Permission Based Risk Assessment for Enhancing Privacy of Android Users
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DEGREE PROJECT IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, SECOND CYCLE, 30 CREDITS STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2018 Permission Based Risk Assessment for Enhancing Privacy of Android Users MUHAMMAD RASHID IDRIS KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Abstract Mobile applications tend to access data beyond their intended functionality and share this data with third parties for various purposes including marketing, profiling and advertisement. This data also includes user’s personal information and access to this personal information without user’s consent put user’s privacy at risk. User’s Inability to easily find privacy friendly apps and befuddling permission requests paves the way for malicious apps to get access to user’s personal information. Keeping in mind the different level of privacy aware users, we have presented a privacy enforcement framework in this thesis. This framework not only helps user to find alternative privacy friendly apps but also encourage users to review their privacy settings on the smartphone. An app discovery tool is developed to search privacy friendly apps amongst the group with similar functionality. The search results are sorted by privacy friendly score which is calculated using simplified version of risk assessment method known as EBIOS. Threat posed to personal information by various apps are then highlighted and presented to user in an easy-to-understand way before installing the app. We have validated the results of our discovery tool by comparing them to the manual inspection of various functional groups i.e., group of applications with similar functionality. Two list of permissions, one created by subjective and manual analysis of abstract functionality of functional group called expert opinion and other created by our tool based on permissions requested by functional group are compared. Our tool has correctly identified the permissions which are similar to expert opinion. Keywords: Android; Mobile apps; Privacy; Risk assessment; Principle of Least Privilege; EBIOS ii Referat Mobila applikationer tenderar att ta del av data utanför deras tilltänkta funktionalitet och delar den här datan med tredjehands parter för olika syften som marknadsföring, profilering och reklam. Datan inkluderar även personlig information och tillgång till den personliga informationen utan användarens medvetande sätter användarens integritet i risk. Användares oförmåga att enkelt hitta integritetsvänliga appar och förvirrande godkännande förfrågningar öppnar vägen för illvilliga appar att få tillgång till användarens personliga information. Med tanke på hur olika användare uppmärksammar integritetnivåer presenterar vi ett integritetsupprätthållande ramverk i den här uppsatsen. Ramverket hjälper inte bara användare att hitta integritetsvänliga appar utan uppmuntrar även användaren att granska integritetsinställningarna i sin telefon. Ett applikationsupptäckarverktyg utvecklades för att söka efter integritetsvänliga appar inom samma funktionsområde. Sökresultatet är sorterat efter en integritetsvänlighetspoäng beräknad med en förenklad version av riskbedömningsmetoden känd som EBIOS. Hot mot personlig information från olika appar uppmärksammas och presenteras på ett användarvänligt sätt innan appen installeras. Vi har validerat resultatet från vårt applikationsupptäckarverktyg genom att jämföra det med en manuell inspektion av appar inom samma funktionsområde, exempelvist grupper av applikationer med liknande funktion. Två listor togs fram, en framtagen genom subjektiv och manuell analys av normal funktionalitet kallad expertutlåtande och en framtagen av vårt applikationsupptäckarverktyg baserat på funktionsområde. Vårt verktyg har korrekt identifierat godkännande i likhet med expertutlåtandet. Nyckelord: Android; Mobila appar; Integritet; Riskbedömningsmetoden; Princip om lägst privilegium; EBIOS iii Acknowledgements All praises be to Almighty Allah, the most merciful and compassionate, who gave me strength and ability to complete this thesis successfully. I am highly obliged to Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) for giving me opportunity to complete my master’s thesis and be part of this prestigious institution. I express my gratitude to Arash Vahidi, my supervisor at RISE, for his continuous supervision, help and encouragement throughout the thesis. During the course of this thesis Arash’s supervision proved to be invaluable in guiding me in the right direction. I would also like to thank my examiner Prof. Sarunas Girdzijauskas for his helpful feedback and suggestions that improved my work significantly. I am also grateful to all the members of security group at RISE, Stockholm, who have provided valuable input whenever needed. Finally, I would like to thank my family for being very supportive, patient and encouraging all along. Stockholm, December 15, 2018 Muhammad Rashid Idris iv Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3 PURPOSE & GOALS ................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 BENEFITS, ETHICS AND SUSTAINABILITY ........................................................................... 5 1.5 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 DELIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 8 1.7 THESIS OUTLINE ..................................................................................................................... 8 2. BACKGROUND & RELATED WORK ........................................................................... 9 2.1 PRIVACY .................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2 SMARTPHONE AND USER ASSETS ....................................................................................... 10 2.3 ANDROID PLATFORM .......................................................................................................... 10 2.4 ANDROID ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ............................................................................... 12 2.5 ANDROID SECURITY OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 14 2.6 APS LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................ 18 2.7 RELATED WORK ................................................................................................................... 24 3. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................... 26 3.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 26 3.2 PRIVACY VISUALIZATION ................................................................................................... 28 3.3 PERMISSIONS MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 38 3.4 PRIVACY NUDGING ............................................................................................................. 40 4. IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 43 4.1 PEF COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................. 43 4.2 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................................... 47 5. EVALUATION & DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 50 5.1 POLP COMPLIANCE. ............................................................................................................ 50 5.2 PRIVACY VISUALIZATION ................................................................................................... 54 5.3 PERMISSIONS GROUPING & CONTEXT ............................................................................. 57 5.4 GENERAL STATISTICS .......................................................................................................... 60 5.5 LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 62 6. SUMMARY & FUTURE WORK .................................................................................. 64 6.1 FUTURE WORK ...................................................................................................................... 64 6.2 FUTURE WORK ...................................................................................................................... 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 67 APPENDIX 1 ..................................................................................................................... 73 APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................