilrontaiasi am* tit i* 'ptam,»<(•» f»v \ *«lel .ooaenMMStin a l*eing affitctetel with dyspepsia ! use*I (hsm with mj 000 for 08 Of x 8 bo 1 g trod ' h# hooring of aold p# til ion asd tbot 188 4,A n«artr'*rr * m! fh* r ftkfmmny fnLtrrhml .Vywp*#«u. th«pblaotn tn IhebroocMal tahos, and nat ure t hrmrt Oft 39 SIDES AJND SKINS, BIS 6WORDS. Sc. l»e*i«'Aclal r#s**Its I have often recommended thorn the | eiraal law of aaid •leeooedd. and ail (ribor poroooa 188 to |jere*»ns ecfeelde.1 h\ that torn***' Ung diaooae, and I .nteroaled in said estate, arc required to appsuir at a 3.4 it 1 i It off vita MtitsmrtkNi One botUa freqaeot 1; auras R Ut. lot 188 to Bolt to oak eaooaeaoa tli FTUTTtiao I.OYIO U a naaeanri reGala row A Hlltgle Hallle swill l«eat *» Klattlll—to bf j in ordtiMri c. :»t l*v»t i will he w>-M ftr#t t«* takes hate# heard frr»m them the ni**st fullering teallmcfvl I aeeasoo of aold I ’.*urt, then to he hedden ol tbe Frebort 01 Tseood I.4ra4ber k»tl rii«4crliR far aii km*!® ef 11« , ii I hcijig a Ou«.l prcp<*raiion 11 , disagfUgaUg qualitits af j stomach Tbe Fnlmouia rtvrup ♦# rearili« «ltire*(e4l heliere il lo ba a tonic that rviitrot b# enrtwaarl any tber* he. why 1 h# prayer of tb# pel It loner should Klf»s At*! si ah«kr ths olatmrn! v l:i fSnf i si 'isC. * out lot b.Urtt lies a of sod abeorltes, iuta M<« d l* wi.irh :t tntparte tie heal J M LYONH not se granted JsJ if <4 furihe* Ortbrri, 'Tliat sold u» be isuil tosajr ta il* DR. D. R. VRELTE • CO„ tbe rail rood ;} 9 II WAMIPlbar YPuTftCltinO LOTTO \t saf** in t«ag nro ’er ALL tog ptO|W>i tie# 11 1 4 <.:• dll' ■ t , >: eparat liters of p«'tittoner give * **lce lo the persons Interested in said 08 1 98 C1R< TthTAS rsl sCiootl »;ste the jn^vt terrier * I* ProprlvtiWi, CM>-«ko. 1111 n 4. calAle,«d ih# prtidfdc) v I »vU |*#.tti«»u. and 1 he bear- lui I lo oat-k>t 10, soh ) i iron tn uaa U *» (4 |Mt«#rful i> r*-c « I lies f, an«l when v-'r* m th© Bev Th«-*naa VYli ter Pastor 4>f ftasbo i nfoutloiC. i it frmvgif#oif akin, aad CONTAINS No Mi.UOLRY. Hau l (ail j Am* La horsier) at treeprrt, flllnoi* j the Heaweeo 1 PI# . vr-* D« h i*«l -ii- 'h-* e|»**vi rough Mo| tlet (’Ftureh Ing thereof. h> oauaiugjt c««p> t*f f his order lo b# pt;b 9 •I April », 1SS4 |fitk tf la try it. Manufacture 1 by F>r .Isckecn |i#ar *^!r I fre* |f !aeto)«»urri I l *h***1ln 7>r i'hmfmn liff'Ut, .ran m nawspa|«erprtfriRd the satttMuiMud 3-lfnf)3-lfnf (IKNRH A I. AURNTfli 1 seh.asvtel i* carried oil l»> the * f (hr Mandiake lot or* i>* t pre i'#r# !!'**'> II cflvn'i'i* German Hillers in! an«i clrr*iia!e.| j .4 sat.. « LT.AV. T. DIVAKUBD, .IAIIN l> rAKK...... Cincinnati. O I l*ttls ahaatihy Itaui'f gaeif J.ilee, g<*ori ap}*#ttts, serve MMM VOK 9.%I»E. aad a good digest to f«vlh>« add *nT lest (men) lo *1 *)o4#rreu rspulotti.n tt has ! eorci»sotte« week* j*rcv i*.ua 10 sal.) 1T n ;\, MLh 1 ■«.. rrt*'M*N, UhfMU, la*. The rteawee*! I * »c a a st • mu lent an* I n." # .