Sr Contents Page No

1. Summary of Activities 2

2. Post – Event Reports 3-32

a. HQ ANF 3-15

b. RD Balochistan -

c. RD Sindh 16-18

d. RD Punjab 19-24

e. RD KP 25-28

f. RD North 29-32

3. Patients Treated 33-35

4. Pre - Event Information 36-37

5. ANF Social Media & Web 38

6. Press Clipping - RDs 39

7. Significant Seizures 40



HQ RD RD RD RD RD Sr Activity Total ANF Baluchistan Sindh Punjab KP North 1. ANF Passing Out Parade 1 - - - - - 1 2. Visit - DG ANF to RD Balochistan 1 - - - - - 1 3. Visit - British Delegation to HQ ANF 1 - - - - - 1 Conference - UNODC Program 4. 1 - - - - - 1 Officers at HQ ANF 5. Visit - DLO Saudi Arabia 1 - - - - - 1 6. Visit - DLO China 1 - - - - - 1 7. Visit - DLO United Kingdom (UK) 1 - - - - - 1 8. Visit - Chinese Students to HQ ANF 1 - - - - - 1 9. Conference - ODRP Delegation 1 - - - - - 1 10. Update - MATRC Karachi 1 - - - - - 1 11. Update - MATRC 1 - - - - - 1 12. Awareness Lectures - - 1 6 4 - 11 13. Awareness Walk - - - 1 1 - 2 14. Cycle Race - - 1 - - - 1 15. Tableau - - - 1 - - 1 16. Debate Competitions - - - 2 - - 2 17. Football Match - - 1 - - - 1 18. Cultural Show - - - 1 - - 1 19. Karate Tournament - - - - 1 - 1 20. Awareness Sessions - - 1 - 1 - 2 21. Family Festival - - - 1 - - 1 22. Visit to MATRCs - - 1 - - 3 4 23. Milad at MATRC Islamabad - - - - - 1 1 24. Awareness – Social Media - - - - - 1 1 25. Distribution – Awareness Material - - - 1 3 - 4 26. Seminars - - - 4 2 - 6 Meeting of Executive Committee - - 27. 1 - - - 1 Members of MATRC Karachi 28. Donors Conference - - 1 - - - 1 29. Anti Drug Marathon - - - - 1 - 1 30. Anti Drug Campaign - - - - - 1 1 Media Coverage - ANF Passing out - - 31. - - - 1 1 Parade Total 11 - 7 17 13 7 55


On 14th May 2016, passing out parade of Anti Narcotics Force was held at Military Training Centre. DG ANF Major General Nasir Dilawar Shah HI (M) graced the occasion as Chief Guest. A batch of 397 ANF recruits including 39 females passed out after Basic Training of 5 months. The occasion was attended by high ranking Military & Civil Officers, Heads of LEAs Institutions, Foreign Dignitaries / Diplomats, Representatives from Related Departments, Relatives of Recruits and Media Persons. While addressing the occasion, DG ANF congratulated the recruits and their relatives and expected high-hopes for their future assignments. He thanked Army for making the training centre available and provision of quality training to ANF. DG’s Cane was awarded to over all best recruit SI Hafiz Tajwar Hayat and Commandant ANF Academy Medal to ASI Hira Hussain. In recent past, ANF carried out fresh recruitment of 55 Sub-Inspectors, 52 ASIs and 290 Constables, including 39 females. Giving top priority to training; ANF sought assistance of Pakistan Army for a comprehensive and objective training at Azad Kashmir Regimental Centre, Mansar Camp, Attock. Military cooperation included training in fields of Drill, Physical Training, Firing, Weapon Handling, Un-armed Combat, Field Craft, Security, Survival Techniques, Raids at inhabited Areas and Response to Impromptu Situations. ANF Faculty remained hand-in-glove with Military Instructors and imparted training in the fields of Criminal Law, Police Rules, Criminal Investigation, Police Station Administration, Narcotics Studies, Human Rights, Regional Ethics and Service Rules. On special directive of DG ANF, recruit training was designed to transform new inductees into quality LEAs, both in professional and moral stature. Special emphasis was laid on character building, discipline, dress / turn-out and devotion to duty. Pre-course formalities included preparation of a thoroughly deliberated curriculum. Theoretical discourse was appropriately followed by practical exercises. Emphasis was laid to confront crises situations, necessitating its independent handling. Endeavor was also made to polish the physical and mental abilities, commensurating with contemporary field requirements. Induction of young blood in the Force is being augmented with focused positioning, that is, “Right Man for the Right Job”.


