Catherine Coulter | 368 pages | 07 Jul 2009 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780515146486 | English | New York, United States Tail Spin - Wikipedia

After a preview of that aired on the in May , the series began its run in September of the same year. The original concept was embodied in the introductory television movie " Plunder and Lightning " which was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program Prime Time for Programming One Hour or More in and was later re-edited into four half-hour episodes for reruns. The show was often seen either on its own as a half-hour show, or as part of the two-hour syndicated series The Disney Afternoon. TaleSpin ended on its 65th episode which ran in , later nominated for another Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program Entire Series in the same year. However, reruns continued to be shown on the Disney Afternoon through Afterwards, it was moved to the Disney Channel and later to . Several of the characters are loosely based on characters from Disney's animated film version of : in particular , the hot- shot pilot hero of the series; Louie , the owner of Baloo's favorite bar; and , a business tycoon who appears in many episodes. Also, many of the series concepts seem to be based on the ABC series Tales of the Gold Monkey , including the main concept of a cocky flying boat cargo pilot and his rocky relationship with his girlfriend, his scatterbrained mechanic sidekick, the era, and designs of the aircraft and costumes, the Pacific Islands setting, the secondary character relationships, even the visual appearance of the lagoon. Also, the protagonists of both series fly planes named for waterfowl Cutter's Goose and Sea Duck and are regular denizens of taverns named "Louie's. There are also many similarities to 's film about an anthropomorphic pig who flies a seaplane and fights air pirates. The series was largely developed by writers Jymn Magon and Mark Zaslove , who were also the Supervising Producers on the series as well as Story Editors. The opening in the cliffs is guarded by anti-aircraft artillery, preventing flying rabblerousers or air pirates from entering the city. Characters in the world of TaleSpin are anthropomorphic animals. The timeframe of the series is never specifically addressed, but appears to be in the late 's, probably beginning in late December [1] , as it is stated in the episode " Bygones " that World War I "ended twenty years ago" which would make that episode's present year Additionally, the helicopter and jet engine are experimental devices [2] [3] , most architecture is reminiscent of the style of that period, radio is the primary mass medium In one episode, the local station is identified as "K-CAPE" , and television is a still-new concept not yet widely known. The series centered on the adventures of bush pilot Baloo the bear, whose failing air cargo freight business is bought out by Rebecca Cunningham , and renamed ' Higher for Hire '. An orphan boy and former Air Pirate, the ambitious Kit Cloudkicker , attaches to Baloo and becomes his navigator. He sometimes calls him "Papa Bear". From there, the series follows the ups and downs of Higher for Hire and its staff, sometimes in the vein of old action- serials of the s and '40s. Their adventures often involve encounters with a gang of Air Pirates led by Don Karnage , representatives of Thembria, which is a parody of the Stalinist Soviet Union inhabited by anthropomorphic warthogs, or other, often even stranger obstacles. It is probably no surprise that I went into this book with rather high expectations. I am happy to report that this met every one of those expectations. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ende This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ended up having a fantastic time with it. This book opens with Rye, a pilot, agreeing to fly a box to a small airport near Atlanta even though the area is covered with blinding fog. Rye will fly in any kind of weather so he isn't even concerned about landing until something unexpected happens. Brynn was given the task of retrieving the box and getting it back to Atlanta as soon as possible. Soon Brynn and Rye are both pulled into a series of events that seems to become more dangerous at every turn. This book kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had things figured out something would surprise me. I thought that the suspense element was very well done and the fact that the characters were on a deadline kept things moving at a pretty quick pace. One thing that I really liked about the story was how realistic everything was. I honestly could see a situation similar to this happening and maybe it already has. I found this to be a pretty thought provoking read. I liked Rye and Brynn. There is a bit of romance to the story but I really felt like it was a smaller part of the story although it was very well done. Rye was a character with a big personality and I knew that he had to have a story. He really was a stand up guy who refused to cross certain lines and looked out for others. Brynn grew on me throughout the book. At first I wasn't sure about her but as pieces of her past came out along with her intentions I grew to love her. I loved that these two were able to work so well with each other to meet their goals. I would recommend this book to others. I thought that this book was very well written with a fairly complex plot. There was a whole lot of excitement, characters that had me cheering for them, and a few villains that were kind of fun to hate. I can't wait to read more of Sandra Brown's work in the future. Initial Thoughts This was great! I have been a fan of Sandra Brown for a very long time and I am happy to report that this book was able to lived up to my expectations which were set fairly high. The story took a lot of twists and turns and I was rather surprised several times along the way. Rye and Brynn were both amazing characters but I loved the fact that although there was a bit of romance between them the romance never overpowered the rest of the story. SB has been a go to author for me for years decades , but whether it's me or this book, it just didn't work. I admit my taste is changing; I want more mystery and suspense and less insta, insta, insta. This book happens in the span of 48 hours and yet it felt so slow paced and longer. I didn't feel the intensity of the time crunch maybe because we had to take time out for sex and what makes the characters tic. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to 2. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to save a little girl, I would be saying let's wait until we save her. We can have sex later. The first half of the book was such a bore it was no chore to stop and do laundry, yard work, brush the dogs, etc. There were also a lot of times that I just found the storyline hard to believe. Would these characters really be doing this? Saying that? I just was never pulled into the story line. And unfortunately I also wasn't "in like" with Brynn or Rye. Rye felt way too stereotypical and it seems like you see some version of him all over the place. Brynn seemed naive, bordering on stupid for someone who had a father in and out of jail and raised primarily in foster care. She had no street smarts. Unfortunately I just didn't enjoy the book. Jun 01, WhiskeyintheJar rated it liked it Shelves: contemporary , mystery-suspense , non-series. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Tailspin is a suspense ride from start to finish, the story takes place over a 48hr period, most of it in just 24hrs. Rye is a retired Air Force pilot dealing with guilt over a crash he felt he could have prevented from happening. Brynn is the doctor that shows up to pickup the mystery cargo but a plane crash and unconscious air traffic controller, there is a lot to explain to the cops. Especially when Rye and Brynn go on the run as life and death hang in the balance. He was in this damn thing whether he wanted to be or not. A standalone that keeps the pace up, Rye was a calm, cool, character that anchored the story. His background is hinted at and through his thoughts, actions, and feelings, the reader gets a pretty good idea of what emotional turmoil is affecting him. When he finally tells the story to Brynn, he almost works through the guilt at the same time and it felt like a quick resolve for an issue that had previously drove his character actions. I wish we could have gotten more of Brynn's background, she didn't feel like a completely flushed out character. In order to keep some mystery to the story, Brynn's thoughts and reason for actions is kept veiled. When we reach around the half-way point, her reasons are revealed and we get to know her a little better. The side tangent with her father helped humanize her and was a great little emotional additive to a heavy action plot. She gave him a murderous look, which only caused him to grin. As this takes place over two days, the romance doesn't really have time to fully develop. Brynn and Rye are pretty much together from the beginning to end but the on the run aspect really does dominate this. I thought the first half was a bit hard to get into, as I mentioned, to keep the mystery up, the author leaves some motivations and explanations veiled. This caused me to be confused by some of Brynn's actions, not buy into why Rye would keep it a secret what caused him to crash, and how all the character pieces fit into the puzzle. The second half was easier to get into the flow, with some key information revealed, characters began to make more sense. There were multiple povs, the senator and his wife, the two goons, the two police detectives, and Violet, Brynn's patient. For the most part, I liked this, it gave a better rounded out look into the story and helped place all the moving pieces. He sighed. I wish things could have slowed down for the romance between Rye and Brynn, their love wasn't truly felt but the plot and action dictated the pace. If looking for lighter on romance depth but an on the run with some emotional depth occasionally popping up, Brown's writing is always worth a read. View all 6 comments. At least in IMO. Or maybe it is just me. I enjoyed the bickering and push and pull that went on between them. When Rye finally got his head out of his ass and got busy with her under the sheets I was saying it was about fucking time. Of course SB brought everything full circle and gave us an Epilogue worth waiting for. Disappointing read. Implausible, and kind of boring Feb 09, Karen rated it really liked it. You know what I told you about I really enjoyed this. My husband is a pilot, so the aviation lingo was no problem. I can see how it might get a little tedious to those not used to it, though. My only complaint about this was the fact that I listened to the audiobook. Not that the narrator did a bad job, he didn't, but I just couldn't stomach the redneck accent he gave to Rye. I live in the south, so I'm not You know what I told you about I live in the south, so I'm not completely opposed to accents, but for some reason, this one just made my skin crawl. The story was far-fetched, but I didn't care. It kept me intrigued until the very end. I'm always a sucker for a good SB suspense. And this one didn't let me down. View all 8 comments. Aug 13, Anita rated it it was amazing Shelves: romantic-supense , kindle-la-county. I finished this book in two days and was astonished that the words just flew off the page. Vintage Sandra Brown from start to finish and the twist in the middle, I loved it. Rye Mallett is a cargo freight pilot, a "freight dog", with a reputation for doing whatever it takes to get the delivery done. There aren't many rules he won't bend to accomplish his missions. Some would say that he almost has a death wish due to the extremely hazardous jobs he takes on. When he agrees to fly a mysterious bl I finished this book in two days and was astonished that the words just flew off the page. When he agrees to fly a mysterious black box to a small fogbound north Georgia airfield it will take all his expertise and a whole lot of luck to get this delivery to Dr. Lambert on time. Rye has no idea what is in the black box, it really doesn't matter to him. His job is to get it to the destination and into the hands of Dr. Lambert and that will be tough enough given the whiteout conditions at this small airstrip. His attempt at a safe landing is sabotaged and he crashes. As they say, any landing you walk away from is a good landing. Rye is barely out of the wreck when he encounters Dr. Brynn O'Neal. Instead of Dr. Lambert, Brynn is there to take delivery of the black box and its' very precious, time sensitive cargo. Under ordinary circumstances Rye would have been delighted to hand over the box, dust himself off, and be on his way. But, these circumstances are not normal in any way. Rye finds himself drawn in, despite his strict "no-involvement" policy, to the intrigue about the box and the beautiful Dr. What comes in the next 48 hours tests Rye and Brynn. There are forces that would see them fail in their mission and would kill to do it. View all 7 comments. I had to force myself to stay focused after putting it down and picking it up again countless times. I wasn't sure if it was just my personal mood not aligning with the story, so I continued to push through to see if the dragging pace would pick up. I'm glad I did, because it payed off. The story was blocked into a frantic 48 hour time span for the majority of the book, so once the action really got started it was a pretty intense ride. There were lots of twists and turns as the main characters struggled to outwit and outrun the opposition. The romance did suffer from the lack of time afforded to them to get to know each other at a meaningful level, but there was enough