with UNEP for 18 December 2018 | Strategic Frameworks


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Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal

How to complete this document? - A Readiness Guidebook is available to provide information on how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support programme. It should be consulted to assist in the completion of this proposal template. - This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDAs) or focal points with support from their delivery partners where relevant. - Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - Information on the indicative list of activities eligible for readiness and preparatory support and the process for the submission, review and approval of this proposal can be found on pages 11-13 of the guidebook. - For the final version submitted to GCF Secretariat, please delete all instructions indicated in italics in this template and provide information in regular text (not italics).

Where to get support? - If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We will aim to get back to you within 48 hours. - You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected]. We will get back to you within 5 working days to discuss your submission and the way forward.

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult page 7 of the readiness guidebook for more information.


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Country name: Malaysia Name of institution representing National Designated Authority (NDA) or Focal Point: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 1. Country submitting the Name of NDA/Focal Point: Dt Azimuddin Bahari Position: Dep. Secretary proposal General Telephone: +60 3 8886 1626 Email: [email protected] Full office address: No. 25, Wisma Sumber Asli, Persiaran Perdana, 62574 Putrajaya, Malaysia

2. Date of initial 28/02/2018 submission

3. Last date of n/a resubmission

 National Designated Authority X Accredited Entity X Delivery Partner Name of institution: United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) Name of official: Ermira Fida Position: Green Climate Fund Coordinator Office land line: (254-20) 76 23113 Mobile: + 254 714 636329 4. Which entity will Email: [email protected] implement the Readiness Full Office address: UN Environment, UN complex; P O Box 30552-00100, Nairobi, and Preparatory Support . project? Name of official: Emelyne Cheney Position: Regional Advisor, Forests and Telephone: +66 22 88 1893 Email: [email protected] Full Office address: United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UN Building, 2nd Floor, Block A, Rajdamnern, Nok Ave- nue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand

5. Title of the Readiness Accessing REDD+ result-based payments in Malaysia support proposal

✓ Readiness o Establishing and strengthening national designated authorities or focal points 6. Type of Readiness o Strategic frameworks, including the preparation of country programmes support sought o Support for accreditation and accredited direct access entities  Adaptation Planning

After five years of effort, starting in 2012, Malaysia has completed four key elements of the REDD+ 7. Brief summary of the readiness process: a national strategy, reference level, national forest monitoring system, and a request first summary of information on safeguards. This proposal is to support the country’s transition into the third phase of REDD+1, i.e. full implementation and result-based payments.

1 As per the UNFCCC, REDD+ is divided in three phases. Phase 1 of REDD+, also known as Preparation Phase, includes developing national strategies or action plans, policies and measures, and other capacity building activities. Phase 2 consists of piloting


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It focuses on strengthening NDA capacity (1) to operationalize the safeguards information system and (2) to mobilize private finance that will yield REDD+ results at scale, as two elements identified by Malaysia as needing strengthening to access result-based paymentsensure delivery of REDD+ results.

Indeed, the basic components of the safeguards information system, based on existing systems in Malaysia, have been identified in the first summary of information submitted to the UNFCCC. The safeguards information system now has to be rendered operational by strengthening and articulating the identified existing systems. Malaysia also needs to develop and establish a sustainable financing mechanism, centring on private sector investments, to scale up REDD+ results.

GCF readiness support is sought to meet these identified needs in order to strengthen Malaysia’s capacity to scale up REDD+ result-based actions and access payments.

8. Total requested USD $798,327 amount and currency

9. Anticipated duration 24 months

implementation through result-based demonstration activities and might also involve additional capacity-building. Phase 3 of REDD+ refers to full implementation and result-based payments. Source: GCF in Brief: REDD+


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SECTION 2: LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Please complete the table below by including proposed outcomes, baseline situations, the targets for implementation period, and the activities to be undertaken, including key outputs or deliverables. Please add rows for additional outcomes as needed. For further guidance on completing the table, please refer to the guidebook “Accessing the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”, including specific Outcomes to select from.

ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES BASELINE TARGET Please include at least one specific deliverable output for each activity, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Safeguard information system opera- 0 2 tional 1.1 Stakeholders engaged in safeguard 1 2 1.1.1 Multi-stakeholder Safeguards Information System Working Group (SISWG) to plan safeguard information system process information design process (1.2) Output: SISWG annual work plan including capacity building events (1.1.3) for targeted stakeholder constituencies (month 2)

1.1.2 Develop and execute a gender-responsive national and (Peninsular and Borneo) regional stakeholder consultation plan for safeguard information design process (1.2) Output: stakeholder consultation plan (month 3)

1.1.3 Identify and capacitate key stakeholder constituencies (national and state governments; civil society) in safeguard information design and operations (1.2) Output: training materials, satisfaction surveys and impact potential assessment (months 3, 9, 15, 21) 1.2 Safeguard information system in 1 2 1.2.1 Identify and assess existing systems and sources of information to meet safeguards information place needs identified in the revised Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification and existing legal/institutional assessment Output: assessment report with recommendations for proposed institutional arrangements (month 4)

1.2.2 Develop (national and state) information reporting templates based on the assessment of existing systems and sources and proposed institutional arrangements (1.3.1) Output: national/state information reporting templates annexed to draft design document (month 8)

1.2.3 Identify, and secure political ownership of, institutional arrangements and functional responsibilities for operating the safeguards information system hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Output: institutional arrangements incorporated into design document (month 12)


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1.2.4 Capacitate identified institutions operating the safeguards information system (1.3.2) and strengthen existing/develop novel (where necessary) inter-agency information sharing protocols Output: inter-agency information sharing protocols annexed to draft design document (month 16)

1.2.5 Develop/adapt existing information and communication technology solutions for information management (database) and dissemination (web platform and portal) to allow submission of safeguards information by stakeholders and feedback by the wider public Output: database, platform and portal design elements incorporated into design document (month 18)

