
Neurosurg Focus 25 (4):E5, 2008

Prehospital management of traumatic

Sh i r l e y I. St i v e r , M.D., Ph.D., a n d Ge o f f r e y T. Ma n l e y , M.D., Ph.D. Department of , School of Medicine, University of San Francisco, California

The aim of this study was to review the current protocols of prehospital practice and their impact on outcome in the management of . A literature review of the National Library of Medicine encompassing the years 1980 to May 2008 was performed. The primary impact of a sets in motion a cascade of secondary events that can worsen neurological injury and outcome. The goals of care during prehospital , stabilization, and transport are to recognize life-threatening raised and to circumvent cerebral herniation. In that process, prevention of secondary injury and secondary insults is a major determinant of both short- and long- term outcome. Management of brain oxygenation, pressure, cerebral pressure, and raised intracranial pressure in the prehospital setting are discussed. outcomes are dependent upon an organized trauma response system. Dispatch and transport timing, field stabilization, modes of transport, and destination levels of care are ad- dressed. In addition, special considerations for mass and are outlined and recommenda- tions are made regarding early response efforts and the ethical impact of aggressive prehospital . The most sophisticated of emergency, operative, or intensive care units cannot reverse damage that has been set in motion by suboptimal protocols of triage and resuscitation, either at the injury scene or en route to the . The quality of prehospital care is a major determinant of long-term outcome for with traumatic brain injury. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC.2008.25.10.E5)

Ke y Wo r ds • • intracranial • outcome assessment • traumatic brain injury

r e a t m e n t of patients with TBI begins at the time reach definitive treatment. The key goals of the emergen- of impact. By its nature, trauma demands focused cy response team are to stabilize and treat damage from on the most paramount life-threatening the primary injury, to abrogate or minimize secondary Tproblems. Less urgent problems are relegated to a lesser injury, and to prevent secondary insults at all costs. With priority. However, less urgent does not necessarily equate comparatively few available resources, care in the field with less important. We performed a literature search of (prehospital setting) is a critical determinant of outcome the National Library of Medicine encompassing the years for patients with TBI. 1980 to May 2008 using search terms pertinent to prehos- pital care, emergency triage, trauma system organization, and brain injury. The goal of this review was to evalu- ate the critical role that prehospital management plays in In the US every year, 1.4 million people sustain a the pathophysiology and outcome of TBI. By the time TBI. Trauma is the leading cause of and the patient is in the , the damage in children and young adults, and TBI accounts for ap- of primary injury has made its mark and the processes proximately 52,000 (or one-third) of all .148 Rough- of secondary injury have been set in motion. The qual- ly twice this number suffer permanent neurological defi- ity of the care rendered in the prehospital setting is as cits. The severity of TBI is categorized based on the GCS important, if not more important, than the time taken to score. Severe TBI (GCS Scores from 3 to 8) comprises approximately 10% of TBI, moderate head injury (GCS scores from 9 to 12) comprise approximately another 10%, and the vast majority of TBI (~ 80%) is classified as mild head injury, presenting with a GCS Score rang- Abbreviations used in this paper: CBF = cerebral blood flow; 78 CPP = cerebral perfusion pressure; GCS = Glasgow Scale; ing from 13 to 15. In the last 30 years, dedicated trauma ICP = intracranial pressure; OR = odds ratio; RSI = rapid sequence programs have demonstrated that aggressive prehospital intubation; TBI = traumatic brain injury. programs reduce morbidity and death from TBI.1,7,9,61,82

