RRIVER CITY C Music & Message Christian Band Vota Headlines Lifelight Tour Stop In Yankton BY SHAUNA MARLETTE “I think the tone of the con- few we never get to, like ‘Be [email protected] cert matches what we are trying Mine.’ Acoustically is how it is to do with the speakers and the meant to be played. We are Great music, an important breakout sessions,” Hummel adding things to our set, as well. message and a fun night for said. “(It’s about) really talking to It will be fun.” adults and teens alike are the the boys about modesty, even in Olesen said in addition to the schedule of events for the fall what you are looking at. Talking Lifelight tour, Vota is also very in- Lifelight tour that will be in Yank- with the girls about having re- volved in its own 180tour. ton next Wednesday. spect for yourself and modest in “We actually go into public Scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., dress, and how you portray your- high schools and middle Nov. 16 at the National Field self. Having that talk individual- schools,” he said. “We do charac- Archery Center, the Love.Sex ized, a definite different talk for ter-based programs like anti-bul- Tour, headlined by the Christian the boys and girls, is huge.” lying. Everywhere we go, we have rock band Vota, is meant to be a Just as important as the mes- an evening event planned right in challenge to area teens that mak- sage shared with the speakers the school. We try to make it COURTESY PHOTO ing healthy choices when it and breakout sessions will be the free. We started that in 2006 and The Christian rock band Vota — formerly known as Casting Pearls — headlines the Lifelight fall tour stop in comes to relationships is only in great music Vota and Hope will have done close to 400 of the Yankton on Wednesday, Nov. 16. The group performs at the National Field Archery Center, with the show starting their best interest. bring to the National Field at 7 p.m. This is a free event. “Because we want the kids to Archery Center. come to the concert, we made Vota, formerly called Casting LIFELIGHT | PAGE 9B the title Pearls, is lit- more in your erally in the face,” said process of Yankton recording its Youth Min- newest istry repre- album, and sentative Olesen said Not only are they the area’s largest team, Carla Hum- he and band mel. “We had members they have the most experience. some appre- John hension be- Wooten, AVERA SACRED HEART HOSPITAL PHYSICAL THERAPISTS, cause it does Justin Wantz 140 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE. say the COURTESY PHOTO Christian artist Rachelle Hope will also and Stefan Love.Sex perform in Yankton Nov. 16. Carlson are tour. There looking for- are adults ward to and even pastors who have been sharing what they are working on shocked at the name. But the with the tour. whole point is to get the kids “We are actually going into the there so we can have the conver- studio to start our next album sations with them, and talk about this weekend, so we are very ex- the biblical perspective of rela- cited about that,” Olesen said. tionships presented in a way that “Pretty much the road map of they are open to it and give them what we are going to do and a lot the message. It is in your face. of songs are there, but the actual Meet our team! We are adults; these are little getting in and getting them words that shouldn’t be so intim- recorded professionally in the Front (L to R): Sandy Cope, PT; idating.” studio starts this weekend.” LuAnn Kathol, PT; Vota will be leading the way The process of recording the Lisa Wolfgram, PT both musically and by sharing new album is one that taps all Back (L to R): James Reiner, DPT; their own personal messages, sorts of emotions, he said. Kevin O’Brien, PT; Brian Fedde, PT; said lead singer Bryan Olesen. “There is this fear because Dan Hunhoff, PT; “I think we do these tours be- you don’t feel like your lyric is Michael Donner, MPT cause it gets more personal,” Ole- quite done and you are not sure sen said in a phone interview you are ready,” Olesen said. “The with the Press and Dakotan. “I am other end is it is so exciting to able to dive into the mistakes work with our producer and just with my story and share what I see the vision for something think a guy needs to be talking come to life. Working with people about. It offers more valuable who are so talented at what they content and is more directed to a do, it just gets so exciting to cre- specific audience. We have a girl ate in that way. It is just a whole doing the talk for the girls. When different sort of process once you are diving into the decisions you get into that process, and I you make in the are with really enjoy it. We are overdue boyfriend, girlfriend I think this is for an album. What has been When you want an experienced a great way to do it.” great is we are not sure what At Avera Sacred Heart Hospital, our team of physical Joining Vota on stage as the songs to include on the album therapists treats patients whose limitations keep them physical therapist team, you want opening act will be Rachelle because we do have so many from enjoying life to its fullest potential. Avera Sacred Heart Hospital. Hope, of Sioux Falls, who will great ideas right now. That is a also share her own message with good problem to have.” Here are a few of the many situations the girls in the audience. Olesen said that fans who we assist with: Olesen said he enjoys being have seen them in concert before able to share some of the mis- will find the set being performed QSports injuries takes he has made as a youth on the Love.Sex Tour very unique and the lessons he learned from to what they usually perform. Q Orthopedic issues them. “There will be more of an Q Amputations “It is an entertaining night, but acoustic flair to our set, which I Q Neurological conditions (stroke, multiple sclerosis, also an important night to hear think fans will say they get to see Parkinson’s disease, Guillaine-Barre syndrome) the messages from people who the more intimate side of our QOncological issues have been a bit farther down the music,” he said. “When you strip road,” he said. “I think there will the music down, it is actually a Q Sensory impairments be something for everyone. We blast; it is just a whole different Q Pulmonary problems (chronic obstructive all have the tendency to make element. The people who have pulmonary disease, lung cancer) some of the same mistakes and seen us before will really enjoy it. Q Cognitive, perceptual or go down those paths that we We also pull out some songs we emotional impairments know are not good for us. I think don’t usually get to do on tour QPediatric conditions it is going to be a good evening, with the full band that sound bet- (605) 668-8000 Q entertaining as well as something ter acoustically. to learn.” “We will be playing a few of That message is important to the new songs that we haven’t re- local organizers, as well. leased and we will get to play a