Anallelle Uniiversiităţiiii diin Craiiova, seriia Agriiculltură – Montanollogiie – Cadastru (Annalls of the Uniiversiity of Craiiova - Agriicullture, Montanollogy, Cadastre Seriies) Voll. XLIX/2019 PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL STUDY CONCERNING HABITATS WITH LIGULARIA SIBIRICA (L.) CASS. FROM THE SALONCA AND DELNITA RIVER BASINS, HARGHITA COUNTY, ROMAMIA MARIANA NICULESCU1, LUMINIȚA BUȘE-DRAGOMIR2*, ILIE SILVESTRU NUTA1 , LAURENȚIU NICULESCU2, LÁSZLÓ DEMETER3 1University of Craiova, Faculty of Agronomy, Departament of Botany, 19 Libertatii Street, 200583, Craiova, Romania,
[email protected] 2University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, 13 A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, Romania 3 Harghita County Council, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania,
[email protected] Corresponding author:
[email protected] Keywords: Ligularia sibirica, Salonca and Delnița Basin, phytosociology, habitats ABSTRACT Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. is one of the most spectacular glacial relict species and rare species of Asteraceae family and one that suffered a significant decrease in Eurasia in the second half of the past century. L. sibirica dates from the Tardiglacial – early Postglacial period. It is of a great floristic, ecological, and phytogeographical importance (Paun and Popescu, 1971), being included in Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as DD (data deficient) (Bernhardt et al. 2011). According to the European Nature Information System species Natura 2000 data base (, Ligularia sibirica is a species of community importance reported from 32 Natura 2000 Sites from Romania, including our study protected area – ROSCI0323 Ciucului Mountains. In the study area we identified a large number of well-developed populations with large number of individuals but varies depending on the type of habitat and of the variation eco-pedo-climatic conditions.