
National Nature Reserves and // Walking / cycling / mountain biking and much more in 4:08 PM 3G

4:08 PM 3G

4:08 PM 4:08 PM 4:08 PM 4:08 PM 3G 3G 3G 3G

4:08 PM 4:08 PM 3G 3G

LAWRLWYTHWCH EIN DOWNLOAD OUR for Android mynydd am fwy o fanylion ac yna dilyn yr arwyddion ar y llwybr. y ar arwyddion yr dilyn yna ac fanylion o fwy am mynydd HAPIAU DI-DÂL FREE APPS DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APPS and iPhone ar gyfer Android ac iPhone for Android and iPhone Dylech hefyd ddarllen y panel ar ddechrau pob llwybr beic beic llwybr pob ddechrau ar LAWRLWYTHWCHpanel y EIN DOWNLOADddarllen OURhefyd Dylech PLAN YOUR VISIT HAPIAU FREE APPS PICK A THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU for Android and iPhone

DI-DÂL iPhone Android iPhone Android mynydd oddi ar y ffordd o safon uchel. safon o ffordd y ar oddi ar gyfer Androidmynydd ac iPhone The fold-out map shows the and National Difrifol iPhone Android iPhone Android CYMRU | WA LES CYMRU | WA LES

CYMRU | WA LES arfer â llwybrau corfforol, anodd. Beiciau Beiciau anodd. corfforol, llwybrau â arfer CYMRU | WA LES CYMRU | WA LES ® ® Walking trail grades

Du NaturePlacesT ReservesoGo featuredPlaceTales in this leaflet. Each site

® ® ®

PlacesToGo iPhone PlacesToGo PlacesToGo To find other great NRW places Beicwyr mynydd arbenigol sydd wedi hen hen wedi sydd arbenigol mynydd Beicwyr To discover fascinating features in NRW I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC To find otheramserlenni greatam NRW places ddiweddaraf entryto visit in Waleshas. informationforests and National to Naturehelp Reserves. you plan your day We have included the distance and grade of each walk in y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. to visit in Wales.

To find other great NRW places chael yr wybodaeth wybodaeth yr chael

mynydd oddi ar y ffordd o safon dda. safon o ffordd y ar oddi to visit in Wales.mynydd this leaflet to help you decide if a walk is right for you. Anodd Android in the great outdoors. You can also check out our

oddi ar y ffordd da. Addas ar gyfer beiciau beiciau gyfer ar Addas da. ffordd y ar oddi

CYMRU | WALES a taith eich gynllunio

Coch website or download our apps to find out more. Read on to find out what the grades mean. Beicwyr mynydd medrus gyda sgiliau beicio beicio sgiliau gyda medrus mynydd Beicwyr ® PlaceTales iPhone Android i ffoniwch neu Cliciwch iPhone Android

I ganfod nodweddion hynod iPhone CYMRU | WA LES

ddifyr yng nghoedwigoedd 4:08 PM GRADE SUITABLE FOR CYMRU | WA LES Beiciau mynydd neu hybridiau. neu mynydd Beiciau 3G

® Gymru i gyhoeddus CNC a Gwarchodfeydd PlaceTales

Cymedrol ®

Natur Cenedlaethol. 4:08 PM PlaceTales

I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng sgiliau beicio oddi ar y ffordd sylfaenol. sylfaenol. ffordd y ar oddi beicio sgiliau 3G

To discover fascinating features in NRW nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd To discover fascinating features in NRW Accessible Walks for everyone, including people with Glas forests and National Nature Reserves. Android Natur Cenedlaethol. foreststrafnidiaeth and National Nature Reserves. gwasanaeth Y Beicwyr/beicwyr mynydd canolradd gyda gyda canolradd mynydd Beicwyr/beicwyr wheelchairs and pushchairs, using accessible

paths. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be

ar rai llwybrau gwyrdd. llwybrau rai ar ar gyfer Android worn. Assistance may be needed to push 3G Hawdd 3G

feiciau a hybridiau. Gellir mynd â threlars threlars â mynd Gellir hybridiau. a feiciau LAWRLWYTHWCH AM DDIM APIAU ac iPhone

4:08 PM 4:08

4:08 PM 4:08 wheelchairs on some sections. Gwyrdd sylfaenol yn angenrheidiol. Y mwyafrif o o mwyafrif Y angenrheidiol. yn sylfaenol Beicwyr ifanc/newydd. Sgiliau beicio beicio Sgiliau ifanc/newydd. Beicwyr Easy Walks for anyone looking to improve their

iPhone Android iPhone Android level of fitness on generally level which debyg debyg

y llwybrau hyn. llwybrau y CYMRU | WA LES CYMRU | WA LES

® ® may have some rough, irregular surfacing. neu neu

Efallai y bydd, neu na fydd, arwyddbyst ar ar arwyddbyst fydd, na neu bydd, y Efallai PlacesToGo PlaceTales

[email protected] I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng Suitable for pushchairs if they can be lifted Goedwig Goedwig hybridiau. Y gallu i ddarllen map o gymorth. gymorth. o map ddarllen i gallu Y hybridiau. y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd

Natur Cenedlaethol. | 0300 065 3000 3000 065 0300 | over occasional obstructions. Comfortable

Ffordd Ffordd

Ystod eang o feicwyr. Y mwyafrif o feiciau a a feiciau o mwyafrif Y feicwyr. o eang Ystod shoes or trainers can be worn. DYSGU MWY MWY DYSGU ADDAS AR GYFER AR ADDAS

GRADD Moderate Walks for people with a reasonably good level

Cenedlaethol. Natur technegol, graddiant ac wynebau’r llwybrau ar ein gwefan. ein ar llwybrau wynebau’r ac graddiant technegol, of fitness. May include some unsurfaced and

4:08 PM 4:08 PM 4:08 PM 4:08 PM nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd Gwarchodfeydd a CNC nghoedwigoedd

y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru yng hwy â ymweld gellir y

3G 3G 3G 3G . possibly steep paths and open country. Stout sydd o fewn eich gallu. Ceir mwy o fanylion am nodweddion nodweddion am fanylion o mwy Ceir gallu. eich fewn o sydd

I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng yng ddifyr hynod nodweddion ganfod I

I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC CNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I M

4:08 PM 4:08 P footwear and warm, water-proof clothing are wneud yn siŵr eich bod yn dewis llwybr beiciau mynydd mynydd beiciau llwybr dewis yn bod eich siŵr yn wneud s eTale

Plac 3G 3G o oG sT ce

4:08 PM Pla 4:08 PM ®

3G ® recommended. 3G

yn y daflen hon. Darllenwch y wybodaeth graddio isod i i isod graddio wybodaeth y Darllenwch hon. daflen y yn


| | Walks for experienced walkers with a good

Rydym wedi nodi pellter a gradd pob llwybr beiciau mynydd mynydd beiciau llwybr pob gradd a pellter nodi wedi Rydym Strenuous

Phone i d Androi Phone i

Android fitness level. May include very steep hills and Graddau llwybrau beiciau mynydd beiciau llwybrau Graddau rough country. Walking boots and warm,


DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APPS and iPhone HAPIAUllwybr. y ar DI-DÂLarwyddion yr dilyn yna ac FREE APPS

ar gyfer Android ac iPhone for Android and iPhone Information about visiting our woodlands and reserves was

NATU098 03/21 NATU098 This leafletPlease alsowill helpread youthe panelplan a atvisit the to start many of theof the walking trail e iPhon ac


LAWRLWYTHWCH EIN DOWNLOAD OUR cerdded llwybr ddechrau’r ar panel y ddarllen hefyd Dylech correct when we published this leaflet. If you are planning a ar gyfer Android Android gyfer ar woodlands and National Nature Reserves that we look visit to do a particular trail please check our website for the and then follow the trail’s waymarkers.

HAPIAU FREE APPS after in South Wales. for Android and iPhone hanfodol. yn dŵr dal latest information.

DI-DÂL sy’n cynnes dillad a cerdded esgidiau Mae garw. thir iPhone Android iPhone Android ar gyfer Android ac iPhone NationalMountain Nature Reserves bike trail gradesadventure on two wheels lefel ffitrwydd da. Gall gynnwys bryniau serth iawn a iawn serth bryniau gynnwys Gall da. iPhone ffitrwydd Androilefel d iPhone Android

PCYMRUlease | WA noteLES : CYMRU | WA LES have the finest examples head for Afan Park

. . Cenedlaethol Natur

CYMRU | WA LES Reserves. Nature National and forests forests and National Nature Reserves. Nature National and forests 3G Android 3G Anodd Anodd We have included the distance and grade of each mountain

Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer cerddwyr profiadol sydd â â sydd profiadol cerddwyr CYMRUgyfer | WAar LES cerdded Teithiau CYMRU | WA LES ®

4:08 PM 4:08 ®

4:08 P 4:08 of habitats and or Cwm Carn Forest which

M • Sometimes we need to close or divert trails for your safety ghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd Gwarchodfeydd a CNC ghoedwigoedd n W PlacesToGo NR in features fascinating discover To

PlaceTales NRW in features fascinating discover To

® ® ® bike trail in this leaflet. Please read the grading information

PlacesToGo iPhone whilst we undertake maintenance work or other operations. geological features. yng ddifyr Thishynod offernodweddion ganfod I some of Britain’s best

gwisgo esgidiau cryfion a dillad cynnes sy’n dal dŵr. dal sy’n cynnes dillad a Placescryfion ToGoesgidiau gwisgo PlacesToGo To find other great NRW places s eTale Plac To discover fascinating features in NRW Cenedlaethol. Natur

I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC ® to visit in Wales. leafletbelow features to makesome sureof you pickmountain a PlaceTales mountain biking biketrails. trail you can

I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC To find other great NRW places forests and National Nature Reserves. Gwarchodfeydd a CNC lwybrau heb wyneb, a thir agored a serth. Argymhellir Argymhellir serth. a agored thir a wyneb, heb lwybrau • Occasionally we may have to close a site in extreme ®

