June 23, 1992 Vol. XLIV No. 13 "Still U.S. Department of Health The Second and Human Services Best Thing About Payday" National Institutes of Health

'The Year of Women'e Recoti�

NewBy Susan CancerJenks and Frances Therapy Taylor Applied To Brain Tumors in Animals By Carla Garnett In a new application of gene therapy, NIH Women in Science Careers Vow to Take Charge, Ride the Tide scientists have borrowed a gene from the her­ Nearly all the scientists, physicians and pesvirus, inserted it directly into brain tumors academicians assembled to speak at the recent forum on women in science careers had some­ in animals and destroyed the tumors with an antiviral drug. Results of the study, conducted thing basic in common with more than by intramural investigators at NCI and 90 percent of their audience-they were NINDS appeared in the June 12 issue of female. Science. By contrast, the discussion focused on an "Essentially, what we've done is change a area that has been primarily dominated by males-upper-echelon positions in biomedfcal tumor genetically, so that it's like a her­ NIH's pesvirus," said Dr. Kenneth Culver, the NCI careers. Sponsored by Office of Research on Women's Health, the 2-day scientist who conceived the new gene therapy Dr. Vivian Pinn, director of NIH's Office of technique. "Potentially, this approach may workshop "Women in Biomedical Careers: Research on Women's Health, greeted participants have wide application to many other types of Dynamics of Change" began to fill in the at the recent workshop, "Women in Biomedical tumors. framework formed at ORWH's March public Careers: Dynamics of Change." "These results show that gene therapy is hearing. Participants knew the task was for­ effective and nontoxic in eliminating brain midable; simple statistics tell the story. vailing sentiment at the meeting was fresh: tumors in rats," said neurosurgeon Dr. According to numbers presented at the 1992 represents a window of opportunity for Edward H. Oldfield. "Our next step is to test hearing by the Washington-based Feminist women in biomedical careers-in all careers, this promising treatment in humans to learn if Majority Foundation, 64 percent of United essentially-and for once the shutters are wide it can help people with incurable brain can­ States medical school students in 1990 were open. cer." Oldfield, chief of the NINOS Surgical male; men made up 79 percent of American "We know the problems," said Dr. Vivian Neurology Branch, and his neurosurgical col­ medical school faculty; 84 percent of the coun­ Pinn, ORWH director, in opening remarks. league Dr. Zvi Ram, were instrumental in try's physicians were men; and there was not "We're not here to dwell on the past, but to developing the application of this idea for the one female dean among all U.S. medical propel (ourselves) into the future." treatment of experimental brain tumors in schools. Latest census figures show that In testament to the scope and importance of animals. 51 percent of the country is female. the problem, nearly every major medical insti­ (See CANCER, Page 2) But that was all old news, really. The pre- (See WOMEN, Page 4)

By Gregory Wilson DCRT Collaborates on Software to Make Sense of Sequences ByLight Jo Bagley Therapy Offers Promise For Treatment of Papillomas In the Olympic high jump, when the ath­ Recently, biologists and computer special­ letes clear the bar at one height, the bar is ists at the Division of Computer Research and Revision of an old treatment technique has moved up, and a new goal is set for the entire Technology have been working with colleagues given new hope to those who suffer from the field of competitors. Applying modern com­ around the nation to develop software tools to rare but potentially deadly disease of recurrent puting technology to scientific inquiry is help interpret genetic sequences. Gene laryngeal papilloma (RLP). RLP, a disease that similar; accomplishments beget new goals. sequencing has become an intense area of affects infants and small children as well as When biomedical researchers and computer research worldwide, but after genes are adults, results from the human papillomavirus scientists work together to solve today's prob­ sequenced and the information collected in a (HPV), which causes wart-like tumors to grow lems, they are also looking to define database, interpretation remains a major in the larynx and respiratory tract, the air pas­ tomorrow's challenges: making computa­ problem. sages leading from the nose into the lungs. tionally intensive computer operations run DCRT's participation in the software proj­ Although noncancerous, these tumors can faster, and faster still; or developing better ect is led by Dr. George Michaels, a molecular grow very quickly and become life threatening ways to manipulate data to answer scientific biologist who holds a joint appointment with when they grow large enough to interfere with questions. NICHD. The effort began last year when breathing. Michaels and DCRT's Richard Feldmann Many forms of treatments have been used to organized a workshop that brought together remove these tumors. Treatments used range some of the world's leading experts in logic from surgery to use of chemotherapy, vaccines, programming. The participants decided to uti­ NIH director Dr. will host and antibiotics. Surgical removal of the lize the advantages of logic programming in a her third "town meeting" at NIH on Monday, tumors as well as use of carbon dioxide laser Healy To Host Town Meeting collaboration to construct sequence interpreta­ June 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. in Masur surgery, which uses an intense laser light that -efon software-tools that would make analysis Auditorium, Bldg. 10. Titled 'The NIH becomes a cutting laser when the light is of genetic sequences easier for scientists. absorbed by the water found in body tissue, Workplace: Diversity in Harmony," the meet­ Michaels and his collaborators have been are presently the most widely used forms of ing will include two guests-Rep. Connie very busy since then. The genome informatics treatment. The problem is that these tumors Morella of Maryland's 8th district, and Wash­ tools that they have created allow researchers have a tendency to return unpredictably once ington Post columnist Judith Martin, whose to get the answers to high-level research ques­ they are removed. pen name is "Miss Manners." All are invited tions about specific chromosomes simply by to attend. (See LIGHT, Page 14) (See SEQUENCES, Page 12) page 2 The Record June 23, 1992

CANCER will work with Oldfield in the upcoming pro­ AAAS Elects New Fellows (Continued from Page 1) tocol. "Gene therapy appears to have promise for treating these patients, but it must still Several NIH'ers joined the roster of mem­ bers elected as distinguished scientists recently Although NIH's recombinant DNA ad­ prove itself in human trials." NCI scientists are also developing the new by the American Academy of Arts and Sci­ visory committee gave preliminary approval on ences Council. At its annual meeting held in June 1 for investigators to begin human trials, technique for tumors in other parts of the body, according to Culver. Although the brain Chicago, the AAAS council named 271 new the study is not expected to start until late fellows including the following from NIH: summer. The protocol, which will be led by was the "ideal place to begin," he said, rejec­ tion of the foreign mouse cells elsewhere in Dr. Julius Axelrod of NIMH's Laboratory of Oldfield, is awaiting final approval by NIH Cell Biology; Dr. Bruce Baum, chief of director Dr. Bernadine Healy and the Food the body can be controlled through short-term NIDR's Clinical Investigations and Patient and Drug Administration. immunosuppressive therapy. Such an approach Care Branch; Dr. Joseph F. Fraumeni, NCI In the animal study, scientists eliminated has already worked in liver tumors in rats, he associate director for epidemiology and bio­ cancerous brain tumors called gliomas by said. D statistics; Dr. Florence P. Haseltine, director injecting genetically engineered mouse cells of NICHD's Center for Population Research; directly into growing tumors, then treating Dr. Alan S. Rabson, director of NCI's Divi­ the rats with the antiviral drug ganciclovir. sion of Cancer Biology, Diagnosis, and The mouse cells were programmed ro pro­ Centers; Storm Whaley, former NIH associate duce a disabled mouse virus that can carry director for communications; and Dr. Stuart genes into cells. Scientists used a retrovirus­ H. Yuspa of NCI's Division of Cancere which only inserts genes into dividing cells Etiology. such as those found in tumors-to slip a D herpes gene into the brain tumors. They chose a gene known as the herpes simplex thymidine Healthy Females Sought kinase gene, which makes dividing cells sus­ The Uniformed Services University of the ceptible to destruction by ganciclovir. Health Sciences' department of medical psy­ Investigators treated a total of 14 rats with chology seeks healthy, nonsmoking females, 10 injections of ganciclovir over a period of ages 18-45, to participate in a women's health 5 days. In 11 rats, the brain tumors regressed study. Participants will be paid $200 for com­ completely. In the remaining three rats, inves­ pletion of three or four laboratory sessions, tigators found small deposits of residual tumor scheduled from 7 a.m. to noon, during which cells. blood samples will be taken. If interested, call In addition, Dr. Hiroyuki Ishii working in (301)e295-3263. □ the laboratory of Dr. R. Michael Blaese, chief of NCI's cellular immunology section, observed an unexpected "bystander" effect, in Radha Goel, a student working in the Laboratory which ganciclovir treatment not only killed of Tumor Immunology and Biology, NCI, has tumor cells with the inserted kinase gene, but received the Grand Award in the Montgomery The NIH Record also nearby tumor cells not infected with the County Science Fair for her project on "The Sta­ Published biweekly at Bethesda, Md., by the Editorial Operations Branch, Division of Public Information, for the foreign gene. "Although we don't know how bility of the CC49 Single Chain Antigen Binding Protein." This work was done in the laboratory of information of employees of the National Institutes of this effect occurs, hopefully it will increase our Health, Department of Health and Human Services and chances for success in treating the larger Dr. Jeffrey Sch/om. Goel also received the Dr. circulated ro nonemployees by subscription only thr�ugh tumors found in humans," Blaese said. Michael Vaccaro Research Award for her paper on the Government Printing Office. The content is reprintable The treatment did not appear to damage the same subject. She is currently a Howard Hughes without permission. Pictures may be available on request. normal tissues near the tumor site, and there fellow and in the fall will enter the B.A.IM.D. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved was no evidence that the engineered virus had program at George Washington University. by the director of the Office of Management and Budget spread to normal brain tissue or other parts of through September 30, 1992. the body. NIH Record Office Correspondents: Scientists said the treatment's effectiveness Bldg. 31, Room 2B-03 CC, Ellyn Pollack and low toxicity may be explained, in part, by Phone 496-2125 DCRT, Anne P. Enright the brain's unique characteristics. Because nor­ FAX 402-1485 DRG, N. Sue Meadows FIC, Jim Bryant mal brain cells, particularly neurons, do not Stutterers Needed for Study Editor NCI, Patricia A. Newman usually divide, the retrovirus is unlikely to People who stutter, ages 18 and over, are Richard McManus NCHGR, Leslie Fink mfect these cells. Also, few immune cells cir­ needed for acute (single dose) trials of novel NCNR, June Wyman culate inside the brain. This helps avoid medications that may affect speech fluency. Assistant Editor NCRR, Polly Onderak rejection of the foreign mouse cells. Anne Barber NEI, Linda Huss Both males and females are needed. All sub­ NHLBI, Louise Williams Estimates suggest that, each year, as many jects must be native English speakers, in good Staff Writer NIA, Carolyn Shanoff as 35,000 Americans develop brain tumors health and females must not be pregnant. Carla Garnett NIAID, James Hadley that begin in the brain or spread from cancer Will require two to four outpatient visits, a NIAMS, Amy Iadarola Editorial Assistant NICHD, Carol Florance elsewhere in the body. Despite aggressive few hours each, to the Clinical Center clinic. treatment with surgery, radiation, and chemo­ Marilyn Berman NIDCD, Gail Blatt If interested, call 496-7491, and leave mes­ NIDDK, Eileen Corrigan therapy, the current prognosis for patients NIDR, Mary Daume sage for Dr. Braun. D The NIH Recordr eserves the right with cancerous brain tumors is generally poor. to makecorrectio ns, changes, or NIEHS, Hugh J. Lee "We don't save many of these patients with dele ntio s in submitted copy in NIGMS, Wanda Warddell any current treatment, so we need a new treat­ conformitywith the epolici s of the NINOS, Carol Rowan paper and HHS. NLM, Roger L. Gilkeson ment that will help them," said Ram, who page 3 The Record June 23, 1992