Saluting the Marching Columns Female Column - Marching in front of Dice


Male Column - Marching in front of Dice Flag Party

Demonstration – Unarmed Combat Skills


Prize Awarding Ceremony Group Photo with Award Winners

Distinguished Guests at the Passing Out Parade

Group Photo – Passed Out Recruits


Training Review - Recreational Activity (Cultural Night)

Training Review - Early Morning Physical Exercise

Training Review – Practising Small Arm Shooting



Training Review - Raid Exercise (Search & Rescue operation)

Training Review - Recruits during Classes

Training Review - Table Party Training Review - Route March (20 Km walk) 8

VISIT – DG ANF to RD Balochistan

Visit - DG ANF to RD Balochistan – 18 to 21 May

Meeting - DG ANF with Chief Minister (Balochistan) 9


On 18 May 2016 British delegation visited HQ ANF. Visiting team comprised of professionals from London Police and experts from British High Commission. The purpose of the visit was to discuss prospects of mutual cooperation in Assets Investigation of Drug cases. During the meeting, prospects of training based on best practices were also explored.


Visit of British Delegation - 3 Apr

Conference - UNODC Program Officers at HQ ANF

On 20 May 2016 Senior Program Officers of UNODC visited HQ ANF. Different Directorates of ANF took part in the conference to discuss the Country Program II, in Pakistan. At the end the delegation also visited ANF Canine Unit.

Visit of UNODC Senior Program Officers – 20 May


DLO of Saudi Arabia Mr. Fawaz Saud Alotaibi called on DG ANF– 25 May VISIT – DLO CHINA to HQ ANF

Drug Liason Officer of Republic of China called on DG ANF – 27 May VISIT – DLO UNITED KINGDOM (UK) to HQ ANF

Drug Liason Officer of United Kingdom (UK) called on DG ANF – 27 May



On 31 May 2016 Chinese students having Law Enforcement Background, visited HQ ANF for an introductory session. They were studying at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad. The students were given an appraisal about Anti Narcotics Force functioning, challenges and achievements. During their visit students also had interaction with DG ANF Maj Gen Nasir Dilawar Shah.

Chinese Student Introductory visit to HQ ANF – 31 May


Visit - ODRP Delegation to HQ ANF – 31 May



On 1st April 2016, 7th meeting of the DNCC was held at the office of Commissioner Karachi. This forum provides opportunity for various Law Enforcement Agencies to interact and device mutual strategies to fight the drug menace in society.

Sequel to the decisions taken in Divisional Narcotics Control Committee (DNCC), Local Police, District Administration and Excise Taxation & Narcotics Department started campaigning against Street Peddlers, Gutka Shops and Sheesha Bars. During the campaign in April, 360 cases were registered and 426 individuals apprehended. In addition RD Sindh has delivered awareness lectures at different schools and colleges to sensitize youth on the harmful effects of drug addiction.

Following DNCC meeting, ANF (Sindh) organized a special meeting to coordinate counter narco strategies. Participants of this meeting included; Commissioner Karachi, DIG Police, Representative Excise Taxation & Narcotics Department headed by Force Commander RD ANF Karachi. All the departments assured their full support for the noble cause of making Pakistan a “Drug Free Society”. ANF Sindh has also nominated focal persons for coordination with Deputy Commissioner and local authorities at district level. 13


Arsalan Ahmed, a 23 year old boy is under treatment at the MATRC Karachi for the last 3 weeks. He is B.Com student. Previously, his hometown was Sajawal (Sindh), which was located in flood-prone area. Consequently, ten years back his family shifted to Thatha. His family includes a mother (retired nursing superintendent), an elder sister (married) and another sister (un-married), while his father had already passed away.