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Mechanisms of Injury to hypoxia, a compensatory increase in CBF occurs, but not until the partial pressure of O2 drops to < 50 mm An understanding of the pathophysiological mecha- Hg.50,86,101 Results from the Trauma Coma Data Bank nisms of primary and secondary injury are crucial to set- showed that a low PaO2 (≤ 60 mm Hg) occurred in 46% ting optimal protocols of care to enable further advances of 717 admissions to the emergency department.26 Arte- in the outcome of patients with TBI. Primary injury oc- rial desaturations to this degree, even for a short time, curs at the time of impact and is not reversible. Direct were associated with a 50% and 50% se- damage involves contact energy transfer and inertia en- vere disability among survivors.143 Multiple studies have ergy transfer. In addition to these mechanical forces to confirmed that a low PaO2 (< 60 mm Hg) correlates with the brain itself, primary injury also occurs to the cerebral worsened patient outcomes.23,28,104,156 vasculature leading to vessel shear and disruption. Sec- Although airway control is intuitively important, ondary injury evolves as a cascade of cellular events that a few studies have unexpectedly reported worse out- are set in motion at the time of the primary impact. With- comes for patients with TBI who were intubated in the in the first hours after injury a complex array of inflam- field.14,33,37,41,53,110,158 In the field, hypoxia is defined as ap- matory, excitotoxic, oxidative , metabolic, vascular, nea, cyanosis, an O2 saturation < 90%, or a PaO2 < 60 mm and mitochondrial mechanisms have been activated and Hg. Marked degrees of hypoxia to saturations < 70% are each has progressed to initiate further injury. The various common during intubation with 57% of patients experi- components of secondary injury interact with each other encing transient hypoxia lasting a mean of 2.3 minutes.51 in a multiplicative rather than additive fashion. Second- The risk of desaturation associated with intubation is de- ary injury is a direct consequence of the primary impact, pendent on the starting O saturation and occurs 100% whereas secondary insults are discrete processes, often 2 of the time if the O2 saturation is ≤ 93%, versus 6% if it iatrogenic, that occur independently of the primary im- is > 93% (p < 0.01).38 A comparison of 1797 patients with pact. Improved outcomes following aggressive treatment severe TBI who were intubated in the prehospital setting of mass lesions, hypoxia, hypotension, and fluid and elec- with 2301 patients who were intubated in the emergency trolyte abnormalities have shown that secondary events 160 department demonstrated a 4-fold increase in death and following TBI are preventable and treatable. a significantly higher risk of poor neurological and func- tional outcome in the group of patients who were intu- Prevention of Secondary Injury in the bated in the field.158 Prehospital and Emergency Setting Endotracheal intubation is associated with risks of increased ICP, aspiration, and hypoxia. The detrimen- Increased ICP, cerebral , cerebral dysautoreg- tal effects of aspiration or hypoxia before arrival of the ulation, and alterations in brain are inherent emergency response team may not be reversible.38 Posi- sequelae of the primary brain injury. Exogenous or iatro- tive pressure ventilation can increase intrathoracic pres- genic events exacerbate these secondary injury processes. sure, which may decrease venous return, and in a hy- Patients with multiple traumas frequently incur povolemic patient this can impair CPP. Furthermore, that compromise cardiopulmonary status, and they are agents used during RSI can cause hypotension.39 therefore particularly vulnerable to secondary injury. Prehospital intubation may also delay transport. Impor- Secondary insults are common and are independent 28,47,102 tantly, endotracheal intubation in the field predisposes predictors of poor outcome in patients with TBI. the patient to an increased of overly aggressive Depth and duration of hypotension, but not hypoxia, has that has been shown to adversely affect been shown to trend in a dose-response manner with the outcome34,36,110 A series of 851 patients with TBI, prehos- 3-month functional Glasgow Outcome Scale score.6 In pital intubation, and a range of PCO2 levels on arrival to contrast, hypoxia and hypotension do not have nearly as the emergency department (17%, PCO2 < 30; 47%, PCO2 profound an effect on outcome in patients with extracra- 30–39; and 26%, PCO2 > 40) were divided into 2 groups. nial trauma. The prehospital guidelines were developed Those within the target PCO2 range of 30–39 had a mor- by the Brain Trauma Foundation (www.braintrauma.org) tality rate of 21%, whereas those whose PCO2 persistently to standardize TBI care and prevent secondary inju- 19,59,146 remained outside the target range experienced a mortality ries and insults. Implementation of these guidelines rate of 34%.159 With increasing head severity, there was an with prevention and treatment of secondary injury in the increased survival benefit for patients who attained their early phases of care significantly improves patient out- 160 goal PCO2 level. comes following severe TBI. Airway management and the prevention of hypoxia 20 is a priority. All patients should receive supplemental O2 Brain Oxygenation to maintain saturations > 90%. In the prehospital setting, Airway