Gene Defect for Familial Mediterranean Fever Mapped to Chromosome 16 Researchers at NIAMS have targeted the patient's life. "This up-and-down course, in diagnosis. Once the biochemical defect is genetic defect for familial Mediterranean fever FMF at least, is likely co be linked to the known, more specific therapies can be (FMF) to a small region of chromosome 16. gene itself," adds Dr. Daniel Kastner, senior designed. The current treatment is colchicine, Patients with this mysterious inherited form of author of the paper and investigator with the a plant-derived drug that must be taken every rheumatic disease suffer fevers and periodic Intramural Research Program, NIAMS. day; however, this medication may cause diar­ acute inflammation of joints and of tissues FMF manifests itself in different ways, caus­ rhea, occasionally reduces male fertility, and that line the abdominal and lung cavities. The ing visibly swollen joints or excruciating may cause birth defects. finding, published in the June 4 issue of the abdominal pain. Some people first experience To perform the necessary genetic studies, New England Journal of Medicine, should aid attacks in infancy. FMF can lead to Kastner ventured to Israel and collected blood counseling of ethnic populations in which the amyloidosis, a deadly buildup of protein in samples from 350 people from the coun­ disease sometimes strikes as many as 1 in 14 vital tissues such as the kidneys. FMF is tryside. He collaborated extensively with Dr. individuals. extraordinarily prevalent among Armenians, Mordechai Pras, professor of medicine at Sheba "A clear genetic basis for familial Mediter­ Turks, Middle East Arabs, and non-Ashkenazi Medical Center, Tel-Aviv University, and the ranean fever will help us tremendously in our Jews living in the United States and abroad. founder of a clinic there for patients with search for genetic factors underlying ocher "Understanding the biological basis of FMF FMF. His son, Dr. Elon Pras, traveled co rheumatic diseases like systemic lupus should yield important new insights into the Kastner's laboratory and performed the deci­ erythemacosus and rheumatoid arthritis," says mechanism of inflammation," says Kastner. sive experiment that linked FMF to Dr. Lawrence E. Shulman, NIAMS director. During the course of FMF, white blood cells chromosome 16. Other collaborators included Though the cause of these more common dis­ proliferate dramatically, invading tissues and Dr. Luis Gruberg at Sheba Medical Center; orders remains unknown, they share striking causing inflammation. The investigators sus­ Dr. Michael Dean with the Laboratory of Viral similarities with FMF. For instance, lupus and pect that the FMF gene may regulate the Carcinogenesis, NCI; and NIAMS intramural FMF both often cause severe inflammation of activity of white blood cells, because it researchers Dr. lvona Aksentijevich, Dr. James the joints, skin, and lung cavity; occasionally, appears to be near ocher well-characterized E. Balow, Leandra Prosen, and Dr. Alfred like FMF, lupus affects the abdominal cavity. genes with these regulatory functions. Steinberg.-Lauren Ward and Barbara Weldon 0 Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and FMF all are Genetic srudies of FMF will make possible a known to repeatedly flare and remit over a laboratory test for chis frequently overlooked

NIH, Thailand Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn which she began with the Chulabhorn Mahidol, daughter of the King of Thailand, Foundation. visited NIH recently to sign a memorandum Attendees at the ceremony, held in the of understanding with NIH director Dr. Ber­ Lawton Chiles International House (Stone nadine Healy to renew a program of House), included the Thai ambassador, M.L. cooperation between NIH and the Chulabhorn Birabhongse Kasemsri; the princess' husband, Research Institute. Group Capt. Sucee Buranasin; Dr. Ken The agreement, originally made in 1989 at Bernard, Office of International Health, PHS; the initiative of Professor Dr. Her Royal Drs. Jay Moskowitz, John Diggs, Vivian Pinn Highness Princess Chulabhorn (who holds a and Jack Whitescarver of the OD staff; Dr. Ph.D. in chemistry) established a program of James Hill of NIAID; Dr. Samuel Broder, cooperation in AIDS, cancer, and the biomedi­ NCI director; and Dr. Philip Schambra, FIC cal applications of natural produces, an area in director. 0 which the princess has specialized. The revi­ sion broadens this ro include other areas of mutual interest. Identical, Fraternal Twins Sought In signing the memorandum, Healy praised Chulabhorn "for the initiative you have taken NIMH needs twins for a study of brain through this agreement in establishing collab­ Healy and Princess Chulabhorn of Thailand review function. Volunteers must be between ages 18 orative contacts between Thai and U.S. text of the memorandum of understanding that they and 80, be taking no medications, and have biomedical researchers... It is our hope, signed recently at NIH. no history of major medical or psychiatric ill­ through chis agreement, we will continue to ness. Procedure involves mapping brain promote research between scientists in our two structure with magnetic resonance imaging countries in pursuit of our common many renowned scientists at work for the (MRI), and mapping brain function with objective-the improvement of the health of benefit of mankind." positron emission tomography (PET) while people in Thailand, the U.S. and throughout The princess founded the Chulabhorn subjects perform various problem-solving tests. the world." Research Institute in 1987 in commemoration The PET scan involves exposure to approx­ Chulabhorn, who has visited the NIH of King Bhumibol's 60th birthday, with the imately the same amount of radiation as a campus several times in the past, commented objective of providing a research facility to routine x-ray, an amount well within NIH that science is international and transcends support projects backed by the king. It also and FDA guidelines. Volunteers will be paid. national boundaries. "During my visits to was a further step in the princess' efforts to For information contact Jill Ostrem or Dr. NIH, I have always been inspired to see so develop scientific research in her country, Karen Berman, 496-5675. 0 The Record page 4 June 23, 1992

