Stanford Symphony Orchestra Stanford Symphonic Chorus Stanford University Singers
Stanford Symphony Orchestra Stanford Symphonic Chorus Stanford University Singers Paul Phillips and John Mauceri, Conductors WHEN: VENUE: Saturday, March 10 BInG 7:30 PM cOncErt haLL Sunday, March 11 2:30 PM Photo: Jan Malý Artists Notes Stanford Symphony Orchestra Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) Paul Phillips, Music Director and Conductor On the Waterfront – Symphonic Suite From the Film (1954/5) Stanford Symphonic Chorus Stephen M. Sano, Director “I heard music as I watched: that was enough.” the 36-year-old Bernstein was Stanford University Singers in a screening room watching a rough- robert huw Morgan, Director cut of a hard-hitting movie exposing corruption and exploitation on the new york city docks. the screening was Program enough to fire Bernstein’s imagination: “day after day I sat at a movieola, Leonard Bernstein: On the Waterfront – Symphonic Suite from the Film (1954/5) running the print back and forth, Paul Phillips, conductor measuring in feet the sequences I had chosen for the music, converting feet Danny Elfman: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Eleven Eleven (2017) into seconds by mathematical formula, I. Grave; Animato. Lento making homemade cue sheets.” II. Spietato. allegro furioso Scoring the movie took Bernstein from III. Fantasma. adagio espressivo February to May 1954. his flourishing IV. Giocoso; Lacrime. allegro brillante career as a composer of symphonies, scores for Broadway, as a leading Sandy cameron, violin soloist conductor, pianist and teacher at home John Mauceri, guest conductor and abroad, and other aspects of the life of an increasingly omnipresent —INTERMISSION— musician, were put on hold. the finished movie On the Waterfront, written William Walton: Belshazzar’s Feast (1930–31, rev.
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