obstruction and aspiration are major causes intubation has been a mainstay procedure in the treat- of death in patients who die of treatable head injuries.149 ment of patients with severe TBI and GCS scores ≤ 8, Under normal physiological circumstances, the brain is both for maintenance of good oxygenation and preven- dependent on aerobic metabolism to maintain the high tion of aspiration. The prehospital guidelines of the Brain triphosphate requirements of neuronal func- Trauma Foundation recommend that unconscious or un- tion, and energy failure occurs after a few minutes of responsive patients with GCS scores ≤ 8 or those unable anaerobic metabolism.104,138 , even for just a brief to maintain an adequate airway, and those with hypox- 47,103 period, accompanies most head injuries. In response emia (arterial O2 saturation < 90%) despite supplemental

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O2, should be intubated. In the prehospital setting of a Despite the strong association between poor outcome comatose patient with a head injury, orotracheal intuba- and hypotension in patients with head injuries, the gen- tion is preferred over nasotracheal intubation because the eral trauma literature has questioned the value of time status of possible basal fractures is unknown and spent securing intravenous access and administering flu- noxious stimulation of the nares can elevate ICP. Intuba- ids in the field.87,131 It has been argued that obtaining intra- tion not only enables adequate oxygenation, but can also venous access is time-consuming and the small volumes alleviate hypercarbia that itself can worsen ICP. In the ab- infused during short transports may not significantly af- sence of signs of raised ICP, patients should not undergo fect outcome.139 Arguments in favor of delayed resuscita- hyperventilation prophylactically. tion with “” include reports that A consensus panel has addressed the question of administration of intravenous fluids to actively poorer outcomes in prehospital patients with TBI who patients, before definitive surgical control, may increase have been intubated. This panel found no prospective blood loss because of hemodilution, higher blood pres- controlled trials to adequately address the efficacy of 35 sures, impaired thrombus formation, and clot disrup- RSI for severe TBI. Concerns were raised tion.12,117 For patients with severe head injuries, delayed regarding the use of a GCS score alone to identify pa- 43 fluid resuscitation risks significant secondary injury that tients who warrant intubation. The GCS score provides occurs when CPP falls.17,124,125 Patients with head injuries no information as to patient oxygenation status and there 8,65 treated with delayed resuscitation have been shown to ex- is poor interobserver reliability for this score. Further- perience progressive intracerebral swelling and increased more, the force of the impact is often sufficient to induce a ICP, as well as higher lactate/pyruvate ratios as a result of ventilatory pause, the duration of which is proportional to delayed restoration of CBF.2 the force, and early assessments of GCS scores immedi- Management of hypotension in the field improves ately after injury may be inaccurate. The consensus panel outcome for patients with severe TBI.64,150 In children, suggested that other factors and methods such as systolic pressure goals are lowered in an age-dependent oximetry and transport time be incorporated, in addition manner.83 Intravenous fluids should be administered to to the GCS score, to define candidates for intubation.35 and capnometry were recommended for avoid hypotension or to minimize the duration and extent monitoring depth of sedation during conscious sedation. of hypotension. The has a rich blood supply and Importantly, success of intubation with RSI does not scalp lacerations should be addressed as a treatable cause alone improve outcome.37,42 The continued treatment of of hypotension. Excessive bleeding consumes coagulation the ventilated patient with careful monitoring of end-tidal factors and . Administration of intravenous fluids in the setting of excessive bleeding may further worsen CO2 and prevention of hyperventilation is paramount to achieving improved outcomes in the field.36,122 through mechanisms of dilution of clotting factors and platelets, hyperchloremia leading to acidosis, Hypotension hypocalcemia, and .58 The optimal fluid for resuscitation has not been Numerous studies have shown a significant asso- clearly determined. Intravenous fluids should be isotonic ciation between hypotension and poor outcome in pa- to reduce brain swelling and . Normal sa- tients with head injuries.16,26,27,56,92,95,111,132,143,156 In a study line is preferred over lactated Ringer solution, and