FFrroomm GGuurruu NNaannaakk ttoo MMaahhaarraajjaa RRaannjjiitt SSiinngghh (Bibliographic description of books in English) (Dr. H. S. Chopra) PhD.(His.) PhD(Lib. & Inf. Sc.) University Librarian
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[email protected] Bhai Gurdas Library Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Introduction We have few bibliographies of Sikhism which are comprehensive and updated. Printed bibliographies serve the purpose only upto the date of their publication. Writers found it difficult to update them. In the present scenario with the coming of Internet there is no such problem of updating. In this way this bibliography will be first of its kind which will be regularly updated. An attempt has been made to prepare a bibliography of books written in English at any time focusing on the period 1469-1849 AD i.e. from Guru Nanak Dev to Maharaja Ranjit Singh. We have tried to cover all the books whether available in Bhai Gurdas Central Library, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (Pb.) or available or published at any place in the world. Sikhism, the youngest of the major world religions, strictly monotheistic in its fundamental belief, was born in the Punjab. Sikhism is not only a philosophical system but is also a distinct cultural pattern, a way of life signified by the term Sikh Panth. In Punjabi the term is ‘sikkh’ usually transliterated sikh. “Sikh” now almost universally denotes a follower of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. According to Guru Nanak, God is One, a single Supreme Reality. He is the creator, preserver, destroyer and recreator of material existence, but He Himself is uncreated, unborn and self-existent.