Few years back, his family was displaced due to floods and was staying at IDP Camp. Under these circumstances the parents obligation to supervise the children literally collapses, hence Arsalan got ample chance to mix up with bad community, unobserved from his family and finally due to peer pressure, he indulged in drugs. He started abusing with prescription drugs, later got into heroin and finally also started alcohol.

Initially he managed to keep his addiction habit discrete, but medical-literate mother picked up the symptoms very soon. Differing with the family, Arsalan developed an arrogant behavior towards his family members. Contrary to rest of the family, his mother adopted a soothing behavior towards him. She started converting his addiction from drugs to alcohol and used to give Rs 400 for liquor. Meanwhile she also started giving him Rs 100 to buy his exclusive syringes, so as to avoid any blood born disease. Often during receptive-mode, his mother also used to motivate him for a healthy life.

At last, the supportive attitude, awareness and inspiration of the mother worked, resulting in getting treatment and quit the unhealthy life. During Arsalan’s addiction period her mother being nursing superintendent, had already surveyed the Drug Treatment Centers of Sindh, through her colleagues. She preferred MATRC Karachi, not only in professional management but also providing free of cost Treatment, Feeding, Boarding / Lodging facilities.

Today Arsalan has already completed his detoxification period and is undergoing recovery under professional psychologists. During the family sessions, it was significantly observed that except his mother, all other family members need extensive psychologist sessions. The limelight factor bringing the child out of drug dilemma is just one family member (mother) having “Awareness about Drugs”, whereby she maintained her confidence in child, provided money to abstain from extra evils and slowly convincing for full recovery.

This case is unique in its nature, whereby a medical-literate single parent living in far- flung locality of Sindh, used her acumen and tolerantly stood-up against son’s addiction, prudently against family attitude and wisely in exploring treatment services. Though, another big challenge remains, that is, rehabilitation of Arsalan to his hometown, especially under prevailing environments. However, there is sufficient rational to believe that in presence of his mother, Arsalan will have quite ease to sail through the prevailing society with the words in heart-n-mind “Say No to Drugs”.

Note: Photo of the patient is intentionally not being published, due to social implications.


UPDATE - MATRC KARACHI Model Addiction, Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (Karachi) is operating on self-help basis / donor funding since 2010. This center is located at Layari. It is 55 bedded treatment hospital for the addict patients. Up till now this hospital has treated 3253 patients. Like other ANF hospitals, it is also providing free treatment, feeding, boarding & lodging facilities to its patients.

Based on the quality treatment of MATRC, public demand rose for establishment of Female & Child Addict Treatment Ward. Responding to the genuine public need, ANF took on board Sindh Government and started construction of 24 bedded Female Addiction Ward and 24 bedded Child Addiction Ward, just adjacent to already existing MATRC building.

Earth breaking ceremony of the project was carried out on 18th Oct 2015. Up till now, roof of ground floor has been laid. Expectedly the construction work will complete by end 2016.

Under construction building of Female & Child Ward of MATRC Karachi



ANF is endeavoring to establish at least one Model Addict Treatment Center (MATRC) at all provincial capitals of the country. In this regard ANF has taken KPK Government on board, and is in the process of establishing 100 bedded addict treatment hospitals.

MATRC Peshawar is being constructed on an area of 5 Kanals at Pajaggi Road, Bashirabad, Peshawar. At present grey structure of ground floor has completed, while columns for 1st floor are under construction. Civil works of the building is expected to complete in year 2016, however its furnishing may exceed to 1st quarter of year 2017. Once completed, it will be the biggest drug treatment hospital of ANF.