LES WA U CYMR y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. |

y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. to visit in Wales. weather, such as high winds or snow and ice, due to the risk the besthandle. ones toThere visit isin more detail about the type of trail surface, nghoedwigoedd yng ddifyr Phone i

cymharol dda. O bosibl, gall gynnwys rhywfaint o o rhywfaint gynnwys gall bosibl, O dda. cymharol

S LE WA U SomeCYMR of our woodlands | |

To find other great NRW places hynod nodweddion ganfod I

d Androi Phone

FINDof injury OUT to visitorsMORE or staff. i South Wales from the vast


to visit in Wales. ffitrwydd lefel â sydd pobl gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau gradients and technical featuresin South on Wales our website.form part


d Androi Phone Android i• Please always follow any instructions | 0300on site and065 make 3000 sure wetlands at Newport to the of the National Forest for ®

. . Cenedlaethol Natur gwisgo esgidiau neu dreinyrs cyfforddus. dreinyrs neu esgidiau gwisgo


CYMRU | WALES rugged grandeur of Craig | nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd Gwarchodfeydd a CNC nghoedwigoedd you follow any temporary diversion signs in place. GRADE SUITABLE FOR .

y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru yng hwy â ymweld gellir y Wales. The National Forest

I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng yng ddifyr hynod nodweddion ganfod I

I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC CNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I

® Gellir rwystr. i ambell dros codi eu gellir os bygis, gyfer [email protected] Cerrig Gleisiad in the

s eTale Plac

o oG sT ce

Pla will create areas of new

Android iPhone Android ® PlaceTales ® A wide range of cyclists. Most bikes

to visit in Wales. in visit to all fod â rhywfaint o rannau garw, anwastad. Addas ar ar Addas anwastad. garw, rannau o rhywfaint â fod all

LES WA U CYMR | | Beacons National Park. S LE WA CYMRU

iPhone Android | Forest , enhance existing

I ganfod nodweddion hynod places NRW great other find To

CYMRU | WA LES and hybrids. Ability to use maps

Phone i lefel ffitrwydd ar lwybrau sy’n gyffredinol wastad ond ond wastad gyffredinol sy’n lwybrau ar ffitrwydd lefel d Androi Phone i d iPhone Androi

. . Wales in visit to

ddifyr yng nghoedwigoedd RoadNghymru. &yng hwy â ymweld gellir y .

® CYMRU | WA LES Our waymarked walking trailshelpful. woodlands Routes andmay restoreor may not be Nghymru yng hwy â ymweld gellir y


Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd am wella eu eu wella am sydd un unrhyw gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau

To find other great NRW places NRW great other find To I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC CNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I

CNC a Gwarchodfeydd Reserves. Nature National and forests

. . PlaceTales Wales in visit to

® range from relaxingsimilar riverside Wales’ irreplaceable ancient CNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I


Natur Cenedlaethol. NR in features Placfascinating eTalediscover To s waymarked. o oG sT ce Pla Go To Places

To find other great NRW places NRW great other find To

Phone i Go To I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng Places

® ®

cadeiriau olwyn ar rai rhannau o’r llwybr. o’r rhannau rai ar olwyn cadeiriau strolls to more strenuous woodlands.


e iPhon ac s eTale Plac To discover fascinating features in NRW APIAU DDIM AM LAWRLWYTHWCH o oG sT ce

nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd To discover fascinating features in NRW Pla


ar gyfer Android Android gyfer ar ® Beginner/novice cyclists. Basic bike S LE WA U CYMR S LE WA U CYMR | | |

forests and National Nature Reserves. Android wthio i cymorth angen bydd y Efallai cyfforddus. treks and there are several S LE WA U CYMR

Natur Cenedlaethol. forests and National Nature Reserves. Green Enjoy your visit to the great |


| | skills required. Most bikes and hybrids.

iPhone Phone i hygyrch. Gellir gwisgo esgidiau neu dreinyrs dreinyrs neu esgidiau gwisgo Gellir hygyrch. d Androi d

accessible routes. ForAndroi an outdoors!

Easy iPhone ac Android gyfer ar

Some green routes can take trailers. DI-DÂL Phone i d Androi Phone i Android

chadeiriau olwyn a bygis, sy’n defnyddio llwybrau llwybrau defnyddio sy’n bygis, a olwyn chadeiriau

Natur Cenedlaethol. Natur

forests and National Nature Reserves. Nature National and forests

forests and National Nature Reserves. Nature National and forests


The public transport Androi

nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd Gwarchodfeydd a CNC nghoedwigoedd

for Android and iPhone and Android for

W NR in features fascinating discover To To discover fascinating features in NRW in features fascinating discover To


Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer pawb, yn cynnwys pobl â â pobl cynnwys yn pawb, gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng yng ddifyr hynod nodweddion ganfod I FREE APPS FREE HAPIAU

s eTale Plac Natur Cenedlaethol. Natur ®


information service IntermediateGwarchodfeydd a CNC cyclist/mountain bikers ®


| | ar gyfer Android

Blue nghoedwigoedd yng ddifyr



ein apiau i ddysgu rhagor. ddysgu i apiau ein LAWRLWYTHWCH EIN EIN LAWRLWYTHWCH DOWNLOAD OUR DOWNLOAD S LE WA U CYMR | |

I ganfod nodweddion hynod hynod withnodweddion ganfod I basic off-road riding skills.

d Androi Phone


for Wales PlaceTales d Androi e Phon i e iPhon ac Android gyfer ar e

for Android and iPhon and Android for Moderate


HAPIAU DI-DÂL DI-DÂL HAPIAU FREE APPS FREE allwch hefyd edrych ar ein gwefan neu lawrlwytho lawrlwytho neu gwefan ein ar edrych hefyd allwch

G The listing pages about the MountainThe centrefold bikes or hybrids. map


beth yw ystyr pob gradd. pob ystyr yw beth DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APPS FREE OUR DOWNLOAD


and iPhon and Call or click to plan your woodlands and National shows the location of each

d Androi

. natur byd ynghanol diwrnod eich gynllunio i helpu to visit in Wales. in visit to for Android Android for LAWRLWYTHWCH EIN EIN LAWRLWYTHWCH DOWNLOAD OUR DOWNLOAD Proficient mountain bikers with good

weld i isod Darllenwch chi. yfer c eich ar addas honno’n

journey and get latest Nature Reserves Redare colour places NRW great other find woodlandTo and reserve in this

. . Wales in visit to y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. yng hwy â ymweld gellir y

y gellir ymweld â hwy yng Nghymru. yng hwy â off-roadymweld gellir y riding skills. Suitable for

yn y daflen. Mae gan bob cofnod wybodaeth i’ch i’ch wybodaeth cofnod bob gan Mae daflen. y yn

To find other great NRW places NRW great other find To I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC CNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I forests and National Nature Reserves. Nature National and forests

. . Wales in visit to daflen hon er mwyn eich helpu i benderfynu os yw’r daith daith yw’r os benderfynu i helpu eich mwyn er hon daflen

timetable information DifficultCNC ardderchog eraill lleoedd ganfod I


To discover fascinating features in NR in features fascinating discover To coded to indicate where each leaflet and has a list of them

o oG sT ce Pla Go To Places

To find other great NRW places NRW great other find To

e Phon i

Go To Places


iPhone Android iPhone® Android better quality off-road mountain bikes ® s eTale Plac o oG sT ce Pla a Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol sy’n cael sylw sylw cael sy’n Genedlaethol Natur Gwarchodfa a

Rydym wedi nodi pellter a gradd pob taith gerdded yn y y yn gerdded taith pob gradd a pellter nodi wedi Rydym




| | one is located. all with a summary of the S LE WA U CYMR | |



| | www.traveline.cymruCYMRU | WA LES e iPhon Phone i d Androi d

CYMRU | WA LES Androi Expert mountain bike users, used to

ar gyfer Android ac iPhone ac Android gyfer ar

Mae’r map sy’n plygu allan yn dangos pob coedwig coedwig pob dangos yn allan plygu sy’n map Mae’r facilities at each one.

DI-DÂL DI-DÂL Phone i d Androi Phone i d Androi Graddau llwybrau cerdded llwybrau Graddau 3G

® Wye ValleyBlack area 3G

for Android and iPhone and Android for ® PM 4:08

physically demanding routes. Quality PM 4:08 HAPIAU PlacesToGo PlaceTales APPS FREE

Severe See the accessibility


I ganfod lleoedd eraill ardderchog CNC OUR DOWNLOAD off-road mountain bikes.

CYNLLUNIO EICH YMWELIAD EICH CYNLLUNIO I ganfod nodweddion hynod ddifyr yng Newport area

e iPhon ac Android gyfer ar

e iPhon and Android for


y gellir ymweld â hwyAPPS yng NghymruFREE . nghoedwigoedd CNC a Gwarchodfeydd information on the listing

4:08 PM 4:08 4:08 PM 4:08 :8PM 4:08 :8PM 4:08 DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APPS FREE OUR DOWNLOAD e iPhon and

for Android Android for LAWRLWYTHWCH EIN EIN LAWRLWYTHWCH DOWNLOAD OUR OUR DOWNLOAD Natur Cenedlaethol. BreconPlease alsoBeacons read area the panelpages at the for start trails of everysuitable mountain for bike FIND OUT MORE Swanseatrail for more Bay areadetails and thenpeople follow with the wheelchairs trail’s waymarkers.

and pushchairs, and other 3G 3G :8PM 4:08

CarmarthenshirePM 4:08 area accessible facilities.

3G 3G 3G [email protected] 3G

:8PM 4:08 4:08 PM 4:08 4:08 PM 4:08 0300 065 3000PM 4:08 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) area The fold-out section has a If you would like this information key to the symbols used on in an alternative format, please the listing pages and a guide M 4:08 PM 4:08 P to how we grade our trails to contact3G us. 3G help you pick one that’s right

Front cover: Afan Forest Park for you.