1.2.6 Consolidate a grievance redress system for REDD+ building on existing mechanisms (in the National Policy for , Malaysia Industrial Relations Act, national forest certification scheme) Output: tiered grievance redress system for REDD+ incorporated into SIS design document (month 20)

1.2.7 Budget and secure financing for capital outlay and sustained operational running costs of the safeguards information system Output: investment/operational budget annexed to design document (month 21) 1.3 Safeguards experiences and 0 2 1.3.1 Compile, publish and disseminate (through national and regional consultation workshops, as well knowledge documented and as online public consultation) the safeguard information system design document to those actors disseminated implicated with responsibilities to operate the system ( national and state governments; civil society) Output: safeguard information system design document (month 23)

1.3.2 Draft an annotated Table of Contents for Malaysia’s second summary of information, to be populated with information from the national safeguard information system, for submission in 2020 Output: draft an annotated Table of Contents (month 23)

1.3.3 Develop and codify national guidelines/standard operating procedures on one or more aspects safeguards implementation (e.g. addressing/respecting safeguards; benefit/risk assessments; etc.) Output: national guideline(s)/standard operating procedure(s) endorsed by relevant government agency (month 23)

1.3.4 Compile, publish and disseminate (through hard copy and online publication and associated social media marketing) a concise lessons learnt information brief on the safeguard information design process targeting other REDD+ countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, who could learn from Malaysia Output: information brief (month 23)


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1.3.5 Participation in relevant international events (e.g. UNFCCC meetings, Oslo REDD+ Exchange), including at least one side event at UNFCCC CoP 25 to disseminate safeguards experiences and lessons Output: reports on participation in at least one expert panel and/or side event each year (months 12, 24) Private finance mobilised for REDD+ 0 2 implementation 2.1 Financing strategy developed 1 2 2.1.1 Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the costs associated with the implementation of actions included in the National REDD+ Strategy. Output: detailed cost analysis report (month 6)

2.1.2 Undertake the mapping of all financial flows relevant to REDD+, including domestic, international, public and private sources of finance. Output: report detailing all current and potential financial flows related to REDD+ (month 6)

2.1.3 Identify most relevant funding sources depending on the type of action, stakeholders and costs (i.e. transaction, enabling, “direct” costs) involved and most appropriate financing instruments (grants, loans, etc.) Output: report detailing options and recommendations for accessing financial instruments (month 9)

2.2 REDD+ implementation supported by 1 2 2.2.1 Identify private investment opportunities to support the implementation of the actions formulated private investments in the National REDD+ Strategy: i. Mapping of existing private sector activities/projects compatible with REDD+ objectives 1. Screening of sustainable private sector activities/ projects in the country targeting economic sectors driving and 2. Analysis of how these activities/projects could be scaled up and aligned with the objectives outlined in the National REDD+ Strategy ii. Scoping of private financing options (domestic and international) 1. Options for (re-)directing private finance towards REDD+-compatible activities/projects . 2. Options for building on existing financing instruments in specific sectors such as bonds, credit guarantees, etc. Output: Analysis of current and prospective private investment opportunities to support REDD+ implementation (month 12)

2.2.2 Create an enabling environment for private investments supporting the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy


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i. Develop policy instruments, incentives and other requirements identified to access private financing for REDD+ compatible activities/projects ii. Address potential barriers preventing private capital to flow towards REDD+ compatible activities/projects. iii. Develop a pipeline of bankable projects for private investments in sustainable land use Output: Adoption of enabling policies for private sector investment, and set of associated instruments including project pipeline (month 18, 24)

Complete system established for the to access REDD+ result-based payments 3.1 REDD+ implementation in Malaysia 1 2 3.1.1 Increase awareness and disseminate information on REDD+ implementation in Malaysia communicated widely and effectively i. Develop a communication strategy to disseminate information on REDD+ implementation domestically and internationally ii. Organise technical sessions with selected stakeholders on REDD+ result-based payments Output: REDD+ Communication Strategy and updated REDD+ Book (month 6)

3.1.2 Enhance capacity of the National REDD+ Office to share experiences and early lessons learnt in relation to result-based payments i. Increase capacity of the National REDD+ Office ii. Share Malaysia’s experience and early lessons at international events Output: UNFCCC side event and information brief targeted at the international community (month 6,12,18,24)

3.2 Enhanced capacity of the Government 3.2.1 Support the Government of Malaysia in identifying most suitable options to receive REDD+ result- of Malaysia to access REDD+ result-based based payments payments i. Review of potential sources of REDD+ result-based payments available to Malaysia, including methodology and eligibility criteria ii. Cost and benefit analysis of mixing different sources of REDD+ result-based payments Output: Selection of source(s) of REDD+ result-based payments most suitable to Malaysia (month 24)


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Malaysia submitted its first readiness proposal in 2017, in collaboration with the Carbon Trust, with a focus on the energy sector. The proposal covers the following areas: 1. Enhancing Malaysia's existing GCF country programme through prioritisation of mitigation programmes in the energy sector 2. Supporting Malaysian organisations to become GCF Direct Access Entities 3. Developing a concept note for a "Malaysian Green Cities Fund"

The NDA identified REDD+ as its next priority and requested UN Environment, as a delivery partner, to support activities to enhance Malaysia’s capacity to access result- based payments from REDD+. Malaysia's Country Programme indicates that GCF funds will be used to develop a sustainable financing mechanism for REDD+ implementation. Hence, this readiness proposal is intended to remove barriers and provide opportunities for Malaysia’s transition to the third phase of REDD+: implementation and result-based payments.

Malaysia has already met most of the key REDD+ requirements, known as the Warsaw Framework, stated in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A modified submission on a proposed REDD+ reference level has been made to the UNFCCC. A biennial update report, with submission of REDD+ results (2006-2010), has already been produced, and Malaysia was the second country in the world to submit a summary of information on safeguards. Finally, the National REDD+ Strategy was recently submitted to the UNFCCC, along with an updated Forest Reference Level (FRL) covering the period 2016-2025. Please visit https://redd.unfccc.int/submissions.html?country=mys for access to all Malaysia submissions.

