Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 5
Postmast~r : Plust copies on Form Sigma Kappa s ·.gma Alpha ,Epsilon Library 3433 Washington revere Memoria 1 Temple 1'AE P o Box 1856 Evans ton I 11·. -:_ Exch 8/50 Midwestern University scene, Wichita Falls, Texas, where our Gamma Tau chapter was installed May 23. I -• \ \ • Come To Our Convention June 25-30 1960 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 3 AUTUMN 1959 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 ~~~~·················~·~···~···Editor- in-Chi e /, FRANCES WARREN BAKER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker, 433 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill.) Alumnce Editor--Beatrice Strait Lines (Mrs. Harold' B. Lines ), 234 Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. College Editors-Martha Jewett Abbey (Mrs. Wallace W. Abbey) , 5428 Park Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Anne Weaver Booske (Mrs. Henry), 1617 Zarker Rd., Lancaster, Pa. Feature Writer-Betty Kendall Heitz (Mrs. George J . ), 102 Lancaster Lane, Lincolnshire, Deerfield, Ill. Business Manager--Margaret Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. E. D . Taggart) , 3433 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. ~~~···············~~··········· Confenfj FRONT COVER: The Campanile-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 3 C 0 T S Joins Work and Play for Sigmas from 97 Chapters 5 Sigma Kappas Will Take Over Sun Valley June 25-30 8 Alpha Iotas Enjoy Being Part of Miami's Sesquicentennial 9 Mother Miami Has a Birthday 10 Eight Greek Groups Merge into Four 11 Margaret Davis ... Chef Extraordinaire! 13 Council Comments 14 She Fires a Police Pistol- But Still Plays the Piano 16 Sigma Kappa Comes to Spearfish, S.D. 17 Install Delta Pi Chapter
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