Applying the Quaker philosophy to today's WOMEN struggle for parity in tenure and top scientific (Continued from Page 1) appointments, Eisenberg said that search com­ mittees "acting in good faith" would be tution was represented at the workshop by a amazed by the number of qualified applicants member of its committee to recruit, retain or who are also women. But what will suddenly facilitate the re-entry of women. In fact, give rise to the necessary good faith? attendance exceeded ORWH expectations and "The same recipe used to such good effect a additional accommodations were arranged century ago," she said, "endowment funds on midway through the opening morning session. the one hand and formal stipulations on the About 300 participants were expected dur­ other . . . We are not here to exchange war ing the preregistration period; nearly 100 stories. We are here to work for change. Our more onsite registrants signed on in the last Women in assignment is to identify what works and what 3 days before the event, according to con­ • might work if given half a chance." ference organizers. • Sharing a model of what worked recently at One reason given for the overwhelming Workshop cochair Dr. Carola Eisenberg ( l) of Yale University's school of arts and sciences, response to what Pinn admitted were hurriedly Harvard Medical School and Dr. Judith LaRosa, Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, professor of surgery at dispatched invitations was the political climate deputy director of NIH's Office of Research on Yale's medical school, gave an example of and the seemingly shared sense among women Women's Health, teamed up to address recruitment, Eisenberg's theory. that 1992 is "the year of women." Only about retention and re-entry of women in biomedical In the mid-1980's, Bartoshuk explained, 4 months passed between planning of the science. Yale reviewed the representational makeup of workshop to the event, necessitating an effi­ its faculty and found what probably most cient coordination of schedules and activities. workshop planning task force. "It is happen­ every other major university in the country Pinn thanked participants and planners for ing for the first time because a woman, an would find: women are far too scarce in pro­ responding so quickly and fully. outstanding woman, Bernadine Healy, is the fessorships, tenured positions and other top director of the National Institutes of Health." policymaking roles. Another soldier on the battlefield was Several Yale committees were charged with acknowledged as well. A longstanding leader addressing the problem and several solutions "Far too many women stu­ and promoter of women's health issues, Dr. were suggested: Invitations to the university dents continue to be taught by Ruth Kirschstein, the first and as yet only were extended to distinguished women individuals who don't welcome woman director of an NIH institute, said after acamedicians, who were then made more vis­ 18 years in the position, she still often finds ible in campus affairs. Department chairs were women into the sciences, who herself as the only woman in meetings of NIH made to discuss with the provost the career really still doubt that women policymakers. status and prospects of every nontenured But, citing the appointments of Healy and woman within their jurisdiction. Childcare can do science." Pinn, Eisenberg told Kirschstein that a posse facilities and employment opportunities for is on the way. "Ruth has been fighting for spouses were improved. "The time is ripe," she said, quoting a women for many years," she said, "and now One committee was bolder than the rest, phrase often used by NIH director Dr. she's not alone." though. It dared to ask for quantified results, Bernadine Healy during her speeches on Eisenberg also gave a little history lesson to demanding in 1984 that the number of ten­ women's health. "There is an awakening. the assembly, telling how formerly all-male ured women double by 1990. Seeing so many of you out there is a dream Johns Hopkins medical school reluctantly first "Nobody had ever said anything like that come true. admitted women to its program in 1893. Fac­ before," Bartoshuk said. "And nobody Healy reiterated what could have been the ing a severe economic deficit in the school believed for a minute that anybody would do subtitle of the workshop. "The time is right budget, Hopkins trustees, with distinct anything about it." for women to be recognized as leaders in sci­ regret, accepted a half million dollar proposal What made that committee's suggestion ence and in every other field of endeavor," she by four Quaker women: Admit women on the work where others had not was simple said. "The complex nature of science in the same terms as men in exchange for an endow­ economics: Yale's president, showing a com­ 21st century demands the energies and ment generous enough to open the school on mitment to the effort from the top, put his resources of a diverse talent base--one that time. money where his mouth was. He allotted posi- includes legions of women who are prepared to take scientific challenges." Hailed upon her arrival much as a conquer­ ing heroine, Healy was given a standing ovation following her address. From her Speakers Set for June 25 Forum on Women in Biomedicine at NIH enthusiastic reception, it was evident she is Speakers have been confirmed for the June tor for personnel services in NIH's Division of seen by prominent women nationwide as one 25 forum "Creative Models and Alternative Personnel Management; Dr. Arthur Levine, who has overcome major barriers and virtually Pathways for Scientific Careers" sponsored by NICHD scientific director; and Janet Bickel, opened the floodgates for women everywhere. NIH's committee on the status of intramural assistant vice-president for women's programs Another speaker put the session in women scientists. Scheduled for noon in Lip­ at the Association of American Medical Col­ perspective. sett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10, this first of a leges. The three will discuss various "This meeting is unique, but it is no acci­ two-part series on integrating maternity/ regulations, approaches and strategies for such dent," said Dr. Carola Eisenberg, director of parenthood/caregiving duties with the respon­ issues as flextime, job-sharing and tenure-track International Programs for Medical Students at sibilities and requirements of a scientific career timing flexibility. Open discussion will Harvard Medical School and cochair of the will feature Marvene Horwitz, assistant direc- follow. page 5 The Record June 23, 1992

tion slots and funds to the provost, who then NCI Welcomes Teens, Teachers from McKinley High School offered the powerful incentives to department chairs. The numbers of tenured women at The National Cancer Institute recently Participants in the NCI/MHS partnership Yale surged, meeting its goal a year early. hosted a tour to welcome students and programs have accepted assignments in either Dr. Shirley McBay, president of the Quality teachers from McKinley High School, who scientific or administration areas of NCI and Education for Minorities Network in Wash­ have been awarded summer internships as part NIH, including intramural laboratories and ington, D.C., asserted that a great deal of the of the Adopt-A-School partnership between areas responsible for communications and nonparity of women in science careers stems NCI and the school. The eight program par­ administrative support functions. A poster day from an attitude cultivated at many educa­ ticipants and members of the Adopt-A-School and lecture session are planned upon comple­ tional institutions. subcommittee of the NCI EEO advisory group tion of the 8-week internship to give "Far too many women students continue to were given a tour of the laboratories of Dr. participants an opportunity to share their be taught by individuals who don't welcome Lance A. Liotta, chief of NCI's Laboratory of experiences and accomplishments with the women into the sciences, who really still Pathology. During the tour, members of his NIH community. doubt that women can do science," she said. staff gave a slide presentation on the pathology The partnership between NCI and "Seems to me, there really isn't a big mystery of various types of cancers. McKinley began in 1989 with the purpose of about what it takes to increase the participa­ Dr. Daniel C. Ihde, NCI deputy director, attracting minority students to scientific tion of girls and women in the sciences." Dr. Edward Sondik, deputy director of the careers. By sponsoring students and teachers Consensus of the speakers seemed to be Division of Cancer Prevention and Control; from the school to work in NCI laboratories that, not so surprisingly, attitudes can be con­ and Dr. Alan Rabson, director of the Division and administrative areas to learn about bio­ quered with well-placed political pressure and of Cancer Biology, Diagnosis and Centers, medical research first hand, the institute hopes well-spent economic power. welcomed the McKinley High participants and to increase the numbers of minority students "Achieving excellence demands all the tal­ emphasized the importance of the relationship pursuing biomedical science careers. In 1991, ent universities can find," concluded between the institute and this D.C. inner-city NCI expanded the program to include a sum­ Eisenberg. "Ignoring the talents of half the high school. Maxine Richardson, NCI's EEO mer internship for teachers at MHS to increase human race assures mediocrity." officer, introduced the students and teachers to their opportunities for professional Referring to the recent show of political their NCI and NIH mentors with whom they development. strength by women politicians and women's will work during the summer. support groups, she challenged the audience to change the status quo. "There is a tidal wave out there," she said. "Women made that tidal wave. What we have accomplished in politics, we can do also in scientific research. Ladies, get out your surf boards. We are going to ride that tidal wave until gender is no longer a criterion for any job except being a mother." D

Bioethics Lectures Continue The Bioethics Lecture Series continues on June 26 with a presentation on "Tradition vs. Experience: Moral Tensions for Clinical and Research Physicians," at 12:30 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. The hour-long talk will be given by Dr. Warren T. Reich, pro­ fessor in the department of community and family medicine, Georgetown University Participants in the NCI Adopt-A-School program tour an institute laboratory. They include McKinley High School of Medicine. NIH staff and members of students (from l) Nicole Smith, Nicholas Inniss, CheriaJohnson and Shameka Price; and teachers Woodson the local community are invited to attend. D Davis, Juanita Cribb-Wade, andJudi Jones.

Host Families Sought for Japanese Medical Students Host families are being sought for three macology co host Sacoshi Horiguchi, Hirohide While the primary purpose of the students' medical students from Kyoto University in Takebayashi and Takeshi Morimoco. This visit is to provide them with an opportunity Japan who will be spending a 2-month elec­ exchange is an outgrowth of a 3-month stay of to be engaged in a research project, the stu­ tive research rotation in laboratories of the a Kyoro University student in Kraemer's labo­ dents hope to become familiar with the National Cancer Institute this summer and racory in 1990 and the visit of three students American way of life by living with a family. fall. last summer. These young men are responsible for the fund­ Dr. Kenneth H. Kraemer of the Laboracory Dr. Michael Fordis, director of the NIH ing of their visit; reimbursement of host of Molecular Carcinogenesis has arranged for Office of Education, said the visit of three stu­ families for room and board will be made. Dr. Charles Evans of the Laboracory of Biol­ dents last summer "was very successful. We Families living close co NIH are preferred as ogy, Dr. Dolph Hatfield of the Laboratory of are hopeful that this year's visit means we the students will have no transportation of Experimental Carcinogenesis and Dr. Yves have established a long-term relationship with their own. If interested, call Kraemer, Pommier of the Laboracory of Molecular Phar- Kyoco University's faculty of medicine." 496-9033, as soon as possible. D The Record page 6 June 23, 1992