3G 3G

:8PM 4:08

2 PM 4:08 3

3G 3G


4:08 PM 4:08

4:08 PM 4:08 4:08 PM 4:08

3G :8PM 4:08 area Wye Valley area

1 Wood 2 Walk through ancient woodland Whitestone to the famous Eagle’s Nest Historic viewpoints overlooking viewpoint the Wye gorge and river

Wyndcliff Wood is home to one of the best views in the Wye Both walking trails go through the woodland and take in three Valley. The Eagle’s Nest viewpoint looks out over the , viewpoints over the dramatic Wye gorge and river. There is a Castle and the Severn Estuary. The viewpoint and bench at each one to enjoy the views. The play area is next to the path to reach it, known as the 365 Steps, were constructed the upper car park. in 1828 for the Duke of Beaufort. The circular walking trail from Lower Wyndcliff car park to the viewpoint includes a very steep Walking trails viewpoint where there is a section up (or down) the historic steps and passes through the Wonders of Whitestone bench. It returns along the woodland with its ancient and yew . (1¼ miles/2 km, easy) same route. This trail follows a wide the small car park at Upper Other route Walking trail stoned path past the three Wyndcliff (OS grid reference The passes Eagle’s Nest Trail viewpoints. Return the same ST 524 972). This car park is through Whitestone – look out (1¼ miles/1.9 km, strenuous) way or follow the circular trail reached via a narrow minor for the waymarkers. Follow the trail clockwise on a narrow path with a steep road. through the woodland to the section through the woodland. viewpoint and then return The Picturesque Piercefield Duchess Ride Viewpoint Trail down several long flights of Walk runs through Wyndcliff (3 miles/5 km there and back, steep steps. Follow it anti- Wood. This historic walk was easy) popular with visitors in the clockwise if you’d rather go up If you’d like a longer walk, 18th century and many of its the steep steps instead. The this trail takes in the three features still exist. trail has some steep climbs Wonders of Whitestone and there are sheer drops at The Wye Valley Walk passes viewpoints. It then continues the side of the steps. through Wyndcliff Wood. You along part of the Wye Valley Other routes can join this long distance Walk through an avenue of walk from Lower Wyndcliff You can walk directly to the huge Scots Pine trees to the car park - look out for the Eagle’s Nest viewpoint from information panel. How to get here How to get here Whitestone is 10 miles north of Chepstow. Follow signs Lower Wyndcliff car park is 3½ miles north of Chepstow. for Catbrook at the junction adjacent to the Wye Valley Follow the A466 from Chepstow towards . The car Hotel in Tintern. After 2½ miles, you reach a junction and park is on the right after going through the village of the lower car park is opposite. The larger upper car park St Arvans. is through the barrier and along the forest road. OS grid reference ST 526 971 / OS map number OL 14 OS grid reference SO 525 029 / OS map number OL 14 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

4 5 Wye Valley area Newport area

3 Beacon View 4 Wentwood Walks through heathland Largest area of ancient and peaceful woodland woodland in Wales

Wentwood was once a hunting preserve for nearby Chepstow Beacon View is the starting point for a couple of walks through Castle but nowadays it is a peaceful place to explore and enjoy the peaceful woodland of Beacon Hill. They go through areas of nature. The forest covers over 1000 hectares and is scattered heathland where pine trees have been cleared to allow heather with archaeological features from ancient trackways to the to return. There are benches and several gates on each trail. remains of an old mill. Most of the original native trees were felled in the 20th century to make way for conifers but Wentwood is Walking trails There are two short waymarked now being restored to native broadleaved woodland. In spring Beacon Bimble walks in Manor Wood in the the paths are surrounded by carpets of bluebells. (1½ miles/2.3 km, easy) nearby village of The Narth. The small roadside parking area woodland, enhance existing This circular walk is on wide Visiting Wentwood here has a grassy picnic site woodlands and restore level paths through woodland You can explore Wentwood and children's play area. Wales’ irreplaceable ancient and open heathland. on foot, bicycle or horseback. woodlands. In time it will Wye Valley woodlands There is a welcome panel in Duchess Ride Ramble the car park with a map and form a connected ecological (3 miles/4.8 km, easy) The woodlands of the lower network running throughout Wye Valley are some of the information about what to see. Enjoy woodland and heathland There are also marker posts Wales, bringing social, on this mainly level circular most beautiful in Britain. economic and environmental Historic viewpoints offer to help guide you along the walk. An avenue of huge Scots paths through the forest. benefits. Pine trees leads along part spectacular views across the Wye gorge and river, towards Wyndcliff Wood, Whitestone, of the Wye Valley Walk to a National Forest Beacon Hill and Afan Forest viewpoint with bench. the and for Wales the old Severn Bridge. The Park are also part of the Wentwood forms part of Other routes breathtaking natural scenery National Forest - see pages the National Forest for Follow the Duchess Ride here has enthralled visitors for 4-6 and 20 for information Wales. The National Forest Ramble to join the Wye Valley centuries, including painters about visiting these places. will create areas of new Walk which goes through the and poets from Turner to edge of the woodland. Wordsworth. How to get here How to get here Wentwood is 13 miles north east of Newport. Beacon View is 6 miles south of . Follow signs From Newport, take the A48 towards . After for Catbrook at the junction adjacent to the Wye Valley 6½ miles, turn left onto the Usk Road, signposted Llanvair Hotel in Tintern. After 2½ miles, turn left at the T-Junction Discoed (Llanfair Disgoed). After around 3 miles pass opposite Whitestone car park. Take the third turning on the Wentwood Reservoir, and Foresters’ Oaks car park is on right, opposite Beacon Lodge, and Beacon View car park is the left. Continue for a further ¾ mile, and Cadira on the right after ¼ mile. car park is on the right. OS grid reference SO 510 053 / OS map number OL 14 OS grid reference ST 422 948 / OS map number OL 14 and 152 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

6 7 Newport area Walking trails Wander on the network of paths or follow one of our five waymarked walking trails, most

of which are accessible. Follow House © Grafic the paths around the reedbeds and scan the pools from one of The Wetlands Experience the viewing platforms or from (2½ miles/4 km, accessible) the raised bird hide. Walk along This route combines the Orchid

© Grafic House © Grafic the floating pontoon across Trail, the Woodland and Estuary the reedbeds to the East Usk Trail and part of the Wales Lighthouse with views over the Coast Path. Severn Estuary. Green Lanes and Coast Walk 5 Newport Wetlands Orchid Trail (3¾ miles/5.9 km, easy) (1 mile/1.6 km, accessible) Highlights include the East Usk National Nature Reserve Spot orchids in late spring and Lighthouse, green lanes and Great bird-watching from early summer. views over the Severn Estuary hides and platforms Sculpture Trail as far as . This is the (1 mile/1.7 km, accessible) only trail on which dogs are Look out for the sculptures allowed. on this trail through reedbeds, rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l L over the floating bridge and

W h a t l a es P Coast past the lighthouse. Woodland and Estuary Trail (1½ miles/2.3 km, accessible) Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve lies on the coast Go through reedbeds, between the Severn Estuary and the , just a few miles woodland, past open water south of Newport city centre. This wildlife haven of reedbeds, and the estuary. saltmarsh and saline lagoons is one of the best places in Wales to see and hear wild birds, whatever time of year you visit. Younger visitors enjoy spotting ducklings and chicks in spring when the reedbeds are alive with song. In summer, you may spot an avocet in the saline lagoons while autumn is a great time to Accessibility information look out for migratory wildfowl and wading birds. In winter flocks The paths around the Uskmouth reedbedsreedbeds areare accessibleaccessible of starlings give a breathtaking display at dusk before roosting in for wheelchairs andand therethere areare benchesbenches everyevery 200m200m onon the the reedbeds. Orchidthe Orchid Trail, Trail, Sculpture Sculpture Trail, Trail, Woodland Woodland and and Estuary Estuary Trail, Visitor facilities andTrail, Wetlands and The WetlandsExperience. Experience. The paths The are paths level withare level some The reserve is owned and managed by Natural Resources Wales, gentlewith some slopes gentle and slopesa zig-zag and ramp a zig-zag to the ramp raised to reedbedthe working in partnership with RSPB Cymru and Newport City levels.raised reedbeds.The viewing The screens viewing and screens bird hide and havebird hidewheelchair have Council. The visitor centre, café, car park and other visitor facilities spaces.wheelchair The spaces. visitor centre,The visitor café centre, and toilets café andare accessible.toilets are are run by the RSPB – check their website for details and opening Foraccessible further and details there and is parkingto book fora mobility Blue Badge scooter holders. or For times. wheelchair,further details contact and to the book RSPB a mobility visitor centre scooter or wheelchair, Please note that dogs are only allowed on the Green Lanes and (tel:contact 01633 the 636363). RSPB visitor centre (tel: 01633 636363). Coast Walk where they must be kept on a short lead. How to get here Other routes Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve is 5 miles The passes south of theNewport Newport city citycentre. centre. along the edge of the reserve. Take the A48 (southern(Southern distributorDistributor road)Road) from from the the city city Sustrans National Cycle centre towards the M4 and follow brownthe brown and andwhite white tourist Network route 4 has a branch signs to the wetlands reserve. The car park is on West to Newport Wetlands along NashWest Road.Nash Road. cycle paths and quiet roads OSPostcode grid reference for sat nav ST NP18334 834 2BZ / and there is a covered cycle PostcodeOS grid reference for sat nav ST NP18334 834 2BZ / /OS OS map map number number 152 152 stand next to the visitor centre See centrefold map for key to symbols entrance. House © Grafic

8 9 Newport area Walking There are paths along the stream and past the lake, ideal for a short stroll, and longer walks through the forest and up Twmbarlwm hillfort. See Cwmcarn Forest visitor centre website for information. Mountain bike trails

