ORIGINAL ARTICLE Print ISSN 1738-3684 / On-line ISSN 1976-3026 https://doi.org/10.30773/pi.2020.0246 OPEN ACCESS

Clinical Correlates of False Positive Assignment in Bipolar Screening Measures Across Psychiatric Diagnoses among Patients without

Ji Hyun Baek1, Ji Sun Kim2, Andrew A. Nierenberg3, Hong Jin Jeon1, and Kyung Sue Hong1  1Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2Department of Psychiatry, Sooncheonhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Republic of Korea 3Bipolar Clinical and Research Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Objective In this study, we aimed to determine clinical correlates of false positive assignment (FPA) on commonly used bipolar screen- ing questionnaires. Methods A retrospective chart review was conducted to a total of 3885 psychiatric outpatients. After excluding patients who have bipo- lar spectrum illnesses, patients who were assigned as having on the questionnaire (MDQ) or the hypomania checklist-32 (HCL-32) were identified as patients who had FPA. Psychiatric diagnoses and severity of emotional symptoms were com- pared between patients with and without FPA. Results Patients with FPA on the MDQ showed significant associations with presence of major depressive disorder, generalized , and alcohol-use disorder, while patients with FPA on the HCL-32 showed associations with presence of and ag- oraphobia. FPA on the MDQ was also associated with greater emotional symptoms and lifetime history of suicide attempts. Logistic re- gression analysis showed that male sex, younger age, presence of alcohol-use disorder, and severity of and obsessive-compul- sive symptoms were significantly associated with FPA on the MDQ. Conclusion The FPA for the MDQ was associated with clinical factors linked to trait impulsivity, and the FPA for both the MDQ and the HCL-32 could be related to increased anxiety. Psychiatry Investig 2020;17(11):1118-1125

Key Words Hypomania, Self-report questionnaire, False positive assignment, MDQ, HCL-32.

INTRODUCTION pomania through retrospective examination. To facilitate ear- ly recognition of bipolar disorder, several self-reported screening Bipolar disorder (BD) is considered an under-recognized questionnaires have been widely applied in clinical settings. disease. Under-diagnosis can lead to delayed diagnosis and The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)1 and the Hypo- mistreatment, which eventually results in a worse clinical Symptom Checklist-32 (HCL-32)2 are two of the most course and poorer treatment outcome. However, it is still dif- commonly used questionnaires. Their abilities to detect bi- ficult to differentiate BD from unipolar depressive disorder polarity initially appear comparable,3 but several studies in clinical settings. showed that the HCL-32 may be better at detecting hypoma- Diagnosis of BD depends on a patient’s history of hypoman- nia than the MDQ.4 ic/manic episodes, indicating the importance of capturing hy- Although the MDQ and the HCL-32 are designed to be used for patients with major depression to detect (hypo)ma- Received: June 26, 2020 Revised: August 26, 2020 nia, they both are commonly used to define so-called bipolar- Accepted: September 5, 2020  Correspondence: Kyung Sue Hong, MD, PhD ity in diverse populations, both in clinical and research set- Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University tings.5-9 But this can lead to different problems related to over- School of Medicine, 81 Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06351, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-2-3410-3589, Fax: +82-2-3410-0050, E-mail: [email protected] screening. These screening measures generally have low positive cc This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons predictive values, so additional interviews with trained profes- Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- sionals are necessary to confirm the presence of mania/hypo- nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduc- tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. mania.10 To use these questionnaires properly, we need to iden-