It is also worth noting that Malaysia has supported its REDD+ readiness activities almost entirely through its regular domestic budget, with minimal international technical assistance. This demonstrates the country’s strong and lasting commitment to incentivise sustainable forest management and conservation, resilient to a changing climate, as a significant contribution to current and future Nationally Determined Contributions to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. This ambition will be achieved through implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy, which is now hindered only by two factors that this proposal seeks to address: operationalising the safeguards information system and developing a financing strategy.

The safeguards component (Outcome 1) builds on the existing country safeguards process, strengthening existing institutions to build and operate the required safeguards information system. Although Malaysia was one of the first REDD+ countries to submit a summary of safeguards information to the UNFCCC, and a number of steps in the country’s approach to safeguards have been completed, the identified elements of the safeguards information system still need to be articulated into an


PAGE 9 OF 32 | Ver. 15 June 2017 operational whole. A multi-stakeholder Safeguards Information System Working Group has been established2; the group has led the upstream steps in the country’s approach to addressing and respecting REDD+ safeguards, namely an assessment of environment and social benefits and risks of the national REDD+ strategy; an assessment of the existing legal and institutional frameworks; an interpretation of the UNFCCC REDD+ safeguard, as enshrined in the revised Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification; and identification of existing grievance redress mechanisms that could be applied to REDD+.

The activities and outputs comprising Outcome 1 are informed by global good practices of safeguards information system design developed over the past five years, and applied by UN Environment. UN Environment is the world’s leading organisation supporting country approaches to REDD+ safeguards with support to over 30 countries to date, 18 national-level safeguards information systems, including, most recently, the world’s first fully operational ‘SIS’ in Mexico. Drawing on this body of experience and good practices, Outcome 1 activities are tailored to the specific Malaysian circumstances and highlight two unique features of our approach to safeguards: 1. Adoption and adaptation of an existing certification scheme – Malaysian Criteria & Indicators for Forest Management – as the core substantive content 2. Double delivery, through the national information system, against the UNFCCC Cancun safeguards and Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Targets

The finance component (Outcome 2) aims to mobilise private finance for REDD+ and address the financing gap currently hindering the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy, and therefore the realisation of REDD+ results. Both the public and private sectors in Malaysia have called for greater engagement in climate change mitigation and, although the government support and leadership are necessary, it is the private sector that holds the key to achieving sustainable land use at scale. A target of the National REDD+ Strategy is to develop sustained collaborations with the private sector (by 2025, the number and/or size of collaborative projects with the private sector should have doubled compared to the 2016 level). Outcome 2 activities will provide Malaysia with a financing strategy supporting and enabling REDD+ implementation, with a view to making existing financing flows converge towards REDD+ objectives and to unlock sustainable private finance.

Building the safeguards and finance components, the last section of the proposal (Outcome 3) focuses on enhancing Malaysia’s capacity to access result-based payments. It places the emphasis on communication and participation in international meetings to share experiences, and on the identification of the most suitable options for Malaysia to receive payments for its REDD+ results.

2 The SIS working group is chaired by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and composed of representatives of the following ministries and entities: Attorney General’s Chambers, Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (), Ministry of Resource Planning and Environment (), Ministry of Modernisation of Agriculture (Sarawak), Forestry Department (JPSM), Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (JAKOA, RISDA, FELCRA, KESEDAR), State Legal Advisors, Social NGOs, Environmental NGOs, private Sector and academia.


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4.1. Budget Plan

The activities below are based on UN Environment experience in supporting other countries in their REDD+ readiness processes through the UN-REDD Programme. Cost estimates were established in consultation with the Government of Malaysia.

EXPENDITURE AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ACTIVITIES TOTAL COST CATEGORIES OUTCOMES (same as in section 2. Include at least one specific COST (add columns if >24 months) (same as in section 2) deliverable output for each activity, and the month (per activity) number in which it will be delivered to GCF) Workshops/ Consultants Travel Others 6m 12m 18m 24m Trainings 1.1.1 Multi-stakeholder Safeguards Information $13,000 $5,000 $3,000 (1 $5,000 $13,000 1.1 Stakeholders engaged System Working Group (SISWG) to plan mission for in safeguard information safeguard information design process (1.2) international system design process Output: SISWG annual work plan including consultant capacity building events (1.1.3) for targeted and UN stakeholder constituencies (month 2) Environment Budget note: one international consultant for 5 technical days @ $600, one national consultants for 20 staff) days @ $100, 10 working group meetings with approximately 15 participants, one inception mission by international consultant 1.1.2Develop and execute a gender-responsive $18,000 $5,000 $3,000 $10,000 $15,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 national and (Peninsular and Borneo) regional (domestic stakeholder consultation plan for safeguard travel within information design process (1.2) Malaysia)

Output: stakeholder consultation plan (month 3)

Budget note: one international consultant for 5 days @ $600, two national consultants for 10 days @ $100, three consultation workshops


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with approximately 25 participants each, two missions by national consultants to regions 1.1.3 Identify and capacitate key stakeholder $29,500 $8,500 $6,000 (2 $15,000 $7,750 $7,750 $7,750 $6,250 constituencies (national and state missions for governments; civil society) in safeguard international information design and operations (1.2) consultant and UN Output: training materials, satisfaction surveys Environment and impact potential assessment (months 3, 9, technical 15, 21) staff)