NIH Honors Employees for Outstanding Achievements

NIH director Dr. Bernadine Healy will Dr. Hiroaki Mitsuya NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD recognize the outstanding accomplishments of INSTITUTE the following staff members at the 1992 Nancy D. Ernst Annual NIH Honor Awards Ceremony. It will Head,"For Experimental your important Retrovirology discoveries relating Section to infection with Medicinethe human immunodeficiencyBranch virus and its therapy." be held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. All NIH Dr. James M. Sontag Nutrition"For your Coordinator superior achievement as Nutrition Coordinator, employees are invited to attend. DivisionNHLBl, in of effectively Epidemiology organizing and the Clinicaldiverse nutritional Applications activities of the Institute through dedication and consistently Special"In Assistantrecognition offor superior Epidemiology service in advancing and Biosratistics the NlH's exceptional performance." NIH DIRECTOR'S AWARDS goalsDivision of ensuring of Cancer that women Etiology and minorities are appropriately represented in biomedical research. " Dr. James P. Kiley CLINICAL CENTER Dr. Robert E. Tarone Dr. Naomi 1. Gerber Health"In Scientistrecognition Administratorof excellent leadership in managing and Airwaysdirecting the Diseases programs Branchof the Airways Diseases Branch, Division "ln recognition of outstanding leadership of the Clinical Mathematical"For sustained Sratistician excellence in developing statistical methods of Lung Diseases, NHLBI." CenterChief, Department Department of Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation Medicine Medicineand as Chair, Biostatisticsfor biomedical research Branch and providing statistical consulting Office of Research Services Advisory Committee." services of exceptional quality to scientists in a variety of Dr. Paul R. McCurdy disciplines." Dr. David K. Henderson NATIONAL CENTER FOR HUMAN Chief,"In Bone recognition Marrow of superb Transplantation and innovative leadershipBranch in the GENOME RESEARCH scientificDivision management of Blood ofDiseases the National and MarrowResources Donor Program Associate"ln recognition Director of forsuperb Quality scientific, Assurance advisory, and for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute." educationaland Hospital contributions Epidemiology to the difficult public health issues of Dr. Mark S. Guyer human immunodeficiency virus infection and healthcare workers. " Dr. Lance R. Pohl "ln recognition of significant accomplishments in the DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Assistantestablishment Director and scientific for coordinationProgram Coordination of NCHGR research programs at the national and international level." Chief,"In Section recognition of ofPharmacological characterization of Chemistryneoantigens associated Group Award withLaboratory halothane-induced of Chemical hepato-toxicity Pharmacology and their use in Alice H. Thomas Barbara Wassell developing a method for identifying sensitive individuals." "ln recognition of exemplary leadership, flexibility, and Dr. David M. Robinson creativityChief, Granes in grants and management Contracts administration, Section practices and Management Analyst approaches. " Dr. Nathan Watzman Referral and Review Branch Associate"ln recognition Director of forexceptional Scientific performance Programs in managing and NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH developingDivision Nationalof Heart Heart, and VascularLung, and DiseasesBlood Institute RESOURCES Extramural Research Programs." Chief,"For Clinical persistent Sciences and dedicated Review service Section in providing leadership andReferral guidance and to Reviewassure the Branchtimely revision of the research grant Linda J. Brown NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING application kit." Karyn Ross Dr. Raymond Bahor Chief,"For Design your sustained Section excellence using innovative and unique Medicaltechniques Arcsof graphics and design,Photography for scientific Branch and administrative visual presentations in support of the NIH research effort." Chief, Financial Management and Information Associate"For yourChief outstanding contributions to the mission of the Systems"For Branchyour significant contributions and expert advice on ReferralNational Institutesand Review of Health Branch and effective assistance to national Thomas E. Ingalls financialOffice of management Administrative and information Management systems management for and international health organizations." the National Institute on Aging." FOGARTY INTERNATIONAL CENTER "In recognition of dedication, commitment, and expert administrativeProgram Analyst counsel while assisting with the successful NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY Stephanie J. Bursenos reorganization and revitalization of the Veterinary Resources AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Program." Dr. Mark D. Challberg Dr. Courtney P. Mudd Assistant"In recognition Director of forexceptional Program service Coordination in coordinating the internationalOffice of the programs Director of the Fogarty International Center and Chief,"For Macromolecular your discovery, identification Biology Sectionand characterization of facilitating the international activities of the NIH." Biomedical"In recognition Engineer of innovative engineering contributions to the theLaboratory seven viral of genes Viral required Diseases for replication of the DNA of NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE NIHApplied Intramural Clinical Research Engineering Program andSection collaborative, creative, herpes simplex virus, a persistent human pathogen." approach to resolving basic and clinical research problems." Dr. Michael I. Lerman Dr. Carole A. Heilman

Chief, Respiratory Diseases Branch Research''In recognition Chemist of contributions to the isolation of human "For your consistent outstanding efforts t� advance the Laboratorytumor suppressor of genesImmunology and to human genome mapping." developmentDivision of of newMicrobiology influenza vaccines. and Infectious " Diseases Dr. Gary S. Hoffman

Chief,"ln Vasculitis recognition ofand critical Related work Diseasesin the development Section of Laboratoryimproved protocols of Immunoregulation for the treatment of the vasculitic syndromes." page 7 The Record June 23, 1992

Dr. Eric 0. Long Joan P. McDonald Dr. Dennis A. Torchia Visiting Scientist Secretary Research Physicist Molecular Immunology Section Center for Population Research Bone Research Branch "For your studies of exceptional insight that elucidated "For your continuing excellence and diligence in providing "In recognition of exceptional research in the development of mechanisms usedby the immune system to recognize microbial and ass11ring administrative support services to the Center for NMR methods to study structuresof macromolecules." 11 antigens. Population Research." NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIABETES Group Award Dr. Ida S. Owens AND DIGESTIVE AND KIDNEY DISEASES Research Biologist Dr. Frederick Batzold Human Genetics Branch Group Award Health Scientist Administrator "For exceptional contributions to our understanding of Clinical Research Management Branch glurnronosyltransferase genes, with particular regard to their Dr. Ad Bax functions in bilirubin metabolism." Chief, Biophysical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Anita Fladell Spectroscopy Section Lead Grants Technical Assistant Group Award Laboratory of Chemical Physics Scientific Review Branch Anne K. Blank Dr. G. Marius Clore Chelton Gibbs Writer-Editor Chief, Protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Section Secretary (Typing) Office of Research Reporting Laboratory of Chemical Physics Scientific Review Branch Robert A. Bock Dr. Angela M. Gronenborn Dr. Hortencia Hornbeak Writer-Editor Chief, Structural Biology Section Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator Office of Research Reporting Laboratory of Chemical Physics Scientific Review Branch "In recognition of collaboration in the best spirit of the Ruth R. Dubois Intramural Program to develop and apply innovative Nuclear Mary Kirker Writer-Editor Magnetic Resonance methods to the determination of protein Supervisory Grants Management Specialist Office of Research Reporting structures." Grants Management Branch Carol M. Florance Clifford Moss, Jr. Dr. Olivia Preble Public Affairs Specialist Supervisory Personnel Management Specialist Supervisory Health Scientist Administrator Office of Research Reporting Office of Administrative Management Scientific Review Branch "For your innovation and creativity in managing the Marie S. Hamilton personnel program for the National Institute of Diabetes and Dr. Allen Stoolmiller Secretary (Typing) Digestive and Kidney Diseases." Health Scientist Administrator Office of Research Reporting Scientific Review Branch Carolyn W. Siebert Marsha S. Love Director Dr. Dianne Tingley Public Affairs Specialist Diabetes Clinical Trials Program Health Scientist Administrator Office of Research Reporting Diabetes Program Branch Scientific Review Branch Michaela P. Richardson "For your outstanding contributions and professional devotion to the successful implementation of the Diabetes Control Jane Unsworth Chief and Complications Trial and the planning for its conclusion." Supervisory Grants Management Specialist Office of Research Reporting Grants Management Branch "For exceptional achievement in public information NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF "For sustained performance of extraordinary efforts in activities supporting research programs of the National Institute ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES outstanding reviews of vital components of an integrated clinical of Child Health and Human Development." research program, the AIDS Clinical Trials Units." Dr. Scot L. Eustis Richard A. Wagner Head of Cancer Srudies Evaluation and Reporting NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS Chief, Contracts Management Branch Chemical Carcinogenesis Branch AND MUSCULOSKELETAL AND SKIN Office of Grants and Contracts "In recognition of leadership and sustained excellent DISEASES "For dedicated effort and professional leadership of contracts performance in preparation of National Toxicology Program's management operations supporting scientific programs of the Technical Reports for Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies." Carolyn G. McHale National Instit11te of Child Health and Human Development." Jean H. Gordner Chief, Scientific Information and Data Systems NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL Secretary (Stenography/QA) Office of Administrative Management RESEARCH Comparative Medicine Branch "For your extraordinary skill, leadership and dedication in establishing comprehensive, high quality datamanagement Dr. Maryann Ruda "In recognition of sustained exemplary performance and systems for both the NIAMS and the NIH." dedication in providing comprehensive administrative supportfor Chief, Section on Cellular and Molecular the Comparative Medicine Branch." NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD Mechanisms HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Neurobiology and Anesthesiology Branch Daniel C. Vandermeer "In recognition of outstanding innovative research on Direcror Hallie K. Boone molecular and chemical changes in the nervous system associated Office of Program Planning and Evaluation Purchasing Agent (Typing) with tissue and nerve injury." Office of the Direcror Office of Administrative Management "For your superb leadership, resourcefulness and innovative approaches in the management of the Institute's program planning "In recognition of dedicated and effective service in support of staffand programs of the National Institute of Child Health and evaluation activities. " and Human Development."