1118 Copyright © 2020 Korean Neuropsychiatric Association JH Baek et al. tify the clinical correlates of false positive assignment (FPA) mania Symptom Checklist-32 (HCL-32)2 were used to evalu- from these questionnaires in patients whose clinical diagno- ate subthreshold hypomania. The MDQ evaluates experienc- ses are not bipolar disorders. es of (hypo)manic episodes using 13 questions derived from A few studies have reported on the clinical correlates of FPA items of DSM-IV manic episode. The HCL-32 asks an indi- for bipolar screening questionnaires. Two studies11,12 report- vidual their experiences when they were in a ‘high’ mood. ed that FPA from the MDQ was associated with elevated rates Each question asks specific behavior, thoughts and emotions of anxiety, impulse control, substance use, and attention-deficit that can be experienced during (hypo)manic state. Further- disorder. However, clinical correlates of FPA from the HCL-32 more, the HCL-32 evaluates whether the episode impact on have not been studied. their daily living. Widely used cut-off scores showed relative- This study aimed to identify the clinical correlates of FPA ly low specificity for BD,10 so we adopted cut-off scores previ- for the MDQ and the HCL-32 in Korean psychiatric outpa- ously shown to have >80% specificity in Korean populations: tients with diverse mood and anxiety disorders. Among pa- the cut-off score for the MDQ was 9,13 and the cut-off score for tients who were diagnosed with non-bipolar mood and anxi- the HCL-32 was 20.9 We defined the MDQ (+) group as pa- ety disorders via standard psychiatric interviews, we explored tients with an MDQ score ≥9 and the HCL (+) group as pa- clinical features associated with false positive assignment on the tients with HCL-32 score ≥20. two most commonly used bipolar screening questionnaires. The psychological assessment METHODS Subject diagnoses were evaluated using the Korean version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interviews (MINI).14 Study populations If patients have dual diagnoses based on the MINI, they were Data were obtained from a retrospective chart review of pa- counted twice in comparing frequencies of psychiatric diag- tients who visited the Depression Center of the Department noses. Of the MINI modules, the suicide module was used to of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, between January 2011 evaluate suicide risk. Suicidality was measured using the MINI and December 2017. After an initial interview with a board- suicide-item modules and the HAMD suicide-item scores. The certified psychiatrist, patients between 18 and 65 years old MINI suicide module is a six-question, yes-or-no, interview- who were suspected to have mood and anxiety problems were er-administered questionnaire used to evaluate suicidality and referred to a psychologist for a comprehensive psychological current risk of suicide. The MINI suicide module asks about evaluation. The psychologist who conducted the evaluation experiences of recurrent thoughts of death, idea of self-harm, had more than two years of clinical experience. The psycho- presence of suicide ideation, plans and (current and past) sui- logical evaluation was part of routine care and designed to con- cide attempts. A single score is generated after summing the firm subject clinical diagnosis based on the DSM-IV-TR and weighted scores. Suicide risk scores are categorized as low risk to evaluate symptom severity. After the psychologist finalized (<6), medium risk (6–9), or high risk (≥10) for a future sui- patients’ psychiatric diagnoses, the result was reviewed and cide attempt.15 confirmed by a psychiatrist who order the test. Patients sus- The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) (Hamil- pected of , , cognitive impair- ton, 1967) and the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) were ment, organic brain disease or who had difficulty in understand- used to evaluate current depressive symptoms. The Beck’s ing overall evaluation process were excluded. Additionally, hopelessness scale (BHS)16 was used to evaluate severity of those who required an emergency admission were not referred pessimism. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A)17 for evaluation. This study used test results from comprehen- and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)18 were used to evaluate sive psychological evaluations. anxiety symptoms. The Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3)19 The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Re- was used to evaluate anxiety sensitivity. The Albany Panic and view Board of Samsung Medical Center (IRB no. 2018-11-019). Questionnaire (APPQ)20 was used to assess fear of sit- All identifying data were removed from the clinical database uations and activities that are commonly avoided by individ- prior to analyses. Because this study was a retrospective chart uals with and disorder. The Penn review, no consent was needed from participants. State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ)21 was used to evaluate se- verity of worry. The Liebowitz social anxiety scale22 was used Applied measures to measure severity of social anxiety. The Obsessive Compul- sive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R)23 was applied to obsessive Evaluation of FPA on the bipolar screening measures compulsive symptoms. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)1 and the Hypo-

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Statistical analyses 1.13–1.59), generalized anxiety disorder (aOR=1.73, 95% CI: Chi-square tests were used to compare rates of sex and in- 1.38–2.18), and alcohol-use disorder (aOR=2.00, 95% CI: dependent Student’s t-test was used to compare age between 1.47–2.73). The HCL (+) group showed significant associa- the MDQ (+) and (-) groups, and the same analyses were tions with panic disorder (aOR=1.45, 95% CI: 1.12–1.88) and conducted between the HCL-32 (+) and (-) groups. Multivar- agoraphobia (aOR=1.85, 95% CI: 1.35–2.55). iate logistic regression analyses was conducted to determine Table 2 shows the comparisons of emotional symptom se- the association between DSM diagnoses and FPA after adjust- verities between groups. We conducted 2-way ANCOVA anal- ing for age and sex. Each DSM diagnosis was entered as a de- yses with the MDQ membership and the HCL-32 member- pendent variable, and MDQ (+) group and the HCL-32 (+) ships as independent variables after adjusting for age and sex. group memberships were entered as independent variables. No significant interaction effects between the MDQ and HCL- Two-way analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were conducted 32 groups were detected. The MDQ (+) group showed signifi- to compare emotional symptom severity depending on the cant associations with higher scores except the HAMD. In par- FPA membership. MDQ (+) group and the HCL-32 (+) group ticular, the effect sizes of the association was small (η2>0.01) memberships were entered as independent variables, and age in terms of the ASI-3, BDI-II, BAI, and OCIR scores. In con- and sex were entered as covariates. We also compared suicide trast, the HCL-32 (+) group showed significant associations risk using multivariate logistic regression analyses. We addi- with the ASI-3 and PSWQ scores, but the effect sizes were al- tionally conducted logistic regression analyses to determine most negligible (η2<0.01). factors that discriminated FPA on each screening measure. We also compared suicide risk between the two groups (Ta- Only significant variables in aforementioned analyses were ble 3). After adjusting for age, sex, and presence of major de- included as independent variables in the logistic regression pressive disorder, the MDQ (+) group showed significant as- models. sociations with lifetime history of suicide attempt (aOR=1.70, All analyses were performed with SPSS 24.0 (IBM Corp., 95% CI: 1.21–2.38). The HCL-32 (+) group did not show sig- Armonk, NY, USA). Considering the exploratory nature of nificant associations with suicide risk. this study, statistical significance was evaluated using a two- We conducted logistic regression analyses to determine sided design with alpha set a priori at 0.01. which variables contributed to the discrimination