Missions, Communities and Multilingual Ministries MISSIONS

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Missions, Communities and Multilingual Ministries MISSIONS Missions, Communities and Multilingual Ministries MISSIONS German Pastoral Mission ................................................................................................................ 2 Croatian Pastoral Mission of St. Blaise ............................................................................................ 2 Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission ................................................................................................. 2 Pope Francis Center (ASL) (Mission) ............................................................................................... 1 Catholic Community of Langley Park – Mother Teresa Center (Mission) ....................................... 4 Saint Andrew Apostle Mission......................................................................................................... 4 St. Domnic (Mission) ........................................................................................................................ 8 St. Francis de Sales .......................................................................................................................... 3 St. Francis Xavier, St. George’s Island .............................................................................................. 8 INDEX Missions, Communities and Multilingual Ministries American Sign Language ................................................................................................ 1 Pope Francis Center (ASL) (Mission) ............................................................................................... 1 St. Francis of Assisi Deaf Catholic Church ........................................................................................ 1 Gallaudet University ........................................................................................................................ 1 Masses interpreted in Sign Language ............................................................................. 1 Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle ............................................................................................ 1 Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament ........................................................................................... 1 Holy Redeemer ................................................................................................................................ 1 St. John Neumann ........................................................................................................................... 1 St. John Vianney .............................................................................................................................. 1 St. Peter ........................................................................................................................................... 1 St. Peter ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Shrine of St. Jude ............................................................................................................................. 1 Arabic .............................................................................................................................. 1 Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek-Catholic Church ..................................................................... 1 Our Lady of Lebanon (Maronite Rite) ............................................................................................. 1 Chinese ........................................................................................................................... 2 Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission ................................................................................................. 2 Croatian........................................................................................................................... 2 Croatian Pastoral Mission of St. Blaise ............................................................................................ 2 French ............................................................................................................................. 2 Nativity ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Updated: 1/15/2020 Missions, Communities and Multilingual Ministries St. Camillus ...................................................................................................................................... 2 St. Louis de France ........................................................................................................................... 2 St. Martin of Tours ........................................................................................................................... 2 Ge’ez ............................................................................................................................... 2 Kidane-Mehret Ge’ez Rite Catholic Church (Ethiopian Catholic Community) ................................ 2 German ........................................................................................................................... 2 German Pastoral Mission ................................................................................................................ 2 Ghanian........................................................................................................................... 2 Our Lady of Sorrows ........................................................................................................................ 2 Greek .............................................................................................................................. 3 Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek-Catholic Church ..................................................................... 3 Haitian Creole ................................................................................................................. 3 Haitian Catholic Communities ......................................................................................................... 3 Hungarian ........................................................................................................................ 3 St. Stephan of Hungary Catholic Community .................................................................................. 3 Italian .............................................................................................................................. 3 Holy Rosary ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Korean............................................................................................................................. 3 Epiphan ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Our Lady of Mercy ........................................................................................................................... 3 St. Andrew Kim ................................................................................................................................ 3 Latin—Novus Ordo .......................................................................................................... 3 Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle ............................................................................................ 3 Latin—Extraordinary Rite ................................................................................................ 3 Our Lady, Queen of Poland and St. Maximilian Kolbe .................................................................... 3 St. Francis de Sales .......................................................................................................................... 3 St. Mary, Mother of God ................................................................................................................. 4 Lithuanian........................................................................................................................ 4 Epiphany .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Nigerian ........................................................................................................................... 4 Nigerian Catholic Community ......................................................................................................... 4 Old Slavonic .................................................................................................................... 4 St. Gregory of Nyssa ........................................................................................................................ 4 Polish .............................................................................................................................. 4 Our Lady, Queen of Poland and St. Maximilian Kolbe .................................................................... 4 Portuguese ...................................................................................................................... 4 Our Lady of Fatima .......................................................................................................................... 4 Spanish ........................................................................................................................... 4 Basilica of the National
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