District Census Handbook, 35-Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh
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CENSUS 1961 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK UTTAR PRADESH 35-SITAPUR DISTRICT LUCKNOW: Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P. (India) 1965 .. 0 OJ ..J N <t j Q ~ '" Q 0 0 W .. '"... ...'"0- ::t 0.... ;< ..... a:: '];. 0 :::l 0.. en~ I- g a: l- e/) -J. 0 CONTENTS Pages Preface Introduction iii I-CENSUS TABLES A-GENERAL POPULA TION TABLES A-I Area, Houses and Population 5 Appendix I-Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units constituting the present 1961 set-up of 6 the District Appendix III-Houseless and Institutional Population 7 A-II Variation in Population during Sixty Years 7 Appendix 1951 Population according to the territorial jurisdiction in 1951 and changes in area S and population involved in those changes A-Ill Villages Classified by Population 9 A-IV Towns (and Town-groups) classified by Popualation in 1961 with Variation 10 since 1941 . Appendix New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 11 Explanatory Note to the Appendix 11 B-GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES B-1 &rn I\'orkers and Non-workers in District and Towns classified by Sex and Broad 14 Age-groups B-llI Part A-Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by Educational 20 Levels in Urban Areas only Part B--Industrical Ciassification of \Vol"kers and Non-:workers by Educational 22 Levels in Rural Areas on I y B-IV Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work 24 at Household Industry Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work 28 in Non-Household I'ndustry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups and Minor 36 Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation B--V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 65 11-- VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified by 98 Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only ii B--VlII Part A-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above by Sex, Broad Age-groups and 104 Educational Levels in Urban Areas only Part B-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above by Sex and Educational Levels 104 in Rural-Areas only B-IX Persons'not at work classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Type of activity 106 C-SOCIAL AND CULTU RAL TABLES C-II Age and ¥arital Status 114 '" C-III Part B-Age, Sex and Education in Urban Areas only 120 Part C-Age, Sex and Education in Rural Areas only 120 C-V Mother-Tongue 122 C-VII Religion 124 SCT & SC-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED, CASTES Fly-leaf 125 SCT-I Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for 126 Scheduled Castes SCT-III Part A (i)-Education.in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes 130 Part B (i)-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Castes 131 SC-I Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels 132 for Scheduled Castes II-OFFICIA L STATISTICS 1. Statistics of Rainfall and Temperature l.l-Rainfall 134 1.2-Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum, Highest and Lowest Temperature 134 2. Vital Statistics 136 3. Agricultural Statistics 3.I-Principal Crops-Distribution.of Crops 138 3.2-Land Utilization 138 3.3-Agriculture Extension Scheme 139 3A-Persons Cultivating Land with different Sizes of Holdings 140 3.5-Crop-wise Gross Area Irrigated 140 4_ Statistics of Household Industry 141 iii 5. Statistics of Factories 5.1--Growth of Factories 142 5.2-Number of Workers in Each Est"blishment 142 6. Administrativ~Statistics 6.1-Criminal Justice-Number of Criminal Cases Tried 144 6.2-Criminal Justice-Persons Convicted or Bound Over i4'4 6.3-Strength of Police, 1960 145 6.4-Statistics of Jails 145 6.5-Co-operative Societies 146 6.6-Excise Receipts and Motor Spint Tax 146 6.7-Receipt of Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenue 147 6.S-Registered Documents and Value of Properties Transferred 147 7. Public Health and Medical Statistics 7.1-List of Hospitals and Dispensaries 1960-61 148 7.2-Maternity and Child Welfare, Family Planning and Rural Health Centres 149 7.3-T. B. Clinics and Anti-AdulteratiOn 1959-60 149 8. Education Statistics S.l-Educational Institutions and Pupils 150 S.2-List of Higher Secondary Schools 1960-61 151 9. Statistics of Public Eutel tainment, Press and Journals 9.l--Printing Presses and Newspapers 152 9.2-Cinemas 152 10. Communication Statistics including Waterways lO.t-Length of Metalled and Unmetalled Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on Decem- 153 be'r 3t. 1960 IO.2-List of Water Ways (Navigable-Rivers) as on December 31, 1960 153 10.3-Polymetrical Table of Distances of Block Headquarters by Road 153 10.4-List of Railway Stations 154 1O.:'>-List of Post