of FPA (Ta- ble 4). Variables shown significant associations with FPA were RESULTS entered as independent variables. When the MDQ (+) group was entered as a dependent variable, the model χ2 was 312.49 A total of 4162 subjects underwent the standard evaluation. (df=9, p<0.001). Using this model, 78.3% of subjects were clas- After excluding patients with BD [bipolar I, bipolar II and bi- sified correctly. Male sex, younger age, presence of alcohol-use polar disorder, not otherwise specified (NOS)], a total of 3,885 disorder, and higher scores of BDI-II and OCIR were signifi- subjects was included in the final analyses. Among them, 815 cantly associated with the MDQ (+) group. When HCL-32 (+) (21.0%) received an FPA on the MDQ score [MDQ (+) group], group was entered as a dependent variable, the model χ2 was and 404 (10.4%) received an FPA on the HCL-32 score [HCL- 110.30 (df=8, p<0.001). Using this model, 89.6 % of subjects 32 (+) group]. were classified correctly. But only male sex and younger age Both the MDQ (+) and HCL-32 (+) groups were younger were significantly associated with the HCL-32 (+) group. [MDQ (+) group mean age=38.43 (standard deviation (SD)= 12.28] years old, MDQ (-) group mean age=44.19 (SD=13.30) DISCUSSION years old, t=8.84, p<0.001; HCL-32 (+) group mean age=37.77 (SD=12.31) years old, HCL-32 (-) group mean age=43.56 (SD= Although the MDQ and HCL-32 are widely used to define 13.50) years old, t=7.04, p<0.001) and included more males so called “bipolarity,” the FPA rate from these scales is substan- [MDQ (+) group number of male=402 (49.3%), MDQ (-) group tial. The cut-off scores that are generally used for screening in number of male=1065 (34.7%), χ2=58.69, p<0.001; HCL-32 clinical practice and in prior studies3,10 are lower than those we (+) group number of male=200 (49.5%), HCL-32 (-) group used in this study. We adopted higher cut-off scores that yield- number of male=1267 (36.4%), χ2=26.42, p<0.001] compared ed >80% specificity in previous studies.9,13 Even with these cut- to (-) groups. off scores, about 10–20% of our subjects had an FPA (MDQ: Table 1 shows the comparisons of psychiatric diagnoses of 21.0%, HCL-32: 10.4%). Previous studies argued that hidden patients included in the study. The MDQ (+) group showed or undiagnosed bipolar disorders are substantial among non- significant associations with major depressive disorder (ad- bipolar illnesses based on positive assignments from the ques- justed odds ratio (aOR)=1.34, 95% confidence interval (CI): tionnaires.24-26 But, as observed from our study findings, a con-

1120 Psychiatry Investig 2020;17(11):1118-1125 JH Baek et al. 0.953 0.772 0.334 0.362 0.988 0.474 0.400 0.005 0.358 0.906 0.969 <0.001 p-value 2.4 7.76 2.40 1.23 2.80 1.36 1.63 2.55 1.30 1.88 1.24 1.50 – – – – – – – – – – – – 95% CI 0.68 0.11 0.52 0.54 0.69 0.73 0.35 1.35 0.52 1.12 0.79 0.66 0.94 1.12 0.82 1.39 1.00 0.76 1.85 0.82 1.45 1.41 0.97 0.99 aOR β 0.112 0.327 0.616 0.372 0.344 -0.064 -0.203 -0.002 -0.280 -0.199 -0.014 -0.008 7 (0.9) 9 (2.20) 8 (2.0) 11 (2.7) 60 (14.9) 61 (15.1) 24 (5.9) 98 (24.3) 11 (2.7) 33 (8.2) 7.2 (378) 155 (38.4) N=404 (%) HCL-32 (+) HCL-32 20 (0.7) 47 (1.4) 50 (1.4) 84 (2.4) 37 (1.1) 349 (10.0) 422 (12.1) 291 (8.4) 185 (5.3) 590 (16.9) 199 (5.7) HCL-32 (-) HCL-32 1,245 (35.8) N=3,481 (%) 0.188 0.013 0.528 0.843 0.286 0.590 0.888 0.964 0.039 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 p-value 2.00 3.82 1.23 1.91 2.18 2.24 1.23 1.43 1.23 3.56 1.59 2.73 – – – – – – – – – – – – 95% CI 0.03 1.17 0.67 0.59 1.38 0.79 0.70 0.73 0.81 1.03 1.13 1.47 0.24 2.12 0.91 1.06 1.73 1.33 0.93 1.03 1.00 1.92 1.34 2.00 aOR β 0.749 0.059 0.550 0.283 0.024 0.651 0.290 0.695 -1.419 -0.096 -0.077 -0.005 7 (0.9) 22 (2.7) 64 (7.9) 20 (2.5) 22 (2.7) 85 (10.4) 60 (7.4) 25 (3.1) 82 (10.1) MDQ (+) 146 (17.9) 163 (20.0) 341 (41.8) N=815 (%) 20 (0.7) 34 (1.1) 41 (1.3) 70 (2.3) 23 (0.7) 314 (10.2) 336 (10.9) 267 (8.7) 159 (4.9) 525 (17.1) 150 (4.9) MDQ (-) 1,059 (34.5) N=3,070 (%) Psychiatric diagnoses of patients; comparison between patients with and without false positive assignment (FPA) Alcohol and and Alcohol Eating Posttraumatic stress Posttraumatic disorder Somatoform disorder Obsessive compulsive compulsive Obsessive disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Specific Agoraphobia Social phobia Panic disorder Panic ADHD MDD substance use disorder substance adjusted aOR: disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity ADHD: disorder, depressive major MDD: MDQ: checklist, questionnaire, mood disorder hypomania sex. HCL-32: and age Covariates: interval CI: confidence odds ratio, Table 1. Table

