Phases I Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment of the Vista Del
Phases I Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment of the Vista del Agua Project, a 277-Acre Parcel Just South of Interstate 10 between Tyler and Polk Streets in the City of Coachella, Riverside County, California APNs: 603-122-05; 603-130-03, -04 & -09; 603-150-04 & -06 thru -12 by Philip de Barros, Ph.D., RPA Principal Investigator Submitted to: Development Services City of Coachella 1515 Sixth Street Coachella, CA 92236 760-398-3102 & CVP Palm Springs, LLC c/o Greg Lansing Lansing and Associates 12671 High Bluff Drive, Suite 150 San Diego, CA 92130 858-523-0719 Prepared by: PROFESSIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERVICES 137310 Via Cima Bella San Diego, CA 92129 760-807-9489 Fieldwork, March 28-30, 2014 Survey Report, October 10, 2014 National Archaeological Data Base Information Type of Study: Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment Sites: CA-RIV-7834, -7835, and -7836; CA-RIV-11775 and -11776 USGS Quad: 1956 (1972 photorevision) 7.5’ Indio quad Township & Range and Section: NW¼, E½ of SW¼, and SE¼ of Section 28 of Township 5 South, Range 8 East (SBBM). Area: 277 acres Keywords: Coachella Valley, City of Coachella, Coachella Canal, Whitewater River, Interstate 10, Riverside County, Avenue 47, Avenue 48, Tyler Street, Polk Street, survey, Salton Brown, Salton Buff, Colorado Beige, direct rims, prehistoric Lake Cahuilla, sand dune, hammerstone, possible groundstone, fish vertebrae, adobe chunk, FAR, flakes, hearth cleanout feature, residential foundation, water control features, standpipes, water pressure regulators, reservoir, well, water flow
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