DEPARTMENT OF Course Outcomes Compulsory (CC) and Core Elective (CE)

SANSKRIT: B.A. SEM-I Course Code CC/CE- 101 (Text : Sabha Parva –Adhyay 50 to 56)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Sanskrit ancient Traditional poetry • To get introduction to social system of the Period • To understand the complexities of ancient times • To learn ethical values • To get knowledge of ‘Svarant’ forms Course Code CC/CE- 102 (Text Dashkumar Charitam Uchhavas -6 Mitragupt Vrutant)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Prose Literature • To learn moral lessons through the stories • To know the contemporary social life • To get general introduction to Sanskrit grammar like dhatu forms

Course Code EO- 105 : Shudrak Virachit Mruchhakatikam

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with Sanskrit Drama • To know glorification of lower characters of society • To know political change through public revolution • To give respectable place to people of lower reputation like dancers, prostitutions etc. Course Code FE- 101 (Text : Swapna Vasavdattam Aank :1,2,3)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of Sanskrit drama tradition • To become familiar with contemporary political ethics • To become familiar with the contemporary social situation • To become familiar with the great ancient poet, Bhasa and his literary works B.A. SEM-II Course Code CC/CE- 201 (Text : Sabha Parva Adhyay 27 to 63.)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Sanskrit ancient traditional poetry • To get introduction to social system of the Mahabharata Period • To understand the complexities of ancient times • To learn ethical values • To get knowledge of Shlokgan Course Code CC/CE- 202 : (History of Sanskrit Literature)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know about the origin of Sanskrit laukik Literature • To become familiar with Sanskrit prose writers, poets and dramatists and their literary works • To become familiar with the culture of the Gupta Period of India • To become familiar with the three great poems reflecting characteristics of epic Course Code EO- 205 : (Nitishatakam Mahakavi Bhartuhari Virchit 1 to 50 Shlokas)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar to didactic ethical teaching literary works • To develop common norms of social behaviour and social customs • To understand the importance of spiritual and ethical values in life • To understand the importance of amicable attitude, knowledge and that of wealth in life like vidya, dhan, mitra, sadachar, bhagya Course Code FE- 201 (Text : Swapna Vasavdattam Adhyay:5,6,7)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To Introduce the Sanskrit drama tradition • To become familiar with the contemporary political ethics • To become familiar with the contemporary social situation • To become familiar with the great ancient poet, Bhasa and his literary works SANSKRIT: B.A. SEM-III Course Code CC/CE- 303 : (Text :Raghuvansham / Granmmar Sarg : 14, Sita Parityag Shlok : 1 to 50 Vaynjanant Sarvnam :Forms)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with the great poet Kalidas and his epic • To get information about the Sanskrit poetry and its types • To become familiar with ideal concept of family life in India . • To become familiar with ideal administration of the King without considering his family life

Course Code CC/CE- 304 (Text : Kavyaprakash Acharya Mammant Virachit Ullas- 1 ,10)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To acquaint with great literary epic of Sanskrit Sahitya- • To become familiar with Sanskrit Alamkar tradition • To become familiar with different poetic schools in Sanskrit • To become familiar with the essential elements in poetry writing in Sanskrit • To get information about Shabddalamkar and arthalamkar, for words and for meanings • To experience how to write and recite poetry Course Code CC- 305 (Text: Abhinav Vedic Pathavali, History of the Vedic Literature Rugved and Samved, Niyatsukto, Agnisuktam Ru (1,1) Indra (Ru 2,1 Vishvamitra – Nadi Samvadsuktam (Ru 3,33)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Vedic Gods • To know introduce the vedic culture and civilization • To be familiar with the Vedic philosophy, the Suktas and the dialogues • To know philosophy teaching Upanishadas • To know Vedic Sahitya –Vedo, Brahman Grantho, Aryanak Grantho, Upanishd, Mitrabhedam, Niyat Kathao SANSKRIT: B.A. SEM-IV Course Code CC/CE- 403 : (Text : Panchatantra)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with the origin and development of fables • To learn morals through fables • To become familiar with political policies • To cultivates humanitarian approach • To know grammar through imperative and activity verbs Course Code CC/CE- 404 : (Text : Kavyaprakash Ullas 2,10)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with Sanskrit Almkar tradition • To become familiar with different poetic schools in Sanskrit • To become familiar with the essential elements in poetry writing in Sanskrit • To get knowledge of capacity of words ,its meanings • To get information about Sahbdalamkar and arthalamkar Course Code CC- 405 : (Text : Abinav Vedic Pathavali, History of the Vedic Literature and Kathopnishad Adhyay – 1,2,3 Yajurved, Atharvaved, Aaranyak Sahitya, Vedansh Sahitya.)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Vedic Gods • To know the Vedic Culture and Civilization • To be familiarize with the Vedic philosophy, the Suktas and the dialogues • To know the philosophy of the Upanishadas • To get knowledge of medicines through the medium of Atharvaved SANSKRIT: B.A. SEM-V Course Code CC- 506 Linguistics, Panini’s Grammatical Theories and Study of Third and Fourth Cases in Grammar

