A simple forward secure blind signature scheme based on master keys and blind signatures Yeu-Pong Lai † Chin-Chen Chang †Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Defence University, Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Tauyuan, Taiwan, 335. Email:
[email protected] Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Chaiyi, Taiwan, 621. Email:
[email protected] Abstract tackers can be prevented, these cryptosystems can per- form correctly and securely. However, some cryptosys- The forward secure property is important in digi- tems may not be secure if the secret information is re- tal signature schemes. Many schemes have been pro- vealed or detected. Furthermore, these cryptosystems posed for the forward secure signature. Among them, may cause confusion. For instance, in digital signature only a few have been proposed for the forward secure schemes, when the secret key of a signer is revealed or blind signature. The blind signature is, however, a crit- stolen, others who know the secret key can counterfeit ical technique in e-business and other applications and the digital signatures of this signer. The signer, how- , thus, more research should be devoted on it. This pa- ever, cannot withdraw all the digital signatures indis- per focuses on the design of forward secure blind sig- criminately, because some signatures are indeed signed nature schemes. Digital signature schemes have been by the signer. The forward secure property ensures that proposed and discussed for years. Some of them are ef- these signatures, signed before the secret key was re- ficient and secure. Even specific computing hardware vealed, are valid.