*»h#r t»b(t* ftcj ! I*sv * f t yea* • at Free# !-##*) (r«»uhle.1 \Y 1 F.l 1 A M .dCKFI/, Jndgeof IVohart . 9 a kero for sale 00 Tf i 9 moa 6ft rr*m. ami run mu: by i IS re*|t..r#*) whrri ll * II##1 It « pure a*, l* eaiict with /r#at ' ***r rr r tny Peri l an ! . rrvnnr s)sien> (A true r<*py ) (iiIF'Av I no ba I efleai# like vr Wen u»i eg I4»'*th«»i ! I 'i fluent ly r#c*»nimemj thear- j loiurt for the eosntv of Glinlon, holder* at tbe Fro- 8- 8. WALKER & CO., Wagon, oak one |>kr of henry A VAN srifAAl'K ; Vf. |) If ALU! t A CO. , llourhnn vv ht*K \ •• recotuw.*« 1 trio*I Cte* .f, dn V • ♦ \ t|#lo whef*- I ineet w (I* tases » have keen assiirt ri ’ inanv »*f the*r gt»«»d #ffi^'*ts ths ith day t»f K#hvnary In the year on# (baueoad 1 r'rmm Ii immt ie#' .Sprat, rr nt (Ac lilt lit >(• %• Krp BANKERS, gee petty ta U JohM,or ** * ft pee« e I SCOT IX. rooms both male and leni •• are Utnertsl will th><* Vopr* Ac 1* WINI KIl HoilMgiagh Pa eight hundred and siity.four Present . Was (ttobela, 1 Ply nemo of Iimi4 tn tl»* Vr - u i f Hi reel.tt* f* « ■ni linim/ Vaster rf A f A M f 33 km ptriana. The relief ia u mm** a * v 1 f t hoy cough I he \ Judge of Probate In tbe moltcr of Ibe eat art of j H.l 1 KOWI.KU. f A/ 't if** rf ftttflU. i lake a lilUe wn*Aky if ih* v fw w**ak ai*d fe**i*!*» thev Kron Uev J Met *v^ ol lha Ger naan Reformed Edward Walker • !«>* raactel »BALMS tU •. M3 ,Dae U.IMI. »Wtf lUlBI lake s ’MM** *«iui 1 if the 1 can m*c »rn the- takes Church Kuts!.»ar fierw# C.i Pa Gn rea*!!Mg and flung tbe petitl# 1 rial) #eridud. of ! ATttW VMDHOTM'K Tin D Tf HKKLVK nttrtWhietv and (hex g*» • o -i* vole way, rwpmni J ir ( \( lack #n> 1 UMnrriel "t I have heen John Walker, praying for reasons therein set forth, Decs Hie ?i rep y to yoar not «-e *»f t he Fth ioit EXMIME, MVEMMENT i POO sale . more and nu*r«* nail I thev are idnaied d |i, snJ mogt' e truvl*i#l uilh l*\ *t*te'|»ais mui v twentv rears, aad that hta ssetf may ho appolatod Adintnlatrator in aold I *eou Id »• , I hat 1 vsas severe! v >dl1'i*lei tellli (.ctsrTti tbe> ar** gelling r*«4sHte i lie sicrwaal* . Ilrer a*»*1 4i Ua re never t»e»» I -vi*^ *nel r| s »hte! did me aa rrvueh ealate ofpiakTBsPerefl lifter *»• for years, uhim I •*•■ *m* «e*|uaieted <* th vou aad gesture p*»wers sr# ooeupwaal) *tssi roved, sad lc*se |(hv *| as flood and* * Hitters I at 1 v#rv muehlirtprev TWrnpkfl i( istirrieicd That Bonds) , tha KUIk Joy NOT8I1 OC., rib C. Pll< ‘T041 It A 1*11 *. VJLI.K ll V ! IP# paar eeSMKl. oil Mrh nnk »»w bough 1 leo lirv*lles nf voar Lt*|«tU i’sisnh liamedy. ; their appa*tie for fcorf N** etw was etr* cure*! «.*f •d In hcarih after having taken (iv# Icit!