solu- of 613 patients from the Traumatic Coma Data Bank, a single episode of hypotension (systolic < tions containing 5% dextrose (D5W) should be rigorously 27,120 avoided. Hypertonic expands intravascular volume 90 mm Hg) in the field doubled the mortality rate. 49 Estimates suggest that 8–13% of patients with severe by 4- to 10-fold that of the volume infused. Hypertonic head injuries are hypotensive at the injury scene or in saline provides the potential benefit of enabling blood the emergency department.26 Isolated head injury does pressure stabilization with smaller volumes. It supports CPP without aggravating leakage and extravascular fluid not cause hypotension. The brain’s ability to extract O2 protects it from hypoxia as long as cerebral perfusion is accumulation that leads to cerebral edema and increased 26 ICP, which occurs following infusion of high volumes of maintained. In accordance with this concept, hypoten- 48 sion has been reported to be a stronger predictor of poor isotonic fluids. Hypertonic saline also acts in a fashion outcome than hypoxia.6,26 Cerebral is evident similar to and induces an osmotic diuresis that in the vast majority of patients who die of head injury.66 assists treatment of raised ICP. Resuscitation with hyper- Secondary ischemia is a manifestation of the loss of au- tonic saline doubles the survival rate of patients with TBI toregulation and is more common and more severe with who present with hemorrhagic .151,155 In subgroup increasing severity of brain injury.25,95,99 In the absence of analyses, patients with TBI and GCS scores ≤ 8 are most intact , brain perfusion becomes passively likely to benefit from hypertonic saline.150,152 However, dependent on the systemic blood pressure and hypoten- studies have yet to demonstrate an improvement in long- sion leads to hypoperfusion and brain ischemia. Further- term neurological outcomes for patients with head inju- more, in experimental animal models, mechanical injury ries resuscitated using hypertonic saline.31 A prospective decreases the threshold for ischemic damage and neu- intervention trial is planned to compare hypertonic saline, ronal loss.77 Low CBFs are frequent in the early hours hypertonic saline with dextran 6%, and normal saline in a following head injury, and even in the absence of blood subgroup of patients with TBI and GCS scores ≤ 8, both loss a brief hypotensive episode can initiate irreversible with and without (systolic blood pres- cell death mechanisms in injured .116 sure ≤ 90 mm Hg).18

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Management of Suspected Raised ICP Hyperventilation . Moderate hyperventila- The motor component of the GCS score is the most tion therapy is indicated as a temporizing, life-saving informative measure of the score for long-term out- intervention for the comatose patient with impending ce- come.29,47,97 Hypoxemia and hypotension can lower a pa- rebral herniation. Carbon dioxide is a potent vasodilator tient’s GCS score, and thus assessments made following of the cerebral microcirculation. For every 1 mm Hg drop in PCO there is a concomitant 3% decrease in CBF.15 Hy- resuscitation are more reliable.94 If possible, a GCS score 2 perventilation quickly decreases cerebral arteriolar diam- prior to administration of sedative or paralytic agents eter and can dangerously lower CBF.96,111 serves as a valuable baseline. Serial examinations are im- and brain tissue O2 measurements have demonstrated that portant. A drop of 2 or more points in the GCS score is even brief periods of hyperventilation can lead to hypoxia considered significant and should raise an index of sus- 135 and clinically significant changes in metabolites, togeth- picion for an expanding intracranial mass lesion. In a er, indicative of cerebral ischemia.93,96 The potential for series of 81 patients with initial field GCS scores of 13 hyperventilation to compromise CBF is especially true in or 14 who subsequently deteriorated and required pre- the early phases of severe brain injury when autoregula- hospital intubation, 31% had an abnormal CT scan and 54 tion is impaired and CBF is reduced from the injury it- 21% had evidence of an . The self.95,107,137 Ventilatory interventions to hyperventilate the development of an oval or irregular pupil is the first sign 98 patient frequently also alter thoracic pressures and may of uncal herniation. Signs of cerebral herniation also in- have deleterious effects by decreasing venous return and clude asymmetric pupils with a difference > 1 mm in size, raising ICP. For these reasons, hyperventilation should be unilateral or bilateral dilated and fixed pupils, extensor reserved for situations of acutely increased ICP with im- (decerebrate) posturing, or a progressive