Block and Bridle's Ag Olympics A
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Vol. 91 No. 27 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 TheOKLAHOMA PANHANDLE Collegian STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Inside News..........Page 2 Sports....................Page 3 Block and Bridle’s Ag Olympics a hit News.....................Page 4 By Brittany Shears Entertainment......Page 5 Politics..................Page 6 Block and Bridle hosted Eric Begley, Marc Wilson and Dara the First Ag Olympics here at Okla- Short. Their team took home $40 and Fun Stuff...............Page 7 homa Panhandle State University on third place honors. In the end, every- Thursday, April 14 at 4:00. Students one had a good time, and the specta- Texting & driving - You from all over campus came out to tors had a good show. Many students could be breaking the law. participate and watch as the one-of- and staff members came by to cheer See ARTICLE on Page 2 a-kind games went underway. Events on their fellow classmates and co- included dizzy barrels, in which workers, making for a fun day out in Like rock music? - Check teams had to run a clover leaf pattern the sun. out this band. around barrels after spinning around Following the games, the multiple times, and the ultimate Block and Bridle club held a con- See ARTICLES on Page 5 challenge, the aggie relay. The aggie cert dance at 9:00, featuring the band - relay consisted of four tasks: setting Oklahoma Southwind. The band Uproar in Middle East up panels (gates), moving hay bales, played a variety of blues and rock, US aiding Lybia? carrying a bucket full of water and along with a couple of original num- See ARTICLE on Page 6 then pushing a pickup. Other events bers. Their performance was great included wheelbarrow pole bending and attracted a fairly large group of Wildfires- A big Thank you and the feed bucket toss. students, and by the end of the night, to the volunteers. Eight teams competed for most of the audience had ended up the title of Ag Olympic Champions on the dance floor. See ARTICLE on Page 8 and the $160 prize. The first place Block and Bridle would team was “Team USA” consisting like to thank everyone who helped of Wilson Henry, Tyler Hasenauer, put it all together and all the partici- Tina Ferguson and Jarred Lebsock. pants and spectators who came out Upcoming The second place team was made up to participate or just have a fun time. of Wrustler Frye, Stephanie Boldin, Everyone they talked to said that it Rafe Schroder, and Dane Noe who was great and they had had an over- Dates together won a total of $80. John all good time watching the games Schmidt said that the third place and attending the concert. With the April 29—Arbor team was a surprise, rounding out the Ag Olympics being a hit on campus, top three. The team “Old PSU” con- receiving five-star reviews, many Day sisted of people many students have cannot help but wonder (and hope) met in offices and classrooms around if a second Ag Olympics is in the campus including Danae Moore, works for next year. April 29—Ange- lena Reed’s senior recital at 7:00 PM in Centennial The- atre. Be sure to come and check it out! April 30—Spring football game and BBQ at 1:30 PM at the OPSU practice field. Stop by and grab a hamburger and get a sneak peek as the Ag- gies prep for the upcoming season. Game starts at Photos by Matthew Crook 3:00. May 1—May Day Collegian wins OCMA award By Kenton Schmidt If you have been read- Oklahoma State University journal- open to any Oklahoma educational for a college degree. OCMA’s May 2—OPSU stu- ing The Collegian, did you know ism school Director Harry Heath institution offering two or more mission is to promote and improve dent honors recep- you have been reading an award- in 1975. Membership in OCMA is years of academic work accepted student publications at Oklahoma’s winning collage newspaper? That’s colleges and universities. The term tion in Centennial right! The Collegian has won “publication” includes not only Theatre at 7:00 Honorable Mention for Best Overall newspapers and yearbooks but also Newspaper at the Oklahoma Col- broadcast stations and websites. PM. legiate Media Association annual Laura Hays, advisor for The Col- conference! Staff writer, Brittany legian and Director of Camus Com- Shears, and graphic artist, Matthew munications said, “I am so proud of May 2—Education Crook, were two of The Collegian Editor Emily Dye and her staff for students who made the trip to their commitment to The Collegian. portfolio final re- Stillwater, Okla. Brenna Balduff, Under her guidance, the paper con- view through May assistant Plainsman yearbook edi- tinues to offer quality articles and tor, also attended. In addition to the timely information for our students. 6. awards ceremony, student journal- It is quite an honor for The Col- ists attended lectures and workshops legian to be recognized by its peers held by professionals working in the across Oklahoma.” May 8—Mother’s media. The Oklahoma Collegiate Day. Don’t forget to Media Association was founded by call your mom! Photo by Laura Hays 7-Day Local Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Forecast 65° 75° 86° 72° 69° 77° 81° Forecast for the week to come including daily highs and overnight lows. 36° 45° 46° 38° 43° 45° Page 2 News April 27, 2011 Could texting while driving become The importance of illegal? Texas says yes By Daulton Perry computer security Most parents these days have at some point in their By Ryan Bramblett teenage drivers’ lives told them to always wear a seatbelt, I’m not going to claim that I know everything about check the mirrors and to NEVER text while you drive. My OPSU’s Computer Information Systems (CIS) Department. mother preaches this to my sisters and I over and over again. Really, the only interaction that I have had with it was when This isn’t a law; however, it is an activity that all drivers I took my one required computers class during my second should refrain from doing. Why is this becoming a big deal? semester here. However, from what I hear, we have got a good Well, just ask the family of Alex Brown. She was a 17-year- one. I know that our AITP (Advanced Information Technol- old senior at Seagrave High School in Austin, Texas. Yes, I did ogy Professionals) group regularly does well at the national say “was” because she was the victim of a texting while driv- competition every year (I’m assuming that that is a big deal, ing accident that lead to her death in 2009. Even though it has especially when you consider how small our school is). There- been over a year since it happened, the Texas Legislature is fore, it probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise to the doing their part in making sure that this never happens again. more well-informed people around that we were visited by an The House Transportation Committee unanimously important person. voted to send House Bill 243, named after Alex Brown, to Loren Michael Johnson, Oklahoma University’s ana- the entire House for a debate and a vote. “This bill was voted lyst for data security for IT security, visited OPSU on April 4 out of committee because the members recognize that this is to give a presentation entitled Security Professionals: Who Are a major safety issue and because people are more aware that They? During the presentation, he talked about what exactly texting while driving is dangerous,” said Craddick, who was Photo courtesy IT security was and what an IT security professional’s job en- Speaker of the House for three terms. This bill focuses just tails. He also gave a few examples of cases that he had worked on texting while driving and not talking on the phone while on the roads, but I, myself, can’t say I’m Mr. Perfect because in the past. This probably sounds pretty boring to those of you driving. Craddick said he is very confident HB 243 will pass I’ve texted and driven on several occasions, but I try my best aren’t involved with the CIS department, but it was actually in the House. If the bill also passes in the Senate and Gov. to refrain—as should the rest of the world. pretty interesting. I won’t say it was informative for me per- Rick Perry signs it, the measure would become law on Sept. 1. The thing about this bill though is that when it sonally—because most of what he said went way beyond my Even phone companies are supporting this bill. becomes a law, the only repercussions would be if you are very basic understanding of computers and how they work. The Transport Research Laboratory found that motor- caught in the act—just like the seatbelt law and the litter- I think it is cool that someone from a large school ists who use their mobile phone to send text messages while ing law in some states. So what does this mean for students? like OU would come all of the way out to Goodwell for some- on the road dramatically increase the likelihood of collision. Well honestly, I don’t think this will stop OPSU students from thing like this. This kind of thing says a lot about the dedica- Their reaction times deteriorated by 35%, much worse than texting and driving because drinking and driving is an act tion and talent of the faculty and students.