Merchant Shipping Act 1894 57 and 58 Vic C 60
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Australian Capital Territory Merchant Shipping Act 1894 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Republication No 1 Republication date: 12 September 2002 Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel About this republication The republished law This is a republication of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 57 and 58 Vic c 60 (including any amendment made under the Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 (Editorial changes)) as in force on 12 September 2002. It also includes any amendment, repeal or expiry affecting the republished law to 12 September 2002. The legislation history and amendment history of the republished law are set out in endnotes 3 and 4. Kinds of republications The Parliamentary Counsel’s Office prepares 2 kinds of republications of ACT laws (see the ACT legislation register at • authorised republications to which the Legislation Act 2001 applies • unauthorised republications. The status of this republication appears on the bottom of each page. Editorial changes The Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 authorises the Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial amendments and other changes of a formal nature when preparing a law for republication. Editorial changes do not change the effect of the law, but have effect as if they had been made by an Act commencing on the republication date (see Legislation Act 2001, s 115 and s 117). The changes are made if the Parliamentary Counsel considers they are desirable to bring the law into line, or more closely into line, with current legislative drafting practice. This republication includes amendments made under part 11.3 (see endnote 1). Uncommenced provisions and amendments If a provision of the republished law has not commenced or is affected by an uncommenced amendment, the symbol U appears immediately before the provision heading. The text of the uncommenced provision or amendment appears only in the last endnote. Modifications If a provision of the republished law is affected by a current modification, the symbol M appears immediately before the provision heading. The text of the modifying provision appears in the endnotes. For the legal status of modifications, see Legislation Act 2001, section 95. Penalties The value of a penalty unit for an offence against this republished law at the republication date is— (a) if the person charged is an individual—$100; or (b) if the person charged is a corporation—$500. Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Australian Capital Territory Merchant Shipping Act 1894 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Contents Page Part 1 Registry Qualification for owning British ships 1 2 Obligation to register British ships 2 3 3 3 Procedure for registration 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 5 8 7 9 7 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 10 8 11 9 12 9 13 9 Certificate of registry 14 9 15 10 16 10 17 11 18 11 19 12 20 12 21 13 22 14 23 14 Transfers and transmissions 24 15 25 15 26 16 27 16 28 17 29 18 30 18 Mortgages 31 19 32 19 33 20 34 20 35 20 36 20 37 21 38 21 contents 2 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Certificates of mortgage and sale 39 21 40 22 41 22 42 22 43 23 44 24 45 26 46 27 Name of ship 47 27 Registry of alterations, registry anew, and transfer of registry 48 29 49 29 50 30 51 30 52 30 53 31 54 32 Incapacitated persons 55 32 Trusts and equitable rights 56 33 57 33 Liability of beneficial owner 58 33 Managing owner 59 34 Declarations, inspection of register, and fees 60 34 61 35 62 35 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 3 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Returns, evidence, and forms 63 35 64 36 65 37 Forgery and false declarations 66 38 67 38 National character and flag 68 39 69 39 70 39 71 40 72 40 73 40 74 41 75 42 Forfeiture of ship 76 42 Measurement of ship and tonnage 77 43 78 44 79 46 80 47 81 47 82 47 83 48 84 48 85 49 86 49 87 50 Ports of registry in place under Foreign Jurisdiction Act 88 50 contents 4 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Registry in colonies 89 50 90 50 Application of part 1 91 51 Part 2 Masters and seamen Certificates of competency 92 52 93 53 94 54 95 54 96 55 97 55 98 55 99 56 100 56 101 57 102 57 103 58 104 59 Apprenticeship to the sea