loss of 2 points pending cerebral herniation.22 in GCS score starting from an initial GCS score ≤ 8. Without clear evidence of cerebral herniation, pCO2 In the setting of signs of cerebral herniation, urgent goal values in the prehospital setting should be in the measures are needed to lower ICP. These measures should range of 35 and 40 mm Hg, typically achieved with tidal include acute hyperventilation and mannitol administra- 154 volumes of 10 ml/kg and ventilatory rates of 10 breaths/ tion. In addition, good outcomes for patients with trau- minute.74 Herniating patients should be hyperventilated matic intracerebral mass lesions correlate strongly with to PCO levels not < 30 mm Hg, with a goal of 30–35 72,121,133,144 2 prompt surgical evacuation. In the face of a de- mm Hg. End-tidal PCO2 may not be a reliable measure clining GCS score, the prime goal should be definitive of PaCO2, particularly in patients with multiple traumas, neurosurgical care. In these situations, timing becomes chest injuries, , and hypotension secondary critical as outcome directly correlates with the duration to massive blood loss.11,74,134 In practice, studies continue of the mass effect. to show a relative disparity between the guidelines and 147,159 Mannitol Administration. The mechanisms under- clinical practice. Manual ventilation, with high venti- latory assist rates, appears to predispose the patient to low lying the therapeutic benefits of mannitol are not thor- 147 oughly understood. By increasing the osmotic gradient end-tidal CO2 levels. between blood and the brain, water is drawn from normal Temperature and edematous brain into the vascular compartment, lead- ing to prompt osmotic diuresis and a reduction in ICP.76,161 Hypothermia is a predictor of death in trauma pa- The onset of action is within 15–30 minutes with a peak tients.80,89 A retrospective analysis of 38,520 trauma pa- response at 1 hour, lasting for 6–8 hours.5 Mannitol is tients, aged ≥ 16 years with an admission body tempera- more effective when given in a high dose (1.4 gm/kg) as a ture ≤ 35°C, demonstrated an increased risk of death in bolus rather than by continuous infusion.21,32,142 Mannitol all patients (OR 3.03, 95% confidence interval 2.6–3.5) also reduces blood viscosity and improves the rheology of as well as in a subgroup of patients with isolated, severe 157 blood flow.24 There is evidence to suggest that mannitol TBI (OR 2.21, 95% confidence interval 1.6–3.0). In also acts through vasoconstriction in response to these experimental models, induced hypothermia has several changes in blood viscosity.106,108 physiological actions beneficial to TBI. Hypothermia acts on the to decrease metabolism, Hypertonic Saline. Hypertonic saline has been shown and for every 1°C drop in temperature there is a 6–7% 55,126 to be as effective as mannitol in treating raised ICP in decrease in the cerebral metabolic rate for O2. The patients with head trauma.48,57,112 Concentrations ranging results of several good quality meta-analyses showed a from 7.5% (2 mg/Kg) to 23% (1 ampule, 30 ml) are ef- benefit to induced therapeutic hypothermia for severe fective.71,145,154,162 Hypertonic saline acts through osmot- TBI, but failed to demonstrate statistical improvements in ic, vasodilatory, hemodynamic, antiinflammatory, and long-term clinical outcome.119 During induced therapeu- neurochemical mechanisms.48 Through osmotic effects, tic hypothermia, shivering and catecholamine responses hypertonic saline draws fluid into the intravascular com- are controlled and the pathophysiological mechanisms partment, reducing brain water and improving perfusion. may differ from those occurring in spontaneous exposure In both human and animal studies, hypertonic saline has hypothermia, wherein stress responses proceed unabated. been shown to increase , likely as a Further, the duration of induced hypothermia is usually result of plasma volume expansion.48 Problems of volume 24–48 hours or longer as compared with the relatively depletion and hypotension are not as profound with hy- short periods for field hypothermia. Rebound increases in pertonic saline as they are with mannitol.71,109,114,153 ICP may also occur during rewarming.13 However, early