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know ancient Sanskrit grammar • To know the origin and development of Sanskrit language • To get basic knowledge of Linguistics like dhavani, arth etc. • To become familiar with classical Indo European languages Course Code CC- 507 Vedantsar/ Grammar(Samas) Vedantsar –Sadanand Muni Adhyay 1 to 4)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know the principles of the Vedas of Indian philosophical thoughts • To know Indian ideological principles • To understand different theories of philosophy • To develop a sense of Sanskrit Sandhi and Samas –compound words in Sanskrit Course Code CC- 508 Yagyvalkya Smruti Achar Adhyay –Brahmchari Prakran, Vivah Prakran, Krudant

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of Indian spirituality, Indian values and Indian provides knowledge of life of Brahmchari • To get knowledge of origin, development and forms of scriptures in Indian tradition • To understanding the philosophic principles • To get knowledge of participles • To get knowledge of eight types of marriage Course Code CC- 509 (Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta Adhyay 1 to 9)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get solution to problems of humanity • To think about ethical and spiritual values in life • To inspire to lead an ideal life • To know an idea about the higher philosophical knowledge through the medium of the Bhagvad Geeta • To be familiar with divinity in the human being Course Code CC- 510 Kumarsambhavam Sarg 1 to 5, Prosody and Essay

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with life and works of Kalidas • To become familiar with the structure of • To become familiar with Sanskrit epic • To become familiar with Sanskrit grammar Course Code CC- 510 (Amrushatak 1 to 50 Shlokas Sandhi Prakran ,Swar Sandhi) Optional Paper

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with Shatak kavyo, characteristics of protagonist, Shrungar Ras • To become familiar with the structure of Sanskrit prosody • To become familiar with Sanskrit epic • To become familiar Sanskrit grammar SANSKRIT: B.A. SEM-VI Course Code CC- 606 Linguistics, Panini’s grammatical theories and study of fifty and sixty cases in grammar

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know ancient Sanskrit grammar • To know the origin and development of Sanskrit language • To get basic knowledge of Linguistics • To become familiar with classical Indo European language, satam and kentum- language

Course Code CC- 607 (Sankhya Karika/ Grammar) After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar to Darshan Granthas • To become familiar to philosophers of Sankhy philosophy in Sanskrit • To understand the principles of Sankhya • To know Sanskrit compound words and sandhi in Sanskrit • To become familiar with origin of the universe Course Code CC- 608 (Arguments /Logic Annam Bhatt )

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction to Darshan Granthas • To know Nyaya, the philosophy of Justice • To know the Sven basic elements, nine materials, twenty four qualities(Gunas) • To Students become familiar with the evidences and their value in Judgment Course Code CC- 609 Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta Adhyay 10 to 18)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of Hindu religion and thought tradition • To learn about ethical and spiritual values in life • To lead an ideal life • To get an idea about the higher philosophical knowledge through the medium of the Bhagvad Geeta

Course Code CC- 610 (Buddhacharitam /Prosody and Essay Sarga 1 to 5)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of Buddhism and the Buddha religion • To know the ways to develop an ideal personality and a sense of sacrifice in life • To be familiar with the Jain religion and Jainology • To get knowledge of society during Mahabharat • To get knowledge of 5 Shrastha Mahakavyo of Sanskrit Course Code CC- 610 : (Bhartuhari : Vairagya Shatak Shlok 1 to 50 Sandhi Prakran : Hal and Visarg Sandhi)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of Indian philosophy • To get knowledge of Vairagya in life • To get knowledge of mortality of human being and immortality of the soul

DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT Course Outcomes SANSKRIT: M.A. SEM – I Course Code CC – 101 : (Abhigyan Shankuntalam)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction of the origin and development of Sanskrit Drama • To become familiar to renowned Sanskrit play • To develop a sense of political ethics and a sense of ideal family • To become familiar with the literary works and the description of the nature in works of : Nature becomes a character Course Code CC – 102 (The Nirukta/the Unseen Adhyay- 1,2 Purvamegh 1 to 1 Shloka)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get knowledge of grandeur of the Vedic knowledge • To get meanings of the Vedas with the help of the Ramayana • To learn writing skills i.e. letter writing in Sanskrit • To learn the art of describing/ explaining Sanskrit shloka