(Continued on Page BJ page 8 The Record June 23, 1992

(Continued from Page 7) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Dr. Alan R. Price Senior Scientist NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENERAL Reid G. Adler Office of Scientific Integrity MEDICAL SCIENCES Director "For your extraordinary efforts in developing policies and Office of Technology Transfer implementing a new management and reporting system for the Ruth C. Monaghan Office of Intramural Research first Institutional Annual Reports on Scientific Misconduct for Supervisory Grants Management Specialist recognition of outstanding administration of the newly OSI, OD, NTH." Office of Program Activities integrated patent, licensing and marketing operation in the Office "ln Patricia A. Ruben "ln recognition of exceptional managerial, leadership, and of Technology Transfer." Supervisory General Supply Specialist interpersonal skills contributing to the successful administration of Arlene M. Bowles NTGMS research and training grant programs." Division of Logistics Program Director "For your exemplary achievements and dedication to Janice C. Ramsden StaffTraining in Extramural Programs successfully reconciling the NTH physical inventory of personal Secretary (Stenography) Extramural Staff Training Office property." Office of the Director recognition of the highest standards of peiformance and leadership in developing and implementing administrative David W. Snight "For consistent outstanding performance and invaluable Chief, Research Contracts Branch contributions to the operations of the NTH Office of Research on training"ln for NIH extramural staff" Women's Health and to the NIGMS." Division of Contracts and Grants F. Anthony Clifford recognition of outstanding leadership, resourcefulness, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF Deputy Director and significant contributions in managing the Research Contracts "ln NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND Division of Engineering Services Branch of the Division of Contracts and Grants, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health." STROKE "ln recognition of leadership of the NIH facilities programs during an exceedingly difficult period as Acting Director for the Division of Engineering Services." Milton E. Timmons Dr. Mary A. Foulkes Supervisory Contract Specialist Chief, Collaborative Studies Section Rita M. Koch Division of Procurement Acquisitions Branch C recognition of outstanding efforts in applying sound Supervisory Budget Analyst "In recognition of professionalism and resourcefulness in the statistical methods in the scientific direction of the NTNDS acquisition of Buildings 29B, 5, and the Natcher Building Stroke"ln and Traumatic Coma Data Banks." Division of Financial Management "In recognition of exceptional creativity, initiative, and Complex Design Award for the National Institutes of Health." Dr. Carl M. Leventhal leadership in providing a quality budgetary submission for NIH Director, Division of Demyelinating, Atrophic, during an unusually critical period in the budgetary process." George B. Williams and Dementing Disorders Assistant Director for Infrastructure Helen M. Lourim Division of Engineering Services "For exceptional career service displaying unique scientific Management Analyse and managerial skills in directing a multidisciplinary research "For excellence in leadership, program development, and the program in disorders of the nervous system." Division of Engineering Services application of engineering principles in managing the NIH/ "ln recognition of outstanding contributions via her efficient Clinical Center Complex Infrastructure Improvement and Dr. Karin B. Nelson management skills in coordinating the NTH initiative to achieve Modernization Program." Medical Officer AAALAC accreditation for NIH Intramural Animal Neuroepidemiology Branch Facilities." Group Award "ln recognition of exemplary and innovative research studies Dr. Robert W. McKinney Carol Bleakley in the field of Childhood and Developmental Neuro­ Safety and Occupational Health Manager Computer Systems Analyse epidemiology." Division of Safety Division of Research Grants Dr. Eugene Streicher "In recognition of leadership and initiative in science and Director management to assure a safe and effective biomedical research Dr. Norman Braveman Division of Fundamental Neurosciences environment." Chief, Planning and Policy Research Branch Division of Planning and Evaluation "For sustained superior performance in the management of a Sue Ohata diverse research program in the fundamental neurosciences." Special Assistant to the Associate Director for Geoffrey Grant Extramural Affairs Director Dr. Richard J. Youle Office of Extramural Research Grants Policy Office Chief, Biochemistry Section "For your sustained superior performance serving as an Surgical Neurology Branch exceptionally able advisor to the office and for implementation of Joellen Harper "In recognition of scientific achievements leading to new the Shannon Award program." Grants Management Specialise approaches in drug design and disease therapies and leadership of Grants Policy Office the Biochemistry Section, Surgical Neurology Branch, NTNDS." Karen P. O'Steen Director Herbert Kreitman NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NIH Executive Secretariat Assistant Grants Policy Officer Bruno M. Vasta Office of the Director Grants Policy Office "ln recognition of transforming the NIH Executive Chief, Biomedical Files Implementation Branch Ruth Loveless Division of Specialized Information Services Secretariat into a leader of correspondence management and consistently assuring the Director's correspondence is of the highest Compurer Systems Analyst recognition of leadership, creativity and vision in quality." Information Systems Branch building and reconfiguring TOXNET into a microprocessor Division of Research Grants system"ln providing valuable toxicological information to the Retha M. Peeples biomedical community." Motor Vehicle Operator Foreman Bonnie McKenzie Transportation Branch Secretary (Stenography) "In recognition of exemplary dedication in providing motor pool services to the NIH community." Robert Moore Chief, Special Projects and Presentation Unit Division of Research Grants page 9 TheRecord June 23, 1992

Richard Powers Capt. Joseph A. Tangrea Capt. Robert W. Gwadz Supervisory Staff Accountant Deputy Chief Head Cancer Prevention Studies Branch Medical Entomology Unit Dr. James Schuttinga Division of Cancer Prevention and Control "For establishing framework for extraordinary cooperation Economist "For sustained outstanding effort and leadership in the between Egypt and Israel on important vector-borne diseases of the Economics and Resource Study Branch planning, organization, implementation and management of region." Dorrette Worrell health care and scientific programs at the National Institutes of Health." NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD Supervisory Program Analyst HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Information Systems Branch NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH Division of Research Grants RESOURCES Capt. Gilman D. Grave "In recognition of superb collaborative effort in collecting Chief and analyzing indirect costs as well as proposing suggestions for Capt. John D. Bacher Endocrinology, Nutrition and Growth Branch future policy directions." Chief "For strengthening the rigor of the scientific review of Surgery, Radiology and Pharmacy Section research projects involving human subjects as Chairman of the COMMISSIONED CORPS Scientific Services NICHD Clinical Research." OUTSTANDING SERVICE MEDAL Veterinary Resources Program NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIABETES CLINICAL CENTER "For exemplary service in the fields of comparative surgery and radiology and expertise in design and management of state­ AND DIGESTIVE AND KIDNEY DISEASES Capt. Thomas A. Fleisher of-the-art experimental surgery and radiology facilities." Capt. John M. Rinzel Chief, Immunology Service Cdr. Robert L. Carolan Chief Clinical Pathology Department Chief Mathematical Research Branch Immunology Service Research Animal Branch "For initiating and successfully communicating important "For recognition of outstanding service in the area of Veterinary Resources Program advances in the application of mathematics and computation to diagnostic/clinical immunology that has enhanced patient care "For outstanding dedication to duty and for his efforts in complex physiological systems." and advanced the clinical research mission of NIH." the design and construction of the Animal Facility, Child NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF Health and Neurosciences Building, NIH." Capt. Lorraine A. Maciag NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND Executive Assistant to Associate Director for NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD STROKE Nursing INSTITUTE "For accomplishments and sustained effort in support of Cdr. Norman W. Barton Nursing Department, Clinical Center, and Commissioned Corps Cdr. Richard 0. Cannon, III Chief Projects." Chief Clinical Care Unit NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Cardiac Catheterization Section "Developed first successful enzyme replacement trial for Cardiology Branch hereditary lipid storage disorders." Capt. Michael C. R. Alavanja Division of Intramural Research Capt. Paul W. Brown Special Assistant for Epidemiology "For superb skills as a clinical and invasive cardiologist Senior Investigator and Biostatistics and contributions to the understanding of Syndrome X." Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies Office of the Associate Director for Capt. Jeffrey A. Cutler "For research on elucidating the etiology of transmissible Epidemiology and Biostatistics, DCE Chief dementias and identification of point mutations in familial "For internationally recognized contributions to Prevention and Demonstration Research Branch Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Gerstmann-Straussler-Schenker quantitative risk assessment strategies to improve cancer risk syndrome." estimates from exposure to environmental carcinogens." Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications "For continued extraordinary contributions to the well-being Capt. James J. Cereghino Capt. Gregory A. Curt of the nation and to the advancement of PHS objectives through Branch Chief Associate Director numerous programs in cardiovascular disease prevention." Epilepsy Branch Clinical Oncology Program Capt. Carl A. Roth Division of Convulsive, Developmental, and Clinical Director Deputy Director Neuromuscular Disorders "For astute leadership of the Clinical Oncology Program, the foremost testing ground for gene therapy, AIDS antivirals, Office of Program Planning and Evaluation "For outstanding service in directing a national program of and new chemical agents against cancer." "For outstanding achievements in program analysis and grant supported research in epilepsy and a contract supported evaluation that have benefitted the National Heart, Lung, and program on antiepileptic drug development." Capt. Ernest Hamel Blood Institute." OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Senior Investigator NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology Capt. Alan L. Sandler "For identification of novel, potent natural products Capt. Gene D. Cohen Deputy Director ( combretastatins, dolastatins, halichondrins) as antimitotic Deputy Director Office for Protection from Research Risks agents with clinical promise as antineoplastic drugs and National Institute on Aging "For exceptional leadership ability in directing programs elucidation of mechanism of action." "For outstanding contributions to the leadership of the and activities of the Office for Protection from Research Risks to Capt. Dan L. Longo National Institute on Aging and to the advancement of the entire protect both human and animal research subjects. " field of aging-related research. " Associate Director COMMISSIONED CORPS Biological Response Modifiers Program NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY OUTSTANDING UNIT CITATION "For outstanding leadership of the Biological Response AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Modifiers Program, revitalizing the clinical research effort, and CLINICAL CENTER developing a premier basic research component complementing the Capt. George T. Curlin 12 East Cancer Day Hospital, Cancer Service, clinical program." Deputy Director Clinical Center Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases "For outstanding leadership in meeting the NIAID and Lt. Laura M. Chisholm PHS objectives in testing candidate acellular pertussis vaccines Cdr. Jean F. Jenkins and initiating a clinical trial to evaluate their efficacy."