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 04:45 PM UTC Prehospital management of traumatic brain injury spontaneous hypothermia, such as that which occurs with may be indicators of underlying intracra- field hypothermia, may be effective in minimizing brain nial pneumocephalus and should increase awareness for injury if patients are not rewarmed. Young patients < 45 possible complications from expansion of the air collec- years of age who present with hypothermia (< 35°C) ex- tion and/or development of tension pneumocephalus dur- perienced a statistically higher incidence of better ICP ing transport at elevated altitudes. During triage in the control and a lower incidence of poor outcome (76%) if field, the response team must identify the patients with a they were kept hypothermic (33°C) for 48 hours, as com- potential risk for deterioration and integrate this risk into pared with those who were warmed on admission.30,90 field stabilization efforts, mode of transport, and trans- port destination decisions. Organized Emergency Trauma Systems Timing of Treatment The merits of prehospital stabilization versus the need Dispatch and Triage Planning for prompt transport to definitive care need to be tailored Optimal treatment of patients with TBI begins with to each individual patient.87 The “” principle the 911 call and efforts to acquire information regarding guides prehospital response teams to get the patient to the possibility of TBI, to thereby dispatch the most ap- their destination center so that they are able to receive propriate team of providers to the scene. The level of skill within the 1st hour of the injury.85 In the gen- of the response team and the time to reach the hospital eral trauma literature, studies comparing advanced life strongly influence the efforts to stabilize the patient in support versus have supported a “scoop the field. There appears to be a threshold set of skills nec- and run” approach and this philosophy has been widely essary to prevent secondary injury, above which further adopted.113 However, whereas insults such as hypoten- abilities appear to be less important. Technical facility sion or hypoxia may be tolerated for a period of time in a with airway management, securing intravenous access, trauma patient with a mild head injury, these same insults and the ability to administer mannitol would appear ad- can be highly detrimental to a patient with a severely in- vantageous to modern aggressive response efforts to pre- jured brain. For patients with severe TBI, better survival vent secondary injury from hypoxia, hypotension, and ce- rates and long-term outcomes are achieved with on-scene rebral herniation in the prehospital setting. The response stabilization in the field.44,63 care team needs to integrate the mechanism of injury, Organized trauma systems improve patient out- the location of and duration to the hospital, the patient’s comes.67,127,136,140 Level of education and organization of , the involvement of other life- trauma response teams may influence adverse events more threatening extracranial injuries, and the potential for so than geography and speed. Several studies have docu- further deterioration. A rapid decision is made, balanc- mented that critical care teams composed of ing further efforts in the field against direct transport of and trained nurses achieve better outcomes for patients the patient. The degree to which the patient is stable and/ with severe TBI.1,7,61,62,115 Even though critical care re- or can be stabilized in the field guides whether the pa- sponse teams incur longer prehospital times than tient should be transported to a Level I or regional trauma typical response teams (113 vs 45 minutes, respectively; center as compared with the closest medical center with p < 0.001), these increases were not an independent pre- emergency services. dictor of outcome.61 Urgent transport following stabiliza- In the field, an assessment of the severity of the head tion is, however, a priority for patients with mass lesions injury determines the need for field intervention and sta- and impending cerebral herniation. For acute subdural bilization. The emergency response team needs to per- , the mortality rate increases to 90% if surgi- form repeated neurological examinations. Patients with cal evacuation is delayed 4 hours or more after injury, TBI require special attention to signs of cerebral hernia- as compared with a mortality rate of 30% if evacuation tion that indicate a mass lesion. A unilateral dilated pupil occurs sooner.133 There is evidence from early studies to in a comatose patient is the hallmark sign, a warning sig- suggest that within a 4-hour time window, duration of nal of a possible expanding . This sign should 46,88 prompt the highest priority for urgent transport to a center transport has a relatively small influence on outcome. capable of providing definitive neurosurgical care. Sec- Together these data suggest that on-scene stabilization and the quality of care in the field is as important as speed ondary injury is more commonly associated with severe 7,44 as compared with mild or moderate TBI. A degree of in improving outcomes following severe TBI. hypoxia or hypotension may be tolerated without seque- Mode of Transport lae in a patient with mild head injury. The same