Budget note: one international consultant for 10 days @ $600, one national consultant for 25 days @ $100, five training events with approximately 25 participants each, one mission by international consultant, two missions by national consultants to regions 1.2.1 Identify and assess existing systems and $28,000 $12,000 $6,000 (1 $10,000 $28,000 1.2 Safeguard information sources of information to meet safeguards mission for system designed information needs identified in the revised international Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest consultant Management Certification and existing and UN legal/institutional assessment Environment Output: assessment report with technical recommendations for proposed institutional staff; arrangements (month 4) domestic travel within Budget note: one international consultant for Malaysia) 15 days @ $600, one national consultant for 30 days @ $100, three consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants, one mission by international consultant, two missions by national consultants to regions


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1.2.2 Develop (national and state) information $21,000 $12,000 $3,000 (1 $6,000 $10,500 $10,500 reporting templates based on the assessment mission for of existing systems and sources and proposed international institutional arrangements (1.3.1) consultant; Output: national/state information reporting domestic templates annexed to draft design document travel within (month 8) Malaysia)

Budget note: one international consultant for 15 days @ $600, one national consultant for 30 days @ $100, two national consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, one mission by international consultant 1.2.3 Identify, and secure political ownership $15,000 $6,000 $3,000 (1 $6,000 $7,500 $7,500 of, institutional arrangements and functional mission for responsibilities for operating the safeguards international information system hosted by the Ministry of consultant; Natural Resources and Environment domestic Output: institutional arrangements travel within incorporated into design document (month 12) Malaysia)

Budget note: one international consultant for 5 days @ $600, one national consultant for 30 days @ $100, two national consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, one mission by international consultant 1.2.4 Capacitate identified institutions $50,000 $29,000 $6,000 (1 $15,000 $25,000 $25,000 operating the safeguards information system mission for and strengthen existing/develop novel (where international necessary) inter-agency information sharing consultant protocols and UN Output: inter-agency information sharing Environment protocols annexed to draft design document technical (month 16) staff; domestic Budget note: one international consultant for travel within 15 days @ $600, two national consultants for Malaysia)


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100 days @ $100, five training events with approximately 25 participants each, one mission by international consultant, two missions by national consultants to regions 1.2.5 Develop/adapt existing information and $53,000 $29,000 $6,000 (1 $8,000 $10,000 $26,500 $26,500 communication technology solutions for mission for information management (database) and international dissemination (web platform and portal) to consultant allow submission of safeguards information by and UN stakeholders and feedback by the wider public Environment Output: database, platform and portal design technical elements incorporated into design document staff; (month 18) domestic travel within Budget note: one international consultant for Malaysia) 15 days @ $600, two national consultants for 100 days @ $100, two national consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, four working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each, two missions by international consultant; one online database, platform and portal 1.2.6 Consolidate a grievance redress system $29,000 $13,000 $6,000 (1 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $9,000 for REDD+ building on existing mechanisms (in mission for the National Policy for Biodiversity, Malaysia international Industrial Relations Act, national forest consultant certification scheme) and UN Output: tiered grievance redress system for Environment REDD+ incorporated into SIS design document technical (month 20) staff; domestic Budget note: one international consultant for travel within 15 days @ $600, one national consultant for 40 Malaysia) days @ $100, three consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each, two missions by


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international consultant

1.2.7 Budget and secure financing for capital $5,000 $4,000 $1,000 S2,500 $2,500 outlay and sustained operational running costs of the safeguards information system Output: investment/operational budget annexed to design document (month 21)

Budget note: one international consultant for 5 days @ $600, one national consultant for 10 days @ $100, three consultation workshops with approximately 25 participants each, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each 1.3.1 Compile, publish and disseminate $11,400 $2,400 $4,000 $5,000 $500 $500 $5,200 $5,200 1.3 Safeguards experiences (through national and regional consultation and knowledge workshops, as well as online public documented and consultation) the safeguard information system disseminated design document to those actors implicated with responsibilities to operate the system ( national and state governments; civil society)Output: complete safeguard information system design document (month 24)

Budget note: one international consultant for 2 days @ $600, one national consultant for 12 days @ $100, one national consultation workshop with approximately 25 participants, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each, one publication package (graphic design, proofreading, translation and printing 100 copies) 1.3.2 Draft an annotated Table of Contents for $3,900 $900 $3,000 $2,750 $1,150 Malaysia’s second summary of information, to


PAGE 16 OF 32 | Ver. 15 June 2017 be populated with information from the national safeguard information system, for submission in 2020 Output: draft an annotated Table of Contents (month 24)

Budget note: one international consultant for 1 day @ $600, one national consultant for 3 days @ $100, one national consultation workshop with approximately 25 participants, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each 1.3.3 Develop and codify national $14,000 $8,000 $3,000 (1 $3,000 $7,000 $7,000 guidelines/standard operating procedures on mission for one or more aspects safeguards international implementation (e.g. addressing/respecting consultant; safeguards; benefit/risk assessments; etc.) domestic Output: national guideline(s)/standard travel within operating procedure(s) endorsed by relevant Malaysia) government agency (month 24)

Budget note: one international consultant for 10 days @ $600, one national consultant for 20 days @ $100, one national consultation workshop with approximately 25 participants, two working group meetings with approximately 15 participants each, one mission by international consultant 1.3.4 Compile, publish and disseminate $13,000 $5,000 $3,000 $5,000 $6,500 $6,500 (through hard copy and online publication and associated social media marketing) a concise lessons learnt information brief on the safeguard information design process targeting other REDD+ countries, particularly in the Asia- Pacific region, who could learn from Malaysia


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Output: information brief (month 24)

Budget note: one international consultant for 5 days @ $600, one national consultant for 20 days @ $100, one national consultation workshop with approximately 25 participants, one publication package (graphic design, proofreading, translation and printing 100 copies) 1.3.5 Participation in relevant international $21,000 $6,0003 (2 $15,000 $1,250 $4,250 $1,250 $14,250 events (e.g. UNFCCC meetings, Oslo REDD+ missions for Exchange), including at least one side event at Ministry of UNFCCC CoP 25 to disseminate safeguards Natural experiences and lessons Resources Output: reports on participation in at least one and expert panel and/or side event each year Environment (months 12, 24) focal point)