**# of March. A D )»** at I o'clock P M , Sc assign * ff KoetP of Vtopl * ItopM* fcn«l f Pcon Bef -r* ‘ I hs<» us*> ** s Imtiir I waase* *>My ippi« tel, ■ oonaiit# pt ion h> 'Mr j-pcegaa where covltles have V« ors with rneiwrt, .? rt rtltKRMAN ! c«l lor Ibe hearing of said petition, r 1 that the , r a Waftsi recsgHy ffuoi th**! last taksa tend iwfore t hot its lha* -h** Ua * rw« *d « new r|oertl| hen*-Orisl In rsv vsornptIves surh aa pure aivns tnrtrcato*: In aaid estate are repotted to appear it < PLVMMrr.JIT> PltO« •Brtrtd wtlh Catarrh at pvRORat. aOO t * s llegy Uv r * t be aBFe * ‘f Mr J Hiak* In t hi* village. Usih Iv or *n«.i % i e# i i rns'-v *,aa *« I c i*.r» jHitter a seeelo'v « f said rnoit thro to ho hidden at I bo Pro HeepeMfnM v.mre, Tlin« I THU NEW or hr. w n si >*u tn lerst* ♦* UP n titles ut fV »ui ban bole ottlae. u. tke % 11 log a «d M .1 **Ho8AMsd show nouaa. CboeiRu ttippte Ot. ■ lu.i i* aPu Mill *-a ggeywirteri vt «l time* tr* •**-*nr. shad K|r For rials hy FVrry A He#^# ns and h* r,mt r fHrt humstt fa.-e llvine, M its m*sl I rage ved ahiakv hoeieivs . niwte«c«t * ( et < 1 r**' *mi (! mi r.*• rge site > hold 1 **ar ■ v riotiM* *jna* tltv ,) I f any thnrr he why tbe j*r*vc^ of tba pot Nrtaue ebouln First Foliage I all Drt4gg1*l,, I u id 1 tr not be gran ted As»ri It is farther t lyrist H Tbolaolri 1 VMS PO* SAKE. iiKdemsU F mu I at t*iinal resaur »M» | rlw* fks Tire >#1 v#-J 1 <,1 |j ',H|uces cat lor r**»u it* h.*r II (St per UiUle- half dor W A. OatiwOOa MO Srs o| so r«t, 3Q orr^a v( »hlth pstliloor* give not ; i.* t *»# )«eraer*a it taraoiOri In sold (w*3 tf 1 First MaOAouol BboO flMn (ii tlfiar Gsilary amlffitd t i IF* and j <»ogh!y uc igorsl 1 ng 1 ha afrmaoh oswi iiu#Mi*«> sra er '*ot! i# half trtooik 84 00 Mow York UMk »fdlMVNHl. ItgliHlM 'l.ro i I) V ( UiAiN tern. ai.*l epabilt a I *<• ah aiuate at"! rnaka 11 le (■start, of 'n# pendsoev *»f ia M peilhi*** end tbe hoar Sf A Mile Mtfh f Itluri. « n«intT »«• l '*fe- hooilh) i *>el the f«*4Mt whUi* §oo> Us use*! f*»« l» at HE WARE OF * ’nrVTBRPBlTH. ng thereot ‘v causing scop) of t hia Sfttir to feu r. OH tPe Stole fh^c* ■* 1 *ra«ei Stnn 4l 4444( lllu* Stamnry o pwhMahed fbe CMurto Uepubliaan, a newspaper purpose It i# sa wonderful l * ilsedeets that * win# KVKlsb Ibe I, etU of aiiar, 0. ok th prints. AT II O KV K f glass fa I wi!i digest a ■ cart . an*1 a H1 le of Hm that the signature cf • O. M J AO MON pr1*.te*t and rtrcitloled In said .'Owt.tr of CMInlon. for Maortr vT n | goanvi n** » p«* ii*vsgs#sn I *st!sf ur rtwmef Y Ref porllrtiloi • okireea fbe lokon leFbro br**ok i »#t g . »** A f >8re t<* l he *4< mar > th* WHAFPBR Of * sc 1 I e Mr »ur psoslveweeks previous tcaoMdty cf boaiiug C Aad *(lil tarr) In r on hl« far famed cf JauRory. 1000. • WPS J. ( . IU » I nrr •sltssofth. (mikaf IM* •uhni'it wbleh fs*4 itte*!lfi*>*te * I h* k *wr f at ur nearest Druggist m l have th# arltete, WM bit KKLB Judge of Prubort M, MBA vs.if. te| J*ka* twg*4f3,1M4 4a10 tf Mid Carriaae knctsry The Ma NOIK sKK 'I I ite m a > he i*An th «io m*i ■*# pet of? hy any nf t ba tales (rating prepays (A trtr my? | l*Mdu. tire •#♦»•!) by ages an I •nr i»ro*liirl*i^ all iluTM that mui b«* nfbre! I a its pHsee aad os