Archbishop Bernard Longley 16 November 2018 61/1
IICSA Inquiry - Birmingham Investigation 16 November 2018 1 Friday, 16 November 2018 1 I was sent there by Social Services, because they 2 (10.00 am) 2 considered me to be retarded. I was not. Many years 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the fifth 3 later, an educational report indicated that I had in 4 day of this public hearing. Ms Carey? 4 fact been misplaced there. 5 MS CAREY: Good morning, chair. May I, before we call 5 The nuns would belittle me. Most days, I would be 6 Archbishop Longley, deal with some matters outstanding 6 physically abused. I ran away from Croome Court three 7 from yesterday. 7 or four times, and on one of those occasions, I actually 8 Housekeeping 8 tried to kill myself. 9 MS CAREY: You will recall that when both Mrs Shearer and 9 "When I ran away, I disclosed to Social Services 10 Mr Child were being asked questions, some passages of 10 that I ran away because I was being beaten, but they 11 the statement of Kevin Caffrey were put to them. It was 11 simply drove me back to Croome Court. 12 our intention to read out some of his statement into the 12 "On another occasion after I ran away, I refused to 13 record, but it seems to all -- and there is no dissent 13 go back. My parents had to go to a meeting as they did 14 from my learned friends for the core participants -- 14 not want me to go back to Croome Court, but for reasons 15 that it is better to publish his statement, and that 15 that are not clear to me, I remained there.
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