Under construction building of MATRC Peshawar


Chief/ NGO Target Group Nature of Activity Date Time Venue Special Attended Involved Guest Drug Awareness 1800 200 General 1 May Clifton Showcase FC “Cycle Race” hrs Public Students of 1000 MATRC Karachi University 5 May - - 100 Youth hrs Karachi Visit to MATRC Meeting of Executive 1100 15 Committee 6 May RD Karachi - - hrs Representative members of MATRC (Kci) 1000 150 General Football Match 7 May Layyari - FC hrs Public & youth Donors 1000 12 May RD Karachi - - 25 Members Conference hrs Bahria Awareness 1000 13 May University - FC 400 Youth Lecture hrs Karachi


Drug Awareness “Cycle Race” at Clifton Sea View, Karachi – 1 May


Visit - Karachi University Students to MATRC – 5 May

Meeting of Executive Committee Members of MATRC Karachi – 6 May

Drug Awareness “Football Match” at Peoples Stadium at Layyari, Karachi – 7 May


Donors Conference (MATRC Kci) – 12 May

Drug Awareness Lecture at Bahria University, Karachi – 13 May


Target Nature of Chief Guest / Date Time Venue NGO Involved Group Activity Special Guest Attended 1100 Quaid-e-Azam Oriental Welfare NGO President Seminar 4 May 200 Students hrs Library, Lahore Society Gul Nawaz Baloch 1200 Quaid-e-Azam Oriental Welfare NGO President Tableau 4 May 200 Students hrs Library, Lahore Society Gul Nawaz Baloch Pamphlet 1700 Pind Ghazi Abad 250 General 8 May - - Distribution hrs Distt T.T Singh Public MA Jinnah 1100 New Life Hospital NGO President Lecture 9 May Foundation 50 Students hrs Sialkot Saima Asghar Sialkot Young Awareness 1900 Mall Road NGO President 250 General 10 May Researchers Walk hrs Lahore Dr. Irfan Bashir Public Foundation Guardian Public 0900 Pak Youth NGO President Lecture 10 May School 50 Students hrs Welfare Council S.A Sabri Shadbagh, Govt Saeeda 1100 Pak Youth NGO President Lecture 10 May Girls Islamia High 80 Students hrs Welfare Council S.A Sabri School, Lahore Govt Modern 0900 Pak Youth NGO President Lecture 11 May Girls High School 100 Students hrs Welfare Council S.A Sabri Mughalpura, Lhr Youth Council 1200 Cotham College, NGO president Seminar 11 May for Anti 80 Students hrs Lahore Zulfiqar Shah Narcotics 1100 Govt Shalimar Pak Youth NGO President Seminar 12 May 120 Students hrs College, Lahore Welfare Council S.A Sabri MA Jinnah Family 13-15 1000 Jinnah Stadium, NGO President 500 General Foundation Festival May hrs Sialkot Saima Asghar Public Sialkot Govt Girls Higher Debate 1000 Secondary Pak Youth NGO President 17 May 120 Students Competition hrs School Singh Welfare Council S.A Sabri Pura, Lhr Youth Council Debate 1100 Govt High School NGO President 18 May for Anti 80 Students Competition hrs Lohari Gate, Lhr Zulfiqar Shah Narcotics Govt Girls High 1100 Pak Youth NGO President Lecture 21 May School Nisbat 90 Students hrs Welfare Council S.A Sabri Road, Lahore University of Youth Council 1200 NGO President Lecture 23 May Central Punjab, for Anti 60 Students hrs Zulfiqar Shah Lahore Narcotics Culture 2000 Lnx Seven Event Hamid Ali Khan 300 General 25 May Ehsas For Life Show hrs Complex (Singer) Public Youth Council 1100 UC-76 Building NGO President 50 General Seminar 31 May for Anti hrs Garhi Shahu Zulfiqar Shah Public Narcotics 20 PICTORIAL VIEW

Seminar at Quaid-e-Azam Library Bagh-e-Jinnah, Lahore - 4 May

Tableau at Quaid-e-Azam Library Bagh-e-Jinnah, Lahore - 4 May

Distribution Awareness Pamphlets at Pind Ghazi Lecture at New Life Hospital, Sialkot - 9 May Abad - 8 May 21

Walk at Mall Road, Lahore - 10 May

Lecture at Guardian Public High School Shadbagh, Lahore - 10 May

Lecture at Govt Saeeda Islamia High School Lecture at Govt Modern Girls High School Link road Vesanpura, Lahore - 10 May Mughalpura, Lahore - 11 May 22