Budget note: travel to two international events, one international side event Sub total $324,800 $139,800 $51,000 $114,000 $20,000 $93,500 $93,500 $94,450 $41,350

2.1.1 Conduct a comprehensive assessment of $32,000 $25,000 $4,000 (2 $3,000 $32,000 2.1 Financing strategy the costs associated with the implementation missions for developed of actions included in the National REDD+ international Strategy. consultant Output: detailed cost analysis report (month 6) and 1 mission for Budget note: one international consultant for UN 25 days @ $600, two national consultants for Environment 50 days @ $100, one validation workshop with technical approximately 25 participants staff)

3 Travel costs breakdown: 2000 USD for travel (one return flight -Cologne and one return flight Kuala Lumpur-Oslo, both economy class) and 4000 USD for DSA (UN rates for DSA are 297 USD for Bonn and 308 USD for Olso)


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2.1.2 Undertake the mapping of all financial $29,000 $22,000 $3,000 (1 $4,000 $29,000 flows relevant to REDD+, including domestic, mission for international, public and private sources of international finance. consultant Output: report detailing all current and and UN potential financial flows related to REDD+ Environment (month 6) technical staff) Budget note: one international consultant for 20 days @ $600, two national consultants for 50 days @ $100, two consultation meetings with approximately 20 participants

2.1.3 Identify most relevant funding sources $23,500 17,000 $3,000 (1 $3,500 $10,000 $13,500 (including results-based payments) depending mission for on the type of action, stakeholders and costs international (i.e. transaction, enabling, “direct” costs) consultant involved and most appropriate financing and UN instruments (grants, loans, etc). Environment Output: report detailing options and technical recommendations for accessing financial staff) instruments (month 9)

Budget note: one international consultant for 20 days @ $600, two national consultants for 25 days @ $100, one validation workshop with approximately 30 participants

2.2.1 Identify private investment opportunities $42,000 $22,000 $10,000 (2 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 2.2 REDD+ implementation to support the implementation of the actions missions for supported by private formulated in the National REDD+ Strategy international investments Output: Analysis of current and prospective consultant private sector engagement opportunities and 1 (month 12) mission for UN Budget note: one international consultant for Environment 20 days @ $600, two national consultants for technical


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50 days @ $100, two sub-national staff; consultations with 20 participants and three domestic sectoral consultations with 20 participants travel within Malaysia) 2.2.2 Develop modalities to enable private $33,000 $25,000 $3,000 (1 $5,000 $15,000 $3,000 $15,000 investments supporting the implementation of mission for the National REDD+ Strategy international Output: Report containing recommendations to consultant national and state strategy on developing and UN enabling polices for private sector investment, Environment and set of associated policy instruments technical (month 18, 24) staff)

Budget note: one international consultant for 25 days @ $600, two national consultants for 50 days @ $100, two consultation workshops with 25 participants

Sub total $159,500 $111,000 $23,000 $25,500 $0 $81,000 $38,500 $13,000 $27,000

3.1.1 Increase awareness and disseminate $48,500 $18,000 $15,500 $15,0004 48,500 3.1 REDD+ implementation information on REDD+ implementation in in Malaysia communicated Malaysia widely and effectively Output: REDD+ Communication Strategy and updated REDD+ Book (month 6)

Budget note: one international consultant for 25 days @ $600, one national consultant for 30 days @ $100, one validation workshops with 30 participants, 4 training sessions with 15 participants, one publication package (graphic design, proofreading, translation and printing 250 copies)

4 Costs of this “publication package” including graphic design, proofreading, translation and printing.


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3.1.2 Enhance capacity of the National REDD+ $106,400 $62,400 $24,000 $15,000 $5,000 $26,600 $26,600 $26,600 $26,600 Office to share experiences and early lessons (domestic learnt in relation to result-based payments travel within Output: Report on one UNFCCC side event and Malaysia; 2 information brief targeted at the international missions to community (month 3,6,12,18,24) UNFCCC for staff from Budget note: two national experts for 24 the National months @ $1,300, one COP side event, one REDD+ publication package (graphic design, Office) proofreading and printing 100 copies)

3.2.1 Support Malaysia in identifying most $21,000 $16,000 $5,000 (1 $21,000 3.2 Enhanced capacity of suitable options to receive REDD+ result-based mission for the Government of payments international Malaysia to access REDD+ consultant result-based payments Output: Review of options for REDD+ result- based payments available to Malaysia, and UN including a cost and benefit analysis of mixing Environment different approaches (month 24) technical staff)

Budget note: one international consultant for 20 days @ $600, two national consultants for 20 days @ $100 Sub total $175,900 $96,400 $29,000 $30,500 $20,000 $75,100 $26,600 $26,600 $47,600

$660,200 $347,200 $103,000 $170,000 $40,000 $249,600 $160,600 $134,050 $115,950 Total Activity Cost $30,000 $30,000 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 Project Management Cost Project Coordinator5 $7,000 $7,000 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 Travel6

5 The Project Coordinator will be a new full-time national hire, dedicated to this project’s delivery. 6 In-country travel for the Project Coordinator for the duration of the project.


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$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Office Equipment (computer)7 0 Office space8 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 Audit9 $49,000 $40,000 $7,000 $0 $2,000 $11,250 $14,250 $9,250 $14,250 Total Project Management

Cost $33,010 $17,360 $5,150 $8,500 $2,000 $12,480 $8,030 $6,702 $5,798 CONTINGENCY (UP TO 5%

OF TOTAL ACTIVITIES) $56,117 $29,512 $8,755 $14,450 $3,400 $21,216 $13,651 $11,394 $9,856 DELIVERY PARTNER FEE (UP TO 8.5% OF TOTAL ACTIVITIES) $798,327 $434,072 $123,905 $192,950 $47,400 $294,546 $196,531 $161,396 $145,854 TOTAL

7 Office equipment for the Project Coordinator ensconced within the REDD+ Unit office, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Malaysia. 8 The Project Coordinator will sit in the REDD+ Unit office, within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Malaysia. 9 The Audit will cover the entire project budget.