www.psychiatryinvestigation.org 1121 Clinical Correlates of False Positive Assignment on Bipolar Screening Questionnaires - - - 2 Eta 0.009 0.001 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.002 0.202 0.769 0.766 0.842 0.567 0.314 0.493 0.620 p-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.40 1.88 1.60 1.56 1.75 1.93 1.57 2.08 p – – – – – – – – 0.329 0.283 0.031 0.001 0.816 0.449 0.0.39 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 HCL-32 95% CI 0.21 0.63 0.71 0.70 0.36 0.81 0.80 0.29 F 0.95 1.15 4.64 0.054 0.57 4.28 22.78 11.98 19.06 12.48 0.54 1.09 1.06 1.04 0.79 1.25 1.13 0.78 aOR 2 β Eta 0.002 0.006 0.016 0.007 0.018 0.005 0.013 0.009 0.008 0.020 0.082 0.062 0.041 0.223 0.118 -0.625 -0.231 -0.248 p 0.002 MDQ <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 5 (2.0) 8 (3.1) 5 (2.0) 19 (7.5) 40 (15.7) 41 (16.1) 33 (13.0) 82 (32.3) N=404 (%) F HCL-32 (+) HCL-32 9.59 22.68 41.17 22.67 45.07 12.77 31.81 22.32 21.07 50.52 59 (2.7) 68 (3.1) 42 (1.9) 114 (5.1) 274 (12.3) 282 (12.7) 184 (8.3) 564 (25.3) HCL-32 (-) HCL-32 N=3,481 (%) 9.71 (6.03) HCL-32 (+) HCL-32 15.22 (5.87) 18.73 (6.86) 33.56 (15.90) 65.33 (42.48) 28.67 (12.28) 25.65 (13.67) 61.45 (13.02) 59.60 (34.03) 23.06 (14.42) N=404; mean (SD) N=404; mean 0.515 0.072 0.410 0.335 0.436 0.002 0.018 0.396 p-value 2.18 2.22 1.56 1.58 1.39 2.38 1.76 2.63 – – – – – – – – 95% CI 0.68 0.97 0.84 0.86 0.46 1.21 1.06 0.68 8.68 (6.03) HCL-32 (-) HCL-32 14.59 (6.28) 17.74 (7.01) 24.48 (16.92) 54.57 (42.10) 23.28 (12.60) 19.52 (12.93) 55.00 (13.67) 50.02 (33.92) 17.72 (13.15) 1.21 1.46 1.14 1.16 0.80 1.70 1.36 1.34 aOR N=3,481; mean (SD) N=3,481; mean β 0.194 0.381 0.131 0.151 0.529 0.308 0.292 -0.219 MDQ (+) 15.65 (5.87) 19.41 (6.72) 32.32 (16.76) 67.15 (42.10) 28.78 (11.81) 10.12 (6.95) 24.86 (13.15) 61.42 (12.32) 63.40 (31.19) 24.53 (13.61) 20 (3.7) 46 (8.4) 90 (16.5) 94 (17.2) 22 (4.0) 74 (13.5) 15 (2.7) MDQ (+) N=815 (%) 183 (33.50) N=815; mean (SD) N=815; mean 44 (2.3) 87 (4.5) 54 (2.8) 32 (1.7) MDQ (-) 224 (11.6) 229 (11.8) 143 (7.4) 463 (24.0) N=3,070 (%) MDQ (-) 8.41 (6.01) 14.39 (6.31) 17.43 (7.02) 23.46 (6.60) 52.54 (41.76) 22.44 (12.56) 18.82 (12.83) 54.04 (13.69) 47.51 (34.01) 16.50 (12.78) N=3,070; mean (SD) N=3,070; mean Comparisons of suicide risk evaluated using the MINI module depending on false positive assignment mood disorder questionnaire (MDQ) and hypomania check Comparisons of emotional symptoms depending on false positive assignment the mood disorder questionnaire (MDQ) and hypo mania checklist-32 (HCL-32) Suicide plan Suicide High suicide risk suicide High Suicide idea Suicide Moderate-to-high Moderate-to-high risk suicide Wish to self-harm to Wish Lifetime historyLifetime attempt suicide of Recurrent thoughts thoughts Recurrent death of Table 2. Table score HAMD checklist, MDQ: hypomania mooddisorder HCL-32: deviation, SD: standard methods. (LSD) difference significant the least using conducted were analyses sex. Post-hoc and age Covariates: in sensitivity anxiety ASI-3: anxiety, scale for rating Hamilton HAMA: depression, scale for rating Hamilton HAMD: interview, neuropsychiatric MINI: mini international questionnaire, Question Worry State Penn PSWQ: Inventory, Anxiety Beck’s scale, BAI: Beck BHS: Hopelessness Inventory, Beck BDI-II: Depression Questionnaire, Phobia and Panic Albany dex-3, APPQ: Inventory social Liebowitz LSAS: scale, anxiety OCIR: Obsessive-Compulsive naire, 3. Table attempt Suicide (Recent) MDQ: checklist, questionnaire mood disorder hypomania sex. HCL-32: and age Covariates: list-32 (HCL-32) HAMA score HAMA ASI-3 score ASI-3 APPQ score APPQ BDIII BHS BAI PSWQ LSAS OCIR