Seminar at Cotham College , Lahore - 11 May

Seminar at Govt Shalimar College, Lahore - 12 May

Family Festival at Jinnah Stadium, Sialkot – 13 to 15 May


Speech Competition at Govt Girls Higher Secondary School, Singh Pura, Lahore - 17 May

Speech Competition at Govt High School , Lohari Gate, Lahore - 18 May

Lecture at Govt Girls High School Nisbat Road, Lecture at University of Central Punjab, Lahore - Lahore - 21 May 23 May 24

- Cultural Show at Lnx Seven Complex, Lahore - 25 May

Seminar at UC-76 Building Garhi Shahu, Lahore - 31 May



Chief / Target Nature of NGO Date Time Venue Special Group Activity Involved Guest Attended Iqra 1100 International DC / SSP Ops 500 Teacher, Seminar 28 Apr - hrs University Peshawar Students Peshawar Iqra Distribution of 1130 International Awareness 28 Apr - -do- 500 Students hrs University Material Peshawar Iqra Anti Drug 1200 International 1000 28 Apr - -do- Marathon hrs University Students Peshawar Awareness 1100 5 May RD ANF KP - - 10 Students Session hrs University of 1100 Science & Vice 300 Teacher Seminar 9 May - hrs Technology, Chancellor & Students Bannu Walk Against 1200 9 May -do- - -do- 200 Students Drug Abuse hrs 250 Awareness 1100 Frontier Public Principal of 9 May - Teachers & Lecture hrs School, Kohat School Students St Mary Public 400 Awareness 13 1000 School, - - Teachers & Lecture May hrs Peshawar Students Qayyum President 500 Players Karate 14-16 1700 Stadium, KP Karate Karate & General Tournament May hrs Peshawar Association Association Public Cantt Ever Green 150 Awareness 19 1030 Principal of School, - Teachers & Lecture May hrs School Peshawar Students Govt Higher 180 Awareness 19 1100 Principal of School, D.I - Teachers & Lecture May hrs School Khan Students Distribution of General Bus 100 Drivers 23 1700 Awareness Stand, - - & May hrs Material Peshawar Passengers Distribution of General Bus 100 Drivers 26 1500 Awareness Stand, - - & May hrs Material Mansehra Passengers


Seminar at Iqra International University, Peshawar - 28 Apr

Distribution of Awareness Material at Iqra Anti Drug Marathon at Iqra International International University, Peshawar - 28 Apr University, Peshawar - 28 Apr

Awareness Session University of Agriculture Seminar at University of Science & Technology, Peshawar at RD ANF KP - 5 May Bannu - 9 May


Walk Against Drug Abuse at University of Science Awareness Lecture at Frontier Public School & Technology, Bannu - 9 May KDA, Kohat - 9 May

Awareness Lecture at St Marry School, Peshawar - 13 May

National Full Contact Karate Tournament at Qayyum Stadium, Peshawar – 14 to 16 May 28

Awareness Lecture at Evergreen School Awareness Lecture at Govt Higher Secondary Education Complex, Peshawar - 19 May School, D.I Khan - 19 May

Distribution of Awareness Material at General Bus Stand, Peshawar - 23 May

Distribution of Awareness Material at General Bas Stand, Mansehra - 26 May 29


Chief / Nature of NGO Target Group Date Time Venue Special Activity Involved Attended Guest Visit - CUST (Islamabad) 1030 MATRC, 40 – 50 5 May - - students to hrs Islamabad Patients MATRC Anti Drug Mansar Campaign - 2400 400- 450 14 May Camp, - - ANF Passing hrs General Public Attock out Parade Media Mansar 4500 – 5000 Coverage - ANF 0900 14 May Camp, - - Viewer of e- Passing Out hrs media Parade Attock Visit - Civil 40 – 45 1300 MATRC, Society to 19 May - FC Patients, hrs Islamabad MATRC officials Milad at 40 – 45 1000 MATRC, MATRC 23 May - - Patients, hrs Islamabad Islamabad officials Islamic International 40 – 45 1100 MATRC, Dental College - 31 May - - Patients, hrs Islamabad Students visit to officials MATRC 3000 – 3500 Social Media 2400 Internet & May RD North - - Campaign hrs Social Media users PICTORIAL VIEW