© Andy Lloyd Our waymarked mountain bike trails start from the car park – look out for the signs and read the information on site to make sure you pick a trail that is right 6 Cwm Carn Forest for you. Information about trail grading is also on our website then flows in and out of trees Family-friendly forest drive along with an update on any with drops and jumps. Join it and mountain bike trails for trail diversions or closures. from the Cafall Trail or use experienced riders Twrch Trail the uplift service. (13.1 km, grade red) Y Mynydd Downhill Open and flowing to tight (2.7 km, grade orange/ and technical riding, mostly extreme) on purpose built singletrack Reached by the uplift service, through woodland and open this downhill mountain bike trail ridge tops with views. Two new is full of features. sections due to open in 2021. Other mountain bike Cwm Carn Forest is a popular destination for mountain bikers Cafall Trail facilities and is home to one of the UK’s first downhill trails. There is also (14.5 km, grade red) a choice of walking trails and the popular forest drive is due to Climbing up through the more Cwmdown is the uplift provider reopen in 2021. remote areas of Cwm Carn, this for the downhill trails and offers The started to plant Cwm Carn Forest in the trail has hand-built singletrack a choice of uplift passes. 1920s but, over the last few years, many trees had to be cut down sections and technical PS Cycles is located in the car as they were diseased. Since then, areas of the forest have been descents. park and offers bike hire, bike replanted and the forest drive has been resurfaced. Pedalhounds Downhill servicing, skills days, bike and Visitor facilities (1.4 km, grade orange/ accessories sales. Cwmcarn Forest visitor centre is run by Caerphilly County extreme) For more information about Borough Council. You can get information about walking trails, This downhill course starts off mountain biking in Wales, book a camping pitch or pod or visit the shop and café with with a handmade rooty section go to outdoor seating area. Check the visitor centre website for opening times. Cwm Carn Forest Drive The forest drive is due to reopen in 2021 after extensive redevelopment. This seven-mile long drive through the forest Accessibility information offers a great family day out. You can stop at any of the parking The visitor centre, café and toilets are accessible and there areas along the route to enjoy the range of visitor facilities. The is parking for Blue Badge holders. children’s play areas have basket swings, climbing frames, tunnels and slides and there is a storytelling area. There are lots of picnic How to get here areas with panoramic views Cwm Carn Forest is 8 miles from junction 28 of the M4. of the surrounding towns and Leave the M4 at junction 28 and follow the brown and countryside. Enjoy a gentle walk white signs to the car park which is run by Caerphilly or set off on a more strenuous County Borough Council. hike up to the Twmbarlwm Iron Age hillfort. See our website or Postcode for sat nav NP11 7FA contact the visitor centre for the OS grid reference ST 229 935 / OS map number 152 latest information and admission See centrefold map for key to symbols charge.

10 11 Brecon Beacons area Brecon Beacons area

7 Coed y Cerrig National 8 Taf Fechan Forest Nature Reserve (Owl’s Grove) Small woodland with Short riverside walking trail accessible boardwalk

Taf Fechan Forest is in the Brecon Beacons National Park, just Coed y Cerrig National Nature Reserve is in the southern part a short drive from Merthyr Tydfil and the South Wales valleys. of the Black Mountains within the Brecon Beacons National Discover this peaceful forest on our waymarked walking trail Park. A wet alder woodland covers the valley floor – these trees from Owl’s Grove car park. There is a picnic bench next to the used to be coppiced to make charcoal and soles for clogs. car park. A mixed woodland, full of fragrant bluebells in spring, clings Walking trail from Lower Blaen y Glyn to the steep valley sides and an oak and beech woodland Taf Fechan Trail car park is shorter and has grows in the deeper soils at the top of the reserve. (1¼ miles/1.9 km, moderate) less of a climb than the route from Upper Blaen y Glyn Woodland Climb This circular trail goes through Walking trails car park. To reach these car (¼ mile/0.5 km, strenuous) tall conifer trees alongside Alder Boardwalk parks, follow the road from the babbling river and returns (½ mile/0.6 km, accessible) This short circular route Owl’s Grove towards Talybont along a path through the Cross the road with care and climbs steeply up a series of Reservoir and look out for the woodland. There are some set off along the boardwalk to rough stone steps, continuing car park signs. uneven sections and it is very explore the alder woodland in through the woodland and wet and muddy after bad the wet valley bottom. Return dropping down a slope to weather. along the boardwalk or do the car park. Enjoy the swathe a circular walk by taking the of fragrant bluebells along Other routes the path in spring. path through the trees. The Sustrans National Cycle Network route 8 goes through Accessibility information Taf Fechan Forest. You can walk to Blaen y Glyn The wide and level boardwalk is suitable for wheelchairs. waterfall from two of our It starts just over the road from the car park and has nearby car parks. The route passing places and wooden benches. How to get here How to get here Coed y Cerrig National Nature Reserve is 4 miles north of . Take the A465 from Abergavenny Taf Fechan Forest is 9 miles north of Merthyr Tydfil. towards . After 4 miles, turn left into the village of From Merthyr Tydfil, follow the brown and white signs Llanfihangel Crucorney. After ⅓ mile, turn left onto a minor towards the Brecon Mountain Railway. Continue past road to . After 1¼ miles take the left fork, following the railway station and, after 1½ miles, turn right at the the brown and white nature reserve signs. The car park is on T-junction towards Talybont-on-Usk. Follow signs for the right after 1¼ miles. Talybont-on-Usk and the car park is on the right. OS grid reference SO 293 211 / OS map number OL 13 OS grid reference SO 048 162 / OS map number OL 12 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

12 13 Brecon Beacons area Brecon Beacons area

9 Garwnant 10 Craig Cerrig Gleisiad Family-friendly forest on the a Fan Frynych National edge of the Brecon Beacons Nature Reserve Craggy landscape with a choice of mountain walks

Garwnant is the southern gateway to the Brecon Beacons Discover the atmospheric amphitheatre created by the soaring National Park and is easy to find, just off the A470 north of cliffs of Craig Cerrig Gleisiad, just a few hundred metres from Merthyr Tydfil. It has a café with outside seating area and a range the busy A470 through the Brecon Beacons National Park. of activities for families to enjoy. There is a large picnic area Try our waymarked walks to get a flavour of the reserve or, around the car park and picnic benches along the walking trails. if you have a map and want a longer walk, there’s a choice of Walking trails There is a children’s outdoor footpaths. The reserve is grazed by cattle, sheep and mountain Several walking trails explore play area and an animal puzzle ponies - please keep dogs under close control. The small picnic the forest. One is accessible trail with sculptures to spot. site is next to the parking area. for pushchairs and visitors Future facilities Walking trails to a cairn. It returns down using wheelchairs. Forest Holidays plan to Under the Cliff Walk a steep, grassy slope with A section of the develop holiday cabins at (1 mile/1.8 km there and back, dramatic views towards suitable for walkers passes Garwnant and will then moderate) . through Garwnant. manage some of the visitor Experience the majestic Other routes facilities. Check their website Children's activities landscape on this walk along The follows for the latest information. There are two short mountain the river to the base of the a footpath from the lay-by bike trails for younger riders Opening times rocky slopes. at the reserve entrance. and a skills park with child- Please check our website for Bluestone Walk There are footpaths through friendly obstacles to improve current opening times and (2 miles/3.4 km, strenuous) the reserve to the moorlands skills and build confidence. availability of facilities. This circular route sets off of Fan Frynych and the cliffs alongside the river and climbs at Craig Cwm Du – you need Accessibility information through heather and bilberry a map to follow these routes. Facilities include an accessible trail, parking for Blue Badge holders, wheelchair access to the café and a Changing How to get here Places toilet which has more equipment than a standard Craig Cerrig Gleisiad a Fan Frynych National Nature accessible toilet (RADAR key needed). Reserve is 7 miles south of Brecon. The best starting point How to get here is a large lay-by on the A470 – look out for the information panel just beyond the gate. Take the A470 from Brecon Garwnant is 5 miles north of Merthyr Tydfil. Take the A470 from Merthyr Tydfil towards Brecon and follow the brown towards Merthyr Tydfil. After 5½ miles, go past a youth and white signs to the car park. hostel and then turn into the second lay-by on the right. OS grid reference SO 002 131 / OS map number OL 12 OS grid reference SN 971 222 / OS map number OL 12 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

14 15 Brecon Beacons area Brecon Beacons area

11 Ogof Ffynnon Ddu National Nature Reserve Spectacular views and 12 Glasfynydd Forest industrial history Walk or cycle around the Usk Reservoir

Ogof Ffynnon Ddu National Nature Reserve is a huge expanse of moorland with magnificent views, situated in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park. The varied rock types in the reserve produce different soils on which a range of plants Glasfynydd Forest surrounds Usk Reservoir in the Brecon grow including heather, bilberry, mosses and . It is hard Beacons National Park. Walkers and cyclists can follow the to imagine the thriving village with its own railway station, waymarked trail from the car park around the reservoir and post office and public house that was once here. The village across the dam. There is a picnic bench in the car park and was home to people working at the limestone quarry, the silica several others along the trail. brickworks and the many lime kilns – you can see the remains Walking trail Mountain bike trail of these on our walking trail. Usk Reservoir Trail Usk Reservoir Loop Walking trail The caves (5½ miles/8.7 km, easy) (5½ miles/8.7 km, forest Tram and Train Trail The cave system is one of the Enjoy views of the Black road and similar) (2 miles/3.2 km, moderate) most extensive in Europe. The Mountains on this easy-to- Most of this trail follows a level Follow this waymarked walk caves may only be accessed follow circular trail around wide stoned track skirting the around the reserve to enjoy by properly equipped cavers Usk Reservoir. Most of this reservoir. This is a shared route the views and discover some with a permit from the South route follows a level wide for cyclists and walkers. of the industrial remains. Wales Caving Club. stoned track skirting the reservoir and it can get The National Showcaves Other route muddy in places when wet. Centre for Wales (Dan yr The Beacons Way passes , a privately-run tourist Cyclists may also use this through the reserve on its Ogof) attraction, is on the opposite trail. There are public 95 mile journey through the side of the valley and is footpaths to the Physicians Brecon Beacons National Park. signposted from the A4067. Well from this trail (not waymarked). How to get here Ogof Ffynnon Ddu National Nature Reserve is 20 miles How to get here south west of Brecon. Take A40 from Brecon towards Glasfynydd Forest is 13 miles south east of Llandovery. Llandovery. After 7 miles, turn left onto A4067, signposted Take the A40 from Llandovery towards Brecon. At , . Go through and turn left onto turn right following the brown and white signs to Usk minor road signposted to . Follow brown and white Reservoir. After 3¾ miles ignore the brown and white sign nature reserve signs over river and left at junction. Pass at the right hand turn to the reservoir and continue straight disused quarry on left and follow track to car park. ahead for ½ mile. The car park is on the left. OS grid reference SN 856 154 / OS map number OL 12 OS grid reference SN 820 271 / OS map number OL 12 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

