Herrera Flores, J., Stubbs, T., & Benton, M. (2017). Macroevolutionary patterns in Rhynchocephalia: is the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) a living fossil? Palaeontology, 60(3), 319-328. DOI: 10.1111/pala.12284 Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY Link to published version (if available): 10.1111/pala.12284 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/pure/about/ebr-terms.html [Palaeontology, 2017, pp. 1–10] MACROEVOLUTIONARY PATTERNS IN RHYNCHOCEPHALIA: IS THE TUATARA (SPHENODON PUNCTATUS) A LIVING FOSSIL? by JORGEA.HERRERA-FLORES , THOMAS L. STUBBS and MICHAEL J. BENTON School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, UK; jorge.herrerafl
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Typescript received 4 July 2016; accepted in revised form 19 January 2017 Abstract: The tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, known from since the Triassic, rhynchocephalians had heterogeneous rates 32 small islands around New Zealand, has often been noted of morphological evolution and occupied wide mor- as a classic ‘living fossil’ because of its apparently close phospaces during the Triassic and Jurassic, and these then resemblance to its Mesozoic forebears and because of a long, declined in the Cretaceous. In particular, we demonstrate low-diversity history. This designation has been disputed that the extant tuatara underwent unusually slow lineage because of the wide diversity of Mesozoic forms and because evolution, and is morphologically conservative, being located of derived adaptations in living Sphenodon.