1122 Psychiatry Investig 2020;17(11):1118-1125 JH Baek et al.

Table 4. Logistic regression analyses to determine variables contributing to the discrimination of false positive assignment on the mood dis- order questionnaire (MDQ) and the hypomania checklist-32 (HCL-32) Variables B SE Odds ratio 95% CI p-value Model 1. MDQ (+) as a dependent variable Age -0.035 0.004 0.97 0.96–0.97 <0.001 Sex 0.512 0.110 1.67 1.35–2.07 <0.001 Alcohol use disorder 0.575 0.190 1.78 1.23–2.58 0.002 Generalized anxiety disorder 0.211 0.141 1.24 0.94–1.63 0.134 Major depressive disorder -0.270 0.124 0.76 0.60–0.97 0.030 ASI3 total score 0.008 0.004 1.01 1.00–1.02 0.044 BDI-II score 0.028 0.007 1.03 1.01–1.04 <0.001 BHS score -0.026 0.012 0.98 0.95–1.00 0.038 OCIR score 0.022 0.005 1.02 1.01–1.03 <0.001 Model 2. HCL-32 (+) as a dependent variable Age -0.021 0.005 0.98 0.97–0.99 <0.001 Sex 0.488 0.139 1.63 1.04–2.14 <0.001 Panic disorder 0.285 0.168 1.33 0.96–1.85 0.089 ASI3 total score 0.013 0.006 1.01 1.00–1.03 0.027 BDI-II score 0.009 0.008 1.01 0.99–1.03 0.266 BAI score 0.008 0.008 1.01 0.99–1.02 0.316 PSWQ score 0.010 0.007 1.01 1.00–1.03 0.170 HCL-32: hypomania checklist, MDQ: mood disorder questionnaire, ASI3: anxiety sensitivity index-3, APPQ: Albany Panic and Phobia Ques- tionnaire, BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory, BHS: Beck Hopelessness scale, BAI: Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, PSWQ: Penn State Worry Ques- tionnaire, LSAS: Liebowitz social anxiety scale, OCIR: Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory siderable number of subjects who were positively assigned associations with clinical factors that could be related to trait based on the questionnaires may not have had actual mania impulsivity, including alcohol-use disorder,32 obsessive com- or hypomania. pulsive symptoms (OCIR),33 and lifetime suicide attempts.34 The FPAs observed in our study could be associated with Both bipolar disorder and unipolar depression had greater subthreshold hypomania that only partially meets the DSM impulsivity compared with healthy controls,35 and impulsivi- criteria. But in a prior study that compared HCL-32 scores ty predicted increased risk for developing hypomania.36 Prior and clinically significant subthreshold hypomanic symptoms study results reported that association between bipolarity and that partially meet DSM criteria, the HCL-32 was not strong- suicide risk29,37 might be moderated by impulsivity. ly correlated with subthreshold hypomanic symptoms.27 In Clinical correlates of FPA on the HCL-32 were different from this regard, FPA from the questionnaires does not fully reflect those on the MDQ in our study. The HCL-32 (+) group did true subthreshold hypomania based on DSM criteria. not show significant associations with variables related to trait Consistent with previous study findings conducted at aca- impulsivity. Furthermore, the HCL-32 (+) group showed neg- demic hospitals,11,12 the MDQ (+) group showed significant ligible associations with depressive and anxiety symptom se- associations with major depressive disorder, generalized anx- verity. Since its development, the HCL-32 was intended to re- iety disorder, and alcohol-use disorder. Additionally, the MDQ flect the bright side of hypomania,2 and a meta-analysis suggested (+) group showed significant associations with severe depres- that the HCL-32 was better able to detect hypomania than the sive and anxiety symptoms. Cyprien et al.28 reported that psy- MDQ.4 It is unclear if these well-known characteristics of the chiatric comorbidity and symptom severity decreased the HCL-32 affect the differences in clinical FPA correlates for the positive predictive value of MDQ in participants recruited at HCL-32 and MDQ. Additional research is needed to examine academic hospitals, which corroborates our study findings. clinical factors associated with FPA on the HCL-32. Consistent with Cyprien et al., several studies reported that One common factor associated with both the MDQ and the positive assignment from the MDQ was significantly associ- HCL-32 in our study was anxiety disorder. FPA was associat- ated with more severe forms of depression.29-31 ed with increased anxiety. Although diagnosis and differenti- It is particularly notable that the MDQ (+) group showed ation of unipolar depression and bipolar disorder have focused