Visit - CUST students to MATRC for research work - 5 May 30

Organized anti drug campaign through awareness and information material at ANF – Passing out parade - 14 May

Electronic Media Coverage - ANF Passing out Parade - 14 May


Visit - Civil Society to MATRC, Islamabad - 19 May

Milad at MATRC, Islamabad - 23 May

Islamic International Dental College - Riphah (IIDC) students visit to MATRC, Islamabad - 31 May


ANF Youth Ambassadorship Program events on RD North Face book Page – May 2016


Patients Treated 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Kci Isb Qta Total Male 56 27 0 83 Female 0 0 0 0 Children 2 0 0 2 Total 58 27 0 85

Drugs Abused 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Heroin Cannabis Opium Synthetic Others Total Kci 41 7 2 1 7 58 Isb 19 4 0 1 3 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 60 11 2 2 10 85

Addicts - Age Group (Yrs) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 15-25 26-35 36-45 Over 45 Total Kci 33 20 3 2 58 Isb 7 13 6 1 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 Total 40 33 9 3 85 34

Addiction Period (Yrs) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 10 11 to 15 Above 16 Total Kci 42 8 6 1 1 58 Isb 5 9 5 0 8 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 47 17 11 1 9 85

Mode of Addiction 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Smoke Sniff IDU Swallow Foil Total Kci 27 17 1 0 13 58 Isb 4 1 4 0 18 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 31 18 5 0 31 85

Addicts - Education Level 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Uneducated Matric F.A/B.A MA or Above Total Kci 50 4 4 0 58 Isb 17 5 4 1 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 Total 67 9 8 1 85 35

Reason of Addiction 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Peer Frustrati Fun Pain Curiosity Others Total Pressure on Kci 51 4 0 0 3 0 58 Isb 20 4 1 1 1 0 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 71 8 1 1 4 0 85

Treatment / Relapse Cases

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1st Multi 1st Relapse 2nd Relapse Total Treatment Relapse Kci 53 4 1 0 58 Isb 11 12 2 2 27 Qta 0 0 0 0 0 Total 64 16 3 2 85


Nature of NGO Chief/ Special Expected Sr RD Date Time Venue Activity Involved Guest Target Group Awareness 1030 Essa Khan Girls 1. Balochistan 1 Jun - Force Comd 200 Students Lecture hrs School Quetta Free Medical 0900 Surrounding of 400 General 2. - 26 Jun - - Camp hrs Quetta Public Awareness 0900 100 General 3. Sindh 9 Jun Karachi - - Lecture hrs Public & youth Awareness 0900 300 General 4. - 13 Jun Hyderabad - - Campaign hrs Public & youth 400 Hindu, Provincial Sikh, Parsi, Inter-Religious Minister for 0900 Arts Council, Christian, 5. - Seminar & 26 Jun - Minorities and hrs Karachi Ismaili, Khoja Naat Khawani Excise & & Muslim Taxation Community Awareness 0900 150 General 6. - 28 Jun Karachi - Force Comd Campaign hrs Public & youth Awareness 0900 250 General 7. - 29 Jun Karachi - - Campaign hrs Public & youth NGOs 1100 Avari Hotel, 150 Social 8. Punjab 4 Jun Umeed-e-Nau Joint Director Meeting hrs Lahore Community Anti Drug 2000 Punjabi Complex, NGO President 350 General 9. - 4 Jun Ehsas For Life Drama hrs Lahore Waseem Public Young Blood 1700 AAS Centre, NGO President 100 General 10. - Seminar 24 Jun Foundation, hrs Daska Tanveer Public Daska Anjuman 1700 NGO President 80 General 11. - Seminar 25 Jun Faisalabad Insdad-e- Hrs Anwar Khan Public Manshiyat Social Welfare Walk + Iftar 1730 Society For 120 General 12. - 26 Jun Mianwali Party hrs Anti Narcotics, Public Mianwali Shaur 0900 NGO President 150 General 13. - Walk 26 Jun Multan Taraqiyati hrs Shahid Ansari Public Tanzeem Race Course, Walk + Iftar 1800 Tanzeem Al- 170 General 14. - 26 Jun Kinnaird College, NGO President Party hrs Fajar Public Lahore Pak Youth Walk + Iftar 1800 NGO President 90 General 15. - 26 Jun Multan League, Party Hrs S.A Sabri Public Multan Magdaline Seminar + 1550 Women 170 General 16. - 26 Jun - - Iftar Party Hrs Organization, Public Lahore 1500 Liberty Round 170 General 17. - Walk 26 Jun Ehsas for Life - hrs About, Lahore Public 1600 Art production 100 General 18. - Walk 26 Jun - - hrs House, Lahore Public Anjuman-i- 1730 250 General 19. - Walk 26 Jun Faisalabad Insdad-i- - hrs Public Manshiat 37