Course Code CC – 103 (The Ramayana-Sundarkand Sarga 1 to 25)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know about the concept of ideal Indian family • To learn an ideal life style from the Ramayana • To develop a religious sense through the study of the Sundarkand • To consider Ramayana as a source of guidance and inspiration for future writers • To know about importance of the messenger • To get acquainted with gunas of (qualities) Hanuman

Course Code CC – 104 (Vedant Shastra : Brahmasutra Shankar Bhasya 1,1)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction of Vedant Shastra. • To get introduction of Jiv, Jagat and Brahma • To get Introduction of Principles of Shankracharya • To become familiar with the form of tragedy

Course Code CC – 105 (Patanjali Yoga Shastra : Samadhi Pad : Sadhana Pad)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction of Darshan Shastra • To understand the importance of the Yoga in human life • To understand importance of the state of Samadhi and the Sadhana pad in Yoga • To understand importance of the ancient yoga in modern life SANSKRIT: M.A. SEM – II Course Code CC – 201 (Bhasa – Urubhangam and Karnabharam)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To be familiar with primary introduction of the elements of Sanskrit drama with the study of renowned Sanskrit plays • To gets an idea about the contemporary social condition of the time of Bhasa • To become familiar with the knowledge of Sanskrit Drama • To become familiar with the civilization and culture during the Gupta Age

Course Code CC – 202 (Nirukta Adhyay 4, 7 Uttarmegh 1 to 10 Shloka)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get acquainted with the grandeur of the Vedic knowledge • To know the meaning of the Vedas with the help of the Nirukta • To learn the art of describing/explaining Sanskrit shloka Course Code CC – 203 (The Mahabharata -Viratparva Adhyay 1 to 23)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with classical epic • To become familiar with the realities of life • To understand the importance of hard work in life Course Code CC – 204 (Vedantshastra (1) Brahmsutra Shankar Bhasya 2,1)

• To get introduction of Vedantshastra • To know Shankacharya’s Philosophy : Brahm Satyam Jagat Mithya, Jivo Brahmevna Param

Course Code CC – 205 (Vidur Policy / Ethics)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become acquainted with ancient Sanskrit Poetry • To get ethical preaching • To get an idea of contemporary politics of the time along with ethical preachings SANSKRIT: M.A. SEM – III Course Code CC – 301 : (Kadambari Mahashweta Vrutant)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become acquainted with Sanskrit prose • To get information about the development of prose literature in Sanskrit • To get acquainted with Sanskrit poets, dramatists and their works. Course Code CC – 302 (The Mandal 3 Sukta 1 to 25 / The Unseen)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know in detail the Vedas and their different parts. • To get information about the Vedic Gods like Surya, Usha, Parjanya, Agni • To get acquainted with the Vedic society • To know importance of nature Course Code CC – 303 (Arthashastra : Economics Kautilya Arthshastra : Adhikaran-I)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know about different faculties of knowledge in Sanskrit • To understand the political policies of Kautilya • To understand the duties of the ruler and those of the people • To understand the importance of contemporary political policies in modern times Course Code CC – 304 (VedantShastra : Anubhasya : Trisutri)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get Introduction of principles of Vallabhacharya • To get Introduction of Jiv, Jagat, Ishvar and Bhakti

Course Code CC – 305 (Ratnavali : Shri Harsh)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To become familiar with Sanskrit metaphors • To know the socio-political situation of the Period of Harshvardhan • To become acquainted to the characteristics of Sanskrit drama • To know the origin and development of Sanskrit Derama. SANSKRIT: M.A. SEM – IV Course Code CC – 401 (Shishupal Vadh) After completing the course the students are able:

• To become acquainted with the Five great epics • To know the characteristics of epic given great experts in poetry. • To become acquainted with the political disputes • To know the literary importance of the Mahabharata Course Code CC – 402 (The Rigveda, Ishavasya Upanishada Mandal 7 Sukta 1 to 9, 18 to 24)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get acquainted with the Vedas • To know about the Indian Civilization during the Vedic Period • To get spiritual knowledge of the self with the help of study of the Upanishadas • To understand the theory of Karma with the help of the Upanishadas Course Code CC – 403 (Raghuvansham/ Linguistics)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know about five great epics • To become familiar with ideal concept of family • To becomes familiar with the Indo European language Family • To know the principles of tone and meaning through the study of ‘dhvani’ Course Code CC – 404 (Vedant Shastra : Shribhasya,Perichhed 1 to 50)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To get introduction of Vedant Shastra • To get introduction of Principles of Ramanuj • To get introduction and Importune of Bhakti Course Code CC – 405 (Arthashastra : Economics Kautilayanu ArthShastra Adhikaran-2)

After completing the course the students are able:

• To know about different faculties of knowledge in Sanskrit • To understand the political policies of Kautilya • To understand the duties of the ruler, prince, minister, people