will fbr* STRAY CATTLE. and Gee t he the (immI r*tei* that rte ''-ter atria s. i Jr*'*tt m o*uel . ward aaurura'te t»aclr4H|, h) si proas | IKOttMfttTH ATfT||*b OAf«ft* Ik the maltar 1 ©a ! fin* , and wtlH«»ul any *>9 tbe rokart ot llorrts Kvtrtas, 0000 sari. Nc g|| wBb, Oeheesa TlBSteRaa bug lalkau? AMT |a (a thft eu*d< *ft f th^ *»ndrr*ii: red. In t be of any of ths ►rea rite A flLAtK RKf ITVf III tdWF'rt, cf 1 h#tr hnri fi r Injur Thsv carry out Principal Oftee and luiofaetory 11#© is hereby given. I boi Hy vtrioe nf 1‘eooee and au. UBttUaT*?*brtebe Hecemher 1^4. so# yesr ' Id red Hell, r #Wt» J year ef Hi** 4 v »lsri he fee HA • * A rrm thertt) granted In us h, tbe Jaiou <»f Pmbort for I r o i««_____ C’’a» u C. wnt* Ml M u Mrtoaor trrtktae h.r .sv Arr^rrr^A f einoa^h " ” “ lh" if M V wa c ! A* ! Ti id Uo A3I IBIH h TBKRT cv»wM) nf flak lend amt ttrtic cf Blrhlgan, we witiaolt I’ nltiroo ie rt % r I4|«* 11 wi (1 1 e ••#*! (i»at ai s #* res a f 11) In t he big beet Mddct at t*ubl»e ssteVico «-n tbs* prURi iBAiVBMMlMe ^wau f debt «ef I.# r f^teit rat In 4 on aad nmrt,tT '* “•*' T 1''"**'* •rc,M',t1r» A TP farm la sitoaiod la tsttba 90. rued let netei are r ee«tr i lo o«***i aoees lo rnrg (, ur piinanHUMii \ tone be* ertoflrr 4ooertHe«l, r*i> 8#ii srij , tbe 801b 4k) BiarUriaiMg. UkoiMAi rttoMAi* jarlst ,, . n>D (14 cud re,, v ‘ U #AtAl h-hment I S #f Aaafll i -llarto eeaotv, •MttMMb.BabruaryT.1W 3741 _ „ # Wm.TW>W*vt. Mae* Th* pe*fw • t ■ bailenggsae v *ic i i If # tt 14b | | | 4 |v - sum pi loo. of Ma*rb A D I «Mb.. at «»ne nuWk P M. of oairi A88NT9 *iav , al! ib# fight title amt Interest *»f «*•• ! tog bsiasan LyoaeoadM Jokas, sari 4 U 9 ______lUth.Jsn 8, IttB. IMUw aaaut la fbe diet* v| 1 ■-i. RfOb» _ Karaby twrilAed net tn parshseaa MAMK tefn t|( Insure «1 tbe oadaeetf Stfd. in tb* BAl/riBDlIK B tt noooe VycnMicrt ti> ( /grliaa 4 I bit (I) «rt In Clinton county. Mleblgao rrlogg lag lu dlf ltd hfuwrhea earrfud #e» «« tseoal FtTTIlIITTiu* Dr Gecffe 11 tn, •aaeuled hf Usr|«l UltebA tn «rs v twnritliij. (iflOller *n Ih* 1*1 f N »e«v»eF|a»t *>D# GKO IIKBRCKBttKN motto kaown si tbe 00A0. nr *wv aryHsiMos tn tttv oo * ClIVClNNAIi r IX Ikllre A Go and f D !»ark r*or*iKroKx bu beat ef Juga 1484, uarsid#side ri«hiegu*'»whl*ea (unlucre# rear .|*1 K*ri Hftlbr »Mh • wh |te spot m be r hfp MagP FUglds. fe»t JO, 1881 (alOMy iriavRAaourioi Bubouko r iBMrtM Go BMb - MtittM aMwgufkaAttlguvtyabkaiaad rk# **u nee cf sal4 lleifrr run has# her h? |evte|flg ORD' Aflt» -1/rnri A dealth a«. 1 H fit cvG Faouory 33. I09A BoXTBfti fnixjr t. UT. IjOTTIu—iioirta# Hmthoes ______, yruoeetT aad aertttK eaueuaus ___ __ OAACCO «n.l SK<. \ H.v For (uklrt by DruRgBiA And DfbUttrt to *▼ BLVBrik A. Illli3riN M. NVO ! B H MONROM h A N FflAN0184X> Muitdler, ftmtU A Than err tovrp in the rwlrtbl Httttuo ftt7?ly tralors Aid? . sol ( hy g11 f>f ggf s#dl Oe* **4 tu r»h I?, im ______01 lee Feb 8,1“ r T AOuestcek.al fIIRT‘P