development to leave me satisfied enough. Rye Mallett is an ex-military cargo pilot that lives and breathes flying. It's been in his blood ever since he was a kid, and his passion for his job is the one thing in his life that will never change. It goes beyond liking it, or even loving it. A classic case of survivor's guilt has pushed him to take on any job offered, regardless of the dangerous conditions involved. If he can just keep moving enough, he never has to slow down and face the regret that eats him alive. Which is why he's the only one crazy enough to take a plane out in the kind of weather no one with sense would attempt. The client is desperate to get a mysterious black box transported that night, and when Rye boards the plane to Georgia, he has no idea what's in store for him. When Dr. Her motives and agenda are questionable right off the bat. The fact that she holds her cards very close to her chest for some time leaves you to question what she's hiding, but most importantly, why. These questions probably eclipse the biggest initial mystery of what exactly is in that box that everyone is so desperate to get a hold of? Rye is an intuitive guy that can't be fooled easily, and he knows that there's more to Brynn than the story she's spinning him. After the stumble upon the air traffic controller who has been knocked unconscious, it cements his suspicions that he's gotten tangled up in something he wants no part of. Rye is a loner and his personal policy is to mind his own business whenever possible. That is, unless he's unknowingly put in a position that could jeopardize his career and ability to fly. Meanwhile, steel mogul T. Gerry is also Tex's ex. Trixie wants to win both Tex and the race, so she and Babe do everything they can to discourage Gerry or sabotage her chances. In the sky during the Powder Puff race, the superior aircraft Gerry owns is winning, but she pretends to have engine failure so Trixie can win. Knowing that she misjudged Gerry all along, Trixie steps aside as Tex and Gerry get back together. Some of the crashes in the race were incorporated in the production. The aerial photography was directed by noted Hollywood film pilot Paul Mantz. In order to publicize Tail Spin , the studio sent a bevy of starlets that accompanied a group of women flyers on a tour of 25 key cities. Nugent saw a winning formula, " It is constructed on a simple formula: every time the picture is about to crash, Mr. Zanuck crashes a couple of planes instead. And, though in retrospect the story seems to be strewn with the wreckage from these artistic emergencies, what possible solution to any dramatic imbroglio could be quicker and cleaner to the participants, more exciting or more spectacular to the onlookers than a good old-fashioned airplane crash? Written by Frank "Spig" Wead. Tail Spin Bracelets - Horse Hair Bracelets - Necklaces - Rings

Additionally, the helicopter and jet engine are experimental devices [2] [3] , most architecture is reminiscent of the art deco style of that period, radio is the primary mass medium In one episode, the local station is identified as "K-CAPE" , and television is a still-new concept not yet widely known. The series centered on the adventures of bush pilot Baloo the bear, whose failing air cargo freight business is bought out by Rebecca Cunningham , and renamed ' Higher for Hire '. An orphan boy and former Air Pirate, the ambitious Kit Cloudkicker , attaches to Baloo and becomes his navigator. He sometimes calls him "Papa Bear". From there, the series follows the ups and downs of Higher for Hire and its staff, sometimes in the vein of old action-adventure film serials of the s and '40s. Their adventures often involve encounters with a gang of Air Pirates led by Don Karnage , representatives of Thembria, which is a parody of the Stalinist Soviet Union inhabited by anthropomorphic warthogs, or other, often even stranger obstacles. The relationship between Baloo and Rebecca owes something to the films of the 's. It's even more closely patterned after the later years of the television sitcom —in both shows, a buttoned-down businesswoman named Rebecca takes the reins of a struggling company, then hires its previous owner a fun-loving but irresponsible slacker to do most of the work for her. A third incarnation was produced by Hudson Soft for the TurboGrafx Two episodes of TaleSpin drew varied amounts of controversy, enough for one episode to be temporarily banned and the other to be permanently banned. The first of these, the episode " Last Horizons ", was temporarily banned and taken off the air. Investigation of the event has since revealed that the reason for its temporary removal was the alleged stereotyping of Asians. There is a reference how their lust for conquest is not shared by all of their species with "Good Pandas especially dislike us. That incident ushered America's entry into the Second World War. The second episode, " Flying Dupes " coincidentally the last of the series was aired for the first time on August 8 , and immediately pulled from the lineup, not to be seen again for over a decade. It aired once on Toon Disney, possibly by mistake, and has never been re-broadcast since. Considered by Disney to be a banned episode, the apparent reason for this episode's permanent removal from the airwaves is the terrorist theme associated with it. The two banned episodes are also aired on German TV dubbed whenever the series is broadcast. The general synopsis of the episode begins with Baloo being asked to deliver a goodwill present a cuckoo clock, he is told to the High Marshall of Thembria from Cape Suzette. Baloo is unaware until the end of the episode that the package actually contains a time bomb planted by munitions manufacturers who wish to provoke a war between Thembria and Cape Suzette in order to boost weapons sales. Another controversy related to TaleSpin involved the character Louie. In , the widow of Louis Prima, who had voiced the scat singing orangutan in The Jungle Book , filed suit against Disney for "breach of contract, non-payment of royalties, unjust enrichment, fraud and negligent misrepresentation". At issue were back royalties owed for profits made from video and DVD sales of The Jungle Book and unauthorized use of her husband's voice and its likeness in shows like TaleSpin ' impersonation of Prima's voice was near-perfect. Although the case was eventually settled out of court, Disney has since chosen to avoid any further trouble and has refrained from using the character in anything else. It was due to this lawsuit that Louie was conspicuously absent from ; he is the only major Jungle Book character to not appear in the film. Additionally, an episode of House of Mouse included a similar-looking character referred to as Louie's twin brother, King Larry. In the remake of The Jungle Book , the character of Louie was presented as completely different in concept, resembling his counterpart