service 105 59 106 59 107 61 108 61 109 62 Licences to supply seamen 110 62 111 62 112 63 Engagement of seamen 113 63 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 5 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 114 64 115 65 116 67 117 68 118 68 119 69 120 69 121 69 122 70 123 70 124 70 Agreements with lascars 125 71 Rating of seamen 126 73 Discharge of seamen 127 73 128 74 129 74 130 75 Payment of wages 131 75 132 76 133 76 134 77 135 77 136 78 137 78 138 79 139 79 Advance and allotment of wages 140 80 141 80 contents 6 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 142 81 143 81 144 82 Seamen’s money orders and savings banks 145 82 146 83 147 83 148 83 149 84 150 84 151 85 152 85 153 85 154 85 Rights of seamen in respect of wages 155 86 156 86 157 87 158 87 159 87 160 88 161 88 162 88 163 88 Mode of recovering wages 164 89 165 89 166 90 167 90 Power of courts to rescind contracts 168 91 Property of deceased seamen 169 91 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 7 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 170 92 171 93 172 94 173 94 174 95 175 95 176 96 177 97 178 97 179 98 180 99 181 99 Reimbursement of relief to seamen’s families 182 100 183 100 Destitute seamen 184 101 185 102 Leaving seamen abroad 186 103 187 105 188 105 189 106 Distressed seamen 190 108 191 108 192 109 193 110 194 111 Volunteering into the Navy 195 112 196 112 197 113 contents 8 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Provisions, health, and accommodation 198 114 199 115 200 116 201 118 202 118 203 119 204 119 205 120 206 120 207 121 208 122 209 123 210 123 Facilities for making complaint 211 124 212 124 213 125 214 125 215 126 216 126 217 127 218 127 219 128 Provisions as to discipline 220 128 221 129 222 130 223 130 224 131 225 132 226 133 227 134 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 9 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 228 134 229 135 230 135 231 135 232 136 233 136 234 137 235 137 236 138 237 138 238 139 Official logs 239 140 240 141 241 142 242 142 243 143 Local marine boards 244 143 245 144 Mercantile marine offices 246 145 247 146 248 147 249 148 250 148 Registration of and returns respecting seamen 251 148 252 149 253 149 254 151 255 152 256 153 contents 10 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 257 153 258 154 Sites for sailors homes 259 155 Application of part 2 260 155 261 155 262 156 263 157 264 158 265 159 266 159 Part 3 Passenger and emigrant ships Division 3.1 Definitions Definition of passenger steamer and passenger 267 160 Definition of emigrant ship, etc 268 160 269 162 270 162 Divison 3.2 Passenger steamers Survey of passenger steamers 271 162 272 163 273 164 274 165 275 165 276 166 277 166 278 166 279 167 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 11 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 280 167 281 168 282 168 283 169 284 169 General equipment of passenger steamers 285 170 286 171 Keeping order in passenger steamers 287 171 288 173 Division 3.3 Emigrant ships. Survey of emigrant ships 289 173 Equipments 290 174 Number of, and accommodation for, passengers 291 175 292 176 293 176 294 176 Provisions, water, and medical stores 295 177 296 178 297 179 298 179 299 180 300 180 Dangerous goods, and carriage of cattle 301 181 302 182 contents 12 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Medical officer, staff, and crew 303 182 304 183 305 184 Medical inspection 306 185 307 186 308 187 Master’s bond 309 187 310 188 Passengers lists 311 189 312 189 313 190 Certificate for clearance 314 190 315 191 316 192 317 192 318 193 319 193 Passengers contracts 320 194 321 194 322 195 323 195 Regulations as to steerage passengers 324 195 325 196 326 197 R1 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 contents 13 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page Maintenance after arrival 327 197 Detention and wrongful landing of passengers 328 197 329 198 330 199 Provisions in case of wreck 331 199 332 201 333 201 334 202 335 203 Voyages to the United Kingdom 336 203 337 204 338 204 Registration of births and deaths 339 204 Saving of right of action 340 205 Passage brokers 341 205 342 205 343 206 344 207 345 207 346 207 Emigrant runners 347 208 348 208 349 209 350 209 contents 14 Merchant Shipping Act 1894 R1 57 and 58 Vic c 60 Authorised when accessed at or in authorised printed form Contents Page 351 210 352 211 Frauds in procuring emigration