Untitled-3 1 3/14/14 11:50 AM Covering the 2014 Festival? Cover yourself in Festival. 2014 KENTUCKY DERBY FESTIVAL® OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE NOW ON SALE To purchase, visit KDF.ORG #KDF2014 The stories you tel hapen here. kydf1923fn_Media Guide.indd 2 3/18/14 12:52 PM WELCOME Welcome to one of the world’s finest celebrations, the Kentucky Derby Festival. On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, 4,000 volunteers and over 400 sponsors, it is our pleasure to welcome you to Louisville. The Kentucky Derby Festival has stretched the legendary “two minutes” into more than a month of fun for our community. This whirlwind of colorful activities is an annual rite of spring in this region and we hope you enjoy it. With nearly 70 special events, there are numerous interesting and fun stories to share. There is something for everyone. This media guide will give you a glimpse of them all. We appreciate your interest and look forward to working with you. Please contact our press staff to assist with your efforts and make your job easier. If you are looking for a different angle on a story or need additional sources, we may be able to help. Good luck with your coverage! Sincerely, Michael E. Berry David Nett KDF President & CEO 2014 KDF Chair CONTENTS Contact Information .............2 About KDF ....................4 Balloonfest ...................6 Media ......................10 Parade .....................60 Events ......................15 Pegasus Pins .................67 Thunder ....................20 People Behind KDF ............70 Marathons ...................30 2015 Festival Schedule .........74 1 Media Guide 2014.indd 1 3/31/14 11:37 AM 2 WHOM TO CONTACT KENTUCKY DERBY FESTIVAL PRESS OFFICE Aimee Boyd (
[email protected]) Cell: (502) 741-7442 Gary Stinson (
[email protected]) Cell: (270) 287-1411 Robert Young (
[email protected]) Cell: (502) 377-3105 Or Kentucky Derby Festival, Inc.