from the animated film in name only. A monthly comic book based on the show was published by in , running for seven issues eleven, counting a four-issue mini-series based on the series premiere. Bobby JG Weiss was the writer for issues and The comic's cancellation seven months later terminated several planned stories that would have revealed pieces of background for the main characters. Definition of tailspin. Keep scrolling for more. Synonyms for tailspin Synonyms breakdown , crack-up , nervous breakdown Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of tailspin in a Sentence Stock prices are in a tailspin. First Known Use of tailspin , in the meaning defined at sense 1. Learn More about tailspin. Time Traveler for tailspin The first known use of tailspin was in See more words from the same year. Dictionary Entries near tailspin tail sheet tail skid tailslide tailspin tail spindle tailstock tail surface See More Nearby Entries. More Definitions for tailspin. English Language Learners Definition of tailspin. Kids Definition of tailspin. Comments on tailspin What made you want to look up tailspin? Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Love words? Need even more definitions? The awkward case of 'his or her'. Take the quiz Forms of Government Quiz Name that government! Take the quiz Spell It Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? 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Rye Mallett is a 'freight dog' pilot, which means he will transport cargo in any plane, anywhere, in any weather condition as long as he gets paid. Rye wears no uniform and asks no questions. But when it seems his landing is intentionally Seasoned romance and thriller writer Sandra Brown puts Tailspin 's hero in a heap of trouble in the very first chapter. But when it seems his landing is intentionally sabotaged and the woman picking up a critical package isn't who he thought it would be, he starts to ask very serious questions and he won't stop until he gets some answers. Every Sandra Brown book is different. She never writes the same story twice and I absolutely love that about her. No matter the topic, you can rest assured that it is close to her heart. Tailspin deals with ethics in the fields of politics and medicine. It discusses how lives are prioritized based on privilege and wealth, and there are very few who will risk it all to make sure a fair chance is given to everyone. Brown added an extra POV in this book that made it super emotional for me personally. A young voice brings an innocent look at these themes as well as an objective view at the characters' relationship as it progresses. As with many thrillers penned by Sandra Brown , there was a major twist I didn't see coming which made the finale pretty jaw-dropping in my opinion. Well-done, Ms. My favorite quote: "I give you my word. Not doing it again!!!! Not as good as some of her books but not too bad. His career was in jeopardy. But so was his soul View all 17 comments. Aug 13, Beth rated it it was ok. I hate choppy sentences and the entire book was comprised of short, unexplained conversations. Ugg this was just so frustrating. View all 9 comments. Oct 31, Marialyce rated it really liked it Shelves: library. This was an enjoyable fun packed adventure with a swash buckling kind of rogue pilot, Rye, a doctor, Brynn, and a journey to get an experimental drug to a person who might just have their life saved because of it. Rye Mallot was a daredevil. He yearned to fly and felt that it was only when he was up in the air did he get that feeling of accomplishment, achievement, and thrills. He harbors the memory of an even 3. He harbors the memory of an event that occurred years prior while flying missions in Afghanistan, one that he just can't forget nor forgive himself for. One horrible storm filled night, he is hired to fly a mysterious box to a Midwest destination, not knowing anything about its contents. An accident happens and Rye is propelled into a serious and possibly deadly turn of events. Crashing the plane, due to a sabotaged event, where he was suppose to meet a Dr Lambert, he is instead met by another doctor, Brynn Lambert. These two begin to play a cat and mouse game not only with one another, but with others who are powerful and desire the contents of that mysterious box. The author has made this book into an action packed adventure with all manner of bad guys populating its pages. Time is indeed running out and the clock ticks down as both Rye and Byrnn race to thwart the bad guys and get the contents of this box to the person who most needs it. Along the way, of course there is a smoldering romance that develops between Rye and Brynn. Will this duo be successful or will their allotted time run out not only on what is carried within that box, but also on the lives each of them lead? On the whole, I enjoyed this book as it was quite a quick read and offered quite a bit of daring do from our main protagonist, and the lovely doctor. I could have lived without some very explicit sex scenes but overall it was a good thriller and also my first Sandra Brown book. I do recommend this book to those who enjoy a audacious main character, who powers his way through so many adversities but does come through as gutsy, heroic, and tenacious, but does he get the beautiful doctor? Thanks to my local library for this one. View all 16 comments. Still, I really enjoyed the mystery, was on the edge worrying about our characters, and I liked the connection between Rye and Brynn. They got to know each other in bits and pieces while 3. They got to know each other in bits and pieces while determining just how much they could trust each other. I listened to Tailspin during one our long stretches of driving on our Pacific Northwest coastal vacation. It made the time go by quickly and allowed me to take in the scenery the Fall colors were beautiful! His style of narration makes a lot of the male characters sound like rednecks not to be offensive! View all 3 comments. This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books. This was great! I feel like I have been a fan of Sandra Brown forever. Maybe not forever but a very long time. I haven't read all of her books yet but I have been able to keep up with her new releases each year. It is probably no surprise that I went into this book with rather high expectations. I am happy to report that this met every one of those expectations. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ende This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ended up having a fantastic time with it. This book opens with Rye, a pilot, agreeing to fly a box to a small airport near Atlanta even though the area is covered with blinding fog. Rye will fly in any kind of weather so he isn't even concerned about landing until something unexpected happens. Brynn was given the task of retrieving the box and getting it back to Atlanta as soon as possible. Soon Brynn and Rye are both pulled into a series of events that seems to become more dangerous at every turn. This book kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had things figured out something would surprise me. I thought that the suspense element was very well done and the fact that the characters were on a deadline kept things moving at a pretty quick pace. One thing that I really liked about the story was how realistic everything was. I honestly could see a situation similar to this happening and maybe it already has. I found this to be a pretty thought provoking read. I liked Rye and Brynn. There is a bit of romance to the story but I really felt like it was a smaller part of the story although it was very well done. Rye was a character with a big personality and I knew that he had to have a story. He really was a stand up guy who refused to cross certain lines and looked out for others. Brynn grew on me throughout the book. At first I wasn't sure about her but as pieces of her past came out along with her intentions I grew to love her. I loved that these two were able to work so well with each other to meet their goals. I would recommend this book to others. I thought that this book was very well written with a fairly complex plot. There was a whole lot of excitement, characters that had me cheering for them, and a few villains that were kind of fun to hate. I can't wait to read more of Sandra Brown's work in the future. Initial Thoughts This was great! I have been a fan of Sandra Brown for a very long time and I am happy to report that this book was able to lived up to my expectations which were set fairly high. The story took a lot of twists and turns and I was rather surprised several times along the way. Rye and Brynn were both amazing characters but I loved the fact that although there was a bit of romance between them the romance never overpowered the rest of the story. SB has been a go to author for me for years decades , but whether it's me or this book, it just didn't work. I admit my taste is changing; I want more mystery and suspense and less insta, insta, insta. This book happens in the span of 48 hours and yet it felt so slow paced and longer. I didn't feel the intensity of the time crunch maybe because we had to take time out for sex and what makes the characters tic. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to 2. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to save a little girl, I would be saying let's wait until we save her. We can have sex later. The first half of the book was such a bore it was no chore to stop and do laundry, yard work, brush the dogs, etc. There were also a lot of times that I just found the storyline hard to believe. Would these characters really be doing this? Saying that? I just was never pulled into the story line. And unfortunately I also wasn't "in like" with Brynn or Rye. Rye felt way too stereotypical and it seems like you see some version of him all over the place. Brynn seemed naive, bordering on stupid for someone who had a father in and out of jail and raised primarily in foster care. She had no street smarts. Unfortunately I just didn't enjoy the book. Jun 01, WhiskeyintheJar rated it liked it Shelves: contemporary , mystery-suspense , non-series. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Tailspin is a suspense ride from start to finish, the story takes place over a 48hr period, most of it in just 24hrs. Rye is a retired Air Force pilot dealing with guilt over a crash he felt he could have prevented from happening. Brynn is the doctor that shows up to pickup the mystery cargo but a plane crash and unconscious air traffic controller, there is a lot to explain to the cops. Especially when Rye and Brynn go on the run as life and death hang in the balance. He was in this damn thing whether he wanted to be or not. A standalone that keeps the pace up, Rye was a calm, cool, character that anchored the story. His background is hinted at and through his thoughts, actions, and feelings, the reader gets a pretty good idea of what emotional turmoil is affecting him. When he finally tells the story to Brynn, he almost works through the guilt at the same time and it felt like a quick resolve for an issue that had previously drove his character actions. I wish we could have gotten more of Brynn's background, she didn't feel like a completely flushed out character. In order to keep some mystery to the story, Brynn's thoughts and reason for actions is kept veiled. When we reach around the half-way point, her reasons are revealed and we get to know her a little better. The side tangent with her father helped humanize her and was a great little emotional additive to a heavy action plot. She gave him a murderous look, which only caused him to grin. As this takes place over two days, the romance doesn't really have time to fully develop. Brynn and Rye are pretty much together from the beginning to end but the on the run aspect really does dominate this. I thought the first half was a bit hard to get into, as I mentioned, to keep the mystery up, the author leaves some motivations and explanations veiled. This caused me to be confused by some of Brynn's actions, not buy into why Rye would keep it a secret what caused him to crash, and how all the character pieces fit into the puzzle. The second half was easier to get into the flow, with some key information revealed, characters began to make more sense. There were multiple povs, the senator and his wife, the two goons, the two police detectives, and Violet, Brynn's patient. For the most part, I liked this, it gave a better rounded out look into the story and helped place all the moving pieces. He sighed. I wish things could have slowed down for the romance between Rye and Brynn, their love wasn't truly felt but the plot and action dictated the pace. If looking for lighter on romance depth but an on the run with some emotional depth occasionally popping up, Brown's writing is always worth a read. View all 6 comments. At least in IMO. Or maybe it is just me. I enjoyed the bickering and push and pull that went on between them. When Rye finally got his head out of his ass and got busy with her under the sheets I was saying it was about fucking time. Of course SB brought everything full circle and gave us an Epilogue worth waiting for. Disappointing read. Implausible, and kind of boring Feb 09, Karen rated it really liked it. You know what I told you about I really enjoyed this. My husband is a pilot, so the aviation lingo was no problem. I can see how it might get a little tedious to those not used to it, though. My only complaint about this was the fact that I listened to the audiobook. Not that the narrator did a bad job, he didn't, but I just couldn't stomach the redneck accent he gave to Rye. I live in the south, so I'm not You know what I told you about I live in the south, so I'm not completely opposed to accents, but for some