16 17 Brecon Beacons area Brecon Beacons area

13 14 Gwaun Hepste Accessible trail to Gateway to the famous spectacular cascades Four Falls Trail

Dinas Rock is an imposing limestone cliff in Waterfall Country Gwaun Hepste is set within Waterfall Country in the Brecon on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park. There is a Beacons National Park. This popular car park is the starting short accessible walk from the car park to the cascades. The point for the legendary circular trail to the woodland gorges other walking trail goes to Sgwd yr Eira waterfall. The car park where four of the area’s most spectacular waterfalls are found. can get full as this area is popular with outdoor activity groups. You can walk right behind the thundering curtain of water at Walking trails Falls Trail from Gwaun Hepste the famous Sgwd yr Eira waterfall (which means “fall of snow” in Welsh). Sychryd Trail car park (see page 19). (½ mile/0.6 km there and Waterfall Country Walking trail managed by Brecon Beacons back, accessible) Nowhere in Wales has such Four Falls Trail National Park Authority. Riverside trail through a a richness and diversity of (5¼ miles/8.4 km, strenuous) The Sgwd yr Eira Trail is a narrow gorge to the cascades. waterfalls within such a small The main paths on this slightly shorter, direct route It returns along the same path. area as Waterfall Country. Four waymarked trail are wide to Sgwd yr Eira waterfall rivers wind their way down Sgwd yr Eira Trail and easy to follow. There are from Dinas Rock car park deep, tree-lined gorges, over (4 miles/6.3 km there and optional signposted sections (see page 18). a series of waterfalls, before back, strenuous) to the best views of each joining to form the River Walking trail to the famous waterfall – these follow narrow, . Waterfall Country is in Sgwd yr Eira waterfall. steep paths which are rocky the Brecon Beacons National and can be slippery. Other route Park and lies largely within Sgwd yr Eira and three other woodland jointly managed by Other routes dramatic waterfalls can also be Natural Resources Wales and The Four Falls Trail can also reached on the circular Four the Brecon Beacons National be started from the Cwm Park Authority. Porth car park (OS grid reference SN 928 124) which is Accessibility information The Sychryd Trail is suitable for more robust wheelchairs. How to get here How to get here Gwaun Hepste is 10 miles north west of Merthyr Tydfil. Dinas Rock car park is 12 miles west of Merthyr Tydfil. Take Take A465 from Merthyr Tydfil towards Neath. After 5 A465 from Merthyr Tydfil towards Neath. Leave A465 at miles, take the A4059 at roundabout towards Brecon. After and follow signs for B4242 to . 3¼ miles, turn left towards . Bear left at next Follow brown and white signs to Dinas Rock, turning right two junctions, following waterfall signs to Gwaun Hepste at former Dinas Inn. After ½ mile go over bridge to car park. car park which is on left. OS grid reference SN 911 079 / OS map number OL 12 OS grid reference SN 935 123 / OS map number OL 12 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

18 19 Bay area Walking trails Footpaths criss-cross the valleys and hillsides through the forest park, passing abandoned mines, former tramways and disused railways. Our waymarked walking trails start from Afan Forest Park Visitor Centre or Rhyslyn car park – look out for the signs Rhyslyn Walk in the car parks. (1 mile/1.8 km, easy, from Rhyslyn) Old Parish Road Walk Follow the river upstream (1¼ miles/2 km, easy, to a viewpoint with a bench 15 Afan Forest Park from Afan Forest Park overlooking a natural stone Visitor Centre) weir. Historic valley with walking trails Set off on the old parish Penrhys Walk and world-class mountain biking road towards Neath on this (3½ miles/5.7 km, moderate, short walk through ancient from Rhyslyn) woodlands. Enjoy views down An historical trail with to the river from benches spectacular views of the Afan along the way. Valley and the huge aqueduct River and Railway Walk in Pontrhydyfen. (3 miles/4.8 km, moderate, from Afan Forest Park Other routes Sustrans National Cycle Situated in a former coal to the South Wales Miners’ Visitor Centre) Network route 887 runs mining valley just a few miles Museum, a café and bike shop. A walk along the banks of the between and Afan from the M4, Afan Forest It is owned by Neath Port river and the former route of Forest Park and may be used Park is one of Britain’s iconic Talbot Council – check their Brunel’s South Wales Mineral mountain bike destinations website for opening times. Railway, with a riverside picnic by walkers and cyclists. area. with trails for beginners to Rhyslyn car park is on the site Accessibility expert riders. Our waymarked of a former railway station. It Gyfylchi Ridgetop Trail mountain bike trails and information is the starting point for some (7 miles/11.2 km, strenuous, There is parking for Blue Badge walking trails start from three of our mountain bike trails and from Afan Forest Park holders at Afan Forest Park car parks. two waymarked walks. Visitor Centre) Visitor Centre and the café Afan Forest Park Visitor Some of our mountain bike The beautiful woodlands and and toilets are accessible. The Centre is the starting point for trails can be started from breathtaking views make the café and toilets at woodland walks, family cycle the car park at Glyncorrwg climb worth the effort. Mountain Bike Centre are routes and a range of mountain Mountain Bike Centre. accessible. bike trails. The centre is home

How to get here Afan Forest Park Visitor Centre is 6 miles from junction 40 of the M4. Exit M4 at junction 40 onto A4107. The centre is signposted near Cwmafan. Rhyslyn car park is just outside Pontrhydyfen. Take B4287 from A4107 towards Pontrhydyfen. Turn sharp right just over bridge and the car park is straight ahead. Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Centre is 2 miles from Cymer. Follow signs for Glyncorrwg from the A4107 at Cymer and the car park is on the left. OS grid references SS 820 950 (Afan Forest Park Visitor Centre) SS 800 942 (Rhyslyn) SS 872 984 (Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Centre) OS map numbers 165 and 166 See centrefold map for key to symbols

20 21 Swansea Bay area Mountain bike trails Afan Forest Park is home to exciting trails for beginners to experienced riders. Our waymarked trails start from three car parks within the forest park – look out for the signs and read the information on site © Andy Lloyd to make sure you pick a trail that is right for you. Information White’s Level Trail about trail grading is also on (15.4 km, grade red, from 16 Crymlyn Bog National our website along with an Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike update on any trail diversions Centre) Nature Reserve or closures. Technical and progressive trail The largest lowland Rheilffordd Low Level with optional additional 2.3 km fen in Wales Cycleway black-graded loop. For a longer (grade green, from Afan Forest ride, combine with Y Wal Trail Park Visitor Centre, Rhyslyn via one of the W2 links. or Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Blade Trail Centre) (23.6 km, grade red, from Crymlyn Bog is one of the most important wetland sites in Over 14 miles of disused Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Europe, and its survival is remarkable considering its location railway and forest road link Centre) next to industrialised Swansea. The extensive reed and sedge beds are home to a wide variety of wetland birds, insects and Pontrhydyfen with Blaengwynfi Lots of singletrack, tough and Glyncorrwg – this is a linear technical climbs and fast plants. The walking trails include a boardwalk through the heart route so you can turn around flowing descents. of the fen. Horses graze parts of the reserve and there are gates on both trails. where you wish. Skyline Trail Rookie Trail (46.8 km, grade red, from Walking trails Pant y Sais National (5.8 km, grade green, Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Bog Walk Nature Reserve from Afan Forest Park Centre) (¾ mile/1.2 km, easy) This small reserve is nearby Visitor Centre) This trail reopens in 2021 after The trail follows level grassy at Jersey Marine. The reed Perfect route for newcomers, redevelopment, with riding on tracks and sections of and sedge beds are home forest roads and over 30 km with optional additional boardwalk. to wetland plants, birds and of singletrack. 2.4 km blue-graded loop. Bog and Balloons Walk insects. The short boardwalk Other mountain bike (1 mile/1.6 km, easy) over the fen is accessible for Blue Scar Trail wheelchair users. The Tennant (7.1 km, grade blue, from Afan facilities This walk follows the boardwalk and returns via the field where Canal towpath goes along the Forest Park Visitor Centre) Afan Bike Park is an extreme a World War Two barrage length of Pant y Sais and the graded bike park at Gyfylchi Fantastic trail to improve riding balloon was anchored to deter Wales Coast Path passes the near Y Wal Trail. skills and develop confidence. German air attacks – look out edge of the reserve. Penhydd Trail The Skills Area, suitable for for anchor points in the grass. (14.4 km, grade red, from Afan children and less experienced Forest Park Visitor Centre) riders, is on the Rookie Trail. How to get here Forest road climbs, flowing Afan Valley Bike Shed is next Crymlyn Bog car park is 1 mile from the A483 dual singletrack descents and great to Afan Forest Park Visitor carriageway through Swansea (the Fabian Way). Exit views. Centre. It has a bike shop and M4 at junction 42 onto A483 to Swansea city centre. workshop, and offers coaching. Y Wal Trail Pass Swansea University’s Bay Campus, then turn right (18.6 km, grade red, from Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike at junction for Fabian Way Park and Ride car park. Turn has a café and mountain around here and rejoin the A483 travelling back towards the Afan Forest Park Visitor Centre Centre bike shop which offers bike hire M4. Turn left immediately after BMW service garage and by or Rhyslyn) and repair services. Mile End pub. Follow this road (Wern Terrace) and turn right Some of the best singletrack at T-junction with Tir John Road. Follow this narrow lane descents in the UK. For a longer For more information about for ½ mile, bearing left at the civic amenity site, and the ride, combine with White’s Level mountain biking in Wales, go to car park is on the right (the barrier is locked overnight). Trail via one of the W2 links. OS grid reference SS 685 942 / OS map number 165 See centrefold map for key to symbols