(Continued on Page JO) page 10 The Record June 23, 1992

Scientific Computing Resource Center To Open

By Anne P. Enright Shepherd

DCR T announces the opening of a new biochemists, biophysicists, and ocher before-you-buy option will make exploring facility to benefit NIH biomedical researchers. researchers with expertise in, among other new applications risk free. The SCRC will The major goal of this facility, the NIH Sci­ things, molecular graphics, computational have a large number of software packages entific Computing Resource Center (SCRC), is molecular biology, sequence analysis, and available, including programs for graphing, to facilitate the use of advanced computational medical image processing. Biomathematicians image processing, sequence analysis, mathema­ tools by NIH scientists. To this end, the and bioscacisticians are also on hand to help in tics, and statistics. SCRC project has two main interrelated com­ the selection and interpretation of statistical The center will also stock an assortment of ponents: a physical facility and a scientific computations. productivity software--word processors, support/ consultation entity. "This is a major initiative for the campus," spreadsheets, graphics packages-valuable to The physical facility, a new walk-in center remarks Dr. David Rodbard, DCRT director. every researcher. Since scientists use these for scientific computing, will house an array of "The SCRC is intended to provide a major tools differently than do ocher NIH'ers, the computational tools. The facility, available for boost to the level of DCR T support for the SCRC's support will reflect that difference. use by all members of the NIH research com­ NIH scientist. This is an important Programs intended to assist researchers in the munity, will provide access to one of the experiment--one that traces its origins to the presentation of data via manuscripts, slides, largest and most varied collections of scientific input from the NIH-wide advisory committee and posters will also be in the SCRC. Prepar­ software on campus as well as a variety of spe­ on computer usage. This project has been in ing manuscripts is substantially easier with cialized computer peripherals. In addition to the planning stages for more than a year. We bibliographic management software, including the physical facility, the SCRC project will are ready to launch." access to weekly updates of Medline entries. provide NIH scientists with expert scientific Also, to help polish the presentation of new­ and technical support in order to maximize Diversity is its middle name found data, the SCRC offers a variety of draw­ the benefits provided by access to the physical ing, graphing, desktop-presentation, and facility. Thus a staff of computer specialists The hardware associated with this campus slidemaking tools. will support users in the center, and DCRT resource center reflects the diversity of com­ Anyone who would like co suggest the scientists will be available to consult with puting platforms found at NIH. All high-end, addition of a particular piece of software or SCRC visitors by appointment. Best of all, computationally powerful machines, these hardware to the SCRC's selection may contact SCRC services are free to NIH scientists. computers will provide users access to Unix a staffer, 402-3488. In most cases, such The SCRC physical facility, in Bldg. 12A, workstations as well as PCs and Macintoshes. equipment will be added following an evalua­ Rm. 1050, is scheduled to begin full opera­ If you visit the new center, you will find the tion period. tion by fall 1992. However, at this time following equipment: Unix workstations, DCRT would like to announce a "pre­ DOS-based scientific computer systems, and DCRT wanes researcher input opening" of the SCRC for the summer Macintosh scientific computer systems. months, which will be kicked off by an open A variety of specialized yet widely useful Although the SCRC is similar in its design house on Thursday and Friday, June 25 and peripherals will be available for both novice to the successful NIH User Resource Center 26. and advanced users. These include a sonic dig­ located in Bldg. 3 1, the two differ in their itizer, color scanner, color printer, CD-ROM primary focus. SCRC staffers, who pledge Try it, you'll like it player, slide scanner, and slide maker. There their primary support to scientific computing, will also be a specialized Macintosh image want researchers to discover and use the tools The computational resources made available processing workstation equipped with the chat can make biomedical research more effec­ through the auspices of the SCRC offer many Image software developed by Wayne Rasband tive. They will be making an effort co respond potential benefits to its NIH cliencele. Scien­ of NIMH and featuring a high resolution directly co the changing needs of researchers. tists who need short-term access to state-of­ CCD camera on a specially designed diffused Especially during the SCRC's preliminary the-arc, less commonly available, often expen­ light table that will provide uniform trans­ phase, feedback from users will be critical. sive equipment will be able to use the SCRC illumination for quantitative measurements "The key to the SCRC is its support," notes for rarely needed but vital research analyses. and densitometry. David Songco, SCRC coordinator. "The staff The SCRC can minimize the financial risk for Through high-speed network connections, will listen to you about your research, your individual laboratories contemplating the pur­ SCRC users will be able to access high­ computing, the projects you're planning-and chase of high-end computer equipment for performance computers not physically located how you think the SCRC can help." scientific computation. Furthermore, the in the center, such as the NIH Convex Sys­ The new home for scientific computing SCRC will have available free and demonstra­ tem, the DCRT Intel highly parallel resources is meant to nurture produccivi ty, tion software for users to take back to their supercomputer, the NIH IBM System 370 with its totally renovated work area, shelves of laboratories. Scientific users are encouraged to (mainframe), and the Cray supercomputing documentation, and reading and consultation experiment with the center's variety of soft­ facility in Frederick. Network connections will area. ware and equipment, perhaps to determine also allow users to ask SCRC and DCR T staff The facility will be open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 what co use in their own labs for data analysis. questions via electronic mail and to get better p.m. beginning Monday, June 29. To help In addition to the technical expertise of the insights into how networking can benefit launch this new venture the SCRC staff invites SCRC staffs computer specialises, DCRT sci­ research efforts. all NIH personnel to an open house Thursday entists are available for subject-area Dozens of scientific software packages cou­ and Friday, June 25-26, from 10 a.m. to 3 consultations. Visitors to the SCRC can pled with one-on-one assistance will make it p.m. For more information call 402-3488. D receive DCR T-wide support not only on how fairly simple for scientists to sit down with in­ to use the applications but also on data inter­ progress research and do analyses they could pretation. The division is home co biologists, not do in their own labs. Again, the cry- The Record page 12 June 23, 1992

SEQUENCES programmer and spend a long time to pro­ gram," Michaels commented. (Continuedfrom Page 1) The query software is more powerful and versatile than what currently exists for sitting down at a keyboard and typing sequence analysis. "We can easily do the straightforward queries. Graphics tools have things that MacVector or GCG do, but we go also been developed that allow researchers to beyond that," says Michaels. "We pick up visualize the relationships between chromo­ where those packages leave off." He adds that some features; that is, relationships between if a scientist develops a question that the soft­ specific chemical patterns, between specific ware can't answer, the functionality to address chromosome structures, or between patterns that question can easily be written into the and structures. program. Recently, DCRT and Argonne National Encouraged by their success with the E. coli Laboratory cosponsored a seminar at NIH on prototype, the collaborators next worked to advanced database tools for genome analysis. develop an analysis system that would work At the seminar, collaborator Dr. Ross Over­ Dr. George Michaels (DCRT-NICl;lD) provides with any large DNA sequence. The resulting beek remarked that the ultimate goal of the the biologist's perspective needed to make the genome Prolog-based system written by Overbeek also project is to create sophisticated sequence anal­ analysis software relevant to current laboratory has a natural language interface, but has more ysis tools that are easy for the laboratory research. enhanced query capabilities and creates files biologist to use. "We want to get the com­ allow scientists to specify that they want to that can be used with companion graphics puter scientist out from between the biologist find every region on a chromosome that begins programs. and his data, and still allow for a rich set of with a certain bit of sequence and ends with Group members refer to the simplest of queries," he commented. another certain bit of sequence. The Prolog these graphics programs as a "quick-and-dirty The first tool created by the development software can even handle more unusual types graphic visualizer." Instead of presenting a group was a query program for genetic data on of questions. If a scientist wants to look user with a table of numbers, the graphic vis­ the Escherichia coli bacterium. E. coli was a 150 bases up- or downstream from any gene ualizer displays sequence information as color good place to start because a wealth of infor­ or motif for a common structural feature, the maps that make it easier to understand the mation has been uncovered about the genetic software can find the right spot and scan for spatial arrangement of different sites. In his material of this tiny organism: researchers have that feature. This is known as a "regional" remarks at the recent seminar, Argonne's Dr. sequenced 40 percent of its single chromosome motif search. Ray Hagstrom stated that graphics "facilitate and have located virtually all of the genes that Previously, asking such innovative questions human interaction with the database." Ex­ reside in that 40 percent. Dr. Ken Rudd of meant piping data and lists through several plaining that "many scientists are visual the National Center for Biotechnology Infor­ different software packages. It took a lot of thinkers," he went on to argue that when you mation at the National Library of Medicine computer savvy to choreograph the informa­ augment the textual information that the has developed an, extensive information tion from one program to the next. Often, query programs provide with graphic informa­ resource for the E. coli genome-including filter programs had to be written to make the tion, scientists can think about their data on a physical map, genetic map, and sequence data readable by the different programs being new level. data. The value of the resource is widely rec­ used. 'Tm not saying it's simple now, by any The most spectacular pieces of software to ognized and its comprehensiveness and means, or that we've developed a general tool come out of the project so far are Gen­ structure have spawned a number of retrieval for a casual molecular biologist to use. On the ographics and PC Genographics, combined and analysis systems. other hand, we can clearly do things that you query/ graphic display programs written by Michaels and Rudd worked together to can't do other ways unless you want to hire a Hagstrom, along with Argonne's Morgan reformat the E. coli data so that it was accessi­ ble to the specialized logic programming language Prolog, which was used to write the prototype query program. While the language has inherent qualities that make it useful in database programming, Prolog's complexity makes its use difficult even for those familiar with conventional pro­ gramming languages. To address this problem, Overbeek wrote a natural language interface for the query program. The interface allows biologists with little computer expertise to analyze chromosomes by typing in simple questions. "The Prolog program allows us to answer questions that you can't even begin to ask in other systems," says Michaels. For example, a scientist could ask where hairpins (a common DNA structural feature) occur relative to a specific sequence feature on a chromosome, or what is the longest hairpin that occurs between any two genes. Dr. Ross Overbeek ( c) speaks with scientists from NLM, DOE, DCRT, and elsewhere during an informal Like other tools already available, the pro­ working session at the recent DCRT!Argonne National Laboratory seminar on advanced database tools for gram can perform "motif searches," which genome analysis, page 13 The Record June 23, 1992

