County Wildlife Site Citations
East Anglia THREE Appendix 23.1 Biological Records Check (East Anglia THREE) Environmental Statement Volume 3 Document Reference – 6.3.23 (1) Author – Royal HaskoningDHV East Anglia THREE Limited Date – November 2015 Revision History – Revision A Environmental Statement East Anglia THREE Offshore Windfarm Appendix 23.1 November 2015 This Wage is /ntentionally lank Environmental Statement East Anglia THREE Offshore Windfarm Appendix 23.1 November 2015 County Wildlife Site Citations CWS Number Babergh 32 Site Name BURSTALL LONG WOOD Parish SPROUGHTON District Babergh NGR TM106452 Description Burstall Long Wood is one of a group of ancient woodlands listed on English Nature's Inventory of Ancient Woodland, situated amidst arable fields to the west of Ipswich. It is enclosed on three sides by a ditch and bank; a characteristic feature of ancient woodlands. The district boundary runs through the northern section of the wood and a public footpath adjoins the southern boundary. The tree canopy of the wood consists of ash and field maple coppice with mature oak standards, beneath which is a layer of hazel coppice, elder, hawthorn and blackthorn. Areas of dead and diseased elm and aspen provide a source of decaying timber for invertebrates and hole-nesting birds. The ground flora, although dominated by dog's mercury, also supports many other woodland plants including some which are scarce and restricted to ancient woodlands, for example wood spurge and spurge laurel. Another strong indicator of ancient woodland and a scarce plant in Suffolk, the wild service-tree is also present in Burstall Long Wood. Patches of bluebells, primroses and early purple orchids are scattered throughout and provide a wonderful display of colour in the Spring.
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