22 23 Swansea Bay area Swansea Bay area

17 Park Wood and 18 Oxwich National Mill Wood Nature Reserve Gower woodlands with historic Wildlife-rich dunes, woodland features and wetlands

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W h a t l a es P Coast

Just a few miles apart, both Park Wood and Mill Wood have Oxwich Bay is one of Gower’s most popular beaches but a long history. Park Wood was once a medieval deer park and walk a little way inland onto the reserve and you’ll discover it has several archaeological sites including a Neolithic burial a wildlife oasis in the dunes. Wild orchids grow in the dunes chamber, caves and lime kilns. There are remnants of 18th in early summer, and wildflowers support butterflies and century landscaping and the ruins of a watermill and fishponds other insects. The reserve’s lakes and marshes are a haven for at Mill Wood which was originally part of the Penrice Estate. birdlife and provide overwintering habitat for wildfowl and the occasional migrant such as bittern. The Penrice Estate owns the The short circular route Visiting the woodlands car park and provides the visitor facilities. There is a welcome panel at through Mill Wood goes past each woodland with a map the ruins of the mill and the Visiting Oxwich The bird hide is over the former fishponds. and information about what Set off from the car park road from the dunes and to see. towards the dunes and follow is accessed by a boardwalk Follow the gravelled forest the footpaths to explore the over the marsh and reedbeds. road from the car park at reserve – look out for our The Wales Coast Path passes Park Wood and look out for information panels. through the dunes and along the information panels next Follow the link path from the edge of Nicholaston to each archaeological feature. the edge of the reserve to Woods. Nicholaston Woods. Here you Opening times can enjoy breathtaking views The car park and some of of Oxwich Bay and carpets of the visitor facilities are open How to get here bluebells in spring. seasonally. See the Penrice Park Wood is 9 miles west of Swansea and Mill Wood is Look out for ducks, water rails, Estate website for details. 12 miles west of Swansea - both are reached via the A4118 little grebes and moorhens from Swansea to Gower. For Park Wood: go through the from our lakeside bird hide. village of Parkmill on the A4118 and after ⅓ mile turn right, following the brown and white signs to Parc Le Breos. Continue along this minor road for ½ mile and the car How to get here park is on the left. For Mill Wood: Continue on the A4118 Oxwich National Nature Reserve is 11 miles west of through Penmaen and Nicholaston villages and turn left Swansea. Take the A4118 from Swansea towards Gower and signposted to Penrice. Continue along this minor, single- Port Enyon. Continue through Penmaen and Nicholaston. track road for ½ mile and the parking area is on the right. Turn left after the church next to a ruin onto a minor road OS grid references SS 538 896 (Park Wood) signposted to Oxwich and Slade. The car park is on the left. SS 493 882 (Mill Wood) / OS map number 164 OS grid reference SS 501 865 / OS map number 164 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

24 25 area Carmarthenshire area

20 Pen-y-Bedd Wood 19 Pembrey Forest Easy-to-find woodland near One of Britain’s rare the Carmarthenshire coast sand dune forests

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W h a t l a es P Coast

Situated just outside Pembrey Country Park, Pen-y-Bedd Wood Pembrey Forest is a huge pine forest on the Carmarthenshire has a popular picnic site with benches and a large grassy area. coast. The Forestry Commission planted trees here to help The short walking trail sets off through the woodland along replace woods cut down to supply timber for the two World the route of a disused railway line which once served a Royal Wars. The walking trail goes past the ruins of a First World War Ordnance factory. The Pembrey Conservation Trust is based in ammunition factory. The forest is next to Pembrey Country Park the woodland and its volunteers carry out many practical tasks (run by Carmarthenshire County Council) with visitor centre, here and in neighbouring Pembrey Forest. café, toilets and a large range of leisure activities. Walking trail through Pen-y-Bedd Wood –

Walking trail Other routes Pen-y-Bedd Trail look out for the waymarkers. Pines and Shells Trail The Wales Coast Path goes (1½ miles/2.2 km, easy) There is a choice of walking (4½ miles/7 km, moderate) through Pembrey Forest and This waymarked circular trail trails and other leisure The trail starts near car park 1 along the sandy beach. follows sandy tracks through activities in nearby Pembrey in Pembrey Country Park - Pembrey Forest is on the Corsican pine trees. There Country Park. walk down the gravel track Sustrans Celtic Trail cycle are benches along the way The country park is bordered from the car park to the route. and a decked viewing area by Pembrey Forest which you information panel. It follows Pembrey Country Park is overlooking a pond. The can explore on our Pines and sandy tracks and forest roads, managed by Carmarthenshire trail returns to the car park Shells Trail (see page 26). along some of the former County Council and offers a through mixed woodland and ammunition factory’s train wide range of leisure activities. there are views through the tracks. There are picnic tables trees over fields and farmland. along the route. There is a short woodland walk from our car park at Other routes

Horse riding Pen-y-Bedd Wood near the Saint Illtyd’s Walk (a 64 mile Horse riders need a permit entrance to the country park long distance walk from in Pembrey Forest. Go to the (see page 27). Pembrey Country Park to Pembrey Conservation Trust Country Park) runs website to apply for one.

How to get here How to get here Pembrey Forest is 8 miles west of Llanelli. Take the A484 Pen-y-Bedd Wood is 7 miles west of Llanelli. Take the from Llanelli towards Bury Port and then follow the brown A484 from Llanelli towards Bury Port and follow the brown and white signs for the country park. The country park and and white signs to the country park onto Factory Road. car parks are managed by Carmarthenshire County Council. The entrance to the car park is on the right, over the bridge Car park 1 is the closest to the Pines and Shells Trail. just after leaving the A484. OS grid reference (car park 1) SN 400 001 / OS map number 178 or 164 OS grid reference SN 419 013 / OS map number 164 or 178 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

26 27 Carmarthenshire area Pembrokeshire area

21 Carmel National Nature Reserve Ancient woodland and 22 Minwear Forest unique lake Woodland walk with estuary views

Carmel National Nature Reserve is home to the only seasonal lake in Britain. Known as a turlough, the lake fills up in winter Minwear Forest is within the Pembrokeshire Coast National and empties in summer. The reserve is made up of a rich Park and is easy to find from the A40. Together with nearby tapestry of habitats from ancient woodland and flower-rich Canaston Wood, Minwear has been thickly wooded for centuries. grassland to disused quarries. In spring enjoy the carpets of It is near the tidal section of the Eastern Cleddau River and bluebells and look out for hundreds of toads making their way the varied habitat supports herons and other waterside birds. to the lake to spawn. The walking trail climbs to the top of an old In spring the paths are edged with lesser celandine and wood quarry from where there are far-reaching views. There is a small anemones and there are patches of bluebells under the trees. picnic area next to the car park. The Wildlife Trust of South and The burnished colours of the red oak and beech trees are a West Wales looks after the western section of the reserve next spectacular sight in autumn. to Carmel village. Walking trail Walking trail Minwear Walk Quarry Trail (1½ miles/2.6 km, easy) (1¼ miles/1.9 km, strenuous) This waymarked circular walk The views from the top of the goes to a viewpoint with disused quarry are well worth a bench over the Cleddau the steep climb at the start Estuary. There are a couple of of the route. This circular trail picnic areas along the route, returns through the woodland one of which has benches and alongside the seasonal carved from tree trunks. lake. How to get here How to get here Minwear Forest is 22 miles west of . Take A40 Carmel National Nature Reserve is 5 miles south west of from Carmarthen towards St Clears and . . Take the A476 from Llandeilo towards Llanelli. After 21 miles, turn onto A4075 towards and Go through Carmel village and, after ⅓ mile, turn left at a . Take the first right, following brown and white sign to staggered crossroads signed to Llandybie. The car park is Blackpool Mill. Follow this road past the mill and the car park on the left after 1 mile, just before a junction. is on the right. OS grid reference SN 605 164 / OS map number 178 OS grid reference SN 059 142 / OS map number OL 36 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

28 29 CarmarthenshirePembrokeshire area area Pembrokeshire area

23 Stackpole National Nature Reserve Dramatic cliffs, headlands, dunes and beaches 24 Marine

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l L Conservation Zone W h a t le a s t P Coas Unique underwater world, rich in plant and animal life

rfordir C r A y Located in one of the most breathtaking parts of Wales, the b m y r w u l


