Proficy Historian Analysis Important Product Information 6.0 SP1

New Features

CAUTION: If you installed the Proficy Historian Analysis Pre-Release and want to upgrade your setup to the final release version, you will need to uninstall Proficy Historian Analysis software and reinstall it. Any development work that might have been done using the PRE-RELEASE build is NOT SUPPORTED.

The following sections outline the features of the Proficy* Historian Analysis software:

 Introduction  Key Features  Features New to 6.0 SP1  Previous Features Not Supported Introduction

Proficy Historian Analysis is an integrated product solution from GE that provides a web-based historian client for process engineers to visualize Proficy Historian data and perform analysis on the data to achieve process improvement.

Proficy Historian Analysis is designed to be the one into Proficy Historian, which a process engineer can use to help visualize and troubleshoot the process and thereby make improvements to the process. By viewing the data within trends and within the context of your plant data model, you can determine root causes and turn the data into actionable information. Key Features

Proficy Historian Analysis key features include the following:

 Tag and asset searching  Tag analysis tools, including chart and options  Ability to create filters and call the different Historian query modes  Create and edit runtime expressions  Create and share analysis favorites  Visualize, analyze, and collaborate on Proficy Historian and SCADA alarms in detail  Create displays in the context of your plant structure  Provide access to content based on roles Features New to 6.0 SP1

Proficy Historian Analysis 6.0 SP1 new features include:

 Asset Replacement Removal - Provides the ability to remove tags that cannot be matched during Asset Replacement.  Export Trend Data - Time Aligned on the Action Menu. This provides the ability to export data in a time-aligned tabular format  Auto Refresh for Trend Charts  Regional Settings section  "Alarm" indicators changed to "Alert" indicators.  Histograms with normalized distribution  New layouts to display analysis elements  SCADA alarm acknowledgement integration with CIMPLICITY and iFIX  Linking tags to alerts  Command Line Interface for a Silent Install  Provisioning Tool Command Line Interface Previous Features Not Supported

® Silverlight®  Separate Report tab  Asset Default view  Chart editing tools including:  Foreground/background colors  Symbol/marker selection  X/Y axes control including color, title, annotations, tick controls

Release Notes

CAUTION: If you installed the Proficy Historian Analysis Pre-Release software and want to upgrade your setup to the final release version, you will need to uninstall Proficy Historian Analysis software and reinstall it. Any development work that might have been done using the PRE-RELEASE build is NOT SUPPORTED. Installing Proficy Historian Analysis

For complete instructions on installing Proficy Historian Analysis, refer to the Proficy Historian Analysis Getting Started Guide.

Known Issues

Defect # Area Description DE12366 Upgrade After upgrading to 6.0 SP1, the SIM1 entry in the View Installed Updates list will not be removed. <

Fixed Defects

Defect # Area Description DE17085 Proficy Login failing when the password contains certain multi- Vision characters <

00297511 Filtering- In version 5.5, users could filter based on the value of a string tag String Tags (such as CurrentBatch, where the value could be 'Batch01', 'Batch02', etc. This does not work in version 6.0. Also in 5.5, the 'does not equal' condition was available. This is not available in 6.0 <