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Download Control Reference IDEAL Software Programmer's Manual Control Reference Control Reference Virtual Print Engine Copyright ã 2019 IDEAL Software®. All rights reserved. [email protected] Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of IDEAL Software. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the prior express written permission of IDEAL Software. IDEAL Software, the IDEAL Software logo, DYCODOC and Virtual Print Engine are registered trademarks, FieldStudio is a trademark of IDEAL Software, Neuss/Germany. Microsoft, MS, Windows, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, MFC, ActiveX and .NET are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Borland, the Borland Logo, C++Builder and Delphi are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software Corporation in the United States and other countries. Adobe, Acrobat and PostScript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Contents 1 How To Use the VPE Control 1 1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................1 1.2 VPE .NET Control..........................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 Class Names and Namespaces ................................................................................................3 1.2.2 Exceptions .............................................................................................................................4 1.2.3 Understanding the Data Types and Declarations......................................................................4 1.2.4 Visual Basic .NET..................................................................................................................5 1.2.5 C# 7 1.3 VPE Java Control ...........................................................................................................................8 1.3.1 Exceptions ...........................................................................................................................10 1.3.2 Understanding the Data Types and Declarations....................................................................10 1.4 VPE ActiveX................................................................................................................................13 1.4.1 Where are the constants like 'VORIENT_PORTRAIT' defined? ............................................14 1.4.2 Important Note for Users of Visual Basic..............................................................................14 1.4.3 Understanding the Data Types and Declarations (Visual Basic).............................................14 1.4.4 Exceptions ...........................................................................................................................16 1.4.5 Live Demo on our Websites..................................................................................................17 1.4.6 CreateObject Call.................................................................................................................18 1.4.7 Early Binding.......................................................................................................................18 1.4.8 Visual FoxPro Note..............................................................................................................18 1.4.9 MFC: Using the VPE ActiveX with the MFC without placing it in a Dialog Resource ...........19 1.4.10 Using the VPE ActiveX in a CFormView derived class.......................................................19 1.5 VPE VCL.....................................................................................................................................20 1.5.1 Understanding the Data Types and Declarations (Delphi)......................................................21 1.5.2 Exceptions ...........................................................................................................................22 2 Events Generated by the VPE - .NET Control 25 2.1 Events Generated by VPE - .NET Control.....................................................................................25 2.2 AfterDestroyWindow Event - .NET ..............................................................................................26 2.3 Closing Event - .NET ...................................................................................................................27 2.4 AfterCloseWindow Event - .NET..................................................................................................28 2.5 BeforeOpenFile Event - .NET.......................................................................................................29 2.6 AfterOpenFile Event - .NET .........................................................................................................30 2.7 BeforeSaveFile Event - .NET........................................................................................................31 2.8 AfterSaveFile Event - NET...........................................................................................................32 2.9 HelpRequested Event - .NET ........................................................................................................33 2.10 AfterAutoPageBreak Event - .NET .............................................................................................34 2.11 RequestPrint Event - .NET..........................................................................................................36 2.12 BeforePrintNewPage Event - .NET .............................................................................................38 2.13 PrintDevData Event - .NET.........................................................................................................40 2.14 BeforeMail Event - .NET............................................................................................................41 2.15 AfterMail Event - .NET ..............................................................................................................42 2.16 ObjectClicked Event - .NET .......................................................................................................43 2.17 UDOPaint Event - .NET .............................................................................................................44 2.18 AfterControlEnter - .NET ...........................................................................................................45 2.19 RequestControlExit - .NET .........................................................................................................46 2.20 AfterControlExit - .NET .............................................................................................................47 2.21 AfterControlChange - .NET........................................................................................................48 2.22 AfterFieldChange - .NET............................................................................................................49 3 Events Generated by the VPE - Java Control 51 3.1 Events Generated by VPE - Java Control ......................................................................................51 3.2 AfterDestroyWindow Event - Java................................................................................................54 3.3 Closing Event - Java .....................................................................................................................55 3.4 AfterCloseWindow Event - Java ...................................................................................................56 3.5 BeforeOpenFile Event - Java ........................................................................................................57 3.6 AfterOpenFile Event - Java...........................................................................................................58 3.7 BeforeSaveFile Event - Java .........................................................................................................59 3.8 AfterSaveFile Event - NET...........................................................................................................60 3.9 HelpRequested Event - Java..........................................................................................................61 3.10 AfterAutoPageBreak Event - Java...............................................................................................62 3.11 RequestPrint Event - Java ...........................................................................................................64 3.12 BeforePrintNewPage Event - Java...............................................................................................66 3.13 PrintDevData Event - Java ..........................................................................................................69
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