reason, this one just made my skin crawl. The story was far-fetched, but I didn't care. It kept me intrigued until the very end. I'm always a sucker for a good SB suspense. And this one didn't let me down. View all 8 comments. Aug 13, Anita rated it it was amazing Shelves: romantic-supense , kindle-la-county. I finished this book in two days and was astonished that the words just flew off the page. Vintage Sandra Brown from start to finish and the twist in the middle, I loved it. Rye Mallett is a cargo freight pilot, a "freight dog", with a reputation for doing whatever it takes to get the delivery done. There aren't many rules he won't bend to accomplish his missions. Some would say that he almost has a death wish due to the extremely hazardous jobs he takes on. When he agrees to fly a mysterious bl I finished this book in two days and was astonished that the words just flew off the page. When he agrees to fly a mysterious black box to a small fogbound north Georgia airfield it will take all his expertise and a whole lot of luck to get this delivery to Dr. Lambert on time. Rye has no idea what is in the black box, it really doesn't matter to him. His job is to get it to the destination and into the hands of Dr. Lambert and that will be tough enough given the whiteout conditions at this small airstrip. His attempt at a safe landing is sabotaged and he crashes. As they say, any landing you walk away from is a good landing. Rye is barely out of the wreck when he encounters Dr. Brynn O'Neal. Instead of Dr. Lambert, Brynn is there to take delivery of the black box and its' very precious, time sensitive cargo. Under ordinary circumstances Rye would have been delighted to hand over the box, dust himself off, and be on his way. But, these circumstances are not normal in any way. Rye finds himself drawn in, despite his strict "no-involvement" policy, to the intrigue about the box and the beautiful Dr. What comes in the next 48 hours tests Rye and Brynn. There are forces that would see them fail in their mission and would kill to do it. View all 7 comments. I had to force myself to stay focused after putting it down and picking it up again countless times. I wasn't sure if it was just my personal mood not aligning with the story, so I continued to push through to see if the dragging pace would pick up. I'm glad I did, because it payed off. The story was blocked into a frantic 48 hour time span for the majority of the book, so once the action really got started it was a pretty intense ride. There were lots of twists and turns as the main characters struggled to outwit and outrun the opposition. The romance did suffer from the lack of time afforded to them to get to know each other at a meaningful level, but there was enough development to leave me satisfied enough. Rye Mallett is an ex-military cargo pilot that lives and breathes flying. It's been in his blood ever since he was a kid, and his passion for his job is the one thing in his life that will never change. It goes beyond liking it, or even loving it. A classic case of survivor's guilt has pushed him to take on any job offered, regardless of the dangerous conditions involved. If he can just keep moving enough, he never has to slow down and face the regret that eats him alive. Which is why he's the only one crazy enough to take a plane out in the kind of weather no one with sense would attempt. The client is desperate to get a mysterious black box transported that night, and when Rye boards the plane to Georgia, he has no idea what's in store for him. When Dr. Her motives and agenda are questionable right off the bat. The fact that she holds her cards very close to her chest for some time leaves you to question what she's hiding, but most importantly, why. These questions probably eclipse the biggest initial mystery of what exactly is in that box that everyone is so desperate to get a hold of? Rye is an intuitive guy that can't be fooled easily, and he knows that there's more to Brynn than the story she's spinning him. After the stumble upon the air traffic controller who has been knocked unconscious, it cements his suspicions that he's gotten tangled up in something he wants no part of. Rye is a loner and his personal policy is to mind his own business whenever possible. That is, unless he's unknowingly put in a position that could jeopardize his career and ability to fly. In which case, they'll get dealt with swiftly, and he's not above vigilante justice to achieve it. Yes, Rye had a bit of a rebellious side. But it was governed by his set of morals that he wouldn't compromise on. He was a likable character whom you could really root for and sympathize with. You can see his reluctance to join Brynn on her race against the clock, but his conscience brings him to her side time and again. He was emotionally closed off with her, but who can blame him? He's had to fight for the truth and avoid attacks without the full scope of the situation he's embroiled in. When he does understand the life or death tug of war going on, he chooses Brynn regardless of the consequences. The attraction they feel towards each other isn't at the forefront of the plot. It was a low simmer in the background, and I was okay with that. I think Brynn's personal struggle to live down her father's legacy, and his emotional upheaval over his past were interesting subplots that they helped each other with along the way. What really impressed me by the end was the mystery and suspense that keeps you guessing until the very end. The third person POV with a handful of first person POV chapters is a rare structure that you don't see very often, but I think it was utilized well in this story. Sometimes that can be jarring for me, but it felt seamless here and I welcomed those little snippets where I got inside the head of that narrator. All in all, it was slow going at first, but worth it in the long haul. I enjoyed the dynamic of Rye and Brenna, and how they became a team that fought for justice against an immoral person in a position of power. Keep scrolling for more More Definitions for tailspin tailspin. Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Whereas 'coronary' is no so much Put It in the 'Frunk' You can never have too much storage. What Does 'Eighty-Six' Mean? We're intent on clearing it up 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? We're gonna stop you right there Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? Name that government! Or something like that. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Do you know the person or title these quotes desc Login or Register. Save Word. Definition of tailspin. Keep scrolling for more. Synonyms for tailspin Synonyms breakdown , crack-up , nervous breakdown Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of tailspin in a Sentence Stock prices are in a tailspin. First Known Use of tailspin , in the meaning defined at sense 1. Learn More about tailspin.