Nature of NGO Chief/ Special Expected Sr RD Date Time Venue Activity Involved Guest Target Group 1130 200 Teacher 20. KP Lecture 6 Jun Peshawar - - hrs and Students 1130 200 Teacher 21. - Lecture 07 Jun Peshawar - - hrs and Students 1100 100 Teacher 22. - Lecture 8 Jun D.I.Khan - - hrs and Students Seminar/ 1130 Central Jail Superintendent, 500 Prisoner 23. - 10 Jun - Lecture hrs Haripur Haripur Jail Drug Addicts Seminar/ 1230 300 General 24. - 12 Jun Peshawar - - Lecture hrs Public Seminar / 1000 200 Teacher & 25. - 13 Jun Kohat - - Lecture hrs Students 1100 Ibadat Hospital 500 General 26. - Seminar 20 Jun - MD Hospital hrs Peshawar Public 1000 Central Jail, 27. - Seminar 26 Jun - - 200 Prisoners hrs Haripur Awareness 1000 Kamboh Ring 100 General 28. - 26 Jun - - Lecture hrs Road, Peshawar Public Awareness 1130 Bashirabad, 250 General 29. - 26 Jun - - Lecture hrs Peshawar Masses Publication of 1500 General 30. - 26 Jun - KP - - Articles Public Social Welfare Director, Social Awareness 1000 Training 120 Youth / 31. North 2 Jun - Welfare session hrs Institute, G-7, Students Department Islamabad. 1030 MATRC, 32. - Group activity 9 Jun - - 25 Patients hrs Islamabad. Anti Drug 13-20 0900 Kachi Abadi 200-250 Person 33. - - - Campaign Jun hrs Islamabad per day Awareness 13-20 34. - 0900 -do- - - -do- Session Jun Attock, Anti Drug 0900- Islamabad, 24-26 2500 General 35. - Campaign - 26 1600 Rawalpindi, - Force Comd Jun Public June hrs Jehlum, Dina, Kashmir, Gilgit Students & Civil 1000 200 Student & 36. - 26 Jun MATRC - - Society visit hrs Civil Society Recreational 1830 MATRC, 37. - 26 Jun - - 40-45 Persons activities hrs Islamabad Awareness 1100 MATRC, 500 Youth 38. - 26 Jun - - Seminar hrs Islamabad Ambassadors 1000 Rawalpindi & 1200 General 39. - Awareness Stall 26 Jun - - hrs Islamabad Public Uploading - Youth 1-30 ANF Youth 3000-3500 40. - Ambassadors 24 hrs RD North - June Ambassadors General Public Program - FB page

38 ANF FACEBOOK PAGE ( anfofficial)


39 Press Clipping RD Punjab

Press Clippings - May 2016


Types of Ecstasy Opium Heroin Hashish Meth Amph Morphine Drug Tab

Quantity 863.600 1795.919 24770.610 1.1 925.940 1443 10 (Kg/ Lit)

Cases 101 Registered Persons 110 Arrested