Offices 155 Ii. Statistics of Local Bodies Receipts and Expenditure 158 12. Statistics of Community Development 159 13. Calendar of Important Events 160 iv 14. Prices ofSt'lple Food-stuffs Month by Month 161 15. Statistics of Banks and Insurance I5.I-Statistics of Banks 166 15.2-Statistics of Insurance-1960 166 16. Statistics of Livestock 1.67 17. Statistics of Fairs, Festivals and Villages Markets 17 . I-List of Fairs 170 17-2-List of Festivals 178 I7.3-List of Hats and BOZars 179 18. HandIcrafts Survey 18.1-List of Rural Crafts and Number of Persons Employed in Production 181 13.2-Distribution of Artisan Communities 187 l8.S-Materials used, Source of Design, Manufacture and Marketing of Manufactured 188 Articles 19. Statistics of Major and Medium Projects taken up for.execution during the I, 11 and IIIIPlans 189 20. Statistics of Wages 189 Ill-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1. Definiti.on of Column Headings III 2. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Misrikh vi 3. Directory of Tahsil Misrikh (Rural) xii 4. Directory of Town Area Misrikh (Urban) xliv 5. Alphabetical list of villages of Tahsil Sitapur Ii 6. Directory of Tahsil Sitapur (Rural) lvi 7. Directory of Municipal Board Sitapur lx:1tJliv 8. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Biswan ev 9. Directory of Tahsil Biswan (Rural) ex 10. pirectory of Biswan (Urban) cx:1txiv 11. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Sidhauli cxli 12. Directory of Tahsil Sidhauli (Rural) cx1vi 13. Directory of Town Area Sidhauli (Urban) clxxiv IV-LIST OF· INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Number of Establishments classified by MInor Group of Industrial Classification clxxvi V-APPENDIX Gazette Notifications of changes in Boundaries during the decade 1951-61 clxxxii PREFACE Districtwise village statistics have been published at most of the Censuses. A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. No such list was brought out in 1901. In 1911 village Directories were prepared for all districts, but could be published only for thirteen on account of the outbreak of the First World War. At the 1921 Census they were published for all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 they were compiled for all districts, but were not published owing to financial stringency, leading to loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census even though restricted tabulation was undertaken on account of the Second World War, yet the utility of District Census Satistics was recognised and they were published. At the Census of 1951 two volumes were brought out for each district the District Census Handbook and the District Population Statistics. Government have decided to continue the p_ublication of District Census Handbooks. The 1961 District Census Handbooks contain more data than ever published before. Village Directories, besides giving the population of villages by industrial categories, also contain useful information about schools, hospitals, post offices, etc. As revised District Gazetteers are going to be published, introductory matter in the District Census Ha;J.dbooks has been given in brief to avoid duplication. • Information for the District Census Handbooks was collected mainly from three sources, viz. State Tabulation Office, District Officers, Heads of Departments and their district level officers. In aU cases confirmation has been obtained from Heads of Departments concerned. I am extremely grateful to DistrictOfficers and the various Heads of Department for their wholeshear ted co-operation in furnishing the desired information. It is hoped that the District Census Handbooks will prove useful to the various Govt. depart. ·ments and scholars. The pri~ting of the Handbooks commenced from August, 1963. P. P. BHATNAGAR Lucknow Superintendent of Oensus Operations, Dated : September 2, 1963. Uttar Pradesh. iii INTRODUCTION now and Shahjahanpur is the National Highway No. 24. The District The district of Sitapur is situated just 4. The district consists of two main to the south of Kheri which is the second physical divisions: the upland plain, which nOl'thernmost district of the Lucknow Division. comprises the greater portion of the district; It lies between the parallels of 27° 54' and 27° and the eastern lowlands or ganjar. The first 6' north latitude and SOo IS' and 81° 24' east is a level plain with slight undulations, devoid longitude. It is bounded by Hardoi on the of forests and large expanses of water. It is west and south-west, Kheri on the north highly cultivated, except where the soil is barren Bahraich on the east, Bara Banki on the south or cut up by ravines in the neighbourhood of east and Lucknow on the south. Its area is streams. There is a well· marked slope from the main body of the district to the alluvial plain of 5,7S0 sq.