Around Campelles and Ribes De Freser Under the Gaze

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Around Campelles and Ribes De Freser Under the Gaze Unió Europea Fons social europeu L'FSE inverteix en el teu futur ENG ITINERÀNNIA, NETWORK OF TRAILS “Itinerànnia” is a network of trails, with over 2,500 kilometres between the neighbouring regions of “Ripollès”, “Garrotxa” and “Alt Empordà”. A network of hiking trails is like a road map, but with footpaths, allowing the hiker to get from any one point to another. 12 It retrieves the old historic roads between the villages RIPOLLÈS to reach many small places. The network offers many different hikes depending on the time or difficulty and your interests over nature, architecture or culture. Each route that we propose is just a little taste of an extensive network of trails that you can walk to discover the Ripollès, Garrotxa and Alt Emprdà counties. THE SIGNS All the trails of the network are marked regularly over the paths with horizontal painted yellow signs. PATH'S TURN WRONG AROUND CAMPELLES MARKS LEFT/RIGHT PATH (3 x 10 cm) AND RIBES DE FRESER +INFO: UNDER THE GAZE The marks are placed approximately every 300 metres OF MT. TAGA painted on tree's bark, stones or using and other medium already deployed in the area. In the Ripollès county you will find 18 Medium 5h. 30 min. In the cross roads you will find signposts indicating touch screens located in different towns the nearest four villages in each direction with time containing tourist information. information. (a maximum of 6 hours) Aquesta actuació està subvencionada pel Servei If the same village or town appears more than once d’Ocupació de Catalunya en el marc del Projecte “Treball on different signs of the same signpost, you will need a les 4 Comarques” i cofinançada pel Fons Social Europeu. to read the description below the town. If there is no description below the place name then you are looking at the shortest route to the town or village. If the indication says “Per...” (I.e via) it means that this is a longer alternative route to get to the same place. Each signpost has a small plaque that shows the name of the place where it is located, the altitude and the UTM coordinates. You will find information boards with a map of the county's trails in every village or city integrating the network. 12 AROUND CAMPELLES The route starts at the “Passeig Guimera” in Ribes de Freser. Cross AND RIBES DE FRESER the Freser river by the bridge and head towards the beginning of the pathway to “Sant Antoni”, next to a hotel under the same UNDER THE GAZE name, where you find the R145 sign Camí de Sant Antoni. Climb up following the old trail to the chapel, soon you will see the OF MT. TAGA aerials indicating the location of “Sant Antoni”. Just before arriving, below the chapel, a sign shows you the way to a lookout. It is worth a visit as you can enjoy breathtaking views over the mountains and villages of the valley. Above the lookout you can see a bunker built at the end of the civil war to keep the valley under strict surveillance. Backtrack uphill to the chapel of “Sant Antoni” where you will find a spring and a curious well. Continue on the paved track and soon you will arrive at the Coll de la Casassa pass, R144 sign. Head to Campelles through an old wide trail with beautiful views towards Planoles and Toses valley. The trail leads you to Campelles where you will find the R143 sign Camí de Sant Antoni just next to the road entering the village. Cross Campelles through its main street passing by the church of “Sant Martí”. Keep walking in the direction of “El Baell” until you find the R141 sign Fontibernes. At this point you must turn left and go down through a paved track until the old bridge over the “Torrent de ITINERÀNNIA NETWORK Can Coll” stream. Just before arriving at the “Can Coll” mill you ROUTE have to take a little path on your right to avoid entering into this ROAD-TRAIL private property. A few meters further ahead take an unpaved RIVER trail to slowly climb up passing through meadows and little forests until you find again the road to “El Baell”. TOURIST SERVICES (see website) Stay on this road going downhill until arriving at the R140 sign VERTICAL SIGNPOSTS OF El Baell, near a set of houses. Keep walking down following the THE NETWORK road and crossing the settlement leaving on your left the little church and the Terralta Hotel. Just after leaving the village on an open bend you must leave the road to your right and head SPECIFIC INFORMATION towards “Can Pernau”. Before arriving at this house you must take a wide path on your left that rapidly descends through an area Time: 5h. 30 min. of old crops. Pay attention to the yellow marks and go right until Total distance: 16 km the path enters into a forest. Go downhill on a path through a Highest altitude: 1.305m above sea level dense pine forest that will lead you to the Montagut spa. (Campelles) Once at the spa, you have to cross the main road and cross to Lowest altitude: 840m above sea level the other side of the river Freser by the bridge. A paved track on (Balneari de Montagut) the left goes uphill to the “Parramon” farmhouse. Follow this track, Accumulative slope ascent: 705 m and after a few minutes you will see the R139 sign Balneari de Montagut. After three curves you will arrive at the R138 sign Accumulative slope descent: 705 m Camps de la Talaia. Here, leave the track you were following to Difficulty: Medium (considering the total take another wide trail going gently uphill. distance and the accumulative slope Further ahead you have to leave this trail to take a pathway on although the trail is clear and pleasant) your left taking you above the fields of “Can Torroella”, to later JUST TO PERSUADE YOU: enter into a dense forest. This enjoyable narrow path ends in a 1.400 wide trail near the “Font de la Teula” spring, just above Ribes de 1.300 Following ancient pathways you will climb up to the chapel of Sant Freser's water treatment plant. Follow the water treatment plant 1.200 Antoni de Ribes, walk around Campelles and El Baell and get a close 1.100 road towards Ribes until arriving at the road that goes up to 1.000 look at the centenary spa of Montagut. Throughout the route you Bruguera. From here go down the road until arriving at the rack- 900 altitude (m) will enjoy beautiful views of the Ribes valley and its surrounding rail level crossing, R125 sign Pas a nivell del cremallera. You are 600 0 mountains, with Mt. Taga watching your steps during all the route. now back to Ribes de Freser and its “Passeig Guimerà” is just a few 9.000 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 1.000 3.000 2.000 16.000 15.000 14.000 13.000 12.000 11.000 10.000 meters ahead. Distance (m) Contents, illustrations and photographs are property of CEA Alt Ter (
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