W h landscape at Stackpole National Nature Reserve is incredibly a t le a s t P varied. The reserve includes woodlands, dunes, limestone Coas cliffs, beaches and famous freshwater lakes which are adorned with water lilies in summer. Stackpole is wonderful for wildlife The waters around Skomer Island and Peninsula have watching and it is a stronghold for several species, including one been designated a Marine Conservation Zone to protect their of Britain’s largest populations of the rare greater horseshoe bat. nationally important marine wildlife, habitats and geology. Visiting Stackpole The Wales Coast Path and the The varied underwater terrain is alive with plants, crustaceans, The National Trust owns fish and mammals. Grey seals come ashore during the autumn the reserve and manages it follow the same route through to give birth on the remote beaches around the peninsula. the reserve and go along the in partnership with Natural Visitor facilities The Pembrokeshire Coast Resources Wales. There are cliff tops from Stackpole Quay towards Trefalen. The car park at Martin’s Haven Path and the Wales Coast footpaths on the Trust’s estate Path go through Martin’s and two of Pembrokeshire’s is operated by the National Find out more Trust - please do not drive Haven. finest beaches, Broadhaven See the National Trust website South and Barafundle Bay, are onto the beach. Follow one of Skomer Island for information about visiting the National Trust’s walking within the reserve. The Trust Stackpole and opening times Skomer Island is a National operates four car parks at trails from the car park or Nature Reserve, famous for its of the car parks, tea room and explore Martin's Haven's Stackpole and a tea room toilets. seabird colonies and wildlife. at Stackpole Quay. pebbly beach and rocky shore. Ferry services to Skomer Learn about Skomer’s marine Island depart from Martin’s life in our marine exhibition Haven from Easter to October. Accessibility information centre on the way from the car Find out more from the South Some of the paths are accessible to off-road wheelchairs. park to the beach (centre and and West Wales Wildlife Trust See the National Trust website for details about accessible toilets open Easter to October). website. facilities and how to hire a mobility vehicle. How to get here How to get here Martin’s Haven is 14 miles south west of Haverfordwest. Stackpole National Nature Reserve is 5 miles south Take the B4327 from Haverfordwest towards Marloes. After of Pembroke. Take the B4319 from Pembroke towards Castlemartin, from where minor roads lead to the National 10 miles take minor road to Marloes. Continue through Trust’s four car parks (Stackpole Quay, Broadhaven South Marloes village and after 2 miles the National Trust Martin’s Beach, Bosherston Village and Lodge Park). Haven car park is on the left. OS map number OL 36 OS grid reference SM 761 090 / OS map number OL 36 See centrefold map for key to symbols See centrefold map for key to symbols

30 31 © Visit Wales © Visit

Long distance routes in South Wales

South Wales is home to large sections of three long distance routes, each of which can be enjoyed in bitesize chunks. They are all open to walkers, and some sections are open to cyclists and horse riders. The 870 mile long Wales Coast Path follows the nation’s coastline from Chester in the north to Chepstow in the south. The South Wales section is full of variety, taking in city landscapes, villages, stunning coastline and estuary views. There are several National Nature Reserves and miles of Heritage Coast along the stretch from Chepstow to Swansea and Gower. © Visit Wales © Visit

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path Offa’s Dyke Path runs for is a 186 mile long National Trail 177 miles from Chepstow in from to . the north to Prestatyn in the It also forms part of the Wales south. This National Trail traces Coast Path and is almost entirely the border with and within the Pembrokeshire Coast the spectacular earthwork National Park. It twists and constructed by King Offa in turns through some of the most the 8th century. The southern breathtaking coastal scenery in section features river valleys and Britain ranging from rugged cliff medieval ruins before climbing tops and sheltered coves to wide into dramatic uplands in the beaches and winding estuaries. Brecon Beacons National Park.

These three long distance routes go through or alongside some of our National Nature Reserves and woodlands. Look out for the National Trail acorn logo and the Wales Coast Path dragon shell symbol in this leaflet to find out where you can join one.

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W h a t l a es P Coast 32

34 33

mynydd am fwy o fanylion ac yna dilyn yr arwyddion ar y llwybr. y ar arwyddion yr dilyn yna ac fanylion o fwy am mynydd PICK A TRAIL THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU

Dylech hefyd ddarllen y panel ar ddechrau pob llwybr beic beic llwybr pob ddechrau ar panel y ddarllen hefyd Dylech Walking trail grades

mynydd oddi ar y ffordd o safon uchel. safon o ffordd y ar oddi mynydd

Difrifol We have included the distance and grade of each walk in

arfer â llwybrau corfforol, anodd. Beiciau Beiciau anodd. corfforol, llwybrau â arfer

Du this leaflet to help you decide if a walk is right for you.

Beicwyr mynydd arbenigol sydd wedi hen hen wedi sydd arbenigol mynydd Beicwyr Read on to find out what the grades mean.

mynydd oddi ar y ffordd o safon dda. safon o ffordd y ar oddi mynydd


oddi ar y ffordd da. Addas ar gyfer beiciau beiciau gyfer ar Addas da. ffordd y ar oddi GRADE SUITABLE FOR


Beicwyr mynydd medrus gyda sgiliau beicio beicio sgiliau gyda medrus mynydd Beicwyr Accessible Walks for everyone, including people with

Beiciau mynydd neu hybridiau. neu mynydd Beiciau wheelchairs and pushchairs, using accessible


sgiliau beicio oddi ar y ffordd sylfaenol. sylfaenol. ffordd y ar oddi beicio sgiliau paths. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be

Glas Beicwyr/beicwyr mynydd canolradd gyda gyda canolradd mynydd Beicwyr/beicwyr worn. Assistance may be needed to push

wheelchairs on some sections.

ar rai llwybrau gwyrdd. llwybrau rai ar


feiciau a hybridiau. Gellir mynd â threlars threlars â mynd Gellir hybridiau. a feiciau Easy Walks for anyone looking to improve their

Gwyrdd sylfaenol yn angenrheidiol. Y mwyafrif o o mwyafrif Y angenrheidiol. yn sylfaenol level of fitness on generally level trails which

Beicwyr ifanc/newydd. Sgiliau beicio beicio Sgiliau ifanc/newydd. Beicwyr may have some rough, irregular surfacing.

dilynwch yr arwyddion lleol arwyddion yr dilynwch RESPECT. PROTECT. ENJOY.

codcefngwlad Suitable for pushchairs if they can be lifted

andewch ar gyngor a a gyngor ar andewch • Gwr

y llwybrau hyn. llwybrau y c

a thebyg thebyg a over occasional obstructions. Comfortable

ar arwyddbyst fydd, na neu bydd, y Efallai

a byddwch yn barod yn byddwch a The Countryside Code helps you respect, Gwlad ewch i i ewch Gwlad

Goedwig Goedwig shoes or trainers can be worn.

hybridiau. Y gallu i ddarllen map o gymorth. gymorth. o map ddarllen i gallu Y hybridiau.

ynlluniwch ymlaen llaw llaw ymlaen ynlluniwch C •

am deulu’r Cod Cefn Cefn Cod deulu’r am

Ffordd Ffordd protect and enjoy the countryside, enabling

Ystod eang o feicwyr. Y mwyafrif o feiciau a a feiciau o mwyafrif Y feicwyr. o eang Ystod Moderate Walks for people with a reasonably good level

agored a chymerwch ofal chymerwch a agored

Er mwyn darllen rhagor rhagor darllen mwyn Er you to get the most out of your visit. of fitness. May include some unsurfaced and


Mwynhewch yr awyr awyr yr Mwynhewch Respect other people The Countryside possibly steep paths and open country. Stout

dan reolaeth lwyr lwyr reolaeth dan

problemau i eraill. i problemau footwear and warm, water-proof clothing are

technegol, graddiant ac wynebau’r llwybrau ar ein gwefan. ein ar llwybrau wynebau’r ac graddiant technegol, • Consider the local Code family

• Cadw ch eich cŵn cŵn eich ch

recommended. ac er mwyn osgoi achosi achosi osgoi mwyn er ac

sydd o fewn eich gallu. Ceir mwy o fanylion am nodweddion nodweddion am fanylion o mwy Ceir gallu. eich fewn o sydd community and other The Countryside Code family

agored diogel a hwyliog, hwyliog, a diogel agored â’ch sbwriel gartref gyda chi gyda gartref sbwriel â’ch

wneud yn siŵr eich bod yn dewis llwybr beiciau mynydd mynydd beiciau llwybr dewis yn bod eich siŵr yn wneud Strenuous Walks for experienced walkers with a good

people enjoying includes activity codes

mwyn cael ymweliad awyr awyr ymweliad cael mwyn

ôl o’ch ymweliad ac ewch ewch ac ymweliad o’ch ôl fitness level. May include very steep hills and

yn y daflen hon. Darllenwch y wybodaeth graddio isod i i isod graddio wybodaeth y Darllenwch hon. daflen y yn the outdoors for when you are walking

eidiwch â gadael unrhyw unrhyw gadael â eidiwch P •

roddir yn y codau er er codau y yn roddir rough country. Walking boots and warm,

Rydym wedi nodi pellter a gradd pob llwybr beiciau mynydd mynydd beiciau llwybr pob gradd a pellter nodi wedi Rydym • Leave gates and property dogs, using trails, at the

Dilynwch y cyngor a a cyngor y Dilynwch water-proof clothing are essential. amgylchedd naturiol amgylchedd

Graddau llwybrau beiciau mynydd beiciau llwybrau Graddau as you find them and waterside, wild swimming,

Diogelwch yr yr Diogelwch

pysgota a chanŵio. a pysgota follow paths unless wider angling or canoeing. Please also read the panel at the start of the walking trail

ar y glannau, nofio gwyllt, gwyllt, nofio glannau, y ar

ehangach ar gael gael ar ehangach access is available and then follow the trail’s waymarkers.

ac yna dilyn yr arwyddion ar y llwybr. y ar arwyddion yr dilyn yna ac Follow the advice in the

llwybrau, gweithgareddau gweithgareddau llwybrau, ynediad ynediad oni bai bod m bod bai oni

Dylech hefyd ddarllen y panel ar ddechrau’r llwybr cerdded llwybr ddechrau’r ar panel y ddarllen hefyd Dylech Protect the natural codes for a safe and enjoyable

chŵn am dro, defnyddio defnyddio dro, am chŵn

chadwch at y llwybr, llwybr, y at chadwch environment visit outdoors and to avoid Mountain bike trail grades

weithgareddau - mynd â â mynd - weithgareddau a maent y fel eiddo

dal dŵr yn hanfodol. yn dŵr dal causing problems for others. We have included the distance and grade of each mountain • adewch gatiau ac unrhyw unrhyw ac gatiau adewch G • Leave no trace of your visit

yn gwneud gwahanol gwahanol gwneud yn

thir garw. Mae esgidiau cerdded a dillad cynnes sy’n sy’n cynnes dillad a cerdded esgidiau Mae garw. thir bike trail in this leaflet. Please read the grading information

lefel ffitrwydd da. Gall gynnwys bryniau serth iawn a iawn serth bryniau gynnwys Gall da. ffitrwydd lefel and take your litter home i’w dilyn pan fyddwch fyddwch pan dilyn i’w agored