www.psychiatryinvestigation.org 1123 Clinical Correlates of False Positive Assignment on Bipolar Screening Questionnaires on mania and depression symptoms, anxiety is also tightly as- tom severity. The HCL-32 (+) group showed negligible asso- sociated with BD. Anxiety disorder is very common both in ciation with depression and anxiety severity. Future studies us- unipolar depression38 and bipolar disorder.39 Anxiety is also a ing these questionnaires should be cautious in interpreting part of diagnostic criteria for mood disorder, and presence of clinical meanings of the positive assignment. anxiety is associated with poorer clinical courses. Recent epi- Acknowledgments demiologic studies showed that subjects who have manic ep- This study was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea isodes have an approximately equivalent risk of developing (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2019R1G1 40 depressive episodes and anxiety disorders. From this per- A1091679). spective, anxiety may not exist as a separate disease entity from Conflicts of Interest mood disorder. The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. A prior study reported an association between FPA and anx- iety disorder on the MDQ,11 and they suggested the associa- Author Contributions tion might reflect underlying emotional dysregulation. Emo- Conceptualization: Ji Hyun Baek. Data curation: Ji Hyun Baek. Formal tional dysregulation is considered to be a core psychopathology analysis: Ji Hyun Baek. Funding acquisition: Ji Hyun Baek. Investigation: Ji Hyun Baek. Methodology: Ji Hyun Baek, Ji Sun Kim. Supervision: Kyung that exists under diverse psychiatric conditions ranging from Sue Hong, Andrew A. Nierenberg. Validation: Ji Hyun Baek. Visualization: mood disorder to anxiety disorders.41 A recent study reported Ji Hyun Baek. Writing—original draft: Ji Hyun Baek. Writing—review & ed- that emotional instability showed a significant genetic overlap iting: all authors. 42 with bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, and anxiety. Ad- ORCID iDs ditional studies are needed to determine the biological corre- Ji Hyun Baek https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1366-0396 lates of positive assignment by bipolar screening questionnaires. Ji Sun Kim https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2472-4591 Another explanation of our study findings could be under- Andrew A. Nierenberg https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2897-0458 Hong Jin Jeon https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6126-542X lying bipolar spectrum that exists dimensionally. Classic defi- Kyung Sue Hong https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1250-6151 nition of hypomania are too strict, and previous studies showed that softer hypomania that did not meet the full criteria of DSM REFERENCES 43 were also clinically significant. Prior studies using the bipo- 1. Hirschfeld RM. The mood disorder questionnaire: a simple, patient- lar screening questionnaires in defining hypomania also showed rated screening instrument for bipolar disorder. Prim Care Companion distinct neurobiological characteristics.5 Further studies are J Clin Psychiatry 2002;4:9-11. 2. Angst J, Adolfsson R, Benazzi F, Gamma A, Hantouche E, Meyer TD, et needed to interpret true meaning of FPA observed in our study. al. The HCL-32: towards a self-assessment tool for hypomanic symp- Our findings need to be interpreted within the context of toms in outpatients. J Affect Disord 2005;88:217-233. our study design. First, this study used cross-sectional data. We 3. Wang YY, Xu DD, Liu R, Yang Y, Grover S, Ungvari GS, et al. Compari- son of the screening ability between the 32-item Hypomania Checklist relied on a one-time evaluation to determine DSM diagnoses (HCL-32) and the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) for bipolar and questionnaire responses. 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