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4.2. Procurement Plan

The overall financial management and procurement of goods and services under this proposal will be guided by UN Environment regulations, rules, policies and procedures, as well as its Programme Manual. Further, procurement of goods and services will follow the general principles stated under clause 7 of the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement (Framework Agreement) between Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Environment. UN Environment will comply with its obligation under clause 7(a) of the Framework Agreement, which states “The procurement of Goods and Services for Approved Readiness Support Proposals, whether by the Delivery Partner or by a third party, shall be done in accordance with the rules, policies and procedures of the Delivery Partner.”

For this proposal, services of a technical nature will be recruited, or acquired, and directly managed by UN Environment, in consultation with the GCF’s National Designated Authority (NDA) of Malaysia. Recruitment and management of consultants will be in accordance with UN Environment rules, policies and procedures. UN Environment will also coordinate closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Malaysia to procure goods and services in delivering activities at national level - for example meetings, workshops, etc. - in accordance with the agreed procurement management plan. The procurement will be done in accordance with UN Environment rules, policies and procedures.


Goods and Non-Consulting Services Workshops 1.1.1 Multi-stakeholder Safeguards Information /trainings System Working Group (SISWG) to plan safeguard 5,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 information design process (1.2)

Workshops 1.1.2 Develop and execute a gender-responsive /trainings national and (Peninsular and Borneo) regional stakeholder consultation plan for safeguard 10,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 information design process (1.2)

Workshops 1.1.3 Identify and capacitate key stakeholder /trainings constituencies (national and state governments; civil society) in safeguard information design and 15,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 operations (1.2)

Workshops 1.2.1 Identify and assess existing systems and 10,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 /trainings sources of information to meet safeguards


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information needs identified in the revised Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification and existing legal/institutional assessment Workshops 1.2.2 Develop (national and state) information /trainings reporting templates based on the assessment of 6,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 4 Month 1 existing systems and sources and proposed institutional arrangements (1.3.1) Workshops 1.2.3 Identify, and secure political ownership of, /trainings institutional arrangements and functional responsibilities for operating the safeguards 6,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 8 Month 1 information system hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Workshops 1.2.4 Capacitate identified institutions operating the /trainings safeguards information system (1.3.2) and 15,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 12 Month 6 strengthen existing/develop novel (where necessary) inter-agency information sharing protocols Workshops 1.2.5 Develop/adapt existing information and USD <10,000 /trainings communication technology solutions for information management (database) and dissemination (web 8,000 Low value procurement Month 12 Month 6 platform and portal) to allow submission of safeguards information by stakeholders and feedback by the wider public Workshops 1.2.6 Consolidate a grievance redress system for USD <10,000 /trainings REDD+ building on existing mechanisms (in the 10,000 Low value procurement Month 12 Month 6 National Policy for Biodiversity, Malaysia Industrial Relations Act, national forest certification scheme) Workshops 1.2.7 Budget and secure financing for capital outlay USD <10,000 /trainings and sustained operational running costs of the 1,000 Low value procurement Month 20 Month 12 safeguards information system Workshops 1.3.1 Compile, publish and disseminate (through USD <10,000 /trainings national and regional consultation workshops, as well as online public consultation) the safeguard information system design document to those actors 4,000 Low value procurement Month 20 Month 18 implicated with responsibilities to operate the system ( national and state governments; civil society)


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Workshops 1.3.2 Draft an annotated Table of Contents for USD <10,000 /trainings Malaysia’s second summary of information, to be populated with information from the national 3,000 Low value procurement Month 20 Month 18 safeguard information system, for submission in 2020 Workshops 1.3.3 Develop and codify national /trainings guidelines/standard operating procedures on one or more aspects safeguards implementation (e.g. 3,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 20 Month 18 addressing/respecting safeguards; benefit/risk assessments; etc.) Workshops 1.3.4 Compile, publish and disseminate (through /trainings hard copy and online publication and associated social media marketing) a concise lessons learnt information brief on the safeguard information 3,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 20 Month 18 design process targeting other REDD+ countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, who could learn from Malaysia Workshops 1.3.5 Participation in relevant international events /trainings (e.g. UNFCCC meetings, Oslo REDD+ Exchange), 15,000 Request for quotation USD >10,000 Month 10 Month 6 including at least one side event at UNFCCC CoP 25 to disseminate safeguards experiences and lessons Workshops One validation workshop as part of Activity 2.1.1 3,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 /trainings Workshops Two consultation meetings as part of Activity 2.1.2 4,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 2 Month 1 /trainings Workshops One validation workshop as part of Activity 2.1.3 3,500 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 3 Month 1 /trainings Workshops Two sub-national consultation meetings and three /trainings sectoral consultation meetings as part of Activity 10,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 3 Month 1 2.2.1 Workshops Two consultation workshops as part of Activity 2.2.2 5,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 8 Month 6 /trainings Workshops One validation workshop and four training sessions /trainings as part of Activity 3.1.1 15,500 Request for quotation USD >10,000 Month 3 Month 4

Workshops One COP side event as part of Activity 3.1.2 15,000 Request for quotation USD >10,000 Month 3 Month 4