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This thought -provoking element gave the story more depth and deepened the character study and growth. Brynn remained a mystery for a long time, but I did feel she was judged harshly, based on her upbringing, without taking into consideration all the accomplishments she had made as an adult. View all 42 comments. Aug 20, A. View 2 comments. This book was full of twists and turns. It was exactly what I come to expect from this author, and she hasn't disappointed yet. Tailspin is a spellbinding tale of chasing the clock. From start to finish the tension was high and the adrenaline flowing. There aren't many authors who could put this much action, twists and turns into a 48 hour period. With that in mind, Rye and Brynn's connection felt genuine thanks to a great deal of attraction between the couple, and the protective nature that Rye exhibited in regards to Brynn. I usually love my couples to have a longer timeframe to get to know each other and build something lasting. When it comes to romantic suspense, such time is often just not available. In these cases it all comes down to chemistry, attraction and compatibility. For me, Rye and Brynn worked very well together. They listened, respected, and supported each other. It allowed for a smooth storyline, and minimal drama between the couple which I loved!! That also allowed me to concentrate on the twists and turns and the unraveling of the plot that had me sitting on the edge of my chair. The only complaint I always have with her books is that I need a longer ending. I wish for more time between the couple after all its done. I need to see them outside of these high adrenaline situations, just a glimpse of a day to day regular life. I need proof that relationships based on extreme circumstances can last. View all 4 comments. Rye Mallett, with more honour behind his name than he cared to admit, was a freight dog. Rye was a pilot who took the dangerous missions; who flew cargo wherever it was needed without following regulations rigidly. So, when all flights were cancelled on the Thanksgiving weekend, with an urgent cargo to be delivered that night, at any cost, Rye was up to the task. The fog was thicker than soup; he had to rely on his instruments and his wit. But the vicious sabotage attempt put him off his game — Rye Mallett, with more honour behind his name than he cared to admit, was a freight dog. And what he was involved in was dangerous, illegal and immoral. Would he be able to keep her safe? Help her get the box where it was meant to be? Or was it the end of them both? Tailspin by author Sandra Brown is an intense and fast-paced romantic suspense thriller which held me enthralled until the last page. An intriguing plot along with both good and evil motives, Tailspin is fascinating and different with a cover I love! Chilling, suspenseful, dangerous and heart wrenching, I have no hesitation in recommending Tailspin highly. View all 10 comments. Aug 13, Jennifer rated it really liked it Shelves: i- met-the-author , rdn , own-paperbook , listened-to-audiobook , thriller , read , own-signed-copy. Seasoned romance and thriller writer Sandra Brown puts Tailspin 's hero in a heap of trouble in the very first chapter. Needless to say, this is a fast-paced thriller. And yes, there's a girl. And yes, they hit the sheets. This is quality Sandra Brown after all. Rye Mallett is a 'freight dog' pilot, which means he will transport cargo in any plane, anywhere, in any weather condition as long as he gets paid. Rye wears no uniform and asks no questions. But when it seems his landing is intentionally Seasoned romance and thriller writer Sandra Brown puts Tailspin 's hero in a heap of trouble in the very first chapter. But when it seems his landing is intentionally sabotaged and the woman picking up a critical package isn't who he thought it would be, he starts to ask very serious questions and he won't stop until he gets some answers. Every Sandra Brown book is different. She never writes the same story twice and I absolutely love that about her. No matter the topic, you can rest assured that it is close to her heart. Tailspin deals with ethics in the fields of politics and medicine. It discusses how lives are prioritized based on privilege and wealth, and there are very few who will risk it all to make sure a fair chance is given to everyone. Brown added an extra POV in this book that made it super emotional for me personally. A young voice brings an innocent look at these themes as well as an objective view at the characters' relationship as it progresses. As with many thrillers penned by Sandra Brown , there was a major twist I didn't see coming which made the finale pretty jaw-dropping in my opinion. Well-done, Ms. My favorite quote: "I give you my word. Not doing it again!!!! Not as good as some of her books but not too bad. His career was in jeopardy. But so was his soul View all 17 comments. Aug 13, Beth rated it it was ok. I hate choppy sentences and the entire book was comprised of short, unexplained conversations. Ugg this was just so frustrating. View all 9 comments. Oct 31, Marialyce rated it really liked it Shelves: library. This was an enjoyable fun packed adventure with a swash buckling kind of rogue pilot, Rye, a doctor, Brynn, and a journey to get an experimental drug to a person who might just have their life saved because of it. Rye Mallot was a daredevil. He yearned to fly and felt that it was only when he was up in the air did he get that feeling of accomplishment, achievement, and thrills. He harbors the memory of an even 3. He harbors the memory of an event that occurred years prior while flying missions in Afghanistan, one that he just can't forget nor forgive himself for. One horrible storm filled night, he is hired to fly a mysterious box to a Midwest destination, not knowing anything about its contents. An accident happens and Rye is propelled into a serious and possibly deadly turn of events. Crashing the plane, due to a sabotaged event, where he was suppose to meet a Dr Lambert, he is instead met by another doctor, Brynn Lambert. These two begin to play a cat and mouse game not only with one another, but with others who are powerful and desire the contents of that mysterious box. The author has made this book into an action packed adventure with all manner of bad guys populating its pages. Time is indeed running out and the clock ticks down as both Rye and Byrnn race to thwart the bad guys and get the contents of this box to the person who most needs it. Along the way, of course there is a smoldering romance that develops between Rye and Brynn. Will this duo be successful or will their allotted time run out not only on what is carried within that box, but also on the lives each of them lead? On the whole, I enjoyed this book as it was quite a quick read and offered quite a bit of daring do from our main protagonist, and the lovely doctor. I could have lived without some very explicit sex scenes but overall it was a good thriller and also my first Sandra Brown book. I do recommend this book to those who enjoy a audacious main character, who powers his way through so many adversities but does come through as gutsy, heroic, and tenacious, but does he get the beautiful doctor? Thanks to my local library for this one. View all 16 comments. Still, I really enjoyed the mystery, was on the edge worrying about our characters, and I liked the connection between Rye and Brynn. They got to know each other in bits and pieces while 3. They got to know each other in bits and pieces while determining just how much they could trust each other. I listened to Tailspin during one our long stretches of driving on our Pacific Northwest coastal vacation. It made the time go by quickly and allowed me to take in the scenery the Fall colors were beautiful! His style of narration makes a lot of the male characters sound like rednecks not to be offensive! View all 3 comments. This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books. This was great! I feel like I have been a fan of Sandra Brown forever. Maybe not forever but a very long time. I haven't read all of her books yet but I have been able to keep up with her new releases each year. It is probably no surprise that I went into this book with rather high expectations. I am happy to report that this met every one of those expectations. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ende This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ended up having a fantastic time with it. This book opens with Rye, a pilot, agreeing to fly a box to a small airport near Atlanta even though the area is covered with blinding fog. Rye will fly in any kind of weather so he isn't even concerned about landing until something unexpected happens. Brynn was given the task of retrieving the box and getting it back to Atlanta as soon as possible. Soon Brynn and Rye are both pulled into a series of events that seems to become more dangerous at every turn. This book kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had things figured out something would surprise me. I thought that the suspense element was very well done and the fact that the characters were on a deadline kept things moving at a pretty quick pace. One thing that I really liked about the story was how realistic everything was. I honestly could see a situation similar to this happening and maybe it already has. I found this to be a pretty thought provoking read. I liked Rye and Brynn. There is a bit of romance to the story but I really felt like it was a smaller part of the story although it was very well done. Rye was a character with a big personality and I knew that he had to have a story. He really was a stand up guy who refused to cross certain lines and looked out for others. Brynn grew on me throughout the book. At first I wasn't sure about her but as pieces of her past came out along with her intentions I grew to love her. I loved that these two were able to work so well with each other to meet their goals. I would recommend this book to others. I thought that this book was very well written with a fairly complex plot. There was a whole lot of excitement, characters that had me cheering for them, and a few villains that were kind of fun to hate. I can't wait to read more of Sandra Brown's work in the future. Initial Thoughts This was great! I have been a fan of Sandra Brown for a very long time and I am happy to report that this book was able to lived up to my expectations which were set fairly high. The story took a lot of twists and turns and I was rather surprised several times along the way. Rye and Brynn were both amazing characters but I loved the fact that although there was a bit of romance between them the romance never overpowered the rest of the story. SB has been a go to author for me for years decades , but whether it's me or this book, it just didn't work. I admit my taste is changing; I want more mystery and suspense and less insta, insta, insta. This book happens in the span of 48 hours and yet it felt so slow paced and longer. I didn't feel the intensity of the time crunch maybe because we had to take time out for sex and what makes the characters tic. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to 2. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to save a little girl, I would be saying let's wait until we save her. We can have sex later. The first half of the book was such a bore it was no chore to stop and do laundry, yard work, brush the dogs, etc. There were also a lot of times that I just found the storyline hard to believe. Would these characters really be doing this? Saying that? I just was never pulled into the story line. And unfortunately I also wasn't "in like" with Brynn or Rye. Rye felt way too stereotypical and it seems like you see some version of him all over the place. Synonyms for tailspin Synonyms breakdown , crack-up , nervous breakdown Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of tailspin in a Sentence Stock prices are in a tailspin. First Known Use of tailspin , in the meaning defined at sense 1. Learn More about tailspin. Time Traveler for tailspin The first known use of tailspin was in See more words from the same year. Dictionary Entries near tailspin tail sheet tail skid tailslide tailspin tail spindle tailstock tail surface See More Nearby Entries. More Definitions for tailspin. English Language Learners Definition of tailspin. Kids Definition of tailspin. Comments on tailspin What made you want to look up tailspin? Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Love words? Need even more definitions? The Second Collection was released on March 15, The Third Collection was released on October 11, However due to limited number of copies, they quickly went out of stock. Each DVD contained only 3 episodes. The entire series is currently available for purchase in standard definition on Prime Video and the iTunes Store in the United States. A monthly comic book based on the show was published by the Disney subsidiary W. Publications, Inc. The comic's cancellation at the end of terminated several planned stories that would have revealed pieces of background for the main characters. This one seems to be an exception though: Issue 7, "The Long Flight Home", explored Kit's past, and how he joined up with the pirates. According to the letter page in 3, a planned story for the comic's annual would have explored the origin of the Iron Vulture. In addition, 4—7 would have letters 'answered' by the characters. It reprints 4 and 6 from the regular comic book series. Subsequent comic stories were also printed in from to , and then re-appeared in the Summer issue of Disney Adventures Comic Zone Magazine , as well as in The Disney Afternoon comic book published by . Although issue 8 of the monthly comic series never made it to print, the end of issue 7 included a preview for it: "Spies in Cape Suzette?! There are some mighty mysterious folk sniffing around Shere Khan Industries. When Special Agent Booker shows up to handle the problem he finds that battling foreign agents is easier than dealing with Baloo as an assistant in Three different TaleSpin video games were produced. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the Disney animated TV series. For the video game, see TaleSpin video game. For other uses, see Tailspin disambiguation. American animated television series. Jymn Magon Mark Zaslove. Larry Latham Robert Taylor. Ed Gilbert R. The Disney Channel First-run syndication — Main article: List of TaleSpin characters. Main article: List of TaleSpin episodes. Cartoon Research. Jerry Beck. Retrieved 9 April Box Office Mojo. Retrieved Entertainment Weekly. He didn't have the slick, con man timing anymore. I loved working with Phil, so I was distraught to inform management that he just wasn't going to work out for 65 episodes. Besides, we had to chauffeur him to and from Palm Springs for the recording sessions — a 4 hour round trip!!

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