insult in a patient with severe TBI can result in irreversible Most dispatch decisions focus on estimated time or neuronal injury and permanent deficit. Difficult extrica- distance for ground transport to reach the target receiv- tions threaten survival and dramatically increase the risk ing hospital, and a threshold leads to the decision to re- of secondary injury following TBI. In a similar fashion, quest aeromedical transport. Odds of survival (1.6–2.25) associated extracranial injuries may increase the risk of are better following helicopter as compared with ground subsequent secondary events from profound or prolonged transport and it is the patients with severe TBI who ben- hypotension. In preparation for air flight, assessment of efit the most from air transport.40 Reasons for this benefit thoracic and cranial injuries is critical. Open depressed may include the presence of ancillary nurse or fractures, fractures into the air sinuses, and signs of basal members on the response team, careful attention to postin-

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 04:45 PM UTC S. I. Stiver and G. T. Manley tubation ventilatory parameters with close monitoring of atric population. In general, pediatric patients with severe end-tidal CO2, and a transport destination to a definitive TBI are best treated in a pediatric or in an Level I or regionalized trauma center.35,122 Furthermore, adult trauma center with qualifications for managing chil- at the receiving hospital 46% of patients brought in by the dren. Direct transport, rather than transport to a tempo- aeromedical team had CT performed immediately upon rizing facility and delayed transfer to a definitive pediatric arrival, as compared with only 3% of those transported trauma center, also leads to improved survival and better by land emergency medical services. outcomes in pediatric patients with severe TBI.79 Pediat- There is an expected but unpredictable drop in baro- ric patients with severe TBI have poorer survival rates if metric pressure with rapid altitude ascent. An average they are treated at Level II adult trauma centers.123 drop in O2 saturation of 4% has been found in healthy passengers seated in air cabins at altitudes of 8000 feet.105 Disaster and Mass Casualty Events Stable oxygenation can be achieved during air flight trans- Recent world events, political and natural, have port and . In studies from Iraq, 22 heightened the awareness and need for prehospital care patients requiring mechanical ventilation were continu- of the highest standards for mass casualty events. The lev- ously monitored during transport from Balad to Germa- els of trauma care in the Iraq war are a model for mass ny, with an average flight time of 6–8 hours at altitudes of 3 4 casualty and disaster trauma programs. In Iraq there 37,000 feet. There were 3 desaturation events (saturation are 5 levels of care—3 in the combat zone, 2 outside the of peripheral O2 < 90%), the longest lasting 280 seconds, combat zone. In the combat zone, levels of care progress and each resolved spontaneously without intervention. from in battle (Level I), to mobile resuscitation surgical teams supporting combatant units in the field Transport Destination (Level II), to that provide advanced care similar The choice of final destination for transport of pa- to the level of a civilian trauma center (Level III). De- tients with head injuries is an important component in finitive neurosurgical care and CT scanners are available prehospital management of TBI. Rapid transport to a cen- at Level III centers, which are typically 15–45 minutes ter with round-the-clock neurosurgical expertise is prob- away by air transport. Level IV care is provided outside ably the single most important determinant of outcome the combat zone and Level V care is provided at a center in patients with mass lesions.72,133 Lower mortality rates in the US. for patients with TBI occur in those transferred to a Lev- High-energy mechanisms are involved in many di- el I trauma facility as compared with those treated in a saster and mass casualty situations. Blast injuries have Level II center (p = 0.017).100 Significant delay and worse been the signature injury of the Iraq war.60 Hypotension outcome generally occurs if a patient with head injury and profound near-exsanguination levels of hemorrhage is transported first to a local hospital for hemodynamic are common. Operation Iraqi Freedom and evaluation stabilization and then requires transfer to another hospi- of casualties from previous wars have shown that exsan- tal for neurosurgical management of their intracranial in- guinations from extremity trauma can be prevented with jury.45,70,121,128,130,163 Even after stabilization at the original prehospital tourniquets with little