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/trainings 1.2.5 Develop/adapt existing information and USD <10,000 communication technology solutions for information management (database) and dissemination (web Others 10,000 Low value procurement Month 12 Month 6 platform and portal) to allow submission of safeguards information by stakeholders and feedback by the wider public 1.3.1 Compile, publish and disseminate (through USD <10,000 national and regional consultation workshops, as well as online public consultation) the safeguard Others information system design document to those actors 5,000 Low value procurement Month 20 Month 18 implicated with responsibilities to operate the system ( national and state governments; civil society) 1.3.4 Compile, publish and disseminate (through hard copy and online publication and associated social media marketing) a concise lessons learnt Others information brief on the safeguard information 5,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 20 Month 18 design process targeting other REDD+ countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, who could learn from Malaysia One publication package (graphic design, proofreading, translation and printing 250 copies) Others 15,000 Request for quotation USD >10,000 Month 5 Month 6 as part of Activity 3.1.1

One publication package (graphic design, proofreading and printing 100 copies) as part of Others 5,000 Low value procurement USD <10,000 Month 12 Month 15 Activity 3.1.2

SUB-TOTAL (US $) 313,000 Consultancy Services 1.1.1 Multi-stakeholder Safeguards Information 5,000 Personnel/ System Working Group (SISWG) to plan safeguard Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant information design process (1.2)


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1.1.2 Develop and execute a gender-responsive 5,000 national and (Peninsular and Borneo) regional Personnel/ stakeholder consultation plan for safeguard Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant information design process (1.2)

1.1.3 Identify and capacitate key stakeholder 8,500 constituencies (national and state governments; civil Personnel/ society) in safeguard information design and Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant operations (1.2)

1.2.1 Identify and assess existing systems and sources of information to meet safeguards Personnel/ information needs identified in the revised Malaysia 12,000 Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification and existing legal/institutional assessment 1.2.2 Develop (national and state) information Personnel/ reporting templates based on the assessment of 12,000 Recruitment n/a Month 4 Month 1 Consultant existing systems and sources and proposed institutional arrangements (1.3.1) 1.2.3 Identify, and secure political ownership of, institutional arrangements and functional Personnel/ responsibilities for operating the safeguards 6,000 Recruitment n/a Month 8 Month 1 Consultant information system hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 1.2.4 Capacitate identified institutions operating the Personnel/ safeguards information system (1.3.2) and 29,000 Recruitment n/a Month 12 Month 6 Consultant strengthen existing/develop novel (where necessary) inter-agency information sharing protocols 1.2.5 Develop/adapt existing information and communication technology solutions for information Personnel/ management (database) and dissemination (web 29,000 Recruitment n/a Month 12 Month 6 Consultant platform and portal) to allow submission of safeguards information by stakeholders and feedback by the wider public Personnel/ 1.2.6 Consolidate a grievance redress system for 13,000 Recruitment n/a Month 12 Month 6 Consultant REDD+ building on existing mechanisms (in the


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National Policy for Biodiversity, Malaysia Industrial Relations Act, national forest certification scheme) 1.2.7 Budget and secure financing for capital outlay Personnel/ and sustained operational running costs of the 4,000 Recruitment n/a Month 20 Month 12 Consultant safeguards information system 1.3.1 Compile, publish and disseminate (through national and regional consultation workshops, as well as online public consultation) the safeguard Personnel/ information system design document to those actors 2,400 Recruitment n/a Month 20 Month 18 Consultant implicated with responsibilities to operate the system ( national and state governments; civil society) 1.3.2 Draft an annotated Table of Contents for Malaysia’s second summary of information, to be Personnel/ populated with information from the national 900 Recruitment n/a Month 20 Month 18 Consultant safeguard information system, for submission in 2020 1.3.3 Develop and codify national guidelines/standard operating procedures on one or Personnel/ more aspects safeguards implementation (e.g. 8,000 Recruitment n/a Month 20 Month 18 Consultant addressing/respecting safeguards; benefit/risk assessments; etc.) 1.3.4 Compile, publish and disseminate (through hard copy and online publication and associated social media marketing) a concise lessons learnt Personnel/ information brief on the safeguard information 5,000 Recruitment n/a Month 20 Month 18 Consultant design process targeting other REDD+ countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, who could learn from Malaysia 1.3.5 Participation in relevant international events Personnel/ (e.g. UNFCCC meetings, Oslo REDD+ Exchange), 0 Recruitment n/a Month 10 Month 6 Consultant including at least one side event at UNFCCC CoP 25 to disseminate safeguards experiences and lessons Personnel/ One finance expert (International), one economist 25,000 Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant (national) and one forestry expert (national) as part


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of Activity 2.1.1 One finance expert (International), one economist 22,000 Personnel/ (national) and one forestry expert (national) as part Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 1 Consultant of Activity 2.1.2 One finance expert (International), one economist 17,000 Personnel/ (national) and one forestry expert (national) as part Recruitment n/a Month 3 Month 1 Consultant of Activity 2.1.3 One finance expert (International), one economist 22,000 Personnel/ (national) and one business analyst (national) as Recruitment n/a Month 3 Month 1 Consultant part of Activity 2.2.1 One finance expert (International), one economist 25,000 Personnel/ (national) and one business analyst (national) as Recruitment n/a Month 8 Month 6 Consultant part of Activity 2.2.2 One communications expert (international) and one 18,000 Personnel/ forestry expert (national) as part of Activity 3.1.1 Recruitment n/a Month 2 Month 3 Consultant

Personnel/ Two national REDD+ experts (full time) as part of 62,400 Recruitment n/a Month 1 Month 2 Consultant 3.1.2 One climate finance expert (international), one 16,000 Personnel/ forestry expert (national) and one economist Recruitment n/a Month 12 Month 14 Consultant (national) as part of Activity 3.2.1

TOTAL COST (US $) 660,200


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4.3. Disbursement schedule UN Environment, as the Delivery Partner for this Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal, will submit requests for disburse- ment for approved proposals to the GCF in accordance with the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement between the GCF and UN Environment. Disbursement requests will be signed by the authorized representative of the UN Envi- ronment and will include details of the bank account into which the grant will be deposited. UN Environment, the Delivery Part- ner for this R&P Support Proposal for Malaysia, will administer the grant disbursed by the GCF in accordance with UN Environ- ment’s regulations, rules, and procedures including maintenance of records of grant, disbursements and expenditure. UN Envi- ronment will follow the disbursement schedule as per the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement between the GCF and UN Environment.