Anodd Anodd Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer cerddwyr profiadol sydd â â sydd profiadol cerddwyr gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau below to make sure you pick a mountain bike trail you can

Gwlad yn cynnwys codau codau cynnwys yn Gwlad y’n mwynhau’r awyr awyr mwynhau’r y’n

s • Keep dogs under effective Read the Countryside

handle. There is more detail about the type of trail surface, Mae teulu’r Cod Cefn Cefn Cod teulu’r Mae gymuned leol a phobl eraill eraill phobl a leol gymuned

gwisgo esgidiau cryfion a dillad cynnes sy’n dal dŵr. dal sy’n cynnes dillad a cryfion esgidiau gwisgo control Code family at

gradients and technical features on our website.

ofiwch ystyried y y ystyried ofiwch C • lwybrau heb wyneb, a thir agored a serth. Argymhellir Argymhellir serth. a agored thir a wyneb, heb lwybrau

Cefn Gwlad Cefn Enjoy the outdoors

cymharol dda. O bosibl, gall gynnwys rhywfaint o o rhywfaint gynnwys gall bosibl, O dda. cymharol

Teulu’r Cod Cod Teulu’r eraill pobl Parchu

and stay safe countrysidecode GRADE SUITABLE FOR Cymedrol

Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer pobl sydd â lefel ffitrwydd ffitrwydd lefel â sydd pobl gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau • Plan ahead and A wide range of cyclists. Most bikes i gael y gorau o’ch ymweliad. ymweliad. o’ch gorau y gael i

gwisgo esgidiau neu dreinyrs cyfforddus. dreinyrs neu esgidiau gwisgo be prepared Forest and hybrids. Ability to use maps gyfer bygis, os gellir eu codi dros ambell i rwystr. Gellir Gellir rwystr. i ambell dros codi eu gellir os bygis, gyfer diogelu a mwynhau cefn gwlad, gan eich galluogi galluogi eich gan gwlad, cefn mwynhau a diogelu Road &

• Follow advice and helpful. Routes may or may not be

all fod â rhywfaint o rannau garw, anwastad. Addas ar ar Addas anwastad. garw, rannau o rhywfaint â fod all similar

Mae’r Cod Cefn Gwlad yn eich helpu i barchu, barchu, i helpu eich yn Gwlad Cefn Cod Mae’r local signs waymarked. lefel ffitrwydd ar lwybrau sy’n gyffredinol wastad ond ond wastad gyffredinol sy’n lwybrau ar ffitrwydd lefel

Hawdd Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd am wella eu eu wella am sydd un unrhyw gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau Beginner/novice cyclists. Basic bike

PARCHU. DIOGELU. MWYNHAU. DIOGELU. PARCHU. Green skills required. Most bikes and hybrids.

cadeiriau olwyn ar rai rhannau o’r llwybr. o’r rhannau rai ar olwyn cadeiriau Easy Some green routes can take trailers.

cyfforddus. Efallai y bydd angen cymorth i wthio wthio i cymorth angen bydd y Efallai cyfforddus.

hygyrch. Gellir gwisgo esgidiau neu dreinyrs dreinyrs neu esgidiau gwisgo Gellir hygyrch. Intermediate cyclist/mountain bikers

chadeiriau olwyn a bygis, sy’n defnyddio llwybrau llwybrau defnyddio sy’n bygis, a olwyn chadeiriau Blue with basic off-road riding skills.


Teithiau cerdded ar gyfer pawb, yn cynnwys pobl â â pobl cynnwys yn pawb, gyfer ar cerdded Teithiau Moderate Mountain bikes or hybrids. GRADD BETH MAE’N EI OLYGU OLYGU EI MAE’N BETH GRADD Proficient mountain bikers with good

Red off-road riding skills. Suitable for

beth yw ystyr pob gradd. pob ystyr yw beth Difficult better quality off-road mountain bikes honno’n addas ar eich c eich ar addas honno’n

yfer chi. Darllenwch isod i weld weld i isod Darllenwch chi. yfer Expert mountain bike users, used to

daflen hon er mwyn eich helpu i benderfynu os yw’r daith daith yw’r os benderfynu i helpu eich mwyn er hon daflen Black physically demanding routes. Quality Rydym wedi nodi pellter a gradd pob taith gerdded yn y y yn gerdded taith pob gradd a pellter nodi wedi Rydym Severe off-road mountain bikes.

Graddau llwybrau cerdded llwybrau Graddau Please also read the panel at the start of every mountain bike DEWISWCH LWYBR SY’N ADDAS I CHI I ADDAS SY’N LWYBR DEWISWCH trail for more details and then follow the trail’s waymarkers. 33 34

NATU098 Centre Pull Out_FINAL(370mm).indd 1 05/02/2021 15:00 NATU098 Centre PullOut_FINAL(370mm).indd 2

1 Coed Wyndcliff 11 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol 21 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Wyndcliff Wood Ogof Ffynnon Ddu Carmel Ogof Ffynnon Ddu Carmel National Nature Reserve  National Nature Reserve

2 Whitestone  Coedwig Mynwar  22 12 Coedwig Glasfynydd Minwear Forest 3 Golygfa Ban Glasfynydd Forest  Beacon View  23 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol

13 Craig y Ddinas Ystagbwll 4 Coed Dinas Rock Stackpole Wentwood National Nature Reserve rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W h a t l a es P 14 Gwaun Hepste Coast 5 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol 24 Parth Cadwraeth Morol Sgomer Gwlyptir Casnewydd Skomer Marine Conservation Newport Wetlands 15 P arc Coedwig Afan Zone

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l Afan Forest Park L

National Nature Reserve W h a t l a es P Coast rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W h a t l a es P  Coast 6 Coedwig Cwm Carn 16 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cwm Carn Forest Cors Crymlyn Crymlyn Bog Canolbarth Cymru North Wales National Nature Reserve Gwarchodfeydd National Nature Reserves 7 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Natur Cenedlaethol and Woodlands a Choetiroedd  // Walking / running / mountain biking // Cerdded / seiclo / beicio mynydd and much more in North Wales Coed y Cerrig a mwy yng nghanolbarth Cymru Coed y Cerrig 17a Coed y Parc National Nature Reserve Park Wood  8 Coedwig Taf Fechan (Owl’s Grove) 17b Coed y Felin Taf Fechan Forest (Owl’s Grove) Mill Wood   9 Garwnant 18 Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Oxwich

Oxwich National Nature Reserve NRW015 Regional Leaflet (WEL).indd 1 07/03/2019200227 11:25 NATU065 North Wales Regional Leaflet (ENG) FINAL.indd 1 27/02/2020 14:11

rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l


W Ymweld â Chanolbarth neu h Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol a t l a 10 e P s  Coast Craig Cerrig Gleisiad a Fan Ogledd Cymru? 19 Cymrwch ein taflenni am leoedd Frynych Coedwig Pen-bre i ymweld â nhw yn yr ardal, neu Craig Cerrig Gleisiad a Fan Pembrey Forest lawrlwythwch gopi o rfordir C r A y b m y r w u l L W h a t l a es P Frynych National Nature Reserve  Coast Visiting Mid or North Wales? 20 Coed Pen-y-Bedd Pick up our leaflets about places to Pen-y-Bedd Wood visit in the area, or download a copy from 

A475 A484 A482 Llanymddyfri A487 A485 Llandovery A470

A484 A40 12 Aberhonddu A478 A40 Brecon A40 A4067 10 A479 7 Caerfyrddin A40 Llandeilo 11 8 A465 22 A40 Carmarthen Hwlffordd A40 9 Y Fenni A48 21 A4069 14 Haverfordwest A483 Abergavenny Trefynwy A477 A465 A484 A4059 A4042 24 13 Monmouth 20 Llanelli 3 Penfro A465 Merthyr Tudful 2 M4 Pembroke A4139 19 16 15 Merthyr Tydfil 4 A466 A4107 6 A449 1 23 17a 17b A467 A4118 M48 Abertawe Cas-gwent Casnewydd M4 Swansea Chepstow 18 Newport A48 A48 M4 Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 5 © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata 2021. Caerdydd Cedwir pob hawl. Rhif trwydded yr Arolwg Ordnans 100019741. Bridgend Cardiff © Crown copyright and database right 2021. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100019741.

Caergybi Holyhead Bangor Dinbych Yr Wyddgrug Denbigh Mold Llanrwst Llanberis Caernarfon Ruthun Capel Ruthin Wrecsam Allwedd Key Curig Betws-y-coed Wrexham Beddgelert

Llangollen Porthmadog Y Bala Parcio Lluniaeth Maes chwarae Pwllheli

Parking Refreshments Play area Dolgellau Abermaw Barmouth Y Trallwng Parcio (tâl) Llwybr cerdded Lle picnic Parking (charge) Walking trail Picnic area

Y Drenewydd C S Newtown Canolfan Ymwelwyr Llwybr hygyrch yfyngiadau cŵn E L Visitor Centre Accessible trail Dog restrictions A W

U R Toiledau Llwybr beicio mynydd Llwybr Cenedlaethol M CY Tregaron Toilets Mountain bike trail National Trail Llanfair-ym-muallt Llanbedr Pont Steffan Aberteifi Cardigan rfordir C r A y b m y r w u T Llw l Llw oiledau hygyrch ybr darganfod L ybr Arfordir Cymru Llanymddyfri W h a t Llandovery le a s t P Accessible toilets Discovery trail Coas Wales Coast Path Aberhonddu Brecon Caerfyrddin Carmarthen Caffi Cuddfan bywyd gwyllt Coedwig Genedlaethol Hwlffordd Llandeilo Y Fenni Haverfordwest Abergavenny

Café Wildlife hide i Gymru Merthyr Tudfil Trefynwy Merthyr Tydfil Monmouth

05/02/2021 15:00 Penfro National Forest for Pembroke Cas-gwent Llanelli Wales Casnewydd Chepstow Newport Abertawe Swansea Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Bridgend Caerdydd Cardiff