Price and David Zawada. While all i:he query group is now working to build a tool that will programs are designed to work on a SUN allow analysis between chromosomes of dif­ workstation (as was the first version of Gen­ ferent species, facilitating a search for ographics), the more advanced PC Geno­ similarities and clues to the evolution of graphics will run on any DOS-based personal DNA. computer or clone. This means scientists don't PC Genographics is the closest to a finished have to own an expensive workstation to make software produce chat has emerged from the use of it. PC Genographics has many of the group effort yet. If you would like a copy, indepth analysis features present in the power­ contact Michaels, 402-1140. He will be teach­ ful query-only programs, and it also allows for ing a course on the software on Aug. 5 the display of multiple chromosome maps. through the DCRT Training Program. D Unlike most other genetic analysis software, Genographics works with an entire genome's worth of information. Consequently, scientists Four Named to NCNR Council can concentrate on genome-specific as well as Four new members have been appointed to regional questions. the National Advisory Council for Nursing Information made available to the Johns Research, the main advisory body co the Hopkins Genome Data Base is viewable on National Center for Nursing Research. They chis system, so researchers have access to the are: Drs. Linda Rae Cronenwect, director of Dr. Richard I. Martinez has recently joined the human and E. coli chromosomes. Work is also nursing research at Dartmouth-Hitchcock NIGMS Office of Review Activities as the scientific under way to incorporate genetic information Medical Center in Hanover, N.H.; Rose S. review administrator for the Minority Access to from other organisms. Scientists from Fife, associate professor of medicine, bio­ Research Careers review subcommittee. Prior to this London's Imperial Cancer Research Fund are chemistry, and molecular biology at Indiana appointment, he was a research chemist at the collaborating with the U.S. group to format University School of Medicine in Indianapolis; National Institute of Standards and Technology the Saccharomyces pombe (S. pombe) yeast genome Marguerite Rodgers Kinney, professor in the (NIST). At NIST, he formulated and implemented for use with the Prolog query system. School of Nursing, University of Alabama at research programs to address longstanding problems The graphic interface permits the user co Birmingham; and Janice M. S. Zeller, pro­ in trace analysis and oxidation chemistry. Martinez display several side-by-side maps of a chromo­ fessor in the department of medical nursing, obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from the Univer­ some, zoom in on a specific region, pose Rush University in Chicago. D sity of California, Los Angeles. questions about structural features, and even call up bibliographic information for papers published on chat region. "This is clearly state DRG Honors Employees at Awards Ceremony of the arc in being able to browse the informa­ Dr. Donald H. Luecke, DRG deputy direc­ tion," says Michaels. "The ocher real tor, hosted the Division of Research Grants' advantage to chis system is while you stare off annual awards ceremony recently. Numerous with only certain maps, you can generate your awards were presented to DRG employees. own collection of maps very quickly." Speaking on behalf of Dr. Jerome G. Green, Genographics is easy enough to use chat it's DRG director, and DRG management, Luecke perfect for museum demonstrations. Copies extended their personal thanks to the follow­ have been supplied to the Museum of Science ing employees: and Industry in Chicago and the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian plans to use the NIH Director's Award software in an upcoming exhibit on "Science Dr. Melvin M. Ketchel-In recognition of organizing the in American Life," specifically in a section on reviews of grant applicationsfor a major tram-NIH program for new developments in biotechnology. "That the construction of biomedical research laboratoriesand animal breedingfacilities. tool allows people, even grade-school kids, to begin chinking about the organization of chro­ mosomes," explains Michaels. NIH Merit Award Dr. Mushtaq A. Khan-For exemplary performance in the These various software tools have been dis­ Dr. Donald H. Luecke, DRG deputy director, development and testing of the electronic voting machine for rating presents the DRG Equal Employment Opportunity tributed to about 100 laboratories, including grant applications. the Harvard Genome Center, the Lawrence Special Achievement Award to Dr. Donna J. Glenn Maynard-For unique leadership abilities in ensur­ Dean, chief, biological sciences review section. Berkeley and Argonne National Laboratories, ing the smooth, timely processing of thousands of research grant and several here at NIH. Michaels continues applicationsR. throughout the year. co work with collaborators at Argonne, and Dr. Marcel W. Pons-For planning, organizing and co­ with Ron Taylor in his own lab at DCRT co directing the highly successful first DRG workshop for new expand che capabilities of the software cools scientific review administrators (SRAs). DRG Equal Employment Opportunity Special under development. In addition to working Evadell G. Rogers-For dedicated and creative performance Achievement A ward with Taylor co develop automated processes to in monitoring and maintaining the central tracking process of the Dr. Donna J. Dean-For dedication, commitment, and per­ allow scientists to incorporate their own CRISP system. formance in assuring opportunities for women in the extramural programs of NIH. sequence data into the query database, Dr. Adolphus Toliver-For superior performance and contri­ Michaels provides input from the perspective butions dedicated to maintaining the quality of the NIH research In addition to these awards, DRG of a biologist as to what new analysis features grant application peer review system. employees were presented quality seep need to be incorporated into the software. All Dr. Anita C. Weinblatt-For planning, organizing and increases, individual cash awards, lengch-of­ of the tools, while useful and unique, are still codirecting the highly successful first DRG workshop for new service awards, employee-of-the-month awards, prototypes--ever-expanding prototypes. The SRAs. and three group cash awards. D page 14 The Record June 23, 1992

LIGHT PDT. Steinberg found no evidence that those infected-approximately 1 in 10,000, (Continuedfrom Page 1) patients' sex or age had any affect on their according to Dr. Allan Abramson, a member response to the treatment. of the research team and chairman of the Long The new treatment technique was reported The only reported side effect from chis Island Jewish Medical Center's department of in a recent issue of the journal Archives of treatment was mild skin sensitivity to sunlight otolaryngology and communicative disorders. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery by and fluorescent lighting. This sensitivity It is unknown what triggers the virus to researchers from the Long Island Jewish Medi­ lasted approximately 9 weeks. The research become active. cal Center, New Hyde Park, N.Y. Dr. Bettie team explained that patients were cautioned to Although RLP is rare, it is a serious prob­ Steinberg, an NIDCD grantee who is one of avoid sunlight and fluorescent lighting follow­ lem for those who have to live with it. the authors of the article, said that, "In most ing treatment. If they needed to go outside, Steinberg reported that one of the team's cases two or three operations a year are neces­ they were cautioned to cover all areas of their patients was a 2 ½-year-old boy who was diag­ sary to keep breathing passages open." She skin. Children were kept out of school for nosed with RLP at 16 months. Before being added that in extreme cases the tumors may approximately 6 weeks to avoid the fluorescent treated with PDT, the child had 20 previous need to be removed as often as once a week. lighting. Those who heeded pretreatment pre­ operations, approximately one a month. Since Frequent operations can lead to scarring of the cautions found this side effect to be an being treated with PDT he has remained dis­ vocal cords and formation of web-like tissue annoyance rather than a problem. ease free. Steinberg will continue to monitor called laryngeal webs, that connect portions of PDT was first developed in 1903 to kill his progress. the vocal cords. These conditions eventually certain tumors in humans. Although the treat­ Another patient treated by the team, a take their toll on the vocal cords, resulting in ment was promising, results were inconsistent 27-year-old photojournalist, was diagnosed a weak and hoarse voice or complete absence and it was soon abandoned. Development of with RLP at age 20. He required an operation of the voice. new, purified forms of the dye has contributed every 3 months to remove the tumors. He was Steinberg's team treated 30 adults and chil­ to the resurgence of this promising form of free of the disease for 3 years while treated dren with RLP who ranged in age from treatment. with a drug (interferon) that induces immu­ 18 months to 61 years. Only patients who Scientists and physicians are uncertain about nity to viral infection, but the papillomas required surgical removal of their tumors more how someone becomes infected with HPV. recurred when the drug was discontinued. frequently than every 5 months were included There are approximately 50 forms of HPV Steinberg reports that this patient has had no in the study. The therapy, called pho­ that are also responsible for other types of recurrence of the RLP since treatment with todynamic therapy (PDT), involves an wares such as common skin warts and genital PDT in January 1989. injection into the bloodstream of a special dye warts. Steinberg said that although the source The NIDCD continues to fund Steinberg's that is sensitive to bright light. The dye col­ of the infection is unknown, it appears that research. She plans to investigate the effects of lects in tumors but not in healthy tissue. The mothers with genital warts during pregnancy varying the dose of the photosensitive dye and tumors absorb the dye and are destroyed when and delivery may infect their newborns with red laser light, which she hopes will further the dye is activated by a bright light of a spe­ HPV, leading to RLP. She added that there retard the rate of regrowths. The effects of cific wavelength. may be a connection between forms of sexual PDT on HPV in surrounding tissue will also Steinberg found that in addition to tumor activity with persons infected with genital be of interest to Steinberg, whose ultimate elimination, tumor regrowth dropped by warts and the development of RLP in adults. goal is better management and possible approximately 50 percent in the 30 patients The virus is inactive when it enters the elimination of the viral cause of this studied. Surprisingly, those who had the high­ body. In fact, it remains inactive in most of disease. D est rate of tumor regrowth prior to PDT had the individuals who are infected with it, the slowest race of tumor regrowth following becoming active in only a small number of

NCRR's Cheng Dong Wins 1992 Lamport Award Dr. Cheng Dong of the Biomedical engineering from Columbia University in Engineering and Instrumentation Program 1988. (BEIP), NCRR, has received the 1992 He is interested in research on cellular bio­ Dr. Harold Lamport Award for a Young rheology and motility in the microcirculation, Investigator from the Biomedical Engineering and is developing collaborative research proj­ Society, one of the societies comprising ects with NIH investigators in sickle cell FASEB. rheology, cancer invasion, and metastasis. The Lamport Award recognizes innovative Dong previously received the 1990 Melville contributions in biomedical engineering Medal of the American Society of Mechanical research by young scientists. Dong's nomina­ Engineers (ASME) and the 1989 ASME award tion was based on his research on human for best paper in bioengineering. D leukocyte rheology, especially as reported in his recent paper "Cytoplasmic Rheology of Passive Neutrophils" (Biorheology 1991;28:557-67). Volunteers Needed Dong joined BEIP in 1990 from the labora­ Healthy volunteers ages 35-55, who are on tory of cellular mechanics and biophysics at no medications, are needed for studies on hor­ the University of California, San Diego. A mone secretion. For more information, contact native of China, he received his Ph.D. in bio- Dr. Cheng Dong Debbie Hu, 496-1891, ext. 11. D page 15 The Record June 23, 1992