UN Environment will allocate the grant proceeds as appropriate, in accordance with its obligations under clause 5 (Use of Grant Proceeds by the Delivery Partner) of Framework Readiness and Preparatory Sup-port Grant Agreement between Green Climate Fund (GCF) and UN Environment.

4.4. Additional information This box provides an opportunity to include further explanations related to the budget, procurement plan and disbursement schedule, including any details on the assumptions to justify costs presented in the budget.


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SECTION 5: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION 5.1. Please attach an “implementation map” or describe how funds will be managed by the NDA/FP or delivery partner

UN Environment will manage the funds for the activities under this readiness agreement. UN Environment will agree on a plan with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to monitor the implementation of the activities using the grant proceeds. However, UN Environment will be responsible for the implementation of the activities under this readiness and preparatory support proposal.

A UN Environment Programme Officer (PO) will be responsible for project oversight and supervision, and to ensure consistency with GCF and UN Environment policies and procedures. The functions of the PO will include, but will not be limited to the following: i) participating in the Annual Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings; ii) facilitating the final evaluation; iii) clearing the Progress Reports and Project Implementation Reviews; and iv) undertaking the technical review of project deliverables v) providing input to periodic readiness portfolio reporting to GCF; vi) prepare requests for disbursements etc.

UN Environment will submit semi-annual progress reports to the GCF in accordance with the terms of the Framework R&P Support Grant Agreement between GCF and UN Environment.

Implementation Map

Entity Role Responsibility

UN Environment* Delivery partner Project oversight, responsible for the procure- ment of international consultants.

Ministry of Natural Resources and NDA Coordination and consultation in the procure- Environment (NRE)** ment of national consultants, workshops, equipment, travel.

National Committee on REDD+ Project steering com- Overall guidance and strategic direction, review mittee and approval of workplan and budget

Economic Planning Unit, Forestry National consultation Engagement in various sector and bilateral Departments, Ministry of Agriculture, and engagement on a consultations, and national consultation Ministry of Plantation and Commodi- ministerial level ties, Ministry of Finance, National Climate Change and Green Technolo- gy Council; State governments

* Within UN Environment, three part-time personnel will be directly involved in the implementation of the project. In addition to the PO mentioned above, the delivery of activities will be backstopped by UN Environment’s global REDD+ Safeguards Coordinator and REDD+ Private Sector Specialist for Asia and Pacific.

** Within the Government of Malaysia, a total of 4 officers will be directly involved in the implementation of the project: two officers from the NDA office and two officers from the REDD+ Unit.

5.2 Other relevant information


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GANT chart illustrating the project timeline

Risk Factors and Mitigation Measures

Selected Risk Factor 1 Probability of risk Description Risk category Level of impact occurring Stakeholder fatigue in the safeguards process (Outcome 1) – after >5 years readiness, and a Medium (5.1- Technical and summary of information already submitted to the 20% of project Low operational UNFCCC, some stakeholders may not be fully value) incentivized to engage in the project Mitigation Measure(s) The first output of the project is designed to optimize stakeholder engagement: • Strengthen the capacity and operations of the SISWG (Activity 1.1.1) • Develop robust yet feasible national/regional stakeholder consultation plans (Activity 1.1.2) • Capacitate key stakeholders in safeguard information design/operations (Activity 1.1.3) Concluding the REDD+ readiness process and becoming eligible for results-based payments should also serve as an incentive for stakeholders to engage. Selected Risk Factor 2


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Probability of risk Description Risk category Level of impact occurring Elusive institutional incentives for existing information systems, outside the Ministry of Natural Resources Technical and High (>20% of and Environment, to contribute safeguards Medium operational project value) information (common challenge experienced in other countries) Mitigation Measure(s) The second output of the project has dedicated resources for two activities to address this risk: • Secure political ownership/institutional arrangements/functional responsibilities (Activity 1.2.3) • Capacitate identified institutions operating the safeguards information system (Activity 1.2.4) Strengthening and broadening application of the existing Malaysia Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification will also engender broader institutional ownership of the safeguards information system across gov- ernment. Selected Risk Factor 3 Probability of risk Description Risk category Level of impact occurring Changes in capacitated government staff assigned to Medium (5.1- Technical and safeguard information systems operations 20% of project High operational value) Mitigation Measure(s) As a government- (NDA-) led project, commitment will be made to retain capacitated staff, in the relevant positions within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, necessary to operate the safeguards information sys- tem. Changes in personnel due to institutional restructuring within this or other relevant ministries are beyond the control or influence of the project. Selected Risk Factor 4 Probability of risk Description Risk category Level of impact occurring Unclear incentives for private sector engagement in implementing the actions formulated in the National REDD+ Strategy. Analysis of current and prospective Technical and High (>20% of Low private sector engagement opportunities (Output operational project value) 2.2.1) might yield limited entry points for private sector engagement Mitigation Measure(s) Although theoretically possible, the probability of this risk occurring is low as the National REDD+ Strategy has already identified private sector engagement as a key element in implementing REDD+ actions, particularly in terms of sustainable agricultural production and forest management. To mitigate the risk of suboptimal private sector engagement, the project will ensure increased awareness and disseminate information on REDD+ imple- mentation opportunities, specifically targeting identified private sector/finance constituencies (Activity 3.1.1). Selected Risk Factor 5 Probability of risk Description Risk category Level of impact occurring Result-based payments unavailable to Malaysia High (>20% of Financial Low despite successful project completion project value) Mitigation Measure(s) This risk is beyond the control or influence of the project. REDD+ implementation in Malaysia communicated widely and effectively (Output 3.1) and achieving full eligibility (Output 3.2) can facilitate access to any available results-based payments.