risk to limb survival if hospital, Dunn et al.52 found a 6% incidence of hypoxia tourniquet times are < 6 hours.10 With the potential for (saturation < 95%) and a 16% incidence of hypotension serious lung injury, massive transfusions, and higher in- (systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg) upon arrival at the cidences of adult respiratory distress syndrome, the avail- transfer receiving hospital. Treatment volume of the cen- ability of adequate O2 supplies may be a limiting resource ter also influences outcomes for patients with severe TBI. and mass casualty planning needs to prepare for this A higher risk of death occurs in low-volume trauma cen- eventuality.4 Critical care air transport teams need to be ters,141 and advanced trauma centers report a one-third re- able to mobilize quickly. Drugs typically used in the pre- duction of deaths due to head injuries, as compared with hospital setting need special storage as they may be detri- hospitals without a dedicated trauma center.68 mentally affected by the extremes in temperature that fre- All regions should have an organized trauma system quently prevail in these situations.73 In addition, increased and protocols to guide field stabilization, timing of trans- awareness of the importance of preventative injury for the port, and choice of destination. In general, patients with a emergency response team needs to be a priority. Of 282 GCS score of 14 or 15 should be transported to the nearest patients hospitalized following the 911 World Trade Cen- emergency department. Patients with GCS scores of 9–13 ter terrorist attack, 35 cases of TBI were identified, one- have a potential need for neurosurgical intervention and third of these occurring in the rescue workers.129 should be transported to a trauma center. Patients with Secondary injury and insults are often underappreci- severe head injuries (GCS Scores from 3 to 8) who can be ated in crises, and this risk is even more likely during stabilized at the scene or en route should be transported mass casualty care. In a mass casualty crisis, nonneuro- to a center with neurosurgical expertise and specialized surgeon may be faced with management of se- TBI capabilities. Proponents of regionalized trauma cen- vere TBI including penetrating injuries to the cranium. ters exalt the benefits of high quality, standardized care Inexperienced response persons, while trying their best, for all patients with TBI in these centers.69,75,91 Hannan may inadvertently cause injuries that lower the normally et al.69 reported an OR of 0.53–0.85 for death in patients accepted standards of care. The sensitivity of the injured with TBI treated at a regionalized trauma center as com- to secondary insults makes patients with TBI more pared with care at other hospitals. vulnerable in the setting of mass casualty. Closed-loop Special transport considerations pertain to the pedi- control systems that use feedback mechanisms to deter-

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 04:45 PM UTC Prehospital management of traumatic brain injury mine the dynamic output and maintain parameters within are a key target for further improvements in long-term preset goals are being introduced in many technological functional outcomes following TBI. aspects of trauma and critical care.118 These new strate- gies may help maintain the high standards of prehospital Disclaimer care needed for TBI casualties. The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the mate- rials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this Ethical Considerations paper.

Studies have demonstrated that it is very difficult to References accurately predict prognosis within the first 24 hours of TBI.81 Aggressive resuscitation efforts in the acute phases 1. Abbott D, Brauer K, Hutton K, Rosen P: Aggressive out-of- of TBI decrease mortality rates. More controversial is the hospital treatment regimen for severe closed head injury in patients undergoing air medical transport. Air Med J 17:94– question of whether these resuscitation efforts improve 100, 1998 the number of patients with good outcome or whether 2. Alspaugh DM, Sartorelli K, Shackford SR, Okum EJ, Buck- they increase the number of survivors with vegetative and ingham S, Osler T: Prehospital resuscitation with phenyleph- disabled outcomes. Patients with very severe head inju- rine in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock and brain injury. J ries generally die regardless of the speed, intensity, and Trauma 48:851–854, 2000 quality of prehospital care.84,113 In a study of accidental fa- 3. 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10 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / October 2008

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