TRAINING TIPS NLM Mourns Charles Walker The NIH Training Center, Division of Per­ The staff of the National Library of Medi­ sonnel Management, offers the following cine was saddened recently by the unexpected "hands-on" IBM and Macintosh computer death of Dr. Charles A. Walker, 56, director classes: of NLM's Office of Outreach Development. Personal Computing Training 496-6211 He died May 16 at Shady Grove Adventist Course Titles Starting Dates Hospital after a heart attack. Welcome to Macintosh 7/9, 27, 8/12 A native of Foreman, Ark., Walker had MacWrite 8/4 been chancellor of the University of Arkansas Intro to WordPerfect 2.0 (Mac) 8/4 at Pine Bluff before joining the NLM staff in Intro co Microsoft Word (Mac) 8/11 Advanced Microsoft Word 7/20 1991. At NLM, he was spearheading an effort Excel Level 1 7/13, 8/7 to connect underserved health professionals, Excel Level 2 7/21 many of whom practice in rural and inner-city Excel Level 4 7 /29 minority communities, to the library's com­ Lotus for Mac - Level 1 (new) 7/23 puterized medical information resources. One Filemaker PRO 7/14 FoxBASE-Level 1 (Mac) (upon request) focus of his effort was the Lower Mississippi FoxBASE-Level 2 (Mac) (upon request) Delta region, one of the poorest areas of the MacDraw PRO 7/28 nation. The library plans to continue this out­ Dr. Charles A. Walker CrickecGraph 7/ 15 reach program to which Walker made such an Power Point 7/8 3COM PC Network-Level 1 7/10, 8/10 important contribution. Intro to Personal Computing for Walker graduated from Arkansas AM&N New Users 7/16, 8/14 State College and received a master's degree in Introduction to DOS 7/7,23 biochemistry and nutrition from Washington Tallahassee. He also organized symposia in Introduction to Windows 3.0 7/8,27 State University. He had a doctorate in neu­ Japan, China, France, Italy, and Germany. WordPerfect for Windows (new) 7/22, 8/17 Introduction to WordPerfect 5. 1 7/14,29 ropharmacology from the Stritch School of A special tribute to Walker by Rep. Louis WordPerfect 5. 1 - Advanced Topics 8/4 Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago, and Stokes of Ohio appeared in the Congressional Printing with WP 5. 1 and Laser Printers 8/13 he did postdoctoral study at Harvard, the Record (June 1, page E1609). He cited Intro to Harvard Graphics, Rel. 2. 3 7/27 Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, Walker's many accomplishments, including Intermediate Harvard Graphics, Rel. 2.3 8/14 and the University of California at Berkeley. the establishment of the first and only doctor­ Intro to Paradox 7/9 Intermediate Paradox 7/10 He was author or coauthor of some 150 sci­ ate program in the pharmaceutical sciences at Advanced Paradox 8/7 entific publications. His research included a historically black institution, Florida A&M. Intro to dBASE IV (new) 7/21, 8/13 work on drugs to control jet lag and space and He said, "We have lost a good friend, our Intro ro dBASE III + 7/28 motion sickness. In 1988, he organized the youth have lost a positive role model, and our Intro to Locus 1-2-3, Rel. 2.2 7/13 nation has lost a valued scientist, educator, Intermediate Symphony 7/16 first international symposium on chronophar­ IMPACT System for Personnel Staff 7/20, 8/11 macology and chronotherapeutics in and leader. " IMP ACT System for MSCs 7/13, 8/17 IMPACT System for Admin. Staff 7/23, 8/13 IMPACT System for Professional Scaff 7/23, 8/13

DCRT Computer Training Classes

Classes Dates SAS Fundamentals II for Non-Programmers 6/25,26 Managing Data Effectively 6/25 Introduction ro Using UNIX Worksrarions at NIH 6/30 Getting Started with DB2 6/30-7/2 Intermediate PC-DOS 7/6,7 Mainframe Services at NIH 7/8 Introduction to the Convex Supercomputer 7/8 Maxess 7/9 ENTER BBS 7/10 Intro to WYLBUR 7/13, 15, 17,20,22,24 Introduction to PC-Mainframe Communication with ProComm Plus 7/14 Developing Data Emry Applications with SAS/FSP 7/14 Family members, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Anthony Rizzo attended a symposium in his memory at the MLAB Tutorial 7/14 American Association for Dental Research ( AADR) meeting held recently in Boston. Rizzo was a periodon­ DB2: SQL and QMF Selected Topics 7/15-17 tist and science administrator with NIDR who died a year ago April while attending the AADR meeting in OS/2 2.0 Overview 7/15 Mexico. The "Anthony A. Rizzo Memorial Symposium: Molecular Mechanisms in Plaque Development" Classes are offered by the DCRT Training drew hundreds of attendees. Pictured are (from !): Dr. William Kohn, Office of the Director, NIDR; Dr. Program without charge. Call 496-2339 for Ray Williams, Harvard School of Dental Medicine; Dr. Susan Fisher, University of California, San more information. Francisco, School of Dentistry; Dr. Lois Cohen, director, Extramural Program, NIDR; Rizzo's son, D Michael; his daughter, Patricia; his wife, Teresa; his sons, Daniel, Jonathan, and David; his sister, Antonia Reed; Dr. Jerry Keith, chief, Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, NIDR; Dr. Paul Kolenbrander, Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, NIDR; and Dr. Dushanka Kleinman, NIDR's deputy director, who led the symposium. page 16 The Record June 23, 1992

NIH JuneSigns 11, NIHAgreement and the National with Science National Science Foundation, Minorities to Benefit Foundation entered into an agreement that should greatly enhance opportunities for minorityOn students in science and mathematics education programs. At the signing ceremony, held in Wilson Hall, NIH director Dr. Bernadine Healy said, "The need for more minority biomedical scien­ tists is well known among those of us in the health professions." Not enough minority stu­ dents are being adequately prepared to enter the pipeline to higher education, beginning in the elementary grades, she said. "That is why the programs put in place by this partnership will aim at having an impact early in the educational process for minority students. "I think it is important to highlight one other very exciting element of this part­ nership," she continued. "The programs we are putting in place will bring middle grade and high school students to a university Signing the official memorandum of understanding are (seated) Dr. Bernadine Healy, NIH director, and campus for much of their laboratory work­ Dr. Walter Massey, NSF director. Standing are Dr. John Ruffin(/) and Dr. Luther Williams, who will during the summers and on the weekends. serve as cochairs of the working group to implement the agreement. They will learn science by doing science: seeing and touching science in the laboratory. For me, that is the thrill of this profession­ and Partnerships for Minority Student NHLBI Hosts Minority Health Forum and one that I very much miss-watching Achievement. your hopes and dreams become a reality in the Williams, a former NIGMS official, said, This month, NHLBI will convene a 2-day laboratory and the clinic." "We hope to build on these efforts and expand national forum on the health of America's Dr. Walter Massey, NSF director, agreed as opportunities arise." Said Rep. Louis minority populations. that a "consolidation of our efforts whenever Stokes, who wasn't able to attend: "Since I "Minority Health Issues for an Emerging our missions overlap is not only a wise and have been in Congress, there have been thou­ Majority" will be held June 26-27 at the efficient use of federal dollars but also a tre­ sands of pages written on the status of Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. It is the mendous benefit to the millions of students minority health and education. Numerous fourth in a series of national forums on the we aim to serve." He called the agreement a reports have been issued. There have been cardiovascular health, pulmonary disorders, "bold new paradigm for federal intervention." many good ideas. But what is important about and blood resources of minorities. The series is NIH's associate director for minority pro­ your signing ceremony is that you are putting sponsored by NHLBI, the NHLBI ad hoc committee on minority populations, and the grams Dr. John Ruffin, along with Dr. Luther your ideas into action. "-Anne Barber D Williams, NSF assistant director for education National Medical Association. and human resources, were responsible for The forum will feature plenary and poster working out the details of the agreement. sessions, workshops, and roundtables covering Career Development Workshops research, epidemiology, health policy, access "Creating opportunities for young people," Offered by NIH Training Center is how Ruffin describes this initiative. to care, and community intervention "Both NIH and NSF share a common alle­ The NIH Training Center, Division of Per­ programs. NIH giance to the notion that investments in sonnel Management and the Office of Equal director Dr. Bernadine Healy and science-and investments in young Opportunity have cooperatively developed a NHLBI director Dr. Claude Lenfant will open scientists-are crucial to the intellectual, series of career development workshops specifi­ the forum, followed by a keynote address by social and economic well-being of this coun­ cally for GS-1 through GS-8 and Wage Grade HHS secretary Dr. Louis W. Sullivan. Other try," he said. "This partnership represents an equivalent positions. These workshops will speakers include Dr. James 0. Mason, assist­ action-oriented federal response to the assist employees in identifying career options ant secretary for health of the Public Health demands our nation faces for more young sci­ and developing a plan of action for reaching Service; Dr. Jarrett Clinton, administrator of entists. By sharing this commitment, both their potential. Each workshop has a special the Agency for Health Care Policy and NIH and NSF can offer academic enrichment focus with specific goals. Together they Research; and Dr. Vivian Pinn, director of the experience in the classroom and laboratory to provide a wealth of practical career planning NIH Office of Research on Women's Health. students who otherwise may not have the information and tools for effective self assess­ For more information about the forum, con­ opportunity to excel in science." ment. Workshop titles and dates are: tact Jake Roberts, registration manager, (301) The objective of this memorandum of Career Assessment and Planning 6/29,30 951-3275. 0 understanding is to develop a mechanism NIH Careers: Finding the Best One For You 7/23 NIH SF-171 and KSA Preparation 7/24,8/12 whereby NIH and NSF will jointly plan, Networking and Interviewing Skills 7/31 implement, and evaluate education activities Projecting a Professional Image 8/13, 14 offered through NSF's three programs: For additional information and/or a bro- Alliances for Minority Participation, Com­ chure, call the NIH Training Center, prehensive Regional Centers for Minorities, 496-6211. 0 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1992-281-825/60020